Item 10AAGENDA 11'EM # I OA FEBRUARY 11, 2008 Carolyn Woods February i, 200 Dear Mayor Meserve and Fellow Commissioners, I would like to take this opportunity to expand on my concept of how to enhance property rights by the way we handle Atlantic Beach's dilemma concerning the Residential Development Standards (RDS). I realize I caught you all a little off guard the other night and you did not have time to digest the concept or consider the possibilities and ramifications, and I apologize for that. Please allow me to better explain how we can increase the citizen's property rights. The RDS stated goal is -Within Old Atlantic Beach, the City shall discourage the redevelopment of residential lots in ways that are inconsistent with the built environment. (i~ To ensure that buildings are compatible in mass, scale and character with those of buildings traditionally seen within the residential neighborhood of Atlantic Beach. To accomplish this several new regulations were incorporated into the code including the FAR, the wall plate height limit, the g~ floor 50% limit and the wall length maximum. a. All are effective in different and complimentary ways. b. Many feel that together they are too restrictive. The proposal presently before the CD Board is to eliminate the FAR and keep the remaining regulations. A less restrictive approach would be to change the requirements so that a homeowner or designer would have to comply with those remaining regulations (wall plate limit, 3~ floor limit, etc.) or fly the FAR (without any wall plate limit, 3rd floor limit, etc.) . This adds an alternative to what is presently proposed, would be less restrictive and accomplishes many things: • Increased property rights o The homeowner decides the style of the architecture not the city o The property owner has a greater say in how the property is developed. o This provides options for the homeowner instead of restrictions. o By having the option to vary wall heights and lengths and the size of the third floor the right to choose and develop unique homes is preserved. • Accomplishes the stated goals of the Comp Plan and CDS code and Promotes the existing architectural diversity of the area o Old AB has been evolving as a neighborhood for about 9o years, during this time many architectural styles have come into and out of favor; almost all are represented within the core city. o If all homes are now held to the same design standards this diversity may be lost. o Having the ability to choose the design standards of your home will benefit the existing unique and complex community character. Elimination of the FAR will decrease homeowners' restrictions but by going one step further and modifying the code to allow for homeowners and designers to choose which of these concepts, FAR or Design Guidelines, suits their needs more is increasing property rights. Thank you for your earnest consideration.