10-24-62 v Octob 24, 1962. I The Advisory Planning Board of Atlantic Beach, met at a special meeting October 24, 1962 in City Hall , to meet with Mr. Walton. Mr. Walton, is with Hercules Company, developers of Royal Palms. He st _ted his company' s aim and hone is to establish a shonning center that will be a credit to the community. They have 2400 • ft. frontage and intend to start developing at the east end of the property and work west. He further stated that they are developers of good st,•nding and wish to be able to use the front of the property as they intended to when they purchased it, and thereby develone in an orderly fashion and also get the best use of the land. They have sent out about 50 brochures for additional store space. As of now they have commitments from A & P, Post Office , and Esso, which is held up due to the ordinance prohibiting gas stations. Mr. Walton, stated his company had no knowledge of this ordinance and it affected the original plans under which they purchased the property. After a lengthy discussion the Board asked that he redr ft the plans and return them to the Board for further study. 11111 There being no further business the meeting adjourned. ,Resnectfu 1• bmitted, 1 Marvin At M.F. Board Secretc.ry • 410