04-06-94 v MINUTES OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING AS A COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE IN CITY HALL ON WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6, 1994 Present were: Lyman T. Fletcher, Mayor Steven M. Rosenbloom Suzanne Shaughnessy J. Dezmond Waters, III, and Robert G. Weiss, Jr. , Commissioners And: Kim D. Leinbach, City Manager Maureen King, City Clerk The meeting, which was being held for the purpose of deciding on a format to be used at the proposed pre-budget community meetings, was called to order by Mayor Fletcher. The Mayor explained that questions regarding a format and whether the presentations at the pre-budget meetings should be made by staff or the by City Commission, had been raised at the strategic planning session the previous week. Discussion ensued and it was felt that staff would be better equipped to provide the information and to make a presentation on the realities of the budget; however, it was felt that attendance would probably be low if the City Commission was not involved. Following further discussion the Commission agreed to abandon the idea of holding community meetings since it was felt that the city' s purpose would best be served by holding a town meeting in City Hall and making sure that this meeting was well publicized so that it would be well attended. There being no further discussion, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 8:40 PM. Maureen King, Cit Clerrk MINUTES OF THE JOINT MEETING OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION AND PENSION BOARD OF TRUSTEES HELD IN CITY HALL ON APRIL 6, 1994. City Commission Members Present: Lyman T. Fletcher, Mayor Steven M. Rosenbloom Suzanne Shaughnessy J. Dezmond Waters, III Robert G. Weiss Pension Board Members Present: Richard E. White John Fletcher Stuart Hicks Don C. Ford Joseph P. Garvin Staff Present: Kim D. Leinbach, City Manager Maureen King, City Clerk The meeting was called to order by Mayor Fletcher who explained the City Commission was trying to meet with each board and committee of the city to acquaint themselves of the duties and responsibilities of the various groups, to understand their goals and objectives, and to work with each group as far as possible to accomplish those goals. The meeting opened with a discussion on the role of the Pension Board and Richard White indicated the Pension Board was the guardian of the pension funds. The Pension Board also approved retirements, subject to their meeting the criteria provided in the city code. He explained the composition of the Pension Board and indicated that the board made recommendations to the City Commission relative to pension benefits. Commissioner Rosenbloom felt the board should also represent the beneficiaries. Commissioner Rosenbloom explained a change in the Florida law regarding pension plans but Richard White indicated that since the Atlantic Beach plan was in place prior to the change, it was not required to comply with state law. It was explained that Sun Bank managed the pension funds and Merrill Lynch monitored their performance and made quarterly reports to the Pension Board. The city' s plan always ranked in the top 10% of pension funds and the fund had experienced an average annual growth rate of 11% in the six year period that Sun Bank had been managing the funds. Mayor Fletcher requested that the City Commission receive copies of the quarterly reports and any other pertinent documents. Page Two Minute of Joint Meeting of City Commission & Pension Board April 6, 1994 Richard White explained that at a meeting held earlier that evening, the pension board had endorsed the concept of introducing a cafeteria plan which he felt would be beneficial to both the city and the employees. Don Ford reported he had recently conducted a survey among city employees and the majority of those responding requested that Social Security benefits no longer be a consideration when estimating pension payments. Fire Dept. Lt. Hill inquired regarding the insurance surtax rebate which was received annually from the state and Richard White explained this was a tax levied by the city and was used to fund additional pension benefits for public safety employees. The Mayor thanked the board members for the work they do and offered to work with them any way he could. There being no further discussion the meeting was adjourned at 8: 05 PM. Maur en King, City CleYk