04-24-95 v ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION APRIL 24, 1995 AGENDA Call to Order Invocation and pledge to the flag 1. Approval of the minutes of the Regular Commission Meeting of April 10, 1995, and Special Called Meeting of April 17, 1995. 2. Recognition of Visitors 3. Unfinished Business: a. Discussion and related action relative to construction of Donner Park activity building (Michael Dunlap, Architect) b. Authorize scheduling of interviews with engineering firms to provide consultant services in connection with the replacement of sewer lines and conflicting utilities in Saltair subdivision (Bob Kosoy) 4. Consent Agenda: a. Acknowledge receipt of Fire Department report for the month of March b. Reject all bids received under Bid No. 9495-9 for demolition of four houses on Francis Avenue c. Acknowledge receipt of Public Works status report 5. Action on Resolutions: a. Adoption of Resolution No. 95-15 to change the name of the Arts and Entertainment Board to the Cultural Arts Board 6. Action on Ordinances: a. Public hearing and final reading of Ordinance No. 95-95- 62 to provide for mitigation for tree removal b. Introduction and first reading of Ordinance No. 55-95-29 to amend the solid waste collection franchise 7. New Business: a. Award contract for the expansion of the Atlantic Beach Wastewater Treatment Plant to Indian River Contractors b. Award contract to Ray Asher & Sons in the amount of $4, 429.00 to pave a portion of Donner Road c. Award contract to Smith & Gillespie Engineers in the amount of $147,456 for professional services during the construction of Atlantic Beach wastewater treatment plant expansion Page Two AGENDA April 24, 1995 S d. Appointment to fill one unexpired term on the Arts and Entertainment Board 8. City Manager Reports and/or Correspondence: 9 . Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners, City Attorney and City Clerk: Adjournment If any person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at any meeting, S such person may need a record of the proceedings, and, for such purpose, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record shall include the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Any person who wishes to speak to the City Commission on any matter at this meeting should submit a request to the City Clerk prior to the meeting. Forms are available at the entrance to the Commission Chambers for your convenience. i MINUTES OF THE RDGUTAR MEETING OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY V V COMMISSION HELI) ON MONDAY, APRIL 24, 1995 0 0 T T PRESENT: Lyman T. Fletcher, Mayor E E Steven M. Rosenbloom D D Suzanne Shaughnessy J. Dezmond Waters, III, and Robert G. Weiss, Commissioners M S O E T C AND: Kim D. Leinbach, City Manager I O Y Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney NAME OF ONEN Donna Bussey, Acting City Clerk COMMRS. N D S 0 ABSENT: Maureen King, City Clerk (Excused) The meeting was called to order by Mayor Fletcher. The invocation was followed by the pledge to the flag. 1. Approval of the minutes of the Regular Commission meeting of April 10, 1995 and Special Called meeting of April 17, 1995. SHAUGHNESSY X x Notion: Approve minutes of the regular meeting of WATERS X X LETS X April 10, 1995 FLETCHER X No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. SHAUGHNESSY X X Notion: Approve minutes of the special called meeting of WATERS X X April 17, 1995 WEISS X FLETCHER X No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. 2. Recognition of Visitors: Richard Johnson, 857 Bonita Road, felt there was drug and crime problems in the Sea Oats area and he asked if the city would address the problem. Mayor Fletcher asked David Thompson, Chief of Police, to meet with Mr. Johnson. The Mayor also asked Kim Leinbach, City Manager, to meet with Mr. Johnson relative to addressing Code Enforcement problems in the area. Mr. Johnson asked that the "Welcome to Royal Palms" sign be erected. Rocky Russell, 460 Ocean Boulevard, indicated he wished a matter concerning property he intended to purchase at 380 Seminole Road be placed on the agenda. The Mayor indicated the matter would be placed on the agenda of May 8, 1995. 3. Unfinished Business: a. Discussion and related action relative to constriction of Donner Park activity building Commissioner Rosenbloom joined the meeting at 7:20 p. m. Minutes, Page 2 April 24, 1995 V V NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN Mayor Fletcher indicated two issues would be decided upon (1) placement of the building, and (2) the type of building that would be built. He indicated site placement would be discussed first. He reminded everyone that the Parks and Recreation Board indicated they were in favor of placing the building at the western end of the park, near the existing building. Staff and the architect, Michael Dunlap, recommended placing the building on the east end of the park, facing Dudley Street. ROSENBLOOM X SHAUGHNESSY X Nbtion: Accept Michael Dunlap's recommendation to place WATERS X X the building at the termination of Dudley Street, on WEISS X X George Street FLETCHER X Commissioner Shaughnessy recommended placing the building at the site where the proposed croquet court was to have been placed, which was also where volleyball courts were presently located. Following discussion, Chief Thompson asked the Commission to consider the visibility of the building so that the supervisor who was working in the building would be able to see into the park. He also asked that space be left around the building so that a police car would be able to drive around the building. Following further discussion, the question was called and the vote resulted in 2-3, with Commissioners Rosenbloom, Shaughnessy, and Waters voting nay. The motion failed. It was suggested that the commission attend the Parks and Recreation Sharette scheduled for May 6, 1995 at which time alternative sites could be examined, and that final action be postponed until the next regular commission meeting of May 8, 1995. VSENBLOOM X Motion: Postpone action until the regular meeting of May SHAUGHNESSY X X 8, 1995. Have the Ccnmission attend the Parks and WATERS X Recreation Charette of May 6, 1995 at which time WEISS X alternative plans and sites will be examined FLETCHER X X Whereas it was felt by some commissioners that the Charette should be attended and visual inspections made of the sites under discussion, it was felt by other commissioners that the matter should not be postponed and should be acted upon. The question was called and the vote resulted in 2-3 with Commissioners Rosenbloom, Waters, and Weiss voting nay. The motion failed. It was suggested that the Commission meet one afternoon at a mutually agreeable time, conduct visual inspections of the sites under discussion, and vote on the matter. Minutes, Page 3 April 24, 1995 V V NAME OF Motion: Postpone action and have the City Clerk arrange COMMRS. MSYN . . . nil *IN ra IC- I '•, • -•v•1 + Tei62.4 . • ROSENBLOOM X X advertised, one afternoon in the existing Community SHAUGHNESSY X Center at Donner Park, at which time a final decision on WATERS X the site of the building will be acted upon WEISS X X FLETCHER X The question was called and the vote resulted in 4-1, with Commissioner Waters voting nay. The motion carried. Michael Dunlap agreed to mark locations of the proposed sites for the building and the City Manager was instructed to oversee the matter. Gail Baker was asked to post announcements in the neighborhood indicated the time and date of the meeting. Mayor Fletcher indicated discussion would commence relative to the type of building that would be built in Donner Park. Motion: Approve Base Building A, Alternate 1, with ROSENBLOOM X covered porch, pursuant to Exhibit A, Project Cost SHAUGHNESSY X X Summary, dated 1/9/95, attached herewith WATERS X WEISS X A discussion ensued relative to the porch and it was felt that FLETCHER X X the porch was necessary to the building. It was explained Base Building A was of wood frame, similar to residential construction, Building B was of steel frame similar to a metal building structure, and Building C was a wood truss similar to Building A but the walls would be eight inch concrete block. Mr. Dunlap recommended Building A, because he felt the workmanship of wood frame would be superior to that of concrete block. When asked the type of building that would best withstand a hurricane, Mr. Dunlap replied that both wood and masonry would withstand wind forces equally. Commissioner Weiss suggested the building be comprised of masonry and having the finish similar to the building at Russell Park where it would be possible to paint the finish. The question was called and the vote resulted in 2-3 with Commissioner Rosenbloom, Waters, and Weiss voting nay. The motion failed. Notion: Approve Base Building C, Alternate 1, to be built ROSENBLOOM X X of concrete block and trim with cedar shingle or an SHAUGHNESSY X appropriate single, with covered porch WATERS X WEISS X X Following brief discussion the question was called and the FLETCHER X vote resulted in 3-2 with Commissioner Shaughnessy and Mayor Fletcher voting nay. The motion carried. Minutes, Page 4 April 24, 1995 V V • NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN au isbionel Shauyhnessy referred to accesses to outside bathrooms and asked if Mr. Dunlap would have an alternate drawing regarding the bathrooms by the time of the special called meeting. The City Clerk was asked to make sure the special called meeting was coordinated with Mr. Dunlap, the Architect. ROSENBLOOM X SHAUGHNESSY X X Mbtion: Approve inclusion of Alternate 2, concession WATERS X stand, and delete the cost of the interior kitchen WEISS X X FLETCHER X Commissioner Shaughnessy indicated the plan that was given to the Commission contained an interior kitchen and a concession stand (plan attached hereto and made a part hereof-Exhibit B) . After considerable discussion it was suggested that the concession stand could serve as the kitchen, and, in addition, provide a separate room that could be used for small group meetings. Commissioner Shaughnessy felt if the concession stand was not built along with two exterior bathrooms, that the need would have to be faced in the future. She felt it was best to build to the needs now, under one roof, rather than in the future having to build a second or a third building. 4110 Mr. Dunlap explained it would cost an additional $25,000 to have exterior bathrooms under the same roof, as an attachment somewhere to the building. Mr. Dunlap indicated alternates would not be included in the design fee. The question was called and the vote resulted in 4-1, with Commissioner Rosenbloom voting nay. The motion carried. Commissioner Shaughnessy left the roan at 8:55 p. m. b. Authorize scheduling of interviews with engineering firms to provide consultant services in connection with the replacement of sewer lines and conflicting utilities in Saltair subdivision Mayor Fletcher explained interviews would be conducted and an engineer selected for the project at the next commission meeting. He indicated city staff recommended as follows: 1. Sims Design Consulting, Inc. , 2. Pitman-Hartenstein & Assoc. , Inc. , and 3. Smith & Gillespie Engineers, Inc. ROSENBLOOM X Notion: Schedule interviews with engineering firms as SHAUGHNESSY X follows: 1. Sims Design Consulting, Inc., 2. Smith & WATERS X X Gillespie Engineers, Inc., 3. Connelly & Wicker, Inc. WEISS X and 4. J. Lucas and Assoc., Inc. FLETCHER X X 411 Commissioner Rosenbloom asked what was the rationale for eliminating Pitman-Hartenstein & Assoc. , to which the Mayor replied he would like to spread the work around. When asked Minutes, Page 5 April 24, 1995 V V NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN low iuueh work smith & Gillespie had done tor the city in the past, Bob Kosoy, Public Works Director, replied they had done several jobs but no design work for several years. Commissioner Rosenbloom felt Pitman-Hartenstein & Assoc. should be placed on the list. Commissioner Weiss felt staff had ranked the firms and the Commission should rely on staff, and he also felt the top firms should be selected. Commissioner Waters appreciated staff ranking firms, but he felt including smaller, local firms was important. Mayor Fletcher felt the only difference between smaller and larger firms was staffing, and that staffing could be added when necessary. A recess was called from 9:00 p. m. until 9:15 p. m. , and when the meeting resumed all commissioners were present. ROSENBLOOM X X Amended Motion: Add Pit man-Hartenstein & Assoc. SHAUGHNESSY X to list to be interviewed WATERS X x WEISS X The question was called on the amended motion and the vote FLETCHER X resulted in 4-1 with Mayor Fletcher voting nay. The motion carried. The question was called on the original motion and the vote resulted in all ayes. The motion carried. 4. Consent Agenda: a. Acknowledge receipt of Fire Department report for the month of March b. Reject all bids received under Bid No. 9495-9 for demolition of four houses on Francis Avenue c. Acknowledge receipt of Public Works status report The Consent Agenda was accepted by the Commission. 5. Action on Resolutions: a. Resolution No. 95-15 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH (ATG THE NAME OF THE ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT BOARD TO THE CULTURAL ARTS BOARD, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Fletcher presented in full, in writing, Resolution No. 95-15. ROSENBLOOM X X SHAUGHNESSY X X Notion: Approve passage of Resolution No. 95-15 WATERS X WEISS X No discussion before the vote. The motion carried FLETCHER X unanimously. Minutes, Page 6 • April 24, 1995 V V NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN 6. Action on Ordinances: a. Ordinance No. 95-95-62 - Public Bearing AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA AMENDING CHAPTER 23, VEGETATION, ARTICLE II, TBEI PROTECTION; DELETING CAIN LANGUAGE AND INSERTING ADDITIONAL IAS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Fletcher presented, in full, in writing, Ordinance No. 95-95-62, said ordinance having been posted in accordance with Charter requirements. He opened the floor for a public hearing and invited comments from the audience. The following people spoke in opposition to the proposed ordinance: William Gulliford, Hugh Matthews, Tim Reed, Beth Robinson, and John Meserve. Hope Van Nortwick, Chairman of the Tree Board, and Nancy White spoke in favor of the proposed ordinance. Since no one wished to speak further the Mayor closed the Public Hearing. ROSENBLOOM SHAUGHNESSY Notion: Approve passage of Ordinance 95-95-62 on Final WATERS X Reading WEISS FLETCHER X Commissioner Waters asked Hope Van Nortwick to explain the changes from previous language. She explained the ordinance gave the Tree Board flexibility to form a tree fund, and that the language was more forceful. She felt it would help people to respect sites where building would take place so that they would design structures to accommodate trees. Commissioner Rosenbloom suggested that the Tree Board, the Commission, and concerned citizens work together to come up with compromising language that was agreed upon by everyone. He felt that a meaningful, more forceful ordinance could be decided upon. ROSENBLOOM X X Amended Motion: Defer action until the meeting of May SHAUGHNESSY X 22, 1995. Have an open group of interested parties meet WATERS X and care up with mutually agreeable language that is WEISS X X acceptable to all parties ?LETCHER X Commissioner Shaughnessy concurred with the amended motion and suggested that a tree fund be established that would be equally borne by residents of the city, but not be the burden of only those who had trees on their lots. During discussion concerning whether or not the purpose was to amend the ordinance or totally rewrite the ordinance, it was decided the purpose was to amend the ordinance. uOTSSTuuro3 agq og qutTd OOAAQ agq go sOangoTd ;no passed all • (O 1TTTgx'3 - ggTMaaag pagougqu uoTssnosTp aapun sunpuuaouraur egq uT pauTPquoo) 00L'99$ 3o qunome agq uT uragsAS uoTgPaay 'ON dJJMM - 3 PTH aATgTpp\ 'L# waqd buTuodgsod papuaunrooaa @H 'wog; aanoO oq ueoT ggauxeg alp uT spunJ act you ggbTur aaagq go-14 pue szapzo abuugo @q pinoo aaagg gugg giaJ zaggod uUTTK 2IJHOZd'Id saogouaquo3 aaAT> uUTpul oq gouaguoo plume pup SSIdM D 1TgTPG - S661 '81 TTadV pagEp unpieaonan plal0E44P SIJIVM agq uT poTTino su uoTqupuauunoaa gsugs gdaoj :uorgow X XSSHNHOI1VHS X NOTIHNdSO2I ' (O gTgTgxg - Joaaag gaud P apPur pup 04 aIaq pagoug4P) S66T '8T TTadV pagup 'z@buuuw A;TO 'goPquraq urrx uro1J unpuPaouraur P 04 buTpa000P uoTqupu@uuzooaa aoJ sTspq agq su TTM SP paumu pTq alp burpuauur000a aoJ uMopxu@aq u @nub aH •aoppTq anTsuodsaa ;sac( pup MoT agg SP pTg alp papaIMu aq sa040Pzqu03 @@ATH ueTPUI gPgg papuauurooaa JJP4S pagPOTpur 'aafPUPW ATM AgndaQ 'eogiPr urrr •pTq agg og sanTgPuaagTP buTpIubaa flp- s Aq auop uaaq pug NaoM JO Tu@p guaab e pagpoTpuT gouquTa' urrx sao4ouaquo3 aaATH ueTpai oq quuTd guau eaTy aaqutsiM qouag °Timmy eq4 10 u0Tsaudxe an log weiquolo piemV 'u :ssaursng bioN •L 'w 'd OC:OT TTgun •w 'd OZ:OT uroa3 paTTPO SPM sseoaa V •AT snouiTueun x 2idHOzd'Id pop.= uOT4OUI NI •040A agg aaogoq uoTssnosTp ON X X SSIdM X SUHIVM 5661 '8 Apfn1 uo buTauaq OTTgrI ao3 gas pup buTpaI gsaTJ X ASSdNHOIIVHS uo 6Z-S6-5S -oN aoueuTpao Jo a6Essud anazddV :uor.Iaw X X WOOUN SO2I '6Z-S6-SS •oN aDUPuTpaO 'buTlTaM uT 'TT ng uT paguasead z@gogaT3 aoAuw aLNKI aALIZELIREE NV ONIUIAMI ONV 'SZISNIVLICO 330 TICAL 2103 UNV DNIIDAD2111 NV I.7FIdlill7D 'IVID8211442D HO3 S3 3ammd QLUNV HOVIDNVI A.3121VD UL 'Iowa mizziray 30 LTD ally 30 ssoNFNII@IO 30 3QOD 3I1L 30 91 IMMO MO 9A[O 4V 3."X1VNIIQIO NV 6Z-S6-SS 'oN acuuuTpxo -q •Tuxgneu pup anTgoacgo axiom eq pings uOsaadaTugo GIP 4103 A0144 SP 's[OTMMION uun edoH go gu@u4uToddu agg uT 4uaw4uToddesTp @Tagg paguoTpuT saauoTssTuuioo TPIOAOS •dnoab agg 03 paguTodde eq aTdoed aATJ uegq aloin ou gugg pagsabbns szaguM a@uoTssTuuroD •dnoab agg go uosaadhTegO eq og NOTMgaoN uun @doll paguToddu aH •aouPUTpao Mau agg buTggeap uT papog aaas eq ggTM POM oq dnozb u quToddP pTnoM @g pa3POTpuT aagogaT3 aoAew •ATsnoulTueun pap= uoTgour au •saAu TTP uT pa3Tnsaa own pue uoTgour papulam am uo POTTP0 sem uoTgsanL N A S JAI 'SUNNOD AO 31HVN A A S66T '17Z TTadV L abed 'sagnuTW Minutes, Page 8 • April 24, 1995 V V NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN (pictures attached hereto and made a part hereof - Exhibit D) . A discussion followed and it was felt it would be possible to delay the air system, and when the new plant came on line the conversion could be made. ROSENBLOOM X SHAUGHNESSY X X Amended Motion: Add remaining pupp in the amount of WATERS X X $19,739, Additive Bid D, into the overall bid process WEISS X Followingbrief discussion, the FLETCHER X question was called and the vote on the amended motion resulted in all ayes. The amended motion carried. ROSENBLOOM X X Amended Motion: Approve the base bid plus added SHAUGHNESSY X X alternate D, F, and G (deductive) WATERS X WEISS X Alan Jensen was asked if it would be legal to delay awarding FLETCHER X part of the bid, to which he replied he did not think it would be legal to award part of the bid. Whatever portions of the bid it was determined the city wanted should be awarded at the meeting and when all portions of the bid were totaled up, the contractor then got a contract, he explained. If the city took a portion out and held it for a contractor until a later time, that would not be legal. It was felt by some Commissioners that Additive Bid F should be added at the present time, rather than putting it off. Mayor Fletcher indicated he was concerned with the change order issue. He felt there was no leeway in the budget. Jim Jarboe advised there would be some residual money left in the Barnett loan by not doing certain projects in the amount of approximately $70,000. In addition, he added, there was money in the reserves that could be used in case of a change order, if the change order was within reason. Bill Pitman advised it would be possible to contract for the full amount and if it became apparent that the city would be short of money, a portion could be taken out of the contract. Legally, in any contract 15 percent could be deducted or added, he explained. In other words, if there was not enough funding for Additive F, it could be taken out of the contract. The question was called on the amended motion to approve the base bid plus added alternate D, F, and G (deductive) and the vote resulted in all ayes. The motion carried. b. Award contract to Ray Asher & Sons in the amount of $4,429.00 to pave a portion of Donner Road George Worley reported as per the request of the Commission during the establishment of the 1995 Community Development Block Grant budget, staff included $12,000 for the paving of Minutes, Page 9 April 24, 1995 V V NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN Che ecuieiitly unpaved section of Donner Rte. A budget amendment was approved last month by the City Commission which transferred $5,000 into housing demolition. He reported the current budget for paving was $7,069.00. Staff obtained five quotes for the paving and it was recommended that the low quote of $4,429 by Ray Asher & Sons be accepted and that authorization be granted to staff to proceed with the paving. ROSENBLOOM X x SHAUGHNESSY X Notion; Accept the quote of $4,429 by Ray Asher & Sons WATERS X and authorize staff to proceed with the paving of a WEISS X X portion of Donner Road FLETCHER X Following a brief discussion the question was called and the motion carried unanimously. c. Award contract to Smith & Gillespie Engineers in the amount of $147,456 for professional services during the construction of Atlantic Beach wastewater treatment plant expansion Bob Kosoy reported on February 13, 1995 the Commission authorized negotiation of a contract with Smith & Gillespie Engineers, Inc. for construction engineering and inspection (CE & I) of the Atlantic Beach WWTP Expansion Project. It was estimated at that time that these services should not exceed $9,000 per month for CE & I or $162,000 for the duration of the contract. Mr. Kosoy advised that he had negotiated with Smith and Gillespie and in addition to performing usual CE & I services, they would include review of the shop drawings and certification of the project at its completion. It was recommended that the contract be approved. Notion: Approve contract with Smith & Gillespie SHAUGHNEHX UGHNESSY X X Engineers in the amount of $147,456 for professional WATERS X X services during the construction of Atlantic Beach WEISS X wastewater treatment plant expansion FLETCHER X Following a brief discussion the question was called and the motion carried unanimously. d. Appointment to fill one unexpired term on the Arts and Entertainment Board Mayor Fletcher asked that the appointment be deferred until the next meeting, and the commission concurred. 8. City Manager Reports and/or Correspondence: Kim Leinbach reported the total legal expense relative to the lawsuit against the City of Jacksonville was $148,717 as of April 17, 1995. Mr. Leinbach reported the monthly recycling set out rate for Minutes, Page 10 April 24, 1995 V V NAME OF COMMRS. MSY N the community was 95%. Commissioner Waters referred to land the city owned at Ocean, Seminole, and 16th Street, and he indicated his desire to dedicate the land as a passive park. He suggested asking the citizens of Atlantic Beach for their suggestions in naming the park, and he felt placing an article in the Tide Views asking citizens to suggest names for the park would be a good idea. Staff was directed to prepare a Resolution to dedicate the land as a passive park with a name to be selected by the Commission at a later time. Commissioner Shaughnessy referred to the interior of the newly constructed concession stand at Jack Russell Park. She felt the colors that were painted were too vibrant and that too many colors had been used. She felt the Commission had made a mistake in allowing the architect to pick the colors. She indicated she was uncomfortable with a public building not having more neutral colors, and she indicated her desire to correct the mistake. She indicated the city painter would be able to repaint the interior at a cost of between $700 and $1,300 and she felt the matter should be dealt with as an emergency because the baseball association wished to use the building as soon as possible. ROSENBLOOM X X SHAUGHNotion: Treat repainting of interior of Russell Park WATERS X X ERSX Concession Stand as an emergency WEISS X FLETCHER X Commissioner Waters felt the repainting could be accomplished in three to five years, but that it was not necessary to repaint at the present time. Commissioner Shaughnessy explained the amount of money to repaint was within the authority of the City Manager. Following a brief discussion, the question was called and the vote resulted 3-2 with Commissioners Waters and Weiss voting nay. Mayor Fletcher explained it required a vote of four-fifths of the Commission to declare an emergency. Thus, the motion failed Mayor Fletcher suggested discussing the matter at the Special Called meeting that would be called at the Donner Community Center to decide on the site of the building. He indicated this matter would be placed on the agenda for discussion. Commissioner Shaughnessy complimented Carl Walker concerning the planted areas of the City. She indicated the Donner Community Cleanup would be Saturday April 29, 1995 from 9:00 a. m. until Noon. Commissioner Weiss indicated there still was no agreement from Tam Welch, in the form of a Memorandum of Understanding to send to the Department of Interior stating that the City of Minutes, Page 11 April 24, 1995 V V NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN Jacksonville was not going to pick up all the liability of everything that happened on the beach during renourishment. He indicated there still was not a definite time to get sand on the beach. He invited everyone to send comments to appropriate people. Mayor Fletcher indicated he had been invited to attend a change of command at the Naval Air Station at NAS on May 12, 1995 at 10:00 a. m. Neither the Mayor nor Commissioner Waters could attend, and Commissioner Weiss indicated he would represent the Mayor. Mayor Fletcher advised the Teen Council's Tennis Tournament would be on May 13th and 14th and the fie reading would be May 7th at ABET. poetry Mayor Fletcher advised the 16th Street Access would be on the agenda of May 8, 1995. There being no further business the Mayor adjourned the meeting at 11:40 p. m. 4IWPP /c, /ice' / . T. Fletcher Mayor/Presiding Officer ATTES T: Donna Bussey Acting City Clerk Ex ti,` 6, f / DONNER PARK COMMUNITY CENTER PROJECT COST SUMMARY 1/9/95 Staff recommendation 1 BASE BUILDING A 1922sf $107,800.00 BASE BUILDING B $107,944.00 $107,944.00 BASE BUILDING C $110,440.00 2 ALTERNATE 1 $37,600.00 COVERED PORCH 3 ALTERNATE 2 $6,000.00 CONCESSION 4 SITEWORK $10,000.00 $6,000.00 ESTIMATED COST $161,544.00 $113,944.00 base sq ft (B) $56.16 ($5,000.00) fibergl shin sq ft total project $84.05 ($2,000.00) flooring $106,944.00 DONNER PARK COMMUNITY CENTER 12/15/94 DIV1 GENERAL CONDITIONS 90100 $7,208.00 DIV 2 SITEWORK COMPACT FILL CY 180 $1,440.00 SOIL TREATMENT SF 1800 $270.00 DEWATER TREE PROTECTION LS $200.00 $1,910.00 DIV 3 CONCRETE FOOTINGS 12 X 24 LF 180 $1,530.00 4" CONCRETE SLAB SF 1800 $3,150.00 $4,680.00 DIV 4 MASONRY 8" CMU FOUNDATION SF 500 $2,000.00 FILL CELLS SF 500 $750.00 $2,750.00 DIV 5 METALS $0.00 DIV 6 CARPENTRY EXT 2X6 WALLS 12'HT LF 180 $2,160.00 INT 2X4 WALLS 10' HT LF 188 $1,504.00 1/2" PLY SHEATHING SHTS 65 $1,820.00 FRAME GABLE ENDS LS $300.00 . INT TRIM LS $1,000.00 SHELVING LS $400.00 KIT BASE / WALL CAB LF 8 $1,200.00 BATH VANITY LF 5 $250.00 ACESS LADDER LS $150.00 CEDAR SHINGLES / FELT SF 2400 $6,000.00 EXT TRIM / LOUVERS LS $1,200.00 WOOD TRUSSES LS $4,600.00 1 X BRACING LS $200.00 CONNECTORS LS $500.00 WIND BRACING LS $1,000.00 3/4" SHEATHING $2,700.00 $24,984.00 DIV 7 THERMAL / MOISTURE ROOF FELT SF 2200 $220.00 STANDING SEAM 24 GA SF 2200 $6,710.00 R19 WALLS SF 1600 $672.00 R30 WALLS SF 1800 $1,080.00 EAVE DRIP/FLASH LS $500.00 BUILDING WRAP SF 2000 $300.00 $9,482.00 DIV 8 DOORS / WINDOWS EXT DOORS ENTRY LS $2,000.00 EXTDOORS EA 2 $800.00 EXT DOORS PR $550.00 INT DOORS EA 4 $600.00 INT DOORS PR 2 $500.00 WINDOWS PELLA 11 $7,810.00 HARDWARE LS $1,000.00 $13,260.00 DIV 9 FINISHES 1/2" GYP BOARD SF 5600 $3,640.00 5/8" GYP BOARD SF 120 $90.00 2 X 2 ACT TILE SF 1680 $2,100.00 CT FLOOR SF 120 $600.00 CT BASE LF 60 $270.00 SHT VINYL SY 192 $6,144.00 CT WAINSCOT SF 300 $1,500.00 PAINT GWB SF 5060 $1,518.00 PAINT DOORS 11 $440.00 PAINT SEAL EXT LS $1,000.00 PAINT TRIM EXT LS $400.00 PAINT TRIM INT LS $300.00 $18,002.00 DIV 10 SPECIALTIES TOILET ACCESSORIES 2 $400.00 URINAL SCREEN 2 $200.00 MIRRORS 3 $255.00 GRAB BARS 2 $300.00 $1,155.00 DIV 15 PLUMBING FIXTURES/ ROUGH IN 9 $4,500.00 HVAC 4 TON HEAT PUMP 4 $4,400.00 ATTIC FAN $400.00 $4,800.00 DIV 16 ELECTRICAL SERVICE / DIST SF 1800 $2,700.00 LIGHTING FIXTURES SF 1800 $1,350.00 POWER SF 1800 $1,350.00 $5,400.00 SUBTOTAL $98,131 .00 CONTRACTOR FEE (10%) $9,813.10 TOTAL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION $107,944.10 COST - BUILDING DONNER PARK COMMUNITY CENTER SITEWORK AND IMPROVEMENTS CLEARING $2,000 FILL (+ 1-FT Building Area) $2,000 Water & Sewer Services $1,000 Concrete Sidewalks $1,000 Landscaping Allowance $4.000 TOTAL - Sitework and Improvements $10,000.00 COVERED DECK DIV 1 GENERAL CONDITIONS JOB SITE OVERHEAD 8% $2,536.08 DIV 3 CONCRETE FOOTINGS 28 $1,400.00 DIV 4 MASONRY 8" CMU PIERS 28 $840.00 GROUT PIERS 28 $280.00 $1,120.00 DIV 6 CARPENTRY 2X10 JST. P.T. 10' 180 $1,791 .00 2X8 RAFTERS P.T. 14' 140 $1,561.00 2X12 BEAMS P.T. 10' 60 $891.00 2X6 COLUMBS 8' 80 $412.00 5/4"X6" FLR DECKING 10' 4440 $3,552.00 5/8" T-111 ROOF DECKING 84 $2,100.00 1X8 TRIM 1200 $1,500.00 1X12 TRIM 560 $1,064.00 CONNECTOR 1 $500.00 LABOR 1700 $5.950.00 $19,321.00 DIV 7 THERMAL & MOISTURE STANDING SEAM SF 2400 $7,320 30# FELT 2400 240 7560 DIV 9 FINISHES PAINT/STAIN LS 1 800 DIV 16 ELECTRICAL LIGHTING ALLOWANCE LS 1 1500 SUBTOTAL $34,237.08 CONTRACTOR FEE (10%) $3,423.71 TOTAL $37,660.79 • r . f • • • CITY OF I '� rleia.ztic Eeeid - 76vuda 800 SEMINOLE ROAD — --- — --- ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA 32233-5445 TELEPHONE(904)247-5800 FAX(904)247-5805 April 18, 1995 TO: The City Commission FROM: Kim Leinbach, City Manager 4c RE: Recommendation for Award of the Atlantic Beach Waste Water Treatment Plant Expansion I. RECOMMENDATION OF AWARD After a careful review of the bid with the staff, the design engineer and the Utilities Director, it is my recommendation that Indian River Contractors be awarded the Bid as the low and best responsive bidder. My recommendation is based on the base bid and the additive & deduct recommended by me for the new Atlantic Beach Waste Water Treatment Plant Expansion (See "Basis For Recommendation" below). II. BREAKDOWN FOR RECOMMENDED BID AWARD A. Base Bid (Item #1) $3,951,850 B. Additive Bid F Aeration System (Item #7) 66.700 Sub total $4,018,550 C. Deductive Bid G 1100 KW Generator Set (Item #8) -34,550 Total $3,984,000 III. BASIS FOR RECOMMENDATION The additives listed below were not select for the following reasons: ITEM #2 ADDITIVE BID A - NEW OPERATIONS BUILDING - In discussions with the design engineer it was found that all operations could be carried out over the next several years without a new building. It is felt that the operations building could be added on later when the lab is expanded. To try to stay within the City's original budget projection, this additive was not recommended. ITEM #3 ADDITIVE BID B - LABORATORY BUILDING - In discussions with the design engineer it was found that the expansion of the laboratory building was not needed in the immediate future. Also, he felt that majority of this additive could be done in-house. To try to stay within the City's budget projection this additive was not recommended. ITEM # ADDITIVE BID C - NEW SCREENING CONVEYOR - In discussions with the design engineer it was found that this additive was not a necessity. In house adjustments by staff can be made at a minimum cost. To try to stay with in the City's budget projection, this additive is not being recommended. ITEM #5 ADDITIVE BID D - NEW RAS/WAS PUMP NO. 4 In discussions with the design engineer it was found that this additive would not be needed in the next five or more years. To try to stay within the City's budget projection, this additive was not recommended. ITEM #6 ADDITIVE BID E - NEW BLOWER NO. 6 In discussions with the design engineer it was found that this additive was not needed until several years into the future. To try to stay within the City's budget projection, this additive was not recommended. The additive and deductive below were selected for the following reasons: ITEM #7 ADDITIVE BID F - WWTP NO. 2 AERATION SYSTEM In discussions with the design engineer it was found that this additive would give the sewer plant a greater capacity for better processing of sludge. Also, it would provide a backup holding capacity in an emergency. ITEM #8 DEDUCTIVE BID G - 1100 KW GENERATOR SET - It was found that the savings realized by selecting this deductive would be almost equal to the cost of a new 300 kW generator for the Buccaneer Plant. To stay within the City's projected budget and to lower cost for the Buccaneer plant this deductive is recommended. IV. ORIGINAL AND CURRENT TOTAL COST PROJECTIONS Original Total Projected Cost as defined in the Barnett Loan $4,500,000* Present Projected Total Cost Based on City Manager's Recommendations $4,564,000* * These total cost estimates include design, base bid, additive bids, deductive bids, testing and resident observation & shop drawings V. BID TABULATION BASED ON CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION Ranked Order of Bids 1. $3,984,000 Indian River Industrial Contractors 2. $4,039,694 Ortega Industrial 3. $4,399,000 Meadors Construction 4. $4,494,000 Elkins Constructors 13I.61. Cid-ClS-1 PITMAN-HARTENSTEIN&ASSOCIATES,INC. BID TABULATION WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT EXPANSION CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA BID OPENING DATE:APRIL 6,1995 BID OPENING TIME: 2:00 PM BIDDER'S NAME ADAMS-ROBINSON ELKINS CONSTRUCTORS INDIAN RIVER ORTEGA INDUSTRIAL WHARTON-SMITH WPC INDUSTRIAL INDUSTRIAL CONTRACTORS MEADORS CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS ITEM NO. BRIEF ITEM DESCRIPTION BID AMOUNT BID AMOUNT BID AMOUNT BID AMOUNT BID AMOUNT BID AMOUNT BID AMOUNT 1 BASE BID 'I ,38C Ol .J c?_57,Esc). `f,374,Op.° 3, 95o, dye 2 ADDITIVE BID A /., NEW OPERATIONS BUILDING 2.0 cm.) /GU,� I 3-2,cap /6//I7 3 ADDITIVE BID B 0 LABORATORY BUILDING 177-1(O�Z: _ W I/ S� 7� `I),emu �5,c-ET, 4 ADDITIVE BID C NEW SCREENING CONVEYOR /(S,am 76, 10- S�,art) 7g cup 5 ADDITIVE BID D CC NEW RAS/WAS PUMP NO.4 .,21 , 73 C/ l'7,05-0 JO,OAU 6 ADDITIVE BID E NEW BLOWER NO.6 OM 33,SdD ,/-6, aa,-, 3'7,ctiz; 7 ADDITIVE BID F WWTP NO.2 AERATION SYSTEM /d-S/UrO �G/ ,70fa o /_V,RTt 101, UD'D 1 8 DEDUCTIVE BID G /b/ 1100 KW GENERATOR SET - r O,0751.) - 3SSO e 3S7D5C /7,OZTO MAJOR SUBCONTRACTORS ADDENDUM NO.1 ✓ / ADDENDUM NO.2 ADDENDUM NO.3 Jr ✓ VV ADDENDUM NO.4 ADDENDUM NO.5 ✓ / ✓ v PROPOSAL FORM EXECUTED ✓ / / 5%BID BOND Y ✓ IV V BID CHECK LIST ✓ ✓ ✓, ,.....fo II 1 kg r�trrr�♦ I . 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