2001-01-29 (meeting minutes) v 0 MINUTES OF THE JOINT WORKSHOP OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD HELD IN COMMISSION CHAMBERS AT 7:00 P.M. ON MONDAY, JANUARY 29, 2001 City Commissioners Present: Rick Beaver, Mayor Pro Tem Mike Borno Theo Mitchelson Dezmond Waters, City Commissioners Community Development Board Members Present: Karl Grunewald Don Wolfson Burkhart Robert Frohwein Sam Jacobson Staff Present: Jim Hanson, City Manager George Worley, Community Development Director 111 Don Ford, Building Official Maureen King, City Clerk The meeting, which was held for the purpose of reviewing the draft of the proposed new zoning ordinance, was called to order by Mayor Pro Tem Beaver. He advised those present that public hearings would be held later at which time public input would be received and he requested that those who would like to receive notification of those public hearings to provided their names and addresses on the sheet provided. Discussion ensued regarding satellite dish antennae (Sec. 24-171). George Worley pointed out that the FCC regulated antennae of one meter or less in diameter on residential property and three meters or less in diameter on commercial property. However, the Atlantic Beach code would apply to larger dishes and may also apply to height. P95 Add language recognizing that the Federal Communications Act of 1996 preempts local zoning for smaller dishes. George Worley was requested to check into whether the height of satellite dishes could be regulated. George Worley indicated he would provide Commissioner Waters with the language of the FCC regulation. P.96 No changes P97 24-177( a) Robert Frohwein noted that no mention was made of how the value of improvements was figured and George Worley indicated that cost estimates were submitted with permit application, or estimates were based on the Southern Building Codes cost 110 estimates for construction. Page Two Minutes - Joint Workshop Meeting January 29, 2001 Commissioner Beaver inquired whether a monitoring system was in place to make sure that landscaping was installed in accordance with the building plans and George Worley said that landscaping was inspected before the Certificate of Occupancy(CO)was issued. Don Wolfson said he wanted to make sure that the procedure was set up with checks and balances so that nothing slipped through the cracks. Commissioner Beaver said he would like to see a follow up procedure established to make sure that landscape is installed and then inspected six months or one year after issuance of the CO to make sure that the landscape survives. Include definition of VUA under definitions; also definition of visual screen. P101(7) Discussion, but no changes P102 No changes P103 No changes P104 Commissioner Beaver inquired regarding"reasonable time"and felt this language was too vague. He said he would like to see a requirement that landscaping on commercial property be maintained permanently. George Worley said that he felt the language meant that landscaping would have to be required within a reasonable time 11111 as determined by the building official, following notice to replace dead landscape. It was felt that the language of the ordinance should require dead landscaping to be replaced within a specific period of time and it was felt that thirty days was a reasonable time. Commissioner Beaver said that Port Orange required permanent maintenance of landscaping and suggested Atlantic Beach look into the language of their ordinance. P105 No changes P106 No changes P107 No changes P108 No changes P109 No changes P110 No changes P111 No changes P112 No changes P113 The developer, when putting in streets, etc. would have install those streets in accordance with city standards, and when installed, the developer would dedicate those streets to the city and they would have to be accepted by the City Commission. Commissioner Waters requested that Mr. Worley research this to make sure that substandard streets cannot be constructed within the city whether or not it is the intent of the developer to dedicate those streets to the city. P114 No changes P115 No changes • Page Three Minutes - Joint Workshop Meeting January 29, 2001 P116 Commissioner Mitchelson suggested that the word all be inserted before the word streets in section 24-221(1). It was felt that this matter was addressed in Section 24- 252. P117 No changes P118 No changes P119 No changes P120 No changes P121 Commissioner Bomo inquired regarding required elevations and drainage patterns and was advised that developers were required to include drainage patterns in their plans. Regarding the development of individual lots,it was pointed out that property owners would be required to comply with Chapter 6, and the Standard Building Code prohibited runoff from being drained onto adjoining properties. Commissioner Waters said he wanted to make sure that neighbors are protected from runoff when individual lots are being developed. Following further discussion on this matter, it was suggested George Worley check with Alan Jensen on State regulations regarding this matter. 411 P122 No changes P123 No changes P124 No changes P125 Street names and house numbers on corner lots. Karl Grunewald said there were some locations where houses facing one street had an actual address on the other street. It was consensus that street numbers be assigned in accordance with the front door orientation. It was suggested that the Public Safety Director be consulted regarding this from a safety perspective. P126 No changes P127 Correct scrivener's errors in 24-256(a) and (b) P128 No changes The Definitions section was then reviewed: P3 No changes P4 No changes P5 No changes P6 No changes P7 Add definition of commercial vehicle P8 No changes P9 No changes P10 No changes • P11 No changes Page Four 111 Minutes - Joint Workshop Meeting January 29, 2001 P12 Bob Frohwein had concerns regarding the definition of grade—i.e. how to measure the 35 ft. height of building, especially where an older building is being demolished to build new. It was pointed out the code addressed undeveloped property where a grid is drawn on the property and readings taken at intersections. Mr. Frohwein felt the grade should be calculated on the intersections outside the footprint ofthe original structure. Following further discussion it was felt that staff should work further on this and compare how other beach cities calculate height. P13 No changes P14 live entertainment—strike of the opposite sex. P15 No changes P16 No changes P17 No changes P18 No changes P19 No changes P20 No changes P21 screening—after the word colored, should say not more than six feet P22 No changes P23 No changes P24 Leave in definition of survey; Include definition of swale P25 Add definition of VUA; add visual barrier—see screening P26 No changes Further discussion ensued and Mayor Pro Tern Beaver challenged city staff to see if there is a way to allow a small boat to be parked in front yards without turning every yard into a parking lot. Discussion ensued regarding issuing permits or other means which could be used to allow the parking of boats. Commissioner Mitchelson felt the size of the boat, trailer, and the distance the motor protrudes beyond the boat should be considered. DonWolfson commended the City Commission on the action they took at the last Commission meeting in establishing a moratorium against enforcement of the provision regarding rental of secondary dwellings on Beach Avenue. It was agreed that the document be finalized and public hearings set. It was suggested that advertisements include details of the sections of the ordinance to be considered. There being no further discussion,the Mayor Pro Tern declared the meeting adjourned at 6:40 p.m. Maureen King 110 City Clerk