04-21-98 v MINUTES OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA Apri121, 1998 7:00 P.M. CITY HALL PRESENT : Don Wolfson Robert Frohwein Mary Walker Pat Pillmore Sharette Simpkins Dezmond Waters AND • George Worley, II, CD Director Alan Jensen, Esquire Pat Harris, Recording Secretary ABSENT: : Buzzy Grunthal Chairman Don Wolfson called the meeting to order and asked for approval of the minutes from the meeting of March 17, 1998. On motion made and seconded the minutes were approved. I. Application for Variance filed by George Bull, Jr., on behalf of Jo Lee Sawyer to construct additions to an existing nonconforming residence located at 1174 Beach Avenue. Mr. Bull introduced himself to the board and apologized for missing the last meeting. He stated that the applicant desired to construct a second level on the south for the expansion of a bedroom and constructing a deck on the front of the house. He stated that the proposed additions did not encroach the setbacks. He stated that the existing shed at the property would be removed. Mr. Frohwein requested that the application be modified to include Section 24- 85 which addresses nonconforming uses and buildings. Mrs. Pillmore moved to approve the request for variance including the reference to Section 24-85. Mr. Waters seconded the motion and moved to amend it to also include the removal of the existing shed. Mr. Frohwein seconded the amended motion and the variance was granted by a unanimous vote. II. Application for Variance filed by Ernest Davis to construct an addition that will encroach the front yard setback at property located at 51 Robert Street. Ernest Davis introduced himself to the board and stated that he is the owner of the Voo-Swar Restaurant and Lounge located at the property and explained that he desired to construct an addition to the front of the building that will encroach three feet into the setback requirements. George Bull reintroduced himself and explained that a building permit had already been issued for the construction and a foundation poured. He stated that a hardship was created by the issuance of the permit. Mr. Worley explained that a building permit was issued in error due to the fact that a site plan was not furnished. Mr. Waters moved to approve the variance and Mrs. Simpkins seconded the motion. Mr. Waters stated he felt that the City created the hardship in issuing the permit. Mrs. Walker expressed her concern regarding the nearby residences and the parking situation at the business. Mr. Wolfson stated that he felt any error in issuing the building permit was a minor one and if the board granted the variance the error would be permanent. He quoted from the staff report recommending denial due to there being no obvious hardships as well as reading to the applicant the six conditions on which the board base their decisions. After further discussion the Chairman called for a vote and the variance was denied as the result of a tie vote with 3 aye votes from Mrs. Pillmore, Mrs. Simpkins and Mr. Waters and 3 nay votes by Mr. Frohwein, Mrs. Walker and Mr. Wolfson. III. Presentation by Metropolitan Planning Organization for the Jacksonville Urbanized Area's Transportation Improvement Program for Fiscal Years 1998/1999 through 2002/2003. Denise Bunnewith of Metropolitan Planning Organization introduced herself to the board and presented to the board the annual transportation improvement program. She stated that the five year document is updated annually. She presented to the members proposed improvements in areas of concern with Atlantic Beach. She stated that there would be a public hearing/meeting on May 6, 1998 in the Florida Theater Building to present the entire program. Mr. Frohwein expressed concern that the board was not provided information prior to this presentation to enable an adequate review. He requested that someone attend the next meeting of the board. Ms. Bunneworth stated that someone would be able to attend the May meeting and she would furnish the board copies of the Department of Transportation Maps and other relevant information. After a lengthy question and answer session regarding the rehab of the existing Atlantic Boulevard Bridge and the construction of the new bridge, Mr. Wolfson moved to notify the City Commission of their concerns relative to the construction and request them to notify the DOT to be sensitive to traffic ingress and egress to the City of Atlantic Beach so that the City is not adversely impacted beyond reason during the construction periods. Mrs. Walker seconded the motion and the motion unanimously passed. VI. Review and recommendation regarding draft ordinance setting zoning district boundaries in the area annexed into Atlantic Beach last year. Mr. Worley explained that the draft ordinance presented to the board sets the districts and boundaries for the zoning of the property annexed into the City and encompasses the Intra Coastal Waterway, the marshes to the east of the waterway, Johnston Island and Pine (Dutton) Island. He stated that the draft is based on staff's opinion of the most appropriate land uses based on a review of the "intent" paragraphs of each of the zoning categories in Chapter 24. He explained to the board that their purpose in reviewing the draft ordinance is to make recommendations to the City Commission as to the most appropriate zoning designations to place in the area. After a lengthy discussion by the board with questions to staff the Chairman asked for concerns and interests from the audience. Valerie Britt with Pablo Point Civic Association introduced herself to the board and stated she will present a letter of authorization from the group. She stated that the main concerns of her organization is the Johnston Island because the radio tower and building is an existing use. She stated that Commercial General Zoning is too intense for the location when looking at the City's Zoning Code and policies of the Comprehensive Plan particularly traffic issues. She presented to the board a letter from Fleet &Associates,Architects and Planners,which addressed commercial general zoning and the traffic issues. Tom Dumas introduced himself to the board and stated that he represented the Johnston Family. He informed the board that Johnston Island has been in the Johnston family for over fifty years. It has been operated as a marina during the entire period. He stated that the owners were concerned with traffic issues and have been working with the City in that regard. He delivered to the board a picture of the island which revealed a heavy marine industrial use. The Board requested staff provide them with maps and information on the existing Jacksonville Zoning and Land Uses of the area. After lengthy discussion, Mr. Wolfson moved to request the City Commission to defer action on the ordinance until further review by this board. Mr. Frohwein seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. The board agreed to hold a special meeting on May 5, 1998 for further review. The board discussed problems with the permitting procedures which resulted in the variance application and denial for 51 Robert Street. After discussion no action was taken. There being no further business to come before the board on motion duly made the meeting was adjourned. SIGNED: I 0 aATTEST: c°L