06-08-98 vCITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH COMMISSION MEETING - June 8, 1998 AGENDA Call to order Invocation and pledge to the flag 1.Approval of the minutes of the Regular Commission Meeting of May 26, 1998 2.Recognition of Visitors: A. Presentations by three firms proposing to assist in writing a Process Safety Management (PSM) and Risk Management Plan (RMP) for the City (City Commission) 7:20 PM Smith& Gillespie Engineers, Inc. 7:30 PM Diversified Engineering International, Inc. 7:40 PM CRA Services, Inc. B. Report from the Recreation Advisory Board (Peter Coalson) C. Jerry Wickliff of Wickliff Companies, with a presentation on alternative management methods for publicly-owned water and sewer utility services(Mayor) 3.Unfinished Business: A. Selection of a firm to write a Process Safety Management (PSM) and Risk Management Plan(RMP) for the City(City Commission) B. Discussion and related action in connection with proposed Bull Park improvements City Commission) C. Selection of a firm to serve as editor and produce the City's newsletter (City Clerk) D. Authorize the Mayor to execute an Order Denying Development of Regional Impact DRI) for C.B. Universal Day Cruise Ship (City Attorney) 4. Consent Agenda: ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE BY THE CITY COMMISSION AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION IN THE FORM LISTED BELOW. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION AND STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS HAVE BEEN PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED TO THE CITY COMMISSION ON THESE ITEMS A. Acknowledge receipt of report of new occupational licenses for the month of May and monthly reports from Building, Code Enforcement, Fire and Recreation Departments(City Manager) B. Award contract to Hanna Construction Company in the amount of$$6,700.00 for construction of a 180 ft. x 5 ft. Walkway at 8th Street beach access pursuant to the specifications of Bid No. 9798-24 (City Manager) C. Award contract for Concrete Repair Work to Professional Restoration in accordance with unit pricing submitted under Bid No. 9798-23 (City Manager) Page Two AGENDA June 8, 1998 5.Action on Resolutions: A. Resolution No. 98-21 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A MAINTENANCE CONTRACT AGREEMENT, RENEWING CONTRACT NO. B-B 117 BETWEEN THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH AND FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE (City Manager) B. Resolution No. 98-22 A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE OPERATING BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1997 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1998(To provide funding for insurance coverage for a First Night fund raising event) (City Manager) C. Resolution No. 98-23 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, SUPPORTING THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE STATE ROAD A-i-A ARTERIAL INVESTMENT STUDY COMMITTEE OF THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANPORTATION TO THE JACKSONVILLE METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION(Mayor) 6.Action on Ordinances: A. Ordinance No. 45-98-13: Introduction and First Reading AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, AMENDING CHAPTER 20, TAXATION, AMENDING SECTION 20-59, SCHEDULE OF FEES; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE Comm. Beaver) B. Ordinance No. 25-98-30: Introduction and First Reading AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, ADOPTING VARIOUS CODES RELATING TO INSPECTION ACTIVITIES OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND ENFORCEMENT OF BUILDING PROVISIONS AS PROVIDED IN SAID CODES, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE (City Manager) 7.New Business: A. Discussion and related action on proposed First Night Budget (Cindy Grossberg) B. Report and recommendations relative to appointing a committee to review the Fire Department (Commissioner Mitchelson) C. Discussion and related action in connection with the installation of street lights on Sandpiper Lane (City Manager) D. Authorize the City Manager and Police Chief to execute a Combined Voluntary Cooperation and Operational Assistance Mutual Aid Agreement with other local law enforcement agencies(City Manager) Page Three AGENDA June 8, 1998 8. City Manager Reports and/or Correspondence: 9.Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners, City Attorney and City Clerk Adjournment If any person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at any meeting,such person may need a record of the proceedings,and,for such purpose,may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made,which record shall include the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Any person wishing to speak to the City Commission on any matter at this meeting should submit a request to the City Clerk prior to the meeting. For your convenience, forms for this purpose are available at the entrance to the Commission Chambers. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 286.26,Florida Statutes,persons with disabilities needing special accommodation to participate in this meeting should contact the City Clerk by 5:00 PM,Friday,June 5, 1998. V V O O T T MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC E E BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD IN CITY HALL,800 S S SEMINOLE ROAD,AT 7:15 PM ON TUESDAY, JUNE 8, 1998 PRESENT: Suzanne Shaughnessy, Mayor John Meserve Richard Beaver Mike Borno Theo Mitchelson, Commissioners M S AND: James Jarboe, City Manager O E T C Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney O Y Maureen King, City Clerk ONE N COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Shaughnessy. The Invocation was offered by Mayor Shaughnessy, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 1. Approval of the minutes of the Regular Meeting held May 26, 1998. BEAVER X BORNO X X Motion: Approve minutes of the Regular Meeting held ME SERVE X May 26, 1998 as presented. MITCHELSON X X SHAUGHNESSY X Mayor Shaughnessy asked for any corrections or amendments to the minutes. There were none and the motion carried unanimously. 2. Recognition of Visitors: Item 2C was taken out of sequence in order to allow Mr. Wickliff time to attend another meeting. C. Jerry Wickliff of Wickliff Companies -Presentation on Alternative Management Methods for Publicly-Owned Water and Sewer Utility Services (Mayor) Mayor Shaughnessy introduced Mr. Wickliff and briefly explained the reason for his presence at the meeting. Jerry Wickliff, owner of Wickliff Companies, a corporation based in Atlanta, stated he wanted to discuss briefly the privatization factors in the industry for operation of water and sewer systems. As background Mr. Wickliff stated one of his five companies actually owns and operates sewer plants, none of which are located in the state of Florida. This company is currently working M S O E T C I O Y ONEN COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 Minutcs Pagc -2- June 8, 1998 with the City of Atlanta employees in their privatization of utilities. Mr. Wickliff further stated that more and more cities are privatizing utility operations and presented the following ideas and thoughts on privatization to the Commission: Privatize plant operations, or Privatize plant operations, collection and distribution, or Privatize purchasing and billing, or Privatize the engineering and full plant operations. Mr. Wickliff briefly touched on employees concerns regarding security, pension and insurance when privatization occurs, and recommended that the city consider hiring a managed competition firm, such as EMA based in Orlando,who would work with employees to find cost cutting measures and allow them bid on their own operation of the utilities. If considering privatization, Mr. Wickliff suggested the city set up a committee consisting of an engineer who is not associated with privatization, a lawyer, an accountant and someone from staff or citizens with expertise in each of those areas to draft an RFP. It was recommended that the city meet with representatives from cities who have privatized their utilities and those where the employees run the utilities in order to receive input from both sides. Due to the high demand for privatization of wastewater treatment plants, Mr. Wickliff pointed out that bidders on the project would be willing to pay a large amount of money for the RFP's if they want the business and could be required to pay up-front money("good faith monies"). Mr. Wickliff believed at least five companies would bid on the Buccaneer Plant. Mr. Wickliff cautioned the Commission against selling the plant because if it is sold,the city would lose control over utility rates. He pointed out that with the probable development along Mayport Road and the Mayport area connecting to the system,the city has the potential to make a great deal of money through tap-in fees. Mr. Wickliff believed the city would save money and be more efficient in its operations if the plant operations were privatized or employee run. Mayor Shaughnessy inquired how the city could reduce its exposure to M S O E T C I O Y ONE N COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 rage1age -3- June 8, 1998 unfunded state mandates due to an increase in environmental regulations. Mr. Wickliff responded that historically,you save money in your system by having a private company or employees manage the system and the savings will offset the additional costs, which will have to be paid no matter which route you choose, unless you sell the system. Mr. Wickliff stated he would send a memo summarizing his comments to the Commission. Mayor Shaughnessy thanked Mr. Wickliff for his presentation. Lynn Drysdale of 1768 Ocean Grove spoke concerning the Citizen Planning Advisory Committees of Duval County created by former Mayor Ed Austin, and stated she believed that beaches residents had missed out on grant opportunities because they did not attend these meetings. Mrs. Drysdale stated the next meeting of the Arlington/Beaches Committee would be held on Friday,June 12, 1998 in the meeting room of Regency Square Mall, and urged the beaches residents to attend this meeting. J.P. Marchioli of 414 Sherry Drive reported he had researched the cost of curb and gutter and stated it should cost between$4.75 - $5.50 per lineal foot. Martha and John Poitevent of 377 1st Street reported their poodle friend and companion of ten years had been killed at the beach by two rotweilers and requested stiffer penalties concerning animal attacks resulting in injury or death to animals or humans. They requested that a committee be formed to investigate what Florida Statutes would allow and volunteered to serve on that committee. Mayor Shaughnessy indicated it was probably time to review the city's existing ordinance and she had the power to appoint an ad hoc committee to look at something short term. Mayor Shaughnessy indicated she would appoint that committee at the next Commission meeting and invited Mr. and Mrs. Poitevent to attend and be part of the committee. A. Presentation by Three Firms Proposing to Assist in Writing a Process Safety Management(PSM) and Risk Management Plan RMP) for the City(City Commission) Three firms made presentations to the Commission in the following order: 1) Smith and Gillespie Engineers, Inc., (2) Diversified Engineering International,Inc. and(3)CRA Services, Inc. Each firm presented their credentials and a brief summary of how they would develop the programs to M S O E T C I O Y ONE N COMMISSIONERS N D S O Mtrrnres Pagc -4- June 8, 1998 bring the city into compliance with OSHA requirements. SMITH AND GILLESPIE ENGINEERS,INC.-DOUG LAYTON After the first presentation, Commissioner Beaver and Mayor Shaughnessy each expressed concern for the cost of implementing the programs. It was explained that the firm needed to look at what information the city already had available before definite costs could be determined. City Manager Jarboe explained that it was difficult to know the exact price at the interview level,but he felt it would be expensive to implement and an on- going expense for the city. Karl Grunewald, Safety Officer for the city, explained that Process Safety Management and Risk Management Plans(PSM/RMP)were required by the State of Florida to meet OSHA standards for any city or organization which used hazardous materials such as chlorine. DIVERSIFIED ENGINEERING INTERNATIONAL, INC. -TOM DRYGAS During the presentation it was explained that 90%of the work performed by Diversified Engineering was PSM/RMP projects, and cost/work scope options were provided to the Commission. Mr. Drygas explained that his company had been audited by the EPA and had consistently received high marks. After the presentation, a brief discussion ensued concerning air modeling and dispersion area warning devices. Mr. Drygas informed the Commission of a Seminar to be presented by his company at the University of North Florida on June 17, 1998 concerning implementing PSM/RMP and distributed brochures explaining the course. Stephen Kuti of 1132 Linkside Drive inquired if PSM included a plan for trucks transporting hazardous materials involved in an accident. CRA SERVICES, INC. This company's approach to providing the service was presented and included as goals the reduction of risk, and to obtain and maintain M S O E T C I O Y ONE N C COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 Miiiutcs Page -5- June 8, 1998 compliance. After the presentation, Mayor Shaughnessy called a short recess and the meeting reconvened at 9:05 p.m. Item 3A was taken out of sequence and acted on at this time. A. Selection of a Firm to Write a Process Safety Management PSM) and Risk Management Plan (RMP) for the City (City Commission) Using ballots provided by the City Clerk, each Commissioner ranked the three firms in order of preference, with three points for first choice, two points for second choice and one point for third choice. Upon completion of the voting, the ballots were given to City Clerk King for tabulation and the results were announced as follows: A tie vote for second place with eight votes each for Smith and Gillespie Engineers, Inc. and CRA Services, Inc. and in first place with fourteen votes was Diversified Engineering International, Inc. The ballots are attached and made part of this official record as Attachment A. Mayor Shaughnessy thanked the three firms for their presentations. B. Report from the Recreation Advisory Board (Peter Coalson) Peter Coalson, Chairman of the Recreation Advisory Board, presented the goals and recommendations of the Board as follows: Community Garden -to be located in the Jordan Park area on a 70' x 100'plot to serve 25 - 35 families living in the area. The program would involve some donated materials and volunteer services and require use of the land, water, and some type of fencing supplied by the city. Mr. Coalson reported that the community garden was one of the board's most important goals because it was achievable and there was a great deal of interest expressed for the garden. Bike Paths -to link the city parks. The bike paths would advertise the parks and encourage transportation around the community by bicycle and offer an area which is recognized as bicycle safe. Acquisition of land adjacent to Jordan and Donner Parks. M S O E T C I O Y ONE N COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 Minutes Page -6- June 8, 1998 Stated the board was encouraged by Dr. Rice's report and the definite possibility that Howell Park will be spared the development previously indicated. Requested that the Commission continue to keep the board informed on the core city project. Requested passage of an ordinance that would in the very least, preserve the parks in their present state and offered to write the ordinance with the help of the City Attorney. Encouraged the Commission to move forward with the development of Bull Park. Mayor Shaughnessy inquired as to the board's opinion concerning use of the land in the Mayport Road/Atlantic Boulevard area for soccer practice fields. Mr. Coalson replied that the availability of that location was somewhat confused during discussions of the flyover. However, it was decided that the land provided an excellent area for that purpose and lighting could be provided without any detriment to the residents. The only reservation would be physical accessability for daily use in that area. Commissioner Mitchelson favored the community garden concept and suggested a nominal user fee be charged, such as four dollars,to cover the cost of water. He also suggested additional gardens be located in other areas of the city. Patricia Goelz suggested the garden be run by the citizens with a possible board liaison. It was also suggested that a nominal, refundable user fee be charged. Mayor Shaughnessy requested(1)a complete staff report on the community garden concept to be compiled in conjunction with the Recreation Advisory Board, and to include locations which are convenient in different areas of town, costs, how the site would obtain water, and any other items deemed necessary; and(2) an ordinance to preserve park land for the people. After receipt of the ordinance,the Commission could decide whether to accept or reject it. Commissioner Borno requested that Community Garden rules,regulations and guidelines be drafted and approved by the Commission before implementation of the program. M S O E T C I O Y ONEN COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 Minutes Page -7- June 8, 1998 Commissioner Mitchelson suggested that consideration be given to using private property as an alternative site for a community garden. C. Jerry Wickliff of Wickliff Companies - Presentation on Alternative Management Methods for Publicly-Owned Water and Sewer Utility Services (Mayor) This item was taken out of sequence and addressed first under Item 2. 3. Unfinished Business: A. Selection of a Firm to Write a Process Safety Management PSM) and Risk Management Plan (RMP) for the City (City Commission) This item was taken out of sequence and addressed after item 2 A. B. Discussion and Related Action in Connection with Proposed Bull Park Improvements (City Commission) BEAVER X Motion: Approve and fund Phase I of Bull Park improvements in BORNo MESERVE X this year's budget and consider Phases II, III and IV in future MITCHELSON years' budgets. SHAUGHNESSY Commissioner Meserve briefly summarized previous actions of the Commission relative to the Bull Park improvements and stated that costs for improvements to the entire park had started out at approximately $120,000.00, including engineering, and now that amount would only cover Phase I. Commissioner Meserve stated that completion of Phase I included the children's playground and tennis courts, the area of the park which receives the highest uses, and would make the park a nicer and safer place for the children to play. Commissioner Beaver believed the city was blessed to have the number of parks it has, but stated a concern for the increasing costs to operate and maintain the entire park system. He further stated he would like some type of a group put together to assess the entire park system and create a "blueprint" for its operation, including the costs, not only for the creation of a new park, but for the maintenance and long term upkeep of the entire system. He believed that once this was in place priorities could be set and an annual M S O E T C I O Y ONE N COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 Minutes Page -8- June 8, 1998 budget for parks implemented. Commissioner Beaver further stated he was not opposed to spending money for Bull Park, but was concerned that funding problems for all parks would result if all the available money was spent early on. Commissioner Beaver stated he would be more than happy to be involved in the park system assessment. Commissioner Borno concurred with Commissioner Beaver in the need for a master plan for the parks. Mayor Shaughnessy provided a brief history of park development in the city and recounted how the $100,000.00 figure was arrived at for Bull Park improvements. Mayor Shaughnessy stated she would like to see the costs lowered to $225,000 - $250,000 and the project completed at one time to avoid damaging previously completed work. She believed the costs would be lower if the project was completed all at once. Kelly Elmore of Genesis Group stated it was more efficient and would save mobilization costs to complete the project at one time. It was pointed out that there were built-in cost factors in the project, and the longer you wait to complete the project, the more it will cost. Commissioner Mitchelson inquired as to how the phasing order was determined, and suggested that perhaps some parts of the project, such as the parking could be redesigned and then the parking and sidewalks coordinated with the core city project to save money. Commissioner Beaver reiterated his concern for the project budget and inquired where the money would come from if the entire project was completed at one time. Mayor Shaughnessy stated that it could be paid for from the $1,000,000.00 the city has in one-time monies. Much discussion ensued concerning funding the project from the $1,000,000.00. Commissioner Beaver inquired exactly what was budgeted for Bull Park, and was told $120,000.00. Kelly Elmore stated that approximately $105,000.00 remained in the budget to spend on construction. Commissioner Borno suggested that common sense prevail when deciding what to include in a park that will to get people to use it. He indicated that he would rather see the money spread out over the entire city on things people will M S O E T C I O Y ONE N COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 Minutes Pages -9- June 8, 1998 use, rather that spending it on the purchase of a large amount of property with nothing on it just to say we own park land. Commissioner Meserve stated he could not justify a project that was three times over-budget, and commented the Commission may have the $1 million, but some of it may have to be spent on the core city project. Patricia Goelz of 1359 Beach Avenue pointed out a plan for city parks had been conducted by the University of Florida and stated the city should adhere to their recommendations. Mrs. Goelz suggested that money could be saved on the project by allowing citizen volunteers to help build the children's playground. Peter Coalson encouraged the Commission to bid the project out and complete it all at one time to provide a beautiful center for use by all the citizens of Atlantic Beach. J.P. Marchioli suggested that the city bid the project out with a base bid for Phase I and alternate bids for the other phases. Curtis Sanders of 2320 Barefoot Trace suggested the city buy land around Donner Park, requested that drinking fountains be installed in the park and inquired as to the status of Tresca Park. Mayor Shaughnessy directed Mr. Sanders to contact the City Manager for an update on Tresca Park. Commissioner Meserve stated he had no problem bidding the project as suggested to get a total cost for all phases of the project and withdrew his motion. BEAVER X BORNO X Motion: Bid the entire project with Phase I as the base bid, plus ME SERVE X X alternates, as suggested for Phases II, III and IV. MITCHEL SON X X SHAUGHNESSY X There being no further discussion, the motion carried by a four to one vote with Commissioner Borno voting nay. C. Selection of a Firm to Serve as Editor and Produce the City's BEAVER X Newsletter(City Clerk) BORNO X X MESERVE X X MITCHELSON X Motion: Award production of the city's newsletter to Perceptions SHAUGHNESSY X M S O E T C I O Y ONE N COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 Minutes Page -10- June 8, 1998 as recommended by staff. City Clerk King explained that two proposals had been received and reviewed and evaluated by staff and the recommendation made to the Commission. Mayor Shaughnessy stated that she wanted the newsletter produced in the same format as previous newsletters Commissioner Mitchelson stated he was familiar with the work of Pam Bushnell of Perceptions and she came highly recommended. Commissioner Borno pointed out the costs to the city to publish the newsletter, which included postage and folding would be approximately $4,500.00 per year. There being no further discussion, the motion carried unanimously. D. Authorize the Mayor to Execute an Order Denying Development of Regional Impact (DRI) for C.B. Universal Day Cruise Ship (City Attorney) BEAVER X Motion: Authorize the Mayor to execute an order denying the BORNO X X Development of Regional Impact (DRI) for C.B. Universal Day MESERVE B Cruise Ship. MITCHELSON X X SHAUGHNESSY X There was no discussion and the motion carried by a four to one vote with Commissioner Meserve voting nay. 4. Consent Agenda: A. Acknowledge Receipt of New Occupational Licenses for the Month of May and Monthly Reports from Building, Code Enforcement, Fire and Recreation Departments (City Manager) B. Award Contract to Hanna Construction Company in the Amount of$6,700.00 for Construction of a 180 ft. X 5 ft. Walkway at 8th Street Beach Access Pursuant to the Specifications of Bid No. 9798-24 (City Manager) M S O E T C I O Y ONE N COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 Minutes Yage -1 1- June 8, 1998 C. Award Contract for Concrete Repair Work to Professional Restoration in Accordance with Unit Pricing Submitted Under Bid No. 9798-23 (City Manager) Mayor Shaughnessy inquired if anyone wished to remove any item from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Nothing was removed from the Consent Agenda. BEAVER X BORNO X X Motion: Approve Consent Agenda Items 4 A through C as MESERVE X X presented. MITCHELSON X SHAUGHNESSY X There was no discussion and the motion carried unanimously. 5. Action on Resolutions: A. Resolution No. 98-21 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A MAINTENANCE CONTRACT AGREEMENT, RENEWING CONTRACT NO. B-B117 BETWEEN THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH AND FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE (City Manager) BEAVER X BORNO X X MESERVE X Motion: Adopt Resolution No. 98-21. MITCHELSON X X SHAUGHNESSY X There was no discussion and the motion carried unanimously. B. Resolution No. 98-22 A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE OPERATING BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1997 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1998 (To provide funding for insurance coverage for a First Night fund raising event) (City Manager) BEAVER x BORNO X X MESERVE X Motion: Adopt Resolution No. 98-22. MITCHELSON X X SHAUGHNESSY X Commissioner Meserve inquired as to the amount of coverage. City Manager Jarboe reported that only one company agreed to provide this type of insurance and it would provide coverage in the amount of$1 M on the boat and $2 M off M S O E T C I O Y ONE N Minutes Page 12 COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 June 8, 1998 the boat. There being no further discussion, the motion carried unanimously. C. Resolution No. 98-23 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, SUPPORTING THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE STATE ROAD A-1-A ARTERIAL INVESTMENT STUDY COMMITTEE OF THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TO THE JACKSONVILLE METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION (Mayor) BEAVER X X BORNO X X ME SERVE X Motion: Adopt Resolution No. 98-23. MITCHELSON X SHAUGHNESSY X Mayor Shaughnessy briefly explained the purpose of the Resolution and that the report included the recommendations of the Beaches Cities. There was no discussion and the motion carried unanimously. 6. Action on Ordinances: A. Ordinance No. 45-98-13: Introduction and First Reading AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, AMENDING CHAPTER 20, TAXATION, AMENDING SECTION 20-59, SCHEDULE OF FEES; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE (Comm. Beaver) Mayor Shaughnessy read the ordinance by title only. BEAVER X BORNO X X Motion: Approve passage of Ordinance No. 45-98-13 on first MESERVE X X MITCHELSON X reading. SHAUGHNES SY X Mayor Shaughnessy stated the public hearing would be held on June 22, 1998. There was no discussion and the motion carried unanimously. B. Ordinance No. 25-98-30: Introduction and First Reading AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, ADOPTING VARIOUS CODES RELATING TO INSPECTION ACTIVITIES OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, DUVAL COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND ENFORCEMENT M S O E T C I O Y ONE N COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 Minutes Page-13- June 8, 1998 OF BUILDING PROVISIONS AS PROVIDED IN SAID CODES, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE (City Manager)BEAVER X BORNO X Motion: Approve passage of Ordinance No. 25-98-30 on first MESERVE X X reading. MITCHELSON X X SHAUGHNESSY X Mayor Shaughnessy stated the public hearing would be held on June 22, 1998. Commissioner Borno inquired if any of the codes addressed impervious surfaces and Building Official Ford responded they did not. There being no further discussion, the motion carried unanimously. 7. New Business: A. Discussion and Related Action on Proposed First Night Budget Cindy Grossberg)BEAVER X BORNO X Motion: Approve First Night Budget as submitted. MESERVE X X MITCHELSON X Commissioner Meserve inquired if the cost of the insurance was being paid SHAUGHNESSY X X from the $10,000.00 First Night budget. After a brief discussion to clarify from which fund the payment would be made, Mrs. Grossberg agreed that the insurance payment would come from the $10,000.00. Commissioner Meserve expressed concern that First Night was not acting as an independent organization. He then inquired if the fundraiser was a failure, would the city be responsible to pay the $28,400.00 or be responsible for any other expenses of First Night if the funds are not covered by another source. Mrs. Grossberg explained how expenditures had been handled in previous years and explained that changes had been implemented by by Finance Director Van Liere for monitoring future expenditures. City Attorney Jensen advised that if the city approves First Night's Budget, it is committed to pay the $28,400.00. Considerable discussion ensued, and Mayor Shaughnessy, who has worked with First Night since its inception, stated that if the organization incorporated, the city would only be liable for the seed money - $5,000.00 given to the organization each year. M S O E T C I 0 Y ONE N COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 Miiiutc Pug- 11 June 8, 1998 City Manager Jarboe stated that it was difficult to control a budget with items which are uncertain until the night of event and depended on attendance. He pointed out that most of the funds were spent before the event happens. It was also pointed out that city employees could not volunteer their services. Commissioner Beaver also encouraged First Night to incorporate as soon as possible. Commissioner Borno suggested that in the future First Night needed to include reserves for the following year's budget. Mrs. Grossberg stated that in the future the group would like to use funds raised from button sales to go toward the following year's budget. Pam Bushnell of 2021 Selva Madera Court stated that First Night has developed a "vision statement" which addresses long term growth of the organization, with the "vision" being to keep it a small Atlantic Beach festival, but that First Night grow in the Jacksonville area with other festivals developing in their own communities. Ms. Bushnell stated that corporate fund raising was addressed in the vision statement. After further discussion of the positives and negatives of incorporation, the Mayor directed City Clerk King to place this item on the agenda for the next Commission meeting to further discuss the status of the First Night Committee of the Cultural Arts Board. There being no further discussion, the motion carried unanimously. B. Report and Recommendations Relative to Appointing a Committee to Review the Fire Department (Commissioner Mitchelson) Commissioner Mitchelson reported that concerns were raised during the last election pertaining to fair pay, department morale and adequate equipment for the Fire Department. Commissioner Mitchelson further stated that the city is currently engaged in this year's contract negotiations to address the issue of fair pay, however, with regard to morale and equipment, conflicting input has been received. To assure the city a positive working environment for the Fire Department, and adequate well maintained equipment, Commissioner Mitchelson suggested appointment of a committee to evaluate those areas and report back to the Commission their findings. M S O E T C I O Y ONE N COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 Minutes Pubo 15 June 8. 1998 He further proposed that the committee be composed of non-commission,non- staff participants, and the following individuals were recommended to serve on the committee: Michael Lather for evaluation of morale and Randy Ellis for equipment evaluation. Commissioner Mitchelson stated Mr. Lanier is Director of Psychological Associates, which is affiliated with Baptist St. Vincent's Hospital,the same organization from which Hugh Greene, facilitator for the city's first goal setting session came. Commissioner Mitchelson stated he had spoken with Ray Alfred, Chief of the Jacksonville Fire Department, and he recommended Randy Ellis to evaluate the equipment. Mr. Ellis is a tactical support expert for the City of Jacksonville Fire Department. It was further reported that both gentlemen would perform their services at no charge to the city. Mayor Shaughnessy thanked Commissioner Mitchelson for finding such excellent individuals and asked that a letter of thanks be drafted to Chief Alfred for his spirit of cooperation and participation. Mayor Shaughnessy then stated it was her intent,under the authority granted to her within the City Charter, Section 2, Article 8,to appoint and charge a committee to perform the review of the Fire Department. In addition to Michael Lather and Randy Ellis, Mayor Shaughnessy appointed John Goelz to the committee. Mayor Shaughnessy indicated that this will be a fact finding committee who will be making a recommendation to the Commission; and will operate in the sunshine and function under Robert's Rules of Order for committees with fewer than twelve members. Mayor Shaughnessy indicated she would have the charge to the committee written and submitted to the City Clerk by 5:00 p.m. the following day. C. Discussion and Related Action in Connection with the Installation of Street Lights on Sandpiper Lane(City Manager) BEAVER X BORNO X X Motion: Authorize the installation of street lights on Sandpiper MESERVE X Lane. MITCHELSON X X SHAUGHNESSY X Commissioner Mitchelson inquired as to the cost of the project and was told it would cost approximately$4,200.00. There being no further discussion, the motion carried unanimously. D. Authorize the City Manager and Police Chief to Execute a Combined Voluntary Cooperation and Operational Assistance M S O E T C I 0 Y ONE N COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 Minutts Pagc-16- June 8, 1998 Mutual Aid Agreement with Other Local Law Enforcement Agencies (City Manager) BEAVER X Motion: Authorize the City Manager and Police Chief to execute a BORNO X MESERVE X X Combined Voluntary Cooperation and Operational Assistance MITCHELSON x x Mutual Aid Agreement with other local law enforcement agencies. SHAUGHNESSY x There was no discussion and the motion carried unanimously. 8. City Manager Reports and/or Correspondence: CITY MANAGER JARBOE Displayed a commercial map of the City of Atlantic Beach which also gives a brief history of the city and asked Commission permission to give the company the go ahead to print the map at no cost to the city. It was the consensus of the Commission to have the map printed. Reported the new zoning map for the Commission Chambers had not yet been completed. Reported he would be on vacation June 27 through July 7, 1998 and in his absence Chief Thompson would be in charge regarding complaints and Finance Director Van Liere would be in charge of all financial matters. Distributed a proposed budget calendar and requested that it be placed on the next Commission agenda for further discussion. Reported that it had been suggested that ceiling fans be installed in the Commission Chambers to keep air circulating during extremely hot weather. He estimated the project would cost approximately $700.00. The Commission concurred. Requested Commission authorization for the Mayor to sign a letter to the St. Johns River Water Management District requesting grant monies relating to redesign of the core city project. It was the consensus of the Commission to do so. Distributed copies of a letter written by Chief Thompson in response to an animal control incident. M S O E T C I O Y ONE N COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 Minute-a Pugc 17 June 8, 1998 9. Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners, City Attorney and City Clerk Commissioner Beaver Asked if the RFP's for the Atlantic Boulevard Medians had gone out. Public Works Director Kosoy stated the bids would be opened on July 1, 1998. City Manager Jarboe stated that city crews and day laborers had been working on weeding the medians. Thanked the city staff for the work they performed for the Dutton Island dedication. Commissioner Borno Thanked everyone involved with the Dutton Island dedication. Referenced Public Safety Director Thompson's recommendation to stripe and install sidewalks on Sandpiper Lane and requested that staff look into planning a budget for the same, including extension of the sidewalks to Dormer Road and place the item on the July 13, 1998 agenda. Thanked the Public Works Department for recent paving. Reported he would be on vacation the week of June 22nd. Commissioner Mitchelson Reported he would be on vacation June 18 - 27, 1998. Mayor Shaughnessy Distributed an article on Construction Wetlands to Treat Wastewater to the Commissioners. Requested that a formatting rule be observed when a letter is not authored by the signer of the document. M S O E T C I O Y ONEN COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 Miliulea Puge 18 June 8, 1998 Adjournment There being no further comments or business to come before the Commission, the meeting adjourned at 11:28 p.m. Suzanne Shaughnes Mayor/Presiding Officer ATTEST: 2* Maureen King, CMC City Clerk Nim ATTACHMENT A JUNE 8, 1998 COMMISSION MEETING PROCESS SAFETY MANAGEMENT & RISK MANAGEMENT PLAN The firms listed below were ranked by the City Commission by scoring them as follows: 3 points for your first choice; 2 points for your second choice; and 1 point for your third choice (The firm with the most points will be declared the overall first choice) BEAVER BORNO MESERVE MITCHELSON SHAUGHNESSY TOTAL SMITH& GILLESPIE 3 1 _1 2 1 8_ DIVERSIFIED ENG. 2 3 _3 3 3 14 CRA SERVICES 1 2 2 1 2 8 Signed K JUNE 8, 1998 PROCESS SAFETY MANAGEMENT & RISK MANAGEMENT PLAN Following interviews,please rank the three firms listed below by scoring them as follows: 3 points for your first choice; 2 points for your second choice; and 1 point for your third choice The firm with the most points will be declared the overall first choice) SMITH& GILLESPIE ENGINEERS DIVERSIFIED ENGINEERING INTERNATIONAL, INC. 3 CRA SERVICES Signed 4'4 JUNE 8. 1998 PROCESS SAFETY MANAGEMENT & RISK MANAGEMENT PLAN Following interviews,please rank the three firms listed below by scoring them as follows: 3 points for your first choice; 2 points for your second choice; and 1 point for your third choice The firm with the most points will be declared the overallfirst choice) SMITH& GILLESPIE ENGINEERS 4/1 DIVERSIFIED ENGINEERING INTERNATIONAL, INC.13 CRA SER ES Z Signed iI JUNE 8, 1998 PROCESS SAFETY MANAGEMENT & RISK MANAGEMENT PLAN Following interviews,please rank the three firms listed below by scoring them as follows: 3 points for your first choice; 2 points for your second choice; and 1 point for your third choice The firm with the most points will be declared the overall first choice) SMITH& GILLESPIE ENGINEERS DIVERSIFIED ENGINEERING INTERNATIONAL, INC. 3 CRA SERVICES 2 Signed VltiZa*K-1—L,9JUNE 8. 1998 PROCESS SAFETY MANAGEMENT & RISK MANAGEMENT PLAN Following interviews,please rank the three firms listed below by scoring them as follows: 3 points for your first choice; 2 points for your second choice; and 1 point for your third choice The firm with the most points will be declared the overall first choice) SMITH& GILLESPIE ENGINEERS DIVERSIFIED ENGINEERING INTERNATIONAL, INC. CRA SER CES Signed d 501_ JUNE 8, 1998 PROCESS SAFETY MANAGEMENT & RISK MANAGEMENT PLAN Following interviews,please rank the three firms listed below by scoring them as follows: 3 points for your first choice; 2 points for your second choice; and 1 point for your third choice The firm with the most points will be declared the overall first choice) SMITH& GILLESPIE ENGINEERS 3 DIVERSIFIED ENGINEERING INTERNATIONAL, INC. 2. CRA SERVICES Signed AWt - JUNE 8, 1998