12-27-95 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH SPECIAL CALLED MEETING 5:00 PM, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1995 AGENDA 1. Authorize purchase of vehicles for the Building Official and Code Enforcement officer 2. Discussion and necessary action on the search for a City Manager 3. Authorize emergency water main replacement on Mayport Road, and adopt Resolution No. 95-47 to provide funding therefor 4. Any other business Adjournment Amended Agenda - Bold portion added MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL CALLED MEETING HELD IN CITY HALL AT 5:00 PM ON WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1995 Present: Lyman T. Fletcher, Mayor John Meserve, City Commissioner Tim Reed, City Commissioner Steve Rosenbloom, City Commissioner Suzanne Shaughnessy, City Commissioner Alan Jensen, City Attorney Jim Jarboe, Acting City Manager Maureen King, City Clerk The meeting was called to order at 5:09 by Mayor Fletcher. 1. Authorize purchase of vehicles for the Building Official and Code Enforcement Officer Building Official Don Ford explained $13,000.00 had been budgeted to purchase each vehicle. The bids received, however, were $815.00 over budget for each vehicle. He explained since the new vehicles would require less maintenance,the additional funds needed for the purchase could be taken from the maintenance budget. Commissioner Rosenbloom moved to approve the purchase of the vehicles for the Building Official and Code Enforcement Officer,as recommended. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Meserve and was unanimously approved. 2. Discussion and necessary action on the search for a City Manager Jim Jarboe, Acting City Manager, reported he had drafted a suggested outline of the process he intended to use in the search for a City Manager and requested input from the City Commission regarding the proposed procedure. Commissioner Meserve indicated he had given considerable thought to the question of a new City Manager. He presented his thoughts and recommendations to the City Commission in the form of a memorandum dated December 27, 1995, attached hereto as Exhibit A. Commissioner Meserve felt in view of the major issues the city would face within the next six months to one year, it was important to have a City Manager who was familiar with the issues and not tie up the City Commission with another challenge at this time. He suggested offering Mr. Jarboe a one- year contract as City Manager, at a salary to be discussed, during which time the City Commission could assess Mr. Jarboe in the position and make a determination, from both sides, whether it would be good for all parties to make the move a permanent one. He indicated in preliminary discussions, Mr. Jarboe had indicated he would be willing to consider such a contract. Page Two Minutes of Special Called Meeting December 27, 1995 Commissioner Meserve moved to offer Mr. Jarboe a one-year contract as City Manager, salary to be negotiated at a subsequent meeting, and defer any kind of decision on a further search for that year. In further discussion, it was felt that Mr. Jarboe's knowledge and experience at all levels of government would be an asset to the city and should not be overlooked. Following further discussion, Commissioner Rosenbloom moved to amend the motion to make the contract with Mr. Jarboe effective as of January 1, 1996. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Reed and carried unanimously. Commissioner Rosenbloom then moved that the contract, upon renewal, include options to extend it on a quarterly basis. He felt there needed to be a clear understanding of the role and responsibility of the City Manager. Discussion ensued regarding whether the contract should be on a calendar or fiscal year basis and the City Attorney pointed out that the City Manager served at the pleasure of the City Commission and no ending date would be required since the City Commission could end the contract at any time. Commissioner Meserve indicated he had suggested a one-year contract since this period would take the city through the next budget process and establish a time certain when the relationship between the city and the City Manager would be reviewed to make sure the relationship was satisfactory to both parties. The City Attorney offered to draft a Resolution of agreement, and for comparison purposes, he indicated he would provide the City Commission with a copy of the contract with the former City Manager. Commissioner Rosenbloom withdrew his motion to include the option for quarterly extensions. The Commissioners expressed their opinions regarding the qualities they felt the City Manager should have, and all voiced their confidence in Mr. Jarboe's qualities and capabilities. Following further discussion the question was called on the motion to offer Mr.Jarboe a one-year contract as City Manager and the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Jarboe indicated it would be an honor to serve the city as City Manager. He felt the city had a good staff and he worked well with them, and the City Commission with their diverse backgrounds, had a lot of potential and he looked forward to working with them. 3. Authorize emergency water main replacement on Mayport Road,and adopt Resolution No. 95-47 to provide funding therefor Harry McNally, Buccaneer Chief Plant Operator, reported that the 2700 and 2800 block of Mayport Road was experiencing extremely low water pressure and an investigation of the problem revealed that the area was served by a thirty year old 2-inch water main which was badly corroded. The proposed project would replace approximately 700 feet of this 2-inch line to connect an existing 10- Page Three Minutes of Special Called Meeting December 27, 1995 inch main to an existing 8-inch main, and would include the addition of two new fire hydrants. The estimated cost of the water main would be $20,000.00; the cost of engineering would not exceed $2,000.00; and acquisition of easements approximately$5,000.00. However, Mr. McNally explained that if easements could not be acquired on private property and the water line must be constructed within the Department of Transportation right-of-way, the cost would be approximately $50,000.00. It was explained funding would be from the Water Fund reserves and this money would be replaced when bond moneys were received. Mayor Fletcher presented in full, in writing, Resolution No. 95-47 to transfer $55,000.00 from the Water Fund reserves for emergency water main replacement on Mayport Road. Further discussion ensued regarding the cost of the project and Mayor Fletcher moved to amend the Resolution to provide for the transfer of$27,000.00 for the installation of a water main on Mayport Road, with the understanding that this money would be returned to the reserves when bond money was received; also that staff would come back to the City Commission if additional funding was needed for right-of-way acquisition. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Shaughnessy and carried on a vote of 4 - 1 with Commissioner Rosenbloom voting nay. The Mayor then moved for adoption of Resolution No. 95-47 as amended. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Shaughnessy and was unanimously approved. 4. Any other business Jim Jarboe reported that city staff had met during the summer with representatives of the Department of Environmental Protection regarding the problems the city had experienced with the sewer system in Saltair subdivision and felt that the problem had been resolved to the satisfaction of DEP. Since then the city had received a letter from DEP and it appeared that a Consent Order may be issued which would include penalties if certain improvements were not made. He indicated he would provide Commissioners with a copy of such Consent Order, when received. Mr. Jarboe also reported that the Coast Guard wished to construct a sewer line between Mayport Landing and the Coast Guard Station in Mayport. The installation of such a line would provide some new customers for the city. A meeting had been scheduled for the following week with the Coast Guard and some of the business owners in the area and he would report back to the Commission in this regard. Commissioner Meserve requested that Rep. Fowler be advised of this development since she had expressed an interest in this area for some time. Commissioner Rosenbloom reported he had attended the bond validation hearings and was appalled and disappointed at the comments made at those hearings by Alan Potter. Page Four Minutes of Special Called Meeting December 27, 1995 With reference to the proposed capital improvement projects, the Mayor suggested that extra meetings be scheduled to inform the public and receive public input regarding the projects. There being no further discussion, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 6:30 pm. At'*47 Lyman T. Fletcher Mayor/Presiding Officer ATTEST: 44)14 Mau en King City Clerk EXHIBIT A MEMORANDUM DATE: 27 December 1995 TO: The Atlantic Beach City Commission FROM: Commissioner Meserve RE: Selection of a City Manager Dear fellow Commissioners: The Commission is faced with selecting a replacement City Manager. At the same time, the next six months to a year are filled with completing some very important and challenging issues, including: o The refinancing of debt for the City Hall and other projects. o Establishing and authorizing the financial package for the Sewer/Water construction projects, and Barnett Loan refinancing. o Dealing with EPA and other agencies on the issues of consent orders on our Sewer System. o Completing design packages and initiating construction contracts on the initial Sewer/Water projects. o Completing contract negotiations with the various city employee groups. o Continuing investigation of alternative financing of improvements to the new park land acquisition. o Continuing negotiations with Jacksonville on the interlocal agreement. o Continuing to deal with the State on the land annexation issue. In my view two specific short term needs are to have a City Manager who is familiar with the above list of issues, and secondly not tie up the Commission with another challenge at this time. In order to address the two challenges I would ask the Commission consider the following suggestion. Jim Jarboe is the acting City Manager, and I would propose we put him on a one year contract as City Manager. By doing so we could postpone any global search for a replacement. It would allow us time to assess Jim Jarboe in the position and make a determination, from both sides, whether it would be good for all parties to make the move a permanent one. If not we could simply reactivate the search. Jim Jarboe certainly knows the issues and the personalities of the Commission, and the Staff. We would save some considerable funds by not filling in the Deputy position during that time frame. Preliminary discussions with Jim indicate that would be workable, and that he would be willing to consider such a contract.