09-12-94 v ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION September 12, 1994 AGENDA Call to Order Invocation and pledge to the flag 1. _Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of August 22, 1994 2. Recognition of Visitors a. Beaches Council on Aging, Inc. , requesting donation to defray the cost of purchasing a new bus ( Irving I. Peterson, •President) b. Recognition of Public Safety employees c. Recognition of Public Works employees for Park Street drainage project ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE BY THE CITY COMMISSION AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION IN THE FORM LISTED BELOW. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION AND STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS HAVE BEEN PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED TO THE CITY COMMISSION ON THESE ITEMS. 3. Consent Agenda: a. Acknowledge receipt of Water & Sewer Committee Report No. 17 b. Acknowledge receipt of Code Enforcement monthly report for month of August c. Acknowledge receipt of Building Report for month of August d. Acknowledge receipt of Parks & Recreation facilities usage report for month of August e. Acknowledge receipt of Traffic Committee Report 4. Action of Resolutions: a. Adoption of Resolution No. 94-30 creating the Atlantic Beach Teen Council 5. Action on Ordinances: a. Final reading and public hearing on Ordinance No. 95-94- 61 regulating door to door soliciting in Atlantic Beach 6. New Business: a. Adoption of tentative millage rate of 3.8693 b. Public hearing on operating budget for fiscal year 1994/95 c. Discussion relative to feasibility of purchasing five lots on Seminole Road d. Appointment to Tree Board to fill seat vacated by Carolyn Woods e. Appointments to fill two vacancies on the Recreation Advisory Board • 7. City Manager Reports and/or Correspondence: a. Final report on Park Street drainage project 8. Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners, City Attorney and City Clerk: a. Report from City Attorney relative to negotiations to purchase Tresca property Adjournment MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION V V HELD IN CITY HALL, 800 SEMINOLE ROAD, AT 7:15 P. M. ON MONDAY, O O SEPTEMBER 12, 1994 T T E E PRESENT: Lyman T. Fletcher, Mayor D D Steve Rosenbloom Suzanne Shaughnessy J. Dezmond Waters, III, and M S Robert G. Weiss, Jr. , Commissioners 0 E T C AND: Kim D. Leinbach, City Manager I 0 Y Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney NAME OF ONEN Maureen King, City Clerk COMMRS. N D S 0 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Fletcher. The invocation was followed by the pledge to the flag. 1. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of August 22,1994 ROSENBLOOM X SHAUGHNESSY X X Motion: Approve minutes of the regular meeting of WATERS X August 22, 1994 WEISS X X FLETCHER X No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. 2. Recognition of Visitors a. Beaches Council on Aging, Inc., requesting donation to defray the cost of purchasing a new bus Irving Peterson, representing Beaches Council on Aging, Inc. , (BCOA) explained BCOA was a public service organization dedicated to the needs of senior citizens and the handicapped community. He indicated BCOA sponsored the Dial-a-Ride program for the beaches area. He reported there was an increased demand for Dial-A-Ride Service, and since the present buses were old and in constant need of repair it was necessary to purchase a new bus. Mr. Peterson indicated BCOA had received a municipal grant of $42,000 and it would be necessary to acquire funds of $12,000 to purchase a new bus, and he requested that Atlantic Beach donate to this cause. Mayor Fletcher explained city ordinances prohibited donations of this nature, but that the city would be happy to solicit donations from citizens. After discussion, it was decided that George Worley, City Planner, would investigate the possibility of obtaining CDBG grant funds. Commissioner Rosenbloom suggested that Neptune Beach and Jacksonville Beach be challenged to match funds derived from Atlantic Beach. b. Recognition of Public Safety employees David Thompson, Chief of Police, recognized police officers and fire fighters who had been instrumental in saving the life of an Atlantic Beach woman who had been injured. Lifeguards who had saved a man from drowning were also recognized. Page 2 September 12, 1994 V V NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN c. Recognition of Public Works employees for Park Street drainage project Bob Kosoy, Public Works Director, recognized Public Works employees who had been involved in the Park Street drainage project. Mr. Kosoy reported work was completed well under budget. J. P. Marchioli, 414 Sherry Drive, presented a money order to purchase a bicycle rack to be placed on 4th Street. The Mayor thanked Mr. Marchioli for his donation. Commissioner Weiss expressed appreciation to the commission, staff, and citizens for their thoughtfulness and consideration in the recent death of his father, Glover Weiss. The Mayor asked City Clerk, Maureen King, to prepare a Resolution recognizing the contribution of Glover Weiss to the community and its citizens. 3. Consent Agenda: a. Acknowledge receipt of Water & Sewer Committee Report No. 17 b. Acknowledge receipt of Code Enforcement monthly report for month of August -. Acknowledge receipt of Building Report for month of August . Acknowledge receipt of Parks & Recreation facilities usage report for month of August e. Acknowledge receipt of Traffic Committee Report Mayor Fletcher requested that Item a be withdrawn from the Consent Agenda, and Commissioner Weiss requested that Items b and e be withdrawn from the Consent Agenda. b. Acknowledge receipt of Code Enforcement monthly report for month of August Commissioner Waters commended the Code Enforcement Department for its attention in alleviating the problem of junk cars and overgrown vegetation. Mayor Fletcher felt the hiring of a full time Code Enforcement Inspector was becoming evident in the alleviation of problems in the city. e. Acknowledge receipt of Traffic Committee Report Commissioner Weiss suggested having a roundabout design at Selva Linkside and 11th Street to control traffic, prior to having a roundabout design at Ocean and 11th Street. Chief Thompson indicated the Traffic Committee was in agreement with this. _.ayor Fletcher invited concerned citizens to attend meetings of the Traffic Committee. George Ginsburg, 1173 E.Sandpiper Lane, indicated a number of stop Page 3 September 12, 1994 V V NAME OF COMMAS. MSYN signs were obscured because of vegetation or tree limbs. Chief Thompson thanked Mr. Ginsburg and indicated if problems of this nature were noticed that citizens should call Public Works or the Police Department. a. Acknowledge receipt of Water & Sewer Committee Report No. 17 Mayor Fletcher briefly outlined the status of the proposed building of the sewer treatment plant. He explained concerns with Pitman-Hartenstein & Associates, Inc. , the city's engineers, were indicated in the Water & Sewer Committee Report No. 17 (Report attached hereto and made a part hereof) and he reported the concerns would be addressed at the next Water and Sewer Committee to be held Thursday, September 15, 1995, 8:00 a. m. , in the Conference Room of the City Hall. Alan Potter noted Pitman-Hartenstein had indicated there could be additional changes to bid specifications. He explained the city had paid over $353,476.53 to Pitman-Hartenstein. He referred specifically to the Water and Sewer Committee Report not mentioning letters of August 10, 1994 and August 24, 1994 from Pitman-Hartenstein. Commissioners were invited to attend the Water and Sewer Committee meeting of, Thursday, September 25, 1994. ROSENBLOOM X Motion: Approve passage of Consent Agenda SHAUGHNESSY X X WATERS X X he question was called and the motion carried unanimously. WEISS X FLETCHER X 4. Action of Resolutions: a. Resolution 94-30 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CREATING THE ATLANTIC BEACH TEEN COUNCIL TO BE COMPOSED OF FIFTEEN (15) MEMBERS WHO SHALL SERVE WITHOUT COMPENSATION; PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS AND FILLING OF VACANCIES; PROVIDING TERMS THEREOF; PROVIDING FOR THE STRUCTURE OF THE COUNCIL AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Fletcher presented in full, in writing, Resolution No. 94-30. Mayor Fletcher explained the Resolution was being presented at the suggestion of the Positive Environment Committee. He introduced Jeanie Lindsay, who planned to be the adult supervisor of the Teen Council. It was explained names should be submitted to the Mayor for consideration, and teens and parents who were in the audience were recognized by the Mayor. The Mayor indicated members of the Teen Council, after their appointment, would be electing leaders and coming back to the commission with recommendations on how Atlantic Beach could better meet the recreational needs of teenagers. The Mayor explained meetings would be conducted in the Commission Chambers and coordinated with Maureen King, City Clerk. ROSENBLOOM X SHAUGHNESSY Motion: Approve passage of Resolution 94-30 WATERS WEISS Commissioner Weiss suggested changing Section 2. Duties (c) to read FLETCHER X "events sponsored or approved by the city for teen entertainment." Page 4 September 12, 1994 V V NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN ROSENBLOOM X Amended Motion: Approve passage of Resolution 94-30, as SHAUGHNESSY X X amended. Amendment as follows: change Section 2. Duties (c) to WATERS X read "events sponsored or approved by the city for teen WEISS X X entertainment" ThETCHER X Commissioner Waters suggested appointing a good representation of teens. The question was called on the amended motion and the motion carried unanimously. 5. Action on Ordinances: a. Ordinance No. 92-94-61 - Public Hearing AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 18 OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CODE ADOPTING VARIOUS RULES AND REGULATIONS RELATED TO DOOR-TO-DOOR SOLICITATIONS, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Commissioner Shaughnessy explained the existing ordinance regulated people who solicited for charity but not people who solicited for -rofit. This ordinance, she explained, would address this, and it gas rewritten to remove "charitable" so that the ordinance referred to any solicitation. She explained if one did not wish to be solicited, one could place a sign on one's door and thus prevent solicitation. Mayor Fletcher presented in full, in writing, Ordinance No. 92-94-61, said ordinance having been duly advertised. He opened the floor for a public hearing and invited comments from the audience. Since no one wished to speak the Mayor closed the public hearing. ROSENBLOOM Motion: Approve passage of Ordinance No. 92-94-61 on final SHAUGHNESSY reading WATERS X WEISS X Under discussion it was decided to amend the following sections: FLETCHER 18-2(5) add "or his designee" to the sentence "a complete set of fingerprints taken by the chief of police"; 18-4(f) add "if permit required by Section 18-2" to the sentence "No solicitor shall solicit except under the conditions permitted"; 18-8(4) strike "at least once a week" after which the revised sentence would read as follows: "Route deliverymen who make deliveries to regular customers and whose solicitation is only incidental to their regular deliveries." ROSENBLOOM X SHAUGHNESSY X X Amended Motion: Approve passage of Ordinance No. 92-94-61 on WATERS X final reading, as amended in paragraph above WEISS X X FLETCHER X The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. 6. New Business: Page 5 September 12, 1994 V V NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN and acted on jointly. a. Adoption of tentative millage rate of 3.8693 b. Public hearing on operating budget for fiscal year 1994/95 Mayor Fletcher asked Ann Meuse, Finance Officer, to report regarding amendments that had been made to the budget as a result of recent budget workshop sessions. Ms. Meuse reported she had made extensive changes in the budget according to the wishes of the commission, under direction of the City Manager. She reported she had received the actuarial report on the Pension Plan. She indicated $35,000 would be returned to Bed Tax funds, as it was decided by the commission not to use Bed Tax funds to install a new air conditioner in the Adele Grage Community Center. Mayor Fletcher felt Bed Tax money should be used for parks, and if it was necessary to replace an air conditioner in a city building, money should be used from the General Fund. Commissioner Rosenbloom felt the commission, several months ago, agreed there should not be a tax increase. He indicated it was felt it was important to hold taxes at the rate they were last year. The commission then agreed to impose a .6 mill increase, at which time Commissioner Rosenbloom indicated he requested a portion of the .6 mill increase be used to maintain existing parks, but now it was the feeling of the commission that the tax increase would be used to buy new parkland, only. He indicated Dutton Island was very beautiful, and he was not opposed to acquiring Tresca property. But he felt when Bed Tax money was available it should be used to the maximum. He indicted he was in favor of helping every group of people and every citizen, but every time the commission decided not to use Bed Tax money, taxpayer money must be used. Commissioner Rosenbloom indicated he had been in contact with Barnett Bank and they indicated they would finance a land purchase which would spread acquisition of parkland over time. He felt plenty of alternatives were available to the city other than raising taxes .6 mills. He felt if taxes were going to be raised that the millage increase should not be limited just to the acquisition of park lands, but that it should be used to repair existing parks. He wondered why the commission did not inquire from the Parks and Recreation Department their feelings relative to the acquisition of parkland. He added that he did not feel it was necessary to specify what lands would be purchased. Commissioner Shaughnessy indicated she recalled past discussions indicating the commission would hold the line on taxes, and she added it was her desire to be fiscally conservative. She felt that the amount of land available for parks was limited and before all the land was gone every effort should be made to secure it. She indicated the .6 mill tax would be used to purchase land for parks and that she would like it to be a one-year tax. She indicated she understood the existing parks needed attention, but at the moment Page 6 September 12, 1994 V V NAME OF COMMRS. MS Y N her concern was not to spend any more money than was needed in the next coming years. She indicated she was in favor of a .6 mill increase in tax to be on the books for one year, only. Commissioner Waters felt the issue had become confused because Dutton Island was not being considered at the present time. He felt if it was for sale at a price the city could afford it would be foolish not to buy the land. Presently, two pieces of land were available, and Commissioner Waters felt there was an opportunity now to purchase the land. He felt the .6 mill increase should be for one year, and should be used purely to acquire land. He indicated was not adverse to funding the purchase of the land over a longer period of time. Commissioner Weiss compared the proposed purchase of land to the building of the sea wall many years ago. He indicated at that time property owners did not want to pay for the building of the sea wall, but future generations had benefited from it. He felt the purchase of parkland would benefit future generations. He felt there was only so much land available and it was not going to get cheaper. Mayor Fletcher explained there would be a two step process (1) adopt the millage rate, and (2) pass a tentative budget. He indicated he felt the operating millage should be kept at the same level it was at the present time, and funds from a .6 mill tax increase would be used for the purchase of parkland, only. He indicated the rolled-back tax rate for 1994-95 was 3.1281 and tax notices sent to property owners indicated an operating millage of 3.7721 and a debt service millage of .0972. The operating millage represented a 20.59 percent increase over the rolled-back rate and was for the purpose of maintaining the current level of service of the General Fund operations and for the acquisition and improvements of parks. ROSENBLOOM X SHAUGHNESSY X X X Motion: Adopt a tentative millage for operating purposes of WEI SSS X X 3.7721 FLETCHER X Commissioner Rosenbloom indicated he was in favor of acquiring parklands, but he was against a one time tax increase to pay for the purchase. He felt the city should pay for the purchase of parklands over a long period of time which would spread the cost out among a larger part of the population. He indicated he was also in favor of improving existing parks. He recommended obtaining a commitment from Barnett Bank to acquire parklands over a three to five year period. He indicated taxes would be increased 17 percent for a one time acquisition of parklands, and the city did not even know what property it was going to acquire. He felt the matter could drag on for some time, and he recommended rolling back .6 mills and acquiring park land through debt. Page 7 September 12, 1994 V V NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN Commissioner Rosenbloom felt it was not fair to tax citizens when there was a $250,000 line of credit available to the city. He urged the commission to develop a long range plan. Mayor Fletcher opened the public hearing for adoption of tentative millage and invited comments from the audience. While several people opposed the tax increase, others felt the City should buy the park land while it was available and indicated they would support a tax increase for this purpose. Since no one wished to speak further the Mayor closed the Public Hearing. Commissioner Rosenbloom suggested reducing the tax increase from .6 mills to .3 mills and thus reducing the amount of tax revenue from $250,000 to $125,000, and financing the remaining $125,000 through Barnett Bank. He indicated money could be borrowed at 60 percent to 70 percent below prime. He felt it would be more economical if it were financed. ROSENBLOOM X Amended Motion: Reduce the tax increase from .6 mills to .3 mills which would reduce the amount of tax revenue from $250,000 to $125,000, and finance the remaining $125,000 through Barnett Bank. Motion died for lack of a second. Mayor Fletcher indicated he was not in favor of improving the city's existing parks with the money from the tax increase. He felt the city should do this within its budget. George Ginsburg, 1173 E. Sandpiper Lane, asked if in the event the city did not buy the park lands would the .6 mill increase be returned to the taxpayers, to which Mayor Fletcher explained the only way the city would be authorized to give back the .6 mill increase would be through a reduction in taxes next year. The commission agreed that if parklands were not acquired the .6 mill increase of $250,000 would be rolled back to the taxpayers next fiscal year. Commissioner Rosenbloom asked if the appraisal on parkland would be available to the city prior to buying the land, to which Mayor Fletcher indicated the appraisal would be available to the Commission. Mayor Fletcher suggested Commissioner Rosenbloom discuss the matter with Alan Jensen since it was under negotiation at the present time. The question was called on the motion to adopt a tentative millage for operating purposes of 3.7721 and the vote resulted in 4-1 with Commissioner Rosenbloom voting nay. The motion carried. b. Public hearing on operating budget for fiscal year 1994/95 Page 8 September 12, 1994 V V NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN Mayor Fletcher indicated the total operating budget being proposed for the Fiscal year 1994-95 was $19,404,988. The specific purpose for increase in property taxes were as follows: increase in personal services 7 percent; increase in operating expenses 4 percent, and acquisition of parkland .6 mills. ROSENBLOOM X Motion: Adopt tentative budget of $19,404,988 SHAUGHNESSY X WATERS X Mayor Fletcher indicated it was his intent not to pursue specific WEISS X X areas where deletions of items had occurred, and he opened the floor FLETC HE R X X to commissioners for discussion of the tentative budget. Mayor Fletcher indicated he would like to use Bed Tax money for playground equipment and landscaping. He felt the city should not use Bed Tax money to fix an air conditioner in the Community Center. Commissioner Rosenbloom was against ear-marking funds for specific items, as he felt this approach would not benefit all citizens. He felt if the tennis courts were repaved and the air conditioner was fixed in the community center at least the citizens would get use of the funds. He proposed using all revenue sources that were available other than ad valorem taxes. ;ommissioner Shaughnessy inquired if an additional motorcycle Dfficer was included in the budget to which Kim Leinbach explained no funds were included for an officer, but funds were included to include a motorcycle. Commissioner Shaughnessy indicated her desire to have an additional motorcycle officer included in the budget at a cost of $33,000 including benefits. Mayor Fletcher felt a source of funds should be identified. Commissioner Waters felt that existing personnel should be addressed before an additional officer was hired. Mayor Fletcher opened the floor for a public hearing concerning the motion to adopt a tentative budget of $19,404,988 and he invited comments from the audience. Vic Raynor, representing the F.O.P. , indicated the union was opposed to the hiring of an additional motorcycle officer. It was felt funds should be utilized for other purposes which were needed in the police department. Chief Thompson indicated Mr. Raynor's comments did not reflect the opinion of management. Since no one wished to speak further the Mayor closed the public hearing. The question was called on the motion to adopt a tentative budget of (19,404,988 and the vote resulted in 4-1 with Commissioner Zosenbloom voting nay. The motion carried. c. Discussion relative to feasibility of purchasing five lots on Seminole Road Page 9 September 12, 1994 V V NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN Commissioner Waters indicated lots were available for purchase on Seminole Road and Alice Richardson, who owned the lots, was present in the audience. He felt the land would be ideal for park land and that the matter should be a second priority after the Tresca property was finalized. d. Appointment to Tree Board to fill seat vacated by Carolyn Woods Mayor Fletcher asked that the matter be deferred. e. Appointments to fill two vacancies on the Recreation Advisory Board Mayor Fletcher suggested that Barbara Hopson and Edward Waters be appointed to fill vacancies on the Recreation Advisory Board. ROSENBLOOM X Motion: Appoint Barbara Hopson and Edward Waters to fill SHAUGHNESSY X X vacanyies on the Recreation Advisory Board TtiATE RS X WEISS X X No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. F LETCHE R X 7. City Manager Reports and/or Correspondence: I. Final report on Park Street drainage project Kim Leinbach reported this was addressed earlier in the agenda when employees who worked on the project were recognized. Kim Leinbach reported there would be a Pension Meeting Wednesday, September 14, 1994, 6:00 p. m. , in the Commission Chambers. Kim Leinbach reported the city was recognized for four projects submitted in the City Innovation Showcase. Commissioner Shaughnessy gave a brief report on her attendance to the Florida League of Cities Convention. Commissioner Waters indicated he supported Department Heads receiving the two percent increase. Alan Jensen indicated he was still waiting for a response relative to the Tresca property. Commissioner Waters referred to the agreement between the City and ABET, page 2, #3, and he felt the language indicating "the city will collect all revenues" should be changed to "the city will receive all revenues." ';ommissioner Waters felt workshops prior to Commission meetings were iecessary and would help commissioners understand certain items. Mayor Fletcher indicated two seats on the Code Enforcement Board would be expiring October 1, 1994. Page 10 September 12, 1994 V V NAME OF • COMMRS. MSYN Mayor Fletcher reminded everyone there would be a Donner Road traffic meeting Thursday, September 15, 1994 at 6:00 p. m. Mayor Fletcher indicated Ed Martin, Chairman of the Code Enforcement Board, requested that two ordinances be placed on the commission agenda. One ordinance would require that re-connection of water to a house in a new name could not occur until the building passed inspection and all liens were satisfied. The other ordinance would require a Certificate of Occupancy indicating all liens were satisfied and all city codes were met every time a house was re-rented. There being no further business the Mayor adjourned the meeting at 11:45 p. m. '' an T. Fletcher Mayor Presiding Officer •A T T E S T: Mau een King (/ City Clerk tiy•, ;:., CITY OF tiCtecutrie Eead - €02C � 9 1200 SANDPIPER LANE ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA 32233-4381 11 TELEPHONE(904)247-5834 FAX(904)247-5843 August 26, 1994 MEMORANDUM TO: Kim D. Leinbach/City Manager 7����/ FROM: Robert S. Kosoy/Director of Public Works �� RE: WATER AND SEWER COMMITTEE REPORT #17 The Water and Sewer Committee met on August 25, 1994 and the attendees were: Jim Jarboe, Harry McNally, Tim Townsend, Alan Potter, Tom Hawk and Bob Kosoy. Items of discussion were: 1. EXPANSION OF AB WWTP - DESIGN The Committee discussed Tom Hawk's 8/24/94 letter of response to Bob Kosoy's letter of 8/16/94. In addition, the Committee discussed a Memorandum from Alan Potter dated 8/25/94 which reiterated some of the concerns in Bob Kosoy's letter of 8/16/94. The bid specifications will require several additive alternates in order to reduce the total cost of the project. The additive alternates agreed to at this time are : 1. The work indicated for the existing laboratory building 2. The new operations building The additive alternates still under consideration are: 1. Size of the additional power generation 2. Modifications to the influent structure 3. Modifications to the aeration tanks 4. Deletion of the wetwell portions of the Chlorine Contact Chamber It was agreed to move the entrance to the Public Works facility as close to the existing entrance to the WWTP as possible. Continued EXPANSION OF AB WWTP - PERMITTING Attached is a Memorandum from Bob Kosoy to Kim Leinbach and Jim Jarboe outlining the status of the DEP permit. 2. METER READING - The Committee discussed the possibility of reading the Buccaneer District every month. Harry McNally and Bob Kosoy advised it would take an additional 3-4 days with no increase in personnel to read Buccaneer every month. The Buccaneer district has been the primary source of delinquent accounts and non-payment problems. In order to read the entire City monthly, it was estimated that by adding another meter reader this could be done in an additional 3-4 days. As more touchread meters are installed and the work load decreases this meter reader and possibly others could be used to assist the AB Water Distribution/Collection crew with repair work. RSK/tb Attachments (3) cc: All Attendees FILE - 94-WSCR I ll j){ CITY OF ,' J• 14e6t teet Ecad - (61, Q . , 1200 SANDPIPER LANE ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233-4381 ' TELEPHONE(904)247-5834 pl, � FAX(904)247-5843 • August 16, 1994 Mr. Thomas Hawk, P. E. PITMAN-HARTENSTEIN & ASSOCIATES, INC. 7820 Arlington Expressway, Suite 640 Jacksonville, Florida 32211 RE: ATLANTIC BEACH WWTP EXPANSION Dear Mr. Hawk: On August 15, 1994 Mr. Alan Potter, Sr. met with Mr. Jarboe and I to discuss some of his concerns with the 100% plan submittals. His concerns are summarized as follows : 1. Sheet G-3 - Why are the existing two 300 kw generators not being left in place with no more than 600 kw of new power generation. being furnished? By dividing the new load into two (2) systems, would not the power requirements be met? 2. Sheet S-3, S-4 - Can all new construction at influent structure be deleted, with only the existing structure being raised? 3. Sheet S-10 - Can the splitter box be eliminated and flow , split with piping and valves? 4. Sheet S-5, 8-6 - Does not ACI code require more than the one construction joint shown in floor slab and wall? 5. Sheet S-9A - Can one air pipe be changed to two and bracket pipes to 4'X12" thick concrete walkway similar to detail on S-19? Can center wall be lowered 2' -0" ? 6. Sheet M-4 - Provide a general note to say all MJ pipe, not push on, or call-out pipe on plan. 7. Sheet S-13 - Can downcomer boxes, aluminum grating and handrail be eliminated and only ductile iron pipe from weir trough be provided? 8. Sheet S-15 - If clarifier manufacturer submits a proposal to construct the approximate 400 LF launderer out of a material other than concrete, 'will that be an acceptable alternate? Continued 9. Sheet M-21 - Can Schedule 80 CPVC (with stainless steel brackets) be substituted for 316 Stainless Steel? 10. Sheet S-17, S-19 - Can the pump-out wetwell be eliminated and directly piped to pond? Can elevation on Sheet S-19 be changed from 22. 90 to 21. 90 to reduce freeboard? 11. Sheet M-25 - Can chlorine be directly injected into pipe rather than providing a chlorine induction unit? What is the MWL=? 12. Sheet S-12 - How do we ensure that foundation slab weighs approximately 2-3 times the weight of the generator to eliminate vibrations? 13. Sheet M-16 - Will the stainless steel pipe not float based on the minimal wall thickness? Can ductile iron be used instead of stainless steel? 14. Sheet M-17 - Can a 1000-1200 gallon tank with a standby source be used instead of a 3000 gallon tank? Will a partially filled tank have problems with foaming and fouling due to bacterial and fungus growth from No. 2 Diesel? 15. Sheet S-22, S-23 - Can New Operations Building be bid as additive alternate? Also, on Sheet A-1 water cooler should be moved out of conference room for public access and plumbing should be changed on Sheet P-1. 16. Sheet A-9 to A-13 - Can redoing lab be bid as additive alternate? 17. Sheet S-24 - Can proposed Chlorine Handling Facility be bid as additive alternate? 18. Sheet V-2 - This sheet seems unnecessary and could be added to V-1. Roof penetrations should be shown. Can split residential type units be installed instead of rooftops? 19. Sheet E-16 - Can circuit breakers be installed instead of fuses? Continued 20. Sheet E-14 - Do we have two speed or variable speed motors? What purpose do they serve? 21. - No Plan Sheet - Show blow-off lines on lowest point of air headers. 22. Sheet M-13 - Show minimum 2" - IPS breaker on highest point of air header on each aeration tank. We expect that these concerns will receive due consideration since your engineering estimate submitted July 22, 1994 and updated on August 10, 1994 was approximately $1 million over the original anticipated cost of the project. As you and Mr. Bill Pitman assured us, if your engineer's estimate turned out to be higher than anticipated, your firm would recommend cost saving ideas and, with our approval, incoporate them prior to bidding to bring the project in within the budget. Mr. Potter's concerns are suggestions to save monies and until complete responses are received from you, staff hereby directs you to implement only Items 2, 15 and 16 prior to bidding. Other concerns will be based on your responses. Thank you for your prompt attention to these concerns and we would appreciate any suggestions you or your staff can submit for reducing the anticipated cost of this project. Sincerely, Robert S. Kosoy, P. E. Director of Public Works RSK/tb cc : Kim D. Leinbach/City Manager Jim Jarboe/Deputy City Manager Tim N. Townsend/Utility Plant Division Director Water and Sewer Committee Members FILE - ABS-2. 1. 2 • 9 =�1, , CITY OF • • 1200 SANDPIPER LANE ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233-4381 TELEPHONE(904)247-5834 rik FAX(904)247-5843 August 24, 1994 MEMORANDUM TO: Kim D. Leinbach/City Manager Jim Jarboe/Deputy City Manager FROM: Robert S. Kosoy/Director of Public Works RE: PERMITTING STATUS ON AB WWTP On August 23, 1994 I discussed the status of the permitting process with Mr. Tom Hawk and requested a Memorandum from him summarizing our discussion. See Attachment. On August 24, 1994 I spoke with Mr. Jerry Owen, P. E. from DEP Baymeadows and discussed some of the problems encountered by our engineering consultants. Mr. Owen advised me that the deadline for submitting the information being requested by DEP at our August 9, 1994 meeting was not the DEP's deadline, but a self imposed deadline. I advised him that I was monitoring the engineering consultant 's progress and attempting to expedite the submittals and he assured me that as soon as the submittals are received, he would expedite the review and permitting process. RSK/tb Attachment cc: Ernie Beadle/Assistant Public Works Director TNTa,0;,•,c4�<1i FILE - ABS-2. 1. 2 ABS-2. 3 A. A di ./MAi PITMAN V HARTENSTEIN & ASSOC., INC. E N G I N E E R S Memorandum To: Robert S. Kosoy, P.E. Public Works Director RECEIVED City of Atlantic Beach Date: August 23, 1994 AUG 2 3 1994 Re: WQBEL, Antedegration and Permitting P_UBI.IC WORKS Atlantic Beach Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion PH&A Project No.: 9325-2 Discussion: LCORMIX Model-WOBEL Study The following discussion is predicated upon daily telephone conversations with Mr. Scott Collins with Hazen and Sawyer. The CORMIX,>4'Modeling was performed last week using CORMIX 2.1 which is the new standard. Results from the CORMIX 2.1 varied significantly form the results obtained a year ago using CORMIX 1.4. FDEP Tallahassee was contacted and Hazen and Sawyer was instructed to use the older CORMIX 1.4 model. Unfortunately, Hazen and Sawyer had purged CORMIX 1.4 from their computer. FDEP was again contacted and attempted three times to provide the CORMIX 1.4 disk files. The files transmitted by FDEP were either incomplete or corrupt in each case. The last attempt by FDEP to transmit the files was received on Monday August 21, 1994. Hazen and Sawyer had also contacted their other offices and on August 21, 1994, located a complete file of CORMIX 1.4 at another office and had that file modemed into their computer. That internal transfer would have occurred earlier, however,the individual with access to the CORIvIIX 1.4 at a satellite office had been on vacation until this past Monday. Hazen and Sawyer has indicated they anticipate that a review copy of the WQBEft Study report will be transmitted on Wednesday from their Raleigh, N.C. offices to PH&A and to John Leonard and Robert Fergan, both with Hazen and Sawyer, for receipt on Thursday August 24, 1994. II.Antidegradation Report. PH&A is updating and correcting the Antidegradation Report per FDEP comments. Items outstanding include input from the WQBEL Study and information from FDEP. Discussion with Mr. Jeff Martin, FDEP,relative to information on sea grasses, turtles, manatees, etc.. indicates that the information to be produced by FDEP maybe as much as ,two weeks in coming. This delay is due to Mr. Bill Brooks, FDEP, author of the necessary informa on being on vacation this week. from 823/94 7820 ARLINGTON EXPRESSWAY ♦ SUITE 640♦ JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA 32211 ♦ (904)724-3546♦ FAX(904)724-9463 Page 2 Mr Robert Kosoy August 23, 1994 M. Permitting - The comment letter authored by Mr. Charles Hubsch on June 2, 1994 had established August 31, 1994 as the deadline for submittal of responses to all comments. In order to extend that deadline, PH&A will prepare and transmit a request for extension to September 30, 1994. Obviously, we expect to have all required responses and documents submitted long before that date. However, based upon the time frame discussed with Mr. Jeff Martin, our original estimate of September 9, 1994 looks more and more realistic. • Very truly yours, Thomas C. Hawk, P.E. Project Manager TCH:agr , , g4-CiSck DATE: August 25 , 1994 TO : Water and Sewer Utility Committee FROM: Alan W . Potter , Sr . , Member REFERENCE : Expansion -Improvements to Atlantic Beach WWTP No . 1 SUBJECT : OVER BUDGET COST ESTIMATE DISCUSSION: The expansion of the Atlantic Beach WWTP No . 1 to a new treatment capacity of 3 . 0 MGD is the highest priority project of the Capital Improvement Program . The cost estimate provided by the consulting engineers (P . H . & A . ) suggests a construction cost of $4 , 800 , 000 . This figure plus the engineering fees of $300 , 000 . -plus , will result in a total project cost of $5 , 100 , 000 . This figure does not include any allowance for contingencies . Obviously, cost reduction on the construction items must be considered and implemented prior to bidding the project . Items worth considering include : ( 1 ) Do not "salvage" the two existing 300-KW generators . ste (2) Do not connect the existing electrical service to the 'CU"' 1 planned new electrical service . 8I2A (3 ) Provide (only) a new 600 KW generator in lieu of a Or (nominally) 1200 KW generator . 5t6 ,) (4 ) Delete in its entirety the new concrete work and the four Ift new static screens at the Influent Structure . (Provide 21{r only essential pipe modifications . ) se C ( 5) Reduce height of the west end walls and center walls of IAe'"S, 1 the two aeration tanks . Eliminate the "Y"-wall and Ialuminum grating (drawing provided . ) ( 6 ) Provide two ductile iron air piping systems in lieu of the stainless steel air piping systems at each aeration tank . Vz Cvo " 4_ P.1 ( - 9adt, ) (red" 51'- -1-I . had io -e,f-4tna` l'c`aA Reui c. Spec . 4.‘,r vjG( s±- ham_ - Md . Alf Cor o/& (Ji prryy _, (7 ) Provide mechanical joint ductile iron pipe air pipe UK system from the Blower Building to the two Aeration Tanks . (8) Delete the wet well portions of the Chlorine Contact Chamber and the three new pump-out pumps . Continue to -4-U41 use (and possibly upgrade) the existing pump-out pumps . G°"R '" 4 (9) Review needs and possibly delete all work indicated for the existing Laboratory Building . 15 ( 10) Review needs and possibly delete the new Operations Building . ( 11 ) As an alternate to ( 9) and ( 10) , consider consolidating the functions of the Operations and the Laboratory Buildings . Ste, ( 12) Delete the "splitter box" at Aeration No . 2 and use a n� 3 pipe manifold and gate valves to divide the flow to the �^v two (future , three) clarifiers . 9 ( 13) Delete the effluent boxes at the two clarifiers along PA" with aluminum grating and handrail . ,O ( 14+) Consider using City forces to remove all palm trees and shrubbery at the work site prior to bidding the work . ( 15) Consider relocating the gate to Public Work- Treatment n� Plant Southerly toward the Sandpiper-Donner intersection . / Also , consider reinstallation of existing chain link fence (shown to be removed) in lieu of new fence .