11-15-94 v MINUTES OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH , FLORIDA NOVEMBER 15 , 1994 7 : 00 P .M. CITY HALL PRESENT Don Wolfson Ruth Gregg Robert Frohwein Mark McGowan Pat Pillmore Mary Walker Sharette Simpkins AND Alan Jensen , City Attorney George Worley, II , CD Director Pat Harris , Recording Secretary Chairman Don Wolfson, called the meeting to order and asked for approval of the minutes from the meeting of October 18 , 1994 . Upon motion duly made and seconded the minutes were approved. NEW BUSINESS: I . Application for Variance filed by Lester Dominick to construct a swimming pool that will encroach the rear yard setback at property known as Lot 15 , Tiffany-by-the-Sea . Mr . Dominick introduced himself to the board and explained that the variance was requested to allow the construction of a swimming pool in the rear yard of his home which will encroach the rear yard setback. He presented pictures of the property to the board along with letters from the homeowners association indicating their approval of the construction. He explained that there would be a 6-foot block and stucco wall around the pool and that it would separate the pool from a parking lot at the rear of his property. Bill Hughes of Batts Pool Company and designer of the pool introduced himself to the board and explained that the block wall was going to rest on the beam of the pool and the wall of the pool would be eight inches thick . After discussion, Mrs . Walker moved to deny the variance , the Chairman seconded the motion which failed by two aye votes from the Chairman and Mrs . Walker and five nay votes from Ruth Gregg, Robert Frohwein, Pat Pillmore, Mark McGowan and Sharette Simpkins . After further discussion, Mr . McGowan moved to approve the variance as requested. Mr. Frohwein seconded the motion and the variance was granted with five aye votes from the Mark McGowan, Robert Frohwein, Pat Fillmore , Ruth Gregg and Sharette Simpkins and two nay vote from the Chairman and Mary Walker . DISCUSSION ITEM: Continuance of review of draft Zoning Ordinance Amendment from November 1 , 1994 special workshop meeting . The board decided to hold another workshop meeting on December 7 , 1994 at 6 : 00 p .m. to revi -w a4d discuss the amendments . There being noh- . �.0 ness to come before the board on motion duly made the .. -et -ft-`�w- a j• med.. SIGNEDe ""MIli (— A�/ s 1 ATTES • lr_ / ' /