10-09-95 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH October 9, 1995 AGENDA Call to order Invocation and pledge to the flag 1. Approval of the minutes of the Special Called Meeting of September 19, Regular Meeting of September 25, Special Called Meeting of September 27, and Regular Election Meeting of October 3, 1995 2. Recognition of Visitors: 3. Unfinished Business: A. Appointment to the Code Enforcement Board ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE BY THE CITY COMMISSION AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION IN THE FORM LISTED BELOW. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION AND STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS HAVE BEEN PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED TO THE CITY COMMISSION ON THESE ITEMS. 4. Consent Agenda: A. Acknowledge receipt of Public Works Status Report (Bob Kosoy) B. Acknowledge receipt of Code Enforcement report for September 1995 (Karl Grunewald) C. Acknowledge receipt of Building report for September 1995 (Don Ford) D. Acknowledge receipt of Parks& Recreation facilities usage report for September 1995 (Timmy Johnson) E. Reject all bids received under Bid No. 9495-22 for dive-rescue equipment and authorize rebidding (Chief Ruley) 5. Action on Resolutions: A. Adoption of Resolution No. 95-32 welcoming the captain and crew of the USS John F. Kennedy Page Two Agenda- October 9, 1995 6. New Business: A. Public hearing and action on a request for a use by exception filed by 363 Associates, Ltd., to operate a 175 seat restaurant at 363 Atlantic Boulevard, Unit #3, at the location formerly occupied by North Shore Grill (George Worley) B. Award of contract, pursuant to the Bid No. 9495-23 for utility improvements in Saltair Section (Bob Kosoy) 7. City Manager Reports and/or Correspondence: A. Report relative to stop signs at the intersection of East Coast Drive and Sixth Street (Chief Thompson) 8. Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners, City Attorney and City Clerk Adjournment If any person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at any meeting, such person may need a record of the proceedings, and, for such purpose, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record shall include the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Any person wishing to speak to the City Commission on any matter at this meeting should submit a request to the City Clerk prior to the meeting. For your convenience, forms for this purpose are available at the entrance to the Commission Chambers. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD IN CITY HALL, 800 SEMINOLE ROAD, AT 7:15 PM ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1995 V V O O PRESENT: Lyman T. Fletcher, Mayor T T Steven Rosenbloom D D D D Suzanne Shaughnessy J. Dezmond Waters, III, and Robert G. Weiss, Jr., Commissioners M S O E T C AND: Kim D. Leinbach, City Manager I O Y Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney NAME OF ONE N Maureen King, City Clerk COMMRS. N D S 0 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Fletcher. The invocation was followed by the pledge to the flag. 1. Approval of the minutes of the Special Called Meeting of September 19, Regular Meeting of September 25, Special Called Meeting of September 27, and Regular Election Meeting of October 3, 1995 ROSENBLOOM Motion: Approve minutes of the Special Called Meeting of !SHAUGHNESSY X I X September 19, 1995 ATERS X X EISS X No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. LETCHER OSENBLOOM Motion: Approve minutes of the Regular Meeting of September HAUGHNESSY X X 25, 1995 ATERS X X ISS X I LETCHER I X I Mayor Fletcher explained the City Clerk had mailed an amended version of the minutes to the Commission. No discussion before the vote. The motion to approve the amended minutes i ! carried unanimously. i'OSENBLOOM Motion: Approve minutes of the Special Called Meeting of .HAUGHNESSY X x September 27, 1995 ATERS X x EISS t X ( LETCHER X No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. 'OSENBLOOM Motion: Approve minutes of Regular Election Meeting of .HAUGHNESSY X October 3, 1995 ATERS X X EISS X LETCHER X X No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. Minutes, Page 2 v V October 9, 1995 NAME OF COMMAS. MS Y N 2 Recognition of Visitors: J. P. Marchioli, 414 Sherry Drive, presented recommendations for Howell Park renovation. Mayor Fletcher accepted the recommendations. Dave Simanoff, Beaches Leader, reported the Beaches Leader was sponsoring a Beaches Health Fair at the Sea Turtle Inn on October 14, 1995. He indicated free health screenings would be available and he invited residents to attend. Unfinished Business: A. Appointment to Code Enforcement Board Mayor Fletcher nominated Ken Rogosheske to serve on the Code Enforcement Board. ROSENBLOOM Motion: Appoint Ken Rogosheske to serve on the Code SHAUGHNESSY X X Enforcement Board WATERS X X WEISS X FLETCHER X Following brief discussion the question was called and the motion carried unanimously. 4. Consent Agenda: A. Acknowledge receipt of Public Works Status Report B. Acknowledge receipt of Code Enforcement report for September 1995 C. Acknowledge receipt of Building report for September 1995 D. Acknowledge receipt of Parks & Recreation facilities usage report for September 1995 E. Reject all bids received under Bid No. 9495-22 for dive-rescue equipment and authorize rebidding ROSENBLOOM Motion: Approve passage of Consent Agenda WATERSNESSY X X WEISS X No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. FLETCHER X X 5. Action on Resolutions: A. Resolution No. 95-32 - A RESOLUTION WELCOMING THE CAPTAIN AND CREW OF THE USS JOHN F. KENNEDY Mayor Fletcher presented in full in writing Resolution No. 95-32. ROSENBLOOM Motion: Approve passage of Resolution 95-25 NESSY X X WAATERSTERSX X WEISS X FLETCHER X Minutes, Page 3 v V October 9, 1995 NAME OF COMMRS. MS Y N No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. ** New Business: A. Public hearing and action on a request for a use by exception filed by 363 Associates, Ltd., to operate a 175 seat restaurant at 363 Atlantic Boulevard, Unit#3, at the location formerly occupied by North Shore Grill George Worley, City Planner, explained that a Use-by-Exception had been granted to Ted Johnson, who had hoped to open a restaurant at this location. However, Mr. Johnson and the property owner had been unable to reach agreement on the lease terms and no lease was signed. Paul Ferber, the owner of the property was now requesting that the Use-by-Exception be issued to him. Mr. Worley indicated the Community Development Board recommended 175 seat maximum, no increase of seating at the other restaurant in the center, and a provision for off-site valet parking. ROSENBLOOM X Motion: Grant Use-by-Exception to 363 Associates, Ltd., to SHAUGHNESSY X X operate a 175 seat restaurant at 363 Atlantic Boulevard, Unit #3, WATERS X X at the location formerly occupied by North Shore Grill, as WELTS X recommended by the Community Development Board FLETCHER X No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. B. Award of contract, pursuant to the Bid No. 9495-23 for utility improvements in Saltair Section Jim Jarboe, Deputy City Manager, explained the original project was estimated at $335,000 which included design. He explained at that time the project only included limited sewer work and drainage, but that in keeping with the Commission's directive for all utility work to be completed at one time, the cost for the utility construction had increased to $774,687.50. Improvements included in the project were: a new pump station near the east end of David Avenue, west of Community Presbyterian Church, a slip- liner in the failing sewer on Sherry Drive, from Ahern to Eighth Street, sewer lines and manhole improvements on Poinsettia Street, David Avenue and Sylvan Drive, storm drain replacement on Poinsettia and David, and pavement, gutter and curbing on Magnolia. It was explained funding for this expanded cost would be derived from the Water and Sewer Reserve, and that once the city received funding for its capital outlay plan, the reserve could be paid back. ** Commissioner Rosenbloom entered the meeting at 7:27 p.m. s. Minutes, Page 4 v V October 9, 1995 NAME OF COMMAS. MS Y N Jim Lucas, Engineer, explained he had hoped not to have to include a lift station but that there was no possible way to design the project without a lift station. He explained the main trunk sewer line on Sherry Drive from Ahern to 8th Street would be rehabilitated with a slip liner rather than by excavation. Mr. Lucas answered questions of the Commission from an engineering prospective. Commissioner Rosenbloom commented on the range in bid prices and inquired whether the contract could be awarded to several contractors. A discussion ensued and staff explained it was not practical to award to several contractors on a project of this nature. Reference was made to the bidding process and staff referred to a memorandum dated October 6, 1995 which included the bid tabulation and item description (attached hereto and made a part hereof-Exhibit A). When asked if the present Commission could obligate a future commission to pay funds back to the reserve account, Alan Jensen explained if the motion contained language indicating the reserve account would be paid back from borrowed funds, the funds would have to be paid back. Motion: Authorize awarding of contract, pursuant to Bid No. ROSENBLOOM X 9495-23 for utility improvements in Saltair Section as presented SHAUGHNESSY X by staff pursuant to attached memorandum dated October 6, WATERS X WEISS X X 1995, Exhibit A, using reserve funds for the project, and paying FLETCHER x x back the reserve account with money borrowed in the future for water and sewer improvements. The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. 7. City Manager Reports and/or Correspondence: A. Report relative to stop signs at the intersection of East Coast Drive and Sixth Street David Thompson, Chief of Police, recommended the addition of a 4-way stop sign at 6th Street and East Coast Drive. He explained there was visual obstructions of shrubs and fences and the situation was causing accidents. Commissioner Shaughnessy asked that other stop signs be reviewed with the intent of removing those that were not necessary. It was also asked that juvenile palm trees at Second and Ocean Streets be examined as it was thought they blocked views. Minutes, Page 5 v V October 9, 1995 NAME OF COMMRS. MS Y N Motion: Authorize installation of 4-way stop sign at the ROSENBLOOM X X intersection of 6th Street and East Coast Drive SHAUGHNESSY X X WATERS X WEISS X Following brief discussion, the question was called and the motion carried on FLETCHER X a vote of 4 - 1 with Mayor Fletcher voting nay. It was suggested that warning tickets, only, be issued for a grace period. John Ruley, Fire Chief, indicated Fire Prevention Week would be observed in Atlantic Beach during the week of October 8 - 14, 1995. He indicated the Fire Station would have the following activities: October 21 - demonstration and open house with activities for children; October 25 - hurricane seminars in the morning and evening hours; October 29 - it was suggested that citizens change the batteries of their smoke detectors at the same time they set their clocks back one hour. Timmy Johnson, Parks and Recreation Director, reported that 42 children between the ages of ages 6 to 16 years were participating in Flag Football in Donner Park each Saturday. 8. Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners, City Attorney and City Clerk Alan Jensen indicated he met with Kim Leinbach, Karl Grunewald, Ed Martin, and Pat Pillmore relative to a problem in the neighborhood of Camelia Street and that the problem had been resolved. Commissioner Shaughnessy indicated the Florida Department of Transportation would be holding a meeting November 1, 1995 regarding delegating money for a beautification grant. Mayor Fletcher inquired regarding the status of the sewer plant construction, to which Bob Kosoy explained the construction was on schedule. Mayor Fletcher asked that a brief report on the project be given at every meeting. Commissioner Weiss indicated he would like the City Commission to reconsider changing the ordinance regarding septic tank systems. Jim Lucas indicated he would obtain sample ordinances that contained language requiring property owners to repair leaking sewer lines on their private property. e 6 C�MRS Minutes, P ag October 9' 1995 which Bob I{osoY Waters a1 Palms Drive,to Waters suggested 1111 striping of Red Commissioner Commissioner b regarding mowing schedule and inquired re ob had been comp City was �eXplamed the Drive. regarding the lamed the East Coast Dn complaints reg Jarboe explained but that a striping had received which Jim of the rain, to n was being developed .indicated he �s ditches, because keep m the city owing schedule cleaning the up wing and ditch permitted. not able to maintain a m mo schedule for as weather perms 16th would maintenance sof the meet with carried out on schedule status relative to the to would be aired or intended Rosenbloom invited the May built. it was explained type of wall to be Commissioner alk,and October Street dune°vel alk to resolve Tuesday, of the °verve public hearing neighbors would be a p capital improvement there for the Mayor Fletcher indicated narding the financing 1�� 1995, 5'.34p� eetmgatg',55 projects. There being no further business the Mayor adjourned the m p.n' moi' •-� yman T T. Fletcher Mayor/Presiding or ATTEST: Ma een King Minutes, Page 6 v V October 9, 1995 NAME OF COMMRS. MS Y N Commissioner Waters . . . inquired regarding striping of Royal Palms Drive, to which Bob Kosoy explained the job had been completed. Commissioner Waters suggested striping East Coast Drive. . . .indicated he had received complaints regarding the mowing schedule and the upkeep of the city's ditches, to which Jim Jarboe explained the City was not able to maintain a mowing schedule because of the rain, but that a maintenance schedule for mowing and ditch cleaning was being developed would be carried out on schedule as weather permitted. Commissioner Rosenbloom inquired relative to the status of the 16th Street dune overwalk, and it was explained the Mayor intended to meet with neighbors of the overwalk to resolve the type of wall to be built. Mayor Fletcher indicated there would be a public hearing Tuesday, October 17, 1995, 5:30 p. m., regarding the financing for the capital improvement projects. There being no further business the Mayor adjourned the meeting at 8:55 p.m. ri yman T. Fletcher Mayor/Presiding Officer ATTEST: Ma een King /1A-. . Exh. b,. / g 10-9 -as - CITY OF v. "frieurt& 'earl - '7wtida 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA 32233-5335 .0t + TELEPHONE(904)247-5800 - FAX (904)247-5805 October 6, 1995 To: CO Commission From: 30 Jar ioe Re: Salt Air Sewer& Drainage Project I have prepared the attached outline to provide you a background for making your decision on the Salt Air Expanded Project. The original estimate was $335,000, which included design. At that time the project only included limited sewer work and drainage. Keeping with the Commission's directive for all utility work to be completed at one time, the cost for the utility construction has increased to $774,687.50. The funding for this expanded cost can come from the Water and Sewer Reserve. Once we receive funding for our capital outlay plan, the reserve could be paid back. A motion to that effect must be on the record for the reserve to be paid back. Please accept my apology for providing this information at the last minute, but staff has just received the Engineer's report on the construction bids. It was my feeling that this should still go on the Agenda for Monday night due to the need to comply with DEP's concerns. If you have any question, feel free to call me at work or home. My home number is 241-5326. cc: Kim Leinbach Bob Kosoy Ms. King Ms. Meuse UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS SALT AIR SUBDIVISION ORIGINAL PROJECT Estimate - $283,000 1. Sewer and manhole work on Poinsettia(Bid Item # 2) 2. Pump station and force main (Bid Item #7) 3. Minor drainage (Bid Item #2) 4. Contingency (Both Items) Design - 52.000 $335,000 FUNDING BUDGETED FROM RESERVES FOR SALT AIR (Doesn't include design) $325,000 DESIGN CONTRACT 30,000 (Approved May 8,1995) PROJECT AS CHANGE (Project was expanded to comply with the Commission's desire to complete all utility work at one time.) Design and technical services - 30,000.00 (22,000 lower than original estimate) Low Bid - 1. Original Project above (Bid Items 2 & 7) 287,475.00 2. Sewer lines & manhole work on Seaspray (Bid Items # 1) 54,700.00 3. Additional sewer from Manhole 1 to Manhole 74 (Bid Item #3) 9,800.00 4 Storm drain replacement at Poinsetta& David (Bid Item #4) 3,700.00 5. Fire Hydrants (2) on Magnolia (Bid Item#5) 6,400.00 6. Slip liner in failing sewer on Sherry Drive leading to Salt Air(Bid Item #6) 162,450,000 7. Contingency 52,452.50 8. Sewer replacement and manholes on Sturdivant (Additive Alternate 1) 83,760 9. Storm Drain replacement on David (Additive Alternate 2) 53,200 10. Pavement, gutter and curb on Magnolia (Additive Alternate 3) 60.750 $774,687.50 A+4uchntc,n44 ' A r SIP TA6ULATION : UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS 5ALTAIIZ SU.BDIV15IC5N BID OPENINC1 2:00 P.M. SEPTEMBER- 28, 1995 4"44`;j4./9s aEYIA PIF siK 1 _r of 1 I f� COxWELL- MI ES�btJ� PErTI PT W.K.TOMTN3EAID TON►J WD DY ��AA�• r- 111 `�1LV .-.-�--. I -I Cora 'RACT .I.JC_ •M PA NY GON�ACTI INC CONMACT'N6.is I4.IC. _- 1. Installation of the gravity sewer,services and manhole numbers 8,7,and 6 on Seaspray Avenue ,__ -__-� - 47A••22_ _@.3'°°- "` 0O--._- - 00 `-+DODO' (o21JOa• •• 00 complete as shown on sheet 2 including sewer grouting,plugging and removing,bypass pumping, -. ,_. � "- asphalt removal and replacement,drainage improvements for the lump sum price of: _ -... - _-.-__.._ _---_- -.____- .____ -- __ -_.--.-_-_- `____-- -- ------ 2. Installation of the gravity newer,services and manhole numbers 9,5,4,3,2 and 1 on Poinsettia T.- --' _. 0 - 1t�i' _979_6,4 . 1- (ob_z+00 _24a,.01217 --- 210-000.•_4?o _1Dloi 225 00 Street,David Avenue and Sylvan Street complete as shown on sheets 3 thru 7 including sewer _- _ - grouting,plugging and removing,bypass pumping,asphalt removal and replacement,curbing and - - drainage improvements for the lump sum price off __- --- - --------- • 3. Installation of the gravity sewer from manhole l to manhole 74 in the easement complete as -- _5" 7Oci 42 .32M_OO -8 _too .00 Ja_000.0o__ - :-.•• 0' sum price _-_ -_�--4. Installation of the storm drain replacement at Poinsettia and David from the southeast catch basin - ' - ' S i.16, 56 6 ei 55 -&000..4" 12,Q •pp 3,70O 00 across to and including the southwest catch basin complete as shown on sheet 5 for the lump sum - price of: ------ ---- -- -- 5. Installation of the two fire hydrants at Magnolia Street complete as shown on sheets 2 and 5 for (p- , 579. 14 _6 08�4436;360 00 11„ono-00 - 6,,400.00 the lump sum price of: -- 6. Installation of the slip liner in the Sherry Drive sewer complete as shown on sheet 10 including 255_,,,,fo,.2, c___2 34 ;X00 1$O. 000.00 2s Dojo.o0 142,4550.00 point repairs,service replacements,manhole replacements,bypass pumping and asphalt repairs for - ._ a the lump sum price of 7. Installation of the pumping station as shown on sheets II thru 13 including the force main from --- ----$----n- -r 94l 4.84-24 7_ • S-00 1• 1•,•.00 • •,,,......00 - , ,00 the pumping station to the receiving manhole shown on sheets 6 and 8 complete as shown . including the water service,driveway,fencing for the lump sum price of: - - t _TOTAL DID - UTILITY IMP OVEMENT5- SALTAIIL 509DIvt41oe.1 1.-- -- 597�1(0g! 16 l']42.9.00 596 4$O (n 9 OOO•00 524 525 00 ITEMS 1� �_ln9.2 cONiGEUcY59Ti17/6., 82 53 862.90 59_(046'o°° 69 900.00 52"452.50 • t3a4 98 592 - -4_ 90 rS.. , /9t3 •00 7te�900•00- �►57/g'977•so 8. Additive Alternate One-Installation of the gravity sewer,services and manhole numbers 10.II, _.- -, r �� 12,and 13 on Sturdivant Avenue complete as shown on sheet 8 including bypass pumping, -- - Jia 311 • 32 , O• 99 r23 -00 , 112• 750•00 83 760,00 � asphalt removal and replacement for the lump sum price of 9. Additive Alternate Two-Installation of the storm drain replacement along David Avenue from i 4A, 759;44_ '' 5 57._000.o0 - 43 SOO•O0 53 200.00 the southwest catch basin at Poinsettia Street to the northwest catch basin at Magnolia complete - --- as shown on sheet 5 for the lump sum price of - 10. Additive alternate Three-Installation of the pavement,curb and gutter and grading on Magnolia - 34 734• 12 4111 _95_9, 00 24.000L_00 . Ansp00.00 t 601 750 00 Street complete as shown on sheet 9 for the lump sum price of. 4 TOIA -- TERN4TE 1,_2_ -_ - ----E_8_Z�.,74J_,s6__77- 9b_01 90_� 4J ' -At -1,OD5,15Q _-- 774 (0RZ so I - - - --- II=co erlEv, -- - Si()- TOTALS - -._ ----- - S38 635 00 ----- - -_- ---- -- - 53 .863'50- - - ll`592 498'so ___ -