02-27-95 v s ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION February 27, 1995 AGENDA Call to Order Invocation and pledge to the flag 1 . Approval of the minutes of the Impasse Hearing on January 30, and Regular Commission Meeting on February 13, 1995. 2. Recognition of Visitors ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE BY THE CITY COMMISSION AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION IN THE FORM LISTED BELOW. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION AND STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS HAVE BEEN PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED TO THE CITY COMMISSION ON THESE ITEMS. 3. Unfinished Business: a. Reconsideration of action on an appeal of the findings of the Tree Conservation Board relative to Lot 20, Unit 3, filed by James R. Griffiths b. Appointment to the Community Development Board to fill unexpired term (Term expires 12/31/95 ) 4. Consent Agenda: a. Acknowledge receipt of report from Police Department b. Reject all bids received for Jasmine Street retention pond improvements 5. Action of Ordinances: a. Public hearing and final reading of ordinance No. 80-95- 55, amending ordinance No. 80-92-51 to clarify language and correct conflicts; requiring deposits on all new utility accounts 6. New Business: a. Adoption of Final Stormwater Master Plan (Mitch Griffin, CH2M Hill, Bob Kosoy) b. Appeal of the decision of the Community Development Board to deny a request for variance filed by Anita R. Brand to construct a screened porch and carport at 551-553 David Street (George Worley) c. Discussion and subsequent action relative to acquisition of the Richardson property d. Authorize solicitation of proposals (RFP' s) for engineering services for Saltair sewer rehabilitation e. Two appointments to the Arts and Entertainment Board to fill vacancies created by resignations f. Action on recommendation of Recreation Advisory Board relative to T-Ball field (Timmy Johnson) Page Two AGENDA February 27, 1995 7. City Manager Reports and/or Correspondence: 8. Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners, City Attorney and City Clerk: a. Discussion relative to proposed cut in federal funds for beach erosion control (Comm. Weiss) Adjournment If any person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at any meeting, such person may need a record of the proceedings, and, for such purpose, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record shall include the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Any person who wishes to speak to the City Commission on any matter at this meeting should submit a request to the City Clerk prior to the meeting. Forms are available at the entrance to the Commission Chambers for your convenience. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF AT ANTIC BEACH CITY V V COMMISSION HELD ON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1995 O O T T PRESENT: Lyman T. Fletcher, Mayor E E Steven M. Rosenbloom D D Suzanne Shaughnessy J. Dezmond Waters, III, and Robert G. Weiss, Commissioners M S O E T C AND: Kim D. Leinbach, City Manager I 0 Y Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney NAME OF ONEN Maureen_Kina.._ Ci .Y__Clerk COMMRS. NDSO —The meeting was called to order by Mayor Fletcher. The invocation was followed by the pledge to the flag. 1. Approval of the minutes of the Impasse Hearing of January 30, 1995 ROSENBLOOM X WATERS X X , Notion: Approve minutes of the Impasse Hearing of WEISS X X 1 January 30, 1995 FLETCHER X No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. ROSENBLOOM X Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of 11W�ATERS X X February 13, 1995 WEISS X X FLETCHER X Notion: Approve minutes of the regular meeting of February 13, 1995 No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. Mayor Fletcher spoke concerning the operation of the Commission. He felt disagreement and public debate was constructive, and that the city's business should be done in the form of a public forum, similar to a town meeting environment. He felt workshops should never be substituted for regular meetings, and that decisions should be made at regular meetings, only. He explained Commissioners had the right to submit items for the agenda. He urged commissioners to have respect for each other and for citizens, and he urged citizens to have respect for the legislative process. He spoke concerning the historical significance of Roberts Rules of order and he read from the City's Code of Ordinances, Chapter Two. Commissioner Shaughnessy joined the meeting at 7:30 p. m. The Mayor indicated he had listened to the tapes of the last meeting of February 13, 1995 and that the City Manager and City Clerk would be coordinating a date and time for a goal session at which time discussions would be held relative to Minutes, Page 2 February 27, 1995 V V NAME OF COMMRS. M S Y N e. •ui .ing an. ge ing a ong wi a eac other. 2. Recognition of Visitors: Clay Zbusey, President of the Teen Council, reported that the goals of the Teen Council were to improve the lives of teens of Atlantic Beach. He indicated a tennis tournament and poetry reading were planned, and he urged the commission to acquire the Richardson property for a proposed teen center. He invited everyone to attend Teen Council meetings which were held the first and third Tuesday of every month at the Community Center. Rim Leinbach, City Manager, introduced Administrative Assistant, Suzannah Puigdomenech. Lans Stout, 221 Magnolia Street, presented a letter from residents complaining of poor drainage in the 200 block of Magnolia Street (letter dated February 24, 1995 attached hereto and made a part hereof) . Mayor Fletcher advised that the Storm Water Master Plan would be on the agenda and that drainage problems of this nature would be addressed. Katherine Lindsey, 8787 Southside Boulevard #3109, requested an amendment to Section 24.17, Definitions, of the City Code regarding the definition of "family" to allow three unrelated people to live in a three bedroom unit. She explained young professional people would like to live together for reasons of economy. Mayor Fletcher advised that the Community Development Board met on the third Tuesday of every month and he suggested that Ms. Lindsey contact Don Wolfson, Chairman of the Community Development Board regarding her request. The Mayor also advised the city had appointed a committee to amend the Code of Ordinances, and it was suggested Ms. Lindsey contact George Worley, City Planner, regarding this committee. D. Russell Burch, 2224 W. Oceanforest Drive, requested that the city review plans for construction of a home next to his home. Mr. Burch felt set back lines might be violated in that it was his opinion the house was too close to the lot line and too large for the lot. Mr. Burch was instructed to meet with City Manager Kim Leinbach. J. P. Marchioli, 414 Sherry Drive, thanked staff for cleaning Howell Park. Stephen M. Bull, Attorney, indicated he appeared before the Commission on February 13, 1995. He explained he represented the Orlando firms of Wharton-Smith, Inc. and Adams-Robinson Construction. Mr. Bull explained it was the desire of Wharton-Smith, Inc. and Adams-Robinson Construction to bid on the expansion of the City's Wastewater Treatment Plant but because of the city's requirement that prequalified bidders must have maintained a local office within 60 miles from Atlantic Beach for the past three years, the firms were not Minutes, Page 3 February 27, 1995 V V NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN able to bid. He reminded tfe Commission that tEETffibTion to direct staff to consider changing prequalifying to allow additional prospective bidders to qualify resulted in a tie vote of 2-2, and thus failed. Mayor Fletcher indicated he had listened to the tape of the meeting of February 13, 1995 and he had also read the material. Motion: Direct staff to start the bidding procedure over ROSENBLOOM X again, from the beginning, regardingthe City's SHAUGHNESSY X X Wastewater Treatment Plant, and to change the WATERS X prequalification 1 i ficati_on too remove the 60 mile requirement WE I S S X FLETCHER X X Mayor Fletcher felt extending the bidding to those outside the 60 mile requirement would possibly save the city money by expanding the number of bidders. Commissioner Waters felt while he appreciated the concept of competitive bidding, the city had experienced problems in the past in getting people to come from out of town to follow up with warranty work. He felt placing the 60 mile requirement was staff's way of having someone local who could be successfully dealt with relative to problems that might occur. Commissioner Rosenbloom felt if the requirement was lifted cost saving might occur, and that it was up to staff to enforce the contract. Commissioner Weiss felt the matter was not on the agenda and thus was a major departure from the normal way of doing business. He felt the city had already made a decision based on staff's recommendation and the city should respect that decision. He indicated he was concerned about a six week delay to start the bidding procedure over again, and although the city would probably get an extension from the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) , this was not a sure thing. He indicated the commission did not question staff when the bid was prepared and he felt the commission should rely on staff. Commissioner ShaughnesKc ated originally she was t in Amended 3/13/95 favor of the motion, s e felt more bids would possibly save the city money. She questioned Bob Kosoy, Public Works Director, concerning the time frame involved in the project and in satisfying DEP permitting requirements. Mr. Kosoy and Jim Jarboe, Deputy City Manager, explained the time that would be involved in completing the project. Commissioner Weiss indicated there were four bidders, and he felt that awarding the bid locally was important. Roll call vote resulted in 3-2 with Commissioners Waters and Weiss voting nay. The motion carried. Minutes, Page 4 February 27, 1995 V V NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN Kerry Alteri, 1639 Ocean Grove Drive, indicated a flyer had been left at her house pertaining to the possible sale of a triangle piece of city owned property, a/k/a Blocks 2 and 3, Ocean Grove Unit 1, together with a portion of the right-of-way of Dewees Avenue. Mayor Fletcher indicated the matter was not on the agenda and no action would be taken. It was further explained any sale of city property would have to be accomplished via ordinance which would require a public hearing. William MoGee, 1831 Selva Marina Drive, suggested including a time limit for construction of the city's Wastewater Treatment Plant. With reference to the extension of Donner Road, he felt the the city should comply with the design already purchased for construction, and that it would be creating a liability to the city to construct a road which would not meet city specifications. A question was asked concerning the current status of the 16th Street access, to which it was explained city crews would be constructing the access and it was hoped it would be completed by the summer. 3. Unfinished Business: a. Reconsideration of action on an appeal of the findings of the Tree Conservation Board relative to Lot 20, Unit 3, filed by James R. Griffiths Commissioner Shaughnessy explained she requested that the appeal appear on the agenda for reconsideration of the Commission. She explained while she was an advocate of the preservation of trees the issue was whether or not the existing ordinance allowed mitigation. She felt the commission had the ability to change the ordinance and make the language stronger. ROSENBLOOM X Motion: Reconsider action on an appeal of the findings SHAUGHNESSY X X of the Tree Conservation Board relative to Lot 20, Unit WATERS X 3, filed by James R. Griffiths WEISS X X FLETCHER X The question was called and the vote resulted 4-1 with Commissioner Waters voting nay. The motion carried. Notion: Reverse the decision of the Tree Board to ROSENBLOOM X require mitigation on Lot 20, Unit 3, by planting of 25 SHAUGHNESSY X X inches of hardwood trees on the site, with a minimum WATERS X diameter of 3 inches per tree WEISS X X FLETCHER X Commissioner Rosenbloom questioned the actual authority of the Tree Board. He felt the city should be specific regarding what the Board had authority to do, and that the problem needed to be addressed. Commissioner Weiss felt the Tree Board did not have the • February 27,J1995 V V NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN authority to mitigate because the ordinance did not allow it. He felt while the Tree Board had considerable powers, it was not allowed to mitigate. He felt it was not fair for a homeowner in one home to get relief from mitigation while a neighbor next door did not get the same consideration. Commissioner Rosenbloom felt the Tree Board should be given some authority or it should be eliminated. James Griffiths, owner of the property, felt the Tree Board had been responsible in its findings in the past but that it had been inconsistent in its rulings. He added that perhaps there had not been more appeals because past decisions of the Tree Board had been reasonable. Hope Van Nortwick, Chairperson of the Tree Board, explained on-site mitigation was requested because the Board did not have authority to require off-site mitigation. She felt a lot of green space had been removed from the community, and that the Board would like to have the option to require mitigation on-site, off-site, or in the form of donations to a fund. With reference to the case under discussion, she explained eight trees could be purchased for approximately $150 each, which would total $1,200, or large trees could be purchased. She explained the Board believed it was possible to replant trees on the site. It was explained by several residents of Oceanwalk that the Oceanwalk Architectural Review Board reviewed all new construction plans, including tree removal, before permits were sought from the city, thus trees were protected by the neighborhood. Commissioner Shaughnessy felt people who bought lots with trees were being penalized. Roll Call resulted in a vote of 3-2 with Commissioner Waters and Mayor Fletcher voting nay. The motion carried. Mayor Fletcher directed staff to meet with the Tree Board in an effort to provide an ordinance to establish an off-site mitigation process as well as a tree bank, or donations to a tree fund. Staff was instructed to report back to the Commission no later than March 27, 1995. b. Appointment to the Community Develognent Board to fill unexpired terns (term to expire 12/3/95 Mayor Fletcher nominated Scott Fletcher to fill an unexpired term on the Community Development Board. ROSENBLOOM X Notion: Appoint Scott Fletcher to fill unexpired teen on SHAUGHNESSY X X the Community Development Board (term to expire 12/3/95) WATERS X WEISS X FLETCHER X X Minutes, Page 6 February 27, 1995 V V NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN No discussion before the vote. The notion carried unanimously. 4. Consent Agenda: a. Acknowledge receipt of report from Police Department b. Reject all bids received for Jasmine Street retention pond improvements The consent agenda was unanimously approved by the Commission. 5. Action on Ordinances: a. Ordinance No. 80-95-55 - Public Hearing AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF =ANTIC BEACH, FIARIDA AMENDING ORDINANCE ND. 80-92-51 TO CLARIFY AND CORRECT CONFLICTS; ADDING ANEW SECTION 22-27.1 7X) REQUIRE PAYMENT OF DEPOSITS ON ALL UTILITY ACCOUNTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Fletcher presented, in full, in writing, Ordinance No. 80-95-55, said ordinance having been posted in accordance with Charter requirements. He opened the floor for a public hearing and invited comments from the audience. A question was asked concerning the amount of deposit on rental property, to which it was explained there would be no change in the amount of deposits charged. Since no one wished to speak further the Mayor closed the public hearing. ROSENBLOOM X X Potion. Approve passageSHAUGHNESSYATERS X of Ordinance No. 80-95-55 WATERS X X WEISS X No discussion before the vote. The motion carried FLETCHER X unanimously. 6. New Business: a. Adoption of Final Stornwater Master Plan Mitch Griffin, CH2M Hill, gave an overview of the Stormwater Master Plan. When questioned concerning Hopkins Creek and the problems of flooding, Mr. Griffin explained the effectiveness of the city's system would depend on maintenance by the county. An inquiry was made concerning whether or not cost estimates included allowances for conflicts with water, sewer, and cable television lines. Commissioner Rosenbloom requested that city staff take a close look at the drainage problems on Magnolia Street. The commission received the report from Mitch Griffin. A ten minute recess was called at 9:15 p. m. Minutes, Page 7 February 27, 1995 V V NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN Iter Gc was Lak to out of sequunce and auk upon. c. Discussion and subsequent action relative to acquisition of the Richardson property Alan Jensen, City Attorney, reported that the Commission had received an appraisal on the Richardson property. Commissioner Waters pointed out the property had been made available to the city, after which it would go back on the market for sale. He indicated the property was composed of five 5,000 square foot residential lots, and that the rear of the property backed up to the strip shopping centers on Atlantic Boulevard. He indicated the property was not surrounded by residential property as was the Adele Grage Community Center. He felt because the Community Center was utilized to such a great extent the residential neighborhood had to bear the brunt of every activity the city sponsored. He felt the Richardson property had great growth potential. Motion: Authorize purchase of Richardson property and ROSENBLOOM authorize the City Attorney and City manager to offer SHAUGHNESSY between $100,000 and $120,000 WATERS X WEISS X Mayor Fletcher indicated he was in favor of the purchase but FLETCHER that he would like to identify the source of funds to acquire the property. Commissioner Weiss felt the per foot cost of the property was high compared to the recently acquired Tresca property. He did not feel it was suitable for teenagers in the evening, and he indicated the Boys and Girls Club in Jacksonville Beach had an excellent facility. Commissioner Shaughnessy felt staff had not had an opportunity for input regarding the purchase. She indicated she had many questions regarding the proposed use of the property. Commissioner Rosenbloom felt neighbors should have an opportunity to express their opinions. He indicated the • purchase of this property should be a part of a master plan for Parks and Recreation. He felt funds should be identified as well as the cost of operation. Mayor Fletcher felt since the Commission had just received the appraisal the matter should be given careful consideration. ROSENBLOOM X Substitute Motion: Postpone decision regarding purchase SHAUGHNESSY X X of Richardson property until March 27, 1995. Direct WATERS X staff to meet with the Parks and Recreation Board to WEISS X consider the matter FLETCHER X X Commissioner Waters urged the Commission to move ahead with the purchase at this time. Minutes, Page 8 February 27, 1995 V V NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN Dorothy Kerber passed out pictures of the Boys and Girls Club in Jacksonville Beach, and she suggested young people utilize the facility. She felt existing parks should be better utilized, and young people should be allowed to use Adele Grage Community Center. She felt the purchase was unnecessary, and she was opposed to selling a triangle parcel of city owned property. Bob Cook indicated the triangle parcel of property under discussion was purchased by a previous Commission with the express purpose of being utilized as a passive park. He felt the city could not afford to purchase the Richardson property. Representatives from the Positive Environment Committee indicated their desire for the city to purchase the property and provide a healthy alternative for young people. The question was called on the substitute motion to postpone the decision regarding purchase of Richardson property until March 27, 1995 and to direct staff to meet with the Parks and Recreation Board to consider the matter, and resulted in a vote of 3-2 with Commissioners Waters and Weiss voting nay. The motion carried. Clay Towsey invited commissioners to attend the next Teen Council meeting. b. Appeal of the decision of the Camamity Development Board to deny a request for variance filed by Anita R. Brand to construct a screened porch and carport at 551-553 David Street Anita R. Brand indicated she wished to construct a screened porch and carport in the rear yard of her home located at 551-553 David Street, but the proposed structure encroached into the required 20 foot rear yard setback by 14 feet. She felt she was being penalized by the more restrictive setbacks imposed upon corner lots. George Worley, City Planner, explained the zoning committee was presently addressing the problem of corner lots being penalized and that changes would be forthcoming. He indicated the Community Development Board could not find a hardship in the case under discussion and that it was felt if the variance was granted it would set a precedent. Mr. Worley explained the choice was made at the time of construction to build to the line, and giving a variance would be giving a special privilege to an individual. Don Wolfson, Chairman of the Community Development Board, explained the Board took its responsibility very seriously, and that they had scrutinized this request very carefully. He Minutes, Page 9 February 27, 1995 V V NAME OF COMMAS. MSYN indicated the Board tried to suggest a compromise and in the final analysis it was necessary to adhere to city codes. He suggested if there was a reason to change the law it should be changed but presently the law that was in the code had to be followed. Under discussion, it was suggested that the structure could be built two inches from the existing house and that it would conform to city codes. ROSENBLOOM X X SHAUGHNESSY X Nbtion: Uphold decision of Camainity Development Board WATERS X to deny variance filed by Anita R. Brand to construct a WEISS X X screened porch and carport at 551-553 David Street FLETCHER X The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. c. Discussion and subsequent action relative to acquisition of the Richardson property (this was acted upon earlier in the agenda) d. Authorize solicitation of proposals (RFP's) for engineering services for Saltair sewer rehabilitation Bob Kosoy explained during the fall of 1994 the sewage pumping station in Howell Park experienced extremely high flows during the rainy period causing the station to pump continuously for several days. A televised inspection of the adjacent sewer gravity collection lines revealed several severe breaks and revealed that a portion of the 12' sewer gravity line that ran from Sturdivant Avenue to Sherry Drive, ran under the Community Presbyterian Church. To focus on the overall sewer problem in the Saltair Section, the City authorized Sims Design Consultants to study the sewer problem from the pipe breaks under the Community Presbyterian Church back upsteam. The solution to this urgent problem was outlined in Alternate 4 of Sims Design Consultants Preliminary Report (attached hereto and made a part hereof) . It was recommended that staff be authorized to advertise Requests for Proposals for engineering services to do the final design plans for Saltair sewer rehabilitation. Motion: Authorize staff to advertise Requests for ROSENBLOOM X X Proposals for engineering services to do the final design SHAUGHNESSY X plans for Saltair sewer rehabilitation WATERS X WEISS X X Following brief discussion, the question was called and the FLETCHER X motion carried unanimously. Mayor Fletcher suggested that the Community Presbyterian Church be notified of the problem. e. Trac appointments to the Arts and Entertainment Board to fill vacancies created by resignations Minutes, Page 10 February 27, 1995 V V NAME OF COMMRS. AASYN Mayor Fletcher suggested that the appointments be deferred until the meeting of March 13, 1995. The commission concurred. f. Action on recommendation of Recreation Advisory Board relative to T-Ball field Timmy Johnson, Recreation Director, reported the Atlantic Beach Athletic Association (ABAA) proposed to construct a T-Ball Field in Jack Russell Park (proposal attached hereto and made a part hereof) . He indicated the proposal was discussed at the Recreation Advisory Board meeting. Mr. Johnson indicated it was agreed between the Recreation Advisory Board and the ABAA that the ABAA would construct a T-Ball Field at Russell park on a temporary basis (one year) . Mr. Johnson indicated he concurred with the Recreation Advisory Board under the following conditions: (1) the parking problems must be addressed, (2) Beaches Soccer Association must be notified of the relocating of the soccer goals, and (3) within the one year period the possibility of playing gams at Donner Park would be discussed with ABAA. It was explained the ABAA would address the traffic parking problems by staggering game times. It was explained the Soccer Association indicated placement of the T-Ball field would not interfere with soccer games. Fall season ended at Thanksgiving, and it was requested that the matter be revisited at that time. ROSENBLOOM X SHAUGHNESSY X Notion: Authorize T"Ball Field on trial basis for spring WATERS X and fa11 games with clay base lines only; no permanent WEISS X X structures to be installed FLETCHER X X Under discussion it was felt by commissioners that as long as the situation was on a temporary basis support would be given. It was felt by some commissioners that it was necessary to have a fence for games to be played successfully. ROSENBLOOM X X Subsidiary Notion: Approve construction of fences on the SHAUGHNESSY X temporary T-Ball field WATERS X X WEISS X Following a brief discussion the question was called on the FLETCHER X subsidiary motion to approve construction of fences and the vote resulted in 3-2 with Commissioner Shaughnessy and Mayor Fletcher voting nay. The motion carried. The question was called on the original motion to authorize a T-Ball Field on a trial basis for spring and fall games with clay base lines only, and the vote resulted in all ayes. Minutes, Page 11 February 27, 1995 V V NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN 7. CiLy Manager Reports .odfor (brrespondence Kim Leinbach reported there would be a workshop March 6, 1995 at which time department head goals would be presented. Don Fbrd, Building Official, reported concession stand demolition had been completed at Russell Park, and the plumbing and slab work had been completed. He indicated it had been discovered that the roof of the bathrooms was rotted and he indicated the contractor agreed to replace the roof for $3,500. He requested approved to do this work on an emergency basis. ROSENBLOOM X X SHAUGHNESSY X Notion: Authorize expenditure of up to $4,000 for WATERS X additional work to place a new roof on bathroom at WEISS X X Russell Park, on an emergency basis FLETCHER X The question was called and the vote resulted in 4-1 with Commissioner Shaughnessy voting nay. The motion carried. 8. Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners, City Attorney and City Clerk: a. Discussion relative to proposed cut in federal funds for beach erosion control Commissioner Weiss suggested everyone write letters to support continued federal funding for beach renourishment. It was decided a resolution would be prepared for the meeting of March 13, 1995. Commissioner Weiss commended Allen Sowder on the work that he had accomplished, and he suggested a chain saw be purchased to assist Mr. Sowder. Commissioner Waters felt there was a need to develop soccer fields and he asked staff to come back to the Commission with recommendations. There being no further business the Mayor adjourned the meeting at 11:50 p. m. Apor . T. Fletcher Mayor/Presiding Officer ATTES T: ,t hell Ma een King City Clerk Mr. Robert S. Kosoy, P.E. January 25, 1995 City of Atlantic Beach SDC 94-445 Page 4 2 . The next scenario considered splitting the flow at Manhole No. 80 (Poinsetta Street between Seaspray and Park Avenues ) into northern and southern gravity systems. The northern system route would remain unchanged however, flow from the southern system would be redirected to the existingN ewer line along Sturdivant Avenue. The objective o splitting the system would be to replace the single sewer line running along Poinsetta Street with two shorter line lengths in an effort to minimize line drop. This scenario however, suffers from the same problem as the first scenario. The resulting depth of the proposed southern system would be too great to allow discharge of the system into the Sherr lit. sewer. Because of this, this scenario is judged rio 4o be feasible. 3 . The final rerouting scenario considered the possibility of redirecting sewage flow from the area of Park Avenue and Sturdivant Avenue directly to the sewer at Sherry Street with a gravity line running eastward 'along Sturdivant Avenue to the intersection of Sturdivant Avenue and Sherry Street. /The objective of this scenario would be to eliminathe existing gravity line running between the church and school. Again, this scenario is judged not to be feasible because the Sherry Street sewer line would be too shallow to accept discharge from the redirected system. Alternate No. 4 - Lift Station with Increased Gravity Sewer Slopes This alternate solution addresses problems that can result if the sewer line along Sherry Street surcharges during high flow conditions. Flow blockage and flooding in the upstream sections resulting from surcharging of the sewer may lead to a significant backup of flow with potential overflow into the streets . It should be noted that this problem is not addressed by any of the above gravity flow-based systems, however, the extent of the problem would depend on the actual frequency and degree of surcharging. A lift station allows greater flexibility in system design. The proposed lift station-based system is depicted on Sheet No. 3 . Existing Manhole No. 73 would be replaced by the proposed lift station. The existing gravity line between the church and school would be replaced with a force main that would discharge to the existing sewer at Sherry Street. In conjunction with the proposed lift station, redirection of selected gravity sewers was conducted to alleviate other above Mr. Robert S. Kosoy, P.E. City of Atlantic Beach January 25, 1995 Page 5 SDC 94-445 mentioned existing system deficiencies. All proposed gravity sewer lines included in this alternate would consist of 8 inch PVC pipe laid at the required slope of 0 .40 %. Sewer lines laid at that slope results in a wetwell depth of 16 feet. In an effort to shorten the proposed wetwell, consideration was given to selectively using larger sizes of sewer pipe laid at flatter slopes. Gravity lines that are not controlling were maintained at 8 inches . Evaluations of systems using larger sewer pipe sizes (up to 12 inches) indicated that the wetwell depth could only be shortened by 2 feet. III . Storm Sewer System Review A preliminary review of storm sewer improvements proposed by CH2M Hill indicates that the location of both existing and proposed structures should not present any major problems with implementing any of the proposed sanitary sewer improvements. CH2M Hill has proposed upgraded storm sewer structures in the vicinity of Poinsetta Street between Park and Sturdivant Avenues, Sturdivant Avenue near Sherry Street and along Sherry Street Implementing improvements proposed by Alternate No. 2 (exclusively gravity system) would, at a minimum, require keeping the two existing conflict manholes namely, Manhole No. 's 72 and 77 . However, implementing improvements proposed by Alternate No. 4 (gravity system augmented with lift station) should not require these conflict manholes because of the redirection of gravity lines in the case Manhole No. 77 , and deeper trench cuts in the case of Manhole No. 72 . Locations of additional possible conflict manholes include the intersection of Park Avenue and Poinsetta Street, Sturdivant Avenue near Manhole No. 75 and Sherry Street near Manhole No. 's 20 and 37 . The actual number of conflict manholes that would be required would depend on the actual location and depth of the upgraded storm sewer structures and the type of sanitary sewer system implemented. An obvious advantage of a lift station-based system over an exclusively gravity flow-based system is the flexibility of design afforded by the lift station. With regards to the proposed storm sewer improvements, this flexibility translates to minimizing the number of conflict manholes required. IV. Preliminary Cost Estimates Preliminary opinions of probable costs were calculated for the two alternate solution judged to feasible based on the above discussion. These cost estimates are as follows: • T-BALL FIELD PROPOSAL TO: ATLANTIC BEACH PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COUNCIL FROM: A.B.A.A. We propose to construct, at no cost to the city, a new T-Ball League playing field in Jack Russell Park. Since this field will be dedicated to T-Ball play only, it will be constructed with the following characteristics. • a 45ft. baseline verse's 60ft. ( Rookie ,Minor,Major and Girls Softball). • outfield fencing at less than 90 ft • no lights, Babe Ruth Baseball prohibits night time play for this age group • weekend games only • perimeter fencing only, no elevated backstops needed at this level • grassy infield to better preserve the "Green Space" • benches will used to seat the teams(4-12ft. shade trees will be planted ) • one or two tier bleachers for the parents • estimated cost to the League—$4,000 • The additional field will be located in either of the two proposed places discussed earlier, our preference would be next to the Tennis Courts. This area would have the least impack on the available open area existing at Jack Russell Park today. In addition to allowing us to reduce the number of weeknight games for the Major league players, it gives this younger age group a dedicated field of their own that they can practice and play on without interference from older players. Lastly, it moves our ideas and resources on to Donner Park for the future development of our Baseball and Softball programs. • CITY OF ,itieucae 'eae - ��Cvtida POLICE DEPARTMENT ~ `► 850 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA 32233 .141t" ': 4 TELEPHONE (904)249-5606 MEMORANDUM TO: Ms . Cindy Corey Chairperson, Parks and Recreation Board FROM: David E. Thompson Chief of Police DATE: 2/14/95 SUBJECT: T-Ball field I hope that the following information is helpful to the Board in making a decision relative to the location of a new T- Ball field: 1) . Last year , we had problems with parking in the Russell Park/City Hall parking areas . Most teams were scheduled to play on Saturdays, and generally teams were warming up while others were completing their games on the fields . There were numerous times when there were no parking spaces available for fans , players , or families . When marked spaces were not available , people parked where ever they could find room including in travel lanes , on grassed areas , and in illegal locations . Last year, this created problems with traffic flow, it damaged areas of the park, and it resulted in parking tickets issued to fans . The parking of vehicles in such areas also created a safety problem for children. The addition of a T-Ball field in Russell Park will result in additional vehicles including coaches , umpires , families , and fans . This will simply exacerbate the existing problem. 2 ) . The use of a site away from Russell Park may inconvenience some families , especially those who may have more than one child playing ball . However , fields have been utilized away from Russell Park for many years . Fields at the Mayport Naval Base have been consistently used for girls softball games , and the families with more than one child playing (including mine) have made adjustments . A girls softball team has practiced page 2 at Donner Park for three years , and the field is rarely requested or utilized by the A.B .A.A. For several years , I coached Atlantic Beach teams who practiced baseball in Neptune Beach. I am also aware of other teams who have played at fields other than Russell Park . It would be nice to have all of the baseball events in one centralized location, but apparently it is not feasible or mandatory for the success of the program. 3) . At the Parks and Recreation meeting on Saturday, February 4 , 1995 , we obtained numerous ideas from the various interests in attendance. During the entire day, I never heard anyone suggest that we needed to expand the Little League program in Russell Park . On the contrary , there were repeated suggestions that we needed to add supervised recreational programs in other parks . The group wanted more utilization of existing parks , and they wanted to diversify the use of the parklands . Donner . Park appears to have space for a T-Ball field, and adding such a field would be consistent with the ideas expressed in the parks and recreation meeting . 4) . My wife is on the school advisory committee for the Atlantic Beach school . One of their suggestions last month was to explore the possibility of upgrading the ball field at that location. They already have a location laid out , but they need to put clay and improve the field. If A. B .A.A. is going to basically build another field, this would improve the school grounds for all of the kids to enjoy during and after school . I discussed this with the principal last week, and she said that she was confident that we could work out arrangements for parking and T-Ball . This could improve access to the recreational facilities at the school for the entire community . Summary : I have attempted to stay out of the politics between A . B .A . A. and the City of Atlantic Beach. My family has participated in the Little League for many years , and we plan to continue doing so . However , the information contained in the memorandum is accurate, and it may assist you in making decisions relative to the request for an additional T-Ball field in Russell Park . If you need any additional information, please do not hesitate to call . February 24, 1995 HAND DELIVERY The City Council City of Atlantic Beach Florida We, the residents of the 200 block of Magnolia Street, Atlantic Beach, feel there is a need to address a situation existing on our block that we have been experiencing for upwards of 14 years. Specifically, extremely poor drainage, and in some cases a total lack thereof, as well as inadequate runoff which leaves us with quagmires in front of our homes for days and weeks at a time. Additionally unique to our area are culverts that do not drain, filling with stagnate water and becoming pits for our children to stumble into. Any visitor to our street after a rainstorm will readily note that long after Atlantic Beach has dried out, our street remains largely under water. The soggy culverts and pools of stagnate water are much more than a muddy nuisance, they are undoubtably a breeding ground of microscopic bugs, bacteria and mosquitos. Over the years, many of us have been told various stories regarding the causes of this condition. Frankly, we are not interested in the causes, but the solutions. As an historical aside, we organized ourselves in 1987, approached the city, and initiated the placement of"No parking on pavement" regulations and signs on our street. Thereafter, many of us in the 200 block doubled the widths of our driveways and made cutouts in the fronts of our properties for off road parking. Setting a good example, as it were. The middle of the block, i.e. 238 -274 on the west side of the street and 237 - 273 on the east side, are the lowest spots, collecting and holding the majority of the water after any rainstorm. We have observed over the years that no matter how light or heavy a rainstorm might be, the drain at the south west corner of the 200 block is virtually useless since the water flows away from it. For example, when our neighbor at 222 Magnolia washes his car, the water flows away from the drain and into the driveway at 230 Magnolia. Over the years we have grumbled privately about the problem, and have occasionally made a phone call to the public works department. Many of us have built French drains in the fronts of our yards in a largely futile effort to improve the drainage. From time to time we have heard that the city was studying the problem as part of a potentially larger project to improve drainage in the area. We have reached the point, however, where we wish to collectively voice our concerns. We are told by the public works department that drainage in our neighborhood is once again under consideration by the city of Atlantic Beach. We urge you, our elected representatives, to put an end to delays that predate your election to office and which have stretched out over a dozen years, and to implement the solutions proposed in the city's most recent study of the problem. Collectively, we are not a particularly "political" group and are not interested in being confrontational. Rather, we would like to institute a dialog with the city by which we can The City Council City of Atlantic Beach Page two understand the progress being made toward solving our problem. We have elected Mr. Lans Stout (221 Magnolia)to serve as our liaison. We ask that you please advise us, through Mr. Stout, when you can address our questions and concerns, either by correspondence or in a meeting. Thank you, and we look forward to your reply. Soggily yours, 1//144(§, House no• House no._ House no.c7/? House no.29.40 or /.�. mai House _78;7 Ho .e no.VA Pea House no. 7 y House no.42�9 House no.z65- ,O, '-zo'2,5-5-Z. ouse o 2; , '►t "to A iI1t1 * , House no.7.L -I 81141lp ouse no. 17,5 Aled?/% 001 % \/‘- / House n•. 2�8 House no. 2v37 �36C( The City Council City of Atlantic Beach Page three t /-fi/L/a\- House no. g 27 2_e House no. � . M ,I v House no ( / r� % House no. House no. House no. 1010 l j? flI9 = /11/ v\ -2AR\ ger .c9Z -Ea -4 7//7// /ga w 0 Mhz 2c:c -tre voce-1 —Limmommem 3 Vtpla) v I c • 4