S Fairway Villas 2148 Plannhip acid Zenirp ~ This approval vetlfiel OOn1pINn01 tirlM! tip111io1bM zoning, subdivision and OthN local land development regulations, MA does Ilel OortsNtulf approval for the isauanoe of permtb. Con+p~an0e with Florida Building Code and oNN otllet a aN local, State and Federal pennl#tinp nmenb muse be verified bye nature of the CNy of Wtantic Beach Building I prior b ~ ~ Building Permit. Approved By: Date: ~.~~und p~o~dsc~ Rdd ~fivn ,1 - - L~ ~ g -- Gz~~a~ COC~NTY, F~~ --___ .. .. ~ ~ ~~ Ul/as Die s Io-~ zl ys ~ ~,~ ~l~l eW1~Y V I LL/~c'= L1~N E ~7'J i +I Lo'C"~ 8 ~u~~ co,~ ..,..~.... L~ ~ ^ II _. ~ 21 ~~` FCu~ I /alas' ~~. S 1.0 DESIGN SPECIFICATI~NS~ DESIGN C[DX:~ The 2004 Florida Bullring Code Residential, 2004 Florida Existing Code, and FBC Supplement 2006. VIND LDADINCv ASCE 7/02 [ICCII'ANCY~ Resklentlal Group R-3 (Sk~gle 0 Multi-FamNy) BASIC WIND SPEEA 120 soh VIND IMP[ItTANCE FACTS 1.0 (Category II Bullring) VIND EXPOSURES B (Gtenter than 1500 ft from CCL or Henn Ngh tkle) INTERNAL PRESSURE COEFFICIENTS t 0.55 (Partially Enclosed BuRdhg - Located h the Vind-Borne Debra Region) MAXIMUM DESIGN WIND PRESSURES (psf)I Openhg Slze (sf> Interbr Zone Edge zones (3'-0' from outside corners) 0-20 +34 nail (-)36 +34 and (-)43 21-50 +33 and (->35 +33 and (-)40 51-100 +31 and (-)34 +31 nail (->31 >300 +30 and (-)32 +30 and (-)35 DESIGN CRITERIA AND LOADS (Cd:1 29 StaF. Parch L Lon de Top lard LL 20psf Tap lard L,L 100psF Top lard DL lpsF Tap lard DL 38psf Batton curd LL 10psf Bohan shad LL Dpsf Bottom r#ard AL Spsf Bottom thud DL Spsf ~~ Auks aith Starnpe ~. 3Dpsf Top chord Llr ~Opsf Auks althout storage LL 10psF Top lord DL Dlpsf Bottom lord LL OpsF Bottom lord DL SpsF D1IEIBML PRESSiItES) APPLIED NORiIAL 10 VALE SURFACES 2 LDEAR DtIERPQATDHI BETVEEN VALIES OF TRDIITARr AREA IS PERIDSSDIIE a PLUS AND NDd1S SIQS SD31QY PRESSURE ACTBG TDVARD i AVAr FRQI TN EXTERIDI VRLL SURFACE ~. ALL COPIBENT L CLADDD~ VALE ELDENTS SIIAII BE DESIGNID FDR IOTH ~DSITIVE NtD IEfAl1VE PRESSURES SKIM BI TAME ABDYE 5 CO-PlkllT L CLADDDiG ELEIENfS VITIOTt A DISTANCE'a' FROM a1fSilE CDRNglS ff TIE IUDmG SHN.I BE DESDiED fill TIE EDFf STRIP PRESSURE OTNJIVISE, USE DlIERIDt n1E PRESSURES. 6 DESBi! ff VDOB]VS/DODRS FASTEfOII< 10 ilE VALE FRAI~G IS iNE RESPONSIBD.ITr ff TIE VDOIIN/Dml MANUFJSUPPLIER L SIIALI NOT llE ABDVE NOTED POStiIVE 0 NEGATIVE PRESSURES, CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETES sFall hove ¢ caressive strength of 2500 psi nt 28 dnys, CdICRETE MAS~RY IAllT9 shop be concrete rosary vi! h accordance dth ASiM C 90 ord sfaU Fave c r~Y~n net area capressive strength of 1900 psi d en ushg Type M or S nortor GSTM C 270). In ncca~donce ath ACI 530, the 1900 psi Gak h con6t~ntbn ~ISh Type M ar S nortor provkks n design conpesslve strength (f'rA of 1500 psL GRaff~ The grout shoU be M ucordonce ~Ith ASTN C 176 vd shall hove c nn~ arse nggegnie she of 3/8' ploced ut an 8' to ll' slop ord Pave o iiiYw~ speclFkd capressive strength of 2000 psi nt 28 days ~Mn tested 6 uccordnnce dth ASTM C 1019. REIIfOtCI11G STEED stall be ASTM 0.615, trade ~0 STRUCTURAL STEED shall be ASTM 0.36. S1EEL PIPE ANU SIRUCTUtAL TUBING stall be ASTM 0.500 (Grade B) NEEDED VIBE FABRIC (WFb sMll be ASTN ALBS. ANCfOt BRTS AND 11READED RODS slwll be in accordance dth ASTM A 307 or AS1M F 1551 Grade 36. VASIEIGG stall be h uccordonce rkh ASiM F 436 Grade 36. M1TS~ slaU be h actordcrce dth ASTN A 563 Grade A Ilex ANCfQtDlfi ApESNE~ sFaU Ise one of the fdlo~kg pralutts (pIAL CARTRIDGE INSTALLATIlN ~LY~ ^ SYpson Scrag-tk Ca, Produ~b Epoxy-Tle SET or Approved Egial ~ SYpson Strap-tie Co„ Produ~b Avylk-Tk ar Approved Equal METAL CQ~EC1dtS~ NI ascot careciors ~hkh ore exposed to exterbr sfaU be gnlvurized, Z-MAX ar SS, 3,1 RO[~ ASSEy Roof Assemblies shall be designed h accordance rfth FRC chapter 9, 3P F~TINGS ANA FOINIDATIDNS~ Foo4kgs and faurwkifora slap be deslgied h uccavlnnce ~Ith FRC dwpter 1. 3,3 C~VCRETE~ Concrete shall be designed h accordance dth'BuDdng Code Requirements far Strucurol Concrete', Ap 318-0$ and shall be constructed in uccordonce with 'Specification for Structural Concrete ; Aq 301. 3,3 NAS~ItYi Mnsarry canst~rrucctlon stall be designed h nccardnnce dth 'Bu~3~g Code Regikenents for lWsary SSricGres', ACI 530.02 and shuU be carstructed h uaardon~e ~fkh'Speciflcntlons fa Ihsary SlncGres', ACI 530.1-02 ~~ STRUCTURAL STEEL Steel Caistrv¢tlm stall be designed in uccordonce rkh AISC 'lhnwl of Steel Cmstruc{bn' urd stall be consin¢ted h ncca~donce ~tlh AISC 'Spedfkndm far Structvol Steil BuNdng', Cade of StomkM Practke frc Steel BdB~g and BrNges','DetallFg for Steel Cans4vctloM, Vood framing shall be designed h accordance rlth'Natbral Design Specifkatlon (NDS) for Yood Construction', X001 Edtbn All rood members exposed to reather or contact rHh masonry, concrete or soft shall be pressure-threated 3.13 RDOF FRAMING All conventional frnmb~g shop be SYP 1k2. Refer to truss shop drnrkigs for truss details. Provkk soUd bloddng at sheothhg Johts h the first tro rafter ar truss spaces from gable erwts. Roof sheathing shall be attached to blockhg rith panel-end naRkrg requlrenents. 3,14 RO[~ SHEATHINGS Use 7/16' Rated sheathing fastened r/rhg shank nags 6' o.c edges, 6' o.c. Intermediate. TIr'Fastert~g Sa'r:dule' h Tohle R60Z30) shoB be used lUl1l h these plans and ~ fad The double top plate shah provide ~ 3,15 GABLE ENDVALLS n 4 ft lap and shall be face naNed rfth (8)16d or (12) ,131x3' on each side of the Joint. ProvWe latform frnml h attk or balloon trans wall studs nt all ble ends, P n9 !~ 3,1 FOIBVDATION PLATES DR SILLS ~. ifAKS altD MrTI1105s The StnKfiral Engheer shag not hove control ar be responsble for construction Thk system uses n threaded rod (tMyrbolt) contl~axxs from the foundotbn to the double top plate. deans, Methods, Procedures, l s or Se esl For the alts or odssions of the Contractor or 9~ yp n nnc or s are only required at the follorkrp locntbrm other or the rock or for the Fawu^e for an of them to construct tE-e cork h ~' Persons pert dn9 y Spaced 8 6 oc of the exterior roll swl plate There the thru-bolt sparing k greater than 6 oc accordance rich the contract documents. At the exterbr roll sIU plates There the thru-bolt ~ more than 12' from the end of the plate, Anchor belts are not requhed at hterlor benrhg mil sNl plates. 5, LDDTS ff STRUCTURAL ENGD~ERDiG DESIGN RESPaSDItITIES~ the hers speciFkall designed y ~r The nut nt the double tap plate shnil be recehre o fYal tlghter~Fp after the roof system ~ hstolled ~ Structural E er are limited to the fdlor conthuous fond th rhd t rood net hg' Pa ~ ~ Pa shearrnlls, call franhg and requalred sheatk~g and headers drectly supporthg roof froning, 38 FL SHEATHINGS Iter~ not designed pre-engMieered rood floor trusses, floor fromkig not specifkally addressed, use ~/~' ilfi plyraod gbed d!h a oxvirucibn adheske aril fosterkd per Tabk R612.30), ~ truss-to-truss comectbn and any architectural, mechanical or electrknl system. 3,9 VIAL FRAMIi~ 6. PRE-ENGDI~ERED V[~D TRUSS NDTES~ All trusses shall be des d and certified b Truss ~ Y EXTER1Dlt VALES Use 2x4 SPF lfz studs 1'st floor and 2x4 SPF t2 studs 2'nd floor 816' oc NJIOa Manufacturer's R Bred E er. ~ ~ D(TERIDt BEARDtU NAILS Use 2x4 SPF #2 studs 816' oc N1W DTTERIDt NOM-BRG VALES Use 2X4 SPF #2 studs 8 24' oc tUNd) PreFabrkated stn~rbl trusses shall ca~ly ~ IfPA Natbnal Design Spedfkotlax far Vood Car~iructbn, use SrP B2 top plates ord PT SrP ~ sou plotesAse o ml~hun of SPF utRlty grade far hterbr non-beorYg top plates TPI Dslgn Speclf Icatlons for Metal Piate Corrected Vood Trusses, and AITC 1~ ) l th it -b lt th tk l th f tb d th d bl t l t t th f d n genera e ru s serve as o e con xiois n an pa rom e ou e op p s o e oun n o vhere 'CDItVENiIaRL STRAPPDiG' ~ shorn h these pions, use' Brachg of trusses durhg erectbn ~stnllatlon shall comply rlth TPI iDB 91. Slnpson SP2 r/ (6)10d nags each end for call stud to tap plots corr~ectlons 832' ~. Slnpson ix2o strroppMg r/ m lodx>,5' noBs each end for second story roll stud canectlor~s 832' 4C, By sig~kig and seNkig truss layouts, The Engheer of Record ~~t) nukes ro claims regaraNrig the h SP1 r/ (6) toil rags to stud > ~ nail (4 1Bd nags to sBl plots 816 Ell" and orxiror belts of 32' corponent design that There spared the dele ted (Tess Design ) to achieve ~ ~ ~' ~ W ~ the frorrrig depleted on truss layouts. The EDR does rat clap th-e rock contohed on truss layouts Ef tlFl t th b ll l tb es tha e truss and beam span drec eorhg ca ocntbr~ are as his orn The t cer ns, and those rhkh the supportMg struchr~e There designed to carry, Duties delegated to the Truss Desigi y GENERALS Engk~eer ezpllsNy not covered by this seal hdude components Qndvldual truss) design, truss to toss Z Use 3' a nnB h the lover t ate on oil exterior rolls, ~ ~g ~ ~ SV-3 b >k t 3' EDGE NAILD~ ~ l i h corrections and truss to truss loo dreg ~ v ~ B. S a n es a so requ red at the bottom nail side edges of the sheoth g ~ 0 ~` Rated Shen ~9 0 Q Vhere 6ridr verrer ar stump hardplark bP siig, a hterbr spar aaB hdated undrrlar aiBr 1116 IMted sheathtig fashrrd Q r/ 8d ants. Unless noted as above, space ants nt 6' ac. edges, nail i2' o.c. Intermediate. ~ ~ HARDIPANEL Shenth ~ Q Vhere Hnr nel shorn use 5/16' Hnr nel shen fastened r/ bd nnNs. d~ d~ ~8 ' ' ~ ~ Unless notes otherr~e, fasten r/ 6d ants 6 o.c s, and 6 ac Intermediate. ~ ~ ~ Vhen SV-3 b roteo) 1. Fasten 7/16' Rated Shenthhg to studs r/ SV-3 NnBkp Pntern ` N 2. Fasten Hnrripnrrel Sheathhg to Rated Sheathg r/6d NoBs 6'0~. Edges 012' oc Internerinte. 3.11 HEADERS/JACK STUDS ReFer to these plans far bender and Jade stud rcquMerrnts 3,1z C[ILUMNS AND P[ISTS~ Attod- heodm to posts r/ m Shpsan IS20 fkt strops d m IOdxLS' nols to header and m 10da1,5' pals to post Nota~ headers under top plates ord bear an Jack studs ar use Sipson I1E410 harper d (~ 16d to roll ~ 16d to header. N Arrlar pasts to faudtatbn r/ Slpson ABU post base rl tll SJg' threaded rod set r Mo Foottp and ~ 16d nails to past Z or use (ll Simpson HTT16 r/ (1> 5/B 'threaded rod set 7' hto f oo (18> 16d nags to st. ~ ~ ~g Po i ~ ~ > ~ i W i ~~ 0 Z o~ >~ ~~ N ~N W'~ W~ o U •~ o: -° i Q ''s r\ ~oo~i mql o~ ~ a n ~ obi 0 m B W W~ O 2 J ~: Q m ~ ~ W~ Z~ W ~' 0 zips F~~ 1/~es 1~~ S- n e ~~~ o ~ _ o~ s~ I~ ~~ t~z12' DOVELS SET 6' INTO EPOXY IN EXIST, SLAB (TYPJ EXISTING HOUSE --- ----------1 a ;I I: 4' CONCRETE SLAB r/ 6zb t10 VVF OR I FIBERMESH REI1f, I OVER 6MIL VRP~t BARRIER OVER CLEAN COMPACTED TREATED FILL I ; A FOUNDATION PLAN scAL~ ~/e` - ~~-o` IXTER, WALL STUDS THREADED ROD PT SIII PLATE u ...~ ;•: 1..; '• .. ,.• . 4' CONCRETE SLAB r/ FIBERMESH ff 6zb-l0/IOVVM A (2)DS CONiD~N1a1S Fff b=12' UNDER 1 STORY VALL (3)DS CONTDRUOUS FOR i~16' UI~ER 2 STORY VALL (3)D5 CONTDRUOUS FOR 1r-20' UNDER 3 STORY VALL 25' MIN LAP BEND AROUND CORNERS n TYP/CALMONOL/TH/CSLABFOOT/NG EXISTING HOUSE EXISTING HOUSE pay~p~ UOOR PROVIDE SU~SSON 1TT20 a THE BOTT, AND SD~PSO( SPH4 a THE TOP ff THE VALL TYP, AT EACH END ff OPEIONG, t2) 2z6 1~R,cTYPa TIE-DOWN PLAN SCALE: t/8` ~ 1'-0` 2z12 SYPIk2 LEDGER, FASTEN TO Rte' THRU R~ DECK r/ 1 ROV lOd COMMA 3-#lOx~' DECK SCREVS r/ 1' DIA DASHERS AT EA NAIIS a ~' Oc RAFT INTERSECTION, L 2z6 OVERFRA)E RAFTERS ROff SHEATHING, J ~ PER GENERAL R~ NOTES MEMBER O:XISTJ SIMPSa H3 r/ 8-8d COMMON NAILS FRD1 RAFTER TO LEDGER LEDGERDETA/L ATOI~ERFR4M/NG R4FTER .........III..... I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I IDE I I I I I I I I I 4 IC ( PJ I I I I I I I I I I ~s ~ rn_ in..~ rn it rn r s~ i__ I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 SCALE: 1/8` ~ 1'-0` ROOF PLAN CONVENTIONAL FRAMING N~TES~ 1 All CONVENTIONAL FRAMDVG SHALL BE SYP, NQ 2 ff BETTER SYR a FASTEN ALL RAFTERS TD PLATES VITH SD1'SSON MTS12 TVIST STRAP r/ (1) lOdz1S' NAILS EACH END FOR SPMIS UP TO 20 FT, 3, FASTEN RAFTERS TO CEB.ING JOISTS V/ (4)12d COMB~I VIRE NAILS, 4, FASTEN RAFTERS AND CEILING JOISTS TO PLATES V/ (3)12d COM~I VDIE Tff-NRILS THRERDED ROD SPACINGI EXTERIOR WALU 5'-0' O,C, MAX, 0' SPACING ff TREADED ROADS EKC® 5'-0' O,C, THEN ADDITIONAL ll2'1 ANCHORS SHALL BE ADDED 10 Tlf Sill AT a MAX, SPACING ff 5'-0' 0~, (SEE DETAIL N/S-4) INTERIOR WALLI 4'-0' O,C, MAX, ~ ALL SIIPSOd METAL PRODUCTS VD.L REQUIRE THE Z-MAX FINISH YHEN USED 1N CONJUNCTON VITH PRESSURE TREATED LUMBER, SYMBOI LEGEND • THREADED ROD LOCATION N ~N w Who U •~ ~a l g c o^, mop, N 01 ~ rh ~ ~ ~ n~~ y m W Z 8 v~ ~ J W y Q~ Z ~ O W ~~ o ~S ~m O ~. OQ Q ~ t z ~ Q~ ~ J Q ~ ~ ~l o a0 ~ N 0 Z 0 N W S-Z 8 ai S a,~,w •c TIREAOE- R~ ANCIOiI~ SYSTEIY THREADED ROD ANCIfltU1G SYSTEM tee urmded roa sys~ ~ aondst a ~ u~e~ea ~, yea ~a ~tad^a to ae ra~m~ .d co ~rn~ ~a ~s m ~+~s nan~ea n u se ao ~ c~ The threoded rod sYsten stall caret of 8301 theeoded rail, arlerdelt vertirall and ottodx~d to the fauniotbn and to upperlast plate of ~ bxxthns hdkoted h these donalel~ Abore tap ~, 0 3'x3'xU4' this steel rasher, mre ~ ~,~~vr ~a s~ ~. c ~ ~ ~ Fasten nth ~ nR ud ola ~t Inst 3 tlrnk to ezknd ohove tlgAkM m! f iNs syshn eNrks ik mnmlhnl stryphp ngYe~ts of ~md Mkd cas4~ctlm Ue. stu~bplek pkk W faud~tlm Ues, Fasten dth a nit od a8a of least 3 threads to extend above tlghtenelt rut ( iIh sister e0ldmtes the conrentlolal stropphg regii~ellents of rood frurd canstructbn De, stud-to~lote plate to faulxlatbn t@s, Flarc-to-Mrc s6aps, aid k~dtr to Jed sM skapsl uiea atlrr~lu nokd h tlese doorcnls floor-to-fioor straps, old header to ,~dc stld strops) urdess otherrhe rated h these doa~ \ V2'1 TIREAOED I!~ ~ 1/2'd THlEADED ROD ~ ti 1 ~ o ~ SIlL PIAIE SDl PLATE ff Ill iHREAim ROU Ot ANCHOR F NO THREATED ROD OR ANCHOR ~ BUTT JORIT AINT R~ INSTN.LATIQI ~ DtSTALLATIOhk ~ d d~k perMllons, PraMe ~ hde h 1k pMh VY Imger thn ik dmiekr of tk tlreded rd used IA~Ae style arAhaa rat re prefared caQkrs Cppsm pN m epd) pry k geed h aus Mere ar cmtlnas rd k ufeesbk, At a0 plots penetntla~, provide a hale h the plate U4' ~ floor the dolater of the threaded rod used Hide shgk caltYarol~s rods ore praterred, caaplers (JTlpsan CNV or equoU nor be used h oases There ale corrttarous rod h unfeas0>le, Pods ~ k dnotel ce~ltered h hde Th d h 0 b h t 8 d Rah b t ki d f t tl l 6 d d f t tk l 8 f 2 Fd h n k t i li ~lki i f l M f 2 ti h h 10 f t t id flkt il f dM 41 Th n h f ~'~~h' cmkred in Ade ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ Q , , . BI1T IS LOCATED AS SIOYN PRWIOE BOLT IS LOCRTED AS SIAVN PROVIDE , y opprao T e ro s e e s o e , my s e ra he ~er u e s ar e ron rue rer y ~ nu o ~n o es r o uva m rw~ p a Ilox arl o t es ee o ovo ~n loor and ro s ou W w e mt shore 1k iypern~sS pMh shU 6e seared s t roxtlg Tile nut ohove the to shoo 6e seclred Pu o~ tk ~o9rr to strm 'I~M [adUon pWs me-hdf Nn of ~ s4rdiM wends fa llt coldtlan a --tl bs one•ixrlf turn of o strrldord Trench (o W radrh4 raodla 8S ft ~ 25 ft~s of Eor rtx ~ of tor lle~ ~' ~ ~' ~ o stro~ z ~` $ ~ ~ PT. SYPll2 A 1/2'~ x 5-ll~' EAPANSIIN GILT PT. SYPt2 A 1/2'4 x 5-1M E)<PANSIDN BOLT SILL PLATE SLLL %ATE 8 p y g g pp j pp g , g ~ $ ~ ~/ 1/2' YASIfR PLATE. rl U2' VASHER PLATE, AppKY A~~D~ AP01fY ANCIOtRlG~ o ' . w u.~d rot ~.o ~ aid u e~ rd~a.nn s~ ~r x~ sa~a~ Fear ~ a ~, na~ae ~ rr~ e~pe awe u~a r~ one ~r roa m ~ ~ ~ ~r r r~r a~~ rr«-n.d r n a~~ All threaded rah shoo be ~#ed ~ epalry ondared rNh SYl~al'SET' Itph Strepth Epary ar approved equal, ProvNe o nlria~ edge dstonce (neosured fran aelderlhe of rod to edge of slob) of P' far III franig and 3' h X16' froldp ~ } . ~ ~~ ~ .. . ~ ~• :; ~~ '~ ~ 4 '~ ' ' • ~ ° '' ~ PRWIDE Ai A DISTANCE ff H1 LESS PROVOIE AT A DISTANCE ff ~ LESS ' ' I I I ~ I I I 1 I I i I I I I I THREADED RDD I i ~ iHlEAOED R~ ~ • TIYW 6 AHU IA IOtE 111RN 1Y FRQI THAN 6 AND HD MORE THAN 12 FROM i i i I I I I I I TERMDiATES AT T • •; .. ~• , fPm(Y -I 5/8Y IRE fP EPOXY Df 5/8'1 HOLE ALL dltt. J0~lfS IN 11E SILL PLATE ALL BUTT, JOINTS IN THE SILL PLATE, I I I I I I i i i ~ i IIlfER1EUtAlE I I I I DVTERNEDIRTE I Ot ARCYI.IC a 9/16'f IRE OR ARCYLIC IN 9/16'1 IaE I I I I I LEVEL r/NUT I I LEVEL ~/Mlf i I • I I I I ~ Vp~ I ~ AND VASTER ~ I I I I HEADER I I THREADEDROD/SLABCONNECT/ON THREADED ROD/SLAB CONNECTION S/LL PLATEBUTTOMJO/NTDETA/L SILL PLATEBUTT M NT 0 J0/ DETAIL t I I I (SEE PLANI I I , , ~ nu ts¢ duw ~ i s~typLL tsEE plNp ' I ~ (sEE l~ I ~ ~ ~ e ~ I I I I I I N N I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ I I ~ ~N ~n 1 I I I I I I I I I I I ~ I I I I W, I I 1 I I I I I I i I W i~ O ~ I I I I 1 I I I I I I I L I I i I I v2^ aipot at ~ U2" ANCIOt BQ T ~ ~ ~ ~~ o` ~ w ~~I a ,S ~1 n 0 2z6 1}' 0 Zc6 1}' 1~ ' ' c~ rsous ff (3) ROVS ff 12d COIIOR NAILS (ti ROYS ff 12d COIDI IWLS (2) ROVS ff . Fu~mn~ FOUNDATION rntm~ n~no~o a~ m FASTEN THREADED ROD TO NOT SIAVN ff U2'1 z7' EPOXIED ANCfOt FGAOATllN PFR I(/Si ~ ~ FOUNDRTDII PER K/S-4 I ~~ ~ q ~ c o, m ° 01 " I ~ W Y t} o aye i Q 2x8 • Boa coca w as e ~r ~. s~nrr~n 10d COMMON NAILS a 12' o,c STAGGERED SIML BE O STALLED SIIAL BE INSTALLED ~ ~no~x ~o~m ff IEADER LENGTH o~ a ~ ° ° e ~. w as a mrx sus NAILS a BOTH SIDES e ' ' ' n' °i ~. 12 o,c E%CEED 5-0 EXC®S -0 , FASTEN COhER PDST , FASTEN COR~EER POST " ' ~°" OTHER SIDE o~a,esr~ir ff 2nd PLY ~ N N W S OGETIER r/12d CQI01 max .nza ca~a e 6• nc arn~ e 6' n~ atAGGEREm THREADED RODANCHOR/NG SYSTEMAND NOTES THREADED ROD ANCHORING SYSTEMAND NOTES , y W ~ 3 : m m o W ~~ l~I W Z S 8 w . ~ • N a g W D 3rd D ~ y y ~ (2) 1~ ~2) ~- ac ~_ 2 0 ~ J J a,~ yen Nf. +9lsYOYlti4~~ 2 ,~ (2) 2x_ V h ~ 18L1LH4 n BU/LT-UPMEMBER B /LT• P U U MEMBER ~ Q ~ 0 O~ 3 Q Q 3 ~ W p o s: m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a Q ~ l ~o a o ~ ~ M N N 0 ~ BWI~ARY ff BOUNDARY ff SIEAIHQlfi SHEATHING PLYV~ 02 SIEATIUNG PLYVOOD OR SHEATHING (SEE Cf~ERAL tl1fED (SEE GENERAL RTES) &_ SYP12 ]IBL.1W PLAiE. 2z_ SYPf2 DBL TOP PLATE I FASTEN lOGETIEk FASTEN TOGETIER I .. ~ ...... .... .. . .......... r/(8)16d CO)NQt I I E%AIPLE ff PAIEL E%AIPLE ff PAIEL SPLICE IN ~ (1~ .13 3' NABS SPLICE DV DR tl2) a31z3' NAILS ~ ~~ ~~ EDGE r/ BLOCKING UPPER pLpiE ~! EA SIDE ff ilE UPPER PLATE a EA SIDE ff TIE ' i I VIERS RE7D, VIERS REG'A ~ ,AIN T, Jam. I i I NAIL SPACING Ai NAIL SPACING AT .. . ' ' ' .. ... ROD VlTtml 6' ff RDD VITHIN 6' ff BOTTOM DBL TOP SPLICE DV ~ ~ 0) N Z i I I SUPPORTED EDGES, ~ .... ... ... LOypt pLp~ LOYER PI.AIE A~,AU S, PLATE JOINTS, pL SOPSR! HIAlRICA~E CLIP SD~PSON HURRICANE CLIP 0 0 (GEIERAL ~TE~ (GENERAL NOTES) . I SND STUD RDD CENTERED ON ~ AFTER ~~~ h N - I I DINPIE ff E%AIPLE ff UNSIPPIiR ' 1IF PLA~E DOUBLE TIP PLATE ~ (U~ALOp~N PAIEL (UdBLOCKED) PAIEL . T~ J~lfS Ot R~ TOP JOINTS OR ROD W W I ~ I EOff (TYPJ EDGE (TYPJ ~1 EA SIDE VIiHM ON EA SIDE VITHIN • C ~ I ' ALL ff R~ IS f~lEATER ALTS tF ROD IS GREATER ~ ~ ~ I NAR~IG 70 NAMING TO TIWN 6' FRgI JmNf- ADD THAN 6' FROM JOINT- ADD ~ 0lTERIEDpTE lNTERIEDIATE SOPSDI SSP AT ,AQIL SIMPSON SSP AT JOINT, I SIFPOtT IS 6' SUPPIRT 1S 6' ' I aC, WUf, O~C, MA)G STUDS, R~ STUDS, R~ TRUSSES Ot TRUSSES OR I 1'-0' Mitt 4 -D' MIIL .I ~ ~ I I FLmt ,AISTS FLOOt JOISTS; I ~ I E PLATE fb &61~ ~OUBI (2) 2z6 TOP DOUBLE PLATE . n SHEATH/NGNA/L/NGDETA/L SHEATH/NGNA/L/NGDETA/L n DBL TOPPLATESPUCEDETA/L DBL TOPPIATESPL/CEDETA/L . UPUFTCONNECTOR UPL/fTCONNECTOR G S3 ~~ ~~ (~) SINPSDN SPH4 (~ 2x_ TDP PLATE 1 HEADER OPEI~NG LESS TWIN 43'(3'-17 SHALL USE (1> KING 6 U) CRIPPLE. DPENDVG BETVEEN (3'-7')-(B'-D') SWILL USE t~) KING STUDS 6 (P) CRIPPLES (U~OJrJ IF a'ENDrG EXCEEDS B'-o' DV VIDTH SEE PLAN NPS LTTPO SINGLE SIL L 1S ACCEPTABLE 'U2' THREADS Fat ffENI NGS UP TD ~ (T YPJ 5'-1' WIDT H SILL ATE S'. r. R ., • .~•: ~~. TYPICAL W/NDOWDETAIL RND 3'x3'xl/4' SDI SPH4/6 OR LSTAIB a 32' Dt, (P) i'x_ TOP PLATES VASHER (TYPJ /- scan et r~urur, rnrcQ ~~~ UZ' iHR ASSEMBL' ff KArG :ADED ' VIT RDD HIN 6' HEADER ST a'ENDrG LESS THAN 43'(3'-7') SHALL USE (ll KOVG k (1) CRD'PLE, (PENOIG BETVEEN (3'-1'~(B'-0') SHALL USE t2) KING STUDS L (i~ CRIPPLES (U,O,NJ IF (pEIHNG EXCEEDS B'-D' IN VIDTH SEE PLAN SILL PIATE • t n •~ TYP/CAL DOOROPEN/N~DETA/L RATED SHEATHING (REFER TD NUfE 3.14 ON SHEET S-1 Fat SPECS) RAFTER a 16' O~C, (2) 2x_ TOP PLATES , HURRICANE ANCHIR RATED SHEA -3'z3'x1/4' VASHER t 1/P' NUT (TYPJ CED.DVG ,AIST 1/i'' GYP, CEII BDARD OR 5/B' GYP, VALLBDARD UP' GYP, VALLBOARD UP's THREADED ROD PZ_ STUDS ! 16' D~ P,T, Px_ SILL PLATE r/ SEAL :. •~,~ • . e ', ~. ~.. .~ . ~. I~ITfOC FTNG (SEE DETAIU n TYP/CAL ONESTORYWALL SECT/ON 2/ n t 0 s~ o~ rF s ~~ N ~N W 'h Who U •~ ~o~ a~n ~ 001 m ~ ~ U 0! Z y O ,: W ~ m z ~e W~ W y ~ Z O ~ c~ ~~~. ~ Qm 0~ ~ OQW~ Q ~ a 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ Q 2 ~l ~ o p~ ~ \ ~ Q ~ ~ ~ N ~ , 0 N ' i Z ~ I _ I ~ I _ I I W ~ ~ I #~ i i i O I s~ DESIGN C[D1E~ The 2004 Florida Bullring Code Resblentlnl, 2004 Florida Exlsthg Code, and FBC Supplement 2006, WIND L[IADDtG~ ASCE 7/02 [CCUPANC7~ Residential Group R-3 (Shgle 6 Multi-Fanty) BASIC WIND SPEEA 1~0 rtph WIND IMPMTANCE FACT[Nb 1,0 (Category II Butdir~ WIND EXP[Ix1RE~ B (Gteater than 1500 ft from CCL or Wean Wgh tlde> INTERNAL PRESSURE C~FFICIENT~ t OS5 (Partblly Enclosed Butdhg - Located h the Wlnd-Borne Debra Regbn> MAl(IMIBI DESIGN WIND PRESSURES (psfb [Ipening Size tsf) Interior Zone Edge zones (3'-0' Fran outside corners) D-20 +34 and (-)36 +34 and (-)43 21-50 +33 ~ (-)35 +33 and (-MO 51-100 +~ ~ (-)~ +31 and (-)31 )100 +30 and (->32 +30 and (-)35 DESIGN CRITERIA AND LOADS' ~Loadho ~> 29 stall. Path L lan dtn t~ Tap chord u 20psf Top d,ord LL io9pssf Tap chord DL lpsf Tap lard 1L 3Bpsf lotto" cfiad L1. 10psf lotto Chord L1r Opsf lbtton Bard BL 5psf lotto" chord DL Spsf flaoc.loa~gSf~l~ Auks rNh ~+Re ~. ~' Top chord LL R6psf Auks atlhout stooge LL 14psf Top danl DL 10psf bttaw Bard LL Opsf bttow Bard 1L 5psf D1IERIYYII PRESSURES) APPLffD NDRNN. ID VALL SURFACES i; LDEAR DtTERPQ,ATI01 IETVEEII VALIES ff TRDIUINIf AREA ~ PERI~IM.I 3 PWS Ai0 MDUS SIGNS sma1~ PRESSIRE ACTD~ TDVARD L AVAr FRDM 1H Ell1ERID1 VALL SURFACE 4. ALL CONSENT L CIA~G VALL EIDENTS SHKI >E DESI!?ED Fell aTll POSTTIVE ANI NEGIITlVE PRESSURES SHDVII BI 1AIIf AIOVE, S COPOENT F; CLADDi~ EU]EIOS Villfl A DISTAILE 'a' FROI OUTSIDE CORNERS ff liE 1Rl11Dl~ SiYYl [ DESBiEI f11R TIE E16E SiRP PRESSURE DIiERVaE, usE DtIERM tl>E PRESSURES 6 DPI ff VDtgIIS/DBDRS FASTENIIG N THE VAU. FRNQRG IS 1iE RESP~ITY OF THE VMalf/llmt MANUFJSUPPLIER N SNKL MEET 1)E AIIOVE NOTED POSITIVE L NEGATIVE PR~lES, CAST-1N-PLACE CRlCRET6 sFall have o corpressive strength of 2500 psi at 28 days. cow war mars ~~ e~ ~t~ ~«ry ~m r, a«ora~ ~ra~ nsn~ c ~o ~a ~wu rw~ a ~ net ores carpressive s4renpM of 1900 psl ~F~en usirg Type M or S nortar (ASlll C 27~. In aaadorce dth ACI 530, Hr 190D psl hlodc h canbFgtion fifth type M ar S iartor provides a deslpn capresslve strength (F'-J of 1500 psl GRQ1G The grout sfnll he h uccadonce dth AS1N C X16 and sMU Fave n nom carne ngprrypte she of 3/8' pload ut on 8' to ll' sUp ad hive a ~ spedfkd co~ressMe streigth of 1000 psl nt 28 days Shen tested h xcordonce dth AS1M C 1019. REb~'OiC11K STEED sYnU be ASTN A615, Grade ~0 STRUCTU2AL STEED stall be ASTM A3G STEEL PIPE Aid SIRIIC1UtAL TUl01G sfaU be AS1M A500 (Grade ~ VELDED VDlE FAMtIC MIFL slap be ISTM N85, AICIUt BO.TS Alm TII~AA~ED RCS sfgU be h nccordonce dih ASiM A 307 ar ASiM F 1551 Grade 36. VASIfRS~ slaU be h uccardorce dth ASTM F 436 Gnde 36, MIfL stall be i+ occordonce dih ASiM A 563 Code A Hex A~CIOtllfi ApESIVE~ sMU be one of 4he Fdlo~Yig prodcts (dYY. CAR1RIDff -6iALLATm! DIYM ~ SMpsan Scrag-tk Ca, Praduc4 Epoxy-Tk SET ar Approved Egwl ~ SMpsm Strap-tle Ca, Produ~4 Avylk-Tk or APDr'a'~ ~ IETAL C~IECI~L AU natal cmnectors ~ ore eMposM to exterbr sfaU be gnlvor~fted, 2-NAX or SS 3A IXNSTRIICTI~1 SPECffIfATU11L 31 Rte' ASSEMBLIES RooF Asseeiblies sholl be designed h nccordonce rah FRC cfapter 9, 32 FmTINGS ANA FOIRlMTIONL FootYgs nrd foiridndons stall be desigied h otcordnrce ath FRC clapter 4. 3,3 C[~ICRETE~ Corllrete shall be designed) h accordance atth'BuwaNng Code Requlrenents for Struclrol Concrete', AC1318-01, and shill be constructed b accordance with 'Spectficotton for Structurd Car-crete ; ACT 301. Mnsary canst~v¢ibn sfall be deslq~ed h accardonce ~Ilh 'Bul~ig Code Requlrenents far Mowry Sbr+rtires', ACI 5392 aid sholl be canshat[d h occardonce dlh 'SprdFknHais fa Mcsarry Strrctve~, AC[ 530.1-0P. 34 STRUC7UtAL STEELi Steel Consiructlon slgU be deslgr~ed h ucordorce ddi AISC 'Morwnl of Steel Canstructbn' and shall he canslncted h eaardNCe dM AISC 'SpedFko4lon far Strucfiral Steel Brig', Code of Stand~M Prnctke far Steel lilig ud BAdpes', 'Aet~6p fa Skel Ca~s4rctlon', 3,5 WOODS Wood fradng sholl be designed In occordonce rlth 'Nntbnnl Design Specifkntbn (NDS) for Vood Constrixtbn', X001 Editbrt All rood members exposed to weather or contact rlth masonry, Concrete or sot shill be pressure-threated i ~ Ttr'f Sdkdide' h Table R6Gf.3(U shell be usN UNJL h these and as fotor9 the obubk to slat asterhg P~ ~P Ph P-~ n 4 ft lap and shall be fore noted rlth (8)16d or (12) .131x3' on each side of the Joht, 3.13 ROOF FRAMIN[~ All canventlonal frnnhg shall be S`fP t2, Refer to truss shop drnrhgs for truss detnNs, Provide saDd bbddng at shenthhg Johts h the first fro rafter a toss spaces Fran gable girds Roof sheothing shall be attached to blockhg rlth panel-end nnilhg requlrenents, 3.14 ROOF SHEATHII~ Use 7/16 Rated sheothhg fastened r/rhg shank awls 6 ac edges, 6 ac, hternedlote, i 315 GABLE ENDWALLS provhie atforn fro h nttk or balloon frnne roll studs t ll bl d l ~ n k o '~ ' ~, ~ i ~ o~ , r ~ ~ 3.1 FOIBJDATI(Bl PLATES M SILLS a a e en s, P 9 gn ~. MF14~ ANB IETl~ the Stnxtlral EngYleer shall rat care cor~rd or be resporsble far car~tnxtlon Thk system uses a threaded rod (thru-bolt) canthuous froe the foundatbn to the dable top plate, ~, , Procedures, T ar l Far the acts ar ol~sbrrls of the contractor or y o nnc s are only requred at the foUorhg lacntbr~ athpl+ Or the lark or for ~ fawu~e for of then to corstru[t the rork h ~Y P P~'f ~9 ~' Spaced ! 6' ac of the exterbr rat stl plate there the ttru-bolt sparing h granter than 6~ ac accordance Nlth the contract documents, At the exterbr roll stl plates d~ere the thru-bolt k pore thou 12' from the end of the plate, Anchor belts are not required rat hterbr beorhg roU sIU plates. 5, LDUTS ff STRl1CTlRAI ENGBEERD~ DESIGSV RESPaSMl1TffS~ The items {fkall ~ YbY The rxrt rat the double top plate shat be recehe n fhnl tl~ghterdng after the roof system h hstnlled The Structural are Inked to the fd Canthuols load th rhd t rood Engkleer lorln9' pn upOf , portal shearralls rail fro and re Iced sheaf and headers drectl t roof fro x'19 q~ h8 Y ~PPa" h9 ~ N 3.8 Flit SHEATHB~ t Items no pre-eng~leered road floor trusses, floor frnr~rg rat spedfkaliy addressed, ~N ~, III 31M Tt6 plpood glued aNh a oarotrucibn adhesMc ant fastened per Ta6k R6t~ truss-to-truss correction and any architectural, mechankal or electrkal system W W~ o 3.9 VALL FRAMINfe ~, PRE-ENGUEERED VmD TRl15S I~TES~ Rll trusses shall be des and certified b Truss ~ Y ~o o ~ I EXTERIM YALLS' Use 2x4 SPF #2 studs 1'st floor and 2x4 SPF #2 studs 2'rd flow E ~' o~c (11ttN auw ! ffi' ID F Z t Marlufactlrer's R Bred er, a_ s ~. ~, m ~ s DfTER t BEARDrG VAlls' u~ 2x4 SP i> uds ac o~ ~ DlTERIDt NON-)tlfi WALLS Use 2x4 SPF t? studs a 24' ac Nxu) Prefabritxted strrrctral trusses shall ~ If Prt Natbrlal tbrs f or Vood ~+PIY ~- I a, ~ use SYP #2 top plates and PI SYP t2 sA pbtesllse o nhban of SPT' u1Yty grade far hterbr em-bcorhg top pbtes TPI Dsign Specif katlorls for Metal Plate Corrected Vood Trusses, and AITC lOQ ua ~. ~ o~ t bb l t he abu ! tap p ate to k fourxktbn in generral the thru-bdts serve ns the conthuous load path from vhere 'CONVENTIDNAL sTRAPPDG' ~ shorn h these plans, user Brachg of trusses durhg erectbn hstollatbn shall comply rith TPI MB 9L SP2 r/ (6) lOd rats each end far rrU stud to top plate cariectbns ! 32' OC, shpsa- CS20 stropphp r/ m iDabcl,5' rats each avid far second stay tall stud comectlares ! 32' o,~ By sig>Irlg and seNMlg truss layouts, The Engheer of Record (Eaq rakes rr Balms regaraig the y 4 s: m Shpsan SF9 r/ (6)10d nuts to stud and (4) Mb rats to sN plate 8 tb D1w ord orKhor belts at 32' ~ c de flat where the del fed (Toss ) to a~leve orlporlerlt ~ Pry by ~ ~8~" the framYlg depleted on toss loyouts,l)le EM does rat doer tale rock caltohed an toss layouts 1 ? B as h~ Ora The EM CertlFles that the truss and be0~n span ~ectlor~s, and beorMlg roll lOCntbrs Ore ~ W 310 EXTERIM WALL 6 INTERIM SifARVALL SIfA1HING~ those rhkh the struc~re there to cart , Duutlees del teal to the Tress ~PPa'~0 Y ~ y ~ GENERAL rat covered tNs seal hdude is (hdvldual truss) , tress to toss ~9~' Y by ~ ~ ~ 2 Use 3' a nn h the lover me on all exterbr rolls, dge Nhg top pl and truss to tr Loa comectlorls, ass V ~~ SV-3 hdkotes 3' EDGE NAD.BIt; ~ also requhed at the bottom and side edges of the shenthhp ~. q~ -~ Q s: m Rated Shenthhg Q Q ~ ~ Vhere shwa, bride verrer, a handplanb bP sillig~ or hb!rior shat tall hioaid, ualerkr rMh 1A6 Rated sheathhg fasterol / 8d U d b t d 12' t l t 6' ht ri d q ~! ~ ~ ~ r ra s, n ess no ns a ove s ce ra o~c erne e s rat o~c, an nte, ges, Pa e ' ~ W HARDD ANEL Shent ' ~l C~ Where Hnrclpnrx shorn use 5/16 Hnr~ripnnel shenthhg fastened r/ 6d rats, Unless notes otherrbse, fasten r/ 6d ants 6' oc, edges, and 6' o~, hternedlate, ~ ~ "' Vhen SV-3 b rated ~' N L Fasten 1/16' Rafael Sheathhg to studs r/ SW-3 Nntbg Paters k1 8 Fasten iiardlpar~el Sheothhg to Rated Shenthg r/6d No1ls 6'o~e Edges L 12' of Internerintt, e 311 i~ADERSlJACK STUDS Refer to fkse plans far header and ,grit stud regil~erents 3~1P CMUMIS AND POSTS Attad~ headers to pasts r/ m shpsan CS20 flat straps r/ m piddS oats to header and m IOddS oats to pock Notch headers under tap plates and bear an Jack studs or use Sbpsan ilN'A11 hanger rl (~ 161 to roll ~ 16d to header, N Andia pasts to foundatbn u sbpsan A~ post base u (D Sl6' threadel r'd srt r hto footbp and u~ 16d rots to post Z or use (U HTT16 r/ (1) 5/8 ' tMeatbed rod set 1' hto f g8)16d Hots to ~ ~ ~g P~~ _ i h ~ W I 2~ y8 Fuizwa.~ ViZ,~eio D~ S-f n '\. o ~S ~~ ~~ t4x1~' DOVELS SE1 b' INTII EPOXY DV EXIST, SLAB (TYPJ EXISTING HOUSE I I I I 4' CONCRETE SLAB r/ a ~I I~ 6x6 t10 VVF ~! I FDERIESH REDF, I OVER 6MD VAPOR BARRIER I OVER CIEAN CUPACTED I TREATED FILL I I I A FOUNDATION PLAN scuE ~/e• - ~~-o• EXTER, VALL STUDS THREADED ROD ' CQIERETE SLAB rl PT SDL PUTE ~~ OR 6x6-10/IOVVM Y • . .' ,;, i ..~: .~ .• . (2~S CO~TD~1l1i1S FtR k~lc~' UNDER 1 ST<Xt1' VAII (3NS CaTD~N1alS FOI b~16' UNDER 2 STffY VALL (3115 CDMiDD1a1S FOl b=20' UNDER 3 STORY VALL 25' IQN LAP BEND AROl1ND CffMERS n TYP/CAL MONOL/TN/C SLABl~OOTiNG EXISTING HOUSE ~~ Dmt PROVIDE sD(PSON LTT~O a TIE BOiT, AND s>NPSDN SPII4 a TIE t~P ff TIE PALL TYP, RT EACH END ff OPENDKi (~ PZ6 HIMt~T'fPJ TIE-DOWN PLAN Pz12 S+fPB2 LEDGER, FASTEN TII R~ THRU R~ DECK r/ 1 ROV 10d CQBOd 3-t10x~' DECK SCREVS r/ l' DIA DASHERS Al EA NADS a 3' OC DrTERSECTID~ t ~cb OVERFRAlE RAFTERS ROff SHEATHDIG, J ~ PER GENERAL ROff RTES 10(BER (EXIST) SUPS~I H3 r/ 8-Bd COIDU! NADS FROM RAFTER TD IEDGER LEDGERDETA/L ATOVERfRAM/NGRAfTER EXISTING HOUSE III II ................. ~~~ ~~ ~~ IDE ~~~~~I (a... I ~~ ROOF PLAN ~: i/e• - i•-r CONVENTIONAL FRAMING N~TES~ 1 ALL C(INVENT1UlAl FRAIONG SHAIL BE SVP. NQ B ff BETTER SAP, 3 FASTEN ALL RAFTERS TD PLATES VITH SD(PSaV MTS12 TVIST STRAP r/ (n lOobcLS' NAO.S EACH END FOR SPANS UP TO 20 FT. a FASTEN RAFTERS TO CEDING JOISTS V/ (~>>zd COMD~I VOIE NAiIS 4, FASTEN RAFTERS AND CEDING JOISTS TO PLATES V/ (3)12d CDI~QI VIBE Tff-lNDS, >F SPACING ff TREADED ROADS 'EXCEED S'-0' Off, TIEN ADDITID1Al v2'i ANCHffS sHAll. BE ADDED TO TIE SDL AT A WIK SPACDVG IINTERIt~t WALL• ~'-0' 11C. MAX, ~ All SUPSa IETAL PRODUCTS VDL REQUIRE TIE 1-NAX FD~OSH VIEN USED IN C~I,XJNCTrN VITH Q PRESSURE TREATED LUNBEfI SYMBOL LEGEND • THREADED ROD LOCATION ~~. v~ ~~ W ~ W 1i O ~° o~ ~~~ ~~o~i m„ o,'~ n~~ W m y ~~ o ~ ~, ~~ Q3~~ ~ ~~ aa~ n N N Z 0 0 J W tt S-2 rI~EaDED ROD aNCI~tING srsTEMM o The threaded rod srsten shop cal~kt of A3D1 threaded rods, arlellted vertlcoq and attacMled to the fouadotlorl and to uppernostt plots at Ole laathns hdkated h these doclaa~Its Above tap te, a 3'x3'xV4' Oidc steel washer, ~ FosOrl rffMl a nut erd aDa at lest 3 threads to extend above tighterelM Ixit ( Thh systen elhkates the cornerltiond stroppMlp regdrellents of anod frolled ca~trllctbn Oe, sbld-to~plote plate to faundaOarl tks, floor-to-fflaor strops, ord header to Jack stud straps) udess otherdse noted h iilese dotunerds `ti ~' ~ ~ V2'1 TIIEADED ROD ~ RDD INSTALLA_TI~M `,~ c `` At ~ tr tbns ~ hde h Ole to 11f' Own the db~ter of the threaded rd Iced VIAe calthuous rods ore c pk peretn , provide P~ hr'9ef' shgV preferred, ouplers (Srpson qtY ar equo0 nq be used h Doses afire arR cordFo~ola rod h u~l'easble, ~ SIII PLATE IF MO 1HREATED ROD ff ANCIOR ~, JOINT the rod sheG be hstoued appraxhotelf entered h hole. Rods nay be slarded Fran ~ verOcnl a noadrrl of 2 hdx~s h M feet to avald rfOI floor and aaU frollMg the rort oboes Ole upperlast plots shah be secu~ed BfI.T IS LOCATED AS SIOVMI PROVIDE PL SYPIl2 ~' ~ ~' to a stralg~tbht rooddal ply aneilolf tern ~ o stalldud arerch (opprmdea y 2S ft,~ of targuel a 112'! x 5-1/4' EXPANSION BOIT SILL PLATE o~ ~ r/ 1/2' VASMER PLATE, ~ , . AN threaded ro~ shoD be dr~d ~ epoxy arxfnred aNh Silpsal'SEiT' Ilpll Strellpth Epaxr ar opprored egiaL ProrMk o ~ else dVkonoe Ganlwrd fral erlterlhe of rod to of slab) of r far ~C4 f and 3 h X16' f ~ ~ ~ ~ .. ~ ~ ,. ~ ;;, .~ '• ~ ~ ~ I I I ~ I I 4 • '•~ a` PROVIDE AT A DISTANCE ff tO IESS I I I I I I I I I I I TIREADED ROD I THAN 6 AND ~ !~ THAN 12' FROM I I TERMONATES AT ' • ALL BUTT. JOINTS Dd TIE SDl PLATE, I I I I I •. •. ,• ~ I I I I DdiERMEDUITE I EPOXr Dt S/B'I IaE I I I I I LEVEL ~/NUT I ff ARC'NC DV 9/16'1 IlO.E I I I I I AND VASMER I • I I I I HERDER I I I I I yI',. (SEE ~ I I I I All (SEE f1AlU I SIEARIIRLI (SEE PLAID I THREADED ROD/SLAB CONNECTION S/Ll PLATEBUTTOMJO/NT DETAIL I I I I I i I " I ~~ I I I I I CN I I I I I I ~ I I I I I I W I I I I I I W ti o I I I I I I ~ c~ • .. I I I I t ~~I FDUNDRT10l V2" 80.1 ~ ~ ~ • (3) ROVS ff FASTEN TREADED ROD '10 ~ ~ ~ oO1i 1 02x6 MOi SIOVN ff V2'1 x1 EP~(IED RNCIOt m „ I t} 12d CDll0~1 NAILS FOUtDARTIDt PER K/S-4 1 0 2x8 (~ ROVS ff SItAL BE DiSTN.LED as ~ 12' ac STAGGERED ~ ~ . lOd CDNEN MWIS ff HEADER LENGTH ~ 9 ~, ~. o~ NAILS a BOTH SIDES EXCEED y~, • FASTEN GORIER POST TOGETIER ~/12d COIOt ~ ~ N e 6' OI" (STAGGEREm OTIER SIDE ~ ~ y THREADED ROD ANCHORING SYSTEMAND NOTES ~: ff 2nd PLr l~P~SI W ~ 2 B ~ N . • N . D 3rd y ~2) ~- ~- ~ V J 2 21t. ~ S Q ~; ~, m ~ W BU/LT~UPMEMBER Q o ~ Q~ ~ ~ N 0 BOUNDARI' ff PLYVOOD OR SIERTIONG SIERTMIDiY (SEE GEMERRL MOTES) 2x_ SrPB2 DBL Tff PLATE I FASTEN TOGETIER .. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .. .......... r/(B)16d CQlOd I EXRMOLE ff PAIEL ~ SPLICE IN OR (12) ,131x3' MYtiLS I I EDGE r/ BIOCKUIG ~ UPPER PIATE a EA SIDE ff TIE I I MERE REG'Q ~~ I I ROD VITMON 6' ff H I NAZI SPACING RT ... BOTTDIM DBL Tff SPLICE DV Z I LOVER PLATE SDPSDI ItURRICME CLIP SUPPdtTED EDGES, .. ' PLATE JaITS~ O (GEMERAI MOTES) - I STUD H I . R® CENTERED DDI RAFTER - EXAlPI.E ff UNSUPPI1tT DOUBLE Tff PLATE ~ I W I (UdBIOCI~D) PRMEL Tff JOD(TS ff ROD I D.' I EDGE (TrPJ a EA SIDE VITHIMI . AIT~ if ROD IS GREATER ~ NAIIDfG Tfl TARN 6' FRDN JOINT- ADD INTERMEDIATE SDPSDId SSP AT JOINT I SUPPQiT IS 6' I Ot, NRX. STUDS, R~' ,~ 4'~' MOK I ~ TRUSSES ff ~ i FLOUt JOISTS I (~ 2x6 TOP DOUBLE PLATE I SHEATHING NAILING DETAIL UPLIfT CONNECTOR DBL TOPPLATESPL/CEDETA/L ~~ ~~