02-16-94 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH SPECIAL CALLED MEETING WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1994 AGENDA Call to order 1 . Authorization for Mayor to execute Modification of Grant of Easement with the Courtyards of Mayport 2 . Any other business Adjournment MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL CALLED MEETING OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD IN CITY HALL ON WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1994 Present were: Mayor Lyman T. Fletcher Commissioner Steven Rosenbloom Commissioner Suzanne Shaughnessy Commissioner J. Dezmond Waters, III Commissioner Robert G. Weiss, Jr. And: City Manager Kim D. Leinbach Deputy City Manager Jim Jarboe City Attorney Alan C. Jensen City Clerk Maureen King The meeting was called to order by Mayor Fletcher 1. Authorization for Mayor to execute Modification of Grant of Easement with the Courtyards of Mayport This item had been included on the agenda of the regularly scheduled meeting on February 14, 1994. Action had been deferred to give the commissioners additional time to review the easement. Mayor Fletcher confirmed that all problems and questions had been satisfactorily resolved. Commissioner Rosenbloom moved to authorize the Mayor to execute the Modification of Grant of Easement. The motion was seconded by Commissioner and following brief discussion, was unanimously approved. 2 . Any other business There being no further business to come before the City Commission, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned. LYMAN FLETCHER Mayor/Presiding Officer ATTES T: MAUR EN KING City Clerk p MINUTES OF THE JOINT MEETING OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION AND THE DONNER COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION HELD IN CITY HALL AT 7:15 PM ON WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1994 Present from the City: Lyman T. Fletcher, Mayor Steven M. Rosenbloom Suzanne Shaughnessy J. Dezmond Waters, III, and Robert G. Weiss, Jr. , Commissioners Kim D. Leinbach, City Manager Jim Jarboe, Deputy City Manager George Worley, City Planner, and Maureen King, City Clerk Present from the Donner Community Development Corporation: Sharette Simpkins, President William I . Gulliford, Jr. Bill Caldwell Katrina Caldwell Shiela Sanford Irene Drayton Robert Lawrence Oprah Jackson Joyce Freeman Mayor Fletcher called the meeting to order and the Donner Community Development Corporation (DCDC) distributed a list of questions and requests to the city. A copy of the list is attached hereto and made a part hereof. Bill Gulliford explained that the Donner area had experienced neglect and a high crime rate before the DCDC became involved. He indicated the area had improved considerably under the supervision of the DCDC and he encouraged the city to also focus on that area to make sure the improvements continue. Each of the questions was individually discussed. Sharette Simpkins reported on problems they had experienced and indicated some contractors had not even looked at the houses before submitting their bids for housing rehabilitation. She indicated that while there was a one-year guarantee on the projects some homeowners were now experiencing problems with the work which had been done. In order to make sure that DCDC priorities were addressed and bids were awarded to reputable contractors, she requested that the DCDC be allowed to assist in drafting the specifications for future housing rehabilitations and that a project manager/inspector be retained to make sure that specifications are properly drawn up and that the work is properly carried out. Mayor Fletcher urged the DCDC to establish their priorities for the area and to make those priorities known to the city. .- Page Two Minutes of joint meeting February 16, 1994 A lengthy discussion ensued regarding drainage in the Donner area and the DCDC requested that the majority of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds be used for housing rehabilitation and that funds collected through the stormwater management program be used for drainage improvements. Commissioner Weiss suggested that the housing rehabilitation include raising the level of houses but it was felt this would be very expensive. It was pointed out that drainage had to be addressed on a city-wide level but that some areas could be improved through the use of burms or fill dirt. The DCDC indicated they would like to be reimbursed from stormwater management funds for any funds they expended for drainage improvements. Discussion ensued regarding the length of time involved in getting the projects under way and staff and DCDC concurred that projects could be planned earlier so that when funds were received they would be ready to move ahead with construction. Sharette Simpkins indicated she would like to see more aggressive code enforcement in the area to make sure that vacant lots are kept cleared of weeds, rights-of-way are cleaned and old cars and trash removed. She said she had met with Karl Grunewald and he indicated the Donner area could be targeted for intensive code enforcement similar to what they had done in Royal Palms. Commissioner Shaughnessy felt code enforcement was an essential service and encouraged increased enforcement in the Donner area. Commissioner Waters inquired into the zoning in the Donner area and Mr. Gulliford indicated the DCDC would present their recommenda- tions regarding zoning to the City Commission at a later date. Mr. Gulliford indicated the DCDC may in the future be interested in purchasing some of the city-owned houses in the area adjacent to the sewer plant. Mr. Gulliford reported the DCDC was also hoping to acquire additional property in the area but indicated there was a lien on the property and Mayor Fletcher agreed to contact Bill Sheppard, the attorney representing the property owner, in an effort to get the matter resolved. The City Commission indicated they were supportive of the work the DCDC was doing to upgrade the Donner area. They encouraged the DCDC to establish their priorities and indicated they would work with them to help accomplish those goals. There being no further discussion, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned. Mau een Y King, C. t Clbrk A • I-1 1 - I I Donner Community Development Corporation P. 0. Box 626 Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Questions/Request for the City ofAtlantic B each *1. The Donner Community Development Corporation should be involved in the expenditure and prioritizing of the CDBG funds. *2. The DCDC should be made aware of all clear accounting of the expenditures of CDBG funds. *3. A copy of the end statement and expenditures for the CDBG funds for the last 3 years are needed for our records. *4. ;The Project Manager for the DCDC should be in control of specifications for rehabbing the Donner area. *5. Funds from the CDBG funds should not be used for the following projects: A. Reconstruction/improvements to drainage stormwater management system B. Repaving and widening of Francis Avenue C. Construction of sidewalks on Donner Road and Francis Avenue D. Construction for restroom facilities in Jordan Park E. Acquisition of vacant lots to facilitate reconstruction improvements to drainage/storm water management system *6. We would like to know why it takes so long for the CDBG projects to be implemented. We would like to know the specific date when the projects begin. *7. When will sidewalks be constructed and the streets widened on Donner Rd. and Francis Avenue? Will this project be funded by gas tax money? 8. We would like the Code Enforcement Board of Atlantic Beach to address the following in the Donner area: A. Do a comprehensive study and send the results to DCDC B. Submit a written porposal to DCDC on how and when they will take action *CDBG Funds f 4 * 9. Homes rehabbed in 1990/91 were repaired improperly and homeowners are currently having problems. It was an understanding that a portion of the grant monies could be used to rectify the problems. Subsequently, we have been told the funds cannot be used. How can we assist these homeowners to get their homes brought up to standard? 10. The DCDC would like be in the decision making process regarding additional lighting in the Donner area. 11. The Donner Park area East of Mayport RD needs another access out of the neighborhood without using Mayport Road. *CDBG Funds • •