09-25-07AGENDA '~ CULTURAL ARTS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH Adele Grage Cultural Center Tuesday, September 25, 2007 7:00 P.M. Present: Laurie Melancon (chair}, Lari Gaglione, Avery Goelz, Jolyn Johnson, John Longbottom, Ingrid McCawley, Hiatt Woods; Parks and Recreation Director Timmy Johnson and Secretary Karen Kempf. Absenf: Gary Becka, Manc Howard and Kelly Manuel. 1. Call to Order Chair Laurie Melancon welcomed committee members and called the meeting to order at 7:10 pm. 2. Meeting Minutes The Committee reviewed the meeting minutes for changes. Ingrid moved, Jolyn seconded, and the committee unanimously approved the meeting minutes of September 5, 200'7. 3. Continuing Business A. Events/Programs a. North Beaches Art Walk The new art walk will be on the third Thursday of each month from 5 - 9 pm. The Art Walk will be in the Central business area of Atlantic and Neptune Beaches. The next Art Walk is scheduled for October 18`" . b. Art in the Pazk Jolyn reported no news since last month's report. c. Bike Tour proposed March 15~~~~y~ Tim reported that L hh Coalson is willing to coordinate the bike tour. The committee will ask her to attend future meetings for planning Purposes. d. Songwriters' Concert John reported that 17 performers and 56 people attended last months concert. He said that more young people are attending since Douglas Anderson has been promoting the event. He commended the Park Rangers who did a good job of set-up for the evening. e. Acoustic Night September 16th had 15 performers with 60 attendees. This performance also had more young people attending. Photos aze available for the website. John is currently exploring how to have live international webcasts through synchronicity. com. He will need to further explore the technical needs for broadcast. f. Brochure Tim reported that an additional quote for printing the calendaz is needed but otherwise, it is ready to go with all the dates. g. Holiday Sing-Along Tim reported that the sing-along will have two snow machines for Saturday night. Ingrid has a karaoke machine and ADCC may have a screen as well. If the budget allows, the committee would like to have the words to the songs projected on a screen. A quote for the entire `package' of equipment (projector, cart, screen, speakers) will be obtained. B. Teen Council (i) Avery reported that the Sandcastle contest was cancelled. The next event is the Surf Contest on October 27. Hiatt will email event descriptions to Timmy for the calendaz and website. (ii) An event for Teen Council will be held on September 29 at AGCC. The Lymans, a local band will be playing. Profits from the event will go for Teen Council Scholazships. 4. New Business A. Fun Run (i) Dawn McGee has agreed to organize the Fun Run for next year. The committee asked to invite Dawn to the next meeting. (ii) Another group wants to do a serious run and wants to donate proceeds to charity. Does the city allow them to do that? Would it be city sponsored? Tim will check with the city manager. S. Other Agenda Items a. Budget 2 •* (i) City Commission approved the budget with the exception of line items for Mayport Elementary and YMCA. Tim will bring a copy of the budget to the next meeting. (ii) If Shakespeare in the Park was included in the budget, then Douglas Anderson or Carson (ABET) might know of Shakespearean groups. Tim will check with Carson and Ingrid will follow-up with other possible groups. b. Ponte Vedra Cultural Center The committee discussed inviting the director to come to future CARAC meeting to talk about its history, what they are doing, and explore possibility and joint shows, projects and classes in the future. 6. Adjournment Laurie thanked all those who attended the meeting. Hiatt moved and Ingrid seconded to adjourn the meeting. The chair adjourned the meeting at 7:40 pm. U~ Approved Laurie Melan on, President Date: 3