02-14-94 v ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION February 14, 1994 AGENDA Call to Order Invocation and pledge to the flag 1 . Approval of the minutes of the Special Called Meeting of January 17 and regular meeting of January 24, Impasse Hearing of February 7, and February 9, 1994 2. Recognition of Visitors: a. Presentation of Resolutions to Janet Brown and Patricia Ketteringham 3. Old Business: a. Commission action on an application for a Use-by- Exception filed by Mayport C & C Fisheries to store and rebuild pallets for use in shipping fresh seafood at property known as Lots 5, 6 and 7, Block 33, Section H (George Worley) b. Discussion relative to Martin Luther King holiday (Commissioner Shaughnessy) ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE BY THE CITY COMMISSION AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION IN THE FORM LISTED BELOW. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION AND STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS HAVE BEEN PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED TO THE CITY COMMISSION ON THESE ITEMS. 4. Consent Agenda: a. Approval to submit application for grant funds to be used for tree planting b. Acknowledge receipt of Parks & Recreation Facilities Utilization report for January 1994 c. Acknowledge receipt of Water & Sewer Committee Report No. 5 d. Acknowledge receipt of letter from Marvin Dickerson of Florida League of Cities relative to the city ' s safety program e. Acknowledge receipt of Police Activity report for 1993 f. Acknowledge receipt of Code Enforcement Report for January, 1994 5 . Reports of Committees: a. Water & Sewer status report ( Mayor Fletcher ) b. Stormwater drainage report ( Commissioner Weiss ) 6. New Business: a. Public hearing and related action on an application for a use by exception filed by Sarah B. Jackson to operate a day care business on property located at 458 Sargo Road . Page Two Agenda February 14, 1994 b. Appointment of Tree Board member to fill unexpired term of John Weldon, Jr. c Discussion relative to appointment of two additional members to the Recreation Advisory Board d. Discussion relative to Ordinance No. 75-92-9 which established the parking sticker program e. Discussion and related action relative to revision of the city' s occupational license classification and rate schedule f. Discussion and related action regarding establishing a fire protection sprinkler policy for the city ( Fire Chief ) g. Authorization for Mayor to execute Modification of Grant of Easement with the Courtyards of Mayport (City Attorney) h. Discussion and related action relative to filing Code Enforcement liens ( City Attorney) i . Discussion and related action relative to lien in the amount of $3, 840.00 on Part of Lot 2 Donners Replat, Lot 13, Block 9, owned by Mr. W. Fogg and Heirs j . Authorize expenditure of $600.00 from Commission Contingency to be used for the Atlantic Beach Under the Stars camp out 7 . City Manager Reports and/or Correspondence: a. Report relative to emergency preparedness 8 . Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners, City Attorney and City Clerk: Adjournment MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF ATLANTIC BEACH V V CITY COMMISSION HELD IN CITY HALL, 800 SEMINOLE O O ROAD, AT 7 : 15 T T p. m. ON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1994 E E D D PRESENT: Lyman T. Fletcher, Mayor Steve Rosenbloom J . Dezmond Waters, III , and M S Robert G. Weiss,Jr. ,Commissioners O E T C AND : Kim D. Leinbach, City Manager i O Y Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney NAME OF ONEN Maureen King, City Clerk COMMRS. N D S 0 ABSENT: Suzanne Shaughnessy (excused) The meeting was called to order by Mayor Fletcher. The invocation offered by Reverend Gabe Goodman was followed by the pledge to the flag. 1 . Approval of the minutes of the special called meeting of January 17 , 1994 ROSENBLOOM x Motion: Approve minutes of theWATERS X X special called meeting of JanuaryWEISS X X 17 , 1994 FLETCHER X No discussion before the vote . The motion carried unanimously. Approval of the regular meeting of January 24 , 1994 ROSENBLOOM X Motion: Approve minutes of the WATERS X X regular meeting of January 24, 1994 WEISS X X FLETCHER X No discussion before the vote . The motion carried unanimously. Approval of the minutes of the Impasse Hearing of February 7 , 1994 ROSENBLOOM X Motion: Approve minutes of the WATERS X X Impasse Hearing of February 7 , 1994 . WEISS X X FLETCHER X No discussion before the vote . The motion carried unanimously. Approval of the minutes of the Impasse Hearing of February 9 , 1994 Page 2 V V February 14 , 1994 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN Motion: Approve minutes of the ROSENBLOOM X Impasse Hearing of February 9 , 1994 WATERS X X WEISS X X No discussion before the vote . The motion carried FLETCHER X unanimously . 2 . Recognition of Visitors : a. Presentation of Resolutions to Janet Brown and Patricia Ketteringham Mayor Fletcher and Fire Chief Ron Williams °resented Janet Brown with a Resolution and plaque recognizing her work in raising funds for the accui si t i on of an electronic defibrillator for the Fire Department . Ms . Brown indicated she was collecting money to buy another defibrillator . Ms . Ketteringham was unable to attend the meeting and will be presented with a plaque at a later time . Mayor Fletcher recognized Chris Phillips who wat working on his Eagle Scout badge . Mayor Fletcher introduced Kathleen Bailey , the new editor of the Beaches Leader . Agenda Item 6i was taken out of sequence and acted upon at this time. 6i . Discussion and related action relative to lien in the amount of $3 , 840 . 00 on Part of Lot 2 Donners Replat , Lot 13 , Block 9, owned by Mr . W. Fogg and Heirs William Gulliford , representing Beaches Habitat , r.eauested that the lien in the amount of $3 , 840 . 00 which represented the amount owed to demolish the house located on Part of Lot 2 Donners Replat , Ldt 13 , block 9 , owned by Mr . W. Fogg and Heirs , be forgiven by the City . He explained Beaches Habitat planned to build two houses on the lots , and that since CDBG funds were used to demolish the house , the lien was owned to HOD . Motion : Forgive lien of $3 , 840 . 00 ROSENBLOOMX X on property located on Part of Lot 2WATERS X Donners Replat , Lot 13 , Block 9 , WEISS X X owned by W. Fogg and Heirs , subje9tFLETCHER X to Beaches Habitat purchasing sad property within three months Page 3 V V February 14 , 199+. NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN Under discussion , it was felt that the provision of three months should be placed so that in the event Beaches Habitat did not purchase the property , the city could pursue filing the lien . The question was called and the motion carried unanimously . 3 . Old Business : a. Commission action on an application for a Use-by-Exception filed by Mayport C & C Fisheries to store and rebuild pallets for use in shipping fresh seafood at property know as Lots 5 , 6 , and 7 , Block 33 , Section H George Worley , City Planner , explained at the last commission meeting the request by C & C Fisheries , 580-A Mayoort Road , for a Use-by-exception to permit outside storage of wood pallets wat deferred . . The commission deferred action to allow additional public notice as well as to allow further inspection of the property . Also to be included were suggestions for specific use limitations from staff . Mr . Worley suggested that if the commission granted the request , it should be given to the owner of the property , only . He explained staff recommended against this request and continued to believe that this use was more appropriately located in the ILW district and away from residential zones . Mayor Fletcher opened the floor for a public hearing and invited comments from the audience . Since no one wished to speak the Mayor closed the public hearing . Commissioner Weiss asked the Mayor to pass out photographs of the property . He indicated he conducted a visual inspection and felt there were additional pallets at the site , and he asked the Code Enforcement Inspector if the property was in compliance . Don Ford , Code Enforcement Inspector , reported the property was not in compliance , Commissioner Weiss noted there were cars without licenses on the premises , as well as white barrels that had not been there previously . Chip Glemstein , Attorney representing Mr . Cerqueiro, owner of the property , indicated Mr . Cerqueiro was not able to attend the meeting . Mr . Page 4 V V February 14 , 1994 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN Glemstein felt warehousing did not require the existence of a structure on the site . ROSENBLOOM X Motion: Deny request of C & C WATERS X X Fisheries for Use-by-Exception to WEISS X X permit outside storage of wood FLETCHER X pallets Commissioner Waters advised he spoke with neighbors and they indicated in the summer the business had an odor , and he felt that to add the noise of an exterior business was not acceptable . He felt the business belonged in an industria" z o n e . Commissioner Weiss had a problem with the amount of cars narked at the business , and he felt the area should be cleaned . He was not comfortable with granting an exception to the business . Commissioner Rosenbloom inquired as to whether or not the matter should be deferred until the owner could attend the meeting , but Chip Glemsteih suggested that the commission not wait any longer before making its decision . The question was called and the motion carried by a vote of 4- 1 with Commissioner Rosenbloom voting nay . The motion carried . b . Discussion relative to Martin Luther King holiday (this was withdrawn from the agenda) 4. Consent Agenda_: a . Approval to submit application for grant funds to be used for tree planting b. Acknowledge receipt of Parks & Recreation Facilities Utilization report for January , 1994 c . Acknowledge receipt of Water & Sewer Committee Report No. 5 d . Acknowledge receipt of letter from Marvin Dickerson of Florida League of Cities relative to the city ' s safety program e . Acknowledge receipt of Police Activity report for 1993 f . Acknowledge receipt of Code Enforcement Report for January , 1994 Commissioner Waters asked that Item a and Item c be withdrawn from the Consent Agenda . Page 5 V V February 14 , 1994 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN Motion: Approve ROSENBLOOM X p passage of consent WATERS X X agenda with the exception of Item aWEISS X X and Item c FLETCHER X No discussion before the vote . The motion carried unanimously . a. Approval to submit application for grant funds to be used for tree planting Commissioner Waters asked Carl Walker , Beautification Coordinator , to explain the grant . Mr . Walker indicated this was a federally funded , state administered grant for the purpose of tree planting and was available on a 50-50 matching basis . This was the same type of grant which the city was awarded in 1992 resulting in the planting of 52 trees on the City Hall complex property . He explained the area under discussion would begin at Plaza and Mayport Road , continuing east on the south side of Plaza for six to eight blocks . Motion : Grant authority to CarlROSENBLOOM X X Walker to apply for tree plantingWAIESS X X X grant FLETCHER X No discussion before the vote the motion carried unanimously . 4c . Acknowledge receipt of Water & Sewer Committee Report No. 5 Commissioner Waters referred to Item 3 of the Water and Sewer Committee Report No. 5 ( Report is attached hereto and made a part hereof ) which referred to assessments for water and sewer . He indicated some property owners had not received notification of assessment . After discussion , it was agreed Commissioner Waters and Bob Kosoy , Public Works Director , would meet to discuss the matter . Ed Sanford , 1615 Seminole Road , questioned the capital improvement fee of $325 . 00 required to hook up to water . Jim Jarboe , Deputy City Manager , explained it was a requirement of the Code of the City that everyone had to pay the charge when hooking up to city water . It was explained the money was used to maintain the water distribution system. Mr . Sanford inquired if he would be financially responsible should his water line have a problem in the future , to which it was explained that the city would be responsible for maintaining the lines in the future . Page 6 V V February 14 , 1994 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN 5 . Report_L of Committees: a . Water & Sewer status report Mayor Fletcher gave a report relative to the various boards and committees of the city . He asked citizens to let him know if they would be interested in serving on the Water and Sewer• Committee . He explained the function of the Comittee was to bring the water and sewer utility up to current standards . He indicated the population had doubled and this put tremendous pressure on the city ' s utility system, and it was necessary to expand the sewer plant . He explained state and federal agencies oversee this expansion and if it was not dealt with the city could be fined . He indicated the expansion of the sewer plant would be built by next year . A discussion ensued relative to impact fees and it was explained impact fees help pay for future expansion of the system. William J . Ryszykow, 535 Royal Palm Drive , referred to a City of Jacksonville proposed housing project on the west side of Mayport Road and he was concerned that the amount of people moving into the area would burden the city ' s sewer system. Bob Kosoy explained the project he referred to would be connected to the Buccaneer system. b . Stormwater drainage report Commissioner Weiss introduced Vern Weatherford who presented Findings of the Stormwater and Drainage Committee (copy attached hereto and made a part hereof ) . Commissioner Weiss indicated Willian McGee was also on the committee and two more members were needed to serve . He advised a public meeting would be held with area residents of Aquatic Gardens in the near future . Barbara Bonner complained concerning the retention pond filling with water in Aquatic Gardens . After discussion , Mayor Fletcher appointed Ms . Bonner to serve on the Stormwater Committee . William McGee reported the water running into Aquatic Gardens from the south was not simple problem, and was of great magnitude since it was affected by the rise and fall of the tide . 6 . New Business: Page 7 V V February 14 , 1991- NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN a . Public hearing and related action on an application for a use by exception filed by Sarah B . Jackson to operate a day care business on property located at 458 Sargo Road George Worley , City Planner , advised Sarah B Jackson operated a child care service in her horn. at 458 Sargo Road ( RS-- 1 zoning district) . Sh: kept five children which fell below the threshol ' necessary to classify her as a "Child Cart Facility" by the definitions in the Zoning Code Because she fell below the threshold number o children , she was not subject to HRS regulations Mr . Worley explained Ms . Jackson desired to expan• her operation to accommodate ten children whic would then become a "Child Care Facility" b definition , and the RS- 1 district did not lis that type of use as either a Permitted Use or as ., Use-by -Exception . Mr . Worley explained RS districts did not permi Child Care Facilities while the RG district - permitted them as Uses-by-Exception . Th Community Development Board unanimously voted to deny this request based upon the fact that th proposed use was not a listed Use-by-Exception i the RS- 1 zoning district . He reported durin•; discussion prior to the vote it was suggested b several members that an ordinance amendment coult be considered by the City Commission if it wa - their desire to permit Child Care Facilities a - Uses-by-Exception in RS districts . Mayor Fletcher opened the floor for a publi . hearing and invited comments from the audience . Sara Jackson , 458 Sargo Road , indicated she hat always cared for children and that she would lik: to increase the number of children she cared fo in order to provide the service at a reasonabl price . Many residents spoke on Ms . Jackson ' s behal indicating their support for allowing her t. expand her daycare business . Many were sing1t mothers who said they would not be able to work i not for Ms . Jackson ' s low rates . It was explaine. she provided a service otherwise unaffordable an. unavailable for families , and that she had been loving and caring figure for children during the Hast 25 years . It was explained she provided car: for children until late in the evening , making i possible for mothers to attend school and continue Page 8 V V February 14 , 1994 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN to work , while secure that their children were being well cared for . Three residents spoke against allowing the day-care to expand in a residential district , and it was suggested that perhaps another location could he found to operate a daycare . Whereas , there was no opposition to having five children to care for , it was felt having 10 children in a residential district was not realistic . Since no one wished to speak further the Mayor closed the Public Hearing . Mayor Fletcher acknowledged that Ms . Jackson provided an important service for her neighborhood and he felt it was not in the community ' s best interest to stop her from providing the service . He noted that current zoning codes provided no chance of relief , and he suggested the commission defer the matter to the zoning committee and then consider possible solutions at the February 28 , 1994 meeting . Motion : Defer action on request for WATERS X a Use-by-Exception by Sarah B. WEISS X X Jackson to operate a daycare FLETCHER X X business at 1458 Sargo Road and refer to the Zoning Committee for their review, with instructions to come back February 28 , 1994 with their recommendation on how to resolve the matter Commissioner Waters was opposed to introducing commercial encroachments within a residential area , as he wished to protect the integrity of the neighborhood . He suggested utilizing a church as a possible alternative . Commissioner Rosenbloom expressed support for Ms . Jackson and suggested the Commission needed to look beyond the code book and into their hearts . Commissioner Weiss also supported the possibility of finding a solution , and he felt community values were important . While he agreed with Commissioner Waters , he felt Ms . Jackson ' s house was one of the nicest in the neighborhood , being tidy with a fenced in yard . Page 9 V V February 14 , 1994 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN Ruth Gregg suggested moving the daycare facility into the Community Center during daytime hours . The question was called and the vote resulted in 3- 1 with Commissioner Rosenbloom voting nay . The motion carried . b . Appointment of Tree Board member to fill unexpired term of John Weldon , Jr . Mayor Fletcher nominated Mae Jones , 126 15th Street . The commission approved the Mayor ' s nomination and Mae Jones was appointed to serve on the Tree Board to fill unexpired term of John Weldon , jr . c . Discussion relative to appointment of two additional members to the Recreation Advisory Board Mayor Fletcher nominated Beth Robertson anc Patricia Goelz to serve on the Recreation Advisory Board , The Commission approved the Mayor ' s nomination , and Beth Robertson and Patricia Goelz were appointed to serve on the Recreation Advisory Board . d. Discussion relative to Ordinance No. 75-92-9 which established the parking sticker program it was explained unless the ordinance was extended by the City Commission it would be repealed effective midnight on February 23 , 1994 . ROSENBLOCM X Motion : Extend Ordinance No. WATERS X 75-92-9 for a two year period, until WEISS X X February 23 , 1996 FLETCHER X X Commissioner Waters indicated he would like to make the ordinance permanent , rather than extend it for two years . Barbara Bonner asked if there would be more parking spaces delegated , to which the Mayor explained there was a meeting planned with the Parking Study Committee and the matter would be discussed . It was suggested that a map be furnished citizens along with the parking sticker so that people would know where to park . Chief Thompson explained his department was giving out a list indicating the location of parking spaces . Barbara Bonner felt stickers should be free . A representative from Fleet Landing suggested Page 10 V V February 14 , 1994 NAME OF COMMRS. ' M S Y N narking stickers he placed inside of cars , rather than outside of cars . e . Discussion and related action relative to revision of the city ' s occupational license classification and rate schedule Maureen King , City Clerk explained there had beer a recent change in Florida Law which allowec municipalities to adopt ordinances to adjust business classifications and establish a new occupational license rate structure . To take advantage of the new law the Commission would have to appoint an Equity Study Commission whose members were representatives of the Atlantic Beach business community . Motion: Establish an Equity StudyROSENBLOOM X Committee consisting of five WATERS X representatives of Atlantic BeachWEISS X X business community to insure thatFLETCHER X X the occupational license classification and fees are equitable , reasonable , and uniform, and to make recommendations on rate and/or classification changes to the City Commission no later than June 15, 1994 Commissioner Waters asked that the committee consist of people who lived in the city and had businesses in the city , and who represented a cross section of retail , hotel , and other business owners . Maureen King was appointed to serve as staff laison to the committee . The question was called and the motion carried unanimously . f . Discussion and related action regarding establishing a fire protection sprinkler policy for the city Ron Williams , Fire Chief , indicated he would like to pursue a progressive fire protection sprinkler ordinance for the city . He felt the policy would save lives , property , and reduce insurance rates , He explained if every building had a sprinkler system the city could reduce the amount of firefighters. He indicated sprinklers were the most effective 'way to fight a fire . Page 11 February 14 , 1994 V V NAME OF COMMAS. MSYN Mayor rlct.c.:hc:r- ft-e1t this wjj :.+ornething the city should explore and he asked Chief Williams to conduct a study using existing staff , and to have a status report March 26 , 1994 , on both commercial and residential buildings . g . Authorization for Mayor to execute Modification of Grant of Easement with the Courtyards of Mayport Alan Jensen , City Attorney , explained the City was granted an easement in 1986 for utilities at the Courtyards at Mayport . The easement blanketed the entire property and the area of water/sewer lines needed to be identified for utility easement . It was explained it was not possible for the builder to get title insurance with a blanket easement . Tom Sheffied , Soforenko Homes , explained if the builder did not restrict the easement the city would have the right to run sewer pipe through someone ' s living room. Commissioner Waters questioned whether the City would he able to get to its sewers , to which Alan Jensen explained the modification of easement would still provide access to the utilities . Mr . Sheffield explained the city would have everything that it previously had to begin with , but that the builder just wanted to be able to obtain title insurance . A discussion ensued and Commissioners indicated they would like to have more of an explanation and time to study the matter . Motion : Defer Authorization for ROSENBLOOM X X Mayor to execute Modification of WATERS X WEISS X Grant of Easement with the FLETCHER X X Courtyards of Mayport until Wednesday , February 16 , 1994 to be acted upon at a Special Commission Meeting--in the meantime Commissioners were encouraged to meet with Bob Kosoy , George Worley, or Jim Jarboe to resolve any questions they may have The question was called and the motion carried unanimously . h . Discussion and related action relative to filing code enforcement liens Page 12 February 14 , 1991. V V NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN Alan JNnseii reyuesttd dpprovdI to foreclose on liens levied by the Code ' Enforcement Board . He suggested proceeding on two of the largest liens . He explained remaining properties could not be sold until liens were satisfied . Motion: Approve foreclosing on two WATERSLOOKS X X of the largest Code enforcement liensWEISSK X FLETCHER X The question was called and the motion carried unanimously . i . Discussion and related action relative to lien in the amount of $3 , 840 . 00 on Part of Lot 2 Donners Replat , Lot 13 , Block 9 , owned by Mr . W. Fogg and Heirs (this was acted upon earlier in the meeting) j . Authorize expenditure of $600 . 00 from Commission Contingency to be used for the Atlantic Beach Under the Stars Camp out Commissioner Rosenbloom requested approval to use $600 . 00 that had been set aside for an employees ' picnic for the Atlantic Beach Under the Stars Campout to be held March 5 , 1994 . It was explained the employees ' picnic never took place and no city funds were expended . Commissioner Rosenbloom explained the details of the proposec events which included entertainment and a sunrise service . After discussion , he indicated since he expected to receive many donations $ 100 . 00 would probably be sufficient , but requested a backup of $500 . 00 . ROSENBLOOM X X WATERS X Motion: Approve contribution of WEISS X X $ 100. 00, with a backup of $500 .00 to FLETCHER X be used for the Atlantic Beach Under the Starks Family Campout to be held March 5, 1994 The question was called and the motion carriec unanimously . 7_,__City Manager Reports and/or Correspondence : a . Report relative to emergency preparedness Jim Jarboe reported concerning emergency Preparedness and he indicted the plan had beer updated in June , 1993 . • Page 13 V V February 14 , 1994 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN Mayor Fletcher reported there would be a change of command on the Stark on February 25 , 1994 . Mayor Fletcher reported there would be a dedication of the Historical Society at Pablo Historical Park on March 12 , 1994 . Mayor Fletcher reminded everyone there would be a loan hearing Tuesday , February 22 , 1994 relative to obtaining information concerning a DER loan for construction of sewer plant . Mayor Fletcher requested staff to develop a Resolution to create a Fine Arts Board . since there was no further business the Mayor adjourned the meeting at 10 : 20 p . m. 400141a. L an T. Fletcher Mayor/ Presiding Officer T E S T: / ' 4-623-t) 'L-47 Mau 'en King , t i ty dI erk %. • CITY OF c) CI(/ nl4 „^*. " %� Eead - �wuda • 4 1200 SANDPIPER LANE ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA 32233-4381 TELEPHONE(904)247-5834 44 41. 1 FAX(904)247-5843 February 9, 1994 MEMORANDUM TO: Kim D. Leinbach/City Manager FROM: Robert S. Kosoy/Director of Public Works RE: WATER AND SEWER COMMITTEE REPORT #5 The Water and Sewer Committee met on January 17, 1994 and the attendees were: Mayor Fletcher, Kim Leinbach, Jim Jarboe, Harry McNally, Alan Potter, Tom Hawk and Bob Kosoy. Items of discussion were: 1. STATUS OF AB WWTP - Tom Hawk reviewed the status of design, specifically the analysis of motors, geotechnical work, aeration calculations, sizing of splitter to the clarifiers and the possibility of a Stormwater Permit. He also presented a Project Flow Chart and Time Schedule and assured the Committee that he would complete the financing package with the Finance Director in order that application can be made to DEP by February 15, 1994. The Committee reviewed the Facilities Plan and a Public Hearing will be held on February 22, 1994. (This Facilities Plan was revised and resubmitted to the City on February 2, 1994. ) 2. REVIEW OF CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN - Bob Kosoy presented a draft list of Capital Projects and the drawdown on each. This spread sheet will require complete review by the Finance Department. 3. ASSESSMENTS - The Assessment Hearing was held on January 17, 1994 to establish assessments for Ocean Grove Drive water and sewer, water in the Dewees Avenue area, and sewer on Seminole Road between 17th and 18th Streets. Staff will review Capital Improvement funds with Finance Director to determine if monies are available for the Ocean Grove Drive sewer project. The Construction Official will send a letter to all residents on the Coquina Well advising them to connect to City water since the well will be condemned. r ti 4. BUCCANEER WTP & WWTP - Harry McNally reviewed the status of several items: a) Well at #3 WTP - due to high levels of Inorganic Nitrates, HRS will not allow the new well to be put into service. Additional sampling will be performed. b) CCCF- (Chlorine Contact Chamber Facility) - This project is nearing completion and is awaiting clearance of the new digester. c) Force Main at Puckett Creek - We are still awaiting a Dredge and Fill Permit. The Committee suggested that if additional assistance is needed to obtain this permit, Kim Leinbach, Jim Jarboe or the City Attorney should be contacted. d) Sewer Main at Bikini Beach Bar - Harry McNally advised that the sewer lateral from this bar leads to a system of substandard mains and structures constructed by the trailer park. These lines will be targeted for abandonment or replacement as necessary. e) We located a 2" galvanized water main near the Lil' Champ south of Yarborough Motors in the drainage ditch that needs to be replaced. RSK/tb cc: All Attendees FILE - 94-WSCR AB14FE94.DOC FINDINGS OF THE STORMWATER AND DRAINAGE COMMITTEE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 11, 1994 PRESENT: WILLIAM McGEE VERN WEATHERFORD ROBERT WEISS AQUATIC GARDENS DRAIN FIELD: Field inspection included the state drainage right of way from Mayport Road and Saratoga Circle North to the Skate Road ditch exit under Atlantic Boulevard, back up Skate Road ditch to Plaza. 1. From the 24" culvert at Mayport Road to about halfway southeast along the state ditch the stream bed was fairly clear. At the halfway point it became apparent cleaning had ceased and the stream was in need of moderate cleaning of vegetation and debris. 2. At the southbound turn, behind and just west of the 300-400 block of Aquatic Drive severe obstruction to stream flow was noted. The entire ditch was overgrown and streamgrown with moderate sized brush and trees. In two cases large trees had collapsed completely across the ditch bed. Much household, (water heater, toys, plastic artifacts, furniture), and industrial material such as tires and drums were found. Two outfalls from the Saratoga Court area were noted. Others may exist, but vegetation precluded sightings. 3. Possible backyard and sideyard fence encroachments in this area will adversely affect mechanical equipment used for cleaning. Right of way to the east of ditch varied from measured 15 feet to less than 6 feet. 4. There was a slight water flow to the exit at all times. 5. There is a 3-way drain east of Sunrise Community Church and south of the Aquatic Gardens complex. This appears to drain under Aquatic Drive, but it is severely blocked by several seasons of vegetative growth. 6. A large, unnamed, holding pond type water body exists south and west of the Aquatic Gardens tennis courts. A weir-type drain at the north end keeps this pond at about 2 to 3 feet above usual high tide level of the Skate Road ditch. It does not show on available maps, nor is its use apparent. 7. At the intersection of Skate Road ditch, the Cavalla ditch and the Aquatic Pool ditch, 3 medium sized pipes catch debris at minimal water flow. Additionally, two of 1 r ABI4FE94.DOC the pipes appear to be used as pedestrian footbridges. The Skate Road ditch appears relatively unobstructed from this point north to Plaza. However, there is some diminution of right of way noted in places along the western bank. 8. Down stream of Aquatic Pool a box culvert that serves the Publix-Turtles parking area has greater flow potential (opening for additional water) at high tide than the similar, but limiting culvert under Atlantic Boulevard during like conditions. 9. Possible flooding of the rear of Aquatic Gardens is understandable in view of these findings. 10. Further discussion of, and possible solutions to this one Atlantic Beach drain field for less than hurricane conditions will be solicited during a public meeting in March. 11. Two additional members for the committee are needed. They should be available at short notice during flood conditions, and they should be good mudders. 2 - re. tb. , y I i I 1,71:::;.•':"'11:,,: ., , I. - ' ' -' _____jApP 1 i . ... . . - . ,..„ . ..., Azt p„ A....., ),... . .... ... . . ..• ..... . z. • - / c -w _ 1 t,, -.NW „ C‘• z:',..2. 4 liltb 4* C N ^ ... ^ _ + 0 ... . .ti...i . .. ,. Alit §e.. 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