06-13-94 v ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION June 13, 1994 AGENDA Call to Order Invocation and pledge to the flag 1 . Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of May 23, 1994 2. Recognition of Visitors a. DeWayne Igou of Waste Management Company with a report relative to recycling b. Presentation of Proclamation declaring Safe Boating Week 3. Unfinished Business: a. Discussion and related action relative to maintenance of City Hall grounds b. Charles Hatchell requesting approval of proposed beautification project at 12th Street beach access ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE BY THE CITY COMMISSION AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION IN THE FORM LISTED BELOW. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION AND STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS HAVE BEEN PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED TO THE CITY COMMISSION ON THESE ITEMS. 4. Consent Agenda: a. Acknowledge receipt of Parks & Recreation facilities usage report for May b. Acknowledge receipt of Building Activity report for May c. Acknowledge receipt of Code Enforcement report for May 5. Action on Resolutions: a. Adoption of Resolution No. 94-20 authorizing the execution of mutual aid agreement with the State of Florida for disaster response and recovery b. Approval of settlement agreement and adoption of Resolution No. 94-21 authorizing budget adjustment to transfer funds to pay settlement of Ortega Industrial Contractors claim against the city 6. Committee Reports: a. Water and Sewer Committee Report #13 with recommendations relative to construction of water and sewer lines on Beach Avenue (Robert Kosoy) 7. Action on Ordinances: a. Report of Occupational License Review Committee and introduction and first reading of Ordinance No. 45-94-11 adding definitions and amending the schedule of license classifications and fees (Maureen King) 4 Page Two Agenda June 13, 1994 b. Public hearing and final reading of Ordinance No. 95-94-60 to amend Chapter 18 to provide regulations for solicitors who work for profit (Comm. Shaughnessy) New Business: a. Action by the City Commission to discontinue efforts to seek Department of Environmental Protection loan for water and sewer projects b. Action on request of Atlantic Beach Experimental Theater (ABET ) relative to the use of the Adele Grage Community Center c. Authorize staff to proceed with Phase 1 of the expansion to the Public Safety Building as recommended by Chief Thompson d. Discussion and related action relative to amendment of the city' s sign ordinance 9 . City Manager Reports and/or Correspondence: 10. Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners, City Attorney and City Clerk: Adjournment 4 • MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF ATLANTIC BEACH V V 00 CITY COMMISSION HELD IN CITY HALL, 800 SEMINOLE T T T T ROAD, AT 7 : 15 p. m. ON MONDAY, JUNE 13 , 1994 E E PRESENT: Lyman T. Fletcher, Mayor D D Steven M. Rosenbloom Suzanne Shaughnessy M S J. Dezmond Waters, III , and O E Robert G. Weiss,Jr. ,Commissioners T C I O Y AND: Kim D. Leinbach, City Manager NAME OF ONEN Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney COMMRS. N D S 0 MaurPPn King, City Clerk The meeting was called to order by Mayor Fletcher. The invocation offered by Commissioner Shaughnessy was followed by the pledge to the flag. 1 . Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of May 23, 1994 SHHAUGHNESX UGHNESSY X WATERS X X Motion: Approve minutes of the WElss x x regular meeting of May 23, 1994 FLETCHER x No discussion before the vote . The motion carries unanimously. 2 . Recognition of Visitors: a. DeWayne Igou of Waste Management Company with a report relative to recycling Kim Leinbach, City Manager, explained DeWayne Igoe was not able to attend the meeting but that Mr. Igou furnished a report indicating Atlantic Beach was the best city in Duval County with reference to its recycling activity. Mr. Leinbach indicated the city would be approaching the recycling program with renewed vigor and that a letter would be mailed to new residents and current residents . William McGee, 1831 Selva Marina Drive, inquired concerning whether or not it was necessary to separate color of glass to which it was explained under the city' s contract the separation of colors of glass was not required and that glass could be co-mingled and subsequently sorted by Waste Management . William I . Gulliford, 75 Beach Avenue, referred to the city' s existing Alcoholic Beverage ordinance, Section 3-11 , which prohibited the consumption of alcoholic beverages on public property. He Page 2 - v V June 13, 1994 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN 10 suggested that the ordinance be amended to allow consumption of alcoholic beverages and he referred specifically to the Community Center ; he felt that when wedding receptions were held people desired to serve champagne . He suggested amending the ordinance to allow the Commission to use discretion on a case by case basis . Mayor Fletcher indicated the Commission would address the matter and he asked Alan Jensen , City Attorney , to prepare an ordinance for consideration that would allow consumption of alcoholic beverages in city facilities at the discretion of the Commission on a case by case basis . Joe Crumpler , 2639 Stern Drive , appealed to the Commission for an adjustment to his water bill . He explained he had experienced a leak at his residence at 2639 Stern Drive and that as a result his water bill was $675 . 00 . Mayor Fletcher indicated the Water and Sewer Committee would study the matter . He asked Alan Jensen to research the matter and to advise the Commission • if they could legally assist Mr . Crumpler if they felt action should be taken . b . Presentation of Proclamation declaring Safe Boating Week Mayor Fletcher reported he had issued a Proclamation declaring Safe Boating Week , and he reminded boaters to be aware of safety on the waterways . 3 . Unfinished business : a . Discussion and related action relative to maintenance of City Hall grounds Kim Leinbach , City Manager , reported several months ago the previous Commission for the sake of economy decided to delete a number of items from the City ' s fiscal budget . One of the items that had been deleted was lawn maintenance and , thus , the duties had recently been performed by the Parks Department . Because of the amount of work involved and the lack of proper equipment , the Commission directed staff to pursue contracting out lawn service . Mr . Leinbach reported after reviewing the City ' s existing contract which was bid several months ago, it would be possible to have both City Hall and the Public Safety Building Page 3 - V V June 13 , 1994 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN properly maintained at a cost of $433 per month , which would be approximately $ 1 , 300 for the remainder of the fiscal year . Motion: Authorize staff t ROSENBL00M X reinstitute the contract for law SHAUGHNESSY X X maintenance at the City Hall an WATERS X Public Safety Building at a cost no WEZSS X x to exceed $ 1 , 300 for the balance of FLETCHER X this fiscal year , through September 30 , 1994 Commissioner Rosenbloom suggested negotiating the contract on a month-to-month basis , to which the City Manager agreed to look into the possibility of having the contract on a month-to-month basis . It was determined the scope of work included the following : "mow, weed-eat , trim shrubs and trees under eight feet tall , weed and edge plant beds , edge and blowdown parking areas and walkways . " Jack Robbins , Chairman of the Beautification • Committee , suggested including maintenance of landscaped areas and the maintenance of signs in the scope of work . Mr . Leinbach explained that the city was under an existing contract that would expire September 30 , 1994 , but that the additional work could be negotiated in next year ' s contract . It was suggested that Mr . Robbins meet with Mr . Leinbach to discuss the matter further . The question was called and the motion carried unanimously . b . Charles Hatchell requesting approval of proposed beautification project at 12th Street beach access Jack Robbins , Chairman of the Beautification Committee , reported the Beautification Committee approved the 12th Street Landscaping plans , and he explained approval was for landscaping , only . He introduced Charles Hatchell who presented a letter along with plans to landscape 12th Street . He indicating the approximate cost of landscaping work , and suggested wheelchair access be provided in the Town Center Project ( letter w/attachments attached hereto and made a part hereof - Exhibit A) . Mayor Fletcher indicated the Town Center had already bid the project and work would begin soon . He explained the plan accommodated people going to and from the beach . He added it would be necessary to go to the Town Center Board and he Page 4 v V June 13 , 1994 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN indicated since the road was a county road the Town Center Board had obtained a permit from the City of Jacksonville. Mr. Hatchell requested irrigation so that work could begin on 12th Street Landscaping plans . ROSENBLOOM X Motion: Approve recommendation of SHAUGHNESEY x x Beautification Committee to WATERS X landscape 12th Street Access, as WEISS x x presented by Charles Hatchell FLETCHER X Commissioner Weiss felt that the city should provide wheelchair access to the handicapped. David Thompson, Police Chief, explained he and Commissioner Waters served on a committee some time ago and it was recommended that wheelchair access be provided at the end of Ahern Street. He added 5th Street and 11th Street had wheelchair accesses but both areas had been covered with soft sand. He added well meaning things had been done in the past but the projects were not successful . Mr. Hatchell explained he had obtained a permit • for a ramp that would take a wheelchair directly from soft sand on to hard sand. Mayor Fletcher suggested the matter could be discussed at the Parking and Traffic Committee meeting to be held June 29 , 1994, at 7 : 15 p. m. Several Commissioners expressed their concern with shifting sands and that if the city spent a large sum of money for a ramp, with the first storm the ramp could be destroyed. A discussion ensued concerning having a ramp that would be removable and used during summer months, only. Reference was also made to the possibility of purchasing wheel chairs that could be stored by the city to be used by the handicapped. Mayor Fletcher appointed Commissioner Weiss to meet with Charles Hatchell and make recommendations. It was explained the expiration date of the permit that had been obtained to build the ramp would expire August 2 , 1994, and Mayor Fletcher suggested that a decision be made by July 11 , 1994 . He asked that the following issues be • addressed: problems of shifting sands, and placing the ramp in an area where it would get the most use . Page 5 v V June 13 , 1994 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN Commissioner Waters suggested approaching the City of Jacksonville with the suggestion to use the Atlantic Boulevard ramp. The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. Item 8b was taken out of sequence and acted upon. 8b. Action on request of Atlantic Beach Experimental Theater (ABET) relative to the use of the Adele Grage Community Center William I . Gulliford, President of Atlantic Beac Experimental Theater (ABET) , reported visibilit, was a problem for people who sat in the back o. the room during ABET performances . He presented = proposal to improve the usage of the Communit, Center at no cost to the City (proposal an. attached diagram attached hereto and made a par hereof- Exhibit B) . He introduced Michael Dunlap, Architect, who explained ABET would use $6 , 000 o. theater funds to knock down a secondar, • load-bearing wall which would allow constructio of a 12 x 18 foot raised stage . The possibilit, of using tiered risers was discussed, which coul• be permanent or removable, which would give bette views for up to 80 people . It was explaine• currently the Community Center only allowed for a audience of about 60 people . It was explained th- theater seats would remain folding chairs place. on the wooden risers. A drop ceiling and fak- paneling would be removed behind and over th- stage area, exposing the original tongue an. groove wood paneling. Heywood Dowling, Contractor, explained that he, along with Mr . Dunlap, would donate thei services to expand the theater. A long discussion ensued and it was felt by som- commissioners that the plan was not expansiv- enough, and that separate restrooms fog theatergoers, separate changing rooms for men an. women, and sufficient fire exits should b- addressed. Commissioner Rosenbloom indicated his support of 111 the project and felt that the Commission should approve the plan. Following discussion, Mayor Fletcher referred the matter to the Parks and Recreation Board for Page 6 - V V June 13 , 1994 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN further study . He appointed Commissioners Shaughnessy and Weiss to meet with the Board , Since ABET requested that renovations be completed before the first production in the fall , the Mayor suggested that a Parks and Recreation Board meet before the next Commission meeting of June 271 1994 , at which time he indicated the Commission would make a decision . Item 8d was taken out of sequence and acted upon . 8d . Discussion and related action relative to amendment of the city ' s sign ordinance Lynn Poyner , Attorney , explained the constitutional provisions regarding free speech as it referred to commercial and political signs . She indicated simple changes had been made to bring the ordinance into compliance with state law. Commissioner Weiss indicated he had concerns regarding signs on public property and suggested the possibility of designating a certain area for public property . Mayor Fletcher gave a brief • review of the proposed language with reference to political signs . It was decided the proposed ordinance would be on the agenda for first reading June 27 , 1994 and public hearing and second reading would be held on July 11 , 1994 . 4 . Consent Agenda : a . Acknowledge receipt of Parks & Recreation facilities usage report for May b . Acknowledge receipt of Building Activity report for May c . Acknowledge receipt of Code Enforcement report for May ROSENBLOOM X Motion : Approve passage of Consent SHAUGHNESSY X X Agenda WATERS X WEISS X X No discussion before the vote . The motion carried FLETCHER X unanimously . 5. Action on Resolutions: a . Resolution No. 94-20 - A RESOLUTION OF THE • CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH AUTHORIZING ENTERING INTO THE STATEWIDE MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT FOR CATASTROPHIC DISASTER RESPONSE AND RECOVERY , AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE Page 7 - V V June 13 , 1994 NAME OF COMMRS. M S Y N Mayor Fletcher presented in full , in writing , Resolution No. 94-20 . ROSENBLOOM X X SHAUGHNESSY X Motion : Approve passage of WATERS X Resolution No. 94-20 WEISS X X FLETCHER X Commissioner Waters suggested contacting the insurance company to insure they agreed to the conditions . Under discussion , it was explained that the agreement contained standard language and its purpose was to alleviate confusion and lack o" coordination in the event of a disaster . The question was called and the motion carried unanimously . Jim Jarboe , Deputy City Manager , announced there would be a hurricane seminar Wednesday , June 14 1994 . b . Resolution No. 94-21 - A RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING CERTAIN MONIES BETWEEN FUNDS • Mayor Fletcher presented in full , in writing , Resolution No. 94-21 . ROSENBLOOM X X Motion : Approve passage of WATERHNESSY X Resolution No. 94-21 EISRS X WEISS X X FLETCHER X Alan Jensen recommended approval of the Resolution and indicated the approval of the settlement with Ortega and approval of the resolution indicated authorization for the Mayor and City Manager to sign the necessary settlement documents . Commissioner Rosenbloom questioned the process the city had used in awarding the bid which was the subject of the lawsuit . He felt the city needed to be fair and conduct themselves properly during bidding processes so that it would not be in the position of being the subject of a lawsuit in the future . Mayor Fletcher suggested pre-qualifying contractors on similar projects in the future . Alan Potter made reference to the lawsuit and explained that based on the check of references • supplied by the bidders , the city felt they had to hire Meadors in view of the fact the city was under an EPA Consent Order and time was of the essence . Page 8 June 13 , 1994 v V NAME OF 11 COMMRS. M S Y N Kim Lcinb.ach was asked to examine the ordinance to make sure the city could legally pre-qualify bidders . Commissioner Waters referred to tied bids in a multi-million dollar project and asked that the language be examined to clearly specify what constituted a tied bid. The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. 6 . Committee Reports: a. Water and Sewer Committee Report #13 with recommendations relative to construction of water and sewer lines on Beach Avenue Bob Kosoy, Public Works Director, referred to the construction of water and sewer lines on Beach Avenue and he explained Gee & Jenson were revising the cost estimate and analyzing the need for the 12" line on Beach Avenue. He summarized the discussion that had transpired at the Water and Sewer Committee meeting on May 26, 1994, as • contained in the Water and Sewer Committee Report 413 dated June 6 , 1994 , ( report attached hereto and made a part hereof - Exhibit C) . Mayor Fletcher requested that the City Manager report regarding the funding source for the project . The Mayor indicated septic tank systems were failing and the project needed to be undertaken. John Baillie inquired relative to whether or not residents who had already paid for water lines would have to once again pay for new water lines, and the City Manager indicated he would meet with Mr . Baillie and work out details concerning the matter. Mr. Kosov referred to page 2 relative to discussion that occurred concerning the Atlantis Beach Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion and indicated the last sentence of the second paragraph should be changed to indicate that the cost per cubic yard for mass concrete should be $150 . 00 instead of $250 . 00 . • Mr. Kosov referred to a discussion that occurred between Pitman-Hartenstein representatives and staff and it was agreed that Pitman-Hartenstein Page 9 June 13 , 1994 V V NAME OF 10 COMMRS. M S Y N would ruvisw th® possibility of roif.ing tanker on inch and two inches and present cost savings t. the city for either scenario. He explained Ala Potter and Tim Townsend disagreed on whether t. raise structures . Alan Potter explained at lengt the various problems which had been experience with the engineering aspect of the project . H- referred to a letter from Pitman-Hartenstein date June 3 , 1994 which was included as an attachmen to the Water and Sewer Committee Report , and h- asked that the letter not be approved by th . Commission . Under discussion , it was decided the Commissio- would receive the Water and Sewer Committe- report , and that the Pitman-Hartenstein lette dated June 3 , 1994 would be reviewed at the nex . Water and Sewer Committee meeting . Alan Jense was asked to review the letter , and Commissions Weiss was asked to attend the meeting . 7 . Action on Ordinances : a . Ordinance No. 45-94- 11 - First Reading AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES 0 THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH , AMENDING CHAPTER 20 TAXATION , AMENDING SECTION 20_51 , DEFINITIONS , TO ADD DEFINITIONS FOR MANUFACTURING , PROFESSIONAL RETAIL , AND SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS ; AMENDIN SECTION 20_59 , SCHEDULE OF FEES ; PROVIDING A EFFECTIVE DATE . Mayor Fletcher presented in full , in writing Ordinance No. 45-94- 11 . Maureen King , City Clerk , commended the committe - that updated the city ' s occupation licenses . Sh - indicated the committee worked hard and as •. result the ordinance was completed for its firs reading . She introduced Mike Borno, Chairman o the Occupational License Committee , who summarize• the various categories of licensing . ROSENBLOOM X Motion : Approve passage o SHAUGHNESSY X X Ordinance No. 45-94- 11 on firs WATERS X reading and set public hearing fo WEISS X X June 27 , 1994 FLETCHER X • Alan Jensen indicated he would study legal aspect, relative to the various proposed charges fo licensing categories and that he would have report at the meeting of June 27 , 1994 . Page 10 - V V June 13 , 1994 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN Commissioner Waters suggested residents who rented single family residences should obtain an occupational license . John Baillie felt levying of another charge for residents who rented single family residents would not be acceptable , and he suggested the Code Enforcement Department could become more active in enforcing city codes if problems occurred . The question was called and the motion carried unanimously . b . Ordinance No. 96-94-60 - Public Hearing AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH , FLORIDA, AMENDING THE TITLE OF CHAPTER 18 , CHARITABLE SOLICITATIONS , TO PROVIDE FOR THE REGULATION OF ALL TYPES OF SOLICITATIONS WITHIN THE CITY ; AMENDING SECTION 18- 1 , DEFINITIONS , TO AMEND THE DEFINITION OF SOLICITATION , AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE . • Mayor Fletcher presented in full , in writing , Ordinance No. 95-94-60 . said ordinance having beer duly advertised . He opened the floor for a public hearing and invited comments from the audience . Since no one wished to speak the Mayor closed the public hearing . Commissioner Shaughnessy asked that the vote on this ordinance be deferred until July 11 , 1994 . She indicated that she and Commissioner Waters had met and their goal was to forbid solicitation in residential districts but that they were waiting for a legal opinion on the matter , after which the matter would be re-addressed . ROSENBLOON_ X Motion : Defer action on Ordinance SHAUGHNESSYX X No. 4-94-60 until July 11 , 1994 be WATERS X X WEISS X FLETCHER X No discussion before the vote . The motion carried unanimously . a . Action by the City Commission to discontinue efforts to seek Department of Environmental • Protection loan for water and sewer projects Kim Leinbach , City Manager , advised the Department of Environmental Protection loan would not be cost Page 11 v V June 13 , 1994 NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN effective and he asked that efforts to seek a boa be discontinued . ROSENBLOOM X Motion : Cease efforts to seek 1 oa SHAUGHNESSY X x from the Department of Environmenta WATERS X Protection for water and sewe WEISS X X projects FLETCHER X No discussion before the vote . The motion carrie . unanimously . b . Action on request of Atlantic Beach Experimental Theater (ABET) relative to the use of the Adele Grage Community Center (this was acted on earlier in the agenda) c . Authorize staff to proceed with Phase 1 of the expansion to the Public Safety Building as recommended by Chief Thompson • David E . Thompson , Chief of Police , explainer that there was not sufficient space for th: existing operations in the Public Safet Building . Building problems still existed and i was felt they had a negative impact on police anis fire operations . He explained the Records and. Detective divisions were already suffering fro insufficient space , and the prisoner loading are. was open and was hazardous in wet weather . It was suggested that the project be separated into police and fire components and that a phase4l implementation schedule would allow the city to budget for the changes over a period of severa years . Chief Thompson indicated the most critica need was to increase the size of the Record. Division and to provide roofing over the are ; where prisoners were loaded and unloaded Estimated cost of this work was $24 , 000 . He asked that the purchasing process to buildin'; additions to the records division and the roofin ; for the prisoner loading area be initiated . ROSENBLOOMMotion : Initiate the SHAUGHNESS X purchasi n SHAUGHNESSY process to build the additions to WATERS X x the Records Division and the roofi n'; WEISS x x for the prisoner loading area in th FLETCHER X Police Department at a cost o approximately $24 , 000 , and pursu- V V NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN Page 12 June 13 , 1994 obtaining an alternate bid for investigator ' s area Commissioner Shaughnessy questioned the cost of the project as proposed , and she suggested anothe - architect might make a recommendation which would be more economical . She also felt to undertake the project piecemeal would probably be the most expensive manner in which to complete the work . Chief Thompson explained it appeared the best way to proceed was the design indicated by the architect . Commissioner Shaughnessy suggested additional space could perhaps be realized by adding on in one area rather• than in different directions and at different times , and she asked if another architect could address the issue . She indicated she would like to know what the whole cost would be rather than pursuing work a little at a time . • A discussion ensued on whether or not work should be done on the entire project , but after discussion it was decided to proceed with the expansion set forth for the Police Department , only . It was suggested that Commissioners Shaughnessy and Weiss would conduct a visua" inspection of the building to review the proposed expansion . Chief Thompson indicated he would have independent architects review the existing plans and give their• opinion relative to whether or• no' savings could be realized . The question was called and the motion carried unanimously . d . Discussion and related action relative to amendment of the city ' s sign ordinance (this was acted on earlier in the agenda) 9 . City Manager Reports and/or Correspondence : Kim Leinhach announced there would be a Flag Day ceremony Tuesday , June 14 , 1994 at 6 : 00 p . m. in the grounds of the Public Safety building . Bob Kosoy um reported the Park Street drainage • project was two weeks ahead of schedule . Alan Jensen indicated the approval of the settlement with Ortega and approval of the resolution indicated authorization for the Mayor and City Manager to sign the necessary settlement documents . • Page 13 June 13 , 1994 V V NAME OF Commissioner Waters inquired cnncarni ng the mater COMMRS. MSYN of grafitti located on an owner ' s property at the 18th Street access . Chief Thompson indicated he was waiting to hear from the owner of the property . Commissioner Rosenbloom suggested paying the owner to repair the property rather than the city repairing the property . Chief Thompson indicated there would be a symposium on gangs and juvenile crime ii Jacksonville Beach on July 7 , 1994 . It was announced a meeting to clarify the decisio7 of the City Commission relative to the Fire Department Pay Plan would be scheduled at a late - time . There being no further business the Mayo- adjourned the meeting at 11 : 35 p . m. 110 Mayor Lyman Fletcher Mayor/Presiding Officer ATTES T : Maur.._en King City Clerk S Ai-ex-a /U /U i u/!.G /c!j 1 77' //i4,744(Al4cJ ' Fxhd) fi2 Es-L1- ATLANTIC ►% EACH - Twelfth Street ' Beach Access Improvement Project Safeguarding Environmental Integrity Charles Hatchell, Committee Chairperson 904-246-8569 ik "- : ' : DEAR MAYOR LYMAN FLETCHER AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COMMISSION, AFTER MONTHS OF RATHER INTENSE RESEARCH TO MAKE THE 12TH STREET ACCESS USER FRIENDLY FOR EVERYONE, I REALIZED NOT . EVERYONE LIKED THE IDEA. SO NOW THERE WILL NOT BE A MUCH NEEDED WHEELCHAIR ACCESS THAT WAS PERMITTED BY THE STATE AND WOULD COST LESS THAN A THIRD OF WHAT WE PAID FOR THE. ONE ON 11Th STREET. I AM NOT A MAGICIAN, BUT I DID DO A• LOT OF IN- VIEWING OF PEOPLE IN THE CONSTRUCTION BUSINESS , AND ALL THOSE TO WHOM HAD DONE WORK FOR THE CITY ON PROJECTS SUCH AS THIS WERE THINKING WE HAD A BOTTOMLESS BANK ACCOUNT . I AM SO MUCH MORE AWARE OF HOW MY CITY OPPERATES AND I AM SAD TO SAY THAT MORE PEOPLE NEED TO BE INVOLVED, WHO HAVE THE TIME TO RESEARCH ThE MOST COST AFFECTIVE ITEMS AND CONTRACTORS AROUND. A LOT OF TIMES WE DON 'T KNOW ALL THE WAYS TO DO THE BEST FOR OUR FAMILY, FRIENDS , OR OURSELVES . BUT ATLANTIC BEACH INCLUDES ALL THE ABOVE AND SHOULD BE GIVEN OUR BEST EFFORT. MUCH OF THE 12TH STREET PROJECT WAS ESTIMATED FAR ABOVE WHAT MY RE- SEARCH REVEALED . EXAMPLE OF THIS IS THE IMPROVED PARKING . AND THE CONTRACTORS COST THAT I HAVE SUBMITTED. IT IS FAR BELOW_WHAT THE CITY RESEARCH SHOWED IN THE ATTACHED NEWS RELEASE. ThE SAME GOES FOR THE WHEELCHAIR ACCESS . $5 , 000 .00 AS OPPOSED TO $25 , 000 FOR WHAT PREVIOUS CITY CONTRACTORS SUBMITTED. I UNDERSTAND THAT WE ARE CLEANING UP THE OLD WHEELCHAIR ACCESSES WHICH IS A GOOD START. ASSOCIATION FOR DISABLED AMERICANS SENT ME THE SPECS FOR WHEELCHAIR RAMPS AND 11TH STREET BULK HEAD IS ON A STEEPER SLOPE THAN WHAT WOULD ALLOW A WHEELCHAIR OCCUPANT TO ACCESS THE RAMP ON THEIR OWN. THAT ACCESS SHOULD BE 1" DROP FOR EACH 1 ' OF LENGTH. THAT ACCESS IS MUCH STEEPER THAN THE REQUIRMENT. BECAUSE OF THE REASONS THAT SOME OF THE 12TH STREET RESIDENTS OPPOSED IMPROVED PARKING AND THE WHEELCHAIR ACCESS HERE I WOULD LIKE TO SUBMIT THE CONCEPT THAT WE MOVE THE 11TH STREET WHEELCHAIR RAMP TO WHERE MORE PEOPLE WOULD HAVE BETTER ACCESS TO IT. TOWN CENTER ACCESS . THERE IS ENOUGH ROOM THERE TO HAVE EMERGENCY VEHICLE ACCESS AND THE RAMP. COST WISE IT WOULD SAVE HAVING TO UPGRADE 11TH STREET TO CODE AND TOWN CENTER WOULD BE A STRAIGHT SHOT TO THE BEACH. THE WELCOME TO ATLANTIC BEACH SIGN WOULD BE READILY UNDERSTOOD BY "ALL" THAT COME TO THE END OF ATLANTI BLVD. AS IT NOW APPEARS WITH POST BARRIERS AND SIGNS THAT ARE UNSIGHTLY TO COME INTO VIEW AT THAT INTERSECTION. OUR BEACH IS THE PRIMARY REASON I MOVED HERE 14 YEARS AGO. AND I LOVE BEING ABLE TO SEE IT AND FEEL WHAT EACH OF YOU RECEIVE FROM IT ' S PRESENCE. WHAT A SHAME IT WOULD BE IF YOU OR I COULD ONLY SEE IT FROM SEVERAL HUNDRED FEET AWAY AS A RESULT OF AN UNFORTUNATE ACCIDENT. JUST TRY FOR A MOMENT TO PUT YOURSELF IN A WHEELCHAIR AND LOOK AT WHAT 411 WE OFFER YOU AS FAR AS AN ACCESS . SINCERELY, CHARLES HATCHELL Sharing and Preserving the Treasure of Our Beach With Indigenous Species and Native Plants - , 4.THE PACE COMPANY ~� P. 0. Box 51603 • ' 7acksonville Beach, FL 32240 ' PROPOSAL SUBMITTED TO PHONE DATE /7 O/= 4rL/?,...Tic- )::',1_,..,,... ��- -5'- 3 • 9e STREET / JOB NAME /2co :5--, ,A,/..-),c' e C_ .'1A'. d///-/k'L.c-5 /-1/ .7C'.s� --GL CITY, STATE AND ZIP CODEJOB LOCATION /976,0r/i/C %/ c.""_/ (_)/-/,/, A.---2 - /.f.7-,--// .�T, - G,9c./' x2 - ARCHITECT DATE OF PLANS JOB PHONE We hereby submit specifications and estimates for ear AA,p x'C/oe:,.- vc /i e_ ;-L /y T ,:)/),-//Q[. 7- - 4/1_ i ,4Z/ 7 4, C./2'1/?!ac' !— /72 . /i G/N/c=12/•c.c' f3.-9`- • 4 " - 11,v c'.c: L/«./•/T ria,.,-,f-- - e -S `v/Ti-1 Rar.3L.'.e- /,M2:A1 t',e• ,A•/6 – PC-ACC ,')i x C t-A/d-.ti L=-iG� / 2Lr T? f' 'D% `e T` C-;. /% - gaik o✓c Tvo -- 7i71,e4:L ) 33Jz.. i 7C3 F v" 4Ee.F- • May 25,1994 The Beaches Leader,The Jacksonville Beaches A-3 4 t , a �.�. ...Y 'Y1 rpt i 4 �' ��i omplete in accordance with above specifications, for the sum c - — dol tors � 6� C) M1 Y� .: �Ali igliluil�ln�l) -. u. Autho (2, � " 01,7Signature2l,.-1e, �• / —e.'`' Note This proposal may be withdrawn by us if not accepted within photo by Winn Hardin An Atlantic Beach couple enjoys the 12th Street beach access. Ac- signature__ cording to Atlantic Beach Police Chief and Parking/Traffic Committee rfirman David Thompson, he will deliver a recommendation to the —signature sory committee that the 12th Street project continue as originally p armed with landscaping and beautification, but no new parking spaces or dune cross-over. The project as-is has been priced at less , than $1,000,while sources claimed the project with additional park- -- ing would cost near$20,000 for two new spaces. .� ciir'•.'•,ry,,... FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION - r • ='a o Division of Beaches and Shores Permit Number: (j(� ./"' -,, :__ Bureau of Coastal Engineering and Regulation~ / '!moi,y• r-ten. 'S•+n A 3900 Commonwealth Blvd. - M.S. 310 No. of Pages Attached: '' , ' c Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 COD" E T AV ' - FIELD PERMIT APPROVED PURSUANT TO SECTION 161.053 or 161.052, FLORIDA STATUTES FINDINGS OF FACT: An application for authorization to conduct the activity indicated in the location and project description shown below was filed with the Department on the date shown below. e, , rf,� ,, ''//2 2/5 CONCLUSIONS OF LAW: The application was considered by the staff designee of the Secretary of the Department of Environmental Protection and found to be in compliance with requirements of Chapter 16B-33, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.). Approval is specifically limited to activity in the stated location and project description and the approved plans (if any), and the attached standard conditions and any special conditions stated below pursuant to Rule 16B-33.015(3)(u), F.A.C. PROJECT LOCATION: /7 5 2 Da /Il U /f'-'y V / 1 S/. f? /,c j<;(40., .: (DNR reference monument & street address) PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 7 -c- .1-A..„.44.-. 7 -41,.,,c---- Q-n--cE.,:-ad st -C- , .�z�--� " j. • �'_ ,4.o �t/I d f tris„k.-,La.e.fi ,_,c...: a � ?�.�e-J f2.—e e.--�V 4 r c G ,a �.a I� r� �/ Y7- ' J'/V S i-7" p4-4-711ted r 6 SPECIAL ERMIT CD ONS: This permit is valid only after all applicable federal, state, and local permits are obtained and does not authorize contravention of local setback requirements or zoning or building codes. This permit shall be posted on the site as Public Notice immediately upon its date of issuance, and shall remain posted along with local approval until the completion of any activity authorized by this permit. Other special conditions of this permit include: � 'Zl! ,�.d_. ��2_,,t4A,L...L. ...L 7 �Qf_e..G,0_,/zL ,eQJu , -/,/ �(.� 'I(_.A.t mt i J . dL✓ 1%o U1-D--r A �-•c-4� -1 e )-ri--z. ' g L14-,-- 6-e /, /LP_44_rill_ ..,..42,1 o v • -771-(,,,1-h" 0s SO _5_l d.-11 --z + 6 ,6 ' 77(-m, L TANDARD MIT CONDITIO S: he permittee shall comply withattacliea`Stan ar permit conditions. O • APPLICANT INFORMATION: I hereby certify that: (1) I am either the owner of the subject property or have the owner's consent to secure this permit on the owner's behalf; (2) I shall obtain any applicable licenses or permits which may be required by federal, state, coun cipal law prior ti!,commence •- t of the authorized work; (3) 1 acknowledge that the authorized work is what I requested; • • .'a -respons b�' /• cco 'fiance with all permit conditions. � 1p � �W Date .54/ (7/plTelephone No. (9°51/ c95/.4".S).S.6 2 Signature /�� y Printed Name. Also Title & Company Name if applicable: eh/4,e/cJ/� 7CHF./', �G"F./ii 7-- Mailing Address /02 07V Cry re A- A 721-1–/ (`"L'` f A1,— `3.,7 7 3- DEPARTMENT FIN CTION: This permit is approved on behalf of the Department of Environmental Protection by (staff designee): ,on Date 5 07^ 9V The permit ex res 12 months after issuance or upon such earlier date as is hereinafter specified b the staff designee. EXPIRATION DATE: o - 2 9,1 Approved plans are attached: YES NO H. Standard Permit Conditions: YES NO [ 1. This permit is [vis not I ] valid without a Department-approved "Information Form to Assess and Reduce Impacts to Marine Turtles." The Sea Turtle Protection Program and Local Authorities were notified on (date in office): PUBLIC NOTICE: The foregoing constitutes final agency action. Any person substantially affected by this determination has the right to request an administrative hearing to be conducted in accordance with the provisions of Section 120.57, Florida Statutes (F.S.). Should you desire an administrative hearing, your request must comply with the provisions of Rule 28-5.201, F.A.C., if requesting a formal administrative hearing, or Rule 28-5.501, F.A.C., if requesting an informal hearing. Requests for hearings must be received by the Office of the General Counsel at the Department's mailing address as written above, within twenty-one (21)days after the date this notice was posted. Failure to respond within this allotted time frame shall be deemed a waiver of all rights to an administrative hearing. In the event that a legally-sufficient petition for hearing is not timely received, you have the right to seek judicial review of this permit pursuant to Section 120.68, F.S., and Rules 9.030(b)(1)(c)and 9.110, Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure. To initiate an appeal, the Notice of Appeal must be filed with the Office of General Counsel and with the appropriate District Court of Appeal within thirty (30) days after this notice was posted. The Notice filed with the District Court must be • accompanied by the filing fee specified in Subsection 35.22(3), F.S. DNR Form 73-122 (Rev. 8/93) (White Copy - Tallahassee Office) [Yellow Copy - Applicant) [Pink Copy - Staff Designee] , 4, _ . . M ,c.v., ,i of uq /�` ,,)0 ��Y� 1 siG o •'Z ' t •btl�,-j477 :Q5 (t -7.) yi x r /V "'V 1k)) kill ft , , �I ,, .. , ,t . Zi��7 ..4Z Z. oszZE 1'N7Z. At-Z. •S;'.liZS? U Z . \lo f 7 S ►+�c�i7z • .' bsbvio - u '2- -�`)'°.- 1hl Sv ' 4 1 '''z-7 • 4 017E- i h e '��g xPrL •S 9(' !•amo'1 tE, J'ecl lv(� a u1n,N • 1 Z -_,c.7.4, -//7? ,g/'f' 49 49,9c-,p./1/ 3,-7, /�:r . ,S1 i• _J uf .7,J op L� 0 Z ' .X ./ 7f:'Rn-, ?7 fl -7,0,-p -,..„,“/ ,c.?'' 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As discussed, the project would be an appropriate use of bond money. • • Please coordinate plans and costs of the project with Mayor Fletcher and City • Manager i.. in,zen. Keep To tilt" rk . - • Sincerely, Cs'\ •' Post It brand fax transmittal !age: ruct , Dick Brown Councilman, District 3 Fax a Fax# 1)13 :4 0 • - , . . , ,1•• -'. ._ . ; 0 ...g , •714. ik%., 4,4 N'' ' 1, •-r7. 4- :;. .44.$. ,* = ..a' 4. • ' — .k.* fr-* ,----_ ___ -; 1 SEA WALL BENCH ,r/. I =-----72firi 7picNic TABLE — ,I,' ..s.. t ." . . 1 • , ;;f4.— , 1 1 4..' •=_-_ 4• 1, : ' '''''.... ... •''' ---_--.-4,x,. ,e`,„ • .4'5- -. • t.. 4 .4 P ''.. . ../. , fr:... -, 4 • E. , ... / ' ••,:'••?v'• ..-.„..... . .•...... ilk , i• te :0 ' . ii;7/7:4.1......_.- :..--0'•-•- - •,,, all. ,:,,, .,,,.• „gy -- 4C.• ... - ,, 41, , ,..,•05" _ "nr-44 r`i;i'.r.7 -: ,‘• _...,,,,,A1---.., .,-.."... ..--,., ----______—• ,v....1; :::),‘ ',, r.--._, --- -i ,,--,.., PM p;::::t :.WO, --';' .t. •!--,,,',./' ;" ,.,'.*.' -,\•,,r . - t,, ‘. ,, . --- ,/it' //1101111'0, ' %1 rififilk. • fi• , *,' I I 1 1 ' _. / A. ,: 3• ...-- 1 ,.: Z / -- • • . W. ,( I i , '- /e'-_„.., - •-•••• 1 ...i......4.•/.,...,:kt.. ...; .• ,. ,... '' .11aw •-i '-.• ''''' —______ 157cyCLE RAcK ;11:",1/411114,: 'f•-"•?kb . ..., ., .f . 1 :1 ' - 77 1 : -, •• Ii 14 / V „..7 ..!: _.....•-- li ..'. exisrhvb — / .7, PARK/Iv& /,•°'- 1 t / ./7 / .‘,Z -.4, • . .... /l' //// ". 7 18 ,... BEACH , r ' 1"( 35, - , i AVE E . TWELFTH . STREE-A- ......... .......................... ::................................... ::. .:...,:.,i•:.i:.:. :.:.::.:,.i:.: .• :• ,:.•.::,i.:::::...i• .,:::....:,..:..•....::.::::.::.::..:!.:::.::.:.:.::::..::.:..!..!::.:!:.!::..-::::::•::::::•:•:•:•:•:•:::::•:•::•...•...........:::.....:..:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.::.:.:,:.:.:.:.:. • -•:•,•-•:••:•:•:••i•:•.•:.:.i. •:•,:i• •:•.••:•:::•i•i• •.:..::::::.•:::h:?::h.:•:•:.::•,:.:.:•:•:•:.:•::•.•:•::.•:•:•::.::::•:•:•::.::.:::::::::::::: i.:i::::::-:::.::.:.::::::: ::.,::::::••••.:.:]::: ::::•:•:•:•:::.....:•:•:•:•:•::••••:.:::::.:.:.:•:•::•••:•••:•:.:•:•.•:•:•:•:•:.::.::•.:•:•.•:•:.•::::•:•:•:.:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:-•:•:•:•......:•:•-....:•............ .:. Salt Tolerance of Landscape Plants.:.:.4 ........ •.•. ..•..... . . .•.. . :,,i,i,i,i:i::::...for North Fioridax.:.:.:.:.:.:::.:.:.:.:.:...:::.:::::::::::.:.:.....::.:. ::::,, ..::::: .:::.:::::::::...:::„.:.:.:::::::::::.:.:: -.-:..-..-,....::::::.:::::::::::„...:.:.:...:.......:.:.........: Atlantic Beach Experimental Theater BET 1923 Beach Avenue Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 Carson Merry Baillie, Director June 9, 1994 Dear Mayor and Commissioners . We Have an idea and proposal that will improve the usage of the community center without cost to the taxpayer . Due to the unprecedented success of ABET, we are hearing more and more complaints from patrons who sit past halfway back and are unable to see over others heads . We are also constrained by the limits of having only one exit and limited depth on the stage as currently exists . We would like to move the stage to the north wall where the small room we refer to as the "green room" (where the actors wait to go on) is located, and remove the wall carefully preserving the wood and moving it to the back load-bearing wall just before the kitchen area . Rose has graciously offered to move her office to one in the back so the wall between her office and the green room as is could be moved to the left, leaving the handicapped bathroom and its hall as is to the right . The improvement of most importance would be tiers of seats (risers ) on each side of an entry aisle and to the east and west of the stage which would "thrust" out into the audience thus giving more depth and greater visability to all in the house . Since there would be no "bad" seats as now in the back, the audience would not have to arrive at 7 : 15 as many are currently doing, thus sitting for 45 minutes to wait for the curtain. These risers could be removable . This stage would be finished in a smooth wood (Mike Dunlop will go into further detail ) which would make a smooth surface for dance classes, both ballet and aerobic or jazzercize which many in A.B. have said they would like . It would be suitable also for meetings like homeowners, recitals, and gatherings of all kinds . ABET has planned a benefit repeat of its hit Smoke on the Mountain for the last two weekends in August and the cast has gaciously consented to the additional performances . Many who missed this delightful warm-hearted family show will be glad for a chance to bring the kids along and contribute to the cost of the renovation of the theatre . Many of you who 've never been might take this opportunity to join in the fun. Both architect Mike Dunlop and Pete Dowling are contributing their expertise along the way, and we have shown the preliminary sketches to all concerned . We hope you will consider our idea with as much enthusiasm as we, and will act favorably on our request . Sincerely, iCtriTh Carson Merry Baillie I . 0. r . , . , . • • 4 • . Ji . to I Arffar-tur% -i.-4..I.r Ile WI • . ri Pi..!4"..;-1. — • .'.)—- -. . I. . Ss...T. *.f. .... I 1 4 1.447 46 :, ji I (1.4•' i arra vouroc.n. (....1...-114 I, .. . .,4.1,_ _c_LeiLt_r., -r• I , 1 II .....„. i . 1 N-- ..;•. 1 r -, :41 1 7 . , I 1 . 1 . . ! .1....... ,..e sN•' 1 '••••'..,„• ) I . _III 1 1 i I,,__._,J, I ........-1,. i . eLE VA 7 i ON . .. •. .1 '..r. J-,,` „...... . I r, Vr.ArT ',..., .../...... L . -. ,':2,4,_.I.. 1. .1 II t-, r . ....,... ., • r , HAMA 1...M 1 I ' I ......... ler c't." f.,.. , ! ., , . . _., , , , , ...., ..... 1. ,4 __.__________ . 7I .I <5.1 1. . . "....n...4 I roe 44-le 46..r I. • ',.. - I I .. 1-- - I- - -- - '--- --1 — - - -I 1 • . -. I I_ _ _. _ - - __I • • . 1,...4.41.v.'.r..., IGertEirt.i, rt^t..: W. t I 1 L • 1 1 . - 2 - • ------"• -- . . .. 1 . _ . • "V 00/Z FLAW , . - ism.'for•.re. • • ATLANTIC IlliACIN 111X1111111111111TA . • • • . • • . . . . . . ... . - . • • gto ovy Ex h t - - :'i 4t,A • • CITY OF 1.0.:‘' ' - "ieteu ac 'e4cl - 1200 SANDPIPER LANE ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA 32233-4381 TELEPHONE(904)247-5834 41, FAX(904)247-5843 June 6, 1994 MEMORANDUM TO: Kim D. Leinbach/City Manager FROM: Robert S. Kosoy/Director of Public Works `F* RE: WATER AND SEWER COMMITTEE REPORT #13 The Water and Sewer Committee met on May 26, 1994 and the attendees were: Lyman Fletcher, Jim Jarboe, Alan Potter, Harry McNally, Tim Townsend, Tom Hawk, Jim Jacques, John Collins and Robert Kosoy. Items of discussion were: MORNING MEETING - 1) Beach Avenue - As noted in Water and Sewer Committee Report #11, Gee and Jenson was revising the cost estimate and analyzing the need for the 12" line on Beach Avenue. Jim Jacques reviewed the problems inherent to Beach Avenue, i. e. the large sand dune and underground houses. He explained that the original design eliminated a lift station and that the concept of individual grinder pumps was approved by the City Commission. In addition, Beach Avenue has a very narrow right-of-way and the maintenance and protection of traffic will be very difficult during construction. Previous estimates were submitted by Scott Plumbing and A. J. Johns and reviewed by Gee and Jenson. Jim Jacques advised that the 12" diameter line on Beach Avenue is needed to provide greater than 30 psi and complete a loop system throughout the City. He advised that 1, 750 GPM (gallons per minute) was needed by the Fire Chief and anything less than a 12" line could not deliver this flow at the Sea Turtle Inn. See Attachments A, B, C, and D, submitted by Jim Jacques to the Committee. • • f'aGh . A SUMMARY OF CURRENT ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS BEACH AVENUE WATER AND SEWER EXTENSIONS G&J PROJECT NO. 88-276 ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 05/19/94 PORTIONS OF THE ORIGINAL PROJECT HAVE BEEN COMPLETED COST ESTIMATES REFLECT CURRENT REVISIONS FROM ENGINEERING NEWS RECORD CONSTRUCTION INDEX: CONSTRUCTION COST INDEX FOR JUNE 1990: 4734 CONSTRUCTION COST INDEX FOR MARCH 1994: 5381 INCREASE IN CONSTRUCTION COSTS: 13.67% APPLY INCREASE TO JUNE 1990 COST ESTIMATE BID PART JUNE 1990 CURRENT NUMBER BID PART DESCRIPTION COST ESTIMATE COST ESTIMATE PART 1 BEACH AVENUE SEWER SYSTEM EXTENSIONS $201,458 $228,992 PART 2 BEACH AVENUE AND 18TH ST.WATER SYSTEM EXTENSION $167,388 $190,265 PART 3 SEMINOLE ROAD SEWER SYSTEM EXTENSIONS $0 (COMPLE I ED) PART 4 DEWEES AVENUE AREA SEWER SYSTEM EXTENSIONS $86,034 $97,793 ,RT 5 DEWEES AVENUE AREA WATER SYSTEM EXTENSIONS $14,955 $16,998 PART 6 BEACH AVENUE PAVING AND RESURFACING $228,790 $260,059 PART 7 OCEAN GROVE DRIVE AREA SEWER EXTENSIONS $0 (COMPLETED 4/94) TOTAL PROJECT COST ESTIMATE $698,625 $794,107 • • W - • LEGEND i •'.--..\ MODEL NUMBER FOR NODE 1 ` NOT TO SCALE MODEL NUMBER FOR LINE SECTION `- `--' '• r• --------- EXISTING WATER LINE C' OR LESS EXISTING WATER LINE 8' OR 10' EXISTING WATER LINE 12' TO 24' -•-;.�.__.__--.- `\ III. 1(20 P0i) PRESSURE AT NODE BELOW 30 PSI wallilligill iiiiiw l 1'' ------,.. (40 vb) PRESSURE AT NODE 30 - 50 PSI GREEN CAY AVE 1 ly II' CONNECTION • TO BUCCANEER \ AfERWATER CONNECTION BUCCANEER SYSTEM PLANT PUNO,TREATMENT BUCCANEERR \TH \ ��.:k NOe3 — rki ... � HIGHEST PRESSURE` `^ _\ \\ 62.14 PSI ` SATURIBA -1-\ \ `..\ PROPOSED 12' WATER MAIN FROM \\ CITY SYSTEM ` 1c- 18Tli TO ROYAL P PALMS AHERRNN STREET. ll CHURCH ST. �._-•_--\ WATER 18TH ST ri TREAT?AENT PUNT N0. 1 `` PLAZA \` \\ --\ _ y PRESSURE AT NODE 5C 34 PSI RE \`�\�O� \ � ` �\ �� FIRE FLOW AMU AMU- \\ \ / 1C,1,\ Qo \ AHERN STREET FIRE FLOW AT ATLANTIC BOULEVARD NODE 500 (SEA TURTLE INN) 1750 CPM ATLANTIC BEACH WATER SYSTEM ANALYSIS - CITY AND BUCCANEER, 12" LOOP TO SOUTH, W/FIRE FLOW AT NODE 500 COMPUTER GENERATED SCHEMATIC OF ATLANTIC BEACH WATER SYSTEM USING "WATER"e HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS' TOTAL WATER DEMAND - 6.685 MGD (4.165 MGD USAGE, 2.520 MGD FIRE) ;:. .* GEE & JENSON EXHIBITNO. 2 ENGINEERS— ARCHITECTS _ PLANNERS INC. JACKSONVILLE FLORIDA w • . ATLANTIC BEACH WSYSTEM RESULTS OF MODEL SIMULATION 80- . ONE PUMP TWO PUMPS FOUR PUMPS 60- ..414 _ FIRE FLOW OF 840 GPM AT AHERN AND BEACH 40- • cL • w 20 cc MINIMUM RESIDUAL PRESSURE -20 PSI 0— /w TEST PRESSURE OF 25 PSI 1 1 L' a. -20- -` W/FIRE FLOW TEST OF 840 GPM ----- FIRE FLOW OF 1750 GPM -60 0 840 1340 1840 2340 2840 3750 WATER DEMAND (GPM) -+- EXISTING SYSTEM MAY 2 6 1994 0 0 W ' ATLANTIC BEACH WSYSTEM . RESULTS OF MODEL SIMULATION 60 TWO PUMPS THREE PUMPS FOUR PUMPS • 50 FIRE FLOW 1750 GPM - AHERN AT BEACH '. w .r" D 0 MINIMUM RESIDUAL PRESSURE -20 PSI - 20- CL 1000 GPM USAGE 2500 GPM USAGE 0 1 1 1 I I I I 0 1750 2750 3250 3750 4250 4750 WATER DEMAND (GPM) PROPOSED 8" LOOP °'...1 _.x,, PROPOSED 12" LOOP mg 2s1994 Page 2 Mr. Robert S. Kosoy, P.E. June 3, 1994 • Raising the bottom slab elevations two (2) feet resulted in reducing the clarifier slabs by 12 inches and the aeration tank slabs by six (6) inches for a total savings of$92,000 Ott$150/cy or$50,5(0 at$60/cy. • We have attached Appendices "A" and "B" summarizing the cost savings for both the one (I) and two (2)foot increase in elevations at the$150/cy and$60/cy respectively. Appendix "C" is the back-up calculations. In considering the presented alternatives,please be advised that the engineering cost for this evaluation is$2,250.00. There also will be additional engineering costs if we make any of the changes contemplated in this evaluation. With the exception of the electrical and architectural, this project has been placed on hold at the 90% level waiting your decision and further instruction. If you have any questions or need additional information please don't hesitate to call me at(904) 724-3546. • Sincerely, E. H. Pitman,Jr.,P.r. President SWJ:kml Enclosures Appendix "B.!.! • • • : • i S111�11 isiotinsiusueda EI i t New Secondary Clarifiers Concrete 77.5 cy X $60/yd x 2 = $9,300.00 Reinforcing Steel 8379 lb x $0.40/111 x 2 = 4103-012 Subtotal: $16,003.00 Aeration Tanks $0.00 Total Savings: $16,003.00 TAD (21 roo1Jjjcr s .in at. .le ati ,n Ncw Secondary Clarifiers Concrete 155 cy x $60/yd x 2 $18,600.00 Reinforcing Steel 8379 lbs x$0.40/lb x 2 117.9121 Subtotal: $25,303.00 Aeration Tanks Concrete 77.3 cy x $60/cy x 2 — $9,276.00 Reinforcing Steel 19888 lb x $0.40/lb x 2 = $, 5 4 Subtotal: $25,186.00 Total Savings: $50,489.00 • , t l .4 Fn _.. fcr NC.: f • 1'17►t A;1• IInHT}:N.T}:IV AtiSUt ING' GNEcovn BY: oA E: -7 1J L N G t N E 1= A s_ --// --- CALCULATIONS roR:' �• 1 ID , _ C. kc-t,. -S c_ ic3 .J i� r r /`) (,� 1' z • - I "n Ute.. I S .4121 l S = 2..f1$' roc 1-�r'Q'rii 4 WA -' R -2,89 x 0. o G Z+= O. /"77$ • ._A —,r,o x:I S . - o, I arQ� - 2.7 Coprt,r-..,r O.P.4.714} es.. -.y2.:lt (J. 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