11-09-98 v4110 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH COMMISSION MEETING November 9, 1998 AGENDA Call to order Invocation and pledge to the flag 1.Approval of the minutes of the Regular Commission Meeting of October 26, 1998 2.Recognition of Visitors: Media One 3.Unfinished Business: 4.Consent Agenda: ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE BY THE CITY COMMISSION AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION IN THE FORM LISTED BELOW. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION AND STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS HAVE BEEN PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED TO THE CITY COMMISSION ON THESE ITEMS A. Acknowledge receipt of new occupational licenses issued in the month of October, and monthly reports from Building, Code Enforcement, and Recreation Departments City Manager) 5.Committee Reports: 6.Action on Resolutions: A. Resolution No. 98-39 A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE OPERATING BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1998 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1999 (Mayor) 7.Action on Ordinances: A. Ordinance No. 90-98-167 - Reschedule continued public hearing AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 24, ZONING AND SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS, SECTION 24-17, DEFINITIONS, AND SECTIONS 24-104, 105, 106 AND 107, RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS, TO LIMIT LOT COVERAGE IN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS TO FIFTY PERCENT (50%), AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE (Commissioner Mitchelson) 8.New Business: A. Authorize the Mayor to sign the Certificate of Acceptance for Anti-Drug Abuse grant in the amount of$13,680.00 (City Manager) Page Two AGENDA November 9, 1998 B. Authorize the Mayor to sign on behalf of the City of Atlantic Beach, a Four-Party Agreement with the City of Jacksonville, City of Neptune Beach and Town Center Agency for streetscape improvements along Atlantic Boulevard, First Street, and Ocean Boulevard,Duval County, Florida (Mayor) C. Discussion and possible action on use of city rights-of-way by Peoples Gas (City Manager) D. Authorize current lifeguard salaries to remain in effect indefinitely (City Manager) E. Discussion and related action relative to Teen Council (City Clerk) 9. City Manager Reports and/or Correspondence: A. Report and related action relative to providing water and sewer service to Mayport Naval Station 10. Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners, City Attorney and City Clerk Adjournment If any person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at any meeting,such person may need a record of the proceedings,and,for such purpose,may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made,which record shall include the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Any person wishing to speak to the City Commission on any matter at this meeting should submit a request to the City Clerk prior to the meeting. For your convenience, forms for this purpose are available at the entrance to the Commission Chambers. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 286.26,Florida Statutes,persons with disabilities needing special accommodation to participate in this meeting should contact the City Clerk by 5:00 PM,Friday,November 6, 1998. V v O O T T MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC E E BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD IN CITY HALL, 800 S S SEMINOLE ROAD, AT 7:15 PM ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1998 PRESENT: Suzanne Shaughnessy, Mayor Mike Borno John Meserve Theo Mitchelson, Commissioners AND: James Jarboe, City Manager M S Maureen King, City Clerk O E T C Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney I 0 Y ONEN ABSENT: Richard Beaver COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Shaughnessy at 7:15 p.m. The Invocation was offered by Public Safety Director Thompson, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 1. Approval of the minutes of the Regular Meeting held October 26, 1998. ESERX X Motion: Approve minutes of the Regular Meeting held BORNO ME SERVE X October 26, 1998. MITCHEL SON X X SHAUGHNESSY X There were no corrections or amendments, and the minutes were unanimously approved as presented. Item 8B was taken out of sequence and acted upon at this time. Item 8B Authorize the Mayor to Sign on Behalf of the City of Atlantic Beach a Four-Party Agreement with the City of Jacksonville, City of Neptune Beach and Town Center Agency for Streetscape Improvements Along Atlantic Boulevard, First Street and Ocean Boulevard, Duval County, Florida (Mayor) Motion: Authorize the Mayor to sign on behalf of the BORNO X X City of Atlantic Beach a Four-Party Agreement with the MESERVE X X MITCHELSON X City of Jacksonville, City of Neptune Beach and Town SHAUGHNESSY X Center Agency for Streetscape Improvements along M S O E T C I O Y Minutes Page -2- November 9, 1998 ONE N g COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 Atlantic Boulevard, First Street and Ocean Boulevard, Duval County, Florida. Mayor Shaughnessy briefly explained the agreement and stated that once it was executed, it would take several weeks for it to work its way through the various committees of the City of Jacksonville. She then introduced Public Works Director Sam Mousa of the City of Jacksonville who will administer the project. Mr. Mousa stated he looked forward to working with the City of Atlantic Beach and thanked the Commission for their cooperation. There was no discussion and the motion carried unanimously. 2. Recognition of Visitors: A. Media One Ann Murphy, Community Relations Manager for Media One located on Richards Street,Jacksonville, introduced Linda Malloy,Vice President and General Manager, Bill Watson, Director of Operations, and Paul McIntosh,Field Operations Manager. Ms.Murphy stated that the company was taking a proactive approach to correct the city's cable outage problems. Mr. McIntosh briefly summarized the upgrades, necessary repairs and equipment improvements implemented to resolve the cable outage problems. Commissioner Meserve requested a one page summary of the corrections being made by Media One to use as a handout for citizens. Mr. McIntosh stated he would supply a summary for that purpose. Commissioner Meserve then inquired concerning the delay of installation of fiber optics, and requested that Mr. McIntosh meet with the City Manager and appropriate staff to discuss its installation. Commissioner Meserve believed installation of fiber optics would greatly improve the city's cable service. Ann Murphy stated that fiber optics construction was scheduled to begin 0 within the first six months of 1999 and Media One would be happy to work with the city in any way they could. Mayor Shaughnessy designated Commissioner Meserve the contact person O E T C I O Y III Minutes Page -3- M S COMMISSIONERS N D S N November 9, 1998 for the work, and thanked the Media One representatives for keeping the Commission informed. B. Public Safety Department Promotions Public Safety Director Thompson introduced newly promoted Sgt. Dennis Alexander and Communications Supervisor Glenda Dedenbach. He indicated that Barbara Sumrall was also promoted to sergeant but was unable to be in attendance. C. Bill McGee of 1831 Selva Marina Drive commented on increased traffic and speeding on Selva Marina Drive north of the Saturiba Drive intersection. Mr. McGee requested Commission consideration to install a speed bump and stop sign at the intersection of 19th Street and Selva Marina Drive and to repair and pave the street. D. Barbara Bonner of 463 Selva Lakes Drive commented that the lights at the Jack Russell Park ballfield were left on when no one was using the field, there and requested Commission assistance in securing a back entrance to the post office. Commission Responses Commissioner Mitchelson felt the city could not repair Selva Marina Drive because as he recalled,when the subdivision was annexed,the city would not accept responsibility for streets which did not meet city code, and at that time, the residents were opposed to bringing the streets up to code because the charm of the area and several large trees would be lost. After a brief discussion, Mayor Shaughnessy directed Staff to look into Mr. McGee's request and bring their findings to the next meeting. Commissioner Meserve related that the original plans for the post office included a back entrance which was subsequently eliminated. Commissioner Meserve stated that at time he inquired concerning the entrance and was told the postal service could not mix a public entrance with the employee parking located at the rear of the building. Commissioner Meserve stated he would like to find out if something could be done to reinstate the entrance and volunteered to investigate this matter further. Commissioner Borno felt the present entrance had become a safety issue. Commissioner Mitchelson agreed and pointed out that completion of the M S O E T C I O Y ONEN Minutes Page -4- COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 November 9, 1998 flyover would only compound the safety problem. Mayor Shaughnessy directed staff to look into the lighting problem at Jack Russell Park. Sally Maddy of 1915 Creekside expressed concern for the streets and drainage problems in her neighborhood and inquired if there was a plan for the area. She further stated she would be willing to work with the city to resolve the street problem. Mayor Shaughnessy inquired if she was a representative for the subdivision and Mrs. Maddy stated that she was representing herself. Mayor Shaughnessy suggested the formation of a Homeowner's Association to bring group concerns before the Commission. 3.Unfinished Business: There was no unfinished business. 4. Consent Agenda: A. Acknowledge Receipt of New Occupational Licenses Issued in the month of October, and Monthly Reports from Building, Code Enforcement, and Recreation Departments (City Manager) Mayor Shaughnessy received and acknowledged the monthly reports for New Occupational Licenses for October, and those of the Building, Code Enforcement and Recreation Departments, and asked that they be filed. 5. Committee Reports: There were no committee reports. 6. Action on Resolutions: A. Resolution No. 98-39 A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE OPERATING BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1998 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1999. M S O E T C I O Y Minutes Page -5- O N E N g COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 November 9, 1998 Mayor) Mayor Shaughnessy read the resolution by title only. Motion: Adopt Resolution No. 98-39 amending the BORNO X X operating budget for the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, MESERVE X MITCHEL SONforthefiscalyearbeginningOctober1, 1998 and ending SHAUGHNESS X X September 30, 1999. SHAUGHNESSY X Commissioner Meserve inquired if the adoption of the resolution would take funds from next year's budget. City Manager Jarboe explained that the Commission had stated its intent to complete the project over a two year budget cycle, but the City of Jacksonville required all the funds at one time in order to effectively complete the capital improvement project. Alan Potter of 324 Second Street requested that dollar amounts be included on the agenda when these types of requests are made. There being no further comments or discussion, the motion carried unanimously. 7. Action on Ordinances: A. Ordinance No. 90-98-167 Reschedule Continued Public Hearing AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH AMENDING CHAPTER 24, ZONING AND SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS, SECTION 24- 17 DEFINITIONS, AND SECTIONS 24-104, 105, 106, 107, RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS, TO LIMIT LOT COVERAGE IN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS TO FIFTY PERCENT (50%) AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE (Commissioner Mitchelson) Mayor Shaughnessy read the ordinance by title only and announced that the public hearing would be rescheduled and continued to the first Commission Meeting following the recommendation from the Community Development Board who would consider the ordinance I M S O E T C I 0 Y Minutes Page -6- N E N g COMMISSIONERS N ND S 0 November 9, 1998 ON further at their meeting on November 17, 1998. Stephen Kuti of Linkside Drive requested to speak concerning Ordinance 90-98-167. Mayor Shaughnessy called a recess to confer with the City Attorney and the meeting reconvened at 8:10 p.m. City Attorney Jensen advised Mr. Kuti that since no public hearing was scheduled at this time, he should make his comments when the public hearing is continued. 8. New Business: A. Authorize the Mayor to Sign the Certificate of Acceptance for Anti-Drug Abuse Grant in the Amount of 13,680.00 (City Manager) III MESERVE X Motion: Authorize the Mayor to sign the Certificate of BORNMESEx X Acceptance for Anti-Drug Abuse Grant in the amount of MITCHELSON X X 13,680.00. SHAUGHNESSY X There was no discussion and the motion carried unanimously. Item 8B was taken out of sequence acted on under Item 2A. B. Authorize the Mayor to Sign on Behalf of the City of Atlantic Beach a Four-Party Agreement with the City of Jacksonville, City of Neptune Beach and Town Center Agency for Streetscape Improvements Along Atlantic Boulevard, First Street and Ocean Boulevard, Duval County, Florida (Mayor) C. Discussion and Possible Action on Use of City Rights- of-Way by Peoples Gas (City Manager) City Attorney Jensen explained that Peoples Gas Company wanted to run a gas line through the rights-of-way of the City of Atlantic Beach to service the Navy base at Mayport and had submitted a permit application, some correspondence, and on November 6, M S O E T C I O Y O N E N III Minutes Page-7- COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 November 9, 1998 1998, a draft of a proposed agreement with the city. He further explained that City Manager Jarboe had scheduled a meeting with representatives of People Gas to negotiate a proposed agreement to bring back to the Commission, but he felt it was important for the Commission be advised of the situation and be given the documents to begin to review them. As a point of clarification, City Manager Jarboe explained that the agreement received late on Friday from Peoples Gas concerned the proposed pipe line to the base, and staff felt the company should not be allowed to use city right-of-way until there was some type of an agreement. He pointed out that the right-of-way agreement would be in place until such time as the city negotiates a franchise agreement with Peoples Gas. City Manager Jarboe then requested that the Commission authorize them to use the right-of-way contingent upon execution of a franchise agreement within a certain number of days. SCity Manager Jarboe introduced Mitchell Scruggs of Peoples Gas who was present to answer any Commission questions. Commissioner Mitchelson inquired why the city was giving Peoples Gas total access across our easements with the only monetary consideration being $10.00. Commissioner Mitchelson felt the access fee should be more than $10.00. Commissioner Meserve stated that the gas line was not just for the Navy, but would be available to all of the citizens of Atlantic Beach. He felt it could be a great costs savings to the city as a whole, as well as a revenue generator to the city. Motion: Authorize the City Manager to negotiate use BORNO X X of right-of-way, and within 180 days, negotiate a Mx x MITCHELTCHELSON X franchise agreement comparable to the ones negotiated SHAUGHNESSY X by the other two beach cities. Commissioner Borno inquired where the pipeline would physically run in the right-of- way, and Mr. Scruggs stated that generally it ran along the side of the road in the utility right-of-way easement. M S O E T C I O Y O N E N Minutes Page -8- COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 November 9, 1998 Mayor Shaughnessy inquired as to the city's options if the motion was approved. City Attorney Jensen advised that it was acceptable to approve the motion because any negotiated contract would have to come before the commission for approval. He further stated that he had some basic concerns with the right-of-way use agreement which was faxed to the city late Friday afternoon, but they were not insurmountable and could be corrected by staff and brought back before the commission. The draft agreement is attached and made part of this official record as Attachment A. After some further discussion, Mayor Shaughnessy appointed Commissioner Borno as Commission Liaison, and City Manager Jarboe and City Attorney Jensen to the Staff Committee to negotiate the agreement. There being no further discussion, the motion carried unanimously. S D. Authorize Current Lifeguard Salaries to Remain in Effect Indefinitely(City Manager) BORNO X X Motion: Authorize the current lifeguard salaries to MESERVE X remain in effect indefinitely. SHAUGHLSON X X HAUGHNESSY x Stephen Kuti stated that the lifeguards do a tremendous job for the city and supported the continued pay increase. Commissioner Mitchelson felt there was no limitation placed on the previously authorized salary increase. City Manager Jarboe stated that clarification was needed because there was some confusion because at one time the salary increase was discussed and referred to as a bonus. The question was called by Commissioner Borno and the motion carried unanimously. E. Discussion and Related Action Relative to Teen Council O City Clerk) Mayor Shaughnessy requested Commission direction for formation M S O E T C I O Y Minutes Page -9- o N E N COMMISSIONERS N ND S O November 9, 1998 of a Teen Council and indicated that nine individuals had expressed interest in participating. Commissioner Borno stated he needed more information before making a decision on implementing the Teen Council. Motion: Request staff and those interested to draft a BORNO X X proposal for formation of the Teen Council to include rsESERVE x proposed bylaws, structure, positions, organizational SHAUGHNESSY X X objectives, etc. to be presented at the December 14, 1998 meeting. Mayor Shaughnessy suggested using the bylaws from the previous Teen Council as a starting point. Mayor Shaughnessy and Commissioner Borno believed that nine members would form a nucleus for the Teen Council and it would grow. There being no further discussion, the motion carried unanimously. 9. City Manager Reports and/or Correspondence: City Manager Jarboe A. Report and Related Action Relative to Providing Water and Sewer Service to Mayport Naval Station Alan Potter of 374 Second Street spoke concerning a letter dated October 23, 1998, from the Navy requesting that the city consider taking over operations of the Naval Station Mayport water and wastewater treatment systems. The letter is attached and made part of this official record as Attachment B. Mr. Potter stated the Navy system was larger than the Atlantic Beach and Buccaneer systems combined, and expressed concern regarding the industrial waste treated by the Navy system of which the city has no treatment experience and urged the city not to take over operation of the facilities. City Manager Jarboe stated the city had conducted a preliminary MS OE T C I O Y Minutes Page -10- O N E x III COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 November 9, 1998 investigation of the system, and the on-base sewer plant operation was a cause of concern due to the history and environmental problems of the site. He believed it would not be wise for the city to take over operation of the on-base wastewater treatment but suggested the city continue serving the off-base housing and commissary. City Manager Jarboe was directed to gather more information and bring his findings to the next Commission meeting. B. Letter from the Department of Environmental Protection City Manager Jarboe stated the city had received a letter from the DEP requesting a meeting with the city on Wednesday, November 18, 1998 and requested that a member of the Commission be present at the meeting. City Manager Jarboe suggested Commissioner Borno attend due to his work with the Howell Park Review Committee. After a brief discussion, it was the consensus of the Commission that Mr. Borno represent the Commission at the meeting. Reminded the Commission that City Hall would be open November 11, 1998. Inquired if the Commission wanted the actuaries and Pension Board Attorney present at the public hearing for the Pension Ordinance at an approximate cost of$1,000.00 - 2,000.00. It was the consensus of the Commission that they would not have to attend public hearing. It was agreed that if there were any technical questions, they could be submitted in writing to the appropriate person prior to the hearing. 10. Reports and/or Requests from City Commissioners, City IIIAttorney and City Clerk M S O E T C I O Y 1111 Minutes Page -11- ONEE N g COMMISSIONERS N ND S 0 November 9, 1998 Commissioner Borno Inquired concerning the preliminary plans for the recreation building included in the packet. City Manager Jarboe stated that it was included for informational purposes. It was the consensus of the Commission to submit their comments on the proposed building to the City Manager before the next meeting. Commissioner Mitchelson Congratulated Commissioner Meserve on being chosen the 1999 Chair of the Beaches Chamber of Commerce. Mayor Shaughnessy Requested that the agenda be kept light for the next two meetings and include only necessities. Commented that the 10th Street parking would remain open ended until such time as the city receives a written response from the Corps of Engineers. Requested that the City Attorney again contact the Corps of Engineers and request a written opinion. Requested that the City Attorney review the proposed lease for parking spaces on 10th Street to verify it reflected the Commissioner Meserve's motion concerning the same. Requested that only white lights be used with the Town Center decorations. It was reported that former Mayor Fletcher had stored the Town Center lights and they could probably be used again this year. S M S O E T C I O Y III Minutes Page -12- ONEE N g COMMISSIONERS N ND S 0 November 9, 1998 There being no further comments or business to come before the Commission, the meeting adjourned at 8:48 p.m. 2Q.` Suzanne Shaughness Mayor /Presiding Officer ATTEST: lit644)2-°A Maureen King, M City Clerk 0 NOV. 6. 1998 3:22Ptr1 ATTACHMENT A NOVEMBER 9, 1998 COMMISSION MEETING To:Alan Jensen, Esq. Fax#: 904-246-9960 FA(SIMILE Re:PGS/City of Atlantic Beach:interim right of way use agreement Date: November 6, 1998 Pages: five, including this cover sheet. Alan: Attached is a form of agreement which I believe will serve until the franchise is completed. We will be sending you a proposed franchise agreement next week. Please let me know if you have any comments on this document. Thanks, cc:Jim Jarboe, City Manager Fax: 904-247-5805) Rick Stuart, PGS Fax: 850-872-6 I 90) From the desk of._. Jim Estes Corporate Counsel TECO Energy.Inc. Post Office Box 111 Tampa, FL.33601-0111 813/228-1805 Fax:813/228-1328 NOV. F. 1998 3:22P11 NO. 7752 P. 2 RIGHT OF WAY USE AGREEMENT MADE THIS day of November 1998,by and between PEOPLES GAS SYSTEM, a division of Tampa Electric Company, a Florida corporation, ("Company")and THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA, a Florida municipal corporation("City"). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS,the Company is engaged in constructing a natural gas main(the"Facility")to serve the Mayport Naval Station, a United States Navy facility("Project"), and WHEREAS, the Facilities must be constructed along and within certain rights of way belonging to the City, and WHEREAS,the Facilities,upon completion,will permit the Company to make gas service available within such areas of the City as are feasible to service, and WHEREAS,Company has requested access to a portion of the City's rights of way for the purpose of construction, maintenance and operation of those portions of the Facilities within the City's jurisdiction(the"Activities"), and WHEREAS,Company has committed to promptly negotiate in good faith with the City to obtain a franchise so that it would have the opportunity to serve feasible areas within the City, and WHEREAS, City has agreed to permit the Activities to the terms and conditions set forth below, NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of Ten Dollars and other good and valuable consideration exchanged between them and the mutual benefits expected to be derived,the receipt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged, City and Company agree as follows: 1. Access Permission. a. City hereby grants to Company permission to enter upon, over and across those portions of the City's streets,roads and rights of way,for the purpose of conducting the Activities and installing the Facilities in accordance with applicable legal and safety code requirements. b. In its conduct of the Activities upon the City's rights of way, Company shall follow safe practices at all times and shall not unduly interfere with the operation and maintenance of City facilities within the Company's rights of way. H:ICIIDMULEIPGSIATLANm7C\ROWUSE2.AGR 1110 NOV. 6. 199$ 3:23PM Na 7752 P. 1'5 Sc. Company agrees not to use any of City's rights of way for accumulation, storage or disposal of any substances resulting from the conduct of the Activity. 2. Term of Agreement. This Agreement shall be for a term, commencing on November 1998, and ending upon the earlier of the granting of a gas utility franchise by the City to the Company or the termination of Company's obligation to serve the Mayport Naval Station. 3. Maintenance,Repair and Mitigation. Company agrees to take all due care in its use of City's property and to maintain same in good condition during the term of this Agreement and to restore same, except as City otherwise may permit, to the condition that existed upon the commencement of Company's Activity under this Agreement, including any mitigation required by any government agencies for any disruption or displacement of natural conditions caused by Company's Activities under this Agreement. 4. Indemnification. Company shall indemnify and agrees to defend and hold harmless City against all claims, damages, losses and expenses(including reasonable attorney's fees) for injury to property,persons or the environment which arise out any negligence of the Company in connection with the 41110 Company's Activity or access to City's lands under this Agreement. 5. lvahze of Agreement. It is understood and agreed by the parties that this Agreement and the rights conferred hereby are an occupancy permit or easement, and nothing herein shall be deemed to grant Company any ownership interest in any lands of City or any rights other than as set forth in this Agreement. 6.Notices. Any notices required or permitted to be given under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been given if delivered by hand,sent by recognized overnight courier(such as Federal Express)or mailed by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, in a postage prepaid envelope, and addressed as follows: If to COMPANY at: Peoples Gas System Attention: H.CIIDhNLE\PGS',n"fLnNTIC1ROwIJSE2.AGR 2 10. 6. 199° 3:23P11 NO. 7752 P. 4/5 If to CITY at: City of Atlantic Beach 1200 Sandpiper Lane Atlantic Beach,FL 32233 Attention: Jim Jarboe, City Manager with copy to: Alan Jensen, City Attorney City of Atlantic Beach P.O.BOX 50457 Jacksonville Beach,FL 32240 Notices personally delivered or sent by overnight courier shall be deemed given on the date of delivery and notices mailed in accordance with the foregoing shall be deemed given on the date of delivery,provided the return receipt is received. 7. Construction. This Agreement shall be governed by,and construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. All of the parties to this Agreement have participated fully in the negotiation and preparation hereof, and, accordingly, this Agreement shall not be more strictly construed against any one of the parties hereto. In construing this Agreement, the singular shall be held to include the plural,the plural shall be held to include the singular and the use of any gender shall be held to include every other gender. 8. Captions. The captions of the various paragraphs of this Agreement are inserted for the purpose of convenient reference only and shall not affect the construction or interpretation to be given any of the provisions hereof or be deemed in any manner to define,limit,modify or prescribe the scope or intent of this Agreement or any provision hereof. 9. Severability. In the event any term or provision of this Agreement shall be determined by appropriate judicial authority to be illegal or otherwise invalid, such provision shall be given its nearest legal meaning or be construed as deleted s such authority determines,and the remainder of this Agreement shall be construed in full force and effect. 10. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which, when executed and delivered,shall be an original,but all counterparts shall together constitute one and the same instrument. N:1c„....s1ATLANTtc1ROWUSE2.AGR 3 ATTACHMENT B 1.14T74,-- 44' rtT_OF NOVEMBER 9, 1998 COMMISSION MEETING 847411 2 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY L9 ~ ' 6:=" 12 ?,Illi'. M SOUTHERN DIVISION l•/NAVAL FACILrTIES ENGINEERING COMMAND p P.O.BOX 100010 2155 EAGLE DRIVE NORTH CHARLESTON,S.C. 20410.0010 11310 0234RP 23 October 1998 CERTIFIED MAIL-RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED City of Atlantic Beach ATTN: Mr. James Jarboe 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, FL 32233-5445 Gentlemen: The Department of the Navy requires safe, reliable, modern, and economical utility services. Utility ownership, operations, and maintenance are neither core functions of the Navy/Marine Corps nor inherently governmental. For these reasons, the Department of the Navy is exploring the potential of transferring permanent ownership (privatization) of the water and wastewater utility systems at Naval Station Mayport. The following is provided only to give an approximation of the size and general description of each system. Any numbers are only estimates. NAVAL STATION MAYPORT WATER Potable water at NS Mayport is supplied by four(4) deep wells and is treated on site by aeration and chlorinated at each storage tank. The water plant operates under St. John's Water Management District Consumptive Use Permit 2-031-0029UGRM. There are 336,000 feet of water mains two (2) ground level tanks (one 2 MG and one 0.5 MGD). There are 220 back flow prevention devices being maintained in the distribution system. The off base housing area includes 4000 feet of water lines but no storage capacity. The City of Atlantic Beach provides water service. WASTEWATER The wastewater collection system is comprised of 150,000 feet of gravity sewer and force main with 24 pump stations. The wastewater is treated at a 2 MGD complete mix activated sludge plant consisting of automatic bar screen/grit removal system, flow splitter box, flow equalization basin, secondary clarification, aeration basins, aerobic digesters, sludge drying beds, chorine contact chamber with dechlorination. The discharge is by gravity to the St. John's River. There is a .288 MGD oily waste pretreatment facility 110x. F. 1998 '•23P1 110. 7752 P. 5/5 11. Enforcement. In the event of any enforcement activity or litigation by a party relating to this Agreement, each party shall bear its own attorneys' and paralegal fees and court costs,including those incurred on appeal. 12. Survivability. The representations,warranties, indemnities and obligations of Company contained herein shall survive the completion of the Activity referenced herein. 13. Now-Assignability. This Agreement may not be assigned by Company except to a qualified successor regulated by the Florida Public Service Commission. 14. Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding and Agreement between the parties and may not be changed, altered or modified except by an instrument in writing signed by the party against whom enforcement of such change would be sought. This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns. SIN WITNESS WHF,REOF,this Agreement has been executed and exchanged as of the date first above written. WITNESSES: COMPANY: PEOPLES GAS SYSTEM,a division of Tampa Electric Company By: Name: Its: Corporate Seal) WITNESSES: CITY: THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, a Florida municipal corporation By: Name: Its: City Seal) H:ICHDMVLEIPCSIATLANTICIROWUSE2. 4AGR comprising of 3-300,000 gallon quiescent separation tanks, physical-chemical treatment, dissolved air flotation, and carbon filtration. The off base housing area includes 4000 feet of gravity sewers force main with one (1) pump station. Sewer service is currently provided by the City of Atlantic Beach. Should privatization occur, the ownership of the entire systems including all operating responsibility shall be transferred to the new owner. All responsibility for maintaining reliable service, including (but not limited to) such items as environmental compliance and permits, maintenance, major system renovations, construction, equipment, manpower, and overhead costs shall become the new owner's responsibility. Our research indicates your company holds a franchise for these areas. This office would like to discuss with you the possibility of transferring our system infrastructure to your service area. If you are interested in opening these discussions, please respond in writing with a point of contact by 20 November 1998. A one or two page letter is sufficient at this time. If you are interested, a site visit and pre-proposal conference will be held at a later date to define in detail the scope and nature of this facility for you to gain additional information for preparing a proposal. If you require additional information, please call Catherine Wilber at (843) 820- 5698. Sincer: y L I/ V /, . etersRal.hA. Contract Specialist Utilities/Energy Services Branch Copy to: CO NS Mayport PWO NAS JAX CINCLANTFLT, CDR LARRY VAN DESSEL Code 300, PWC,NAS JAX III G` 01ERNHrrO. 64 .y; , 9 NORTHEAST FLORIDA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES LOCAL 630 a A LABORERS' INTERNATIONAL UNION OF NORTH AMERICA, AFL-CIOconammum 550 Balmoral Circle N., Suite 207 — Jacksonville, Florida 32218 Phone 904 -757-8444 • Fax #904- 757-8448 ar o eh Aroe'A0,611Ja,L661 November 18, 1998 Business Manager William(Beau)Worsham Mr. Jim Jarboe, City Manager President City of Atlantic BeachCharlesL.King City Hall Ronnie ry Burns- Treasurer 800 Seminole RoadRonnieBurris AFFILIATIONS: Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 LIUNA, Washington,D.C. Re: Ratification of October 1, 1998 through September 30, 2001 Agreement North and Central Florida Dear Jim; Laborers District Council Florida State Please be advised that the bargaining unit employees represented by Local 630 metAFL-CIO yesterday to consider and vote on the proposed contract. The proposed agreement was North Florida approved 17 to 0 by the employees (see the attached tally results).Central Labor Council Please submit the agreement to the Commission for approval as soon as possible. Please 41)give me a call once the Commission has approved the agreement. If you need a clean copy for the Commission without the underlines and strike-outs,please let me know. Your assistance and cooperation is appreciated as always. Sincerely, William A. Worsham Business Manager WAW/ald cc: Jack Baldwin Desmond Green Troy Stephens File 11111 UN ,- .. YESL 11/18/1998 11:50 9042475843 C A B PUBLIC WORKS PAGE 02 JAN-12-1900 23:54 P.03 TALLY RESULTS OF RATIFICATION BALLOT41) Agreement To Local 630 Agreement City of Atlantic Beach October 1 , 1998 through September 30, 1999 For: d / Against: I (we) attest that the above count to be true to the best of my (our)knowledge. bgtititur, t_ i <dWi " ss Date signed Wrtne 1' Date signed