6-18-07 Minutes vMINUTES DISTRICT REPRESENTATION STUDY COMMITTEE MEETING June 18, 2007 CITY HALL, 800 SEMINOLE ROAD Attendance IN ATTENDANCE: Chairman Lyman Fletcher Mr. Bob Ballow Mr. Reed Beaubouef Ms. Ann Bowers Ms. Kathy Carithers Ms. Joan Carver Ms. Joyce Freeman Ms. Maureen Shaughnessy City Clerk Donna Bussey ABSENT: Ms. Carol Anderson Mr. Johnny Bass Mr. Steve Litton Mr. Norm Thompson City Manager/Liaison Jim Hanson Call to Order Chairman Lyman Fletcher called the meeting to order at 7:08 p.m. Approval of minutes 1. Review and approval of minutes of 5/30/07 Motion: Approve minutes of Mav 30, 2007 meeting as written. Motion carried unanimously. Review/amend Report 2. Review/amend Draft Report from Writing Committee Joan reported on the decisions made from the last meeting and referred to the draft report, which is attached and made part of this official document as Attachment A. Mr. Fletcher reminded the committee that a final vote will take place at their next meeting on June 27, 2007 and the purpose of the discussion tonight is to further refine the report. He asked the committee for their comments on the draft report and welcomed their input for revisions. Ms. Carver was asked to keep notes and revise the draft report as necessary. The committee discussed the language and the attachments for the report and made suggestions as follows: 1. On page two of the report: Add a new bullet called "Public Safety" and include a sentence indicating that there are areas of the city with unique safety issues and members/residents of those areas do not feel the issues are being addressed proactively. 2. On page two of the report, second paragraph: Delete the phrase "particulazly those from the western part of the city". June 18.2007 DISTRICT REPRESENTATION STUDY COMMITTEE Page 2 3. Remove the polling places from the map titled Elected Officials since 1993 and reference the map as an attachment to support the first paragraph in the Executive Summary. A lengthy discussed ensued regarding the references to areas of the city. It was stated there seems to be a difference in how people look at western and eastern parts of the city and that it is hard to describe or say where that divide is, but the understanding is still there. 4. Mr. Fletcher suggested adding language to the Executive Summary to describe the quandary of defming the eastern and western areas of the city. He indicated there is a significant part of the city that is feeling a bit disenfranchised and as a result of our researching, it is difficult to define a particular line. He also suggested adding "In the reference to this, it is done in the context of this nebulous "east" and "west". 5. On page three of the report: Delete the entire first paragraph "the cost of running ...for the last four elections)" and the referenced attachment. 6. Mr. Fletcher asked that, on the Resource People and References handout, a summary next to the presenters names be added which can be taken from the previous minutes. Also, that the handout be referenced back to the report somewhere in the paragraph titled "The Process". Mr. Fletcher suggested that Ms. Carver listen to the audio recording of this meeting if her notes on the decisions are not clear. Mr. Fletcher asked Ms. Carver to submit the next draft of the report in triple space in order for members to take notes line by line. The committee completed reviewing the report and made no other suggestions for revisions. It was agreed that the changes discussed during this meeting would be incorporated and anew draft be circulated to all the members prior to the next meeting. Mr. Fletcher instructed the committee to hold off on submitting any additional comments or changes until their next meeting. There was concern that the previous changes to drafts were hazd to keep track of and follow. Ms. Bussey suggested that these changes be indicated with underline for the new language and s~ik~eugh for the deleted information. The committee expressed their appreciation for one another's time and efforts and complimented Ms. Carver for her extra efforts in drafting the report. Mr. Fletcher, once again, asked for final comments from the members. A brief discussion ensued regazding the district boundaries. It was suggested that a note be made in the report that the Supervisor of Elections confirmed the boundaries could be changed as long as they were very close in population. [teview agenda for 3. Review agenda for final meeting scheduled for June 27, 2007 final meeting Scheduled for June 27, 1007 June 18.2007 DISTRICT REPRESENTATION STUDY COMMITTEE Pace 3 Mr. Fletcher explained that the Revised Draft Report will be distributed to the Committee prior to the final meeting on Wednesday, June 27, 2007 at 7:00 pm for review. Adjournment There being no further discussion, Chairman Lyman Fletcher declared the meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. _..~-.-- .... __.,n ~. ~ Oman Fletcher, Chairman