06-27-05 vMINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING June 27, 2005 CITY HALL, 800 SEMINOLE ROAD Attendance IN ATTENDANCE: Mayor John Meserve City Manager Jim Hanson Mayor Pro Tem Richard Beaver City Clerk Donna L. Bussey Commissioner Paul B. Parsons City Attorney Alan C. Jensen Commissioner Sylvia N. Simmons Commissioner J. Dezmond Waters III Call to Order/Pledge Mayor Meserve called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. He noted that Water Plant #2 was dedicated that evening in the memory of Jack Ethridge. The Invocation, given by Mayor Meserve, included a memorial tribute to Mr. Ethridge and was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. The Mayor welcomed scouts from Troop 37 who were attending the meeting as part of earning their Communication merit badges. Approval of Minutes 1. Approve minutes of the Regular Commission meeting of June 13, 2005. Commissioner Beaver commented that on page 9, under Item H, he would like the record to state that his main emphasis was that the northwestern lot be retained by the City and used as a house for a police officer. He stressed that this objective be included in the plan when it goes before the Community Development Board. Commissioner Beaver also clarified that in his final remarks on page 13, his main intention relating to sex offenders was to determine what areas they could live in and have them monitored. Motion: Approve minutes of the Regular Commission meeting of une 13, 2005 as amended. Moved by Beaver, seconded by Simmons Votes: Aye: 5 -Beaver, Parsons, Simmons, Waters, Meserve Nay: 0 MOTION CARRIED Courtesy of the Floor 2. Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors A. Melinda Granlund, from St Johns River Water Management District June 27, 2005 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING Page 2 Mayor Meserve introduced Melinda Granlund from the St. Johns River Water Management District. Ms. Granlund addressed the Commission and noted that she works at the Jacksonville service center located at Baymeadows. She discussed two new projects being introduced by the Water Management District dealing with water conservation. The first item described by Ms. Granlund was the "Think Two" campaign which proposes to change the irrigation rules by further restricting lawn and landscape watering to no more than two days a week. She presented the two reasons for this change, noting that it is an excellent way to conserve water and also noting that research shows that lawns normally do not need more than two days of watering per week. She emphasized that lawns grow better when they are not over-watered. Ms. Granlund pointed out the water conservation pamphlets distributed by the Water Management District and noted that they are available for distribution to the public. The second item discussed involved the District's new e-permitting system. Ms. Granlund described this system as saving both time and paper by providing an on-line method for completing the permitting process. She also noted that information on applications and permits are available for review on their webpage. Commissioner Beaver asked when the new watering restrictions would become effective. Ms. Granlund responded that she anticipates that the District Board members will vote on it in October and, if approved, would become effective in December. Commissioner Beaver also inquired how the two-day rule would be regulated. Ms. Granlund noted that the two-day rule could be enforced either by a City ordinance, specifying the two days when watering would be allowed, or it could be left up to the individuals to regulate themselves. City Manager Hanson added that the SJRWMD has done a great job with their water conservation campaign in recent years. He confirmed this by presenting statistics illustrating that the City of Atlantic Beach has had a decrease in total water sales over the past four years, even though the number of customers has increased over the same time period. He summarized that the City has had a 17°Io reduction in average water use per customer. City Manager Hanson attributed these facts to good conservation measures and installation of new plumbing fixtures. The Mayor thanked Ms. Granlund for her presentation. Jack Murphy, of 1980 Ibis Point Lane in Jacksonville, and owner of property at 1126 Main Street in Atlantic Beach, discussed the excessive water bills he has received at his Atlantic Beach property over the course of 3'/z months. He noted that the installation of a new water meter after Christmas 2004 resolved his situation and decreased his bills back to a normal range. He noted that he has had conversations with the City Manager by phone and with the Mayor by email, but is still not happy with une 27, 2005 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING Paee 3 the results. Mr. Murphy expressed to the Commission that he has not been treated fairly in this situation. He indicated that it was highly improbable that $764 worth of water was used between September and December 2004. He objected to the 10°Io late charges incurred due to the excessive bill amounts. He noted that the City Manager helped to eliminate some of the late charges, but not all of them. Mr. Murphy disputed the idea that a neighbor provided information to the City regarding this issue. He discussed his submission of statements received from plumbers indicating that the meter was broken and declaring that there were no leaks found. Mayor Meserve stated it would be brought back before the Commission at the next meeting with a history of the events presented. J.P. Marchioli, 414 Sherry Drive commented on other cities' policies for crediting utility bills for estimated units saved in consumption of electricity and water. He suggested that the City communicate with other U.S. cities to determine what their basis is for these credits. He commented once again about his observation and concerns of kids sitting on the wall at the skateboard ramp. Unfinished Business 3. Unfinished Business from Previous Meeting from Previous Meeting A. City Manager's Follow-up Report City Manager Hanson stated that he had no follow-up report to discuss. Consent Agenda 4. Consent Agenda A. Acknowledge receipt of Monthly Financial Report, Utility Sales Report, and Public Safety Report for May 2005 (City Manager) B. Award the annual contract for Sulfur Dioxide Bid No. 0405-13 (Re-Bid) to Brenntag, Inc. (City Manager) Commissioner Waters asked that Consent Item A be pulled for discussion. Motion: Approve Consent Agenda Item B as presented. Moved by Simmons, seconded by Waters Votes: Aye: 5 -Beaver, Parsons, Simmons, Waters, Meserve Nay: 0 MOTION CARRIED Commissioner Waters asked for clarification of some of the water figures presented on the utility sales report for May 2005, specifically the amounts sold and the amounts treated for sewage. The City Manager clarified the figures. Discussion ensued regarding meter reading schedules and billing cycle schedules. ,Tune 27, 2005 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING Paee 4 Motion: Approve Consent Agenda Item A as presented. Moved by Simmons, seconded by Parsons Votes: Aye: 5 -Beaver, Parsons, Simmons, Waters, Meserve Nay: 0 MOTION CARRIED Committee Reports 5. Committee Reports A. Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee Rusty Pritchett, Chair of the Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee commended the committee members for the good work they do in planning and promoting ideas. He noted that the Committee makes recommendations for the most efficient use of funds to benefit all citizens and areas of Atlantic Beach. Mr. Pritchett announced that they still have some vacancies on the Committee and encouraged people to get involved. He recognized Steve Piscitelli for all his work and spoke highly of his contributions to the Committee. He indicated that Mr. Piscitelli would not be seeking reappointment when his term expires. Mr. Pritchett commented on the growing popularity of their current programs, such as Acoustic Night and Songwriters Night. He also mentioned the Atlantic Beach Athletic Club activities, the Fun Runs, the work done by the Atlantic Beach Public Art Committee to secure grants, artists, and artwork, the Teen Council events held to raise scholarship funds, and the Atlantic Beach Elementary School's ongoing programs. He reported on the Committee's new programs this year, including the Spring Art Festival and the upcoming New Year's Eve Party. Mr. Pritchett commended Timmy Johnson, Director of Parks and Recreation, for his support of the Committee and its projects. He also thanked the Commission for working with the Committee. Commissioner Waters expressed his appreciation for Steve Piscitelli's work on the Committee. Mayor Meserve thanked Rusty Pritchett for all his work. B. Recommendation by the Board Member Review Committee for one new appointment and two reappointments to the Cultural Arts & Recreation Advisory Committee (Commissioner Simmons) "' Commissioner Simmons reported that the Board Member Review Committee recommended the following for the Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee: June 27, 2005 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING Paee 5 • To reappoint Ray Coleman and Laurie Melancon to each serve another two-year term on the Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee. • To appoint Alicia Paley to fill one of the open vacancies on the Committee. • To accept Kathy Love to serve on the Committee as Teen Council president. Motion: To reappoint Rav Coleman and Laurie Melancon, to appoint Alicia Paley, and to appoint Kathy Love as Teen Council member, all to serve on the Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee. Commissioner Waters noted that language in the Resolution should refer to the Teen Council president and/or his/her designee. Moved by Simmons, seconded by Beaver Votes: Aye: 5 -Beaver, Parsons, Simmons, Waters, Meserve Nay: 0 MOTION CARRIED Action on Resolutions 6. Action on Resolutions A. Resolution No. 05-06 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING RESOLUTION 02-13 CREATING THE CULTURAL ART5 AND RECOMMENDATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE WITH RESPECT TO TERMS OF OFFICE AND THE MEMBERSHIP OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE TEEN COUNCIL, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE Mayor Meserve noted the scrivener's error in the Resolution title, where "Cultural Arts and Recommendation" should be written as "Cultural Arts and Recreation". He recommended including the language referring to the Teen Council designee, as suggested by Commissioner Waters. He also indicated that the Resolution should be deferred until some technical errors in it can be corrected before presenting it to the Commission. City Manager Hanson stated that it would be the second meeting in July when the Resolution could be brought back before the Commission. Commissioner Parsons asked if the term limits set three years ago were effective from that date forward. The City Manager confirmed that was correct. Motion: To defer Resolution No. OS-06 until the second regular Commission meeting in ,Tuly. June 27, 2005 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING Paee 6 Moved by Waters, seconded by Simmons Votes: Aye: 5 -Beaver, Parsons, Simmons, Waters, Meserve Nay: 0 MOTION CARRIED Action on Ordinances 7. Action on Ordinances A. Ordinance No. 20-05-71, Introduction and First Reading AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE OPERATING BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2004 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2005 Mayor Meserve explained that this ordinance makes scrivener changes in order to match the budget to actual operating needs. Motion: To approve Ordinance No. 20-05-71 on first reading. Moved by Simmons, seconded by Waters Votes: Aye: 5 -Beaver, Parsons, Simmons, Waters, Meserve Nay: 0 MOTION CARRIED Miscellaneous Business 8. Miscellaneous Business A. Request by Prosser Hallock Planners and Engineers, on behalf of Bridge Tenders, LLC, to find an application for a change in Zoning District Classification for property known as Johnston Island substantially different from a previously considered application, which was denied November 08, 2004 (City Manager) Mayor Meserve noted that this issue is not a discussion of the specifics of the application but is a discussion to determine if the application is a significant change from the one submitted previously. He asked City Attorney Alan Jensen for his opinion. City Attorney Jensen stated that both he and Sonya Doerr, Director of Planning and Zoning, believe the new application appears to be substantially different than what was considered before and, therefore, it is appropriate for the Commission to decide to send it back to the Community Development Board to restart the application process. Motion: To find the new application for a proposed PUD for , ohnston Island substantially different from the previously considered application and send it to the Community Development Board for review. June 27 2005 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING Paee 7 Commissioner Beaver stated that, as this process continues, it is important for the Commission to understand exactly what the issues are. He believed there have been problems in the past with ambiguity about what was being presented and discussed. He asked that the proposal be presented in a very clear, concise, and accurate manner. Commissioner Beaver emphasized that the accessory dwellings are being proposed with the condition that they cannot be leased or rented. He noted that the developer should be responsible for covering the expense of providing City water and sewer to the project. He also inquired as to the definition of the members allowed to use the proposed private club. Commissioner Beaver stressed that all these issues should be made clear before being presented to the Community Development Board. Paul Harden, attorney for Bridge Tenders, LLC, responded that all the questions raised by Commissioner Beaver are answered in the PUD application. He briefly commented on each issue addressed and noted that the PUD document is very specific. He also made reference to a similar project recently completed in Sea Island, Georgia. Moved by Parsons, seconded by Waters Votes: Aye: 5 -Beaver, Parsons, Simmons, Waters, Meserve Nay: 0 MOTION CARRIED B. Recommendations for Ped Path Construction FY05-06 (City Manager) City Manager Hanson pointed out that currently a sidewalk is budgeted for Main Street, but that location is also in the long term plans for the construction of a proposed Ped Path. He noted that City Staff believed it would be an inefficient use of money to install a sidewalk, and then tear it out in order to construct the Ped Path in the same area. Rick Carper, Director of Public Works, discussed the alternatives being presented and showed a map of the project area. He discussed the reasons for installing the sidewalk and noted that it was determined at the Strategic Planning sessions in April that a bike path in that area also made sense. Mr. Carper recommended that they build at least a sidewalk. He described the current bike path and the proposed plan for extending and connecting the bike path in certain areas. The City Manager and Rick Carper explained that the City could either add funds to the budget in order to upgrade the approved sidewalk plans to a ""' bike path on Main Street, or reallocate the funds for construction of other sidewalk/ped path projects in other areas. June 27, 2005 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING Paee 8 Mayor Meserve spoke in favor of amending the budget so that the City can continue the ped paths from Plaza to the other side of Mayport Road and up to the Main Street area. Commissioner Beaver inquired the width of the ped path. Mr. Carper responded that, per standards, the width is eight feet for a combined use path. Commissioner Beaver asked which side of Main Street was being proposed for the ped path. Mr. Carper responded that has not yet been determined and depends on the survey results. Commissioner Beaver spoke in favor of the idea of moving money into next year's budget and reallocating some of the sidewalk money to Sailfish and Royal Palms Drives. Commissioner Simmons stated that she has received calls from citizens concerned about the trees on Main Street being marked by survey tapes. She asked that the proposed project be considerate of the tree canopy in that area. Mr. Carper explained that the markers simply indicate that the trees have been surveyed and do not necessarily indicate that they are in imminent danger. Commissioner Simmons commented that Levy Road might not be the best location for the ped path, due to the fact it is a very busy road. She suggested that 14`h Street might be better for the proposed plan. Mr. Carper responded that he would look into that idea. Commissioner Simmons asked for clarification of the Mayor's suggestion earlier in the discussion. Mayor Meserve explained that it would take a lot of money to complete all of Main Street this year, so he suggested moving that part to next year, but use the remaining money this year in order to connect the other areas to Main Street. Commissioner Simmons supported his reasoning but asked if there was any area on Main Street that might be considered a priority for this year, based on safety issues. Mr. Carper believed that the first priority should be to the Levy Road area, which has a similar density of bus stops, etc. Commissioner Waters asked when the ped path to the Five Points Intersection area would be completed. Rick Carper responded that the plan is to bid the ped path for the remaining portion of Plaza as an add alternate to the Five Points construction and its design is already at 90% completion. Commissioner Waters believed that a ped path would create less of an impact on Levy Road, as compared to 14`h Street, since Levy is more commercial and almost industrial, as compared to the partially residential area of 14`h Street. Mr. Carper mentioned that the ped path would have to go on the north side of Levy Road due to the location of the drainage ditch. Commissioner Parsons asked where these plans stand on Public Works' list of priorities. Rick Carper responded that there is no standard priority list for the bike paths, but the intent is to eventually connect all the areas being discussed. Commissioner Parsons commented that Levy Road is much June 27, 2005 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING Paee 9 busier than 14`h Street, and asked how much bike and pedestrian traffic is currently found there. Mr. Carper indicated that not many bicyclists or pedestrians are seen on Levy Road right now, but believed that if a ped path were constructed there, it would be used accordingly. Commissioner Parsons stated that a ped path is definitely needed on Main Street and asked that the area be examined and prioritized accordingly. Commissioner Waters expressed that citizens are adamant about preserving the tree canopy and indicated that many people would be upset if trees were removed from Main Street. He questioned if an eight-foot wide sidewalk can be installed without taking down trees. Commissioner Beaver agreed that the Commission needs to be concerned about that issue and stressed that they have a clear understanding of the potential impact on the trees on Main Street before the project is pursued there. Mayor Meserve noted that the Commission needed to give staff direction on what type of plans to develop and bring back to the Commission for using the funds allocated for this year. Commissioner Beaver emphasized the need to connect the ped path to Main Street and spoke in favor of doing so by putting a good sidewalk and/or ped path on Levy Road. Motion: To have staff develop and present plans to finish the ped oath on West Plaza, carry the route to Main Street and examine the situations at Levy and 14t Street. Moved by Waters, seconded by Simmons Votes: Aye: 5 -Beaver, Parsons, Simmons, Waters, Meserve Nay: 0 MOTION CARRIED C. Proposed Pilot Project for Semi-Automated Garbage and Recycling Pickups on 19~h Street and Associated Cul de Sacs (City Manager) Mayor Meserve asked Rick Carper, Director of Public Works, to explain the revisions to the staff report that he distributed to the Commission. The revised staff report is attached and made part of this official record as Attachment A. Mr. Carper explained that staff agrees that the City should be looking at some form of semi- or fully-automated garbage pick up service in the future. He pointed out that his original staff report missed the fact that the current contract states it can be extended in five-year terms, at the City's option. Mr. Carper still did not recommend accepting the WSI proposal as presented due to the requirement that the City agrees to buy the containers. Commissioner Beaver believed that the sanitation company should reinvest in the trashcans since the process would be making their own operation June 27, 2005 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING Page 10 more efficient. He also believed that the idea of weekly trash pickup, rather than bi-weekly, would result in too much trash sitting around for too long. Commissioner Waters asked if the proposal would result in savings for the citizens and the City in the long run. Mr. Carper responded that it could provide stability of rates. Commissioner Waters indicated that it would allow the City to investigate a way to prevent garbage service rates from increasing and he expressed that $15,000 would be an inexpensive cost for the experiment. Commissioner Waters recommended accepting the proposal as presented. Commissioner Parsons asked if Fernandina Beach has implemented a similar procedure. Mr. Carper believed that the closest cities utilizing the same system are in the Sea Island area and south of Daytona. Commissioner Parsons asked for feedback on the once-a-week pick-up schedules. Mr. Carper explained that the bins are large and described the two options for the placement criteria of the bins, depending on the level of automation involved. Commissioner Parsons expressed concerns with the remaining length of the contract being less than a year and with the size of the trashcans being so large. He suggested he would prefer to see the contract extended longer before considering the new proposal. Mr. Carper clarified that the City would not receive a new contract, but would be renewing the existing contract. Commissioner Simmons spoke in favor of a standardized form of trash pick up, but suggested waiting until the current contract expired and then creating a bidding process so that they could look at the issues offered from other companies. Mayor Meserve brought up concerns associated with the new trashcans being too large for citizens, especially the elderly, to handle them. He recommended more time to think through the pilot program and to give thought to the issue of public relations before starting the process. Mr. Carper indicated that smaller size cans are available for smaller households. Commissioner Waters asked why the operation could not be bidded out and inquired if there was a chance the City would not receive any lower bids. Mr. Carper noted that the current company does not have the option to increase their rates in the contract, but does not believe it would be likely to find a cheaper bid, given the costs of labor, workman's compensation, and fuel. He noted that the City needs to notify the contractor of their intentions prior to 180 days before the end date of the contract. Mayor Meserve suggested asking staff to negotiate a new contract, with or without revisions to include the pilot program. Commissioner Beaver recommended extending the contract and continuing to discuss the proposal. Commissioner Parsons asked for information from the vendor that would provide feedback and discuss the pros and cons of the proposal. ,Tune 27, 2005 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING Page 11 Commissioner Simmons expressed concerns that the current company has not been servicing the City long enough to have a proven track record. No motion was made by the Commission. D. Approve renewal of employee Health Insurance with Aetna effective October 1, 2005 for cone-year period and retain the current benefits and City/employee contribution ratios (City Manager) City Manager Hanson noted that the current quote received from Aetna is still even lower than the other quotes received the last time this item was bidded out. Motion: To approve renewal of employee Health Insurance with Aetna effective October 1, 2005 for aone-year period and retain the current benefits and City/employee contribution ratios Moved by Simmons, seconded by Parsons Votes: Aye: 5 -Beaver, Parsons, Simmons, Waters, Meserve Nay: 0 MOTION CARRIED E. Interlocal agreement with City of Jacksonville and Beach Cities for 2005 Jacksonville Sea and Sky Spectacular (City Manager) Motion: Approve the interlocal agreement and authorize Mayor ohn Meserve to execute the agreement on behalf of the Citv of Atlantic Beach. Commissioner Parsons spoke in favor of approving the interlocal agreement. Moved by Beaver, seconded by Simmons Votes: Aye: 5 -Beaver, Parsons, Simmons, Waters, Meserve Nay: 0 MOTION CARRIED F. Designate Voting Delegate for the Florida League of Cities conference (City Manager) '' Mayor Meserve proposed designating Commissioner Waters as the Voting Delegate and noted that Commissioner Waters is attending the conference this summer. June 27, 2005 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING Paee 12 Motion: To designate Commissioner Waters as Voting Delegate for the Florida League of Cities conference. Moved by Meserve, seconded by Beaver Votes: Aye: 5 -Beaver, Parsons, Simmons, Waters, Meserve Nay: 0 MOTION CARRIED City Manager 9. City Manager A. City Manager's Report City Manager Jim Hanson summarized his written report, which is attached and made part of this official record as Attachment B. His written report addressed the issue of Septic to Sewer Conversions. Septic to Sewer Conversions The City Manager reported that the revised policies implemented by the City have been very successful and there remain only five residences that have not yet voluntarily moved forward with their septic tank conversions. He hoped that most or all of those individuals would begin the conversion process before any Code Enforcement action needs to be taken. The City Manager also called on Police Chief John Campbell to provide an overview on the fireworks enforcement plans for the upcoming holiday weekend. Fireworks Enforcement Chief Campbell explained that Atlantic Beach's City ordinance prohibits the use, sale, or possession of fireworks within City's limits. He indicated that the Public Safety Department will post signs stating this information at all beach accesses this weekend. Chief Campbell reported that the City will have three officers on overtime to patrol the beach and beach accesses in order to prevent the possession and explosion of fireworks throughout the weekend. He noted that any violation of this ordinance will result in confiscation of the fireworks, along with the issuance of a fifty dollar citation. Mayor Meserve asked if the other beach cities had the same policies established. Chief Campbell confirmed that this was correct. Commissioner Waters commented on the amount of individual fireworks set off last Fourth of July holiday and Commissioner Simmons discussed the difficulties involved with enforcing the ordinance. Mayor Meserve noted that the situation last year was 1000°Io better than the year before that. Chief Campbell indicated that many people voluntarily obeyed the ordinance once it was passed and stated that he anticipates even better results this year. June 27, 2005 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING Pase 13 Commissioner Simmons discussed the amount of seaweed recently washed up on the beaches and commented it will make clean-up of the holiday debris very difficult. Commissioner Beaver asked how the citation process will work. Chief Campbell explained that it is treated as other violations of city ordinances and the fine must be paid within ten days or else it increases. Reports/Requests 10. Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners and City City Commissioners Attorney City Attorney City Clerk • Reminded the Commissioners to turn in their financial disclosure forms by July 1. Commissioner Beaver • Gave afollow-up from last meeting regarding concerns with contractors, dumpster materials and debris from construction sites during the hurricane season. He displayed an example of the sign that will be placed on construction sites to notify the contractors that they are responsible for securing their sites prior to any hurricanes. Commissioner Parsons • Expressed empathy for Mr. Murphy's situation and discussed a similar situation with another citizen. Mayor Meserve • Wished Commissioner Waters well at the Florida League of Cities conference. • Reported that, due to vacation plans, he will not be attending the next Regular Commission meeting on July 11, 2005. Adjournment There being no further discussion, the~I~~ypr declared the meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. ff ~~ ``\\ John Md~elrv~. Mavor/Presidi ATTEST: ~~y~ ~ I Donna L. Bussey City Clerk ~"'"' . REVISED CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT ATTACHMENT A June 27, 2005 COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA ITEM: Proposed Pilot Project for Semi-Automated Garbage and Recycling Pickups on 19th Street and Associated Cul de Sacs SUBMITTED BY: Rick Carper, P.E., Public Works Director DATE: May 23, 2005 BACKGROUND: Waste Services of Florida (WSF), the City's contracted waste hauler, is proposing a pilot project to test semi-automated (machine) pickup of waste. They have recently placed in service a smaller (8.5 cubic yard) compactor truck, which has a hydraulic arm capable of lifting and dumping custom containers under control of a street side operator. The affected area includes approximately 150 homes, each of which would be provided with two containers, one for household garbage and one for mixed recyclable materials. WSF is proposing that the City pay for the containers, estimated to cost approximately $100 per household. The containers would have wheels and an attached lid, with a 90-gallon container for garbage and a 60-gallon container for recycling. Homes included in the pilot project would receive garbage and recycling services once per week. They currently receive garbage services twice a week. The proposed project would have no impact on or change to current procedures for yard (green) waste pickup. Because of the increasing costs of fuel, insurance, labor and workers compensation insurance, WSF is proposing to provide this service as a way of testing a more efficient means of providing sanitation services to the City. Their proposal suggests the inclusion of two customer surveys, at the mid-point and again at the end of the pilot, to gain feedback about the success or weaknesses of the program. WSF's contract with the City expires May 31, 2006. There is provision for extending the contract in five-year terms, at the City's option. RECOMMENDATION: With less than a year remaining before rebidding the City's Sanitation contract, Staff recommends against agreeing to the pilot program if the City is required to fund the containers. Although a move to some type of automated pickup is desirable from a cost containment aspect, for the City to fund this type of pilot at this point in the contract, when a different type of container may be required next year, is not advisable. ATTACHMENT: Automated Waste Collection White Paper Excerpt -Benefits and Disadvantages REVIEWED BY CITY MANAGER: ATTACHMENT B June 27, 2005 COMMISSION MEETING ~p!-* June 20, 2005 MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the Commission FROM: Jim Hanso anager SUBJECT: City Manag 's Report Septic to Sewer Conversions,,;,,The City Commission's recently revised policies requiring the conversion of septic tanks to the city sewer system, `as well as revisions to the financing policy, has been tremendously successful in the elimination of septic tanks. Septic tank owners were originally put in four categories when the present policies were adopted in May 2000, depending on whether they were currently paying assessments for installation of sewer lines and, if so, when those assessments would be paid out. The first group of customers to encounter the mandatory conversion date are those for wf~ich no assessments were outstanding when the policy was adopted. At that time there were just under 300 septic tank owners identified in Atlantic '"" Beach where city sewer service was available. Through voluntary cooperation and the city's finance policies, almost half of those converted during the first five years of the policy before the first mandatory conversion date approached. About six months ago, there were approximately 60 septic tank owners that had yet to convert to the city's sewer system and has a conversion date in May of 2005. At that time, and in subsequent discussions with various septic tank owners, the City Commission amended the policies for financing and tap costs. Since that time, 23 of the septic tanks have been converted to the city sewer system, 11 of which have utilized the regular city financing program and one additional one has used CDBG funds. There are also another 14 conversions that are currently underway, five of which are using the regular city financing, and three using block grant funds. Staff has determined that ten of the list from six months ago did not have city sewer service available and another 12 had already converted to the city's system and are now being billed. There are only five septic tank owners in the current deadline that have taken no actions toward the elimination of their. septic tanks. However, staff has talked with each of these owners and are hopeful that each will make arrangements for the elimination of their septic tank prior to a time when the Code Enforcement Board would have to make a decision on issuing fines for non- compliance. With a list of septic tank owners coming up for mandatory .conversion in May of 2005 being reduced from approximately 60 down to five at this point, there can be no question that the program has thus far been a tremendous success. While the remaining five owners will be notified ofnon-compliance by the Code Enforcement Officer, hopefully they will all make plans to convert in the near future.