05-22-95 v 1 ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION 4104 MAY 22, 1995 AGENDA Call to Order Invocation and pledge to the flag 1 . Approval of the minutes of the Regular Commission Meeting of May 8, 1995 2. Recognition of Visitors a. Presentation of Proclamation declaring the first week of June as Polio Awareness Week in Atlantic Beach b. Presentation of Proclamation declaring the week of June 12 - 18, 1995, as Code Enforcement Officers ' Appreciation Week 3. Unfinished Business: a. Appointment to fill one unexpired term on the Arts and Entertainment Board b. Architect Mike Dunlap with report relative to Donner Park Community Center 4. Consent Agenda: III a. Approve purchase of riding lawn mower pursuant to specifications of Bid No. 9495-10 b. Award contract for demolition of four concrete block houses on Francis Avenue, pursuant to the specifications of Bid No. 9495-9 (Re-bid) , to Omni Demolition in the amount of $5, 004.00 c. Approval of Change Order No. 1 in project to replace underground fuel storage tanks, under Bid No. 9495-5 5. Action on Ordinances: a. Introduction and first reading of Ordinance No. 58-95-20 to amend Chapter 2, Article VI, Division 3 of the Code of Ordinances to establish a minimum benefit for police officers and firefighters disabled in the line of duty ( Lt. J. I. Smith) 6. New Business: a. Action on an application for a Use by Exception filed by Eleanor Ann Spencer to allow additional parking for the Wine Club and Rite Spot Restaurant at property located at 640 Sturdivant Street, zoned RG-2 (George Worley) b. Approve proposed Community Development Block Grant budget for 1995/96 (George Worley) 110 c. Approve purchase of patrol cars for the Police Department (Chief Thompson) Page Two Agenda May 22, 1995 d. Approve execution of contract with J. Lucas & Associates, Inc. for engineering services to replace sewer line and conflicting utilities in Saltair Subdivision (Kim Leinbach) e. Adoption of final Water, Sewer and Storm Water Capital Improvement Plan ( Jim Jarboe) 7. City Manager Reports and/or Correspondence: 8. Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners, City Attorney and City Clerk: Adjournment If any person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at any meeting, such person may need a record of the proceedings, and, for such purpose, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record shall include the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Any person who wishes to speak to the City Commission on any matter at this meeting should submit a request to the City Clerk prior to the meeting. Forms are available at the entrance to the Commission Chambers for your convenience. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY V V COMMISSION HELD ON MONDAY, MAY 22, 1995 0 0 II/ T T PRESENT: Lyman T. Fletcher, Mayor E E Steven M. Rosenbloom D D Suzanne Shaughnessy J. Dezmond Waters, III, and Robert G. Weiss, Commissioners M S O E T C AND: Kim D. Leinbach, City Manager I 0 Y Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney NAME OF ONEN Maureen King, City Clerk COMMRS. N D S 0 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Fletcher. The invocation was followed by the pledge to the flag. 1. Approval of the minutes of the Regular Commission meeting of May 8, 1995 ROSENBLOOM X SHAUGHNESSY X X Motion: Approve minutes of the regular meeting of WATERS X X May 8, 1995 WEISS X FLETCHER X No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. 2. Recognition of Visitors • a. Presentation of proclamation declaring the first week of June as Polio Awareness Week in Atlantic Beach Mayor Fletcher explained the importance of staying alert to the importance of the Polio vaccine program. Since no one was present to receive the proclamation, the Mayor indicated it would be presented to the proper representative by the City Clerk. b. Presentation of Proclamation declaring the week of June 12 - 18, 1995, as Code Enforcement Officers' Appreciation Week Mayor Fletcher read the Proclamation in its entirety and presented it to Karl Grunewald, Code Enforcement Inspector, and Don Ford, Building Official. Mr. Ford commended Mr. Grunewald for his work as President of the Northeast Code Enforcement Association. Mimi Ames, 1614 Park Terrace West, requested that a "no dumping" sign be removed from the front of her home. It was explained it was necessary to have signs in evidence in order for the city code to be enforced. Following discussion, Kim Leinbach, City Manager, was asked to come up with a uniform policy for the placing of signs of this nature, and to review if the sign in front of Ms. Ames home could be relocated. John Meserve indicated the Tree Ordinance Review Committee had Minutes, Page 2 May 22, 1995 • V V NAME OF met on two occasions. He indicated it was felt by the COMMRS. MSYN Coalmittee that Lhe ordinance could tYe revised, and that after the revision process the ordinance would be brought back to the Commission for action. Barbara Bonner, 463 Selva Lakes Circle, asked if the grass along the entry way to Aquatic Gardens could be mowed by the city. Kim Leinbach agreed to conduct a visual inspection along with Bob Kosoy, Public Works Director, and George Worley, City Planner, after which Ms. Bonner would be contacted concerning the matter. Bob Kosoy introduced a new employee of the Public Works Department, Kristy Tuttle. 3. Appointment to fill one unexpired term on the Cultural Arts Board Mayor Fletcher nominated Ed Lane to serve on the Cultural Arts Board. ROSENBLOOM X Motion: Appoint Ed Lane to serve on the Cultural Arts §HAUGHNESSY X X BoardWATERS X 14TEISS X No discussion before the vote. The motion carried FLETCHER X X unanimously. b. Architect Mike Dunlap with report relative to Donner Park Community Center Mike Dunlap distributed a handout to the Commission entitled "Donner Park Community Center Alternative Design Considerations" dated May 22, 1995 (attached hereto and made a part hereof - Exhibit A) . He presented three options of the floor plan for the new building: Base Design, which had no direct outside access to restrooms at a cost of $160,217; Alternate A, which had direct outside access to restrooms at a cost of $167,257; and Alternate B, which also had direct outside access to restrooms with a larger extension of the building at a cost of $177,647. Commissioner Rosenbloom indicated he was opposed to having double access to bathrooms as he felt there would be a problem with safety at the community center, especially for children. He felt the existing building should be renovated and if a safety problem arose with the double access to bathrooms at the community center, people would still be able to use the existing facilities. Commissioner Shaughnessy requested that the minutes reflect that a letter had been received from Sharette Simpkins dated May 12, 1995 (attached hereto and made a part hereof - Exhibit B) . The letter indicated that the Donner Community Minutes, Page 3 May 22, 1995 V V NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN Developmenu-CorpuLaLiun (!Tanner UDC) recommended that the existing structure in Donner Park be demolished. Commissioner Shaughnessy concurred with the position of the Donner CDC. ROSENBLOOM X SHAUGHNESSY ) X Motion: Approve Alternate A of the Donner Park Community WATERS X Center Alternative Design Considerations, Michael Dunlap WEISS X Architect, dated May 22, 1995 :FLETCHER X X A discussion ensued concerning whether or not to tear down the existing building. It was explained a simple renovation would cost $7,000, and a more thorough renovation could cost as much as $30,000. Whereas it was felt by some commissioners that it would be prudent to renovate the existing building at a cost of $7,000 for minimal renovations, it was felt by other commissioners that the wishes of the DCDC should be respected and the building should be demolished. With reference to discussion concerning Alternate A plan, it was felt by some commissioners that vandalism might be a problem if bathrooms were accessible from the outside and that the exterior should not be opened. ROSENBLOOM Amended Motion: Adopt base design, with restrooms to SHAUGHNESSY have access only from the inside of the building WATERS X WEISS X A discussion ensued and Commissioner Rosenbloom felt Alternate FLETCHER A would be the most practical plan, but he also felt that the existing building should be renovated at a cost of $7,000 to $10,000. ROSENBLOOM X Substitute motion; Approve Alternate A and spend SHAUGHNESSY $7,000 to $10,000 to renovate existing building WATERS WEISS X Following discussion, it was felt by some commissioners that FLETCHER the existing building should not be renovated, but that Alternate A was the best choice. ROSENBLOOM X Amendment to substitute motion: Delete funding for SHAUGHNESSY X renovating existing restrooms WATERS X X WEISS X Following discussion the question was called on the amendment FLETCHER X X to the substitute motion to approve Alternate A and delete funding for renovation of the existing restrooms. Vote resulted in 3-2 with Commissioners Rosenbloom and Weiss voting nay. The motion carried. The question was called on the original motion to approve Alternate A, without the existing building being renovated. Vote resulted in 3-2 with Commissioner Shaughnessy and Mayor Fletcher voting nay. The motion carried. 4. Consent Agenda: a. Approve purchase of riding lawn mower pursuant to Minutes, Page 4 May 22, 1995 V V NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN specifications of Bid No. 9495-10 b. Award contract for demolition of four concrete block houses on Francis Avenue, pursuant to the specifications of Bid No. 9495-9 (Re-bid), to Omni Demolition in the amount of $5,004.00 c. Approval of Change Order No. 1 in project to replace underground fuel storage tanks, under Bid No. 9495-5 ROSENBLOOM X X SHAUGHNESSY X X Motion: Approve passage of Consent Agenda WATERS X WEISS X No discussion before the vote. The motion carried ~LETCHE R X unanimously. 5. Action on Ordinances: a. Ordinance No. 58-95-20 - First reading AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 2, ADMINISTRATION, ARTICLE VI, EMPLOYEE BENEFITS, DIVISION 3, RETIREMENT SYSTEM, SEC. 2-279(A), DISABILITY RETIREMENT, BY ESTABLISHING A MINIMUM BENEFIT FOR POLICE OFFICERS AND FIREFIGHTERS DISABLED IN THE LINE OF DUTY, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Fletcher presented in full, in writing, Ordinance No. ROSENBLOOM X 58-95-20. SHAUGHNESSY X X WATERS X Motion: Approve passage of ordinance No. 58-95-20 on WEISS X X first reading and set public hearing on June 12, 1995FLETCHE R X Commissioner Waters inquired regarding the history of the proposed benefit. He inquired if this was a new request or if it was correcting a past omission. Alan Jensen was asked to meet with Lt. Smith and Don Ford and report back to the Commission. Don Ford explained the Pension Board felt these items had been approved by the Pension Board and the matter appeared to have been omitted when presented to the Commission. It was decided a history of the matter would be provided to the Commission. The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. 6. New Business: a. Action on an application for a Use by Exception filed by Eleanor Ann Spencer to allow additional parking for the Wine Club and Rite Spot Restaurant at property located at 640 Sturdivant Street, zoned RG-2 George Worley explained William Noe, Attorney, was representing the applicants, and that David Cole, part owner was present. Mayor Fletcher opened the floor for a public hearing and invited comments from the audience. Minutes, Page 5 May 22, 1995 V V NAME OF COMMRS. M S Y N William Nue explarnea t-tre applicants proposed to remove two residential buildings from their property on Sturdivant Street and to construct a parking lot to accommodate expected parking requirements for the restaurant and retail store adjoining to the south. The applicants owned the property containing the restaurant and retail store and planned to renovate and re-open the restaurant. Mr. Noe explained the final plan would be presented to the Building Department for approval, and the Commission was being requested to approve the concept of the plan. Mr. Noe explained the Community Development Board heard and reviewed this request and unanimously recommended approval. During discussion it was explained the Community Development Board recommended approval of the request with the condition that the exception be granted to the applicant, and that it be granted for the specified location only. Mr. Noe asked the Commission to grant approval to run with the land so that if the property was sold some time in the future the new owner would not have to reapply for a use-by-exception. Commissioner Rosenbloom felt that the recommendation of the Community Development Board should be respected by the Commission. David Cole, part owner, asked the Commission to grant approval to run with the land, but he indicated if the Commission chose to grant approval to the applicant only, he would respect the vote of the Commission. Since no one wished to speak further the Mayor closed the Public Hearing. Motion: Grant Use by Exception filed by SHAAUGHNESMERSNESS'1 X X Eleanor Ann Spencer to allow additional parking, with the WATERS X parking lot designed in conformance with Section 24-162, WEISS X X for the Wine Club and Rite Spot Restaurant at property FLETCHER X X located at 640 Sturdivant Street, zoned RG-2, with Use by Exception to run with the land During discussion it was felt by some commissioners that the approval should run with the land, while other commissioners felt approval should be consistent with the recommendation of the Community Development Board. The question was called and vote resulted in 3-2 with Commissioners Rosenbloom, Shaughnessy, and Mayor Fletcher voting nay. The motion failed. ROSENBLOOM X X SHAUGHNESSY X Motion: Grant Use by Exception filed by Eleanor Ann WATERS X Spencer to allow additional parking, with the parking lot WEISS X designed in conformance with Section 24-162, for the Wine FLETCHER X X Minutes, Page 6 May 22, 1995 V V NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN � . i -• - - t . . t . 1 . property located at 640 Sturdivant Street, zoned RG-2, with Use by Exception to be granted to the applicant only, and that it be granted for the specified location only The question was called and vote resulted in all ayes. b. Approve proposed Community Development Block Grant budget for 1995/96 George Worley presented the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) budget. He indicated this was a proposed budget ROSENBLOOM X X subject to amendment. SHAUGHNESSY X Motion: Approve CDBG budget for 1995/96 WETSWEISSRX X X FLETCHER X Following a brief discussion the question was called and the motion carried unanimously. c. Approve purchase of patrol cars for the Police Department Captain John Campbell, Police Department, referred to his memorandum dated May 16, 1995 which explained the recommendations of the Police Department (memorandum attached hereto and made a part hereof - Exhibit C) . He recommended that the city purchase three 1995 Fords from John Reed in St. Petersburg at $16,171 per car, pursuant to the Florida Sheriff's Association Bid contract. He recommended that in the spring of 1996 four Chevrolet police Cars be purchased at a 1995 locked-in price by General Motors. Lastly, he recommended purchasing a good used vehicle for the Investigation Division this year, using $5,000 of the money budgeted for this year for new patrol vehicles and adding $5,000 from the police Department's Training and Investigations Fund. OSENBLOOM X X HAUGHNESSY X Motion: Approve purchase of three 1995 Fords from John ATERS X X Reed in St. Petersburg at $16,171 per car, pursuant to EISS X the Florida Sheriff's Association Bid contract LETCHER X Following a brief discussion the question was called and the motion carried unanimously. Amended Motion: Approve purchase of four Chevrolet "OSENBLOOM X X police Cars in the spring of 1996, at a 1995 locked-in 'HAUGHNESSY X X price by General Motors ATERS X EISS X Following a brief discussion the question was called and the LETCHER X motion carried unanimously. Amended Motion: Approve purchase of a good used vehicle 'OSENBLOOM X X for the investigation Division this year, using $5,000 of HAUGHNESSY X X the money budgeted for this year for new patrol vehicles ATERS X EISS X FLETCHER X Minutes, Page 7 May 22, 1995 V V NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN . I I.. 44 I : :•:•:- . H - PO p . , . HH . , --•• • I I and Investigations Fund The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. d. Approve execution of contract with J. Lucas & Associates, Inc. for engineering services to replace sewer line and conflicting utilities in Saltair Subdivision Bob Kosoy explained at the May 8, 1995 City Commission Meeting the Commission chose the firm of J. Lucas and Associates as the firm best suited to perform the design contract for replacement of sewer lines and conflicting utilities in Salt Air Subdivision. He reported a contract had been successfully negotiated between staff and J. Lucas & Associates and he asked the Commission to approve the Design Contract. ROSENBLOOM X Motion: Approve execution of contract with J. Lucas & "SHAUGHNESSY X X Associates, Inc. for engineering services to replace WATERS X sewer line and conflicting utilities in Saltair WEISS X Subdivision FLETCHER X X Commissioner Weiss indicated he was uncomfortable with the procedure that was used by the Commission when J. Lucas & Associates, Inc. was selected. The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. e. Adoption of final Water, Sewer and Storm Water Capital Improvement Plan Jim Jarboe, Deputy City Manager distributed a hand-out to the Commission entitled "Additional Utility Capital Outlay projects for the City Commission's Consideration - May 22, 1995" (attached hereto and made a part hereof - Exhibit D) . Mr. Jarboe explained approval of the projects would give staff direction to go to a Financial Advisor so that the Financial Advisor would be able to have some indication of how to fund the projects. He explained the Commission was not giving approval at this time to borrow the money, but they were merely indicating their intention. It was explained the Financial Advisor needed as much information as possible so that he would be able to realize the magnitude of what the city was trying to accomplish. ROSENBLOOM X X Motion: Accept the recommendations of Staff as outlined SHAUGHNESSY X in "Additional Utility Capital Outlay projects for the WATERS X City Commission's Consideration - May 22, 1995" (attached WEISS X X hereto and made a part hereof - Exhibit D) . FLETCHER X Commissioner Shaughnessy objected to staff removing the project which would cover the ditch located on the west side Minutes, Page 8 May 22, 1995 V V NAME OF COMMAS. MSYN of Seminole Road, and she felt the public should have notice concerning the removal of this project. She felt the ditch should be replaced with drainage pipes, covered, and perhaps topped with a bicycle path. ROSENBLOOM X SHAUGHNESSY X X Substitute Motion: Include $821,364 to close in WATERS X Seminole Road ditch WEISS X ?LETCHER X X Following discussion, the question was called on the substitute motion and the vote resulted in 2-3 with Commissioners Rosenbloom and Shaughnessy voting yea. The motion failed. The question was called on the original motion to accept staff's recommendation and the vote resulted in 4-1 with Commissioner Shaughnessy voting nay. The motion carried. 7. City Manager Reports and/or Correspondence: Kim Leinbach - - reported staff was pursuing obtaining insurance package prices. - announced there would be a ribbon cutting ceremony in Jack Russell Park Concession Stand on June 3, 1995. - invited one commissioner to join staff in selecting a Financial Consultant. There being no further business the Mayor adjourned the meeting at 10:25 p. m. `ian T. Fletcher Mayor/Presiding Officer ATTES T: /2‘?2tALE-p- Maureen King City Clerk li. 4.9 . INT NNER PARK COMMUNITY CE X h 'b ALTERNATIVE DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS MICHAEL DUNLAP ARCHITECT 5/22/95 EXTERIOR WC BASE DESIGN ALTERNATE A ALTERNATE B DESIGN A SITE DESIGN B ELEVATION WALL SECTION $21,100 $160,217 $167,257 $177,647 $29,450 • e b `o • I . • rv. F-511* Koorl I . • CL1 rz\-1 0 I \ I L.__J CI . I 0I ra vloni:NlS I. .. 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I I nmov..kr 1 H 1 F.Nrir n/1 T-- id-0" .. . t . t' r",ez_hvi,..i.v.:7. ..--...0,17,q ft.A Al SC-N-6 /AO a/'-o GP2V-13 ALT A&I DONNER PARK COMMUNITY CENTER GEORGE STREET ATLANTIC BEACH.FLORIDA • MICHAEL DUNLAP ARCHITECT .... 1 DONNER PARK COMMUNITY CENTER (5/22/95 PLANS) Base Alternate A Alternate B DIV1 GENERAL CONDITIONS 1 90588.001 $7,247.04 7247.04 7247.04 DIV 2 SITEWORK COMPACT FILL CY 180 $1,440.00 1440 1440 SOIL TREATMENT SF 1800 $270.00 270 270 DEWATER I TREE PROTECTION LS $200.00 200 200 $1,910.00 1910 1910 DIV 3 CONCRETE FOOTINGS 12 X 24 LF 180 $1,530.00 15301530 _ 4" CONCRETE SLAB SF 1800 $3,150.00 3150 3150 $4,680.00 4680 4680 DIV 4 MASONRY 8"CMU FOUNDATION 500 $2,000.00 2000 2000 FILL CELLS I 500 $750.00 750 750 8" CMU - 10' H BLK 1800 @ 4.50 $8,100.00 8100 8100 VERT REINF I $500.00 500 500 FILL CELLS VERT 400' X $2.75 - $900.00' 900 900 TIE BM 180' X 8 $1,440.00 1440 1440 LINTELS 80' X 6 $480.00 480 480 $14,170.00 14170 14170 i DIV 5 METALS • $0.00 0 0 DIV 6 CARPENTRY EXT 2X6 WALLS 12'HT LF 180 $0.00' 0 0 INT 2X4 WALLS 10' HT LF 188 $1,504.00 1504 1504 1/2" PLY SHEATHING SHTS 65 $0.00 0 0 FRAME GABLE ENDS LS $300.00 300 300 INT TRIM LSI $1,000.00 1000 1000 SHELVING LS $400.00 400 400 CI KIT BASE /WALL CAB LF 8 $1,200.00 1200 1200 ,L, BATH VANITY LF 5 $250.00 250 250 ACESS LADDER LS $150.00 150 150 CEDAR SHINGLES/FELT SF 2400 $6,000.00 6000 6000 EXT TRIM /LOUVERS LS $1,200.00 1200 1200 V WOOD TRUSSES LS $4,600.00 4600 4600 • 1 X BRACING LS $200.00 200' 200 CONNECTORS LS $500.00 500 500 WIND BRACING LS $1,000.00 1000 1000 3/4" PT FURRING $1,350.00 1350 1350 I $19,654.00 19654 19654 2 1 I Base Alternate A Alternate B DIV 7 THERMAL /MOISTURE ROOF FELT SF 2200 $220.00 220 220 FIBERGL SHINGLES 2200 $4,319.00 4319 4319 _ R11 RIDGID INSUL SF 1600 $1,440.00 1440 1440 R30 ROOF SF 1800 $1,080.00 1080 1080 EAVE DRIP/FLASH LS $500.00 500 500 BUILDING WRAP SF 2000 $300.00 300 300 $7,859.00 7859 7859 DIV 8 DOORS /WINDOWS - EXT DOORS ENTRY LS $1,000.00 1000 1000 EXTDOORS EA 2 $800.00 800 800 EXT DOORS PR $550.00 550 550 INT DOORS EA 4 $600.00_ 600 600 INT DOORS PR 2 $500.00 500 500 WINDOWS PELLA PLINE 16 $7,008.00_ 7008 7008 HARDWARE LS $1,000.00 1000 1000 $11,458.00 11458 11458 DIV 9 FINISHES 1/2" GYP BOARD SF 5600 $3,640.00 3640 3640 5/8" GYP BOARD SF 120 $90.00 90 f 90 2 X 2 ACT TILE SF 1680 $2,100.00 2100 2100 CT FLOOR SF 120 $600.00 600 600 ' CT BASE LF 60- $270.00 270 270 VINYL TILE ' 192 $3,144.00 3144 3144 CT WAINSCOT SF 300 $1,500.00 1500 1500 PAINT GWB SF 5060 $1,518.00 1518 1518 PAINT DOORS 11 $440.00 440- 440 PAINT SEAL EXT LS $1,000.00 1000 1000 PAINT TRIM EXT LS $400.00 400 400 PAINT TRIM INT LS $300.00 300 300 $15,002.00 15002 15002 DIV 10 SPECIALTIES - TOILET ACCESSORIES 2 $400.00 400 f 400 URINAL SCREEN 2 $200.00 200 200 MIRRORS 3 $255.00 255 255 GRAB BARS 2 $300.00 300 300 $1,155.00 1 155 1 155 }y��� DIV 15 PLUMBING FIXTURES/ROUGH IN 9 $4,500.00 4500 4500 •;- HVAC U` 4 TON HEAT PUMP 4 $4,400.00 4400 4400 ATTIC FAN $400.00 400 400 $4,800.00 4800 4800 v J a) m I— M 11111 00 p VIl rcnOcn0 Z1110 O m�mD� o X� Dm C�00Dmmcn <Z IrrIT1 XTWO --I O n Z-I 00 Z CO CO O 0 0 0 0 0 0 o v' m O t 0 CD CD CD in in N(A V 0 C71-+—N O V O C71 VW W V O co W CO 0(XCn0 in Co 0000 A 00 O O O O O O A 0 0 0 0 0 4) J in O a) co c11 01 03C.) -••-•00 W Vin O CTICOA W W V A AO O O OCnCn0 0 0 0 0 0 N t%) N co ' co 0 O _ CD O V __ CO Co W A in OA W W V O b ocncmo A 0 0 A 0 0 0 0 0 W 5 o/rc/5 4 1 I_ Base Alternate A Alternate B DONNER PARK COMMUNITY CENTER I SITEWORK AND IMPROV M NTS CLEARING $0 0 0 FILL (+ 1-FT Building Area/ $0 0- 0 Water& Sewer Services $0 0 0 Concrete Sidewalks $1,000 1000 1000 Landscaping Allowance ID 0' '0 TOTAL-Sitework and Improvements $1,000.001 1000 1000 COVERFD DECK DIV 1 GENERAL CONDITIONS JOB SITE OVERHEAD 8%- $2,969.60 $2,969.60 $2,969.60 DIV 3 CONCRETE FOOTINGS 28 $1,400.00 1400 1400 DIV 4 MASONRY 8" CMU PIERS 28 $840.00- 840 840 GROUT PIERS 28 $280.00 280 280 $1,120.00 1120 1120 DIV 6 CARPENTRY 2X10 JST. P.T. 10' 180 $1,791.00' 1791 1791 2X8 RAFTERS P.T. 14' 140 $1,561.00 1561 1561 2X12 BEAMS P.T. 10' 60 $891.00 891 891 2X6 COLUMBS 8' 80 $412.00 412 412 5/4"X6" FLR DECKING 10' 4440 $3,552.00 3552 3552 5/8" T-111 ROOF DECKING 84 $2,100.00 2100 2100 1X8 TRIM 1200 $1,500.00 1500 1500 lPI 1X12 TRIM 560 $1,064.00 1064 1064 CONNECTOR, 1 $500.00 500 500 c LABOR 1700 $5.950.00 5950 5950 $19,321.00 19321 19321 —1 DIV 7 THERMAL& MOISTURE _ './1 FIBERGL SHINGLES 2400 $4,711 4711 4711 30# FELT 2400 240 240 240 4951 4951 4951 o c z < < m mi m 0) n Cn En O —Z O c") (/) 0 rm vm m D G)m > Cl) N 3 rn- a) O -m .Zi 2 0 z- cnm cn -�-I > OT yD DN W �—� mX—ter �Z. , O 0 m m * r 7x m m z > cn x * Z m Cl) -. N 0. co O A AJ to N O O 0— CO ." V CD 0 O N W V fn O CO CO io CO 0 0 Cn Co 0) 0 0 0 T CO 0)0 000 0 0 N 0) u CO s4 A N 0 0 0--. OD V V CD 0 ON _ Cn O CO CO COO 0 O 0Ji co N O o O 0) 0in 0) 0)000 Iv O O • -a '.. N to to V A .A O V • CD A V CD 0 000 N N V CO CO CD - 0 OO A -. O 0 in CD 0)O N O O C.) 0 0 0 0) 0) 0 0 CO 0 0 C E h , b I. r3 Aittazh, Cz4/9-5 -511114111h I 0 Donner Community Development Corporation P. 0. Box 626 Atlantic Beach,FL 32233 May 12, 1995 To: Mayor Lyman Fletcher 800 Seminole RD Atlantic Beach,FL 32233 Re: Donner Park-Restroom Structure Dear Mayor Fletcher and Commissioners, The Donner CDC would like to recommend the existing concrete structure in Dormer Park be demolished. When the Community Center is built onthe confirmed site the existing structure will be an added eyesore to the park,rehabbed or not.The location ofthis building was not planned very well when built. Keeping this building will prohibit full view ofthe park along with the placement ofthe new center,also this building poses a safety problem. Parks are not developed or planned for buildings. George Worley,the city planner is asking that 1995 CDBG funds($18,000) be used to rehab this structure.The Dormer CDC board feels like this amount of money used to rehab a structure that has no real value or usage is wasted funds that could be used to rehab a home or build sidewalks in this area.. Thank you for your time and consideration. S. . rely, pi!„,)„6„,...... Sharette Sim • Donner CDC cc: Kim Leinbach,City Manager George Worley,City Planner City Commissioners Dormer CDC Board EX )141 A2dz 19 5/aa/9s "lertet.tr.4.) CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: John Campbell DATE: May 16 , 1995 BACKGROUND: The Atlantic Beach Police Department ordered four 1995 Chevrolet Police Cars on January 17 , 1995 . We received correspondence from General Motors on April 20 , 1995 that stated Chevrolet received 15 ,000 orders for cars more than what they could produce . Therefore, General Motors would not be able to fill our 1995 order , however , stated that they would begin making the 1996 Chevrolet Police Vehicle in September of 1995 , and complete production in March of 1996 . They will fill our present order with 1996 vehicles and lock us in at the quoted 1995 price. This means that we would not be able to receive any new vehicles until spring of 1996 , which would cause us to continue with the present Fords we have on the street , for one more year . These Fords already have between 107 ,000 and 110 ,000 miles per car . I have found that John Reed Ford, in St . Petersburg, has several new 1995 Ford Police Vehicles that will be available in approximately three weeks . The price on these vehicles is $16 , 171 per car , and this is from the Florida Sheriff 's Association Bid Contract . This is approximately $450 . 00 per car higher than the price quoted by General Motors for the 1995 contract . The two vehicles presently being driven by the Investigations Division have over 100 , 000 miles each and need replacement , one is a patrol vehicle that was taken out of patrol two years ago , and the other is a 1982 Honda that was taken in contraband/forfeiture proceedings two years ago . RECOMMENDATION: I recommend that we purchase three 1995 Fords from John Reed in St . Petersburg at $16 , 171 per car , and retain our order with General Motors for four vehicles for next fiscal year . In this way, we will be able to replace three of the highest milage cars we have, and still have our order in for four cars , that will be 1996 vehicles , at locked in 1995 price, and this will eliminate the anticipated increase of 10% on the price of 1996 vehicles . I am I 5Ad./9.5 recommending purchase of three vehicles instead of four this year as the additional cost per vehicle is higher than budgeted for this year . The funds that were budgeted for four new vehicles for this year could be used to purchase the three vehicles now, and the four vehicles on order for next year can be budgeted for next fiscal year . The additional $ 450 . 00 spent per car this year is expected to be off set by the savings of the locked in 1995 prices on the four cars next year that we already have on order . Using $5 ,000 . 00 of the money budgeted for this year for new patrol vehicles , and adding $5 ,000 . 00 from the Police Department ' s Training and Investigations Fund to purchase a good used vehicle for the Investigation Division this year to replace the worst vehicle immediately. ATTACHMENTS : Letter from Garber Chevrolet , reference that information from Chevrolet Division, General Motors . REVIEWED BY CITY MANAGER: �j�, _ /�/,/1 AGENDA ITEM NO. A GARBER (OIIRT Where Low Overhead Means A Great Deal. Purchasing Agency: _ _ .1�,L���l ` LIQ mu( (-'1 Contact Person: l\� � s� Address : c )s-cp City: �1a-nc_ l.St: _ Zip: 3Z2.3S Your purchase order number ' (Q was received on 1- 1'1-9.S- in accordance with State of Florida contrast 070-001-95-1, the order was placed with Ce� }, vr.� j on \- ' J� and assigned production number(s) \.3 ' 11<� —x-c7) V TZS Chevrolet received approximately 40 ,000 orders for 1995 police units. This order volume was approximately 15,000 units more than could be produced. Your agency orders fall into these 15 ,000 units . These orders will be produced as 1996 units and price protected at 1995 prices . General Motors will begin building the units in Late September 1995 and will complete production, approximately March 1 , 1996. Very Truly yours, Daniel DeVries Fleet Manager. DD: raj • BUICK • PONTIAC • GMC TRUCK CHEVROLET GEO 904-284-3055 Jax 904-264-9535 904-284-3033 Jax 904-264-4502 5 0 0 Orange Avenue • Green Cove Springs , Florida 3 2 0 4 3 /li4 -/-e ?Tiva ADDITIONAL UTILITY CAPITAL OUTLAY PROJECTS 5-/A /_95 FOR THE CITY COMMISSION'S CONSIDERATION - MAY 22, 1995 I. OVERVIEW: The Staff feels the following projects are ones which need to be set as a priority by the Commission for funding. The Water & Sewer Projects are mandated by DEP rules. The Storm Water Projects are designed to protect the City from 10 year storms. However, the aquatic Gardens area will not be included because of downstream improvements which need to be made by the County. H. STAFF RECOMMENDED ADDITIONAL PROJECTS THAT NEED TO BE CONSIDERED BY THE COMMISSION FOR NEW BORROWING: PROJECT LOCATION STATUS COST 1. Buccaneer Plant Buc Plant at 80% with a large 1,115,000 (WWTP Exp) Sewer private and Navy growth now taking place will exceed cap. DEP requires plant to be under design at 80% with construction to follow design. 2. Instrument Buc Requirement of DEP 14,000 Controls for SO2 Sewer 3. Influent Flow Buc Requirement of DEP 8,500 Meter Controls Sewer 4. Storm Water Atl The Storm Water Projects' 3,120,588 Projects for Ten Goal is to give the City Year Storms protection from a 10 year storm. Should be done at the same time sewer & water mains are done so streets are paved once. Not recommending piping of Seminole Rd. and Saturbia, because of the cost (861,324) TOTAL 4,258,088 III. RECOMMENDED NEW BORROWING: PROJECT COST 1. Commission Approved Projects 6,528,608 2. Additional Staff Recommended 4,258,088 3. Contingency 436,000 TOTAL 11,222,696