Draft minutes of 12-11-06 vDe-a~a~rrnlaer t 1, 2~~) Aytte~a~a~-rca~ ~l"~ AE'I' 1'Li~1'~N~C~: ~~~car ~7a~nala~ "v"crlfsarm~r 1 ay~r ~'r°c~ ~1 ern J. ~e~r~a~rra~ ater° III (~"~rrrrrxrrssia~rra~r N~il~e t3c~rnar ~amnmisia~rrer° ~arrr.ie im~leteluer +~a~rrrrrrrssiarrra~r ylvia irrrrrrt3m~s ~nty N~~r7~~~:~er° Jura ~-Iarrsa~r- +~ity t~"Ic~-1 I:~aranru :1... ~aassey City ,tt~}rrue ~,larr +C. J~e~sea~ +~1 tai flyder~"~'ecl~e iaya~r V4'a~~~"wsar~ a~~lla~a~ ~~a~ eti~ Cap a~ra~er~ ~t'7':1 .rte. "~"h~ fl'Ia~cl~~ a~i* Ailegiar~ce to the 1~fl~r falicr~vea3 the Iruerc,ati~rttr, giva~rr by ~'arrrrr~uissia~rra~r- Waters. lViayaar Wc~lfsarr rrrertti~rned drat C'crrnrrrissi.a~ner wr'ater is starti,, his r~ terra as ~~r-es:ier-~t art I"wTa~rtkrcast T~.~e~r~re aa# pities arras ~;~rrrr;at~latea~ hirrr arrr his apa~irrtrrrerrt. :aya~r Wa.~lsr~rr ~velca~rneci the auc~ia;rra;e 6'rrrruArer ~ayarr Jaahru eci-ve arra3 exiairrcai the ra~ara~ss i~crr ulalie ca7rr~rrlrearts. A~.p~r+aval ayf MIlrrute~ 1. ,~p~ra~va~M +~~" the rttun~utes anf thaw l~etu~a~ ~a~~rrrnY~s~~a~ra T4~Ia:etir~g aan i~c~~rerDr~rer 27, 24(lM~. 1""~aycrr Wa~lf~a~n e~larrca~ he h~rai ~7~irrtea~ a~~t . a;au~e f miraa~r ty~~c~r~~rl~ieal er~raa~-~ tai City ~:'lerh ~arrrrra ~rrssey, bit rraarre v~ere a;a~rrta~t eharres. Pw'~arta~n; ,A ~'a)ve ttx~e rr`ritruie5 a~'the I~.e aa~ar r~aar~~~ruis5~a~~ irvIeet~an ~ r~~Y l~darv~r~~t~er ~7 '?[)OG ~„~~ith n~tnrr~ ~ ~~ ~~ h~caul c~~h~~n ^'~a~ved ley "i!etchcr, seea7raaica~ ~y t~'ari-rrar. arte: A.a~~ - ~ar~na, ~~~1eta.hawr, ~im~~it,n~~ taWr~~'ti?V'a~ll~'sa~n Play; {~ +~aurtadsy ~~ the ~'laa~~° ~aawaa~t~sy ark" the 1~"lera~r ia~ ~iJ~~taa~.. the aa~r- arerrearl the flaasar taa visi.ta~rs arum a~xla~iraca~ the rara~ess ~a~r p~l~~hlic c~arrnrrrerrts. ~a~hra 4~aaa~ciilm,, ~~'~ l~~m~ ~at~eawt, ~resa;rrteail ~ viaia~a~ aa~ 1(~l0~ St heaaih ~aca:ess sha~r?~in the irrriar~vaarnerrts ~i-crrrr what it ~aaarkeaP lilee three years ~~ t.a~ what it iara~s die rraa array saia~ the Pr''~ect is rrcrvv a:arrrr~letea~ thra~u~h a great aPea~ a~P" ~tarrt by the ararrrrrrrarrrity. P~:e alsa~ stGrtea~ that this ra~jeat caalaa+~ rra~t have l~eerr cla~ne r~vithc-rrrt tl•ra; he~~ aai' Tirr-r,rrry :~a~hnsa,n arra:~ Ala;aa ~:awvkirrs° I.~e rr~errtia~r~ed they are stiPP seP~irr havers, ia:h hel~a~ai. furra~ this effa~r~t. aya~r° "~a~1f~a~rr asx~ressecl his ap~~rea~iatiaarr try ir. ~Ga~caallra~ anal a9P tore har-cl a~r-k he arras the ccrrrgrr~urr.ii:y have: a~a~rmre. t~e~cmMr ~ ~ ttt~~ R~t:~LFI~~1~t ~"fl~Tn~ISStC)~+T 14~IC~'I'I~ t'''a S~~~ ~;'~t~rxtrs, ~+~ irk ~i"~rraree'es~, stated that the'l~ree C7r~diar~mce seetrrs to be fartlariht lout said this type of gauerning shauld never impact the private rights of our citieras, Secarmdly, ~~ thanked. the City fear tl~me l`carraaulatian ~~" the resaltrtzt~ra to suppar-t ~°zpprapriate lamed use clmarmges and i'i ~°a~stri~:.ta~s ca~~r~i:~ta~~t vvit-'~ nrrr ~~7n7pref~a~~iva plratr ~anirrg. ~~ addutian, she l~elieues public access to 1'edem°al water~~~~a~ s shc~rald :z~i~iressed because our citizens are l.asimag entry auenares fiar recreatitarral~ ~~ctracl.es. She else eked if atlantic Eieach can. influence the type of crosswalks used era. l'~laypart d. She suggested Darr l~urtan, i~i.rectar° af'~al.kable +~araatnuraities, which was est~:blished in Ala -ida irm 1'~~fi, r~maight give Atlamatic l'~each satrae insight eta haw to irrapr-a ve tae crossing an 1"~Nia~rpart l~aad. Alan Dickumtsc~n, X25 ~'Sutrnmr~er Pll,ace~ representing'°ree Steak. fiause, eked fir support of l~r-cclhirdss iT~se-hy..Ex~ceptiar~ case. Stei~ttet~u l~il~ ~~~ Linl~Sid'~, spoke in apposition of 1~rccbird l.,ive caraairag i.nta Atlantic leach based an tr~~f~l'ic cancermas amid. parking. Steue Fcaramralcer, ,~?` rm~ tmr"em"t, as ~ representatiuc of the l~cachcs i~,eadem', gauc update regarding nevus racks in Atlantic beach, Along with representatives fratn the pul~iicatitxns such. as the "i'rmtes Union, I.TSA ~'ad,ay,, .and al:io, he l'~elieves they cote deal. with .rny mews r~°rck pm°abletn as a grom~rp~ and will caraae up with a caaperatiarm arrrzngernent the first of ne~ct year that will allow tlaern to build modular racks ar sarrtetla;irag to that effect that has ~ more plemasant leak to it. l=ie saki. they will work with pity 1'vianager i~iianson on this. l~lGayor Wolfson asked if he was letting a caaperatiue spirit fi-arn the Crty anal i"r. i~auraker agreed that lee was.. NTich~el Iilcrf'txan~~rt, i'76 +Ctarxteli~ ~treei, elaressed h:is concern regardir~rg the flyover project. iie l~elieucs flee flyover- rnrrles 1"viayport fed encl. his r~eighbarlaaad less safe. iie stated that in ~}~, when his neff~l~r~t°haad assaciatiata was functioning, three thitags were requested to improve the neiglalaorhood and. deal with the na~,~ative effects of the flyover. l"'irst, they wanted l~egania Street closed. off to the view (presematly arml half is closed aff~. Secondly, they asked to have the City lots alarag''est lit Street incarparrrted into "i"ideview i'reserve. l~ir°rally, they requested that sarraie effort lee ra~tade to irnpr-aue the sound kaarrier at the am'ea along Atlantic i~'lud, fie asked mhe pity l''~~anager to write a letter to the mar-ban f'arester with the pity of :lacksanville to see what caul.d kac dome to rrrake that a better lbu#t-er ~~rgaitr~t Heise. rtayar ~`ali~ar~ painted t7nt. that am-ather cotacern l''~r. i~ioffnaann spoke c>f art floc fast carrarraissian rectira eras leis request regarding floc sidewalks, which was addressed anal is taaaving toward resalutiom~t within two weeks.. l~?~ayor Wolfson stated that lee was else apposed to the desigtr of flee flyovers ~?ut that was v~~aat was passed and what we have now... 1Viayar Wolfson asked. IMMr. i~of-fntann lea ~~c is rcpreserttirag, since there is rao longer a neighlaorhaad asscaciati~}r~. 1Nir. iiait~riaan;rm stated that the requests he has. made were fratn his old neighlaar-haad~ assaci~itian, which collapsed due to the neg.rtive responses they receiued. frarn pity mall, lb'fayor Walfsan ~rga"eed to discuss Nlr. l latt`n~rarara's other conccrrrs with laini personally, "G~alea~i~ i3ar%tt, 3"~li '"ilci'isl~a ~taaart, spoke concerning the Intracoastal Waterway and the proposed lamed use arnendmment. She wanted to car:rtiony as things go farwaa°d, that a let of that area is currently an agricultural rrrarsh. She also pointed out. that before