Draft Min Shade 3/25/08MINUTES OF SPECIAL CALLED (SHADE) MEETING OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD ON MARCH 25, 2008. PRESENT: Mayor John Meserve Mayor Pro-Tem Mike Borno Commissioner John Fletcher Commissioner Paul Parsons Commissioner Carolyn Woods ALSO: aim Hanson, City Manager George Foster, City Chief Negotiator The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7:48 PM in the Commissioner Chamber for the purpose of discussing related matters regazding Union negotiations. The Mayor advised that as provided by Florida Statue 44'7.605, discussions regarding collective bazgaining negotiations are not open to the public but will be conduced within a Shade meeting. The Mayor then adjourned the public meeting to a Shade meeting to be conducted in the City Hall North Conference room. The current status of Northeast Florida Public Employees Loca1630 "Blue Collar" and "White Collaz" Union issues were then discussed with guidance being provided to the City negotiator. The meeting reconvened to the sunshine in the Commission Chamber where the Shade meeting was adjourned at 8:13 PM and the Special Call Meeting was adjourned at 8:14 PM. John Meserve Mayor/Presiding Officer ATTEST Donna L. Bussey, CMC City Clerk