03-16-94 v MINUTES OF THE JOINT MEETING OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION AND ATLANTIC BEACH SOLID WASTE COMMITTEE HELD IN CITY HALL ON WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16, 1994. Commission Members Present: Lyman T. Fletcher, Mayor Steven M. Rosenbloom, Commissioner Suzanne Shaughnessy, Commissioner J. Dezmond Waters, III, Commissioner Robert G. Weiss, Commissioner Solid Waste Committee Members Present: None Staff Members Present: Kim D. Leinbach, City Manager Jim Jarboe, Deputy City Manager Bob Kosoy, Public Works Director Maureen King, City Clerk And: DeWayne Igou of Waste Management, Inc. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Fletcher and a discussion ensued relative to the city' s recycling. The Mayor indicated he would like the program to be expanded to include commercial. He felt that it may be possible to collect a few items such as corrugated cardboard or glass from commercial. DeWayne Igou agreed to work with Bob Kosoy on this. However, he pointed out that if commercial recycling would enable businesses to reduce the size of their dumpsters, this would result in reduced revenue for the city. The Mayor also asked about expanding residential recycling to include paper board such as cereal boxes. Mr. Igou indicated that the equipment used to sort the recyclable materials had become more sophisticated and he felt additional items could be added but he said they could only collect what Jacksonville would accept. Discussion ensued regarding contracting out solid waste collection. It was pointed out that both Jacksonville Beach and Neptune Beach contract out their solid waste collection and Commissioner Shaughnessy felt if other cities could provide a comparable level of service at a lower cost, Atlantic Beach should seriously consider privatizing solid waste collection. Jim Jarboe indicated Bob Kosoy would shortly have a report on the cost of providing the current level of service and the City Commission may be asked to make a decision regarding privatizing the sanitation service. Bob Kosoy provided a breakdown of the amounts and types of solid waste collected for the period 1990 to the present. He indicated that while the volume of sludge and recyclable materials was Page Two Minutes of Joint Meeting with Solid Waste Committee March 16, 1994 somewhat constant, there were tremendous increases in the volume of yard trash and garbage in March. Mr. Igou suggested the city encourage residents to leave grass clippings on their lawns. This would cut down on the volume and the lawns would also benefit. Mr. Igou explained the process used by the City of Jacksonville for turning yard trash into compost and mulch and the Mayor inquired whether it would be feasible for Atlantic Beach to have its own composting system for yard trash and sludge. Mr. Igou felt that while the city was not required to pay tipping fees there would be little financial benefit in building a composting plant. However, in the event the city was required to pay tipping fees, and considering the cost of transportation, this may be an option the city may wish to consider in the future. Mr. Igou agreed to get materials on combining yard trash and sludge so the city may consider this on a long range basis. There being no further discussion, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 8: 55 PM. 0: Maure n King, City ler