Item 8AAGENDA ITEM # 8A FEBRUARY 1 I, 2008 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: Approve request for Fiscal Year 2008-2009 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) application SUBMITTED BY: Sonya Doerr, AICP ~~ Community Development Director DATE: February 1, 2008 BACKGROUND: In accordance with the Interlocal Agreement with the COJ, the COAB receives a yearly allocation of Community Development Block Grant funds. These funds may be used for various categories of activities, but must serve low and moderate-income residents and neighborhoods. The COJ has no say-so in how we use our CDBG funds, provided that our projects and activities are CDBG eligible and administered consistent with HUD-established procedures. (The "application" is required so that the COJ can properly program the federal funds that are allocated to the entire County, which is a very lengthy process. We will not receive these funds until January or February of 2009. The final 07-08 contract allowing us to proceed with the current year projects was just received last week.) We have not yet been notified of the funding amount for the 2008-2009 grant year, but applications are now due. We anticipate receiving $100,000-$120,000. (As with most Federal programs, funding amounts for CDBG have consistently decreased over recent years.) The City Manager, Public Works, Public Utilities, Public Safety, Parks and Recreation and Planning Staff meet each year to discuss the best use of CDBG funds with priority given to projects needed to serve community needs where other sources of funding are not available. In recent years, funds have been used almost entirely for small infrastructure projects. While these were needed projects, the cumulative impact on improving neighborhoods is minimal. Staff has met this as usual this year, and concurs that a new approach to the use of our limited CDBG funds may be appropriate at this time. One of the program categories for CDBG activities is: Code Enforcement -Law enforcement to improve deteriorating or deteriorated areas. (In this case "Code Enforcement" does not refer to zoning code enforcement, but rather police and law enforcement.) Planning, Building and Code Enforcement staff along with the City Manager; Chief Thompson and Captain Classey have been coordinating over recent months with a focus on trying to develop some new strategies to deal with problem issues along Mayport Road, which run the full course from prostitution, drugs, deteriorated and "slum-lord" housing, and undesirable uses. We are still developing ideas as to how exactly we could program these funds, but we believe this could be an effective use of next year's CDBG funds. One thought is to fund the addition of a second officer for the Crime Suppression Unit. This position was funded in part by a JAG grant, and Chief Thompson advises that this source of funding may disappear or be substantially reduced. For the purpose of proceeding with our application to the COJ, staff requests authorization to submit a request to use FY 2008-09 CDBG funds within this category. Specific activities and programs will de discussed during the upcoming Strategic Planning sessions. BUDGET: General Government Fund 110-1005-515.63-00, FY 2008-2009. (Amount not yet available.) RECOMMENDATION: Motion to authorize the City Manager, or designee, to submit the request to the City of Jacksonville and sign documents as necessary to execute the contract for use of FY 2008-2009 CDBG funds in the category: Code Enforcement-Law enforcement to improve deteriorating or deteriorated areas, with specific activities and programs to be determined subject to future City Commission approval. ATTACHMENTS: None. REVIEWED BY CITY MANAGER: February 11, 2008 regular meeting