01-31-94 v MINUTES OF THE JOINT WORKSHOP MEETING OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD HELD IN CITY HALL, AT 7:15 PM ON MONDAY, JANUARY 31, 1994. The following commissioners, board members and staff were present: Lyman T. Fletcher Mayor Steven Rosenbloom Commissioner Suzanne Shaughnessy Commissioner J. Dezmond Waters, III Commissioner Robert G. Weiss, Jr. Commissioner Don Wolfson Chairman, Community Dev. Board Robert Frohwein Board Member Ruth Gregg Board Member Mark McGowan Board Member Pat Pillmore Board Member Sharette Simpkins Board Member Mary Walker Board Member Alan C. Jensen City Attorney Kim D. Leinbach City Manager Maureen King City Clerk Don Ford Building Official George Worley Community Development Director The meeting was called to order by Mayor Fletcher. 1. Discussion of appeals process for appeals of actions of the Community Development Board Discussion ensued regarding the appeals process as it appears in Chapters 14 and 24 of the city code and Don Wolfson pointed out that the Community Development Board used only Chapter 24, Zoning, when considering requests for variances and that Chapter 14 had not been provided to the board. He requested that Chapter 14 be provided to the Community Development Board if it is be used in conjunction with Chapter 24 when considering variance requests. Further discussion ensued regarding the appeals process and it was pointed out there appeared to be a conflict between Chapters 14 and 24 . While Chapter 24 indicated an appeal of a decision of the Community Development Board could be made only if the board had acted illegally, Chapter 14 appeared to allow appeals to be made for any reason, and it was agreed this conflict needed to be resolved. Commissioner Weiss felt a verbatim transcript of the proceedings of the Community Development Board should be provided to the City Commission if an appeal is being made. Commissioner Shaughnessy indicated that attendees at a recent seminar were advised that appeals should only be considered on the basis of the verbatim record, otherwise the commission would, in fact, be re-hearing the case. She felt that appeals should be considered only in cases where a verbatim record was provided. In discussions regarding the Page Two Minutes - January 31, 1994 Joint meeting of City Commission and Community Development Board cost of providing a verbatim record, it was agreed the applicant would be responsible for providing the verbatim transcript and there would be no cost to the city. It was felt information regarding the need for a verbatim transcript should be included on the application form or applicants should be made aware of this requirement during the application process. The question then arose as to whether appeals of decisions of the Community Development Board should be heard by the City Commission or whether the only avenue of appeal should be the Circuit Court and different opinions were expressed in this regard. The City Manager suggested that it may be desirable to require a four-fifths vote of the City Commission to overturn a decision of the Community Development Board. He also suggested the city could, if it so desired, contract with the State Department of Administration and appoint an appeals officer to hear appeals regarding variances or other zoning matters. Following further discussion regarding the expense involved in a court case for both the applicant and the city, and whether the City Commission wished to retain the right to review the decisions of the Community Development Board, it appeared to be consensus that the City Commission should retain the right to hear appeals, and that final appeals could still be made through the Circuit Court. It was felt a stricter criteria should be required for hearing appeals and that information which was not available to the Community Development Board should not be considered by the City Commission during the appeal . George Worley was directed to work with the City Attorney to draft an ordinance setting out the appeals procedure following which a further joint meeting could be held to finalize the ordinance. Discussion ensued regarding whether a majority vote of the entire Community Development Board or a majority vote of the quorum present should be required to grant a variance and whether a majority vote of the entire City Commission or a majority vote of the quorum present should be required to hear an appeal and/or override a vote of the Community Development Board. Commissioner Rosenbloom expressed opposition to requiring a four-fifths vote of the City Commission to hear an appeal since he felt this could circumvent the right to due process and the City Manager felt a four-fifths vote should only be required for the City Commission to overturn a decision of the Community Development Board. It was agreed that if an affirmative vote is cast to hear an appeal , the appeal should then be scheduled to be heard at the next meeting of the City Commission. This would give the commissioners time to review the materials relative to the case. The matter of the vote which would be required to overturn a decision of the Community Development Board will be discussed further when the draft ordinance is presented. Page Three Minutes - January 31, 1994 Joint Meeting of City Commission and Community Development Board 2. Discussion of the concept of "unnecessary hardship" relative to variance requests Discussion ensued regarding whether the term "hardship" as used in Chapter 24 of the city code referred to the land or to the individual applying for the variance. Commissioner Waters requested that the City Attorney provide a definition of "hardship" in the legal sense. Mr. Jensen responded that the Community Development Board was not dealing with a legal hardship but had to determine whether a hardship existed based on Section 24-49 , 1-6, of the City Code. It was noted the conditions listed in Section 24-49 were listed on the variance application and it was agreed the board members would indicate their responses to these conditions in the future. Following further discussion, it was agreed the Community Development Board should recommend any changes they felt would be helpful in the decision making process. 3. Discussion regarding Accessory Uses and Structures The City Manager indicated he felt the majority of the problems experienced by the City Commission relative to hardships involved the definitions of accessory structures and accessory uses. George Worley indicated he felt the problem existed because accessory structures and accessory uses were addressed in one definition. He provided a draft ordinance which proposed to amend the existing definition and create separate definitions for accessory building and accessory use which he felt would help to clarify the matter. Following further discussion Mayor Fletcher reported that the Zoning Review Committee was nearing completion of the revision of the zoning code and he suggested that action on definitions be deferred until the committee presents its recommendations. 4 . Communication between the City Commission and Community Development Board Don Wolfson requested that board members be notified when any decision of the Community Development Board is being appealed to the City Commission. He indicated at least one board member would attend the commission meeting to answer questions regarding how the board had reached a decision. It was also agreed to provide the board members with the same information that is being provided to commissioners relative to the appeal . Page Four Minutes - January 31, 1994 Joint Meeting of City Commission and Community Development Board Commissioner Shaughnessy noted that the minutes of the Community Development Board recorded only the actions taken by the board and details of discussions prior to a vote were not included. It was agreed in the future to include more detail in the board minutes and also to provide the board members with minutes of meetings where their decisions were appealed to the City Commission. In further discussion, Mary Walker inquired whether a time limit by which construction should be commenced or completed should be attached to a variance. It was agreed a time limit should be established and this is to be looked into further. There being no further discussion, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 10: 20 PM. Maure n King City Clerk