09-26-94 v ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION ' September 26, 1994 AGENDA Call to Order Invocation and pledge to the flag 1 . Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of September 12, 1994 2. Recognition of Visitors ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE BY THE CITY COMMISSION AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION IN THE FORM LISTED BELOW. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION AND STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS HAVE BEEN PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED TO THE CITY COMMISSION ON THESE ITEMS. 3. Consent Agenda: a. Acknowledge receipt of Water & Sewer Committee Report No. 18 • 4. Committee Reports: a. Acknowledge receipt of Traffic/Parking Committee report b. Action on recommendations of Traffic Committee relative to Donner Road extension 5. Action of Resolutions: a. Adoption of Resolution No. 94-36 in memory of R. Glover Weiss b. Adoption of Resolution No. 94-34 supporting Donner Community Development Corporation' s application for Community Development Block Grant funds c. Adoption of Resolution No. 94-35 approving year end budget adjustment d. Adoption of Resolution No. 94-37 to provide for the establishment of a pension pre-tax deduction plan e. Public Hearing and adoption of Resolution No. 94-32 setting the millage rate to be levied on all real and personal property for FY 1994/95 f. Public Hearing and adoption of Resolution No. 94-33 adopting an operating budget for FY 1994/95 g. Adoption of Resolution No. 94-31 restricting the use of certain funds to the purchase and development of park al land Page Two AGENDA September 26, 1994 S 6. New Business: a. Appointment of 15 members of Teen Council b. Appointment to Tree Board to fill seat vacated by Carolyn Woods c. Action on recommendation relative to selection of architect for proposed Donner Activity Building d. Authorize execution of agreement with CH2M Hill for remaining surveying work on stormwater master plan ( Task Order No. 4, Addendum 1 ) 7. City Manager Reports and/or Correspondence: 8 . Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners, City Attorney and City Clerk: a. Report from City Attorney relative to negotiations to purchase Tresca property Adjournment • MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MING OF MANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION V V LD IN CITY BALL, 800 SEMINOLE LOAD, AT 7:15 P. M. ON M7N DAY, 0 0 =VIER 26, 1994 T T E E PRESENT: Lyman T. Fletcher, Mayor D D Steve Rosenbloom Suzanne Shaughnessy J. Dezmond Waters, III, and M S Robert G. Weiss, Jr. , Commissioners 0 E T C AND: Kim D. Leinbach, City Manager I 0 Y Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney NAME OF ONEN Maureen King, City Clerk COMMRS. N D S 0 d The meeting was called to order by Mayor Fletcher. The invocation was followed by the pledge to the flag. 1. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of September 12, 1994 ROSENBLOOM SHAUGHNESSY X Nation: Approve minutes of the regular meeting of WATERS X X September 12, 1994 WEISS X X FLETCHER X Commissioner Waters referred to the last sentence on Page 6 and asked that the minutes be amended to correct comments made by Mayor Fletcher which indicated the Mayor felt resources were not in place to buy new land. Commissioner Waters also referred to the third aragraph of Page 7 and he asked that the minutes be amended to correct language indicating nine people spoke in opposition of the tax hike and three people spoke in favor of the tax hike. The question was called and the motion to approve the minutes, as amended, carried unanimously. Mayor Fletcher requested that Items 6a and 6b, appointments to the Teen Council and appointment to the Tree Board, be deferred until the meeting of October 10, 1994. Reverend George G. Hartsfield, Pastor, Roberts Mount Pisgah AME Church, thanked the city for its assistance in providing space for clothes collections, and for providing for cleanup in the Donner area, and he presented the city with a plaque. 3. Consent Agenda: a. Acknowledge receipt of Water & Sewer Committee Report No. 18 Mayor Fletcher asked that the report be prepared in a more detailed ROSENBLOOM manner. SHAUGHNESSY X Notion: Approve passage of Consent Agenda WATERS X WEISS X X The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. FLETCHER X X . Cb mittee Reports: -3LK1 2AI.rDe.Ala NV HQI D IIOIAMid =SJ1XI[ Id SNOIIVHOdUOD INSW IMAM A.LINffn CO IDINNOCI HILL T QL JNad1QIIA3Q NVSNIl ONK DNIIS1XII 30 Jl lV(IM aTIIAMSNDVI 30 MID 3111 ONV SON(14 JNVM )ORI ALINU D }IQ3 NOIVJI7&IK SNOIMIOd2i0D J1addOIIA2( AIINOWWOD 21HNMXI 3I1T 2IQ3 IHOddOS SNIISS 1H(1X3 @CIIZIOT3 'Ham DIJNVLW 3O LT]D MI 3O Nomm E4H K - 17£-176 'ON uOTgnTosag •q •sszaM zauoTssTUI1D pup SSTaM .saw og uoTgUTosad aqg paguasazd zagogaT3 zoApw •ATsno1Tupun poTzzpo uoTgow aUJ X 2IHHOZR'I3 X . X SSIHM 9£-I6 uorgnTosa3 3o abPssed aiozck :uoTggnl X X S2I�ZVM X ASSRNHOIIHHS •9E-176 •ou uoTgnTosag 'buTgT.M X WOO1SNRSOa uT 'TTS uT guasazd og sszaM zauoTssTtuuoD paxsp zagogaT3 zoApw SSIENEEMUID dO A ONHW NI H W DIJNVT1LH dO ASID MI3O NOIIITIOS32i V - 9£-176 •oN UOT flTosau -P :suoT4nTose3 3o uoigov -5 •auiTg sTgg buTgaaui am pauToc uxJoTquasog zauoTsSTun1D •paTzzpo uoTgoui au •Apu buTgon szagpM zauoTSSTuiuoD ggTM T-£ uT Pe;Tnsaz awn alp pup PaTTP° SPM uoTgsanb au •ppoz Acne-@1.10 P uo DTggP.T APM ons pugs o; s you SPM .41 TTo; GH •auUT auo buTaq ppoz agg og pesoddo SPM szagpy zauoTSSTuom X X 2IRHOZTI3 4Tgrt1X 1 - Joazeli laud P WPM PMP X S S I3M 0401aq P 42) '66T '6T xaquzagdaS paTep gaodaa uT peugTino X S2IOIVM se a044 'MOH iuuor 30 suoTgepuommal gd000 j :uoTgoyl X X ASSHNHOnVHS NOO1 NRS02I •0T3gpz4 aToADTq puP goog zo; ApMppoz am go mnos aqg aq. 3TpMapTs P go uoTITppp am. pup 'pepuomooaa SPM 'goaJJa buTMTPD oTgJPxg p agowozd sp TTBM SP ApMppoz am. AgTgnpaq og pua gsaM am uo ATieTnoTgzpd 'buTdpospupq •sassaoop euPT aTbuTs agg uTpguTptu pInOM ;pg.; buTdpospuPT g-4-TM uragg buToPTdaz pup spua gsaM pup gspa egg gp sogpb aqg buTnouraz pup 'soar; buT;STXO alp buTnpaT papuauauooaz aag4Tuuro3 aUJ •APMppoz agg uapTM pup uaggbTuags 04 gupM you PTP eaggTuiuoD agy •gTXa pup aoupzgua agg gP SOUPT aTbuTs ggTM 'buTpuTM ' •a •T •uoTgPanbTJuoo guazano SgT uT ApMppoz aqg buTnpaT papuammoaz aa44TuiuoD aqg 'ATTPDT.JToadS •uoTsuagx3 ppog zaUUOQ am. go buTuado uuag buoT e pepuauiooaz aeggTuiuoo agg pagaodaz 'aoTTod go ;OTgD 'uosduiou •H pTAPQ uoTsuagxa peal 101111011 og aAT4eTaz eagTTunLO OTJJP3y Jo suo?qupuanna az uo uoTgad •q •gzodaz aaggTuiuoD buTNJud/oTgJPtJ, agg pagdaoop uOTSSTu1uoD aUJ, asodas aaaaTUU o3 o[1ed/3T33PJ1L =o g 1Taoa1 a6paTWrP -F N A S Yd 'SUNNOD 30 3NVN A A abed 7v66T '9Z zaquragdag 'sagnuTw Minutes, September 26, 1994 Page 3 V V NAME OF COMMAS. MSYN Mayor Fletcher presented in full, in writing, Resolution No. 94--34. Mayor Fletcher commended Sharette Simpkins for the work she had accomplished through the Donner Community Development Corporation. The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. c. Resolution No. 94-35 - A RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING CERMIIN MONIES BETWEEN FN FUN . Mayor Fletcher presented in full, in writing, Resolution no. 94-35. Kim Leinbach explained $10,300 was transferred from the General Fund unrestricted fund balance for legal fees in the interlocal lawsuit, $42,453 was transferred to the Debt Service Fund for repayment of unused loan proceeds on the Liberty National Lease, and $400,000 was transferred from the Sewer Fund to the Water Fund to cover deficit resulting from capital project expenditures in prior year. Mr. Leinbach explained the purpose of the budget adjustment was so that the budget would be in compliance with accounting standards. ROSENBLOOM X SHAUGHNESSY X X Motion: Approve passage of Resolution 94-35 WATERS X WEISS X X ie question was called and the motion carried unanimously. FLETCHER X d. Resolution No. 94-37 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF MANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A CAFETERIA PLAN FOR FMPIDYEE CONTRIBUTIONS 7.0 THE CITY'S PENSION PLAN Mayor Fletcher presented in full, in writing, Resolution No. 94-37. Kim Leinbach explained the Pension Board reviewed and endorsed the use of the Cafeteria plan for city employees. He explained the purpose of the cafeteria plan was to allow payroll deductions for pension benefits to be made on a pre-tax basis, and he indicated health insurance for employees was already under the cafeteria plan. Commissioner Shaughnessy asked if the cost of $3,200.00 was a final fee, to which Don Ford explained it was not possible to receive a quote until a resolution was passed, but that it was felt $3,200 was a maximum estimate. Mayor Fletcher felt the passage of the resolution should be delayed until the meeting of October 10, 1994 to give the Commission time for further study. He appointed a sub-committee of Commissioners Shaughnessy and Rosenbloom to review the matter and report back to the Commission. Commissioner Rosenbloom felt if staff had reviewed this and was recommending its passage, there should not be a sub-committee. ter discussion, it was decided to defer action on Resolution No. LI-37 until the meeting of October 10, 1994. e. Resolution no. 94-32 - A RESOLUTION SETTING THE MILLAGE RATE TO Minutes, September 26, 1994 Page 4 V V NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN BE LEVIED ON ALL REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY WIT L[N THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH FOR FISCAL YEAR 1994-95. Mayor Fletcher presented in full, in writing, Resolution no. 94-32. He explained passage of Resolution 94-32 would authorize an operating millage of 3.7721 and a debt service millage of .0972. He indicated the operating millage represented a 20.59 percent increase over the rolled-back rate and was for the purpose of maintaining the current level of service of the General Fund operations and for the acquisition and improvements of parks. Mayor Fletcher opened the floor for a public hearing on Resolution 94-32 and invited comments from the audience. During the public hearing many citizens spoke and indicated their feelings regarding the tax increase and acquisition of parkland. A petition opposing the proposed tax was presented to the Commission (copy attached hereto and made a part hereof) . While many people opposed the tax increase, others felt the City should buy parkland using money from other sources. Following comments from the audience and since no one wished to speak further, Mayor Fletcher closed the public hearing. ROSENBLOOM X SHAUGHNESSY X Notion: Approve passage of Resolution 94-32 WATERS X X WEISS X X Commissioners explained their feelings relative to the acquisition FLETCHER X of parkland and passage of Resolution 94-32. The Commission was in favor of reducing taxes via lowering the millage rate in fiscal year 95/96 if property was not purchased in fiscal year 94/95. Following comments from Commissioners, the question was called and the vote resulted in 4-1 with Commissioner Rosenbloom voting nay. The motion carried. The Mayor called a short recess at 9:20 p. m. Agenda item 5g was taken out of sequence and acted upon. g. Resolution 94-31 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF MANIC BEACH, FOR THE PURPOSE OF USING CERTAIN FUNDS FOR THE ACQUISITION AND DEVELOPMENT OF PARK LANDS WITHIN THE CITY OF =ANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Fletcher presented in full, in writing, Resolution no. 94-31. ROSENBLOOM SHAUGHNESSY Motion: Approve passage of Resolution 94-31 WATERS X WEISS X Commissioner Rosenbloom indicated his desire to delete language with FLETCHER eference to specific parklands. Minutes, September 26, 1994 Page 5 V V NAME OF COMMAS. MSYN Amended Motion: Approve passage of Resolution 94-31, as ROSENBLOOM X amended. Amendment: delete language in Section 1, which SHAUGHNESSY referred to specific land: "Tresca property, Dutton Island, and WATERS also property generally located at West Seminole Road and WEISS relocation of public Works for the expansion of Jordan Park." FLETCHER Motion died for lack of a second. Commissioner Weiss referred to Section 3 and suggested deleting language following "Such funding as noted herein may be used, as legally provided, to finance park property acquisition and development. . ." Deleted language as follows: "and may be renewed for subsequent years after proper due process, citizen input and upon favorable vote of a majority of City Commission members." ROSENBLOOM X Amended motion: Delete language in Section 3, as follows: "and SHAUGHNESSY X may be renewed for subsequent years after proper due process, WATERS X X citizen input and upon favorable vote of a majority of City WEISS X X Commission members." FLETCHER X Commissioner Weiss felt the deletion of the language would indicate the increased tax would be for one year, only. The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. onmissioner Shaughnessy suggested deleting the word "development" which appeared in the title of the resolution, as well as in Section 1, Section 2, and Section 3. She felt that this deletion would indicate funds could be used for acquisition of parkland, only. Amended motion: Delete "and development" in title of ROSENBLOOM X Resolution; delete "developing land" in Section 1; delete "and SHAUGHNESSY X X development" in Section 2; and delete "and development" in WATERS X Section 3. WEISS X X FLETCHER X A discussion ensued relative to use of any funds, should there a portion left after purchase of land. Following discussion, the question was called and the vote resulted in 2-3 with Commissioners Rosenbloom, Waters, and Weiss voting nay. The motion failed. A discussion ensued concerning the maintenance of existing parks, and Commissioner Rosenbloom suggested adding language at the end of Section 3 which would indicate any remaining funds after acquisition of parkland may be used to improve existing parklands. ROSENBLOOM X X SAmended notion: Add the following language to Section 3 "After WATERSAERHNESSY X acquisition of parklands anyremainingX aogl77 R par � funds may be used to WEISS X X improve existing parklands" FLETCHER X r'ollowing discussion, the question was called and the vote resulted in 1-4 with Commissioners Shaughnessy, Waters and Weiss, and Mayor Fletcher voting nay. The motion failed. Minutes, September 26, 1994 Page 6 V V NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN Commissioner Weiss asked that the amended motion to delete the word "development" which appeared in the title of the resolution, as well as in Section 1, Section 2, and Section 3 be reconsidered. ROSENBLOOM X Reconsider Amended motion: Delete "and development" in title SHAUGHNESSY X X of Resolution; delete "developing land" in Section 1; delete WATERS X "and development" in Section 2; and delete "and development" in WEISS X X Section 3 FLETCHER X Following discussion, the question was called and the vote resulted in 4-1 with Commissioner Waters voting nay. The motion to reconsider the amended motion carried. ROSENBLOOM X Amended motion: Delete "and development" in title of SHAUGHNESSY X X Resolution; delete "developing land" in Section 1; delete "and WATERS X development" in Section 2; and delete "and developmnt" in WEISS X X Section 3. FLETCHER X After discussion the question was called and the vote resulted in 3-2 with Commissioners Rosenbloom and Waters voting nay. The motion carried. ROSENBLOOM X Nation: Approve passage of Resolution 94-31, as amended WATERS X WEISS X X o discussion before the vote which resulted in 4-1 with FLETCHER X Commissioner Rosenbloom voting nay. The motion carried. f. Resolution No. 94-33 - A RESOLUTION ADOPTING AN OPERATING BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1994 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1995. Mayor Fletcher presented in full, in writing, Resolution No. 94-33. ROSENBLOOM X SHAUGHNESSY X Motion: Approve passage of Resolution no. 94-33 WATERS X X WEISS X X Mayor Fletcher opened the floor for a Public Hearing and he invited FLETCHER X comments from the audience. Vic Rayner, Representing the Fraternal Order of Police (F.O.P.) , inquired as to betterments in the budget, to which Mayor Fletcher explained thus far the only betterment that had been approved for the Police Department was a motorcycle. Mr. Rayner indicated the F.O.P. felt other concerns were more important such as, lap-top computers, portable radios and the fact that the F.O.P. felt the Police Department was understaffed. Since no one wished to speak further the Mayor closed the Public Hearing. ua missioner Shaughnessy felt a motorcycle officer should be hired at a salary of $22,500, with a total salary of $28,200 with benefits. She felt the hiring of a motorcycle officer would — Minutes, September 26, 1994 Page 7 V V NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN Al -viate speeding problems the city was experiencing. she indicated funding for the officer could be derived from two sources (1) anticipated revenues should the city privatize its sanitation service, and (2) revenue of $44,000 derived frau the salary of retiring Public Works Maintenance/Sanitation Division Director. ROSENBLOOM X Notion: Approve hiring a motorcycle officer at a salary of SHAUGHNESSY X X $22,500 with a total salary of $28,200 with benefits. Funding WATERS x to be derived from one of two sources: (1) anticipated WEISS X X revenues should the city privatize its sanitation service, and FLET CHER X (2) revenue of $44,000 derived from the salary of retiring Public Works Maintenance/Sanitati_on Division Director. Under discussion, it was explained the Maintenance/Sanitation Division Director was retiring December 7, 1994. Kim Leinbach, City Manager, explained it was his opinion the position under discussion would not be filled. it was decided since it was uncertain whether or not the city would privatize its sanitation needs, that the position would be funded from revenue of $44,000 derived fran the salary of the retiring Public Works Maintenance/Sanitation Division Director. The question was called and the vote resulted in 3-2 with Commissioner Waters and Mayor Fletcher voting nay. The motion carried. The question was called on the motion to approve Resolution 94-33 to adopt the operating budget for FY1994/95 and the vote resulted in 4-1 with Commissioner Rosenbloom voting nay. The motion carried. g. Resolution no. 94-31 - this was acted on earlier in the agenda. 6. New Business: a. Appointment of 15 maobers of Teen Council (this was deferred until the meeting of October 10, 1994 b. Appointment to Tree Board to fill seat vacated by Carolyn Woods (this was deferred until the meeting of October 10, 1994) Item 6d was taken out of sequence and acted upon d. Authorize execution of agreement with CH2M Hill for mining surveying work on stornnwater master plan Bob Kosoy, Public Works Director, reported it had been determined that elevations of storm drains in some areas of the City had not been completed. The Consultant's original scope of work authorized new surveying in the areas where major drainage problems existed with the intent that other areas could be included in the master plant from existing As Builts. Staff had provided many As Built plans to the Consultant for the incorporation of data into the Master Plan, but additional survey would be needed to completed the Master Plan. Mr. Kosoy recommended authorizing Task order 4, Addendum 1 (attached herewith and made a part hereof -Exhibit c) . Minutes, September 26, 1994 Page 8 V V NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN Mitch Griffin, Representing CH2M Hill responded to questions. ROSENBLOOM X Notion: Authorize remaining survey work on Stornwater Master SHAUGHNESSY X X Plan, specifically Task order 4, Addendum 1 (attached hereto WATERS X and made a part hereof - Exhibit c) WEISS X x FLETCHER X The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. c. Action on recommendation relative to selection of architect for proposed Donner Activity Building Kim Leinbach, City Manager, explained several weeks ago staff had been asked to solicit requests (RFP) for proposals regarding a proposed activity center at the Donner park. Subsequently, advertisements were made and nine RFP's were received from interested architectural firms. Staff reviewed the proposals and recommended inviting Boyer & Boyer, George Bull, William Ebert, and Akel Logan & Schafer to the meeting of October 10, 1994 for consideration as principal architect for the proposed project. ROSENBLOOM X Notion: Approve recommendation of staff to interview Boyer & Boyer, George Bull, William Ebert, and Akel Logan & Schafer for ATERSNESSY X X consideration as principal architect for the proposed project. WATERS X X WEISS X FLETCHER X Mayor Fletcher suggested adding the name of Michael Dunlap to the list to be interviewed, and the Commission agreed. The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. Under discussion, Mayor Fletcher advised the City Manager he would indicate when the interviews would take place. d. Authorize execution of agreement with CH2M Hill for mining surveying work on stornwater master plan (this was acted on earlier in the agenda) 7. City Manager Reports and/or Correspondence: The City Manager indicated had no reports at this time. 8. Reports and/or requests frau City Commissioners, City Attorney and City Clerk: a. Report audit City Attorney relative to negotiations to purchase Tresca property Alan Jensen, City Attorney, reported the Tresca property was available at its appraised value of $230,000. Commissioner Rosenbloan reported concerning a meeting between staff, Pitman Hartenstein, and himself. He reported Pitman Hartenstein indicated it had been difficult to work within the confines of the Minutes, a/26/94 Page 9 -, V V NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN Water/Sewer Committee. There had been a difference of opinion regarding the type of treatment process which should be used. He reported plans were almost complete and there would be a charge of $9 ,000 over the project cap to make the changes that the Water/Sewer Committee requested. He recommended Pitman Hartenstein be paid the $9 ,000 in additional funds so that the job could move forward. Bob Kosoy suggested a not-to-exceed figure of $10 , 000 would be appropriate. A discussion ensued regarding whether or not to authorize payment so that Pitman Hartenstein could proceed with work. Several Commissioners indicated their desire to discuss the matter at the Water and Sewer Committee meeting scheduled for Thursday, September 29 , 1994 . Rosenbloom x Shaughnessyx x Motion: Adjourn Commission Meeting Waters x Weiss x x The question was called and the vote resulted in Fletcher x 2-3 with Commissioners Rosenbloom and Waters and Mayor Fletcher voting nay. The motion failed. Mayor Fletcher indicated it was his desire to afford Commissioner Rosenbloom additional time to discuss the matter further. A brief discussion ensued but no decision was made. There being no further business the Mayor adjourned the meeting at 11 : 30 p. m. Lyman T. Fletcher Mayor Presiding Officer ATTES T: Maur en King O City Clerk • cJ/z. (# _ f 9/A-`911e � rPh AS Joon In addition to Mr. Rayner there were many citizens that spoke in opposition to the millage rate increase. Tim Reed spoke in opposition and presented to the commission, to be entered into the record through the Clerk, a petition with approximately 200 names also in opposition to the millage increase. Roger Steinham spoke in opposition to the millage rate increase and also presented a signed petition. He questioned when the tax increases would end. John Meserve, representing the administration of Fleet Landing, spoke of how the tax increase would cost them an additional $16,000 in ad valorem taxes. In addition when Fleet Landing began construction five years ago the financial advisor had projected that the ad valorem taxes for the 1994-1995 fiscal year would total $300,000 and presently it appears they will total over $750,000. For this reason he was also in opposition of the .6 millage rate increase. Don Moore, a resident of Fleet Landing spoke in opposition of the millage rate increase. He offered that many of the residents are on fixed incomes that have basically been frozen due to government cutbacks. He added that they have been very generous in supporting Atlantic Beach projects and spoke specifically about their support of the defibrillator fund raiser. However, this 16% increase on top of last years 17% increase would be financially painful to the Fleet Landing residents. Phil Ghiotto, a resident of Atlantic Beach, spoke in opposition to the millage rate increase. He stated that $45.00 for many of the residents was a lot of money. He questioned whether the existing parks were being overly utilized and properly maintained. Mr. Ghioto also questioned whether there was a hidden agenda on the park purchase. Mr. George Ginsburg, an Atlantic Beach resident, spoke in opposition to the millage rate increase as did Jim DeLoach. ry. ho'h GL- CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: Donner Road Extension Meeting Submitted by: David E . Thompson, Chief of Police Date : September 19, 1994 BACKGROUND: When Donner Road was opened up six months ago through the Sewer Plant intersecting with Sandpiper Lane, there were concerned citizens from various neighborhoods who were appointed to a committee . This committee was assigned to evaluate the effect of the extension and to make recommendations to the City Commission before any permanent changes were made . On September 15, 1994, the Committee met at 6 : 00 PM in the City Commission Chambers. The sign-in sheet is attached. None of the members who were present opposed the extension into Sandpiper Lane . However, they opposed making the extension too "motorist friendly" such that it might encourage additional through traffic in the surrounding neighborhoods. The recommendations were agreed upon by all members present. RECOMMENDATIONS: The Committee recommended the longterm opening of the Donner Road Extension. Specifically, the Committee recommended leaving the roadway in its current configuration. . . winding, with single lanes at the entrance and exit. The Committee did not want to straighten and widen the roadway. However, the grave portion of the roadway should be paved. The Committee recommended leaving the existing trees, and removing the gates at the east and west ends and replacing them with landscaping that would maintain the single lane accesses . The Committee recommended adding landscaping, particularly on the west end to beautify the roadway as well as promote a traffic calming effect. The Committee recognized that a great deal of foot and bicycle traffic travels through the area, and recommended the addition of a sidewalk to the south of th roadway. Attachments: 1 ) Sign-in Sheet 4` , REVIEWED BY CITY MANAGER: MI ga• AGENDA ITEM NO. 4b /4°. (fa? �e�e 7 ��y`�-PPS' gwa' 4/(2/ - S73-7/, QMy i G l/ i /I I .S,z)ri.;11 ,k l- d✓ / -/ °3 zd„apc, Orpo L. Sac Son 15 Simrwok5 FLo 1zic — Y5G !Pe* Ifie--41149,S1. 017- r(iee jyyAA) 8 3 4 g a oci--7 AVAI Do o nne,r k. ( z7� �� � yylpbI 7-/q77 15 September 1994 David E. Thompson Chief of Police Atlantic Beach Police Department Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Dear Chief Thompson: As a member of the Donner Road Committee, I received the recent notice of the committee's first meeting, to be held this evening. Unfortunately, I will be unable to attend. ( I am a professor at the University of North Florida, and this semester my schedule includes a Thursday evening class. ) I would like to express my views on the matter of the Donner Road extension to Sandpiper Lane, and to that end am including the following memo. I would very much like to participate in future meetings and hope that they can be scheduled for other than Thursday evenings. Sincerely, s Arthur Samuel (Sam) Kimball 539 Selva Lakes Circle Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 249-8531 15 September 1994 To: David E. Thompson, Atlantic Beach Chief of Police Darner Road Committee members Lyman Fletcher, Mayor, and Atlantic Beach City Commissioners From: Arthur Samuel Kimball , member, Donner Road Committee /7,,,, 539 Selva Lakes Circle, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233. 249-8531 Re: Denner Road extension to Sandpiper Lane At the outset, I would like to express my appreciation of the commissioners and Mayor Fletcher for establishing the Donner Road Committee and for seeking citizen input before making their final decision about the configuration of the Donner Road extension. I have two principal concerns about the Donner Road extension to Sandpiper Lane. ( 1 ) The first concern is a safety issue. Depending on how the final extension of Donner Road is configured, it may come to a dead end against my back yard fence, which is approximately 30 feet from my dining room and living room. Or it may come to a dead end against the back yard fence of my neighbors, also only some 30 feet from their living and dining rooms. What safety measures will be taken to protect houses at the terminus of the Donner Road extension from the possibility of cars crashing through their yards and potentially into their homes? There is a guard rail at the end of Royal Palm where it comes to a dead end at Plaza, resulting in a similar safety hazard. Will guard rails or other protective berms be installed at the end of the Donner Road extension? (2) The second concern involves the beautiful stand of trees to the south of the Water Treatment Plant. Mayor Fletcher has repeatedly expressed his desire to preserve those trees, and I want to endorse his intention as strongly as possible. They are visually beautiful to behold as well as to walk through, and they contribute to making the environment more pleasing and enjoyable--much, much more so-- than it would otherwise be. To remove those trees would diminish the quality of the area. If the trees are cut to make room for the Donner extension, the road would be on a straight line to my back yard. At night the lights from cars coming east on the Danner Road extension come through the stand of trees into our living room and dining room windows. If the trees are removed and the road put straight through, the impingement of car lights will be much worse. More important, of course, is the added risk that a car might crash through the fence and into our home and the homes of our immediate neighbors. Once again, what safety measures will be taken to protect houses from this danger? One other concern involves the increased traffic noise. In the last six years, the volume of traffic on Sandpiper Lane has increased substantially. Since the stop signs were installed, we hear the screaching brakes of every truck as it brakes to a stop and the grinding gears of every truck as it starts up through the intersection. Six years ago the traffic on this service road was much lighter and the consequent noise was much less. The great value of the Donner Road extension is that it increases the overall quality of the Donner neighborhood. However, a straight-line extension of Donner Road through the stand of trees would diminish the overall quality of the surrounding area and negatively impact the homes immediately adjacent to and at the end of the extension. The best configuration, I believe, is the present route which leaves the stand of trees intact. It appears that the Donner Road extension has been a successful experiment. My great concern is to preserve what makes the current extension route successful: keeping the stand of trees and not constructing a straight- line road that would increase the hazardousness of the intersection. Respectfully, kg-te Arthur Samuel Kimball 539 Selva Lakes Circle Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 249-8531 We the undersigned Atlantic Beach residents oppose the proposed .6 millage point increase in property taxes for the 1994/1995 fiscal year for the stated purpose of acquiring land for additional parks. We hereby make known our desire that the Commissioners of the Ciity of Atlantic Beach reject the previously approved rate increase. Name Address 1. *;,,Crt,k,r_zyyl, / es/ a ��[B � 2 1 _ Al / _Al_* �27� a4 .tie -/! 3. �. K . 3 j S,q. �A-. (L.A. . 4. 7 k-t)a f �v, ( . .. >,.. / 25 --- 2,e,97--- v diH . 6. ,1c , i, ,.„ . $ cf -S ' i w 6r4/ . 7. . f -0 _ . __.A.-- 3 _, . . _ J 8. ✓ - .. _ . 4 . .pro"W /(.. . r.. iv (nob ._s-- s _ , .... , - 'TM ' . � /rte '4 IES • i 1 PrOtoi •." 4/0 • 40, I. ...„(,_ ".0 if if /7 -1/51Wit 14) 4 i 19 ‘i , i' . ; , la 4 1 q 0110 a , 4 C L 1 7 O II et & r/ c ( lrI O. P. 17 0 f /Yarn/. . ?II 54,6617- 4 Cie_ S- �I °1 2%A A L !r 'eO . /4 X4"J iA• C P_.C'-GE' .., 'IC TW 6 r 1 i . _ I 22. j lieZGn/ki . II� rQ^.// JO ` •,oieI'.,ti+�v . 23. ,,LCC...re a,d,„1/5-- q ,t . 24. /- . 154 ,S1i9 . 25. 9C.41161-Zi" BOU MAS. I Cr 1 S+'le.a(i. I • We the undersigned Atlantic Beach residents oppose the proposed .6 millage point increase in property taxes for the 1994/1995 fiscal year for the stated purpose of acquiring land for additional parks. We hereby make known our desire that the Commissioners of the City of Atlantic Beach reject the previously approved rate increase. Name Address 1. —PIA.,►. _ t'1 ..fit.. k-. - . ` -,- % .V 4 6) , 2. At. _ 1 IJ I 0 •_ P . . el" •�`C, 1 . , • .. . - AI A (_ &), TV •.G`:. • .l1.- . - f7/7 `cJ Sr- 4 .„3,;, 5. , -7AI PcEf u S 3.t/ H--trf-7 7�J ST 14-, / - i. -�-k eat6. ( 4t4 . /s60 ,d, / DelrC / A )bee04eZ z3 3 7. 1.1)-- jeZeD / 1 , % • 3223,3 & 144..; - 0 - . lq tf a 11, , uat 61t14.4 gc.fi 10. 1.1!. .____,i', /82-Y -- S. i_'. ._i , : 7 if /6Y�9- 11. , CPl7)2 -•1 1 11449 ' 477 4jjt:� . Jy CI'. 3 Z2-33 12. t ,u ltaA. . 4T7/ �fA, , k. soc_?& ...... h'v A-- .4JZ $c a z O 14 ii/X/7 / ,i, .i // /Pa' 77 Oeir_44/1/72-4 1--.'( ,...8.., 15.'D? d'.�=�(�.E-J . / a l s ' - IL--/p� 1 ,RLP . LJ L&- I. C6 °( -17420AA ()11 de - - 4(1-- ild 18. I:. . .INS 13 104 t - 1 1 1., A_ A. _ 025 16,o) j,i2V l�J-i 1, .r2_ i0 1., . 20 I , �,.( . I q0 84-0C-4--Ci iki I_�1 . 1C 1:�C m 21. .. : i Qom - ..S 60° l Z d`s • U v, C:� pec , .,,,__,_._,3 22. r - ---t / • 3„ ,),,,,, r / ! /, ?7_,,3 23. Of,- / ,► , f . 39Q_ p._\-w- 2_p . 24. .i'k 'v.G►111 Ai. I 6 ) cd' 0 . We the undersigned Atlantic Beach residents oppose the proposed .6 millage point increase in property taxes for the 1994/1995 fiscal year for the stated purpose of acquiring land for additional parks. We hereby make known our desire that the Commissioners of the City of Atlantic Beach reject the previously approved rate increase. Name Address , 1.l s- i,, ���I���j � /G)e 3 f' ss;-'CG - 2. :,L - r / �4�` .. 3. �►`c�••�� \. .m. I ( (•?ta t:-ot-c-K Aum. . 4. a.n lir, d/tXv, , iek-t- { i ) (t .. )::j1 . A ve 5. yArtriabeG���Z%vc-� 7. 4.1./.:..4 .. - /• _ , 1J' `7 840 0 __(.41-04% 1 _ / _ (i 40 - . � / 9Affirff7.71 . ._. /44004- . �._ s . . R . 10. A-04-- _ 1.'. . _ _ / Arl ' . 11. - ' . .)-- --o / ,. ' _5-1. A 6. . 1 , _3 .(j,s t),,,\&)0,, 7; 1 1.7 '3 eb--ex.21 Q (1),Q t 13. j1it n C ---y'iT . 306— / 2. -6Af/, ,514 , . 14. '' 4 i . _;-70 /a i ,o. e • . , i /' ' ` Wc3 /al -7-4( 37 , A4A -foe X- ��� ��. /p 1 • ,f_ • . 17. i,•/'1`O. Li. 'f 3�s0 - s2/`� c Y I-f _ 18. • 19. /� Her r /l- �/.<''`- ,41 7- Ai , J . OF „ I'. 4:'_eL 22 1�/ ,; i : ' % c r q - at, . fii:..,.,..„- i c ,. ,. 2;,% %!,'/ , . _ - . t t l ( t( . 25. C„. ..T. / 97`/7 ar /7 . ' ,) � , We the undersigned Atlantic Beach residents oppose the proposed .6 millage point increase in property taxes for the 1994/1995 fiscal year for the stated purpose of acquiring land for additional parks. We hereby make known our desire that the Commissioners of the City of Atlantic Beach reject the previously approved rate increase. Name Address 1. - 2 4. . 32 C-t ?Wt . i 2. Orm: ..; ..-- :-i 3Z9 7 �/ ir„f:._ / ..... . 33-2/ 97-7)4 ar . 4. ' t . 1 z �7-7e,. si- . ' s. /� r� 3�Y / - 4 D2 6. Y /91 /gt4/3 . 7. ,„ � /yi� nn 1 t Z� L2 4 9. . //,/i",,-Nr rr f 575 `7N,ir 1'. / -_' . 73 7 • -', - • 11. , d, Cy . ---64-h. s104 7ii-Ail 1 . 12.'Ask �A , . .36,, 711 6,6-,-.0-'5.''13. .17/ i "f 561 tS CJ """ 14.2 . , /2g eit,--- 337 77 I5),/ z// m�>o/yo KIIJ,2 ;,. ?- 6 ?( 4) /' 9624 4, 16. VOA<1 . ._ 7:S S YCc 18.17. /ee7-et-C ' c),c Ict2_6( 13.6,......,...Q.: f G1+�- 4 G , q o 1 D -cs2-G�� 19/, . / .a4 i 9 C_ez f� Oil g c L 1 1 / , 20.,/ .. ..d•A"..e . ' 4a2- P ---g•CI A---, 4 ._.....e..(72 (2...„*...., . .w / - g� - (,(4/..), (+� rt- 2t. .., . 4..4 :, 75 14..-;-. 4�! � ' ; t 1!5 AI We the undersigned Atlantic Beach residents oppose the proposed .6 millage point increase in property taxes for the 1994/1995 fiscal year for the stated purpose of acquiring land for additional parks. We hereby make known our desire that the Commissioners of the City of Atlantic Beach reject the previously approved rate increase. _me 1/ I Jc.k,d /. Address M :?e4 c/1 Aie 1- 1. .(7410.OA- .4 d' / I_I r . 2. 111 ,, encuk. )114, .ge/cA 1 Of 3. ige -i-/-4-6fride./// 1 9/ /e.-2'Cf- \,b4". . f Sc�r scz,„- 4 • 6. rf 1- .... - i - . 1q1 /, jI S . . 7. r* 4i i 6'7 . )an �(-L A '� -Oil -( ,&-. 71N I l 63 8: 1/.4.///i ;IJI i I / I� ,s f� /A •A . / i/ a : i . C I t?-EL S4- --�-/{� X13 /f L 3 Z2.2 10.�T�Iv 4)1 t I% -Gt-'{� l Z o q i� k'e (ISL edam,, 3 7:2-3 Or 11. �. � . , � L.. R A .., ei Ili/s '. it . / - flti.,--1/f 33 12. _ 4 / _ �. // / lit-z ��v �. . . 3 2 2-33 .44,3 /0721 �i�'-_ o to `!'',� j,j , ., ._ •-c-2 . 15. ' //, /73-6- "il it Z.t_c.,.,c ,I, a -a 16. ,..i, C,(/ 'X-.01-t: i76SP lvG /`7a(•4K6 ./ bi„4 ,7 2 7: 17 ,ter, A ,�0'/_'i 17675- I " / ( i . . 1 I •/ ( 18. / f / . `GC /9/9& 7W-4 CeteS17. . 19. I, idAyi . 0 — _16' Lift__ _41 C\r r 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. a.ui.•A a i..,.VIEW 1-,1 09-20-1994 ea:07 92.4 783 8038-Cr ••r ;.,_ h•.. We the undersigned Atlantic Beach reskionts 09p05e the proposed .8 millets point increase in -"'� . property taxes far the 199411995 fiscal year for the stated purpose of acquiring land for additional pants- We hereby maks known our desire that the Commissioners of the City of Atlantic Beach reject the previously approved rate Increase. Nein4 est - 1.1� iff,0 6:E' 1TY. �/ 3,3 Sc .No c- : -4" - `- , 2. J ,Rtes_94. C TC . t ilR1 Y L. , -z. « s Oef, t 1-. Q.va. 4. • 11 ..._, -' ,e 21 6 g . . e - _ - _" _ - - „7// / ,&ey 6. :,tea . - i _9_117 . ` ��+ rd. r7- • / •. /r i . 8. Its T AM _ ; 131 --t s1 e. ' ,4-�- = s - 9.4/ --°/5'r- v2/3/ / jC/n/'.t767fi d _ • 2r, 3 S , 7,v.7cA- " '- �� • 0;-- ; 1 . 11. 01FL 1 se - -_ 2/.:55-_.- (,f,to le- 4 12. 233 S • , ` cl'• " .i - 13. 91-4(A-c, -.4- . •• f . - 844_13.5 SLnt iov'L 1/---0 15. .- `S , . .,...r,' 0-< 3 - n. ,,i0-z- R A - 18. Mirlif PI $117. ' i 1 a�1 r . ,/ i , /8 V - o�►�? .� 20 „OP i 055 #--(c _otei 1-N . L.Av 22.23_ - --- .^ . 24.� 25. .—.............o.....•••• . • We the undersigned Atlantic Beach residents oppose the proposed .6 millage point increase in property taxes for the 1994/1995 fiscal year for the stated purpose of acquiring land for additional parks. We hereby make known our desire that the Commissioners of the City of Atlantic Beach reject the previously approved rate increase. Name Address 1. •f - d 2. 4,..4 . - :2 ��SVA Ik 1 gjti��4 '� , 3. . i �.�[..�v. ) )5 > v j�'1«r` f)r„ / 4. /^✓/` 4 17S0 5. lit./ a." /AL* OS -i-dP(774 /117(-e-z- h)A, 6. 7. 8. . • 9. • 10. 11. • 12. 13. • 14. 15. • 16. 17. 18. - • 19. • 20. • • 21. • 22. . 23. • 24. 25. We the undersigned Atlantic Beach residents oppose the proposed .6 millage point increase in property taxes for the 199411995 fiscal year for the stated purpose of acquiring land for additional parks. We hereby make known our desire that the Commissioners of the City of Atlantic Beach reject the previously approved rate increase. nn Name Address 1010AIYY\fl�,t . �'�1 ')Rtd - - ok.g. A2. : ' coAso t3c- d.R 3. == - C /�/ .� - r '' ,¢ - S"-- 4 - - S . . 5010 110th% 1- J 5. A!/, ..'--. .1 061 ictl 103- . 6. 11E/, i' T, — 36// 7. n 8. 1/`"G`l 2Lett Gt ��JJ 9. �� OrG�K 'c% .0 1 . NY/ . 10. • 11. 12. • 13. • 14. . 15. . 16. . 17. • 18. . . 19. . • 20. . 21. . 22. . 23. . 24. . • 25. . We the undersigned Atlantic Beach residents oppose the proposed .6 millage point increase in property taxes for the 1994/1995 fiscal year for the stated purpose of acquiring land for additional parks. We hereby make known our desire that the Commissioners of the City of Atlantic Beach reject the previously approved rate increase. o 2 — Name Address 1. e > . \'20 N _ S1nCcr r 2. . , 2, �3 >i — /T7h' — Sr 3. 26 3y VextY Pi_ . 4. - ,)�z�G /�'J /i ',yc )" y096__ i-. r 5. A . 22.20 4f/ L.-+ . 6. 2-e/ /l'KO .•- ...3 7 I'.t),,.A-S4 • 7. ‘, e - s s 5-cZ,-, /)7,_,.,, 9. how . _ --‘Cf'ti/,` 1o. PUN ,i1x7<eff . 77c‘ occ,,,,A- 0441,e 1)1( y e 11. -140 l/ - . /9/ Sx1).9-7-:sS>� 471, 1 A.J.._../£Y i . /0 7-€A 12.3 13. 4h //vi • Al c5./f . /947, a..cel ' /4//6-//32--Z33— c---, 15. ./.. C �' . z S row,t/ (2 / ,.(.. ., 1-. 14-. . 1 gOLI --IS&4C NS i DL- 61-- A-/-/ae( ,(0,04-C L-- 17. ` rn.) 4. i&titAkt . l g g q / -C_V.LL GSL Ct. 0 18. 4, Wade . /34d ZSo/r•57 (< . tk 19. / t!/r (96pA.��fir, 4 S . 20 4 lig • ,(412 . (/)__ al7A S- J, Pr..- / . 21. °uJ 22 "►.Jim.s s i rir c>"...r...4..66 . ,/. , i? 1) . (/ Pr 23. 0 / - . 3/. " / i �� vi . � 24. 06/1;-4,4... . 3(c)t' I .7 A. 25. , ,.- /AO/ ge4 h 0ll✓ - . ..0 elA INA l•C S LO C C-S -c-v r tkn G k n C C C__ i s C._ ' f 1 fi- - �0vo W\cssi Sv2Rnne. s\nuc UeiLnssy> 11,AAan 1'"kctier d' Oe ,...to(.0l (,)0, k-z.Cs _COc'.n. lSstone < Cq()os A . c4-evC_ ‘4ce>1 \oA©oM We the undersigned Atlantic Beach residents oppose the proposed .6 millage point increase in property taxes for the 1994/1995 fiscal year for the stated purpose of acquiring land for additional parks. We hereby make known our desire that the Commissioners of the City of Atlantic Beach reject the previously approved rate increase. ' (3 C 2—C.X. Address 13 /4 0 . 1.820 PZikEev e". . if r 2(iti‘ti a 13/y1/ • -iodi a. aVrA i i C , . i Au- 0 i WA • 5. ate ( ii/o, i,.- t oak_ L..., ' ,7' 6. G-ff 7� 1 � � • �c .i GLt� t3a� 7. ,,,,„ ,q,FIA,a,,,,- -,i /q? 8" 1 -a. . 7 c93 �e n e ,��j �'/�-7 9.,` /j CIA. 975 64rIt. "WE / &/, (,u 10 r(_a41' (ctee fio7ca0,6 _ -)-)c_ / :5, . 11. (SSC-- • 2�Z i �„._. � . /� _P�. • iii 13. •' 2(4 . /(03 5 i_- R, �, 4.. g . . 1 'F <2./ /4,2P.ce ),‘, �, . 17 ' t..1„N,-- ‘ \\tca \Al_ ) . tvw,c) t . 16. , � / ti ' 5707 l/, e4. 17. , / .e, < L 7D7 �� - L �� . •18.�_>� - _mie /2-45 ,_ iiK..- D(./.4fP. . Vs. tt_ , • 20. S , " 4 . Z) ? ? 1N5 57- . 21.1/1/ ji-t-,___.-- . d'f`l Ocean Tr- 0 fI- Orl FL . 22i (9--uti Aw, y,Lk0,01, 0sul- nttc- sithya, ANIGIA.LoCt (11-,U6 . 23 -_ t�..4....4k ._..� �li a ►J . l ` 2--1:----___:1_, i . 24-.\CL '‘- !NPR r`. _`6C t k- ik ---- 41 . , 25. i.-/-1 67-- . 3i 7 13 Fiyih/co n �/`A . . Cj (O,v.rti. S S l o,e_r t,.A"n 1n ci v e_ VO \ r ►C, (IN C(-C..4 5 c., ` ,0A0 Wit.“ ) S u 2 ct n AC., ,S ‘Aa.vgli tn cSS kid L.y r c.• F\r.t-r.A., C ocs,„0 V'a k--e.,e(lS 4 CO On Ntl-S4 kor cc 0vosC,l! vL POSCAA We the undersigned AtlanticBh residents oppose the proposed .6 millage point increase in property taxes for the 1994/19ac5 fiscal year for the stated purpose of acquiring land for additional parks. We hereby make known our desire that the Commissioners of the City of Atlantic Beach reject the previously approved rate increase. Name Address 1. Gi d . teas• 8e 1t-T ( A1-10,13-.c_ (tel FL 3a? 3 2. l_o re,r) . i9 - O rn aA9 5+ , A-f I 64, FL 3.2-23 3 - . 3. G mcI•e.v1 . /GI Li (tito S -. OfFL .3223 j - 4. Lae tJ 7-3 Z-$ Pa-e4. 0 -J TV f 1) 7 S2- z3• 6. IILkn � . ((/ /r) Pna I i. I SH.. 7. Sic , . ► 7► FIS - kid /!OJ 111: .tr1 d 8. Q-OkScott 9. c/1/1 �- U-l9-►-' i^ 2 Cu Pt a : l tkti /"T/_> 10. w ?‘.5 PPI,,/,' /34,P 11. 1-eAf" fliop • 12. x' DIf • • 14. `? -; JI ' . /6 (a I,/ )97 16. 17. 18. 19. • 20. • 21. . 22. 0 23. • 24. • 25. . c Task Order No. 4, Addendum 1 City of Atlantic Beach RECEIVE.° Storm Water Master Plank 1 19° :. puBt.ic WORKS Scope of Services Tasks 1 through 7 have been authorized in Task Order No. 4 to complete the master plan. This additional task has been identified to provide the CITY with a detailed inventory of their facilities. Task 8. Preparation of Drainage Facility Atlas Data collection for the master plan included assembling data from existing publications or maps. During that review, detailed information about the elevations of inlets and outlets were not available for some portions of the CITY. The objective of this task is to complete the inventory of facilities, determine the invert elevations of these facilities, and develop a set of plan sheets that identify these data. This surveying would include determining the elevations of top of the inlet grates and inverts of the pipes in the areas of the city bounded by Sailfish and Skate Roads and other areas as depicted on the attached figure. The elevation of storm drain structures and pipe outlets will be determined by differential leveling using procedures as described for third-order leveling in the Classification, Standards of Accuracy, and General Specifications of Geodetic Control Surveys. The location of the structures will be located in relation to street intersections, bridges, or other readily identifiable physical features so that they can be plotted to within (±) 5 feet of their true relationship to those points. The direction and size of pipes shall be identified for each structure surveyed. Deliverables: An AutoCAD base map will be provided by the CITY to CH2M HILL. This base map shows the approximate street rights-of-way. 1. The data collected during the surveying conducted for both the master plan and in this task order will be entered onto an AutoCAD drawing. The horizontal position of the drainage facilities will be approximated from the available plans and street centerlines when entered onto the maps. Thus, the location of the inlets and outlets will be approximate. Similarly, connecting drain pipes will be entered onto the map to CH2M HILL's best estimate of their location. Task Order No. 4, Addendum 1 Atlantic Beach Master Plan Page 2 2. Structure information that can be determined from "As-built" drawings will be plotted onto the AutoCAD drawing. The accuracy of the plotting will be the same as described above. 3. One set of check plots will be delivered to the CITY for their review. Three sets of final plots of the above data will be delivered to the CITY after receiving their comments. The final drawings will be blueline prints. 4. One copy of the fmal AutoCAD data file will be delivered to the CITY on a PC diskette. Assumptions 1. Drainage facilities along Mayport Rd. owned by FDOT would not be surveyed because they are not part of the master plan project. 2. "As-builts" of existing facilities are legible and clear and no additional surveying is to be conducted outside of areas not indicated on the figure. 3. Data collected in this task order will be made available to the CITY for use in their water system analysis project. 4. If items outside this scope of work are requested by the CITY, CH2M HILL will advise the CITY of any additional cost in writing and will proceed with the additional analysis only after written authorization from the CITY. Compensation Each task will be conducted and billed to the CITY on a time plus expenses basis. Labor costs shall be based on salary cost times a 2.3 multiplier. Reimbursement for direct expenses will be on the basis of actual charges when furnished by commercial sources,and on the basis of current rates when furnished by the CONSULTANT. Total billings are not to exceed an increase of $15,500 over already authorized services. Additional services may be requested by addendum with an appropriate increase in fees that will be identified in the addendum. In the event of a disputed or contested billing, only that portion so contested will be withheld from payment, and the undisputed portion will be paid. The CLIENT will exercise Task Order No. 4, Addendum 1 Atlantic Beach Master Plan Page 3 reasonableness in contesting any bill or portion thereof. No interest will accrue on any contested portion of the billing until mutually resolved. Schedule This newly authorized task will commence after the CONSULTANT receive authorization to proceed from the CITY. The CONSULTANT will keep the CITY notified of the monthly progress of the Master Plan program. The final deliverables will be completed by December 31, 1994. Approved for CLIENT By Title Date Approved for CH2M HILL, Inc. By /� !%Y�� Title Date c/7/-.� City of. 4tCantic Beach Closed-Drainage Systems Private Drains Illi \ i N. ' ..1 z.:•• s-:; ----........ii; ;r::: :: .I a i_ •� '..." / ri I ! ;I , ; ...1 .. 4,-. •-.! i. l•-• 0 'i .: -. 1 .. . . .. IL 44410 • . .,• , ,, „ .. ... .. ":...,.: :::.,,::....„ ::::. ,:::..:::: .... .... ... .„....... ........, . ..7. . : .. II..- . ... .- ‘-"...... '''....4..... • • i 75 4e u In addition to Mr. Rayner there were many citizens that, spoke in opposition to the millage rate increase. Tim Reed spoke in opposition and presented to the commission, to be entered into the record through the Clerk, a petition with approximately 200 names also in opposition to the millage increase. Roger Steinham spoke in opposition to the millage rate increase and also presented a signed petition. He questioned when the tax increases would end. John Meserve, representing the administration of Fleet Landing, spoke of how the tax increase would cost them an additional $16,000 in ad valorem taxes. In addition when Fleet Landing began construction five years ago the financial advisor had projected that the ad valorem taxes for the 1994-1995 fiscal year would total $300,000 and presently it appears they will total over $750,000. For this reason he was also in opposition of the .6 millage rate increase. Don Moore, a resident of Fleet Landing spoke in opposition of the millage rate increase. He offered that many of the residents are on fixed incomes that have - basically been frozen due to government cutbacks. He added that they have been very generous in supporting Atlantic Beach projects and spoke specifically about their support of the defibrillator fund raiser. However, this 16% increase on top of last years 17% increase would be financially painful to the Fleet Landing residents. Phil Ghiotto, a resident of Atlantic Beach, spoke in opposition to the millage rate increase. He stated that $45.00 for many of the residents was a lot of money. He questioned whether the existing parks were being overly utilized and properly maintained. Mr. Ghioto also questioned whether there was a hidden agenda on the park purchase. Mr. George Ginsburg, an Atlantic Beach resident, spoke in opposition to the millage rate increase as did Jim DeLoach.