07-28-97 v t CITY IOF ATLANTIC BEACH COMMISSIN MEETING- July 28, 1997 --+��' AGENDA Call to order Invocation and pledge to the flag 1. Approval of the minutes of the Regular Commission Meeting of July 14, 1997 2. Recognition of Visitors: 3. Unfinished Business: *A. Authorize cash award to Employee of the Year 4. Consent Agenda: A. Acknowledge receipt of monthly report from Fire Department B. Acknowledge receipt of Capital Improvement Plan Progress Report No. 11 5. Action on Resolutions: A. Resolution No. 97-25: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH RECOGNIZING THE SIXTEENTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE BEACHES HONOR GUARD 6. Action on Ordinances: A. Ordinance No. 57-97-20 - Introduction and First Reading AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 7, FIRE PREVENTION AND PROTECTION, IN ITS ENTIRETY AND RENAMING CHAPTER 7 AS FIRE PROTECTION AND LIFE SAFETY CODE, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE 7. New Business: A. Declare certain vehicles and equipment surplus and authorize their sale by public auction B. Public hearing and action on a request for a Use-by-Exception filed by Florida Weather, Inc., to operate an office for a contractor not requiring outside storage at 20 Seminole Road, on property currently zoned CG, Commercial General C. Award contract for street sweeping pursuant to the specifications of Bid No. 9697-19 **D. Reject all bids received under Bid No. 9697-17 for repair of electric pumps and motors and authorize rebidding for this service E. Award contract for electric trouble-shooting pursuant to the specifications of Bid No. 9697-18 AMENDED AGENDA *3A - Amended to change requested action **7D - Amended to authorize payment Page Two AGENDA July 28, 1997 F. Action on a request for speed bumps at Seventeenth Street G. Authorize the City Manager to execute State of Florida, Department of Labor and Employment Security, Wages Program Work Experience Agreement H. Award contract to rehabilitate four occupied homes pursuant to the specifications of Bid No. 9697-21 I. Award contract to design/build an animal kennel pursuant to the specifications of Bid No. 9697-20 8. City Manager Reports and/or Correspondence: A. Report relative to enforcement of animal control ordinance B. Report relative to homeless/vagrants C. Report relative to angle parking at 18th Street D. Report relative to pedestrian/bicycle access to Hanna Park E. Report and recommendations relative to City Hall Security 9. Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners, City Attorney and City Clerk Adjournment If any person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at any meeting, such person may need a record of the proceedings, and,for such purpose,may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made,which record shall include the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Any person wishing to speak to the City Commission on any matter at this meeting should submit a request to the City Clerk prior to the meeting. For your convenience,forms for this purpose are available at the entrance to the Commission Chambers, In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 286.26, Florida Statutes, persons with disabilities needing special accommodation to participate in this meeting should contact the City Clerk. ✓ v O 0 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC T T BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD IN CITY HALL, 800 SEMINOLE E E ROAD, AT 7:15 PM ON MONDAY, JULY 28, 1997 S S PRESENT: Mike Borno John Meserve Steve Rosenbloom Suzanne Shaughnessy, Commissioners AND: Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney M s O E Jim Jarboe, City Manager T C Maureen King, City Clerk I 0 Y O NEN ABSENT: Mayor Lyman Fletcher(Excused) COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 The meeting was called to order at 7:15 p.m. by Mayor Pro Tem Rosenbloom. The invocation was offered by Reverend David Jeffrey. 1. Approval of the minutes of the Regular Meeting held July 14, 1997. BORNO X X MESERVE X Motion: Approve minutes of the Regular Meeting held July 14, ROSENBLOOM X 1997. SHAUGHNESSY X X The motion carried unanimously. 2. Recognition of Visitors: A. Judy Wilson, representing the Tissue Organ Donors Foundation, reported the fundraisers held on behalf of Jeannie Brown, a Public Safety Department employee who passed away before receiving a liver transplant, had raised $1,345.00. Mrs. Wilson presented the city a check and asked that the money be given to the Tissue Organ Donors Foundation for educational purposes. Mrs. Wilson thanked all of those who participated in the fundraisers and stated in the very near future transplant operations would be performed in Jacksonville. Pat McLaughlin, a kidney transplant recipient and member of the Tissue Organ Donors Foundation, spoke briefly on the organization's program and urged those present to become organ donors. B. At this point in the meeting, Item 5 A was taken out of sequence and Mayor Pro Tern Rosenbloom read in its entirety Resolution No. 97-25 honoring the sixteenth anniversary of the Beaches Honor Guard. M S O E T C Minutes Page -2- I 0 Y ONE N July 28, 1997 COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 Members of the Honor Guard presented the colors, which was followed by The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Members of the Honor Guard were introduced, and a brief history of the group presented. It was reported that volunteers for the organization are always needed. Mayor Pro Tern Rosenbloom thanked the members and presented them with the framed resolution. BORNO X X Motion: Pass Resolution No. 97-25 honoring the sixteenth ME SERVE x x anniversaryRO of the Beaches Honor Guard. SHAUGHNESSLOOM X SHAUGHNESSY X There was no further discussion and the motion carried unanimously. 3. Unfinished Business: A. Authorize cash award to Employee of the Year Mayor Pro Tem Rosenbloom explained that there had been some question during the previous Commission Meeting concerning the monetary amount to award the Employee of the Year, and due to his absence, the item was deferred until tonight. BORNO X Motion: Authorize payment of$750.00 to the Employee of ME SERVE X X the Year, commencing with the last employee of the year ROSENBLOOM X SHAUGHNESSY X X selection. There was no discussion and the motion carried unanimously. 4. Consent Agenda: A. Acknowledge receipt of monthly report from the Fire Department The consent agenda item was received and acknowledged as presented. 5. Action on Resolutions: A. Resolution No.97-25: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH RECOGNIZING THE SIXTEENTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE BEACHES HONOR GUARD This item was taken out of sequence and Resolution No. 97-25 was M S O E Minutes Page -3- T C July 28, 19970 Y o N E N COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 passed under Item 2 B. 6. Action on Ordinances: A. Ordinance No. 57-97-20: Introduction and First Reading AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA,AMENDING CHAPTER 7, FIRE PREVENTION AND PROTECTION, IN ITS ENTIRETY AND RENAMING CHAPTER 7 AS FIRE PROTECTION AND LIFE SAFETY CODE, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE Mayor Pro Tern Rosenbloom presented Ordinance No. 57-97-20 in full, in writing. Motion: Approve passage of Ordinance No. 57-97-20 on first BORNo x x VE X X reading and set the public hearing for August 11, 1997. ROSENBLOOM x SHAUGHNESSY X Commissioner Borno commented it was a good, well-written ordinance and commended the author for his work. There was no discussion, the motion carried unanimously. 7. New Business: A. Declare certain vehicles and equipment surplus and authorize their sale by public auction City Manager Jarboe reviewed the Surplus Vehicles and Equipment List compiled by Public Works Director Kosoy and Streets and Maintenance Director Nodine, which is attached and made part of this official record as Attachment A. He explained the list included old worn out vehicles, obsolete radio equipment, various pieces of equipment and miscellaneous office equipment. BORNO X X Motion: Declare all items listed in the memo dated June 23, 1997 MESERVE x x (Attachment A) surplus and authorize the sale of same by ROSENBLOOM x public auction. SHAUGHNESSY X Commissioner Borno inquired if the radios were usable and Public Safety Director Thompson stated they were functional but were the old VHF frequency. Commissioner Shaughnessy inquired if the items listed were to be replaced in M O E Minutes Page -4- T C July 28, 1997 I O Y ONE N COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 this year's budget and City Manager Jarboe stated the items had already been replaced. There being no further discussion, the motion carried unanimously. B. Public hearing and action on a request for a Use-by-Exception filed by Florida Weather, Inc. to operate an office for a contractor not requiring outside storage at 20 Seminole Road, on property currently zoned CG, Commercial General Motion: Grant Use-by-Exception to Florida Weather, Inc. to BORNO X operate an office for a contractor not requiring outside storage MESERVE X X at 20 Seminole Road, on property currently zoned CG, ROSENBLOOM x Commercial General, subject to the recommendations SHAUGHNESSY X of Staff and the Community Development Board (listed in a Staff Report from Community Development Director Worley dated July 23, 1997,which is attached and made part of this official record as Attachment B0. Community Development Director Worley explained contractors not requiring outside storage are permitted by exception in CG districts. Steve Doerr, owner of the business, was present and explained he had no problem in meeting the requirements set forth by the Community Development Board and Staff. After a brief discussion, the motion carried unanimously. C. Award contract for street sweeping pursuant to the specifications of Bid No. 9697-19 Motion: Award contract to USA Services for street sweeping BORNO X every other month (Option I) in accordance with the MESERVE x x H specifications of Bid No. 9697-19 at an annual cost of SUGHNESM X SHAUGHNESSY X X $14,964.00. Commissioner Meserve inquired if sweeping every other month met the requirements of of the city's stormwater permit and FDOT maintenance contract. City Manager Jarboe stated the requirements were met. There was no further discussion and the motion carried unanimously. D. Reject all bids received under Bid No. 9697-17 for repair of M S O E T C Minutes Page -5- I 0 Y ONE N July 28, 1997 COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 electric pumps and motors and authorize rebidding for this service Motion: Reject all bids received under Bid No. 9697-17 for BORNO X repair of electric pumps and motors and authorize the rebid of ME SERVE X X ROSENBLOOM X the repair service. SHAUGHNESSY X X City Manager Jarboe explained there was some confusion with one category of the bid specifications resulting in a discrepancy in the bid submitted by Universal Pump and Motors. It was recommended the annual contract for repairs be rebid with a more precise definition of the position. Commissioner Borno inquired if anyone knew how Universal Pump and Motors' machine shop operated because this could directly affect the bid outcome. Public Works Director Kosoy related the item was explained in detail at the pre-bid conference, however, the price discrepancy still occurred. There was no further discussion and the motion carried unanimously. E. Award contract for electric trouble-shooting and repair pursuant to the specifications of Bid No. 9697-18 BORNO X Motion: Award contract for electric trouble-shooting and MESERVE X X repair to Brooks and Limbaugh Electrical Company pursuant to ROSENBLOOM X the specifications of Bid No. 9697-18. SHAUGHNESSY X X There was no discussion and the motion carried unanimously. F. Action on a request for speed bumps at Seventeenth Street City Manager Jarboe explained the residents of the 1700 block of Beach Avenue were requesting a speed bump due to their concern for the safety of their children. Mayor Pro Tem Rosenbloom inquired what was being requested of the Commission. City Manager Jarboe explained that historically, it has been the policy of the city for the Commission to approve installation and decide on the placement of the speed bumps. It was also pointed out that the Commission in the past has approved speed bumps where needed, but due to the liability involved, the Police Department has not recommended the use of speed bumps. M S O E T C Minutes Page -6- I O Y July 28, 1997 ONEN COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 Motion: Authorize the city to install a speed bump on the 1700 BORNO X block of Beach Avenue between 17th and 18th Streets. MESERVE X X ROSENBLOOM X SHAUGHNESSY X X Commissioner Shaughnessy stated she understood the liability involved, but the worse liability would be someone injured by a car, especially if it were a child. Andrea Haas of 1766 Beach Avenue, circulator of the petition for speed bumps, explained the reasons for the additional speed bump(s) request. The written request and signed petition are attached and made part of this official record as Attachment C. J.P. Marchioli of 414 Sherry Drive verified the speed limit on Beach Avenue to be 15 m.p.h. and stated he believed with such a low speed limit, more enforcement was needed if speeding occurred, not speed bumps. Mr. Marchioli further stated he frequently rides his bicycle on Beach Avenue and has never encountered a speeder or discourteous driver on the street. Commissioner Meserve stated normally he was very much against speed bumps, but due to the uniqueness of the street---no curb and gutter, narrow in width, located in a high tourist area, with speed bumps located in the next block over; he supported the request. However, Commissioner Meserve continued by stating he was afraid the Commission was setting a precedent that says if you can get enough of your neighbors to sign a petition, then you get a speed bump. He further expressed concern speed bumps will spread to places the city will not want to have them. Commissioner Meserve then emphasized in this case, it was the uniqueness of the street, not the petition that earned his support of the request for a speed bump. Commissioner Shaughnessy concurred with Commissioner Meserve's position and stated the speed bump was appropriate in this area, but each request would be considered on a case by case basis. Commissioner Borno requested clarification of the number of speed bumps being requested since one letter enclosed with the petition requested two speed bumps and the other requested one speed bump. Considering the number of speed bumps already installed on Beach Avenue, Commissioner Borno stated he opted for stricter enforcement to curtail speeding. Andrea Haas indicated the request was for one speed bump by her home, which is located closer to 18th Street. However, Mrs. Haas pointed out that repavement of the street had caused an increase in speeding, which at times appeared to be upwards of 30 m.p.h. Based on this observation, one M S O E T C Minutes Page -7- I o Y Jul 28 1997 ONE N Y COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 family living closer to 17th Street had indicated their desire for a speed bump. Commissioner Shaughnessy then stated that it was the intent of her motion for the City Manager and Public Safety Director review the request and decide the size and placement of the speed bump. She further stated the speed bumps should not be installed without their expertise being applied. Director Thompson stated traditionally the Police Department has never recommended speed bumps. However, Beach Avenue is unlike any other roadway in the city, and this request would be consistent with the other speed bumps on Beach Avenue. Director Thompson also indicated the Public Safety Department had been running radar on Beach Avenue with the highest detected speed being 18 m.p.h. Mayor Pro Tern Rosenbloom stated he lived on Beach Avenue and in the areas with longer blocks, such as where he lives, speeding does occur. He further stated that a large number of children do live on the 1700 block of Beach Avenue and he favored installation of a speed bump. There being no further discussion the question was called and the motion carried by a three to one vote with Commissioner Borno voting nay. G. Authorize the City Manager to execute a State of Florida, Department of Labor and Employment Security Wages Program Work Experience Agreement City Manager Jarboe briefly explained the objectives of the program and felt the program would last for three to four months. Motion: Authorize the City Manager to execute the Work and BORNO X Gain Economic Self-Sufficiency (WAGES) Program with the RESERVE X x Florida Department of Labor. SHAUGHNESS X p SHAUGHNESSY X X There was no discussion and the motion carried unanimously. H. Award contract to rehabilitate four occupied homes pursuant to the specifications of Bid No. 9697-21 City Manager Jarboe briefly explained the Community Development Block Grant Program rehabilitation of four homes and recommended the city not award the alternate bid for a central heating system at 36 Dudley due to the high cost. M S O E T C Minutes Page -8- I 0 Y Jul 28 1997 ONE N Y COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 Motion: Award contracts to rehabilitate four occupied homes BORNO X X pursuant to the specifications of Bid No. 9697-21 as MESERVE X recommended by staff. (A memo from George Worley, ROSENBLOOM X Community Development Director, dated July 24, 1997 is SHAUGHNESSY X X attached and made part of this official record as Attachment D.) Commissioner Shaughnessy remarked she was pleased to continue the progress being made in the Donner Community area and thanked Community Development Director Worley for the considerable time he has put into this program. As a point of clarification, City Manager Jarboe explained the funding came from the Federal HUD program as part of the interlocal agreement settlement to provide the funding to rehabilitate low to moderate income homes. So far, thirty homes have been rehabilitated under the program. Commissioner Borno inquired if this project would deplete the CDBG Program funds for the year. City Manager Jarboe replied that each year a plan is approved by the Commission and submitted to the City of Jacksonville, which is in turn approved by their HUD division. Community Development Director Worley explained that some sidewalk replacement and work in Donner Park is included in this budget and scheduled for completion this year and the possibility of other rehabilitation work is being investigated. There being no further discussion, the motion carried unanimously. I. Award contract to design/build an animal kennel pursuant to the specifications of Bid No. 9697-20 City Manager Jarboe explained construction of the new building would replace the existing facility and provide for more humane treatment of the animals by eliminating the smell and noise problems and providing better ventilation. City Manager Jarboe continued that the lowest bid came in $12,000.00 over the estimated cost of the project and he believed even if the project was rebid, a better bid would not be obtained. Motion: Accept the low bid of custom Construction by Harris to BORNO x x design/build an animal kennel pursuant to the specifications of MESERVE X X Bid No. 9697-20. ROSENBLOOM X SHAUGHNESSY X Commissioner Borno then stated he was aware of the need for the facility M S O E T C Minutes Page -9- I 0 Y July 28, 1997 ONE N COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 and asked if the building was air conditioned. City Manager Jarboe stated it was natural air flow with operable louvers. Public Safety Director Thompson stated the building would not be heated or air conditioned but an attic fan would be installed to facilitate air flow. Commissioner Borno then inquired if animal control was part of the city's interlocal agreement with the City of Jacksonville and City Manager Jarboe stated it was part of the agreement in that they would provide the same service as they do to other parts of Jacksonville . However, it was pointed out that previous Commissions did not feel this was enough for what the citizens of Atlantic Beach demanded. A brief discussion of the history of the existing facility ensued, including the drainage problems and the large number of animals being housed there. Commissioner Meserve indicated he would vote for the facility stating that reconstruction of existing facilities is always more expensive than new construction and the contractors bid met specifications. City Manager Jarboe indicated he would try to obtain financial assistance from the City of Jacksonville to build the facility should the Commission approve awarding the bid. Commissioner Shaughnessy stated she could not support this project due to the cost of the building. Basically, it seemed like a nice facility, but should be used only as a"temporary holding facility" for animals and the proposed waste removal system for the building was definitely a luxury, not a necessity. Commissioner Borno indicated the City of Jacksonville needed to provide better service in picking up the animals. Commissioner Shaughnessy indicated in discussions with the City of Neptune Beach, they indicated they did not have any problems with the City of Jacksonville picking up the animals unless there were extenuating circumstances. Mayor Pro Tem Rosenbloom asked City Manager Jarboe for his recommendation. City Manager Jarboe stated Public Safety Director Thompson and his staff had determined the size of the proposed building was needed to adequately house the animals, but at $60.00 per square foot, the cost was too high. City Manager Jarboe stated Jacksonville did not have the capacity to transport all the animals at one time, especially on the weekend. M S O E T C Minutes Page -10- i o Y July 28, 1997 ONE N COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 After some further discussion, the question was called and the motion failed by a one to three vote with Mayor Pro Tern Rosenbloom and Commissioners Shaughnessy and Borno voting nay. BORNO X X Motion: Rebid the project with existing specifications. MESERVE X ROSENBLOOM X X There was no discussion and this motion failed by a zero to four roll call SHAUGHNESSY x vote with Commissioner Borno, Commissioner Meserve, Mayor Pro Tern Rosenbloom and Commissioner Shaughnessy all voting nay. Motion: Revise the design of the building to bring the cost down BORNO MESERVE and rebid the project. ROSENBLOOM SHAUGHNESSY X The motion failed for lack of a second. Motion: Accept the low bid of custom Construction by Harris to BORNO x design/build an animal kennel pursuant to the specifications of MESERVE X X Bid No. 9697-20. ROSENBLOOM X X SHAUGHNESSY X The motion failed due to a two to two tie vote with Commissioners Borno and Shaughnessy voting nay. Diane Watson of 1490 Linkside Drive inquired as to the location of the new facility and City Manager Jarboe indicated it would be located in approximately in the same location , close to the Jordan Park side of the Public Works property. J.P. Marchioli of 414 Sherry Drive suggested the city negotiate a better price with the lowest bidder. After some further discussion, the City Manager was directed to report back at the next Commission Meeting with recommendations to lower costs for the project. 8. City Manager Reports and/or Correspondence: A. Report relative to enforcement of Animal Control Ordinance City Manager Jarboe reported enforcement of the Animal Control Ordinance had increased, with more enforcement occurring on the beach. Lifeguards are now notifying the Public Safety Department/Animal Control Officer of violations. M S O E T C Minutes Page -11- I 0 Y July 28, 1997 ONE N COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 B. Report relative to homeless/vagrants It was reported the Public Safety Department had made an arrest and the lifeguards and police were coordinating efforts for stricter enforcement of the ordinance concerning no camping on the beach. Citizens were urged not to wait, but rather report problems when they happen. C. Report relative to angle parking at 18th Street City Manager Jarboe stated the Public Safety Department was recommending against angle parking at 18th Street because it would change traffic flow patterns, reduce available parking spaces and cause increased traffic on Beach Avenue. D. Report relative to pedestrian/bicycle access to Hanna Park It was reported the Hanna Park Manager strongly opposed a bicycle/pedestrian gate on the Seminole Road access to the park because he has no personnel to man the gate for the security of the campers and the crime rate in the park has dropped dramatically since repairing all of the holes in the fence. E. Report and recommendations relative to City Hall Security In referencing the report presented at the previous meeting relative to City Hall Security, City Manager Jarboe stated the security system and cameras at the cashiers' counter had been installed; and he would like Commission authorization to install a half door with a counter in the City Clerk's office to provide better service and traffic control. City Manager Jarboe further stated he would like to bring recommendations and costs for additional security improvements to the next meeting. Motion: Approve installation of a half door with a counter top BORNo x x Pp MESERVE X X in the City Clerk's office. ROSENBLOOM x SHAUGHNESSY X As a point of order, Commissioner Shaughnessy asked City Attorney Jensen if the Commission could approve an item under the Report section of the agenda, since the public had not been duly notified. City Attorney Jensen stated that recent case law and Attorney General opinions had allowed such action to be taken. Commissioner Shaughnessy stated she would like the item to be placed on the next agenda. There being no further discussion, the motion carried by a three to one vote M S O E T C Minutes Page -12- I 0 Y July 28, 1997 ONE N COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 with Commissioner Shaughnessy voting nay. F. Emergency Storm Drainage Repair at West 6th and Main Streets City Manager Jarboe reported the need for emergency repairs in the amount of$5,898.50 to repair the storm drain at West 6th and Main Streets as recommended in a report dated July 28, 1997 from Public Works Director Kosoy which is attached and made part of this official record as Attachment E. BORNO X X Motion: Approve emergency storm drainage repairs not to MESERVE X X exceed $6,000.00 at West 6th and Main Streets. ROSENBLOOM X SHAUGHNESSY X There was no discussion and the motion carried unanimously. G. Jury Duty City Manager Jarboe reported he had been selected for Grand Jury duty. 9. Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners, City Attorney and City Clerk Commissioner Borno welcomed Code Enforcement Official Grunewald back to work after recent surgery. Commissioner Shaughnessy requested that a proposed change to the Animal Control Ordinance be placed on the next agenda. In reference to what was just discussed, Public Safety Director Thompson stated the Animal Control Officer had just completed a week of training and had suggested a number of changes which needed to be made to the ordinance. Commissioner Rosenbloom requested that consideration of an amendment to the City Code to require only one Commission Meeting during each month in June, July and August be drafted and included on the next agenda. M S O E T C Minutes Page -13- I 0 Y July 28, 1997 ONE N COMMISSIONERS N D S 0 There being no further discussion or business to come before the Commission, the meeting adjourned at 8:40 PM. I ' I St-yen Rosenbloom Mayor Pro Tem/Presiding Officer ATTEST: Mau n King, CM 3 City Clerk um mulso MI ATTACHMENT A JULY 28, 1997 COMMISSION MEETING AGENDI, COMMISSION MEETING DATE: 1-Z$- q? CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: SURPLUS VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT SUBMITTED BY: Robert S. Kosoy/Director of Public Works /1 Phil Nodine/Streets&Maintenance Division Director DATE: June 23, 1997 BACKGROUND: We request that the following vehicles and equipment be declared as "Surplus" so they may be sold at auction. DESCRIPTION VIN#/CITY ID# MILEAGE 1. P22- 1989 Ford Car 2FABP72FXKX176207 Mileage= 119,722 2. P-16 - 1985 Dodge Truck B6MD34W9FS685929 Mileage = 158,216 3. P-21 - 1987 Dodge Truck 1B7GN14M4H5507938 Mileage= 102,044 4. P-11 - 1985 Ford Truck 2F11/F25Y6FCB05453 Wrecked 5. Car-7 - 1989 Ford 2FABP72F2KX176203 Mileage= 91,363 6. 1 - Seater Railer 7. 2 - Seater Railer 8. 32 -Mobile Radios with 24 Antennas 9. 1 -Flail Mower- 5-foot 10. 1 -JCB Backhoe Ditch Bucket 11. 1 - JCB Front Loader Bucket 12. 1 -Tractor Grader Blade 13. 1 -Fertilizer/Seeder Tractor Spreader 14. 1 - 3-Ton Chain hoist 15. 1 -Portable Synflex Hose Making Machine 16. 1 -Box Blades City ID#00055 17. 1 -Woods Bush-Hog Mower Deck City ID#00274 18. 1 -2-Ton NAPA Electrical Shop Crane City ID# 00030 19. 1 -Diagnostic Analyzer City ID #00219 20. 1 -Bumper Jack City II)#00033 21. 1 - Transmission Jack City ID #00036 Misc. Items in the Loft at Public Works to be Surplused and Auctioned: Cubicle Dividers, Misc. Monitor and Keyboard, File Folder Stands(8),Printer Cabinet,Desk Drawers RECOMMENDATION: Declare all items to be"Surplus" and approve for sale at auction ATTACHMENTS: NoneQ' kip REVIEWED BY CITY MANAGER: ATTACHMENT B JULY 28, 1997 COMMISSION MEETING -7 - Z8- 97 STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: Use-by-Exception application SUBMITTED BY: George Worley II, Community Development Director DATE: July 23, 1997 BACKGROUND: The applicant, Florida Weather, Inc. desires to operate the office functions of his Air Conditioning business from this location in the CG district. Contractors not requiring outside storage are permitted by exception in the CG districts. The applicant will not store parts or commercial vehicles at this location. RECOMMENDATION: The Community Development Board heard this application and recommends approval subject to the restriction that the applicant not store material outside the building and that no overnight parking of commercial vehicles will be permitted. Staff further recommends that the Use-by-Exception be granted to the applicant only and for the specified location only. ATTACHMENTS: 1) Application for Use-by-Exception 2) Draft Minutes of the Community Development Board eC. REVIEWED BY CITY MANAGER: AGEN ITEM NO. regarding fences from the prospective of privacy or sound barriers He requested that Director Thompson give his opinion regarding public safety In this connection. Director Thompson expressed concerns with fences or barriers at corner lots specifically due to visibility requirements. He stated that crime prevention requires that properties are clearly visible and high fences or shrubs prevent clear visibility not only for traffic line of sight but safety of the citizens. Mr. Frohwein requested that Director Thompson furnish the board copies of the traffic count performed in the past two years by the City. lI. Application for Use-by-Exception filed by Florida Weather, Inc. to install parts that are presently being sold through Atlantic Coast Appliance at property located at 20 Seminole Road. Steve Durr introduced himself and explained that his company desires to operate the office functions of his air conditioning business from the location. He stated that there will be no outside storage of parts or vehicles at the property. Mr. McGowan moved to recommend to the City Commission that they grant the use- by-exception based on the permitted uses by exception for commercial general districts allowing contractors not requiring outside storage and the understanding that the applicant will not have outside storage or parking at the premises. Mr. Frohwein seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Elf. Application for Variance filed by Meredith R. Wachtel to construct a fence which exceeds the height limitations at property located at 739 Selva Laks Circle. Ms. Wachtel introduced herself to the board and requested that the board table her application until further traffic flow studies could be performed. She stated problems with traffic, noise and privacy. Mr. Worley explained to the board that it has consistently followed the interpretation regarding corner lots with the setback of 15 feet on the secondary street frontage. After a lengthy discussion, Mr. McGowan moved to table the request indefinitely. Mr. Frohwein seconded the motion and the application was tabled until further notice. DISCUSSION ITEMS: 1. TRAFFIC FLOW PROBLEMS Ms. Pillmore asked if there was any possible grant money available for researching the traffic flow issues and answers and requested staff to look into the matter NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH Notice is hereby given the City Commission of Atlantic Beach, Florida, will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on Monday, July 28, 1997, at 7:15 PM at City Hall, 800 Seminole Road, for the purpose of hearing and considering the views of the public concerning the following request for a Use by Exception: AN APPLICATION FOR A USE BY EXCEPTION FILED BY STEPHEN E. DOERR OF FLORIDA WEATHER, INC. TO OPERATE AN OFFICE FOR A CONTRACTOR NOT REQUIRING OUTSIDE STORAGE AT 20 SEMINOLE ROAD, ZONED CG, COMMERCIAL GENERAL All persons interested are notified to be present at said time and place and they shall be heard. If a person decides to appeal any decision at any meeting or hearing, he will need a record of the proceedings, and for such purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record shall include the testimony and evidence upon which appeal is to be based. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons needing a special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact Maureen King, City Clerk, at 247-5809. or at City Hall, 800 Seminole Road. Please Type or Print in Ink Application Fee $100.00 APPLICATION FOR 'OSE BY EXCEPTION" Date Filed; G - -I 1 —i 7 Name and Address of Owner or Tenant in Poeseeeion of Premises; `'/i' Phone AO 5(sc r,.Joc(= X A Works 2`/9 c.1.lc7 /)i..44'1-.0 %Ji 9c. - ,c, Home; x`1(7 7a YS' Street address and legal description of the pramisea as to which the 'Use by Exception" is requeeted; _fie 5.06«1:,-10 t c- ria • - ---------------- il ri- i-✓Tr ...14-4-‘,.,-,/:-.t. A description of the "Use by Exception' desired, which shall specifically and particularly describe the type, character and extent of the proposed 'dee by Exception': ci Specific reaaone why the applicant feels the request should be granted; L.'b ,q-2(- 6aLJ4.. To £ .4,zT .t',t/�:Atc..,,✓e. P4-1:2 rs rrr.ir .to(- A iA.is-t t/ ..fc=4.4. 7/1/2‘,. 4 Ti .-F 4)rY,t, .•6.1-Si- /4.41/2.-i4aA; , 1 Zoning Claasiflcation; 6rc--,1,.✓ . DOF2rt_ _ G tet_ _ _("�_(��-"_"a (?it4116T tiC"YL 10/r. Sig ature of app cant/a licant's Si n r prPP g Attu a of owner of the roper r authorized agent or attorney. If Application cannot be protea ed agent or attorney, include letter without owners signature. from applicant to that effect. Applicant; Do not-fill-in beyond this point. However, be prepared to respond to the following itesat RECEIVED JUN [7 1997 City of Atlantic Beach Building and Zoning • • • ATTACHMENT C JULY 28, 1997 COMMISSION MEETING -- -1- 2 V- C17 City of Atlantic Beach Residents 1700 Block Beach Avenue Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 July 14, 1997 Chief of Police Thompson City of Atlantic Beach 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Dear Chief Thompson: Thank you for your time and helpfulness in evaluating the traffic speed on Beach Avenue. Your continued concern for the safety of Atlantic Beach is greatly appreciate. We,the residents of the 1700 block of Beach Avenue, are pleased to have the road resurfaced. It is refreshing to have a smooth street free of excessive flooding. However,the new surface has resulted in an increase in the,speed of the automobile traffic on our block. As you are aware, Beach Avenue is a 15 mile-an-hour speed zone,is without sidewalks or shoulders,is one-way, and has houses built exceptionally close to the road. Many Atlantic Beach residents, including us, enjoy Beach Avenue through walking,jogging, biking, and roller- blading. This increase in traffic speed is a potential hazard to those pedestrians as well as our children playing in our yards. Attached is a petition, signed by the majority of the residents on the 1700 block of Beach Avenue. We would like you and the City Council to install at least one speed bump on our block in an effort to enforce the 15 mile-an-hour speed limit. Your assistance in this matter is greatly appreciated. If you have any questions, please call Andrea Haas at 249-0615 or 359-5011. Sincerely, Residents of 1700 Block of Beach Avenue Speed Bump Petition 1700 Block Beach Avenue July 1997 Signature Address .7‘. / J I ---)1/5-- P ), � 06n..0 1- 0cQ groeL P ( 1 5law k1E Noa-11 `18 ci j3 each ¢\\,re --ff\-$2-9ct/ (u4445 y/(4-, iSeocke/°/L8 S))6(C't •-• qe6 Ppeet e,P--tAran,Q f}V 62.get 11-)/(., ailL/ i 13 -ca_Ci► c . 0/0-e1A/ J6/. / 7.2 3-- 7_?-eadz '� ✓�� JeS o? 466:4c f 00;4, 174v Lisev F ae/te . Andrea Haas 1766 Beach Avenue Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 July 15, 1997 Chief of Police Thompson City of Atlantic Beach 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Dear Chief Thompson: Thank you for your time discussing with me the options for monitoring the traffic speed down my road. It has been a pleasure to talk with you and hear your suggestions for keeping our neighbor safe. I was successful in getting the majority of residents on my block to sign the petition. I only received two oppositions! In the event that speed bumps are installed on our block of Beach Avenue, I would like to request that one be positioned between my property and my neighbor's to the south at approximately 1765 Beach Avenue. Also, Dan and Karen Wolfson of 1725 Beach Avenue suggested that we meet with you to discuss the optimum placement of several speed bumps on our block. Again, I appreciate your assistance in moving this request through City Hall. If you have any questions, please call me at 249-0615 or 359-5011. Sincerely, 47(0' Andrea Haas • a ATTACHMENT D JULY 28, 1997 COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: CDBG housing rehabilitation of four occupied homes SUBMITTED BY: George Worley II, Community Development Director DATE: July 24, 1997 BACKGROUND: Three eligible home owners have applied for rehabilitation of their homes. In addition to these home the Donner Community Development Corporations office at 1671 Francis Avenue will be rehabilitated to bring it up to code. RECOMMENDATION: Two bids were received for each of the addresses and based upon the low bids staff recommends the bids be awarded as follows: Address Contractor Bid Price 1880 Mayport Road Custom Construction by Harris $9,500 1671 Francis Avenue Custom Construction by Harris $12,700 1937 Mayport Road Luckin Construction $13,596 36 Dudley Street Luckin Construction $17,423 Due to the much higher than expected cost of the alternate central heating system bids for 36 Dudley Street, staff recommends that both alternate bids be rejected. ATTACHMENTS: 1) Bid Committee evaluation form REVIEWED BY CITY MANAGER: AGENDA ITEM NO. CITY OF Aftieuttie 'eael - 961ida ~ \�� 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA 32233-5445 TELEPHONE(904)247-5800 Aft 4 FAX(904)247-5805 SUNCOM 852-5800 July 24, 1997 AWARDS COMMITTEE MINUTES BID NO. 9697-21 THURSDAY, JULY 24, 1997 The Awards Committee met on Thursday, July 24, 1997, at 1:00 PM, to receive bid advertised as BID NO. 9697-21 - REHABILITATION OF FOUR (4) OCCUPIED HOMES in Atlantic Beach. Invitations to Bid were mailed to thirteen (13) prospective bidders. Two (2) bids were received as follows: LUCKIN CUSTOM CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION BY HARRIS 1880 Mayport Road 10,622.00 9,500.00 1937 Mayport Road 13,596.00 19,600100 1671 Francis Road 12,749.00 12,700.00 36 Dudley Street 17,423.00 21,190.00 Alternate 6,374.00 8,000.00 It is the concensus of the Awards Committee that it recommend to the City Commission that it accept the low bids of LUCKIN CONSTRUCTION on 1937 Mayport Road in the amount of $13,596.00, and on 36 Dudley Street in the amount of $17,423.00; and the low bids of CUSTOM CONSTRUCTION BY HARRIS on 1880 Mayport Road in the amount of $9,500.00, and 1671 Francis Road in the amount of $12,700.00, and make the award accordingly. Joan LaVake Purchasing Agent NOTE: Present at the bid opening were Commissioner John Meserve, Chariman, Public Safety Director David Thompson, Building Official Don Ford, Community Development Director George Worley, and Accounting Supervisor Jeri Benjamin. TABULATION OF BIDS CITY OF Date of Opening 7/24/97 REHABILITATION OF ATLANTIC BEACH' FLORIDA FOR FOUR (4) OCCUPIED HOMES Department Comm.Dev. CUSTOM CONSTRUCTION ASHTON CONSTRUCTION DEUSE CONSTRUCTION,INC HAFTCO LUCKIN CONSTRUCTION BID NUMBER 9697-21 BY HARRIS Jacksonville, FL Jacksonville Bch, FL Jacksonville Bch, FL Neptune Beach, FL -.-- Jacksonville, FL ITEM BRIEF DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE EXT. PRICE UNIT PRICE EXT. PRICE UNIT PRICE EXT. PRICE UNIT PRICE EXT. PRICE UNIT PRICE EXT. PRICE TOTAL PRICE BID TO REHABILITATE 1. HOME AT 1880 MAYPORT ROAD: 9,500.00 10,622.00 2. HOME AT 1937 MAYPORT ROAD: 19,600.00 13,596.00 3. DCDC OFFICE-1671 FRANCIS AVENUE: 12,700.00 12,749.00 4. HOME AT 36 DUDLEY STREET: _ 21,190.00 17,423.00 Alternate 8,000.00 J 6,374.00 REQUIRED BID DOCUMENTS: OWNER'S SIGNATURE SHEET YES YES INSURANCE CERTIFICATES YES YES THREE (3) REFERENCES YES YES PROOF OF CONTRACTOR'S LICENSES YES YES DOCUMENTS REQUIREMENTS CHECKLIST YES YES COMMENTS Amount Buds 1061 — J:- TABULATION OF BIDS CITY OF Date of Opening 7/24/97 REHABILITATION OF ATLANTIC BEACH FLORIDA FOR FOUR (4) OCCUPIED HOMES Department Comm.Dev. CORNELIUS CONSTRUCTION ALEXANDER W. BALFE,INC COHEN CONSTRUCTION,INC RIVER CITY CONTRACTORS NOONEY CONSTRUCTION BID NUMBER 9697-21 COMPANY Jacksonville, FL Jacksonville, FL Jacksonville, FL Jacksonville, FL Neptune Beach, FL ITEM BRIEF DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE EXT. PRICE UNIT PRICE EXT. PRICE UNIT PRICE EXT. PRICE UNIT PRICE EXT. PRICE UNIT PRICE EXT. PRICE TOTAL PRICE BID TO REHABILITATE 1. HOME AT 1880 MAYPORT ROAD: 2. HOME AT 1937 MAYPORT ROAD: 3. DCDC OFFICE-1671 FRANCIS AVENUE: 4. HOME AT 36 DUDLEY STREET: REQUIRED BID DOCUMENTS: OWNER'S SIGNATURE SHEET INSURANCE CERTIFICATES THREE (3) REFERENCES PROOF OF CONTRACTOR'S LICENSES DOCUMENTS REQUIREMENTS CHECKLIST COMMENTS Amount Bt TABULATION OF BIDS CITY OF Date of Opening 7/2437 REHABILITATION OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA p e / L97 FOR FOUR (4) OCCUPIED HOMES Department Comm.Dev. HANNA CONSTRUCTION CO BARNETTE CONSTRUCTION BID NUMBER 9697-21 Jacksonville Bch, FL Atlantic Beach, FL fEM BRIEF DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE EXT. PRICE UNIT PRICE EXT. PRICE UNIT PRICE EXT. PRICE UNIT PRICE EXT. PRICE UNIT PRICE EXT. PRICE TOTAL PRICE BID TO REHABILITATE 1. HOME AT 1880 MAYPORT ROAD: 2. HOME AT 1937 MAYPORT ROAD: 3. DCDC OFFICE-1671 FRANCIS AVENUE: 4. HOME AT 36 DUDLEY STREET: REQUIRED BID DOCUMENTS: OWNER'S SIGNATURE SHEET INSURANCE CERTIFICATES -- THREE (3) REFERENCES PROOF OF CONTRACTOR'S LICENSES DOCUMENTS REQUIREMENTS CHECKLIST COMMENTS .mount Budgetei @7/24/1938 09: 13 904-285-8194 JIM WAUbWUtItI BID NO. 9697-21 - REHABILITATION OF FOUR (4) OCCUPIED HOMES SUBMITTAL • Custom Construction By Harris , IncBy BIDDER — i P. 0. Box 40126 ///,-(-: BIDDER ADDRESS SIGNATRE a. e ar - r , r. Jacksonville , Florida 32203 President CITY, STATE & ZIP CODE TITLE DATE: July 24 , 1997 (904) 353-5623 BUSINESS TELEPHONE CONTACT PERSON: Wade T. Carter , Jr . PHONE NUMBER:_ (904) 353-5623 1880 MAYPORT RD DEVELOPMENT, MATERIALS LABOR I 1. ROOF: Scope of roofing work to include entire structure except for carport. Tear off existing shingle roofing and all deteriorated lumber. incl ding decking,rafters,facia, soffit, etc. Install new roofing system izoQs De 3 .0 e including new lumber and metal components. Paint all exposed wood to match adjacent surfaces. (Spec. No. 10, 11 17) 2. ELECTRICAL: Upgrade breaker panel to a 200 amp panel. Install GFI receptacles in the kitchen and bathrooms. Install a switched .7,O pa Od /500,O'0 circuit to the ceding fan In the sunroom Install a circuit and receptacle to the freezer and in the family room. (Spec. No. 27) 3. PLUMBING: Repipe hot Water supply at kitchen sink to improve flow rate. Repair loose kitchen faucet. Replace lavatory faucet in bath. .1`p0'00 ` dA' 0e, (Spec. No. 28) 4, WINDOWS: Caulk exterior edges of window units to improve ZQO, C .-GO.-OO Weatherseal. (Spec. No. 16) /ad„ pp l PD-a0 5.CEILING TILE: Replace water-damaged ceiling tiles in family room with matching materials. 1 I u3TGT t. 6:00,oa , dOD .00 • 70-1-4:0 500 . OO 77, /1j fes.- ,, -ZyX17 (CONTRACTOR OR BIDDER SIG • RE) (DATE) .__. _.. . , -,.,., ,,L, a ct_,�1t1.rtiVl BANKS, GWEN CONTRACTOR. 1037 MAYPORT RD. DEVELOPMENT MATERIALS LABOR 1. PLUMBING: Replumb at above-grade piping. Install toilet,bathtub. and sinkNanity,including all fixtures. Install a stainless steel sink and faucet and new 5ft. upper and base cabinetry. Install a new 40 g. electric water heater. (Spec, No. 28, 31) 3000.OC OOD 2. BATHROOM FINISH: Patch all sheetrock, and install a tile tub surround, Install a ken passage door including hardware. Paint walls and trim to a semi-gloss finish. Repair subfloonng, and install sheet o vinyl floorcovering and shoe moulding, (Spec, No. 17. 18, 20, 22, 23) `co. goo 3. KITCHEN FINISH: Repair subflooring,and install new sheet vinyl /�, ftoorcovering and shoe moulding. Paint walls, cethng, and trim to a 101,- CO ! �a.D 0 semi-gloss finish. (Spec.No.5, 17,20) 4. ELECTRICAL; Replace exterior service including meter can. Upgrade breaker panel to 150 amps, Install a motion-detector security light at 4he rear entry. Install switched overhead lights and circuits in all rooms, I.?G D-P d 1300•00 Install(F1 receptacles in the kitchen and bathroom. (Spec. No. 27) 5. REAR ENTRY: Install a steel insulated door unit and hardware at the rear entrance. Repair threshhold framing as needed. Finish with acry c paint. Instal deadbolt locks on front end rear doors. �►AD_ ea DO,d O (Spec.No. 8, 17.23) 8. WINDOWS: Install new screens at ail windows. Repair broken panes on two windows. Caulk exterior edges to Improve weatherseal, / p0'aO X 00 m�pro (Spec.No. 18, 24) 17. :P:SULATION• '.nsufate attic space to a rating of R.19. Install a vapor 40D.-OD 40C-•OQ barrier on the warm side. (Spec No.28) 8,EXTERIOR FINISH: Replace deteriorated siding and trim components. Prep and paint wood with a solid bodied alkyd wood stain. fop, ot7 ��DO�Da2 (Spec. No. 8, 17) / 9. UTILITY ROOM: Repair subtloor aria instal sheet vinyl floorcovering CO. OD 1000.E landshoe moulding. (Spec. No, 5. 20) i C i I i ., SUBTOTALS ' ¶i OO.o qQ/ /0D. O D / TOTAL I /S 6OQ„ OQ (CO RACTOR OR BIDDER SIGNA E) (DATE) �� DONNER COO OFFICE COf!TRACTOR: 1, F ANC.;S AVE. DEVELOPMENT MATERIALS 1 LABOR 1. PLUMBING: Repipe all hot and cold water supply tines.and patch all + areas disturbed by repiping. Mechanically clear all drain lines. Install new stainless steel sink and a 5 R. Merillat base cabinet and countertop in the kitchen. Install a new 40 g. water heater.including electrical :onnectron.in the utility room. (Spec. No. 22, 28. 31) /5:20,Cl p /6—a71)...O 0 2. BATHROOM FINISH: Patch and paint walls and trim to a semi-gloss flash. Install new lite tub surround. Install sheet vinyl lloorcovering. Install new base and shoe moulding, (Spec.No. 17, 19. 20) 6490.190 600,00 3. ELECTRICAL: Install an additional receptacle at Irving room, south M Install GFI receptacles in kitchen and bath. Install a flush-mount lighting Mute in the hallway. Install security lights at front and rear of lighting p 00 budding- mount lights high on a 4x4 post. (Spec. No. 27) 5400'p O . SHED ADDITION: Remove all siding and trim and replace with new 1-11 siding and trim. Install new entry doors and hardware at shed SOD,O0 Ste c OQ and kitchen. Pnrne and paint to match adjacent surfaces. (Spec No, 8. 17. 23) 5. FRONT ENTRY: Install new steel insulated door ung with hardware �i�.., at front entrance. Include a peephole and mall slot if available. Paint to �DiCJ000 300.-00 a semi-gloss finish. (Spec.No. 17, 23) 6. KITCHEN: Install sheet vinyl floorcovering in Mtchen. Replace !damaged base board and install shoe moulding. Paint new millwork �' OQ ��O'rt Ito mar_h 'Spe: `lo 17 201 I 7. WINDOWS' Install new screens on all windows. install new locks /2-0 a oO G 40.0.0and:sulk where necessary. (Spec. No. 16. 24) Ia. INTERIOR FINISH: Replace all badty damage trim and patch walls. //�� 00 (Prep and paint ail interior walls and trim(except bathroom). `tQ�' �p0 (Spec. No 17) 19 MISC: Install two battery-operated smoke detectors Install four 40E2 A40 5C1,,, 0 m iceding fans with GVM kits and speed controls. :TO EXTERIOR F PIISH' Prep and paint exterior of budding Prime all bare x.1'0=•7 7^'�.T15Qn'1 Spec No. t r; I .754.14 040 I .5-o o.D O 1 ti SU9TOTAL ' G Q/, /I . 4300, 00 / _ TOTAL L7 7OD- O o f 1 Z !� C', 'CONTRACTOR OR BIDDER NATURE) (DATE) - ,t ._ .,... .__.._.... .. .. ......__._..._. ...._ CROWN, UDIE CONTRACTOR. 36 DUDLEY ST. DEVELOPMENT MATERIALS LABOR I 1. PLUMBING: Repipe all hot and cold water supply lines. Clear all waste lines. Install a new toilet,bathtub,and sink/vanity, including all plumbing and figures. Install a new stainless steel sink and faucet In the kitchen. Repkuttb sink to waste line. Patch all disturbed surfaces, 3 O pB, pp 3000_00 (Spec. No. 28) 2. BATHROOM FINISH: Frame a partition wall at rear of bathroom to create a closet/passage between bedrooms and to enclose bath to accommodate tub Installation. Hang and finish all new sheetrook on walls and ceiling. Install base and shoe moulding and a luan door unit including hardware_ Paint walls and trim to a semi-gloss finish. Install 3 sheet vinyl fioorcovenng. Include all bathroom accessories. 0 b0•ot7 o00- O 0 (Spec. No. 7, 17,20, 22, 23) 3. KITCHEN FINISH: Install new upper and base cabinetry including countertop. Patch walls and and install bass and shoe moulding. Paint walls and trim to a semi-gloss finish. Install sheet vinyl /6-00,..pQ I Soo,no 4loorcovenng. (Spec. No. 17, 20,22, 31) • 4. ELECTRICAL: Replace all receptacles and switches. Install OFI receptacles in kitchen and bathroom. install switched overhead lighting tmires in kitchen,halway,and bedrooms. Install a wall-mount light "1.5-0.• o D and an exhaust fan In the bathroom. Install a ceiling fan/light kit with s00. DO speed control in the living room. (Spec. No. 27) 5. ENTRY DOORS: Install steel insulated door units at front and rear rry entrances. Include hardware and storm doors. (Spec.N0. 23) / COP.-00 x7a. 0 0 8. WINDOWS: Install replacement windows at all openings. Include all screens,caulking,and related trim. (Spec.No. 24) �'rp D v X00 0 7. EXTERIOR TRIM: Replace all deteriorated lumber at the soffits, cia, and trim. Paint to match adjacent surfaces. (Spec.No. 8, 17) '700,00 8. WATERPROOFING: Remove built-up soil and landscaping at East 11. Seal all mortar joints near-and below-grade. Apply an n• L 0,040 elastomeric waterproofing matenal to the affected areas. • ' . SUBTOTALS// 100.40 /o o qa TOTAL Aft c2 ij / (719' d C) i -� - « - 7-2 --. 17(CONTRACTOR OR BIDDER SIGNATURE) (DATE) .-... . v• ,.I%-,vr,iv uti.\VI I I ,,../V.J11 IN-) 1 ino rr‘k_JuRr‘ivi BROWN, UDIE CONTRACTOR. 36 DUDLEY ST. DEVELOPMENT MATERIALS LABOR 1. (alernate)HEATING. Install a complete heat pump system including ductwork.air handler, and electrical upgracle(if necessary) Enclose air-handler in hall closet by means of a louvered door. 4900. CO 4000. 00 (Spec. No. 29) SUBTOTALS '9'4000.690 4 000.o / TOTAL I d.�0� C O T ;177/7 (CONTRACTOR OR BIDDER SIGDtPCt1JRE) (DATE) BID NO. 9697-21 - REHABILITATION OF FOUR (4) OCCUPIED HOMES SUBMITTAL LuCALtn Cons-4rvchon Inc. BY EI i t bC4-k (3 r- BIDDER 241 A- an-hc, 31ud 4I (fiL_ BIDDER ADDRESS SIGNATURE )A \vne 'C3racGn 3220 V i cc s iden+ CITY, STATE & ZIP CODE TITLE DATE: -7- 24-G7 904-- 741 -((03 9 BUSINESS TELEPHONE CONTACT PERSON: eiIz010 PHONE NUMBER: . 904-- 7-44- i(p 341 L�,fKI r C BROWN, UDIE 4.0 ^ 3-1 9C CONTRACTOR. 6 DUDLEY ST. DEVELOPMENT -zZNIATERrAt3— --LA88R- 1. PLUMBING: Repipe all hot and cold water supply lines. Clear all waste lines. Install a new toilet,bathtub,and sink/vanity,including all t4(o ZU plumbing and fixtures. Install a new stainless steel sink and faucet In the kitchen. Replumb sink to waste line. Patch all disturbed surfaces. (Spec. No. 28) 2. BATHROOM FINISH: Frame a partition wall at rear of bathroom to create a closet/passage between bedrooms and to enclose bath to • - 9 (. accommodate tub installation. Hang and finish all new sheetrock on walls and ceiling. Install base and shoe moulding and a luan door unit including hardware. Paint walls and trim to a semi-gloss finish. Install sheet vinyl floorcovering. Include all bathroom accessories. (Spec.No. 7. 17,20,22,23) 3. KITCHEN FINISH: Install new upper and base cabinetry including countertop. Patch walls and and install base and shoe moulding. r S $0 Paint walls and trim to a semi-gloss finish. Install sheet vinyl t1oorcovering. (Spec.No. 17.20,22,31) 4. ELECTRICAL: Replace all receptacles and switches. Install GFI receptacles in kitchen and bathroom. Install switched overhead lighting S-0 fixtures in kitchen,hallway,and bedrooms: Install a wall-mount light and an exhaust fan in the bathroom. Install a ceiling fan/light kit with speed control in the living room. (Spec.No.27) 5. ENTRY DOORS: Install steel insulated door units at front and rear , c) c> entrances. Include hardware and storm doors.(Spec.No.23) 6. WINDOWS: Install replacement windows at all openings. Include all Co 2- screens, screens,caulking,and related trim. (Spec.No.24) 7. EXTERIOR TRIM: Replace all deteriorated lumber at the soffits, cia,and trim. Paint to match adjacent surfaces. (Specc.�o.8, 11) • O ,9.(01; o(-sut i4 anti 481. , �t0 s sac. 8. WATERPROOFING: Remove built-up soil and landscaping at East II. Seal all mortar joints near-and below-grade. Apply an 'y'2_0 elastomeric waterproofing material to the affected areas. 1telo Soo 1zcrPc.1 1.Eu 1 1 Pcvent Hbn, i s ?os c_Q *210 SUBTOTALS k _ Aik, TOTAL Lf 22D r co ZA__7_ (CONTRALTO OR BIDDER SIGNATURE) (D TE) 7::�...- 'T\."."- --.0;', .'`.•\*.� .". '\\1 `,• . . ...V.•;C. . -..lair.<,,,,r-v.".-+,Ifq7,+^.X`*'w....w.�..•—.. , BROWN, UDIE 24(v _3--i q s— CONTRACTOR: 36 DUDLEY ST. DEVELOPMENT R+AeS t eft- , 1.(alernate)HEATING: Install a complete heat pump system including ductwork,air-handler,and electrical upgrade(if nae se scary). Enclose ' + (P 3.7 y air-handler in hall closet by means of a lowered door. (Spec.No.29) • 1 I • • SUBTOTALS ^ TOTAL �P • Las_ :=2LZ/12_ (CONT CT OR BIDDER SIGNATURE) (DATE) Li t-11 Lr\iv Ill, StNI;H HOUSING REHAB PROGRAM BANKS, GWEN a 463, - 5 A 8-7 CONTRACTOR: 1937 MAYPORT RD. DEVELOPMENT ie„L-S _ _ 1. PLUMBING: Replumb all above-grade piping. Install toilet,bathtub, + and sink/vanity,including all fixtures. Install a stainless steel sink and j�j I faucet and new 5ft.upper and base cabinetry. Install a new 40 g. electric water heater. (Spec.No.28,31) 2. BATHROOM FINISH: Patch all sheetrock, and install a tile tub surround. Install a luan passage door.including hardware. Paint walls and trim to a semigloss finish. Repair subflooring, and install sheet I 01-2- vinyl floorcovering and shoe moulding. (Spec.No. 17, 18,20,22.23) 3. KITCHEN FINISH: Repair subflooring,and install new sheet vinyl floorcovering and shoe moulding. Paint walls, ceiling,and trim to a Z semi-gloss finish. (Spec. No.5, 17,20) 4. ELECTRICAL: Replace exterior service including meter can. Upgrade breaker panel to 150 amps. Install a motion-detector security light at ' Z 4+O the rear entry. Install switched overhead lights and circuits in all rooms. Install GFI receptacles in the kitchen and bathroom. (Spec.No. 27) 5. REAR ENTRY: Install a steel insulated door unit and hardware at the rear entrance. Repair threshhold framing as needed. Finish with 3 9 6 acrylic paint. Install deadbolt locks on front and rear doors. (Spec.No. 6, 17.23) 6. WINDOWS: Install new screens at all windows. Repair broken panes on two windows. Caulk exterior edges to improve weatherseal. 50 `- (Spec.No. 16,24) I7. 'NSULATION: insulate attic space to a rating of R-19. Install a vapor barrier on the warm side. (Spec No. 26) Col 8.EXTERIOR FINISH: Replace deteriorated siding and trim components. Prep and paint wood with a solid bodied alkyd•wood stain. Z 9 C (Spec.No.8. 17) 30 4 S‘d,V CJ 2pcs. Tr,re, • I9. UTILITY ROOM: Repair subrloor and instill sheet vinyl floorcovering * 4 5 • and shoe moulding. (Spec.No.5,20) I 'Pe cry)0- A PIs?os c,R i . SUBTOTALS , ilr TOTAL 13 S q Co O( - ((CONTRACTOR OR BID ER SIGNATURE) (DATE)) "' ^ 4_,-,1`41 1, . rUJu\1v Kt=HAB PROGRAM GLOVER, RUTH 1880 MAYPORT RD. 4(40 -" 2_-42 2-- CONTRACTOR: DEVELOPMENT I 1. ROOF:Scope of roofing work to include entire structure except for • carport. Tear off existing shingle roofing and all deteriorated lumber, pL} I -N OT>✓ including decking,rafters,facia,soffit, etc. Install new roofing system 1100(.3 W UvD (Z;,T including new lumber and metal components. Paint all exposed wood j .. to match adjacent surface(Sec.No. 10, 11. 17) i N Cu...)D N ELU �1043 p►-4 L.Y 2. ELECTRICAL: Upgrade breaker panel to a 200 amp panel. Install GFI receptacles in the kitchen and bathrooms. Install a switched 0 circuit to the ceiling fan In the sunroom. Install a circuit and receptacle Z 3� to the freezer and in the.family room. (Spec.No. 27) 3. PLUMBING: Replpe hot water supply at kit hen sink to improve flow rate. Reppif4eese kitchen faucet. Replace lavatory faucet in bath. " i 3ci (Spec.No.28) 4. WINDOWS: Caulk exterior edges of window units to improve weatherseal. (Spec.No. 16) (o O 5.CEILING TILE: Replace water-damaged ceiling tiles in family room 4 with matching materials. (Oe-PLA Ce' A L Ti LF) z{ P rc2 a-I i TTY N GI $ Dt s Po s p 'f, 21 0 — I SUBTOTALS TOTAL, I O c7 Z 2. co (CONTRACTO- OR BIDDER SIGNATURE) (DATE) . ., _rte--�,...--...�.......... . .,-r_.._.... 470 rr�one I s 4-mere al-i— e3 00 —I Zo c� DONNER CDC OFFICE 1571 FRANCIS AVE. z4) OC S 4' CONTRACTOR: DEVELOPMENT ���r _ - I -LRSC3R- l11. PLUMBING: Repipe all hot and cold water supply lines,and patch all areas disturbed by repiping. Mechanically clear all drain lines. Install 4 -7 rjo (new stainless steel sink and a 5 ft. Merillat base cabinet and countertop n the kitchen. Install a new 40 g.water heater, including electrical connection,in the utility room. (Spec.No. 22. 28, 31) 2. BATHROOM FINISH: Patch and paint walls and trim to a semi-gloss (finsh. Install new tile tub surround. Install sheet vinyl floorcovering. 'I O-"1 g Install new base and shoe moulding. (Spec.No. 17, 18, 20) 13. ELECTRICAL: Install an additional receptacle at living room, south Call. Install GFI receptacles in kitchen and bath. Install a flush-mount lighting fixture in the hallway. Install security lights at front and rear of 9,0 building- mount lights high on a 4x4 post. (Spec. No. 27) SHED ADDITION: Remove all siding and trim and replace with new 1-11 siding and trim. Install new entry doors and hardware at shed I land kitchen. Prime and paint to match adjacent surfaces. I(Spec.No.8. 17. 23) • 5. FRONT ENTRY: Install new steel insulated door unit with hardware at front entrance. Include a peephole and mail slot if available. Paint to S a semi-gloss finish. (Spec.No. 17.23) �5. KITCHEN: Install sheet vinyl floorcovering in kitchen. Replace (damaged base board and install shoe moulding. Paint new millwork 3 6 O to march (Spec No. 17. 20) I 17. WINDOWS: Install new screens on all windows. Install new locks land caulk where necessary. (Spec.No. 16.24) 3 ) (o I8. INTERIOR FINISH: Replace all badly damage trim and patch walls. !Prep and paint all interior walls and trim(except bathroom). 1 3 Z D l(Spec.No. 17) 19. MISC: Install two battery-operated smoke detectors. Install four piling fans with light kits and speed controls. 3 i 110. EXTERIOR FINISH: Prep and paint exterior of building. Prime all bare iwoca and masonry !Spec.No. 17) l I O D Pi`1(M 1 4-k-I n 4. DOS a f is 2-7 O SUBTOTALS J TOTAL 4 f 2 -74 9. C 0 vv____ 'Uk I� )klcj Cu �` ''CONTRACTO OR BIDDER SIGNATURE) DATE �� __ 111 ATTACHMENT E JULY 28, 1997 COMMISSION MEETING CITY Ot ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: Emergency Storm Drainage Repair at West 6''' Street and Main Street SUBMITTED BY: Robert S. Kosoy, P.E., Public Works Director DATE: July 28, 1997 BACKGROUND: Under the annual contract for point repairs with the firm of Gruhn-May, Inc., the contractor received a work order for time and materials of not-to-exceed $3,000.00, to perform a point repair at West 6th Street and Main Street, to repair a collapse in the street intersection. After spending over one crew day in attempting to dewater the excavation, the contractor isolated the problem. The 24 inch diameter concrete storm sewer from the catch basin at the southeast corner of the intersection had been improperly connected to the main storm trunk line, a 36 inch diameter concrete pipe. At this juncture, the contractor received a second work order for time and materials, not-to-exceed $4,988.00,to eliminate the poorly constructed tap,and construct a manhole at this location. The contractor proceeded for several days, using dewatering equipment, sand-bags, and finally three pipe plugs, in attempting to isolate and dewater the construction area. His attempts were unsuccessful due to the system being surcharged all the way from the Jasmine Street Retention Pond control structure. Due to conditions beyond his control, the downstream plug blew apart. By this time, the contractor had expended time and materials for both work orders, and was requested to provide documentation to itemize the work to date and the estimated remaining work. Total contractor cost to date has been within the two authorized work orders($7595.80 expended versus $7,988.00 authorized). Based on a submittal by the contractor, an additional work order for $5,898.50 will be required to allow the contractor to attempt further methods to dewater the site and complete the construction of the new storm manhole to properly connect the 24 inch diameter storm pipe to the 36 inch storm trunk main. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize an additional work order of not-to-exceed $5,898.50 to the firm of Gruhn-May, Inc., to allow proper completion of the project, for a total project cost of$13,886.50. ATTACHMENTS: An itemized Job Cost Detail from Gruhn-May, Inc. REVIEWED BY CITY MANAGER: AGENDA ITEM N()