07-25-94 v ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION July 25, 1994 AGENDA Call to Order Invocation and pledge to the flag 1. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of July 13 Special Called meeting of July 6, 1994 2. Recognition of Visitors ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE BY THE CITY COMMISSION AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION IN THE FORM LISTED BELOW. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION AND STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS HAVE BEEN PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED TO THE CITY COMMISSION ON THESE ITEMS. 3. Consent Agenda: a. Acknowledge receipt of Pension Investment Report 4. Action of Resolutions: a. Action on Resolution No. 94-25 creating the Atlantic Beach Community Theater and regulating the use thereof 5 . Action on Ordinances : a. Final reading and public hearing on Ordinance No. 10-94- 18 to allow consumption of alcoholic beverages on public property with permission from the City Commission b. Final reading and public hearing on Ordinance No. 60-94-8 to amend regulations for signs and advertising structures c. Final action on Ordinance No. 95-94-60, amending Chapter 18 of the City Code, relative to regulations for solicitations (Public hearing held on May 23 - closed) 6. New Business: • a. Discussion relative to possible amendment of tree protection ordinance (Commissioner Weiss) b. Discussion and related action relative to construction of handicap ramp at 12th Street (Commissioner Weiss ) c. Accept sewer lines on Ahern Street, 9th Street, Seminole Road and Ocean Grove Drive for city ownership and maintenance (Robert Kosoy) d. Authorize entering into negotiations for the purchase of Tresca property (Commissioner Weiss ) e. Authorize funding to purchase property located at Donner Road and Francis Avenue 7 . City Manager Reports and/or Correspondence: a. Report relative to Park Street drainage project b. Report relative to Beaches Soccer Association' s request for donation Page Two Agenda July 25, 1994 8. Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners, City Attorney and City Clerk: Adjournment MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD IN CITY HALL, 800 SEMINOLE ROAD, AT 7:15 PM ON MONDAY, JULY 25, 1994 V V O O PRESENT: J. Dezmond Waters, III, Mayor Pro Tem T T Steve Rosenbloom E E Suzanne Shaughnessy D D Robert G. Weiss, Jr. Commissioners AND: Kim D. Leinbach, City Manager M S Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney 0 E Maureen King, City Clerk T C I O Y ABSENT: Lyman T. Fletcher, Mayor (Excused) NAME OF ONEN COMMRS. NDSO The meeting was called to order by Mayor Pro Tem Waters. The invocation was followed by the pledge to the flag. 1. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of July 13, 1994 and special called meeting of July 6, 1994 ROSENBLOOM X X SHAUGHNESSY X Motion: Approve minutes of the regular WEISS X X meeting of July 13, 1994 WATERS X Under discussion, it was requested that the minutes be amended to indicate the motion to set the millage rate for fiscal year 1994/95 at 3.7721 passed. The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. ROSENBLOOM X Motion: Approve minutes of the special called SHAUGHNESSY X X meetings of July 6, 1994 WEISS X X WATERS X No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. 2. Recognition of Visitors: Nancy White, 1729 Seminole Rd. , indicated last year the city installed a sewer system in her neighborhood, and at that time the Commission promised property owners that they would not have to hook up to the sewer while their septic systems were in operating condition. Ms. White indicated she recently had been advised that the Commission planned to pass an ordinance indicating property owners would have to hook up to the sewer system, but that she had since learned the matter would be brought before the Commission in the form of a resolution, and that public input would be allowed. She felt that if promises were made in the past they should be honored by this commission. V V Page 2 NAME OF July 25, 1994 COMMRS. MS Y N Pro-Tem Waters indicated the Resolution would appear on the agenda at the meeting of August 22, 1994. William Gulliford indicated it had been a past tradition to allow people not to hook up to new sewer lines until their septic tank system was not operating. He urged the Commission to be consistent with its policies. 3. Consent Agenda: a. Acknowledge receipt of Pension Investment Report A brief discussion was held concerning the types of investments and the current market yield. ROSENBLOOM X X Motion: Approve passage of the Consent Agenda SHAUGHNESSY X X WEISS X The question was called and the motion carried WATERS X unanimously. 4. Action on Resolutions: a. Resolution No. 94-25 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA CREATING THE ATLANTIC BEACH COMMUNITY THEATER; DESIGNATING A PORTION OF THE ADELE GRAGE COMMUNITY CENTER AS THE COMMUNITY THEATER; CREATING A CONTRACTUAL PROCESS FOR REGULATING THE USE OF THE THEATER FACILITIES; DESIGNATING THE AUTHORITY, RESPONSIBILITY, AND LIABILITY OF EACH PARTY INVOLVED IN THE OPERATION AND USE OF THE THEATER; PROVIDING FOR EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Pro-Tem Waters presented in full, in writing, Resolution No. 94-25. ROSENBLOOM Motion: Approve passage of Resolution No. 94-25 SHAUGHNESSY X WEISS X Commissioner Weiss explained the intent of the resolution WATERS was to normalize the relationship between the City and users of the Community Center and to dedicate a portion of the building as a theater. Commissioner Shaughnessy referred to and proceeded to read Section 6: "This resolution supersedes all previous resolutions and policies adopted by the City Commission in regard to the use of the Adele Grage Community Center and the Atlantic Beach Experimental Theater group. " She asked Alan Jensen, City Attorney, to explain the previous resolution and the formal authority under which the city currently operated. Mr. Jensen explained on October 25, 1993 the Commission adopted a one-year agreement with Atlantic Beach Experimental Theater (ABET ) . He suggested that if the commission passed Resolution No. 94-25, that V V Page 3 NAME OF July 25, 1994 COMMRS. MSYN it not be effective until the current agreement expired, and that the proposed agreement be accepted by ABET. He further explained that the current contract still existed and if the Resolution was passed it would be a breach of that contract. When asked to explain the intent of the resolution, Commissioner Weiss explained he felt the Community Center had become ABET property, not Atlantic Beach property. He indicated he would like it understood the facility was operated by the city of Atlantic Beach who contracted with theatrical groups. Commissioner Rosenbloom indicated that no one had complained that they were unable to use the facility because ABET was using the facility, and that no one had appeared before the Commission in the past to substantiate this. He felt the commission and staff were involved in other city matters and should not be involved in running the Community Center by having to collect money, count money, make judgements on who would use the facility, and other matters. He felt another bureaucracy would be created if the city became involved in the operation of the facility. Commissioner Weiss explained the idea of the resolution was not to create another bureaucracy and not to pass judgement on who utilized the facility, but to standardize the use of the facility, He indicated he would like to have terms spelled out more clearly than in the current agreement. He felt tennis courts and baseball parks should be treated in a similar manner. Commissioner Rosenbloom proposed that a comprehensive, contractual arrangement be adopted for everyone who used city facilities. He felt, however, that some time should be allowed so that ABET could complete renovations. He felt that it was not a good time to make a change in policy. William Gulliford felt ABET was of benefit to the entire Community, and he suggested giving the agreement that was current in place an opportunity to work. Pat Pillmore, Activities Coordinator for Senior Citizen Center, Jacksonville Beach, felt volunteer activity for ABET was of benefit to all the surrounding cities, and not just Atlantic Beach. J. P. Marchioli suggested that surplus money be placed in a fund to go toward the construction of a new community V V Page 4 NAME OF July 25, 1994 COMMAS. MSYN building, and that the city should not receive monetary benefit. Commissioner Weiss felt the Community Center had changed over the past several years, and he explained the idea was to preserve the building as an Atlantic Beach facility, and not as a private facility. He expressed concern that the city would have to assist with renovations, but that the renovations would benefit ABET, only, and not other groups, should ABET move from the facility. It was felt that the matter should be deferred until the meeting of August 22, 1994 when the full commission would be in attendance. ROSENBLOOM X Motion: Defer action on Resolution 94-25 SHAUGHNESSY X X until August 22, 1994 WEISS X X WATERS X The question was called and the vote resulted in 3-1 with Commissioner Rosenbloom voting nay. The motion carried. Commissioner Rosenbloom suggested having a workshop prior to the meeting of August 22, 1994 . Mayor Pro-Tem Waters asked Kim Leinbach, City Manager, to set a date for the workshop session when all commissioners would be able to attend. 5. Action on Ordinances: a. Ordinance No. 10-94-18 - Public Hearing AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA AMENDING SEC. 3-11 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES TO ALLOW CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES ON PUBLIC PROPERTY WITH PERMISSION FROM THE CITY COMMISSION, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Pro-Tem Waters presented in full, in writing, Ordinance No. 10-94-18, said ordinance having been duly advertised. He opened the floor for a public hearing and invited comments from the audience. Dorothy Kerber, 365 1st St. , felt the ordinance sent the wrong message to young people. Nancy White, 1729 Seminole Rd. , felt since there was a law forbidding people to drink until 21 years of age, that the law afforded protection to young people. V V Page 5 NAME OF July 25, 1994 COMMAS. MSYN William Gulliford referred to "Oceanside Pops" a Jacksonville Symphony that had been held in the past, and he indicated no problems occurred. He resented the fact that government dictated that people could not act properly, and he indicated the commission would have discretion to deem what was appropriate. Since no one wished to speak further the Mayor Pro-Tem closed the Public Hearing. ROSENBLOOM Motion: Approve passage of Ordinance No. 10-94-18 SHAUGHNESSY X on Final Reading WEISS X WATERS Commissioner Weiss suggested amending the ordinance by limiting alcoholic beverages to beer and wine, only, with less than 12 percent alcohol content. ROSENBLOOM X Amended Motion: Amend ordinance by limiting SHAUGHNESSY X X alcoholic beverages to beer and wine, only, with WEISS X X less than 12 percent alcohol content WATERS X Commissioner Shaughnessy indicated she had received calls from people regarding the passage of the ordinance, and all the calls were negative. She felt, however, that it was important for the city to be in compliance with its own ordinances and that "Dancing in the Streets" would be in compliance if the ordinance passed . The question was called on the amended motion and the vote resulted in 3-1 with Mayor Pro-Tem Waters voting nay. The motion carried. Commissioner Weiss indicated he had recently attended a function in the downtown area and beer and wine were served without any problems. Kim Leinbach reported he had contacted the city' s insurance carrier and was advised premiums would not be affected by having beer and wine served at functions. David Thompson, Chief of Police, indicated the passage of the ordinance would allow the Police Department to permit certain functions to operate. Mayor Pro-Tem Waters explained under the proposed ordinance permission to hold functions would appear on the agenda for Commission action. During discussion, it was felt the true intent of the ordinance was to bring "Dancing in the Streets" into compliance with city ordinances. It was felt by some Commissioners that the ordinance should apply to certain events, only, such as "Dancing in the Streets. " Alan Jensen advised if the V V Page 6 NAME OF July 25, 1994 COMMRS. M S Y N Commission was trying to restrict the ordinance to one location and one event, this could be indicated in the ordinance, but that if another event wished to be scheduled it would be necessary to amend the ordinance. ROSENBLOOM Motion: Amend ordinance by changing "for special SHAUGHNESSY X events" to "annual Town Center event" WEISS WATERS Motion died for lack of a second. Motion: Approve passage of Ordinance No. 10-94-18, ROSENBLOOM X on final reading as amended, by limiting alcoholic SHAUGHNESSY X X beverages to beer and wine, only, with less than 12 WEISS X X percent alcohol content WATERS X Roll call vote resulted in 3-1 with Commissioners Rosenbloom, Shaughnessy, and Mayor Pro-Tem Waters voting nay. The motion failed. It was explained the ordinance could be brought up at the next meeting by a commissioner on the prevailing side. b. Ordinance No. 60-94-8 - Public Hearing AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 17 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, SIGNS AND ADVERTISING STRUCTURES, CLARIFYING AND MODIFYING REQUIREMENTS REGARDING REAL ESTATE, DIRECTIONAL AND POLITICAL SIGNS, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Pro-Tem Waters presented in full, in writing, Ordinance No. 60-94-8, said ordinance having been duly advertised. He opened the floor for a public hearing and invited comments from the audience. Lynn Poyner, 160 Sylvan Drive, explained the ordinance corrected inconsistencies with reference to real estate signs. With reference to political signs, it took away focus from the political candidate and placed it on the property owner. The ordinance would be in compliance with a recent Supreme Court decision. Since no one wished to speak further the Mayor closed the Public Hearing. ROSENBLOOM X Motion: Approve passage of Ordinance No. 60-94-8 SHAUGHNESSY on final reading WEISS X Commissioner Weiss referred to "Sec. 17-1(a) . Certain WATERS signs exempted from Article II of this chapter" , ( 6 ) , V V Page 7 NAME OF July 25, 1994 COMMAS. MSYN and suggested changing the ordinance to provide that real estate open houses could be held for a period of eight hours and that signs advertising open houses could be erected one hour before the open house and removed one hour after the end of the open house. Lynn Poyner indicated she concurred with the amendments. Amended Motion: With reference to "Sec. 17-1(a) . Certain signs exempted from Article II of this ROSENBLOOM X chapter" , (6) , change the duration of open houses SHAUGHNESSY X X from four to eight hours and change the time signs WEISS X X advertising open houses may be erected before the WATERS X open house from one half hour to one hour, and change the duration of time signs must be removed after the end of the open house from one half hour to one hour. The question was called on the amended motion and the motion carried unanimously. ROSENBLOOM X Motion: Approve passage of Ordinance 60-94-8 on SHAUGHNESSY X X final reading, as amended WEISS X X WATERS X The question was called on passage of Ordinance 60-94-8, as amended, and the motion carried unanimously. c. Ordinance No. 95-94-60 - Public Hearing AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE TITLE OF CHAPTER 18, CHARITABLE SOLICITATIONS, TO PROVIDE FOR THE REGULATION OF ALL TYPES OF SOLICITATIONS WITHIN THE CITY; AMENDING SECTION 18-1, DEFINITIONS, TO AMEND THE DEFINITION OF SOLICITATION, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Pro-Tem Waters presented in full, in writing, Ordinance No. 95-94-60, said ordinance having been duly advertised. He opened the floor for a public hearing and invited comments from the audience. Since no one wished to speak the Mayor Pro-Tem closed the Public Hearing. ROSENBLOOM X X Motion: Approve passage of Ordinance No. 95-94-60 SHAUGHNESSY X on final reading WEISS X X WATERS X Commissioner Shaughnessy explained the existing ordinance applied to charitable solicitors, only, and thus, the ordinance needed to be revised to address for-profit V V Page 8 NAME OF July 25, 1994 COMMRS. MSYN solicitors. She explained the committee who revised the ordinance felt the ordinance needed more work to make it as strong as possible and still be in the framework of the law. She indicated Lynn Poyner was working with the committee. The question was called and the motion was defeated by unanimous vote. 6. New Business: a. Discussion relative to possible amendment of tree protection ordinance Commissioner Weiss read a letter from Mae Thompson Jones, a member of the Tree Conservation Board, concerning an appeal by N. Hugh Mathews of a decision of the Tree Board ( letter dated July 20, 1994 attached herewith and made a part hereof) . Commissioner Weiss suggested having a workshop session between the Tree Board, property rights activists, and members of the Commission. He suggested discussing the existing ordinance and whether or not the city needs a tree ordinance. Hope Van Nortwick referred to the appeal process of N. Hugh Mathews on July 13, 1994. She indicated Mr. Mathews appeared before the Commission under the "recognition of visitors" portion of the meeting, and members of the Tree Board were not notified. She indicated the Tree Board would have liked to have had the same opportunity as Mr. Mathews to present their case to the commission. She explained with reference to trees that were removed, the intent of the Tree Board was to give back to the Community that which was taken away. She indicated there had been three meetings scheduled with the Commission but all had been canceled and she indicated the Board would like to revisit the tree ordinance. A discussion ensued relative to the legality of mitigation and Alan Jensen advised recently the Supreme Court held that it was unconstitutional to require the applicant of a permit to make a certain donation to a city. He felt the Board should continue to operate as it had under the existing ordinance. He indicated if an appeal came before the commission, the members of the Tree Board could answer and respond to questions, but he felt in considering an appeal of a decision of any board, V V Page 9 NAME OF July 25, 1994 COMMRS. MSYN the commissioners should base their decision on the action of the board in relation to the city code. Mayor Pro-Tem Waters deferred the matter to the City Manager and the City Attorney and suggested a meeting be arranged between the City Commission and the Tree Board. b. Discussion and related action relative to construction of handicap ramp at 12th Street Commissioner Weiss indicated the Departmental of Natural Resource (DNR) permit would expire on August 2, 1994, but he felt the DNR would be willing to extend the permit. He indicated material to build the handicapped ramp would cost approximately $2, 000 and he suggested that the city buy the material and that the ramp be constructed by volunteer labor, under the supervision of the city. Commissioner Rosenbloom felt that other municipalities who have successfully built ramps that have endured weather conditions should be contacted for their input, prior to the city building a ramp. He did not want to build a ramp that would not be adequate. Mayor Pro-Tem Waters felt that since there was a ramp on 11th Street a new ramp should not be built one block away, on 12th Street. He suggested a new ramp could be placed off Atlantic Boulevard, at 15th Street, or 19th Street. It was decided that the City Manager would research the matter and report back to the Commission. c. Accept sewer lines on Ahern Street, 9th Street, Seminole Road and Ocean Grove Drive for city ownership and maintenance Bob Kosoy reported the final inspection of the Sanitary Sewer Rehab Project for the Ocean Grove Drive portion was conducted on May 25, 1993 and the final documentation had been completed by Smith & Gillespie and was in order. Final inspection of the remainder of the project: Ahern Street, 9th Street, Vecuna Road and Royal Palms Drive, Seminole Road from 17th to 18th Streets, and Ocean Grove Drive from 17th to 18th Streets, was scheduled for August 8, 1994. V V Page 10 NAME OF July 25, 1994 COMMRS. MSYN Motion: Approve recommendation of Public Works ROSENBLOOM X X Director to accept sanitary sewer rehab project for SHAUGHNESSY Ahern and 9th Streets, Seminole Road and Ocean WEISS X X Grove Drive: approve final payment and approve WATERS X final change order (Credit of $9, 134.98) No discussion before the vote. The motion carried. (Commissioner Shaughnessy left the room for a moment and did not participate in the vote) d. Authorize entering into negotiations for the purchase of Tresca property Commissioner Weiss reported the Tresca property matter will be on the agenda at the August 22, 1994, and he asked that funding be identified. e. Authorize funding to purchase property located at Donner Road and Francis Avenue Kim Leinbach, City Manager, reported a lien of $2, 500 existed against the property located at 1598 Francis Avenue. If the lien was satisfied, Mr. Leinbach added, the city would be able to buy the property which could then be sold to the Donner Community Development Corporation who proposed to develop the property into four single family homes. The Donner Community Development Corporation was supportive of this. Mr. Leinbach recommended authorizing the expenditure of $2, 500 out of the Commission Contingency Fund, to be reimbursed from Community Development Block Grant funds in the next fiscal year. Motion: Authorize expenditure of $2, 500 from ROSENBLOOM X X Commission Contingency Fund for the purchase of SHAUGHNESSY X property located at 1598 Francis Avenue WEISS X X WATERS X No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. 7 . City Manager Reports and/or Correspondence: a. Report relative to Park Street drainage project Bob Kosoy reported work was two weeks ahead of schedule and less than $13, 000 had been expended. He indicated it was expected work would finish ahead of schedule and within budget. Mr. Kosoy commended the Public Works Staff for their excellent work. b. Report relative to Beaches Soccer Association' s request for donation V V Page 11 NAME OF July 25, 1994 COMMRS. MSYN Kim Leinbach, City Manager, reported he had received a letter from the Beaches Soccer Association promoting the First Coast Labor Day Shootout Tournament, and asking for support from the City ( letter attached hereto and made a part herewith) . Kim Leinbach reported the City' s Employee Assistance Program had been rebid and it was felt money would be saved. Kim Leinbach reported Carl Walker had secured a grant to plant trees, and Mr. Walker was congratulated by the Commission. Kim Leinbach suggested having a goal setting session as soon as convenient, and he suggested prioritizing goals so that this could be incorporated into the budget. Commissioner Weiss complained that some city ordinances and laws were being ignored. Commissioner Shaughnessy congratulated Carl Walker regarding the tree grant. She agreed that a goal setting session should be held as soon as possible, and she asked the City Manager to set a meeting. Commissioner Rosenbloom asked the Commission to consider having one meeting, only, during the months of July and August. He explained this was the time that most people took vacations and it was a problem having everyone attend two meetings during peak vacation months. Commissioner Rosenbloom felt it would be beneficial if he attended workshops on subjects such as revitalization of downtown, zoning, etc. , instead of attending the Florida League of Cities Conference in Orlando. After discussion, the Commission concurred and Commissioner Rosenbloom was asked to coordinate arrangements through City Clerk Maureen King. Maureen King, City Clerk, reported voter registration books would close August 9, 1994 as there would be a First Primary Election September 8, 1994. Mayor Pro-Tem Waters inquired regarding the status of the Russell Park building. Kim Leinbach reported staff had met with Actech Architects, final specifications were being prepared, and bids would be sent out soon. Mayor Pro-Tem Waters suggested legal opinions from the City Attorney should be in writing. V V Page 12 NAME OF July 25, 1994 COMMRS. MSYN The City Manager and City Attorney were asked to make sure city ordinances were up-to-date. There being no further business the Mayor Pro-Tem adjourned the meeting at 10:00 p. m. X41 J Dezmo : aters, III . ayor Pr. Tem/Presiding Officer ATTES T: 1414.-7 Maureen King City Clerk r ., 126 15th Street Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 July 20, 1994 The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners City of Atlantic Beach Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 Re: July 13, 1994 Appeal to City Commissioners by N. Hugh Mathews concerning permit decision by Tree Conservation Board Ladies and Gentlemen: On Tuesday, July 5, 1994 Mr. N. Hugh Mathews was granted a permit from the Tree Conservation Board to remove from Lot 21, Oceanwalk, Unit 3, 152 inches of hardwood trees with the understanding that one-third of that amount would be replaced with new hardwood trees. At the July 13 meeting of the City Commissioners Mr. Mathews appealed the requirement by the Tree Conservation Board that he replace one-third of the removed hardwood trees. The City Commissioners ruled in Mr. Mathews' favor. As a member of the Tree Conservation Board I respectfully urge the Commissioners to reexamine this appeal. At the Tree Conservation Board meeting July 5th, Mr. Mathews had indicated his intent to appeal the Board' s decision. Prior to the next Tree Conservation Board meeting of July 18, members of the Board received a packet containing a copy of Mr. Mathews' appeal addressed to Ms Maureen King. The agenda for the Tree Conservation Board meeting of July 18 provided for discussion of this appeal. Ordinance 95-89-44, Section 23-26 provides that the aggrieved party has 10 days to make an appeal; the Commissioners have 30 days to reach a decision. Therefore, the request for appeal and the Commissioner' s decision does not require simultaneous action. Members of the Tree Conservation Board were totally unaware that Mr. Mathews' appeal would be heard at the Commissioners' meeting of July 13 and were not in attendance at that meeting. Although I went to the City Hall for the regularly scheduled July 11 Commissioners' meeting, that meeting was cancelled due to lack of quorum of Commissioners. The Commissioners' meeting was rescheduled for July 13. I was advised at the July 18 Tree Conservation Board meeting that • -7- the agenda for the July 13 Commissioners' meeting was amended to add Mr. Mathews' appeal under the heading of Recognition of Visitors. No Tree Conservation Board member was given any notice of his intended appearance at that meeting. Recognition of visitors is customarily provided for citizens to state their concerns and grievances with no action required of the Commissioners until a proper hearing can be scheduled. At the July 13 Commissioners' meeting this precedent of taking no action on grievances brought before the Commission during Recognition of Visitors was disregarded. The Tree Conservation Board had no opportunity to state reasons for the requirement of replacing hardwood. Action was taken without data or assistance normally available and intended to support the Commissioners in their decision. Even the Tree Conservation Board minutes of their July 5 meeting had not yet been approved or filed, because they would normally have been accepted at the Tree Conservation Board meeting scheduled for July 18. I respectfully request that in the future the members of the Tree Conservation Board be given some form of notice when the Commissioners schedule a hearing for appeal of a Tree Conservation Board' s decision. I also respectfully request that the City Commissioners ask the City Attorney, Mr. Alan Jensen, to pursue further the definition of the word "modify" in Section 23-25 of Ordinance 95-89-44. That section provides, "The board may grant, modify or deny the request based on protection of the public' s interest, preservation of the intent of this chapter or possible reasonable or unnecessary hardship involved in the case. " Since its inception four and a half years ago, the board has had a policy of replacing some portion of removed trees in order to maintain the tree canopy for Atlantic Beach. The policy has also been helpful when the building plans require sacrifice of a tree of unique or special characteristic, defined in the Ordinance as "A tree of unusual species, configuration, size, age or historical • background, including but not limited to liveoak, cypress or magnolia tree of thirty (30) inches or more in DBH. " (DBH is the diameter breast height measured in inches at 4. 5 feet above ground level. ) It seems precipitous to suddenly rule against this provision. It is my understanding that there have been only two other appeals in four years, and this policy was never in question. There is a notable difference in the inviting atmosphere and even the comfort of neighborhoods and streets within any city. Some beckon you to enjoy moving about outdoors. It is not the price or size of the houses that makes this difference. It is the tree canopy. Each of us has experienced places that are so uncomfortable that it is just -3- not worth going outside until the sun goes down. Fortunately, Atlantic Beach has kept more of its tree canopy than many cities. Often fast growing communities lack the time, inclination or planning to save it until it is too late. Areas in our town that have lost canopy need the city' s encouragement, support and effective planning to regain it. Those areas that are still blessed with a tree canopy gain from progressive city planning that helps keep its citizens informed and focused on savoring it instead of taking it for granted. Yours truly, Alf "400 i Mae Thompson Jones copy: Carolyn Woods Jim Pelkey Thomas Frohne Hope Van Nortwick Carl Walker George Worley ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COUNCIL 15 JULY, 1994 800 SEMINOLE RD. ATLANTIC BCH, FL 32233 Dear Mr . Kim D. Leinbach : Thank you for your assistance in helping Beaches Soccer Association promote the First Coast Labor Day Shootout . The Tournament is only in its third year , but is already the most respected Tournament in Northeast Florida . The Tournament is expected to bring over 10, 000 people to the First Coast over the Labor Day Weekend . The Tournament is a non-profit organization with a 100% volunteer staff . All the proceeds for the Tournament will go towards developing fields on Hodges Blvd that will be used by all the residents of the Beaches . I am sure that you are aware of how desperately these fields are needed . We appreciate all the support that Atlantic Beach has given the Tournament in the past . The time has come again this year , when we need your support . Currently, the Beaches Soccer Association does not have enough goals to put on the Tournament and at least 8 sets of goals will have to be purchased . We are requesting that Atlantic Beach purchase 1 set of goals . The words "Donated By Atlantic Beach" will be stenciled across the top of the goal . We further propose that the goals then be donated to the Hodges Field project . Their are currently over 1, 200 kids from all the Beaches participating in Beaches Soccer . Unfortunately there are even more kids that wanted to play this year , but registration will have to be cut short due to the limited playing space . Once the Hodges Fields are completed, it is estimated that registration will grow to approximately 3, 500 kids . I have included in this letter an estimate of how much the goals cost , including three different quotes . It is your continued support that will allow Beaches Soccer to grow so that kids will not have to be turned away at registration . Thanks again for your support ! If I can be of any further help, please contact me personally at 285-1969 or our Tournament Director (Susy Miller ) at 247-6700. - Sincerely, o'ack Brady Chair (Fundraising ) THE OCCERESTIMATE 9850-3 San Jose Boulevard610 1518 N.3rd Street Jacksonville,FL 32257 Jacksonville Beach,FL 32250 (904)268-2300 Sill (904)246-2300 •, S —10,-(2 .- BC-CA-40,1 S H --E)ec,bs Scc soc-• P D T 1-0.b0 C 1 —TO 01-kry cmc T 0 0 F.O.B. TERMS INVOICE NO. YOUR ORDER NO. SHIP VIA DATE 13 ____Lie__/ QUANTITY PRICE ORDERED / DESCRIPTION /a-x.�. /C c1LOR SIZE UNIT TOTAL I�Dld A-C a-Q g .. zi`` goo,,,,c r! ;vw,-y�pert �/� Y1 t/ A/393--ba i 140 f `T� V S c Gut.,re nA-‹,k-<.Lt1_, `( Y/6,66 OD � / / - $ r . Gil e l Jam(/�s 7 i2 1<fOC,Z cion,.4-vLt�jti c i 1c/6,s-boo 1./x /1/4 sc vare l v�u �__ --\ ,4/`ASO Co t �, uds ora y a ,rs -s4 0-( - _ J - ._ 5 4,,,„, ‘ rpipi-ge- ,a-d9R))(' F-2,0-0-85?X -s/y,v( . a-s 1 3-0 MA4 . e,� 4 Jona - - SUB TOTAL THIS ESTIMATE IS GOOD FOR THIRTY DAYS ' I TAX SHIPPING CHARGE TOTAL SIGNATURE OF PURCHASER ORDER RECEIVED ST ABETO 1.MEM Memorandum To: Maureen King, City Clerk For Your: Information Ei Action Please Call ❑ From: Robert G. Weis Date: 21 July, 1994 Subject: Community Theater Committee meeting Minutes, 20 July, 1994 Present: Commissioner Steve Rosenbloom Commissioner Bob Weiss Absent: Commissioner Suzanne Shaugnessy, excused, on vacation Also present: Ms Cindy Corey Meeting was called to order at 5:15 p.m. in the City Hall conference room Discussion centered on plans for the renovation of the Grage Center for use as a community theater. Degree of required and requested construction, seating configuration, use by other than theatrical groups, impact of ABET upon the community, and possible future uses of the facility were addressed. Ms Corey displayed an alternate configuration for the theater portion. The alternate plan included considerable restructuring of the "community" portion of the building, and used the entire original structure of the building for theater. No conclusions, nor recommendations were produced. Meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m. 1798 Selva Marina Drive Atlantic Beach FL 32233 904/246-4591 FAX/247-1123