October 27, 199'
7:00 P.M.
PRESENT Don Wolfson
Robert Frohwein
Buzzy Grunthal
Dezmond Waters
AND : Alan Jensen, Esquire
George Worley, Director
Pat Harris, Recording Secretary
ABSENT Mary Walker
Pat Pillmore
Sharette Simpkins
Chairman Don Wolfson called the meeting to order and asked for approval of the
minutes of the special meeting on August 18, 1998. On motion made and seconded the
minutes were approved.
The Chairman apologized for the lack of a quorum for the regularly scheduled
meeting on October 20, 1998, which was rescheduled to this date.
I. Application for Variance filed by Steve and Marilyn Halker to construct an
addition to an existing nonconforming residence at property located at 222 Second Street.
Mr. Halker introduced himself and explained that he and his wife desired to
construct an addition to their deck. He stated that he would like to modify his application
to construct the addition within the current setback areas and not exceed the edge of the
existing house.
After discussion, Mr. Frohwein moved to grant the variance as amended . Mr.
Waters seconded the motion and the variance was unanimously granted.
II. Review and recommendation of Ordinance #90-98-167 regulating maximum
lot coverage.
Commissioner Theo Mitchelson introduced himself and explained that he proposed
an amendment to the zoning regulations of the city to provide a maximum impervious area
requirement for all residential zoning districts. He stated that he was also concerned that
if the City were to experience a catastrophic destruction of residential structures, the
current ordinance requires that the homes be reconstructed strictly according to the
current setback requirements.
The Board discussed the current disaster reconstruction clause versus the proposal
and reached a consensus that the existing regulations are preferable.
Commissioner Mitchelson explained that the city is getting ready to spend millions
of dollars on a drainage system which is being designed to accommodate the amount of
runoff that it currently has. He explained that there is nothing in the current code to
prevent a homeowner from making his property totally impervious thereby making the
drainage improvements meaningless. He stated he recommended a percentile of
nonpermeable surface of 50% to start the ball rolling but welcomed the guidance and
recommendations of the board.
The board reviewed the calculations that were presented at the commission meeting
by George Bull regarding lot coverage which were made available by Commissioner
Mr. Frohwein suggested various modifications to the proposed ordinance regarding
the definition of impervious and areas of construction included in the proposal. He
presented to the board a copy of documents presented by Prosser, Hallock & Kristoff,
Planners and Engineers regarding impervious area percentages as well as runoff
calculations and definitions.
Mr. Grunthal expressed his concern with impervious coverage limitations. He
indicated that he would like to speak with drainage engineers regarding the proposed
drainage plans. He stated that he was not ready to make the decision that will affect the
community for a long time. He stated that the city needs to review all avenues of
procedure regarding the issue.
Mr. Wolfson stated that he had a concern about not having enough information
regarding percentage of lot occupancy and open space limitations. He stated that he
needed to look at other communities to see what they have done in this regard,
Commissioner Mitchelson stated that he was requesting from the board their
consensus as to what would be best for Atlantic Beach regarding the direction they were
trying to move.
Mr. Waters stated that he felt the board was in agreement in the process but it didn't
need to move as fast as it was moving. He said there needs to be more professional input
from people in the field before recommendations were made.
Curtis Ford introduced himself to the board and stated the purpose of the proposal
is to minimize the creation of impervious surface, but questioned the 50% limit.
Dorothy Kerber introduced herself to the board and expressed her concern with
density, specifically in her neighborhood and recommended a reduction in density as well
as impervious surfaces.
Mr. Waters moved to approve the process that Commissioner Mitchelson has begun
concerning the reduction of impervious surfaces within the residential areas. He stated
that it was just a commitment to support him at this point.
The Chairman stated that he thought the board needed to request the City
Commission delay acting on the ordinance until they could further evaluate it and make
a recommendation.
Mr. Waters withdrew his motion and acknowledged his approval of the Chairman's
Mr. Grunthal moved to recommend that the City Commission not adopt the
proposed Ordinance Number 90-98-167 as it is presently written. There being no second
the motion died.
The Chairman moved to request the City Commission defer acting on the ordinance
as it was presented to them until such time as they can review it at the next regularly
scheduled meeting and make a recommendation. Mr. Frohwein seconded the motion and
it passed unanimously
The Chairman requested staff to submit for review prior to the next meeting copies
of comparable ordinances from surrounding municipalities.
Mr. Frohwein requested that Mr. Worley contact St. Johns River Water Management
to have an informed representative attend the next meeting. He requested that the
representative furnish the board with any reports or information they may have regarding
the matter at an early date so they may review it prior to the next meeting.
The Chairman requested that the board set forth the discussion to bring to closure
the changes to the code of ordinances.
There begin no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
SIGNED: c%c i;;VC
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