04-11-94 v 0 ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION April 11, 1994 AGENDA Call to Order Invocation and pledge to the flag 1 . Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of March 28 1994 2. Recognition of Visitors 3. Old Business: a. Approve deletion of part-time code enforcement officer position and creation of full-time Code Enforcement Officer position (Commissioner Shaughnessy) ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE BY THE CITY COMMISSION AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION IN THE FORM LISTED BELOW. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION AND STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS HAVE BEEN PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED TO THE CITY COMMISSION ON THESE ITEMS. 4. Consent Agenda: a. Acknowledge receipt of Water and Sewer Committee Report #9 b. Acknowledge receipt of Parks & Recreation facilities usage report for March 1994 5. Action on Resolutions: a. Adoption of Resolution No. 94-12 supporting the restoration of the American Red Cross Volunteer Life Saving Corps Station 6. New Business: a. Appointment of members of the Arts & Entertainment Advisory Board b. Approval to submit application for participation in 19th year Community Development Block Grant program (George Worley) c. Action on request for Atlantic Beach to share in the cost of the fireworks display in Jacksonville Beach on July 4th (Mayor Fletcher) 7. City Manager Reports and/or Correspondence: 8 . Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners, City Attorney and City Clerk: Adjournment V V O O MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF ATLANTIC BEACH T T CITY COMMISSION HELD IN CITY HALL, 800 SEMINOLE E E ROAD, AT 7 : 15 p. m. ON MONDAY, APRIL 11 , 1994 D D PRESENT: Lyman T. Fletcher, Mayor M S Steven Rosenbloom 0 E Suzanne Shaughnessy T C J . Dezmond Waters, III , and I O Y Robert G. Weiss, Jr. ,Commissioners NAME OF ONEN AND : Kim D . Leinbach, City Manager COMMRS. N D S 0 Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney Maureen King, City Clerk The meeting was called to order by Mayor Fletcher . The invocation offered by Commissioner Shaughnessy was followed by the pledge to the flag. 1 . Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of March 28, 1994 ROSENBLOOM X Motion: Approve minutes of the WATERHNESSY X X regular meeting of March 28, 1994 EISRS X X WEISS No discussion before the vote . The motion carried FLETCHER X unanimously. Approval of the minutes of the Workshop Meeting to Discuss Traffic and Parking of March 15 , 1994 ROSENBLOOM X X Motion: Approve minutes of the SHAUGHNESSY X Workshop Meeting of March 15 , 1994 WATERS x x WEISS No discussion before the vote . The motion carried FLETCHER X unanimously. Approval of the minutes of the Strategic Planning Session of March 29 , 1994 Motion: Approve minutes of the ROSENBLOOM X Strategic Planning Session of March SHAUGHNESSY X X 29 , 1994 WATERS X X WEISS No discussion before the vote . The motion carried FLETCHER X unanimously. 2 . Recognition of Visitors William J . Ryszykow, 535 Royal Palm Drive, questioned why it was necessary for the Police Chief to solicit funds for the City' s Swat Team. Page 2 April 11 , 1994 v V NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN Kim Leinbach, city Manager, was asked to research the matter and report to the Commission. J. P. Marchioli, 414 Sherry Drive, referred to the city' s traffic situation and suggested that, in an effort to encourage safe driving and in lieu of speed bumps, the city have a "Safe Driving Month. " For example , he suggested giving a safety award to the most courteous driver of the month, and having the name of the person receiving the award published in the Newsletter. Mayor Fletcher thanked Mr. Marchioli for the information he provided and he asked the Parking Committee to study the matter. 3 . Old Business: a. Approve deletion of part-time code enforcement officer position and creation of full-time Code Enforcement Officer position ROSENBLOOM X Motion: Delete existing part-time SHAUGHNESSY x x Code Enforcement Inspector position WATERS x and create full-time Code WEISS X x Enforcement Inspector position FLETCHER X Commissioner Shaughnessy explained in the past code enforcement was covered by the Building Inspector. Currently the city employed a part-time Code Enforcement Officer but it was felt there was a need for more active code enforcement . It was explained the rate of pay for the full time position was $10 . 31 per hour and monies were available in the Code Enforcement/Building Inspector budget . Don Ford, Building Inspector, explained in order to obtain a good insurance rating and reduce insurance rates to residents , it was necessary to have certified people in the Building Department. Karl Grunewald was certified as a building inspector and the creation of the full-time position would insure another certified person would be on hand during absences of the Building Inspector. Reference was made to the time when the city would be built to capacity and if there would be a need for a full-time code enforcement inspector, to which Don Ford explained when cities were built to capacity homeowners resorted to remodeling and • Page 3 April 11 , 1994 V V NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN -- -- — -- --------- - —;----- =ions a n. code enforcement usually did not decrease . The question was called and the motion carried unanimously . 4+ Consent Agenda :_ a . Acknowledge receipt of Water and Sewer Committee Report #9 b . Acknowledge receipt of Parks & Recreation facilities usage report for March , 1994 Commissioner Waters asked that Consent Agenda Item a be removed from the Consent Agenda . a . Acknowledge receipt of Water and Sewer Committee Report #9 Commissioner Waters referred to Item c relative to the state revolving fund load from the Department of Environmental Protection (D . E . P . ) and he asked why it was necessary to have Ann Meuse , Finance Director , review the current D . E . P . rates versus other loan rates , and advise whether the city should continue its pursuit of D . E . P . loan funds . Mayor Fletcher explained interest rates had increased since the city began making inquiries and it was felt every effort should be made to insure the best financial decision would be made when the city was ready to pursue securing a loan . ROSENBLOOM X SHAUGHNESSY X Motion : Approve Consent Agenda WATERS X X Items a and b WEISS X X The question was called and the motion carried FLETCHER X unanimously . 5 . Action on Resolutions : a . Resolution No. 94- 12 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH , FLORIDA, IN SUPPORT OF THE RESTORATION OF THE AMERICAN RED CROSS VOLUNTEER LIFE SAVING CORPS STATION Mayor Fletcher presented in full , in writing , Resolution No . 94- 12 . ROSENBLOOM X Motion : Approve passage of SHAUGHNESSY X X Resolution 94- 12 WATERS X X WEISS X FLETCHER X Page 4 April 11 , 1994 V V NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN No discussion before the vote . The motion carried unanimously . 6 . New Business : a . Appointment of members of the Arts & Entertainment Advisory Board Mayor Fletcher reported seven people had indicated their desire to serve on the Arts & Entertainment Advisory Board , as follows : Carson Merry Baillie , Iva Larson Coplan , Betsy Barrett , Barbara Benisch , Alice Gartland , Gary A. Rhodes , and Sarah See . Commissioner Waters nominated Kay Kauffman and Fran Phelps to serve on the Board Mayor Fletcher explained it was his normal practice to interview each individual that had been nominated . Commissioner Rosenbloom suggested allowing the nine applicants to serve on the board . A discussion ensued and Alan Jensen explained if it was the desire of the Commission to expand the board from seven members to nine members it would be necessary to amend the existing resolution . ROSENBLOOM X X Motion : Expand the membership on SHAUGHNESSY X the Arts & Entertainment Advisory WATERS X Board from seven members to nine WEISS X X members FLETCHER X It was decided to place the amended resolution on the agenda for action at the meeting of April 25 , 1994 . The question was called and the motion carried unanimously . b . Approval to submit application for participation in 19th year Community Development Block Grant program. George Worley , City Planner , presented the Staff proposal for the CDBG budget for 1994/95 budget year (proposal dated April 4 , 1994 is attached hereto and made a part hereof) . Mr . Worley offered to answer questions and he advised the Commission that the City of Jacksonville was no longer limiting requests to a certain amount of money . Page 5 April 11 , 1994 V V NAME OF COMMRS. MS Y N Motion: Approval of the proposed ROSENBLOOM X CDBG budget and authorization to SHAUGHNESSY X proceed with the application WATERS X X WEISS X No discussion before the vote . The motion carried FLETCHER X X unanimously . c . Action on request for Atlantic Beach to share in the cost of the fireworks display in Jacksonville Beach on July 4 , 1994 . Mayor Fletcher reported that he had met with mayors from beaches communities and it was explained that if Jacksonville Beach was able to increase their budget they would be able to have a better quality of fireworks . He felt the firework display was a basic part of our society and he recommended supporting the firework display by donating $ 1 , 000 to Jacksonville Beach . Motion : Donate $ 1 , 000 . 00 from the ROSENBLOOM X Commission Contingency Fund to the SHAUGHNESSY X City of Jacksonville Beach to be WATERS X used for the July 4th fireworks WEISS X X display FLETCHER X X Under discussion , it was explained that liability would not be a problem since Atlantic Beach would not be a participant in the event but merely a doner of money . Commissioner Shaughnessy inquired concerning the Code of the City and whether is was proper to donate to the fireworks display , and it was explained since this was not a charitable contribution it would not be a violation of the city ' s code . The question was called and the motion carried unanimously . 7 . City Manager Reports and/or Correspondence : Kim Leinbach, City Manager , asked Don Ford , Building Official , to report concerning the status of the Public Safety Building . Mr . Ford indicated he had concerns relative to the steel posts and steel overhead and that he sent plans to an individual engineer to review. He suggested pilings should be tested for load bearing capacity , and he explained the building had incredible understructure because pilings were sixteen feet under ground . He added the only Page 6 April 11 , 1994 V V NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN problems with the building were of a superficial nature . Commissioner Waters suggested reinforcement might be necessary because of high winds that might occur . Mr . Ford explained it would be possible to cut $ 10 , 000 from the price of the structure and also to provide more space if it was determined the steel posts could be eliminated . Mayor Fletcher appointed Commissioner Weiss to work with Don Ford and Chief Rew to study the matter . Commissioner Rosenbloom indicated he had been contacted by several people who would like to beautify the city ' s accesses and he inquired if the city would provide water . After discussion , it was decided that those who wished to beautify accesses should contact the City Manager who indicated every effort would be made to work with citizens to provide water to landscaped accesses . Barbara Bonner inquired if the beautification of accesses would interfere with existing parking spaces , to which it was explained this would not effect parking . Ms . Bonner felt the accesses should be beautified , but that parking should not be disturbed . Commissioner Rosenbloom reported he had been contacted by two citizens who lived on Beach Avenue concerning obtaining city sewer . He reported one citizen was having his septic tank pumped out every three months . Under discussion it was explained by Bob Kosoy , Public Works Director , that a public hearing had been held in 1991 for the purpose of obtaining citizen input concerning installing water and sewer lines on Beach Avenue and at that time citizens were opposed to going ahead with the project based on the high cost . He indicated the original plan would have been funded by a $ 100 per foot assessment on a property ' s street front footage . Individual assessments would cost approximately $5 , 000 to $7 , 000 which could be paid by installment . He added there was an existing permit that was scheduled to expire in 1994 and that he had called Gee & Jensen to review the matter and to advise exactly when the permit would expire . He reported he would try to get the permit extended , but if the permit expired it would cost approximately $ 1 , 000 to extend it . He Page 7 April 1 1 , 1994 V V NAME OF COMMAS. MS Y N r- pur Leel Ll,e pr u jec L encompassed a five block area , from 15th Street to 20th Street on Beach Avenue . Mr . Kosoy was instructed to pursue determining when the permit would expire . Mayor Fletcher indicated although it would be inconvenient and costly to install sewer and water lines , it was the most efficient way to run the city . He referred the matter to the Water and Sewer Committee who will study the matter and report back to the Commission . Commissioner Weiss referred to a parcel of land on the corner of Mayport Road and Atlantic Boulevard owned by James T. Tresca which entailed approximately seven and one-half acres of land bordering the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway . Commissioner Weiss felt the parcel could be used as a city park , and he asked the commission for authorization to obtain a survey and appraisal . He felt it might be possible to trade property that the city owned to purchase the parcel . ROSENBLOOM Motion : Expend funds not to exceed SHAUGHNESSY x $4 , 000 to purchase appraisal and WATERS survey on land located on the corner WEISS X • of Mayport Road and Atlantic FLETCHER Boulevard owned by James T. Tresca Alan Jensen , City Attorney , advised since the matter was not an agenda item it was not proper to take action . Commissioner• Weiss withdrew his motion and the matter will be placed on the agenda of April 25 , 1994 for action . The City Manager• was asked to provide information regarding availability of funds . Commissioner• Shaughnessy inquired as to when the restr•ooms in Jordan Park would be completed . It was explained restrooms should be completed within a week and the City Manager advised he would look into the matter and advise the Commission . Mayor Fletcher advised he would like to hold a joint meeting between the Code Enforcement Board and the Commission . Maureen King , City Clerk , was asked to coordinate the meeting . Mayor Fletcher• advised he and other beaches ' mayors met with the Metropolitan Planning Organization and the Department of Tr•anspor•tation (D .O.T. ) . He reported the D .O. T. would be Page 8 April 1 1 , 1994 V V NAME OF changing the timing of lights to a more COMMRS. MSYN satisfactory interval at Atlantic Rculevard and Third Street and also Mayport Road . Commissioner Weiss asked the Mayor to explore the possibility of a pedestrian crossover being built across Mayport Road . Mayor Fletcher commended Commissioner Waters concerning a letter he mailed to the newspaper relative to saving Fletcher Middle School from being demolished . After discussion , it was decided to place a resolution which will be prepared by the Beaches Historical Society on the agenda of April 25 , 1994 . Mayor Fletcher asked for citizens to volunteer to clean bricks for the town center project . He reported the next phase of the project would be ready to begin within the next two weeks . Commissioner Waters announced the American Legion planned to have an employee appreciation dinner May 13 , 1994 and he urged everyone to attend . Since there was no further business the Mayor adjourned the meeting at 8 : 37 p . m. AoK 141110101Ir Air "ran T. Fletcher "ran Presiding Officer A E S T : Maur:en King , C ty •' erk CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM : 1994/95 CDBG Budget Proposal /� SUBMITTED BY : George Worley , Community Development Director �-7 Gfi �— DATE: April 4 , 1994 BACKGROUND: Attached is the Staff proposal for the CDBG budget for 1994/95 budget year . This proposal has been reviewed by the Donner CDC ( In fact they used this proposal to assist in the formulation of their on application for CDBG funds ) . Our proposal includes several ideas recommended by the CDC such as contracting for a temporary project supervisor to assist us in preparing specifications and coordinating contractors . The majority of this years funds is allocated to housing rehabilitation with a smaller allocation for Code Enforcement related activities ( lot clearing and demolition ) . This proposed budget is well coordinated with the Donner CDC proposal so that we can maximize the benefit to the target area. The DCDC is concentrating on acquisition of land for future development and improvements to residential units not qualified under our program. RECOMMENDATION : Staff recommends approval of the proposed budget and authorization to proceed . ATTACHMENTS : 1 ) Proposed budget applica on. / • REVIEWED BY CITY MANAGER 41 / /_ AGENDA ITEM NO. III. PROJECT SUMMARY (See Example - Attachment A) A. NARRATIVE 1. Statement of Need: Briefly describe the proposed project, include details of problem, citing statistics, lack of existing programs to meet need; show evidence of demand, specific group which would benefit, other details which demonstrate a community need. (Attach a map showing area to be served, if applicable. ) This is an on-going revitalization project designed to implement a Revitalization Plan adopted by Atlantic Beach in 1990. The prin- ciple focus of this effort has been the rehabilitation of elderly/ handicapped owner occupied single-family residences. 18 homes have been rehabilitated since 1990. A portion of current budget year funds are being allocated to acquisition of property for infrastructure improvements related to stormwater and drainage. The area in question has also been targeted for concentrated Police and Codes Enforcement attention and as a result the crime rate and number of dilapidated buildings has dropped dramatically. The efforts have been sustained and coordinated with the rehabilitation work throughout the past four years. Adjacent areas of the City are also in need and are being incorporated into the target area at this time. -5- 2. Project Goals: State in broad, general terms and explain. (Examples: to reduce crime, to improve housing, to upgrade recreational facilities, etc. ) * To improve the housing stock-in the target area to provide safe living conditions for the residents. * To reduce crime through clearance of abandoned structures used in the conduct of drug-related activity. * To encourage resident participation in the revitalization process and the maintenance of related improvements. * To encourage and improve economic development by improving the safety and appearance of properties in the target area. * To improve the usability of existing recreational facilities by reducing crime and improving the safety and appearance of structures in the area. -6- • • B. PROPOSED SCHEDULE OF WORK 1. S•ecific Ob 'ectives for Attainin• Goals: In detail, list quantifiable objectives covering a twelve-month period (October 1 - September 30. ) a. OBJECTIVE: Rehabilitate ten owner occupied residences of low/moderate income range homeowners TIME FRAME FOR PROGRAM ACTIVITIES TO OBTAIN OBJECTIVE: ACCOMPLISHMENT BEGIN END 1) Contract for rehab of 6 homes 10/94 9/95 2) 3) b. OBJECTIVE: Demolish 3 abandoned/condemned structures PROGRAM ACTIVITIES TO OBTAIN OBJECTIVE: TIME FRAME FORACCOMPLISHMENT BEGIN END 1) Contract for demolition of 3 buildin:s 10/94 9/95 2) 3) c. OBJECTIVE: Cause the clearance of over:rown lots throu:hout the tar:et area. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES TO OBTAIN OEC BJTIVE: TIME FRAME FORACCOMPLISHMENT BEGIN END 1) Contract for lot clearin: as needed 10/94 9/95 2) 3) -7- d. OBJECTIVE: PROGRAM ACTIVITIES TO OBTAIN OBJECTIVE: ACCOMPLISHMENTTIME E FOR RAM BEGIN END 1 ) 2) 3) e. OBJECTIVE: PROGRAM ACTIVITIES TO OBTAIN OBJECTIVE: TIME E FOR ACCOMPLISHMENT BEGINBEGIN END 1) 2) 3) 2. Evaluation: How will the success of your activity project be determined? (Example: Neighborhood Survey) An end of year report will be compiled by staff to demonstrate the actual number of homes rehabilitated and buildings demolished. -8- C. PROPOSED BUDGET ORGANIZATION: City of Atlantic Beach PROJECT NAME: Donner Subdivision Revitalization Project I . Administrative Costs 1 . Wages & Salaries $ 11,567.40 2. Fringe Benefits $ 4,626.96 3. Contract Services $ 135,240.00 4. Travel $ 0 5. Insurance $ 0 6. Space Costs & Rental $ 0 7. Utilities & Telephone $ 0 8. Transportation $ 0 9. Other Costs (attach $ explanation) TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS $ 151,434.36 II. Activity Costs 1. Materials $ 2. Supplies $ 3. Equipment/Lease $ Purchases 4. Equipment Rental ` $ 5. Other Costs (attach $ explanation) TOTAL ACTIVITY COSTS $ CDBG PROGRAM FUNDS APPLIED FOR $ 151,434.36 (TOTAL OF I & II) III. Supplementary Support 1. Program Generated Income $ 0 2. Other program funds $ 0 3. In-kind Contributions $ 60,000.00 4. Audit $ TOTAL SUPPLEMENTARY SUPPORT $ 60,000.00 TOTAL PROGRAM COST $ 211,434.36 • (TOTAL OF I, II, III ) On the following pages please identify each of these budget line items by number and name, and describe. -9- LINE ITEMIZATION ORGANIZATION: City of Atlantic Beach PROJECT NAME: Donner Subdivision Revitalization Project I. ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS Line Item I.1.1 Wages and Salaries Description Community Development Director 8 hours per week at $18.15 per hour x 52 weeks TOTALS $ 7,550.40 Line Item 1.1.2 Wages and Salaries Description Code Enforcement Officer/Building Inspector 7.5 hours per week at $10.30 per hour x 52 weeks TOTALS $ 4,017.00 Line Item 1.2.1 Fringe Benefits Description Community Development Director $ 7,550.40 Code Enforcement Officer $ 4,017.00 $ 11,567.40 Fringe rate = .40 x .4 $ 4,629.96 TOTALS$ 4,629.96 -10- LINE ITEMIZATION ORGANIZATION: City of Atlantic Beach PROJECT NAME: Donner Subdivision Revitalization Project I. ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS Contract Services Line Item 1.3-1 Description Rehab Project Supervisor 10 hours per week at $12 per hour x 52 weeks TOTALS $ 6,240.00 Line Item I.3.2 Description Rehabilitate homes 6 homes at $20,000 TOTALS $ 120,000.00 Line. Item I.3.3 Description Demolish abandoned structures 3 structures at $2,500.00 TOTALS $ 7,500.00 -11- LINE ITEMIZATION ORGANIZATION: City of Atlantic Beach PROJECT NAME: Donner Subdivision Revitalization Project I. ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS Line Item I.3.4 Description Clearance of overgrown lots 5 lots at $300 TOTALS $ 1,500.00 Line Item Description • TOTALS Line Item Description TOTALS -12- LINE ITEMIZATION ORGANIZATION: City of Atlantic Beach PROJECT NAME• Donner Subdivision Revitalization Project II. ACTIVITY COSTS Line Item Description TOTALS Line Item Description TOTALS Line Item Description TOTALS -13- LINE ITEMIZATION ORGANIZATION: City of Atlantic Beach PROJECT NAME: Donner Subdivision Revitalization Project II. ACTIVITY COSTS Line Item Description TOTALS Line Item Description TOTALS Line Item Description TOTALS -14 • LINE. ITEMIZATION ORGANIZATION' Cit of Atlantic Beach PROJECT NAME• Donner Subdivision Revitalization Pro•ect III. SUPPLEMENTARY SUPPORT * Line Item III.3.1 In-Kind Contributions Description Construction of road extension to facilitate traffic circulation. 600 linear feet of road at $100 per foot TOTALS 'S ,S S Line Item Description • TOTALS Line Item Description • TOTALS * Project Generated Income (Please show source, use, amount and basis of estimate) . * Other program funds (Please show source, use, amount and basis of estimate) . -15- LINE ITEMIZATION ORGANIZATION City of Atlantic Beach PROJECT NAME: Donner Subdivision Revitalization Project III. SUPPLEMENTARY SUPPORT * Line Item Description TOTALS Line Item Description TOTALS Line Item Description TOTALS * Project Generated Income (Please show source, use, amount and basis of estimate) . * Other program funds (Please show source, use, amount and basis of estimate) . -16- i . s , ,, . , Nod� J� \:„....N..%. i. -- — — •, fiI ,, , �I ,,\ ! fill t , '. II ir t 1 , 7r7 A r�� , 1 , : I 1f H 1 / CM IIMI.t 1 / , Ell� y 010401U. r 1 II '� = (=DC 7 UL�� / , , I I / , t --7/ i f % 412 H I !F-TP --"\--C,.*___j:; , DUUD 0 ---� _ 111 I V ^ / ,11 1 . fits Ir.J.( at -- _ —� irr J11 _____: . Y\ , �_ \r-in,,----1- .----------- • 7. �/ ,....).Z1 Fri \\ t. , I ***m,*..,,,,,/ . El I tit' --_,/ ' :\ \\\ \.:1 1,4L__\L,_! : r%4; —1[7 / .r) t-----11-2L-7-11---3, ******* .0---1 ,Z..,.,, 111/ % . ---1ST \ L _ 11x1 ■. ill. ---— I A\ I r ,, . .• Comprehensive Plan City of Atlantic Beach, Florida