03-28-94 vATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION March 28, 1994 AGENDA Call to Order Invocation and pledge to the flag 1. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of March 14, 1994 2. Recognition of Visitors 3. Appearances: a. Presentation of Proclamation declaring April as Parliamentary Emphasis month b. Presentation of Proclamation recognizing National Telecommunicators Week 4. Old Business: a. Public Hearing on proposal to provide additional access to the Donner neighborhood, and discussion relative to funding sources for same b. Appointment of three additional members of Equity Study Commission c. Selection of engineer to provide professional services for the expansion of Buccaneer water plant No. 3 ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE BY THE CITY COMMISSION AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION IN THE FORM LISTED BELOW. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION AND STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS HAVE BEEN PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED TO THE CITY COMMISSION ON THESE ITEMS. 5. Consent Agenda: Acknowledge receipt of Water and Sewer Committee Report #8 6. New Business: a. Authorize funding for additional man-hours for Code Enforcement Officer (Commissioner Shaughnessy) b. Approve entering into contract with JGJ Design Services for redesign of outlet structure for Jasmine Street retention pond c. Approve Final Change Order and Final Pay Request and accept the Buccaneer chlorine contact chamber project as complete d. Approval of Change Order in the Ocean Grove Sewer Line Extension project, increasing the contract by $40,611.50 4 Page Two Agenda - March 14, 1994 7. City Manager Reports and/or Correspondence: a. Report relative to acquisition and usage of property in Section H b. Report relative to computer system upgrade for Police Department 8. Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners, City Attorney and City Clerk: a. Action on City Attorney's recommendation relative to EPA action regarding pH monitoring Adjournment • MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD IN CITY HALL, 800 SEMINOLE ROAD, AT 7:15 p. m. ON MONDAY, MARCH 28, 1994 PRESENT: Lyman T. Fletcher, Mayor Steven Rosenbloom Suzanne Shaughnessy J. Dezmond Waters, III, and Robert G. Weiss,Jr.,Commissioners AO! Kim D. Leinbach, City Manager Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney Maureen King, City Clerk The meeting was called to order by Mayor Fletcher. The invocation offered by Commissioner Shaughnessy was followed by the pledge to the flag. 1. Aooroval of the minutes of the regular meeting of March 14. 1994 Motion: Approve minutes of the regular meeting of March 14, 1994 No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. Aooroval of the minutes of the Strategic Planning Session of March 15. 1994 Motion: Strategic 15, 1994 Approve minutes of the Planning Session of March No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. Aooroval of the minutes of the Joint meeting between the Commission and Solid Waste Committee on March 16. 1994 Motion: Approve minutes of the joint meeting between the Commission and Solid Waste Committee of March 16, 1994 No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. 2. Recognition of Visitors William J. Ryszykow, 535 Royal Palm Drive, referred to the return of hospital tax money and NAME OF COMMRS. ROSENBLOOM SHAUGHNESSY WATERS WEI S S FLETCHER ROSENBLOOM SHAUGHNESSY WATERS WEISS FLETCHER ROSENBLOOM SHAUGHNES SY WATERS WEISS FLETCHER M S O E T C I O O N N D ✓ V O O T T E E D D Y E N S O Page 2 March 28, 1994 i ndi catPd h. felt the ci+i 7Qn_^ R mn,rh should receive the money and that it should not be used for any other purpose. 3. Appearances: a. Presentation of Proclamation declaring April as Parliamentary Emphasis month Maureen King, City Clerk, presented in writing, Proclamation declaring Parliamentary Emphasis month. full April Motion: Approve passage Proclamation declaring April Parliamentary Emphasis month in as of as No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. Mayor Fletcher presented said Proclamation Maureen Fitzpatrick, representative from Fi Coast Parlimentarians. b. Presentation of Proclamation recognizing National Telecommunicator•s Week to rst Maureen King, City Clerk, presented in ful 1 , in writing, Proclamation recognizing National Telecommunicators Week Motion: Approve passage of Proclamation recognizing National Telecommunicators Week No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. Mayor Fletcher presented said Proclamation to David Thompson, Police Chief, who indicated he would present the proclamation to the proper people. 4. Old Business: a. Public Hearing on proposal to provide additional access to the Donner neighborhood, and discussion relative to funding sources for same Mayor Fletcher explained there was an existing right-of-way next to the City's Public Works building but that ingress and egress to the Donner• neighborhood was closed in 1985, and the possibility of utilizing the right-of-way would be V V NAME OF COMMRS. MS Y N ROSENBLOOM SHAUGHNESSY WATERS WEISS FLETCHER ROSENBLOOM SHAUGHNESSY WATERS WEISS FLETCHER X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Page 3 March 28, 1994 V V NAME OF COMMRS. MS Y N J ; tcu nC wciii t u IlC citizens to understand the proposal of Dostie Builders to build single family homes in the Donner area was not the reason the matter was under discussion. The reason to provide the Donner community with an access was to protect and promote the residential character of the city, he added. He explained the city had grown very quickly and he felt that as the city grew to be more dense citizens needed to be able to get along with one another. Mayor Fletcher opened the floor for a public hearing and invited comments from the audience. Samuel Kimball, Member of the Board of Directors, Selva Lakes Association, Inc. and June Morris President of the Board, Selva Linkside Association, Inc., presented the Commission with petitions signed by 170 residents (copy of petitions attached herewith and made a part hereof). Mr. Kimball verbally outlined the points contained in the petition, which indicated the main concern residents had was the potential increase in traffic through their neighborhoods. Whereas many residents spoke against the proposed right-of-way, there were many residents who felt the right-of-way was needed and important. It was suggested that signs indicating "no trucks" and "no thoroughfare" would alleviate heavy traffic conditions. It was determined the right-of-way was closed many years ago to protect the security of the city's sewer plant and it was felt that security still needed to be provided. After discussion, it was explained the city would incur• minimal expense to move a fence which would secure and provide protection to the sewer plant. It was determined the proposed access would decrease by several minutes the time required for emergency vehicles to get to the Donner Community, and would allow children and the elderly access to parks and various facilities in Atlantic Beach. Some residents felt the proposed road would become a through street between Seminole and Mayport Roads and create excess traffic. A potential safety hazard was discussed because the stop signs at intersections along Plaza Street were already too close together, and it was felt more traffic would increase the problem. The Commission agreed to study the possibility of closing off the access from Linkside Drive to Sandpiper Lane East to Page 4 March 28, 1994 p+V , V,e11, mi -"C p+C155I fly uirouyll e I va Lakes and Selva Linkside. William Gulliford, representing the Donner Community Development Corporation (DCDC) indicated he resented comments contained in the petition presented by Selva Linkside and Selva Lakes that he was somehow affiliated with Dostie Builders. He indicated that the DCDC would put up half the funding for the Donner Road construction if the city would match the other half, and that he personally would offer the use of heavy equipment necessary to roll out and spread the temporary gravel surface. Since no one wished to speak further the Mayor closed the Public Hearing. The Commission held an lengthy discussion and it was decided to temporarily open the Donner Road extension, which would pass through city property where the sewer plant was located. It was decided to place limerock on 600 feet of the access and to allow only automobile traffic. It was decided that traffic would be monitored which would give an indication of the vehicular utilization the access. Motion: Open extension on a trial period of which time a conducted V V NAME OF COMMRS. MS Y N ZOSENBLOOM the Donner RoadaATERS SHAUGHNESSY temporary basis for a aEISS six months, during traffic study will be FLETCHER Following discussion, it was decided to appoint a committee of volunteers to sit on an ad hoc committee to study Donner Road over the six month trial period and present its findings. The following people were appointed: Oprah L. Jackson, Elsie Thomas, Sam Kimball, Joyce Freeman, Charlie Williams, Donna Miller, Willie Powell, Mary Jeter, Mary H. Bowman, Mary Dove, Rev. George G. Hartsfield, Barbara Bonner, June Morris, Jerry Sternberg, Gary Row, Lucille Gillyard, Bill Gulliford, Peter Fantagrossi, Sherette Simpkins, and Mr. Terrell. Volunteers were encouraged to serve on the committee and were asked to call the City Clerk's office. unanimously. b. r ri kr,,,vi 1ti.J utid Page 5 March 28, 1994 V V NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN h_ motion cat u r vu Appointment of three additional members of Equity Study Commission It was decided to appoint Mike Borno, Barbara Galloway, and Larry Doren to the Equity Study Commission. Motion: Approve appointment of Mike ROSENBLOOM Borno, Barbara Galloway, and Larry SHAUGHNESSY Doren to the Equity Study Commission WATERS WEISS FLETCHER No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. c. Selection of engineer to provide professional services for the expansion of Buccaneer Water Plant No. 3 Bob Kosoy, Public Works Director, explained oral presentations were made by Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan, Inc. (PBS & J, Inc.), Pitman Hartenstein & Assoc., Inc., and Sims Design Consultants, Inc. at the last Commission meeting for engineering design services for rehabilitation and expansion of the Buccaneer Water Plant No. 3. The Commission decided to defer the matter until tonight's meeting so that they would have an opportunity to study proposals and make a decision. The Commission asked Mr. Kosoy which firm staff recommended, to which Mr. Kosoy explained the original recommendation of staff was Sims Design Consultants, Inc. Although their oral presentation was not strong, Mr. Kosoy added, staff was still in favor of Sims Design Consultants. Motion: Accept recommendation of staff to enter into negotiations with Sims Design Consultants, Inc., as the first choice of the City, for engineering design services for rehabilitation and expansion of the Buccaneer Water Plant No. 3. Commissioner Rosenbloom questioned the need of having oral presentations. It was explained oral presentations provided the Commission with an opportunity to question firms and thus make a ROSENBLOOM SHAUGHNESSY WATERS WEISS FLETCHER x X x x X X X Page o March 28, 1994 V V NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN Atoll Jensen h:a required by Florida Statutes, and the procedure that should be followed was for the Commission, after hearing oral presentations, to rank the firms and ask staff to enter into negotiations. If agreement could not be reached with the top ranked firm, staff would then negotiate with the second ranked firm. The question was called and the vote resulted in 4-1 with Commissioner Rosenbloom voting nay. The motion carried. After discussion, it was decided that if negotiations were not successful with Sims Design Consultants, Inc., that Pitman Hartenstein & Assoc., Inc. would be considered as the city's second choice. Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan, Inc. (PBS & J, Inc.) were considered as the city's third choice. Motion: Accept recommendation of staff to enter into negotiations with Pitman Hartenstein & Assoc., Inc., as the second choice of the City, for engineering design services for rehabilitation and expansion of the Buccaneer Water Plant No. 3. No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. 5. Consent Agenda: a. Acknowledge receipt of Water & Sewer Committee report #8 Water & Sewer Committee report #8 was received as submitted. 6. New Business: a. Authorize funding for additional man-hours for Code Enforcement Officer Commissioner Shaughnessy explained in the past code enforcement was covered by the Building Inspector. Currently the city employs a part-time Code Enforcement Officer but Commissioner Shaughnessy felt there was a need for more active code enforcement. She indicated that from 1991 until 1994 the number of cases had increased from fewer than 100 cases per year to an average of 500 ROSENBLOOM X SHAUGHNESSY X X WATERS X X WEISS X FLETCHER X Page 7 March 28, 1994 =5.46 p:r M ■rT-�rr�—a* t� i err®r c P., �-�Pi f. F t full time attention. Presently the Code Enforcement Officer was working six hours per day and she asked that a full time position be created at Pay Grade #8 at $21,455 per year. It was explained monies were available in the Code Enforcement/Building Inspector budget. Motion: Delete existing part-time Code Enforcement Inspector position and create full-time Code Enforcement Inspector position Commissioner Weiss indicated he was in favor of the position because of the workload involved in code enforcement, and he felt money would be made for the city via fines and liens. Commissioner Waters felt the position should be funded permanently prior to its creation, and he asked that the matter be deferred until Ann Meuse, Finance Director, could explain how the position would be permanently funded. He explained he was not prepared to create a new position without further study. Commissioner Shaughnessy indicated presently the part-time Code Enforcement Officer was being paid $12.00 per hour, and the new rate for a full-time position would be $10.31 per hour plus benefits. Mayor Fletcher indicated it would be possible to allow the part-time position to work two more hours per day, until the permanent, full-time position could be filled. Don Ford, Building Inspector, explained in order to obtain a good insurance rating and possibly save money, it was necessary to have certified people in the Building Department. Karl Grunewald was cerfieid as a building inspector and the creation of the full-time position would insure another certified person would be on hand during absences of the Building Inspector. It was reported the present part-time Code Enforcement Officer collected $7,000 in fines during the past 18 months. Following discussion, it was decided to defer action on the matter until the meeting of April 11, 1994 at which time the Commission will be provided with specific information regarding funding for the proposed full-time Code Enforcement Officer position. V V NAME OF COMMRS. MS Y N ROSENBLOOM SHAUGHNESSY X WATERS WEISS FLETCHER X Page u March 28, 1994 V V NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN Design Services for redesign of outlet structure for Jasmine Street retention pond Bob Kosoy reported that over a period of time tidal action had eroded the embankments that separated the retention pond on Jasmine Street from the marshland area. The St. John's River Water Management District (SJRWMD) was aware of this problem at the retention pond, and, at their last inspection they requested that a design or a redesign be initiated to the existing structure. Mr. Kosoy indicated this would reduce the tidal action and restore the retention basin to its intended purpose, which was to collect stormwater. Three proposals had been received and staff recommended accepting the proposal of JGJ Design Services in the amount of $4,500.00. It was explained a $700 permit modification fee would be paid directly by the City to the SJRWMD. ZOSENBLOOM X Motion: Approve acceptance of 3HAUGHNESSY X X proposal of JGJ Design Services i n'4ATERS X X the amount of $4,500 to redesign the',IEISS X outlet structure for Jasmine Street iLETCHER X Retention Pond A discussion ensued relative to the last paragraph contained in the proposal of JGJ indicating they might have a problem obtaining professional liability insurance. Mr. Kosoy explained JGJ had secured insurance and increased their price accordingly, to $4,500.00. Mr. Kosoy added he felt JGJ would do an excellent job. The question was called and the vote resulted in all ayes. The motion carried unanimously. c. Approve Final Change Order and Final Pay Request and accept the Buccaneer chlorine contact chamber project as complete Bob Kosoy reported the contractor completed all punch list items and submitted a Final Pay Request and Change Order #4. Previously the Commission approved Change Order #1 on August 23, 1993, Change Order #2 on October 11, 1993, and Change Order #3 on November 8, 1993. He recommended approving final pay request and final change order for a total amount of $22,246.54. Page 9 March 28, 1994 moL i cin: Approve final pay request and final change order for a total amount of $22,246.54, final acceptance of the Buccaneer Chlorine Contact Chamber Project No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. d. Approval of Change Order in the Ocean Grove Sewer Line Extension project, increasing the contract by $40,611.50 Bob Kosoy reported a revised quotation was received from John Woody, Inc. on February 3, 1994 for $40,611.50 to install the remaining section of sewer line on Ocean Grove Drive. The price did not include replacement of the trees at 1825 Ocean Grove Drive, only their removal. Mr. Kosoy indicated the Commission rejected a previous change order which would have extended the sewer line from the corner of Seminole Road and 18th Street to the corner of Ocean Grove Drive and 18th Street, where a new home was under construction. Instead, the commission requested that the sewer main be completed on Ocean Grove Drive. The homeowners affected by this new sewer main were part of the Special Assessment. Mr. Kosoy recommended approval of change order for $40,611.50 for sewer extension on Ocean Grove Drive. Motion: Approve change order in the amount of $40,611.50 for sewer extension on Ocean Grove Drive No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. 7. City Manager Reports and/or Correspondence: a. Report relative to acquisition and usage of property in Section H Kim Leinbach, City Manager, provided the Commission with a map indicating property owned by the City and other property which may be available along with assessed values of same. The Commission asked the City Manager to pursue acquiring property. Commissioner Waters suggested selling a small, passive park in North Atlantic Beach and using the money to purchase Section H Property. Mayor V V NAME OF COMMRS. MS Y N ROSENBLOOM X SHAUGHNESSY X X WATERS X WEISS X X FLETCHER X ROSENBLOOM X SHAUGHNESSY X WATERS X X WEISS X X FLETCHER X green space. Page 1u March 28, 1994 v V NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN - savor O' b. Report relative to computer system upgrade for Police Department David Thompson, Police Chief, reported the Police Department was experiencing problems with the computer terminal for the FCIC/NCIC systems. The computer terminal at the Police Department allowed officers to communicate with other departments, receive critical information from State and/or Federal authorities, and many other services. The existing equipment was 14 years old and not compatible with software in Tallahassee. Commission approval was requested to spend $2,765 for replacement equipment.x X X 3HAUGHNESSY X Motion: Approve Police Department.JATERS X expenditure not to exceed $2, 764NEISS X from Investigations money to acquirel,LETCHER X X equipment to accommodate F.C.I.C. upgrades No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. 8. Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners. City Attorney and City Clerk Alan Jensen advised that the EPA had fined the City $17,000.00 due by May 10, 1994. He explained since legal costs could approach the cost of the fine that it would be in the city's best interest not to pursue the matter legally, but to pay the fine. It was explained that in August 1992, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) notified the City that it was in violation of continuous monitoring requirements for the Wastewater Treatment Plant. Subsequently, EPA was advised by the City that the problem was due to lightning strikes, but after documentation provided by the City and numerous efforts by the City Attorney to settle the matter it appeared there was no hope of settlement. Commissioner Rosenbloom felt the matter should be brought to court by the city. ROSENBLOOM X X Motion: Fight EPA fine legally and SHAUGHNESSY X X politically IJATERS X Jt tss X FLETCHER X Page 11 March 28, 1994 .',f+er el___,„:„ : t .,a. .=,, ued not. J1HUC f eyd 1 recourse would be long and costs would be prohibitive that the fine should be paid by the city. The question was called and the vote resulted in 1-4 with Commissioners Shaughnessy, Waters, and Weiss and Mayor Fletcher voting nay. The motion failed. V V NAME OF COMMRS. MSY N After discussion, it was decided to approve payment of fine to the EPA in the amount of $17,000 subject to identifying the source of funds. ROSENBLOOM X Motion: Approve payment of fine to SHAUGHNESSY X X EPA in the amount of $17,000 WATERS X subject to identification of the WEISS X X source of funds FLETCHER X The question was called and the vote resulted in 4-1 with Commissioner Rosenbloom voting nay. The motion carried. Commissioner Shaughnessy inquired concerning a report relative to Dutton Island, to which the City Manager advised the matter was presently under discussion and a report would be forthcoming at a later time. Commissioner Waters announced the American Legion planned to have an employee appreciation dinner May 13, 1994 and he urged everyone to attend. Commissioner Waters suggested advertising in the Beaches Leader for citizens to serve on the Arts and Entertainment Board. Following discussion, it was felt that perhaps this would not be the appropriate avenue to follow. Since there was no further business the Mayor adjourned the meeting at 10:56 p. m. A T T E S T: 7/ t0L,Cllvi MAUR N KING, CIt CLE an T. Fletcher YOR/PRESIDING OFFICER SELVA LINKSIDE NEIGHBORHOOD SELVA LAKES NEIGHBORHOOD 28 March 1994 City Commissioners City of Atlantic Beach Dear Commissioners: Three and a half years ago, on 10 September 1990, over thirty homeowners representing the Selva Lakes and Selva Linkside Associations stood before you to register our opposition to the proposal to cut Donner Road through the south side of the water treatment plant to Sandpiper Lane. At that time then -mayor Gulliford, without calling for a public hearing on the matter, was going ahead with plans when residents of Selva Lakes and Selva Linkside challenged him to justify the road. We made the following points. (1) Was there a demonstrated need for the cut -through road? No. No demonstration was ever offered. Residents of the Donner area had and still have foot and bicycle access to Sandpiper. Possible benefits from a cut -through road were asserted, but it should go without saying that benefit from is not the same as need for. (2) Where were the plans to study the negative impact on traffic, the negative environmental costs, or the negative quality -of -life consequences for the Selva Lakes and Selva Linkside communities of the road? No. There were no such plans. (3) (a) There were no plans to analyze the ways in which the cut - through road would increase traffic, increase noise, and decrease pedestrian safety along Sandpiper Lane and through the residential streets of Selva Linkside Drive, Parkside Drive, and llth street. (b) By his own admission, the mayor was unaware of the fact that city vehicles were using Selva Linkside Drive as a shortcut access route to get to the Public Works yard. (c) There were no plans for replacing the beautiful stand of trees that would have to be cut down to make room for yet another city road and its maintenance. Would there be any benefits for the residents of Selva Linkside and Selva Lakes? Not a single one was proposed, let alone demonstrated. (4) Was there any cost -benefit analysis offered or planned for the expenditure of tax monies on the road? No. (5) Was there any analysis of alternative proposals, such as upgrading the walk-through from Donner Road to Sandpiper, or putting in a second walk-through, or creating a bike -lane down Plaza that would connect with the entire west side rather than with the Donner subdivision alone? No. (6) Was any public hearing scheduled to be held on the matter to solicit the perspective of the residents who would be most affected by the road? No. Residents of Selva Lakes and Selva Linkside found out about the matter when we saw trees being tagged for cutting down and then asked what was going on. We then raised the issue at the next meeting of the commissioners. The issue was conspicuously absent from the agenda for the meeting. Three -and -a -half years later the questions we raised in 1990 have yet to be answered. In fact, it looks like we almost weren't going to get a chance even to raise them. And yet the issues are now even more urgent: (1) There has still been no demonstrated need for the cut -through / road. Benefits from are not need for. (2) The negative consequences of the road are greater today than three -and -a -half years ago. (3) (a) The volume of traffic along Sandpiper Lane, Selva Linkside Drive, Parkside Drive, and llth street has increased substantially. (b) Although when he was Mayor Mr. Gulliford promised to direct city workers not to use Linkside Drive, Parkside Drive, and llth street as a shortcut to the Public Works yard, the volume of truck traffic along those routes has increased. (c) The negative traffic, noise, and safety consequences won't show up on any official price tag, but they are real, tangible, direct, and immediate costs of the road. The proposed road would benefit someone, but it isn't going to be the residents of Selva Lakes and Selva Linkside. (a) According to The Beaches Leader, former mayor Gulliford is now representing the Donner Community Development Corporation, which "has proposed a new housing development in the Donner area which will include both market priced homes and affordable housing. He said Dostie Builders has expressed interest in the development if Atlantic Beach will show good faith and commitment to development by adding another access from downtown Atlantic Beach to the Donner community" (The Beaches Leader, 16 March 1994)." (b) No one would expect a developer to be willing to go into the Donner area and build apartments if he wasn't going to make a profit. Why would anyone expect the residents of Selva Lakes and Selva Linkside to accept the proposed road not only when there is not a single benefit to our neighborhoods but in fact substantial negative impacts? (c) Should a developer's perspective be more important than the perspective of the hundreds (there will be close to units in Selva Linkside and Selva Lakes when the two - ' 3 developments are completed) of people who will be negatively impacted? (4) There still has been no cost -benefit analysis offered or planned for the expenditure of tax monies on the road. (5) There has been no public discussion or analysis of the aforementioned or other alternative proposals for benefitting the west side without disadvantaging other neighborhoods. (6) What do we want in return? Nothing, except to be listened to and treated justly. If Mr. Gulliford wants to talk about good faith to a developer who stands to make a profit, then let's talk about a city's responsibility to residents who aren't even asking for anything in return except not to be told that they must pay for a / road which they don't want and which will be to the irreversible 1/ detriment of their neighborhoods. If Mr. Gulliford wants to talk about fairness to one neighborhood, then let's talk about giving other neighborhoods the same chance for presenting their views that he has insisted the city give to his group and the developer they are backing. The residents of Selva Lakes and Selva Linkside cannot afford to hire a lobbyist to make our case. We have to speak for ourselves. Some of us are able to be physically present before you tonight. But there are many others who are here in name and spirit, as their signatures on the attached petitions testify. We are the ones who will have to live with the consequences of a cut - through road, and we are overwhelmingly opposed to the project. The increase in traffic will have an immediate negative effect on the safety of our neighborhoods and on the overall quality of life. As you are very aware, on the recent straw ballot residents of Atlantic Beach, Neptune Beach, and Jacksonville Beach voted overwhelmingly in favor of creating a new county if Jacksonville did not start treating us fairly. Why is Atlantic Beach engaged in a lawsuit with Jacksonville? Because, as everyone knows, Jacksonville has turned a deaf ear to us and refused to listen in good faith to our legitimate complaints. The residents of Selva Lakes and Selva Linkside have legitimate concerns about the cut -through road and legitimate complaints about not being listened to in the past. That is why we are asking you to listen not just to us but to how you would respond if our roles were reversed and you were in our shoes because it was your neighborhood that was going to pay the consequences. %� Sincerely yours, June Morris President of the Board Selva Linkside Association, Inc. J- S muel Kimball Member of the Board of Directors, Selva Lakes Association, Inc. SELVA LAKES ASSOCIATION, INC P.O. Box 331365, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, OPPOSE THE CUTTING OF AN ACCESS ROAD INTO SANDPIPER LANE. WE BELIEVE THE PROPOSED ACCESS ROAD WILL BE IRREVERSIBLY DETRIMENTAL TO THE SELVA LAKES AND SELVA LINKSIDE NEIGHBORHOODS. THE INCREASE IN THROUGH TRAFFIC AND CONSEQUENT INCREASE IN NOISE (AS WELL AS THE LOSS OF A BEAUTIFUL STAND OF TREES IF DONNER ROAD IS EXTENDED) WILL HAVE AN IMMEDIATE NEGATIVE EFFECT ON THE QUALITY OF OUR NEIGHBORHOODS. ALTHOUGH THE PROPOSED ACCESS ROAD WILL BENEFIT THE DEVELOPER WHO WANTS TO PUT UP NEW UNITS IN THE DONNER AREA, THERE ARE NO BENEFITS TO THE RESIDENTS OF SELVA LAKES AND SELVA LINKSIDE. TO THE CONTRARY, THERE ARE COSTS. THEY WON'T SHOW UP IN THE OFFICIAL PRICE TAG OF THE PROPOSED ROAD, BUT THEY ARE REAL COSTS NEVERTHELESS FOR THE ATLANTIC BEACH RESIDENTS OF SELVA LAKES AND SELVA LINKSIDE, PEOPLE WHO ARE TRYING TO CREATE GOOD HOMES AND ENVIRONMENTS FOR THEIR FAMILIES. 46 Sehd��SG� ��� 0��1� 4..G0' 5-37 .,4,61,e. 4,44, e 2 Y9 -Yr)/ z - (--2/".14 3 Jei,v4e 45i /1/. C. 107 51- 45- / 372. 3zL33 z-/7-.`/70 4/1 S 4- L1 % ! 9./�.-4 Zy> it y3 /0" 1 C - O KY -S C r 4-7/ AK aim,th , 3 3-//1 /& t/ 7,171/ ,sir ,y?,-YFd3 "r62 �.?.( 5e_,q, t ,t Ler kes c irk-cc4,-5'(-y� s'&1-4) 5147( 1S S t -r( 61 4_ 2, I 20,/1 cit. £ . t14,\ -\ ,;(45(,(f -5'_7i2/ `64;( Q, , Los S�/c1A l f9 C it( (6, 0 d 41-14111)*( SELVA LAKES ASSOCIATION, INC P.O. Box 331365, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, OPPOSE THE CUTTING OF AN ACCESS ROAD INTO SANDPIPER LANE. WE BELIEVE THE PROPOSED ACCESS ROAD WILL BE IRREVERSIBLY DETRIMENTAL TO THE SELVA LAKES AND SELVA LINKSIDE NEIGHBORHOODS. THE INCREASE IN THROUGH TRAFFIC AND CONSEQUENT INCREASE IN NOISE (AS WELL AS THE LOSS OF A BEAUTIFUL STAND OF TREES IF DONNER ROAD IS EXTENDED) WILL HAVE AN IMMEDIATE NEGATIVE EFFECT ON THE QUALITY OF OUR NEIGHBORHOODS. ALTHOUGH THE PROPOSED ACCESS ROAD WILL BENEFIT THE DEVELOPER WHO WANTS TO PUT UP NEW UNITS IN THE DONNER AREA, THERE ARE NO BENEFITS TO THE RESIDENTS OF SELVA LAKES AND SELVA LINKSIDE. TO THE CONTRARY, THERE ARE COSTS. THEY WON'T SHOW UP IN THE OFFICIAL PRICE TAG OF THE PROPOSED ROAD, BUT THEY ARE REAL COSTS NEVERTHELESS FOR THE ATLANTIC BEACH RESIDENTS OF SELVA LAKES AND SELVA LINKSIDE, PEOPLE WHO ARE TRYING TO CREATE GOOD HOMES AND ENVIRONMENTS FOR THEIR FAMILIES. 1 x',14, Li V,/, 7 7(42 r (-((„- ')7 (( 6I—f5 Uva � ��XA1�-- a��'�P� l ,f /1 1 �-� � � 1\icki--er 5-03 5-e l/a L$C( 2703 tai �n adS P4A,451 D(4 ..(0 ? a tie, CtiL, - a 41?- d3S 0, 0, vnlok,e_,, 1 � t a-% j(fAinins; L-/ 63/,, c7( 4‘ Co- ,J (/,‘ pb C(3 • 4?3 -1-4/1/F- JCL (ir /1 V7 Jar 4,1 ( j -vu 1 le.rte - ( Iva (, t -es £V . 211-1-064 s"� 2 d ec v A- (1-14(i Cor. 14 3 . l E' Lt - 2 -34.7 6 eA1/41-‘ 1s-0 )1c/ -- %/31 ��1 OC,c) SELVA LAKES ASSOCIATION, INC P.O. Box 331365, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, OPPOSE THE CUTTING OF AN ACCESS ROAD INTO SANDPIPER LANE. WE BELIEVE THE PROPOSED ACCESS ROAD WILL BE IRREVERSIBLY DETRIMENTAL TO THE SELVA LAKES AND SELVA LINKSIDE NEIGHBORHOODS. THE INCREASE IN THROUGH TRAFFIC AND CONSEQUENT INCREASE IN NOISE (AS WELL AS THE LOSS OF A BEAUTIFUL STAND OF TREES IF DONNER ROAD IS EXTENDED) WILL HAVE AN IMMEDIATE NEGATIVE EFFECT ON THE QUALITY OF OUR NEIGHBORHOODS. ALTHOUGH THE PROPOSED ACCESS ROAD WILL BENEFIT THE DEVELOPER WHO WANTS TO PUT UP NEW UNITS IN THE DONNER AREA, THERE ARE NO BENEFITS TO THE RESIDENTS OF SELVA LAKES AND SELVA LINKSIDE. TO THE CONTRARY, THERE ARE COSTS. THEY WON'T SHOW UP IN THE OFFICIAL PRICE TAG OF THE PROPOSED ROAD, BUT THEY ARE REAL COSTS NEVERTHELESS FOR THE ATLANTIC BEACH RESIDENTS OF SELVA LAKES AND SELVA LINKSIDE, PEOPLE WHO ARE TRYING TO CREATE GOOD HOMES AND ENVIRONMENTS FOR THEIR FAMILIES. PCcstivtsz0 c\.. K �m�1zt�G !_3,'fl cc_eHLQ:c1\ aq edel, 1?-3/it ii 575 575 5,3 l ,9C� /1 (774/-6 -/735 eq 'kr 0,-/1 -;667( (D4? 97q9 56-) Sery Zemkesar .5,S7 S�/% Z_66-ergq-/ c27 SPc_vo LP, vc S Crz- . 2C15= go5-7 9.--k-os9 c(Ys 5' �Lt),, tkiu-s c i Ec r , 0 5� ' - 2170z/z S �/ L/`-� ks cj-rle 7 1-Y2-(/ (-4/ C� ; 3'' 7 ��� 5_/( S -e (Li 4. SELVA LAKES ASSOCIATION, INC P.O. Box 331365, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, OPPOSE THE CUTTING OF AN ACCESS ROAD INTO SANDPIPER LANE. WE BELIEVE THE PROPOSED ACCESS ROAD WILL BE IRREVERSIBLY DETRIMENTAL TO THE SELVA LAKES AND SELVA LINKSIDE NEIGHBORHOODS. THE INCREASE IN THROUGH TRAFFIC AND CONSEQUENT INCREASE IN NOISE (AS WELL AS THE LOSS OF A BEAUTIFUL STAND OF TREES IF DONNER ROAD IS EXTENDED) WILL HAVE AN IMMEDIATE NEGATIVE EFFECT ON THE QUALITY OF OUR NEIGHBORHOODS. ALTHOUGH THE PROPOSED ACCESS ROAD WILL BENEFIT THE DEVELOPER WHO WANTS TO PUT UP NEW UNITS IN THE DONNER AREA, THERE ARE NO BENEFITS TO THE RESIDENTS OF SELVA LAKES AND SELVA LINKSIDE. TO THE CONTRARY, THERE ARE COSTS. THEY WON'T SHOW UP IN THE OFFICIAL PRICE TAG OF THE PROPOSED ROAD, BUT THEY ARE REAL COSTS NEVERTHELESS FOR THE ATLANTIC BEACH RESIDENTS OF SELVA LAKES AND SELVA LINKSIDE, PEOPLE WHO ARE TRYING TO CREATE GOOD HOMES AND ENVIRONMENTS FOR THEIR FAMILIES. AtiR7/^/ Q\CVAI\kWOM CSO'&k feA,s (,rc 27 -2777 5'; Fell Can 1Keki e, Aoc t �C(buia-41/-- 104-3 13, Oki 41 -g S¢ AE'.k ote ",c D 1:55 Sava c,? -10 -VI -- I( -V-/( ,. ��•CI Jkltrtf lcS1 Si? (It)) 270 g� (A) ( C4 C67 Se(L4[e5 44,c(E - ( 561 Se L ( SELVA LAKES ASSOCIATION, INC P.O. Box 331365, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, OPPOSE THE CUTTING OF AN ACCESS ROAD INTO SANDPIPER LANE. WE BELIEVE THE PROPOSED ACCESS ROAD WILL BE IRREVERSIBLY DETRIMENTAL TO THE SELVA LAKES AND SELVA LINKSIDE NEIGHBORHOODS. THE INCREASE IN THROUGH TRAFFIC AND CONSEQUENT INCREASE IN NOISE (AS WELL AS THE LOSS OF A BEAUTIFUL STAND OF TREES IF DONNER ROAD IS EXTENDED) WILL HAVE AN IMMEDIATE NEGATIVE EFFECT ON THE QUALITY OF OUR NEIGHBORHOODS. ALTHOUGH THE PROPOSED ACCESS ROAD WILL BENEFIT THE DEVELOPER WHO WANTS TO PUT UP NEW UNITS IN THE DONNER AREA, THERE ARE NO BENEFITS TO THE RESIDENTS OF SELVA LAKES AND SELVA LINKSIDE. TO THE CONTRARY, THERE ARE COSTS. THEY WON'T SHOW UP IN THE OFFICIAL PRICE TAG OF THE PROPOSED ROAD, BUT THEY ARE REAL COSTS NEVERTHELESS FOR THE ATLANTIC BEACH RESIDENTS OF SELVA LAKES AND SELVA LINKSIDE, PEOPLE WHO ARE TRYING TO CREATE GOOD HOMES AND ENVIRONMENTS FOR THEIR FAMILIES. --3-1/10- 1)%2e'-' ,.._<-3 2dr:-6,'-1, 16z1/' i 4-41 . 465/ '1--t-e-t-e_.--,),4y`- yys7 j2,e i /0002 4 427i -/.6-..2 O _ (14 , $ -6° i Z 6 L A/6ear J1 j a'"-',5" 1- 1/11,az,/j/14/44, /72( 6 /6-v;.Q by 5 � (276- 0035 ay P ---o6 a- [ (b693 - 4 , IDS( &(71,41_ teri-y TLmrTc ?r---4-1 2*S77/ ' 0 r 1 d j vo.nt si 24-6-$7, 74/4--)c c7 1'3 5 Os,Dre l )f ate. )5 SELVA LAKES ASSOCIATION, INC P.O. Box 331365, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, OPPOSE THE CUTTING OF AN ACCESS ROAD INTO SANDPIPER LANE. WE BELIEVE THE PROPOSED ACCESS ROAD WILL BE IRREVERSIBLY DETRIMENTAL TO THE SELVA LAKES AND SELVA LINKSIDE NEIGHBORHOODS. THE INCREASE IN THROUGH TRAFFIC AND CONSEQUENT INCREASE IN NOISE (AS WELL AS THE LOSS OF A BEAUTIFUL STAND OF TREES IF DONNER ROAD IS EXTENDED) WILL HAVE AN IMMEDIATE NEGATIVE EFFECT ON THE QUALITY OF OUR NEIGHBORHOODS. ALTHOUGH THE PROPOSED ACCESS ROAD WILL BENEFIT THE DEVELOPER WHO WANTS TO PUT UP NEW UNITS IN THE DONNER AREA, THERE ARE NO BENEFITS TO THE RESIDENTS OF SELVA LAKES AND SELVA LINKSIDE. TO THE CONTRARY, THERE ARE COSTS. THEY WON'T SHOW UP IN THE OFFICIAL PRICE TAG OF THE PROPOSED ROAD, BUT THEY ARE REAL COSTS NEVERTHELESS FOR THE ATLANTIC BEACH RESIDENTS OF SELVA LAKES AND SELVA LINKSIDE, PEOPLE WHO ARE TRYING TO CREATE GOOD HOMES AND ENVIRONMENTS FOR THEIR FAMILIES. 01\c_Q__ Z.1,471( (11,a, ‘\(3 '36)1544, L6)ait-v4--14 \-)1-771)"c__ Arff X4474 „-t S- -Pitl ca, 1(2f 5 7J 3 t)s Wet.' Ks/ 1?0 10,1 K;4 0/ 16-y 0 '74717 C 7 '131 t et.i./L L�t(.0 cc., l� SELVA LAKES ASSOCIATION, INC P.O. Box 331365, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, OPPOSE THE CUTTING OF AN ACCESS ROAD INTO SANDPIPER LANE. WE BELIEVE THE PROPOSED ACCESS ROAD WILL BE IRREVERSIBLY DETRIMENTAL TO THE SELVA LAKES AND SELVA LINKSIDE NEIGHBORHOODS. THE INCREASE IN THROUGH TRAFFIC AND CONSEQUENT INCREASE IN NOISE (AS WELL AS THE LOSS OF A BEAUTIFUL STAND OF TREES IF DONNER ROAD IS EXTENDED) WILL HAVE AN IMMEDIATE NEGATIVE EFFECT ON THE QUALITY OF OUR NEIGHBORHOODS. ALTHOUGH THE PROPOSED ACCESS ROAD WILL BENEFIT THE DEVELOPER WHO WANTS TO PUT UP NEW UNITS IN THE DONNER AREA, THERE ARE NO BENEFITS TO THE RESIDENTS OF SELVA LAKES AND SELVA LINKSIDE. TO THE CONTRARY, THERE ARE COSTS. THEY WON'T SHOW UP IN THE OFFICIAL PRICE TAG OF THE PROPOSED ROAD, BUT THEY ARE REAL COSTS NEVERTHELESS FOR THE ATLANTIC BEACH RESIDENTS OF SELVA LAKES AND SELVA LINKSIDE, PEOPLE WHO ARE TRYING TO CREATE GOOD HOMES AND ENVIRONMENTS FOR THEIR FAMILIES. 04.4 W7 ef- /5 /3 c2 `' cog* 77ZeZr, -,&/(ft„ act eA4 002(1, ✓#/ 9 7d}" f 291- 1117.1 4 1(s17, '.� 3y6-fs5id z47-757.5 Sp y 17. - , 2'gZ ,a-chZe_ /f02e4-1 4.5z • a Gt. 6 SELVA LAKES ASSOCIATION, INC P.O. Box 331365, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, OPPOSE THE CUTTING OF AN ACCESS ROAD INTO SANDPIPER LANE. WE BELIEVE THE PROPOSED ACCESS ROAD WILL BE IRREVERSIBLY DETRIMENTAL TO THE SELVA LAKES AND SELVA LINKSIDE NEIGHBORHOODS. THE INCREASE IN THROUGH TRAFFIC AND CONSEQUENT INCREASE IN NOISE (AS WELL AS THE LOSS OF A BEAUTIFUL STAND OF TREES IF DONNER ROAD IS EXTENDED) WILL HAVE AN IMMEDIATE NEGATIVE EFFECT ON THE QUALITY OF OUR NEIGHBORHOODS. ALTHOUGH THE PROPOSED ACCESS ROAD WILL BENEFIT THE DEVELOPER WHO WANTS TO PUT UP NEW UNITS IN THE DONNER AREA, THERE ARE NO BENEFITS TO THE RESIDENTS OF SELVA LAKES AND SELVA LINKSIDE. TO THE CONTRARY, THERE ARE COSTS. THEY WON'T SHOW UP IN THE OFFICIAL PRICE TAG OF THE PROPOSED ROAD, HUT THEY ARE REAL COSTS NEVERTHELESS FOR THE ATLANTIC REACH RESIDENTS OF SELVA LAKES AND SELVA LINKSIDE, PEOPLE WHO ARE TRYING TO CREATE GOOD HOMES AND ENVIRONMENTS FOR THEIR FAMILIES. P4a//-er-e,3 c5e/ 4-614A75,5 2/ e4 k / /44. 1,71' /daL iyAvo- 63a id/ (cam PC,,e1Ati SELVA LAKES ASSOCIATION, INC P.O. fax 331365, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, OPPOSE THE CUTTING OF AN ACCESS ROAD INTO SANDPIPER LANE. WE BELIEVE THE PROPOSED ACCESS ROAD WILL BE IRREVERSIBLY DETRIMENTAL TO THE SELVA LAKES AND SELVA LINKSIDE NEIGHBORHOODS. THE INCREASE IN THROUGH TRAFFIC AND CONSEQUENT INCREASE IN NOISE (AS WELL AS THE LOSS OF A BEAUTIFUL STAND OF TREES IF DONNER ROAD IS EXTENDED) WILL HAVE AN IMMEDIATE NEGATIVE EFFECT ON THE QUALITY OF OUR NEIGHBORHOODS. ALTHOUGH THE PROPOSED ACCESS ROAD WILL BENEFIT THE DEVELOPER WHO WANTS TO PUT UP NEW UNITS IN THE DONNER AREA, THERE ARE NO BENEFITS TO THE RESIDENTS OF SELVA LAKES AND SELVA LINKSIDE. TO THE CONTRARY, THERE ARE COSTS. THEY WON'T SHOW UP IN THE OFFICIAL PRICE TAG OF THE PROPOSED ROAD, BUT THEY ARE REAL COSTS NEVERTHELESS FOR THE ATLANTIC BEACH RESIDENTS OF SELVA LAKES AND SELVA LINKSIDE, PEOPLE WHO ARE TRYING TO CREATE GOOD HOMES AND ENVIRONMENTS FOR THEIR FAMILIES. L-0,4 (rr.( Ot‘tecle- 2 i- e& 'j WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, OPPOSE THE CUTTING OF AN ACCESS ROAD INTO SANDPIPER LANE. WE FEEL IT WOULD BE DETRIMENTAL TO SELVA LINKSIDE DUE TO EXCESS TRAFFIC THAT WOULD BE CREATED. IT WOULD RESULT IN A CUT -THROUGH BETWEEN MAYPORT ROAD AND SEMINOLE ROAD AND THIS ADDED TRAFFIC WOULD ,FFECT THE SAFETY OF OUR SUBDIVISION. filar;' l/,0/_ A-cv, -(I.-? I L('GaC4- //ted, Lv ////�Lr:� Ci GU % tie.C*,CA%. it(� f ). 1 I2 1 (,inksi J Qf• (A 1. �aPC.1Ue44 ti 117 Z LI4' )/P( CT ! ! d -L/ ti,l 1(...1 I C T . Li) licS-L/L1445.1r( t7 (A 01-) '=-J, ' '`h1P dpi zAiv" k. 7a5-62 i ,;(-4.1040,e4, //83 /iveDJE //X Ali Li'vt 54-e a IV //c7. H2 3 t;,. �. �:�a C:t-, 63. /103i& X11 1 ' 13 ,SwN bt'I P6 z L4 J� 1113 Q i e e. WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, OPPOSE THE CUTTING OF AN ACCESS ROAD INTO SANDPIPER LANE. WE FEEL IT WOULD BE DETRIMENTAL TO SELVA LINKSIDE DUE TO EXCESS TRAFFIC THAT WOULD BE CREATED. IT_ WOULD RESULT INA CUT -THROUGH BETWEEN MAYPORT ROAD AND SEMINOLE'-ROAD AND THIS ADDED TRAFFIC WOULD EFFECT THE SAFETY OF OUR SUBDIVISION. 7/33/1/a412& &dc/AzAsj C/E- tinkgio _ilotLiAtilila6r6 1457 !L 1 Z:i--Z WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, OPPOSE THE CUTTING OF AN ACCESS ROAD INTO SANDPIPER LANE. WE FEEL IT WOULD BE DETRIMENTAL TO SELVA LINKSIDE DUE TO EXCESS TRAFFIC THAT WOULD BE CREATED. IT WOULD RESULT IN A CUT—THROUGH BETWEEN MAYPORT ROAD AND SEMINOLE ROAD AND THIS ADDED TRAFFIC WOULD EFFECT THE SAFETY OF OUR SUBDIVISION. Narr. Ziz 1 n.g, eiv. PYv\ a. �.. btA:447..,; AAL-Nn -J107es // 93 1/a0/Pe' cr E. l/ 3 0� e WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, OPPOSE THE CUTTING OF AN ACCESS ROAD INTO SANDPIPER LANE. WE FEEL IT WOULD BE DETRIMENTAL TO SELVA LINKSIDE DUE TO EXCESS TRAFFIC THAT WOULD BE CREATED. IT WOULD RESULT IN A CUT -THROUGH BETWEEN MAYPORT ROAD AND SEMINOLE ROAD AND THIS ADDED TRAFFIC WOULD EFFECT THE SAFETY OF OUR SUBDIVISION. Nri)F 724'dare;s 041(2.4u;LA- C&:01a- A)(Dis) __&tedit 4.7ch /oys�n_ r/ >eViti D WAIT A4 MOIG1 9,.-. - IA^ kvt. •sem L' . A�►.1-Pkv•-� /' AAA .01 /00 V r '? /f76 2 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, OPPOSE THE CUTTING OF AN ACCESS ROAD INTO SANDPIPER LANE. WE FEEL IT WOULD BE DETRIMENTAL TO SELVA LINKSIDE DUE TO EXCESS TRAFFIC THAT WOULD BE CREATED. IT WOULD RESULT IN A CUT—THROUGH BETWEEN MAYPORT ROAD AND SEMINOLE ROAD AND THIS ADDED TRAFFIC WOULD EFFECT THE SAFETY OF OUR SUBDIVISION. (0g/A) 1195 3 N7,/ ) f,ar i*Met /.,,," v /'6i L/ NrOh crPr Imo diedgeLfzdtl_E /7"7/y7 �/ 47711,71/77c -too (S.CH- t=`. v] I -tai h(&rc.CG) F'l )3) 11 /1 Cd -92 .�� lin z z 5;7"19,),6?-t_z"J C i._4../j/�G