05-11-94 v MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BEACHES CITY OFFICIALS HELD IN CITY HALL, ATLANTIC BEACH, AT 7:00 PM ON WEDNESDAY, MAY 11, 1994. PRESENT FROM ATLANTIC BEACH: Lyman T. Fletcher, Mayor Suzanne Shaughnessy, Commissioner J. Dezmond Waters, III, Commissioner Robert G. Weiss, Jr. , Commissioner Kim D. Leinbach, City Manager James R. Jarboe, Deputy City Manager Maureen King, City Clerk PRESENT FROM JACKSONVILLE BEACH: Bill Latham, Mayor Wilmer Clark, Councilman Margaret McQueen, Councilwoman Ed Parpart, Councilman Richard B. Shore, Councilman AND: Richard Brown, Councilman, City of Jacksonville ALSO: John Gabriel, Engineer with J.T.A. Susan Wiles from the office of Congresswoman Fowler The meeting was called to order by Mayor Fletcher who explained the meeting was being held for the purpose of receiving information relative to the status of the proposed Wonderwood Road. Following introduction of the elected officials, Mayor Fletcher invited John Gabriel of the Jacksonville Transportation Authority ( JTA) to report on the progress being made regarding the construction of the proposed Wonderwood Road. Mr. Gabriel reported on other JTA projects which are under way and which he felt would also benefit the beaches communities, as follows: Trumpet Interchange at J. Turner Butler Boulevard: JTA working on a redesign and hope to be able to save most, if not all, of the trees. Mayport Road/Atlantic Boulevard interchange: Reviewing proposals from consultants and hope to be able to select a consulting engineer within the next few months. Monument Road Improvements: In final stages of design and should be bid out by the end of the year and construction could begin by spring 1995. Discussion then ensued regarding the Wonderwood project and Mr. Gabriel reported the environmental report had been submitted to the Federal Highway Administration and Florida Department of Transportation for review. He reviewed in some detail the proposed route for Wonderwood Road and indicated it would be a six lane Page Two Minutes Wonderwood Road Meeting May 11, 1994 road, with the bridge over the Intracoastal Waterway bridge being four lanes. He indicated funds had been authorized for preliminary engineering; however, no funds have been allocated for right-of-way acquisition or construction. Mr. Gabriel invited questions from the audience and Mayor Latham indicated he had heard that the JTA was waiting for some indication from the Navy regarding the future of the Mayport base before making a decision to proceed with the Wonderwood Road. Mr. Gabriel indicated the JEA was looking to see what impact, if any, the fate of the Mayport Naval Station would have on the present projections for this project. In further comments from the floor concern was expressed regarding the future of the Mayport base since it was felt the Navy' s plans for Mayport would, no doubt, be impacted by the decisions of the JTA relative to Wonderwood. Several people expressed shock and disappointment that so little progress had been made on the project. Capt. Ziemer, Commander of the Mayport base, indicated that Mayport would have ten additional ships and three thousand additional personnel by 1995. Mayor Fletcher felt in addition to concerns about the future of the Navy at Mayport, the safety of the beaches ' citizens was a major concern. He felt that Atlantic Boulevard was not adequate to handle evacuation in the event of a hurricane. He felt it was important that the JTA raise the priority level of the Wonderwood Road because, with or without the Navy, the need for an additional road, was critical. Following the question and answer session it was agreed there was a critical need for the Wonderwood Road for three major reasons, namely, the safety of the beaches ' residents in the event of an emergency, growth of the Mayport Navy base, and the economic impact on the business community. Mr. Gabriel was asked to convey to Miles Francis, the Executive Director of the JTA, the unanimous feelings of those in attendance regarding the critical need for this project and to request that the JTA raise the priority level of this project. Susan Wiles reported that the Wonderwood Road project was not in the five-year priority list of the State of Florida. She indicated a plan needed to be developed that would get this project listed as a priority at the state level . The project could then be in line to receive federal funds. She volunteered to work with the beaches communities to get the project on track. It was agreed another meeting should be scheduled at a time when Miles Francis would be able to attend and that as many of the decision makers as possible, including Congresswoman Fowler, Tommy Hazouri, Jake Godbold, and representatives from the Department of Transportation, be asked to Page Three Minutes Wonderwood Road Meeting May 11, 1994 attend. Harry Schnabel, Chairman of the Beaches Department of the Chamber of Commerce indicated the Chamber strongly supports the construction of the Wonderwood Road and also offered his assistance. There being no further discussion, Mayor Fletcher declared the meeting adjourned at 9 :00 PM. Mau een Kina 1 City Clerk