Ordinance No. 80-08-76ORDINANCE NO. 89.Oi-?6 AN ORDINANCE OF TSE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CBAPTER Z2 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, iPTIL, PROVIDING NEW SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGES" TO REPLACE WATER AND SEWER IINPACT FEES, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE ORDAINED BY CITY CO1IION ON BEHALF OF TOE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF ATLAN'T`IC BEACH, FLORIDA: SCCTION I. Sec. 22-16 of the Code of of the City of Atomic Beacb, Fkxida, is hereby am~ded to read as follcwvs: "Sec.22-16. Conna~ion dtarga; i~ial payaeat of aaa wa1~ reataL (a) Upon the applic~ion of the owner or consamr~er for water service, the connection charge shall be the ae~ual cost of , meter box, valves, fittings, pipe, tubing and labof. C`annection will be esmblishod by the city from Buie tv tune. (b) The minimum water rental for the period fiom the date of installation tp the followi~ minimum water billing date shall be oolloc~ed at the time P~ is made for the cosu~aa charge. (c) The dir~ectar of finance is directed to mcxive the connection charge and cause same to be invested in interest bearing soca~ities that are m~ advactageous to the city's interest. The securities shall be entitled "City of Atla®Aic Beach, Water Fnod." The water fiord shall be used solely for capital imProv to the water Plant and supply system. (d) Payment of connection foes and system de:veic~ment cba~es shall be due and payable on the date of issuance of a building permit. A c~gltte building permit applicsxtion must be received on or before T~coember 1,200!8 to be vested fi~ the new fees.. A calnplete build'mg permit apples will be cxymple~e when all items are submitted in accordance with the Buildi~ Department Checklist. To ranain vested the building permit applic~on uu~ ranein caure~t in aacordance with requires of the Florida Bmldmg Code and will be void if expirctioa of the application occurs in acxxndamx with any state or local law. System develapme~ charges arenon- trrable. Owners of all psoPerties required to abanacm existing septic tanks aal cx~nnect to the City sewex as per Section 22-74 shall be allowexl to PaY ~ e~ng dev+elop~t c Prim' to Decanter 1, ~O8 and delay oonnec~on to the City sewer until the expiration date of their (A on Beach Avenue expire in May, ZO10, and in Maesh Oaks (ftk/a Section I~ m Navember, Ztlt I .) For new and existing or ~ the city marmger may allow payment of fees on ao exxtend~ed payment plan for up to fifteen (l S) yeses ~ the remaining. life of an existing mortgage, whichever is less, if the owner has de~~ to the ~isfaction of the city m~mager that the lump sum payment will constitute a hardship to the applicant. A lien. for the amotmt due shall be executed in roooc+dable form reflecting ~ payer sc~ and reoor~ed. at ~ applica~a expene. Upon. all payrne~rts being made in full, the lien shall be released of record." S:EC'I'IE)hi 2. Sec. 22-28 of the Code of of the City of Atlamic Beach, Florida, is he~ey amended to read as Blows: "See.22-28. Wstrar sys~as devt c~t~aR, ~ eLst~es, etc, The followi~ schedule of rates andmsWlat~n charges for water connections, facilities, service and water provxled or furmshod by the- city thrcwgh its v~mteraro~rks is hereby adopted and. established: (1) Wager tctip aid meter irrstollartio~n charges Chimes for pmviding and appnnving cotes bo the water system. with installation performed by the city one as follorws and shall be in addition to system d4weloparent charges- a. All writs: Cost for labor and mateaiak as provided in sectiion 2 3b8 of the city Dock. Approved utility contractors may aonstrud larger services at their own expense, but will be subgecx to a inspection fee. All new cc~nretioo, nehabilita~n andlor n8 will require cxoss^connec~ion cx~rrtr+ol devices and shall be sssessed an inspection fee as follows: Two-inch and urxkr .....................................................................$ 50.00 Aver two-inch ..............................................................................200.00 Reinspoction visit ...........................................................................50.00 b. Meter charge. All meters will be firmishad by the city and the cast is included in the established installation charge. c. Charge in service size. Whenever a user requests a changc in the size of a service previously installed, such user snail. acxonrpany such request with. payment of the same charges above, together with any met+rx cost involved, as are a~pplicabk m the new service mod. The user shall also be regained m pay any and all in capital impmvemeut chagrges fin the existing meter size to the meter size requested, whether or not the exiling service was requirod to pay any fees, utilizing the rates irE effect ai time of d. Change i» servicae locution Whenever a user requests a change in location of a service oor>aDCt~xi previously installod, suer user shall aiocompany such request with paynret~ of the same per ale (1~., for inntallatian. e. System dev+elo c Size of Meter ~) Charge 3/4 S 1,144.00 1 1,944.00 1 1/2 3,796.40 2 6,076.00 3 11,400.04 4 19,044.00 6 37,996.40 8 64,796.00 Disposition, uae of raveaues. All rcveau~ c~acted by the city for water system development chacgcs shall be tod and held in a spocaal fiaxl ~ be la~oivn as and - designated "the water coital i~np~vv+e~ fund"_ The inoni~es deposited. and held in said fund and all it aocnied thereto shall be used amty for the improv~ts, or eon of the water system of the city." SF.C'1"ION 3. {a) Sec. 22-170 of the Code of of the City of At>~ic Heacb, Florida, is hereby amended to read as follows: "Ski Z2-17+0, ~ d~'alo~e~t ehsrg~ For each new lion m the City's of sewerage, the following system developaarat charge shall be applicable: Size of Water Connection (meter size) (inches) Charge ~" $4,050.00 ~~ 6,?64.00 I ~" 13,487.00 2" 21,587.00 3y 40,500.00 4~ 67,514.00 6" 134,987.00 8" 215,987.00 1'he sewer system devdopment chimes are based upon the size of the water meter serving the requested non. In the evert the «ty does ~ provide water service to ~ P!'~Y ~l~ng sewer , the city shall determine the appropriate charge based. upon the existing watea service from another p~weyor, the proposed water service size from r purveyor or othea such comparable determination method. Disposition, use of revenues. All revenues collected by the city for sewer system devek~nt charges shall be deposited and held ie a special. find to be known as and hereby "die severer capital ~pr+ovensvat fiord". The monies depa-sited and held in ~d fiord and all accxued th~o shall be used onty for ' s, upgrade$ or expam~ion of the suer system of the city." tbj Sec. 22-1.71 of the Code of Ordiosnoes of the ~ of Atl~tic Beach, Florida, is he~- amended to nod as fotkrvvs: "S~ 22-171. Psy~-t of connection fas sad system ~velopment c6srga- (e) Payment of connedion fees and system development. charges. shall be due and payable on the date of is4uanoe of a building permit. A complete b~8 permit boa ~ be received on or before December 1, 20118 to be vested form the new fees. A come building permit ~ will be wed complete when all items are submitted in • ~ ance with the Building Department Checklist. To remain vested the building permit appliceti~ must remain cturent in acoardanee with r+equim~ments of the Flarich: ~ Code and will be void if expiration of the appfic~tion ocxrus in accordance with any state or local law. Systcan dewclopment charges are non- t:le. Owners of all properties required to abemdon existing septic tanks and connect to the City sewer as per Section 22-74 shall be allowed to pay the existing system development clwrges prior to Decxmber 1, 2008 and delay connection to the City sewer until the a date of their ( son Brach Avemie expire in May, 2010, and in Marsh Oaks {f/k!a Section lij in November, 2011.) For new and existing buiklir~s or ~, the city manager may allow payment of fees on an extended paY for ~ to fifloen {1~ years if the owner has demon~ated to the satisfaction of the city manager that the lump sum payment will cxr~itute a hardship to tltie applic~. A lien far the amount due shall be executed in recarda~ble form ruing the payment s~~t. Upon all paryme~s being made in full, a release of lien shall be ra~rdod." {c) Sec. 22-172 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Atlaatic Beach, Florida is hereby amended to read as fi~llows: "3~ Z2-172. Dispos~io~ of sy~ devda~t drarges- All revenues colleted by the city thnx~gh sewer systean development charges shall be held in a sper~al acoouat to be known as the wast~cwater sysEem capital improvement acoounR. The money deposited and held m said a and all interests aocn~ed thereto shall be used only ~ the impr+nveme~, expaagion, and/or replacement of the wraslevvater collecfion, fit, and dishossl sys#~em of the city." SECrIO~t 4. This Ordinance shall take effort on December 1, Zoos. PASSED by the City commission afl first r this ~r•~' day of f~t/gu S'f ,Zoos. PASSED by the City Commission. ~ second and final thin 2S~` day of ~}l~t f ZOOS. ATTEST:- DONNA L. BAttTLE, CMC City Cka~lc IENSEN, ESQUIRE