08-22-95 v AGENDA CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION FY 1995/96 BUDGET WORKSHOP 6:00 P.M. - 8:00 P.M. g- Zz-qs I . BUDGET MESSAGE-CITY MANAGER KIM D. LEINBACH 2. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH DEVELOPMENTAL HISTORY AND PROJECTIONS - PLANNING AND ZONING DIRECTOR GEORGE WORLEY. 3. BUDGET OVERVIEW - FINANCE DIRECTOR ANN MEUSE 4. SUMMARY- DEPUTY CITY MANAGER JIM JARBOE 5. CITY COMMISSION BUDGETARY POLICY DISCUSSIONS. 6. ADJOURNMENT. MINUTES OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH BUDGET WORKSHOP HELD IN COMMISSION CHAMBERS AT 6:00 PM ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 22, 1995. PRESENT: Lyman T. Fletcher, Mayor Steven M. Rosenbloom, Commissioner Suzanne Shaughnessy, Commissioner J. Dezmond Waters, III, Commissioner Robert G. Weiss, Commissioner AND Kim D. Leinbach, City Manager James R. Jarboe, Deputy City Manager Ann Meuse, Finance Director George Worley, City Planner Maureen King, City Clerk, and Other city staff members The Mayor called the meeting to order and asked for a report on the recent flooding throughout the city. Commissioner Weiss reported he had inspected the drainage throughout the city and found that the area north of Fleet Landing was draining quite well. However, there seemed to be a problem between City Hall and Fleet Landing. Also, the drainage in Aquatic Gardens and Saratoga Circle was particularly bad. It was agreed that staff should work with Neptune Beach and Jacksonville to make sure that the ditches which received Atlantic Beach storm water were maintained. 1. Budget Message- City Manager Kini D. Leinbach The City Manager indicated that many of the projects which had been identified as top goals by the City Commission had either been completed or were under way. He gave a brief overview of some of the major projects included in the budget. 2. City of Atlantic Beach developmental history and projections - Planning and Zoning Director George Worley Mr. Worley briefly reviewed the history and growth of Atlantic Beach. He indicated that while the city's current population was estimated at approximately 12,500, due to the city's operation of the Buccaneer district and mutual aid agreements for police and fire services, the city provided services to more than 20,000 people. He indicated the City was economically strong with a stable tax base and healthy commercial districts. He felt, however, that the growth at the Mayport Naval Station would impact the city in areas of traffic, utilities, etc. Budget overview - Finance Director Ann Meuse Ms. Meuse distributed a handout which illustrated the accounting entities of state and local Page Two Minutes - August 22, 1995 government. She reviewed the various sources of revenue and explained the limitations on their use. She also provided a summary of the city's outstanding indebtedness and responded to questions regarding same. Summary - Deputy City Manager Jim Jarboe Mr. Jarboe indicated the City Manager had presented a budget which was balanced and which addressed the objectives of the City commission. He highlighted areas of accomplishment and indicated areas where he felt service could be improved. City Commission budgetary policy discussions Commissioner Weiss felt the city needed to address the matter of flooding and, if necessary, add additional personnel for this purpose. Commissioner Shaughnessy felt the financial advisor should be asked to advise the city on the amount of money the city could responsibly borrow without extending the financing beyond the useful life of the projects. Ann Meuse advised the financial advisors had been given such parameters and had indicated that they would like to meet individually with each commissioner to review some of the options available to the city. There being no further discussion, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm. Maureen King City Clerk ACCOUNTING ENTITIES OF STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT The General Government Accounting Entities Convention Develop. Local Option Gas Tax Debt Service Funds City Manager i CDBC Finance ' Police GrantCapital Project Funds Public Works Admir. Fleet Maintenance �, Special Revenue Funds Internal Service Funds / The General Fund En er.rise F nds GOVERNMENTAL PROPRIETARY •• A FUNDS FUNDS Water City Commission Sewer Legal -, A'.Mw,. Sanitation Planning &Zoning ....... • •.... • • " " ' - " ' '" Stormwater Code Enforcement Building General Long Term Debt Trust and Agency Fund City Clerk General Government General Fixed Assets 1 Pension Trust Fund ' Police • Fire NON FUND Streets & Roads ACCOUNT GROUPS FIDUCIARY FUNDS Beautification Parks & Recreation WI a~.r CITY OF ATLANTIC I)E.ACH, FLORIDA Summalry of Outstand ng Indebtedness $1,400,000 $2,160,000 General Obligation Florida Municipal Gulf Breeze Gulf Breeze Revenue Bonds, Loan Council Bonds, Governmental Governmental Water&Sewer Series 1971 Series 1985 Note 1 Note 2 Bank Loan Par Outstanding $37,000 $732,877 $415,000 $1,920,000 $5,500,000/ $10,000,000* Interest Rate 5.75% 3.5665% 6.70%-6.85% 6.70%-7.70% 5.35% Variable Final Maturity 1995 December 1, 1995 December 1, 1996 December 1,2013 July 1,2008 (Balloon Payment) (Quarterly) Maximum Annual $39,127 $193,482/ $229,727.50 $197,137.50 $743,388/ Debt Service(MADS) $652,135 $1,358,890* — Security Ad Valorem Taxes Half-Cent Local Option Gas Taxes Utility Service Taxes Net Revenues of the Sales Tax (Sr.)and Utility Service (Senior Lien) Water and Sewer Taxes(Jr.) Systems Actual Revenues used Ad Valorem Taxes Half-Cent Local Option Gas Tax Local Option Gas Tax Net Water& Sewer to pay Debt Service Sales Tax &Water&Sewer Revenues Revenues Additional Bonds Test None N/A No Additional Bonds 1.50x after Note 1 1.20x paid off * The City currently has outstanding$5.5 million with Maximum Annual Debt Service of approximately S743,388 in 1997. However,the City is expected to issue up to the total authorized amount of S10 million. The Maximum Annual Debt Service on a S10 million loan will be approximately$1,358,890. N/A-Not Available 2 First I Inion Capital Markets Corp.