04/12/05 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD MINUTES 7:00 P.M., Apri112,2005 Call to Order: PRESENT: Curtis Sanders, Jr., Chairman Peter Wyncoop Mamie Hurd Suzanne Noel Carl Russell AND: Alex Sherrer, Code Enforcement Officer Susan Gorman, Secretary Suzanne Green, Prosecuting Attorney ABSENT: Don Wolfson (unexcused) Ray Breault (unexcused) Chairman Sanders called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag by all present. 1. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular meeting held on March 8, 2005 Board Member Carl Russell asked the Secretary to note the correct spelling of his first name; the Board then unanimously approved to accept the minutes as presented. 2. Recognition of Visitors and Guests regarding any matters not listed on the agenda. There were no other visitors or guests present. 3. Unfinished Business from previous meeting: Code Enforcement Officer Alex Sherrer gave follow-up reports on the following cases: A. COMPLIANCE: (1). Case No.: 24-05, Dilapidated Fencing - Mr. Joseph Nedeau, owner of 105 W 6t" St. -requested an extension in order to make repairs to his privacy fence, the aforementioned property is under contract for sale and the new owner will make repairs by the end of April. 1 ,""" Page 2 Code Enforcement Apri112, 2005 (2). Case No.: 857-04, Animal Citation -Karen Ann Woods of 103 3rd St. West, Findings of Fact mailed certified but returned -second notification sent by regular mail. Fine not paid, City of Atlantic Beach Finance Dept. will turn over to Collections (3). Case No.: 711-0, Animal Citation - Mr. Andres Guzman Rojas of 1648 Main St., fines not paid, certified mail was returned. City of Atlantic Beach Finance Dept. will turn over to Collections 4. New Business: A. HEARINGS Code Enforcement Officer Alex Sherrer was sworn in by Chairman Sanders Case # 165-05 - Mr. Benjamin Brown, Chapter 12, Section 12-1(b) (7) Outside Storage of Miscellaneous Materials; Chapter 24, Sec 24-104 Conducting a Salvage Business in a Residential District, were made and served on the Property Owner as evidenced in this hearing. The Respondent, Mr. Brown wasn't present immediately to respond; Chairman Sanders reviewed the procedures and responsibilities assigned to the Code Enforcement Board before proceeding. The Board heard testimony from Code Enforcement Officer Alex Sherrer regarding the storage of salvage materials on the Respondent's property located at 457 Sailfish Drive as well as background information concerning the violation history. A visual slide was presented to demonstrate the violations. Code Enforcement Officer Alex Sherrer gave his recommendations to the Board that Mr. Brown be fined administrative fees and $500 for each violation. Chairman Sanders requested a clarification of the total fine amount; Code Enforcement Officer Sherrer recommended an administrative fee of $589.16 and $500 per violation, making a total of $1589.16. Mr. Benjamin Brown was sworn in upon his arrival at 7:25 pm. and Chairman Sanders reviewed the code violations with the Respondent. Mr. Brown stated his circumstances to the Board, suggested that he isn't responsible for all the material found on his property, and denied operating a salvage business from his home. 2 ""` Page 3 Code Enforcement Board April 12, 2005 Board member Pete Wyncoop stated that information presented to the Board suggests that Mr. Brown operates a salvage business at 457 Sailfish Drive and that Mr. Brown is responsible for the outside storage of materials. Board members found Mr. Brown in violation. Mr.Wyncoop motioned for the Board to fine Mr. Brown full administrative cost and $500.00 for each violation. Board member Hurd seconded and the motion carried. Board member Carl Russell suggested Mr. Brown be given three weeks from April 13th to clear salvage material from the property at 457 Sailfish Drive or a fine of $200.00 a day will commence until compliance is met. After a brief discussion, Board members agreed to forbid Mr. Brown to park a loaded trailer at his residence. Peter Wyncoop stated the motion, Mamie Hurd seconded and the motion carried. Chairman Sanders stated the findings of the Board to the Respondent, Mr. Brown 5. CODE ENFORCEMENT MONTHLY REPORT Code Enforcement Officer Alex Sherrer read the monthly report and noted that March was an active month for Code Enforcement. 6. BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS Board members agreed to hold the next regular Code Enforcement meeting tentatively in May. 6. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:05 pm. Curti Sanders, Jr., Chairm C B Attest: Susan Gorman, Secretary 3 0 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD AGENDA SPECIAL MEETING 7:00 P.M., April 12, 2005 Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag Roll Call 1. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting held on March 8, 2005 2. Old Business— Case Status on 3 Previous meeting A. Case# 24-05: Mr. Joseph Nedeau —Delapidated Fencing B. Case# 857-04: Ms. Karen Ann Woods—Animal Control Fine • C. Case#711-04: Mr. Andres Guzman Rojas —Animal Control Fine 3. New Business: A. Case # 165-05 —Mr. Benjamin Brown Jr. 4. Code Enforcement Monthly Report 5. Adjournment