07-27-98 vCITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH COMMISSION MEETING - July 27, 1998 AGENDA Call to order Invocation and pledge to the flag 1.Approval of the minutes of the Regular Commission Meeting of July 13, 1998 2.Recognition of Visitors: Commissioner Mike Borno 3.Unfinished Business: A. Set a tentative budget hearing date (Monday, September 14, 1998 suggested by staff)(City Manager) B. Authorize the City Manager to approve the hire of temporary employees without requiring formal bid process for authorized funded positions (City Manager) C. Discussion and possible action in connection with parking problems on 10th Street Mayor) D. Report and related action in connection with compensation/bonus for lifeguards Mayor) E. Authorize the Mayor to execute the amended contract with JEA for sewer service to Mayport Village (Mayor) F. Report and related action in connection with flooding on Atlantic Boulevard at the Sea Turtle (Mayor) G. Discussion and related action regarding the possibility of reviving the Teen Council Mayor) 4. Consent Agenda: ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE BY THE CITY COMMISSION AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION IN THE FORM LISTED BELOW. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION AND STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS HAVE BEEN PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED TO THE CITY COMMISSION ON THESE ITEMS A. Bid No. 9798-20 Street Sweeping in Atlantic Beach for a 12-month period - Award contract to USA Services to sweep every other month at a cost of$19,278 City Manager) B. Bid No.9798-22 (Rebid)Uniform Rental/Cleaning for Public Works employees for a 12-month period - Award contract to RUS of Gainesville (City Manager) Page Two AGENDA July 27, 1998. C. Bid No. 9798-29 (Rebid) Rehabilitation of four owner-occupied homes - Award contract to Barnett Construction Inc. for rehabilitation of 41 Ardella Road and 1880 Mayport Road at a cost of $9,304.50 and $8,885.00 respectively; Award contract to Luckin Construction for rehabilitation of 1855 Mayport Road at a cost of 12,980.00 5.Committee Reports: A. Animal Control Review Committee, Carolyn Woods, Chair(Mayor) 6.Action on Resolutions: A. Resolution No. 98-25 Expressing appreciation and gratitude to Atlantic Beach Firefighters for their service during the recent wildfires in Volusia County(City Commission) B. Resolution No. 98-26 A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE OPERATING BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1997 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1998 (To establish a budget for First Night) (City Manager) C. Resolution No. 98-27 A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE OPERATING BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1997 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1998 (To Fund the Risk Management Program and Process Safety Management) (City Manager) 7.Action on Ordinances: A. Ordinance No. 70-98-13: Introduction and First Reading AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, AMENDING CHAPTER 20, TAXATION, ARTICLE III, OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE TAX, AMENDING SECTION 20-51, DEFINITIONS, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE (City Manager) 8.New Business: A. Authorize staff to apply for Local Hazard Mitigation Grant and authorize the Mayor to execute the necessary grant documents (City Manager) B. Discussion and related action in connection with a Proposed Employee Income Bonus Program (Commissioner Mitchelson) C. Action on the request of the YMCA to upgrade their facilities in Jack Russell Park for the purpose of offering expanded services to the community (City Manager) D. Discussion and related action regarding Mandalay Park (Commissioner Borno) Page Three AGENDA July 27, 1998. 9. City Manager Reports and/or Correspondence: A. Discussion and related action in connection with regional cooperation on fire inspections B. Report and related action in connection with a proposed community garden (Mayor) 10. Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners, City Attorney and City Clerk Adjournment If any person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at any meeting,such person may need a record of the proceedings,and,for such purpose,may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made,which record shall include the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Any person wishing to speak to the City Commission on any matter at this meeting should submit a request to the City Clerk prior to the meeting. For your convenience, forms for this purpose are available at the entrance to the Commission Chambers. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 286.26,Florida Statutes,persons with disabilities needing special accommodation to participate in this meeting should contact the City Clerk by 5:00 PM,Friday,July 24 1998. V O O T T E E S S MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD IN CITY HALL, 800 SEMINOLE ROAD, AT 7:15 PM ON MONDAY, JULY 27, 1998 PRESENT: Suzanne Shaughnessy, Mayor Richard Beaver Mike Borno John Meserve M S Theo Mitchelson, Commissioners 0 E T C I O Y AND: James Jarboe, City Manager ONE N Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 Maureen King, City Clerk The meeting was called to order by Mayor Shaughnessy at 7:15 p.m. The Invocation was offered by Danielle Campbell, an employee of the office of Commissioner Theo Mitchelson , followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 1. Approval of the minutes of the Regular Meeting held July 13, 1998. See Page -2-) 2. Recognition of Visitors: A. Commissioner Mike Borno Commissioner Borno read a humorous article entitled "If Noah Were Alive Today" illustrating what he might encounter if trying to build the ark in today's world. B. J.P. Marchioli of 414 Sherry Drive commented on an article in the Shorelines" regarding the use of the Adele Grage Community Center by the Turtle Patrol, government in the sunshine, and the reduction in the number of the city's reserve funds. C. Paul Parsons of 1970 Mipaula Ct. felt the speed bumps on Beach Avenue were a hazard due to the "recreational" nature of the street and requested that they be removed. He referenced his letter to the City Manager ncerning the same dated July 15, 1998 which is attached and made part of this official record as Attachment A. M S O E T C I 0 Y ONEN COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 Minutes Page -2- July 27, 1998 After some discussion, Mayor Shaughnessy requested a recommendation from the Public Safety Department, requested that the item be placed on the next Commission agenda for action, and asked that this announcement serve as the public notice to the residents on Beach Avenue who originally requested the speed bumps. D. Joe Posch of 142 Magnolia Street read a letter he had written to the Commission dated July 6, 1998, requesting access to public records relating to the design of the core city project by England, Thims and Miller. Mr. Posch's letter is attached and made part of this official record as Attachment B. E. P.J. Weatherhold of 316 Oceanwalk Drive North inquired regarding plans for repaving several streets in Atlantic Beach, including Sherry Drive and Seminole Road and presented the Commission with a list of pavement patches n the main roads in the city. The compilation is attached and made part of tis official record as Attachment C. The Mayor informed Ms. Weatherhold the repaving was part of the core city project and would be completed in conjunction with that project. F. Mayor George Vaughn of the City of Neptune Beach and Chris Vaughn were introduced by Mayor Shaughnessy. Mayor Vaughn, with the assistance of his son, Chris, who created the web site, presented an overview of his city's new web site and described its functions in detail. At the completion of the presentation, Mayor Shaughnessy thanked the Vaughns for the very informative presentation. Approval of Minutes BEAVER X Motion: Approve minutes of the Regular Meeting held BORNO X X July 13, 1998 as presented. ME SERVE X MITCHELSON X X SHAUGHNESSY X Mayor Shaughnessy stated she would like to amend the minutes to reflect the following changes: Page -3-, Line 5, change Mr. to Ms., on Page-14-, Paragraph 2, include the statement "the lawsuit was brought about to correct x inequity issues and that tax reduction should be returned to the public", and the top of Page-16- include, for clarification purposes, the motion should reflect that the City Manager can pursue the feasibility of contracting with an M S O E T C I 0 Y ONEN COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 Minutes Page -3- July 27, 1998 inspector to conduct fire inspections for the beaches cities after the policy had been set by the policy makers in the other two cities. The Mayor also requested that any attachments to the minutes be included in the agenda packets. City Clerk King indicated she would do so. The Mayor then asked for further corrections or amendments to the minutes. There being none, the minutes were declared approved as amended. Animal Control Officer- Beach Patrol Mayor Shaughnessy stated she had read the statement in the minutes that Public Safety Director Thompson would provide the Commission a more precise figure concerning the amount of time to be spent on the beach by the new Animal Control Officer and asked if he could give the report now or at the end of the meeting. rublic Safety Director Thompson reported that since beginning work, Ms. Van Namee had spent a minimum of three hours per day on the beach and had spent up to six hours there. He further reported that seventeen citations had been written in the past two days. It was determined that depending on the circumstances of the day, Animal Control Officer Van Namee would try to spend a minimum of three hours per day on the beach. 3. Unfinished Business: A. Set a Tentative Budget Hearing Date (Monday, September 14, 1998 Suggested by Staff) (City Manager) BEAVER X Motion: Set a Tentative Budget Hearing date of Monday, BORNO X September 14, 1998. MESERVE X X MITCHELSON X X SHAUGHNESSY X Mayor Shaughnessy asked for clarification of Line 5 on the Certification of Taxable Value included with Finance Director Van Liere's memo. Finance Director Van Liere explained that Line 4 was the amount on which this year's budget would be based. There was no discussion and the motion carried unanimously. B. Authorize the City Manager to Approve the Hire of Temporary M S O E T C I O Y ONE N COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 Minutes Page -4- July 27, 1998 Employees Without Requiring Formal Bid Process for Authorized Funded Positions (City Manager) Mayor Shaughnessy felt the information provided with the request was incomplete and asked that it include how much money was needed and how many positions were being filled. City Manager Jarboe stated that the request was being made for the position of Carl Walker and the city would not have any information regarding other positions until the need arises. City Manager Jarboe requested that the Commission approve hiring a temporary worker to fill Mr. Walker's position and if other vacancies occur, the request to fill them would be brought back before the Commission for approval. Motion: Waive the city's purchasing requirements and authorize BEAVER X the City Manager to exceed the $2,500 limit for the temporary hire BORNO X X of a replacement for Carl Walker. MESERVE X MITCHELSON X X SHAUGHNESSY X A brief discussion ensued and Mayor Shaughnessy suggested that in the future a "not to exceed" clause be placed in any motion for a temporary hire request of this type. There was no further discussion and the motion carried unanimously. C. Discussion and Possible Action in Connection with Parking Problems on 10th Street (Mayor) Mayor Shaughnessy stated that there was no staff recommendation concerning the on-going parking problems on 10th Street and did not know what the "fix" would be. Rich O'Brian of 5 10th Street a resident of the Island Club Townhomes, read a prepared statement concerning the on-going parking problem experienced by the townhome owners. The statement is attached and made part of this official record as Attachment D. Mr. O'Brian asked that the city consider reinstating the parking sticker program of the past or designating two spaces per unit of the public parking spaces on 10th Street for the residents of Tcland Club, and marking them as such. Mayor Shaughnessy believed the city could not authorize the private use of M S O E T C I 0 Y O N - E N COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 Minutes Page -5- July 27, 1998 public property and suggested that they might be able to buy some land for parking. The Mayor explained that the reason the parking sticker program was discontinued was that its use threatened federal funding for beach renourishment. Commissioner Mitchelson suggested that the city dedicate ten spaces for the residents' use and lease them for a fee of$2.50 per day. Commissioner Meserve stated he could sympathize with the property owners, but he did not think the city could legally lease spaces to them. He felt a possible alternative would be to close the street end and sell the property to the townhome owners, but because of the limited public parking for ocean access this would not be practical. He felt this was no answer to the problem created by the previous developer and owners of the property, and the current residents were aware there was no on-site parking when they bought their homes. city Attorney Jensen expressed concern that leasing or dedicating public spaces for use by private citizens would "open Pandora's box" causing citizens or businesses in other areas to make similar requests. Kay Lanier of 95 10th Street, who lives at the Island Club, inquired as to who approved the previously designated the parking spaces for the residents. Much discussion ensued concerning the history of the property. Mayor Shaughnessy read excerpts from minutes of previous Commission and Planning Board Meetings indicating the actions taken relative to the property. Mayor Shaughnessy inquired if the city had any responsibility to correct the problem. City Attorney Jensen cautioned the Commission against setting a precedent and advised them to judge each request on its own merits, with uniform rules and criteria being applied to all requests of a similar nature. Commissioner Mitchelson inquired if any other areas in the city had this problem and it was determined that similar parking problems existed for the area by Ragtime. After some further discussion, Mayor Shaughnessy stated she would like to fer action on the request to the next regularly scheduled meeting and requested that the City Manager, Public Safety Director and City Attorney M S O E T C I O Y ONE N COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 Minutes Page -6- July 27, 1998 make a recommendation concerning the same. BEAVER X Motion: Defer action and request alternate solutions to be BORNO X presented for consideration and possible action at the next MESERVE X regularly scheduled Commission Meeting. MITCHELSON X X SHAUGHNESSY X X Commissioner Borno inquired if there was a Homeowners' Association at the Island Club and was told there was none. City Manager Jarboe requested public input for a possible solution. Mayor Shaughnessy asked Mr. O'Brian to poll the homeowners at the Island Club to see if there was interest in purchasing or leasing property from the city for parking. There being no further discussion, the motion carried unanimously. Report and Related Action in Connection with Compensation/Bonus for Lifeguards (Mayor) BEAVER X X Motion: Increase salaries 6%, to be effective July 6, 1998, for BORNO X Atlantic Beach Lifeguards who are currently in their third year or MESERVE X X MITCHEL SONmoreoffull-time service. SHAUGHNESS X SHAUGHNESSY X Comissioner Meserve commented that the lifeguards were not paid a lot and did not receive COLA's and he favored the increase. Commissioner Beaver concurred and praised their handling of a recent incident on the beach. Mayor Shaughnessy commented that she wanted budget requests held to a minimum prior to the budget process and inquired as to why the request was being made now. Public Safety Director Thompson stated that the funding was already in the budget, the lifeguards were highly trained and deserved an increase in wages. Mayor Shaughnessy inquired if the increase should be retroactive to the beginning of the season, and Chip Drysdale, Lifeguard Captain, stated there would not be enough money in the budget if the increase was granted retroactive to the beginning of the season . It was the consensus of the ommission to make the increase retroactive to July 6, 1998. M S O E T C I 0 Y ONE N COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 Minutes Page -7- July 27, 1998 There being no further discussion, the motion carried unanimously. E. Authorize the Mayor to Execute the Amended Contract with JEA for Sewer Service to Mayport Village (Mayor) BEAVER X Motion: Authorize the Mayor to Execute the Amended Contract BORNO X with JEA for Sewer Service to Mayport Village. MESERVE X X MITCHELSON X X There was no discussion and the motion carried unanimously. SHAUGHNESSY X At this point in the meeting Item 6A was taken out of sequence and acted on. 6A. Resolution No. 98-25 Expressing Appreciation and Gratitude to Atlantic Beach Firefighters for Their Service During the Recent Wildfires in Volusia County (City Commission) BEAVER x x BORNO X X MESERVE X Motion: Adopt Resolution No. 98-25. MITCHELSON X SHAUGHNESSY X Mayor Shaughnessy read in its entirety Resolution No. 98-25 expressing praise and gratitude to the Atlantic Beach Firefighters for their service during the recent Volusia County wildfires. Mayor Shaughnessy presented the framed document to the Firefighters. There was no discussion and the motion carried unanimously. F. Report and Related Action in Connection with Flooding on Atlantic Boulevard at the Sea Turtle (Mayor) Mayor Shaughnessy explained the problem as it exists in the area between the Sea Turtle Inn and the Neptune Beach Lifeguard Station. Motion: Authorize the City Manager to get with the City Manager BEAVER BORNO X X of Neptune Beach and come back to us with a plan for a suitable MESERVE x X ramp as a stop gap measure to solve the problem of access through MITCHELSON X the area and still allow ingress/egress of emergency vehicles. SHAUGHNESSY x Mayor Shaughnessy stated she had observed the seawall at the Sea Turtle and M S O E T C I O Y ONE N COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 Minutes Page -8- July 27, 1998 it was beginning to crumble from what appeared to be water damage. City Manager Jarboe felt that was not the city's responsibility. He believed it was the property owner's responsibility because most of the water was coming off the Sea Turtle building. Mayor Shaughnessy inquired if there were any working drains in the area and City Manager Jarboe stated there was one drain that went to the french drain on the beach in Neptune Beach's system and it barely works. He indicated the nearest drain in Atlantic Beach's system was located at Ahern and East Coast Drive and was not large enough to handle the water. Considerable discussion ensued concerning the poor drainage in the Town Center area. Mayor Shaughnessy then inquired if there was some way to divert the water when it accumulated. City Manager Jarboe indicated it would have to be pumped to Ahern Street and East Coast Drive in Atlantic Beach and it was not feasible. Discussion then turned to a proposed handicapped access walkway to be constructed in the area. City Manager Jarboe stated it would be constructed with a guardrail on the Neptune Beach side, even with the existing concrete wall along the Lifeguard Station. City Manager Jarboe indicated Sam Mousa, Public Works Director for the City of Jacksonville, had indicated that 12,000.00 was still available in his budget and that could be used for this project. Mayor Shaughnessy stated the existing vegetation and sprinkler system float out of the ground when the area floods, and unless the problem is resolved, the area will continue to look like a neglected area of the city. Following further discussion, Mayor Shaughnessy inquired if there was a permanent, engineered fix for the problem, and City Manager Jarboe responded nothing had been done at this time. A discussion of Town Center maintenance ensued and the Mayor Shaughnessy stated that several Neptune Beach City Council Members had indicated a willingness to participate in the care and maintenance of Town Center and wanted to set up a joint meeting to tour Town Center to determine what needs to be done. Mayor Shaughnessy commented that both cities had eautification Committees that would probably like to participate in the project. M S O E T C I 0 Y ONE N COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 Minutes Page -9- July 27, 1998 Mayor Shaughnessy inquired as to where the funding would come from for the project and City Manager Jarboe stated it could come from the General Fund, Convention/Development Tax or from the $12,000 left in the Town Center budget, if they are agreeable to it. G. Discussion and Related Action Regarding the Possibility of Reviving the Teen Council (Mayor) Mayor Shaughnessy stated she had not received any input from the Commission regarding the request and stated that the Teen Council was put together by former Mayor Fletcher to promote teen activities. Commissioner Beaver stated he would like to see the group revived and might know someone who would be interested in serving. Dorothy Kerber of 365 1st Street also provided information concerning the een Council. Commissioner Meserve suggested that the City Newsletter be used to solicit interest in reviving the group. Commissioner Borno believed Commission action should be determined by the need and interest expressed by the Community. There was no Commission action relative to the Teen Council at this time. H. Sustainable Communities Network Mayor Shaughnessy inquired if there was any follow-up regarding the Sustainable Communities Network from the Department of Community Affairs. Community Development Director Worley stated had requested the information packet but had not received it yet. He further stated that he felt the city would still be able to join. Mayor Shaughnessy requested that Mr. Worley let her know if the city can join as soon as the information is received. He stated he would do so. d. Consent Agenda: A. Bid No. 9798-20 Street Sweeping in Atlantic Beach for a 12 M S O E T C I 0 Y ONE N COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 Minutes Page -10- July 27, 1998 Month Period - Award Contract to USA Services to Sweep Every Other Month at a Cost of$19,278 (City Manager) B. Bid No. 9798-22 (Rebid) Uniform Rental/Cleaning for Public Works Employees for a 12 Month Period - Award Contract to RUS of Gainesville (City Manager) C. Bid No. 9798-29 (Rebid) Rehabilitation of Four Owner- Occupied Homes - Award Contract to Barnett Construction, Inc. For Rehabilitation of 41 Ardella Road and 1880 Mayport Road at a cost of$9,304.50 and $8,885.00 Respectively; Award Contract to Luckin Construction for Rehabilitation of 1855 Mayport Road at a Cost of$12,980.00 Mayor Shaughnessy inquired if anyone wished to remove any item from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Items A and C were removed from the Consent Agenda by Mayor Shaughnessy for further discussion.. BEAVER X X BORNO X Motion: Approve Consent Agenda Item B as MESERVE X X MITCHELSON X presented. SHAUGHNESSY X There was no discussion and the motion carried unanimously. A. Bid No. 9798-20 Street Sweeping in Atlantic Beach for a 12 Month Period - Award Contract to USA Services to Sweep Every Other Month at a Cost of$19,278 (City Manager) Mayor Shaughnessy felt that sweeping every other month was inadequate, and brief discussion ensued concerning the merits of more frequent sweeping. City Manager Jarboe explained that traditionally the sweeping had been done on a bi-monthly basis and it was also a budget consideration. Public Works Director Kosoy stated that the DOT inspects the sweeping done by the city for them on Atlantic Boulevard and Mayport Road and has approved the bi-monthly sweeping. It was suggested that funds for additional sweeping be discussed at either M S O E T C I 0 Y ONEN COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 Minutes Page -11- July 27, 1998 the goal setting session or during the budget hearings. BEAVER X X BORNO X Motion: Award Contract to USA Services to sweep very other MESERVE X X month at a cost of$19,278.00 MITCHELSON X SHAUGHNESSY X The motion carried unanimously. C. Bid No. 9798-29 (Rebid) Rehabilitation of Four Owner- Occupied Homes - Award Contract to Barnett Construction, Inc. For Rehabilitation of 41 Ardella Road and 1880 Mayport Road at a cost of$9,304.50 and $8,885.00 Respectively; Award Contract to Luckin Construction for Rehabilitation of 1855 Mayport Road at a Cost of$12,980.00 Zayor Shaughnessy stated that the information included was incomplete and deferred action on Bid No. 9798-29 to the August 10, 1998 Commission Meeting. Action on Bid No. 9798-29 was reconsidered and acted on under Item 10 - Commissioner Meserve's Report). 5. Committee Reports: A. Animal Control Review Committee, Carolyn Woods, Chair Mayor) Mayor Shaughnessy deferred Item 5A because no one was present from the Animal Control Review Committee to give the report. 6. Action on Resolutions: A. Resolution No. 98-25 Expressing Appreciation and Gratitude to Atlantic Beach Firefighters for Their Service During the Recent Wildfires in Volusia County (City Commission) M S O E T C I O Y ONEN COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 Minutes Page -12- July 27, 1998 Resolution No. 98-25 was taken out of sequence and adopted after Item 3E. B. Resolution No. 98-26 A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE OPERATING BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1997 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1998 TO ESTABLISH A BUDGET FOR FIRST NIGHT) (CITY MANAGER) BEAVER X BORNO X X Motion: Adopt Resolution No. 98-26. MESERVE X MITCHELSON X X SHAUGHNESSY X Mayor Shaughnessy requested that account numbers be included in future budget resolutions. Finance Director Van Liere stated that he ould do so. There being no further comments or discussion, the motion carried unanimously. C. Resolution No. 98-27 A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE OPERATING BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1997 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1998 TO FUND THE RISK MANAGEMENT PROGRAM AND PROCESS SAFETY MANAGEMENT) (CITY MANAGER) BEAVER X BORNO X X Motion: Adopt Resolution No. 98-27. MESERVE X MITCHELSON X X Following a brief discussion, the motion carried unanimously. SHAUGHNESSY X 7. Action on Ordinances: A. Ordinance No. 70-98-13: Introduction and First Reading AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, AMENDING CHAPTER 20, TAXATION, AMENDING SECTION 20-51, DEFINITIONS M S O E T C I 0 Y ONE N COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 Minutes Page -13- July 27, 1998 AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE (CITY MANAGER) BEAVER X X BORNO X Motion: Approve passage of Ordinance No. 70-98-13 on first MESERVE X X reading. MITCHELSON X SHAUGHNESSY X Mayor Shaughnessy read the ordinance by title only and stated the public hearing would take place on August 10, 1998. There was no discussion and the motion carried unanimously. 8. New Business: A. Authorize Staff to Apply for Local Hazard Mitigation Grant and Authorize the Mayor to Execute the Necessary Grant Documents City Manager)BEAVER X X BORNO X Motion: Authorize staff to apply for Local Hazard Mitigation MESERVE X X Grant and authorize the Mayor to execute the necessary Grant MITCHELSON X Documents. SHAUGHNESSY X City Manager Jarboe explained that earlier the Commission had expressed interest in using some of the grant money for the installation of underground electrical lines, however, there is a limited amount of money of approximately 100,000.00 to be split several ways. The state does not feel this type of funding is a priority, and it has been recommended the grant money be used to retrofit public facilities. There being no further comments or discussion, the motion carried unanimously. B. Discussion and Related Action in Connection with a Proposed Employee Income Bonus Program (Commissioner Mitchelson) Motion: Approve employee bonus program of 10% of one year's MITCHELSON X savings with a $4,000.00 cap, as recommended in Commissioner SHAUGHNESSY X Mitchelson's memo to the City Manager. Commissioner Mitchelson explained his proposed bonus program as outlined his memo to the City Manager which is attached and made part of this ficial record as Attachment D. M S O E T C I O Y ONE N COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 Minutes Page -14- July 27, 1998 Commissioner Meserve stated that he supported the bonus concept as presented, but did not feel management should participate. Commissioner Mitchelson stated that his motion could be amended to exclude management. Following further discussion it was felt that the Commission could not make a final decision until a written plan was drafted. After some further discussion, Mayor Shaughnessy and Commissioner Mitchelson withdrew their respective motion and second. City Manager Jarboe suggested removing that he be removed from the plan and he would evaluate/administer it on a quarterly basis for the Commission. Motion: Approve in concept a citywide employee bonus program BEAVER X and having done so, come back with specific details as to how such BORNO X ME SERVE X X a program would function, for consideration by the full MITCHELSON X X Commission, as outlined in Commissioner Mitchelson's undated SHAUGHNESSY X memo to City Manager Jarboe. Mayor Shaughnessy suggested exempting all of management positions, but allow them to share in the dispersal of the Christmas bonus. Mayor Shaughnessy directed Commissioner Mitchelson, City Attorney Jensen and City Manager Jarboe to develop the bonus program. There being no further discussion, the motion carried unanimously. C. Action on the Request of the YMCA to Upgrade their Facilities in Jack Russell Park for the Purpose of Offering Expanded Services to the Community Christina Hammersmark, representing the YMCA, stated the YMCA wished to upgrade the existing building to allow operation of a preschool program, and requested that they be allowed to install an integrated fire alarm system in the building as required by HRS, with all costs being paid by the YMCA. Mayor Shaughnessy then read a memo from Acting Chief Mayo concerning his Ire inspection of the building. He stated the information was provided because e city owns the building and this was not included in the city's contract with the YMCA. Chief Mayo further stated that depending on what part of the M S O E T C I 0 Y ONE N COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 Minutes Page -15- July 27, 1998 building was used for the program, an alarm system may not be needed. City Manager Jarboe stated that he was unaware a day care program was being run in the building and the YMCA contract with the city requires that before the YMCA charges anyone for anything, they must contact the City Manager in writing and have a contract to do so. Other concerns expressed were the liability involved with the program and the possibility of getting rid of the trailer, which had been previously discussed by the Commission. It was the consensus of the Commission that more information was needed, and Mayor Shaughnessy inquired as to the urgency for the decision. Ms. Hammersmark stated they would like to have the program implemented on August 24, 1998. After some further discussion, it was the consensus of the Commission to defer action on the YMCA request to the August 10, 1998 Commission Meeting. Discussion and Related Action Regarding Mandalay Park Commissioner Borno) Commissioner Borno stated he would like to have Mandalay Park developed as a rest area for joggers, walkers and bike riders by installing a drinking fountain and bench, and having the area cleared of some underbrush. If approved, the project could be completed by city crews within the existing budget. Mayor Shaughnessy requested the dollar cost for the project, and action on the request was deferred to the August 10, 1998 Commission Meeting. 9. City Manager Reports and/or Correspondence: A. Discussion in Connection with Regional Cooperation on Fire Inspections Mayor Shaughnessy stated there was no report because the policy makers in the other cities had not yet met to discuss this item. B. Report in Connection with a Proposed Community Garden Mayor) Mayor Shaughnessy read City Manager Jarboe's memo dated July 23, 1998 M , S O E T C I O Y O N • E N COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 Minutes Page -16- July 27, 1998 concerning the proposed Community Garden, which is attached and made part of this official record as Attachment E. 10. Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners, City Attorney and City Clerk CITY ATTORNEY JENSEN Reported that he had met with the investigator and Assistant State Attorney concerning the purchase of the Fluidyne Sequencing Batch Reactor(SBR) for the Buccaneer Wastewater Treatment Plant expansion and it was determined that there had been no wrong doing in the selection of Fluidyne. He cautioned the Commission that in the future, when there is a single source that it be stated that the requirements of the purchasing code are being waived, as authorized by Florida Statutes and the City's Purchasing Code. Updated the Commission on the DRI appeal process and proposed de novo hearing. COMMISSIONER MESERVE Requested reconsideration of Item 4C because he felt adequate information was included in the bid tabulation sheets given to the Commission. Motion: Award contract to Barnett Construction, Inc. for BEAVER X BORNO X the rehabilitation of 41 Ardella Road and 1880 Mayport Road MESERVE x X at a cost of$9,304.50 and $8,885.00 respectively and to Luckin MITCHEL SON X X Construction for rehabilitation of 1855 Mayport Road at a SHAUGHNESSY X cost of$12,980.00. There was no discussion and the motion carried unanimously. Reported on the recently held Mayport Waterfronts Vision Meetings and stated a full report would be provided in a week or so. M S O E T C I 0 Y O NE N COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 Minutes Page -17- July 27, 1998 COMMISSIONER BORNO Thanked the City Manager and Staff for the monetary assistance given to a homeless family which enabled them to get back home to Pennsylvania. COMMISSIONER BEAVER Urged the City Staff to continue to pursue the possibility of putting the Commission Agenda Packet on disk and requested that in the future compatible software programs be used within the various departments to facilitate the same. MAYOR SHAUGHNESSY Requested that the clock in the Commission Chambers be moved to the west wall of the building. Commented that the Mayport Vision meetings were excellent. Inquired if a staff response to Mrs. Tousey's letter had gone out. City Manager Jarboe stated he would check to see if it had been sent. Thanked Commissioner Mitchelson for bringing Ms. Campbell from his office to present the invocation and asked him to share with her the responsibility of finding someone to deliver the invocation on an every other meeting basis. Announced that the Public Hearing regarding the proposed Centex Homes development would be held before the Land Use and Zoning Committee (LUZ) on August 4, 1998 at 5:00 p.m. Commented on a series of meetings concerning the future of the Ribault Garden Club, formerly the Fort George Golf Course clubhouse. Mayor Shaughnessy stated the site was park property owned by the state and they were trying to find an economically viable use for the property with possible plans for restoration. City Manager Jarboe stated he was on the state's mailing list and would receive future information. M S O E Minutes Page -18- T C July 27, 1998 I O Y ONE N COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 Distributed a sample tracking system used by the City of Neptune Beach to follow-up on Commission actions and citizen complaints. It was the consensus of the Commission to give the program a try and the Mayor requested that the City Clerk's office implement and keep up the program. Adjournment There being no further comments or business to come before the Commission, the meeting adjourned at 11:38 p.m. Suzanne Shaug .y Mayor/Presiding Officer ATTEST: V I "Ilh M. reen King, CM , City Clerk ATTACHMENT A w ,JULY 27, 1998 COMMISSION MEETING 4* CITY OF fustic Feat! - 9 vuda L ••800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233-5445 TELEPHONE(904) 247-5800 FAX (904) -5805 SUNCOM 852-5800 July 22, 1998 Mr. Paul B. Parsons 1970 Mipaula Court Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 Re: Beach Avenue Dear Mr. Parsons: This is in response to your letter of July 15, 1998 (copy attached for your ready reference) concerning your desire to have speed bumps removed on Beach Avenue. As you indicated in your letter, you are aware that the City Commission authorized the installation of the speed bumps. Therefore, I am sending a copy of your letter requesting the removal of the speed bumps to the City Commission for their consideration. If I can be of assistance in any way please call on me. Sincerely, J es R. Jarboe City Manager JRJ:tl Copy to:Mayor and City Commission Maureen King, City Clerk David Thompson, Director of Public Safety Bob Kosoy, Director of Public Works S ih TT CHMENT C JULY 27, 1998 COMMISSION MEETING — Summary: Island Club is a building of 10 Individually owned Townhomes at 10th street at the ocean and Beach Avenue. The value of the group of townhomes is approximately 1.5 million dollars. Parking at Island Club is limited to 23 parking spaces and is owned by the City of Atlantic Beach. Some may ask why would someone buy a townhome with out parking ? In the mid 1980's each townhome had two designated and numbered parking places and should someone park in your space(s), the Atlantic Beach Police Dept. would tow the car parked in your spot. At some point (near 1990)this enforcement ended. Then parking sticker program worked well to control the parking situation in front of Island Club but when it expired our parking problem again surfaced to its current problem. It has become known that anyone can park in those spaces and often there is no parking for the owners of the townhomes. It has become a near unbearable situation to come home and have no place to park to enter your home that you pay $ 4,500 ( # 5) in annual property taxes. We are seeking your help with our situation. L____ 1 ay rA. I0 _ 1 w._,, 1:‹11,a \ CA t*1 ATTACHMENT D TO: Jarboe.; City Manager of Atlantic Beach _ JULY 27, 1998 COMMISSION MEETING FROM7M: Theo Mitchelson RE: Proposed Employee Income Bonus Program Dear Jim, As you know, one of the goals that I spoke of when I was campaigning was an " Incentive Bonus Program" for our city employees. i use bonus programs for my staff in my company, and, because of the success I have had with it, I felt that the City of Atlantic Beach couldbenefitfromsuchaprogram. Many times, the people actually performing a given job may be able to identify different ways that the job, or a portion of it, could be done with equal or better results, at a cost savings to the city. To entice that type of thinking, there should be a reward for such efforts. It is one thing, to an employee, to just do an excellent job at the work you've been hired to do. it is quite another to take the extra step and become PERSONALLY involved in saving the city money. i propose that the program be structured as follows: Ilan employee identified a way in which the city can save money, and at the same time, not reduce our level of service, that employee would submit the idea, in writing, for consideration. lf, atter review, the city adopts the idea, and it PROVES to produce a cost savings, then the BONUS of 10%of one year's savings with a$4,000 cap, would be split in half, with halfgoing to the employee whose idea it was, and the other half going into a "kitty"or "pool" to be divided among ALL city employees right before Christmas each year. l'he reason for the "sharing" of a portion of the bonus with all employees is two-fold (I) Some employees are in a better position, by virtue of the type of job that they do, to receive such a bonus, and we don't want to create a program that cause divisiveness amongst our employees. (2)In addition,the goal would be to stimulate this type of thinking across the board, with all positions, without regard to large or small savings. In that manner, an employee who contributes an idea with small savings is still motivated to participate because a general sense of teamwork and cohesiveness has been stimulated. Though their idea did not result in a large personal monetary reward, even their small contribution is deserved and appreciated. From the City of Atlantic Dcach standpoint, this proposal is, at worst,revenue neutral,and at best. revenue positive. We have nothing to lose and everything to gain. ATTACHMENT E r JULY 27, 1998 COMMISSION MEETING N<0: ;., • CITY OF 414 Alava c 'each - wuda 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA 32233-5445 TELEPHONE(904) 247-5800 N , A FAX (904) 247-5805 SUNCOM 852-5800 July 23, 1998 Memorandum to: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission City of Atlantic Beach Subject:Community Garden City Commission Members: This is to give you a brief report on the status of the Community Garden. At the last Commission meeting of July 13th, Staff was asked to contact the Duval County Cooperative Agency (DCCA). A brief discussion was held between the Agency representative, Barbara Daniels and Timmy Johnson. The Agency would be willing to work with us in a limited nature; it was indicated they would till the garden twice a year. According to Ms. Daniels the Agency assisted the Boys and Girls Club set up their garden. When staff conducted a visual inspection, however, the garden had not been kept up. We are planning to meet with the DCCA in late August, which is the first opening they had to meet with us. Also, Patricia Goelz has been on vacation, and as soon as she returns it is our intention to set up a meeting between staff, Ms. Goelz and the DCCA. We will keep you apprized of the outcome of the meeting. Respectfully submitted, l J. R. Jarboe City anager JRJ:tl