11-07-94 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH PLANNING WORKSHOP MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1994 AGENDA Call to order 1 . Discussion of pay plan for non-union general employees 2. Discussion regarding Parks & Recreation Department ( a) Reorganization of department (b) Parks and park land acquisition for next 3 - 5 years 3. Review of Capital Improvements Plan 4. Review of contracts for use of city facilities and discussion of the city' s relationship with ABET, YMCA, Little League, and Habitat 5. Discussion regarding amending alcoholic beverage ordinance 6. Discussion of Monday workshops and Tuesday strategic planning sessions 7. Discussion regarding when and how items may be added to commission agendas, and by whom MINUTES OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION WORKSHOP MEETING HELD IN CITY HALL AT 4:30 PM ON MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1994 Present: Lyman T. Fletcher, Mayor Suzanne Shaughnessy, Commissioner J. Dezmond Waters, III, Commissioner Robert G. Weiss, Commissioner Kim D. Leinbach, City Manager James R. Jarboe, Deputy City Manager Bob Kosoy, Public Works Director Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney Maureen King, City Clerk The meeting was called to order by Mayor Fletcher who indicated that Commissioner Rosenbloom was out of town. He asked the City Manager to brief Commissioner Rosenbloom on the meeting. 1 . Discussion of pay plan for non-union general employees The City Manager reported a committee of non-union employees had been formed to study the pay plan for non-union general employees. He indicated a step plan had been approved by the City Commission for collective bargaining units and it was the recommendation of the committee that a similar plan be approved for non-union employees. Based on the work of the committee, the City Manager presented a step plan for review by the City Commission. He also recommended non-union employees receive a 2% cost of living increase, effective October 1, and then be placed on the new pay plan at a step most closely reflecting their current rate of pay. Schedule of salaries and recommended pay plan are attached hereto and made a part hereof. In discussion of the plan the Mayor asked committee members present to comment on the matter. Those who spoke urged the City Commission to approve the plan. Police communications personnel indicated their pay scale was still lower than comparable departments but felt the new plan was a step in the right direction. Discussion ensued regarding implementation of the plan and opinions differed regarding whether employees' anniversary dates for payroll purposes should be the hire date, or whether a date mid-way through the fiscal year should be selected as an anniversary date for all employees. The City Manager will provide Commissioner Waters with a public works ' pay schedule for comparison purposes. Page Two Minutes - Commission Workshop Meeting November 7, 1994 2. Discussion regarding Parks & Recreation Department (a) Reorganization of department ikZ Parks & park land acquisition for next 3 - 5 years The City Manager indicated he was proposing to divide the parks and recreation responsibilities into two separate divisions with the Parks Department Division Chief being responsible for the maintenance of all parks and assigned city rights-of-way. The Recreation Director would report directly to the City Manager and would be responsible for planning the parks and ensuring their usage to the maximum. He felt this system would provide for more efficient operation of the department. The City Manager' s recommendations are attached hereto and made a part hereof. 3. Review of Capital Improvements Plan Jim Jarboe presented a list of water, sewer and storm water capital projects. He reviewed the list and explained, using maps and drawings, the need for each project. He pointed out the projects were listed in priority order. Ernie Beadel showed a video to illustrate some of the problems which had been discovered during televising of sewer lines. A copy of the list of capital projects is attached hereto. Following a complete review of the projects, the Mayor requested that every effort should be made to coordinate all projects including water, sewer, storm water, tree planting, laying of cable television and power lines to eliminate duplicating labor and to make sure that newly paved streets would not be dug up in future projects. It was also felt that contractors should be required to properly repair any pavement cuts for which they were responsible. Mayor Fletcher also suggested that staff investigate the possibility of using gray water where possible for irrigation purposes. 4. Review of contracts for use of city facilities and discussion of the city' s relationship with ABET, YMCA, Little League, and Habitat The City Manager indicated he would try to answer any questions commissioners may have in regard to the proposed contracts. Commissioner Shaughnessy requested clarification as to whether ABET was an agency of the city. The City Attorney advised ABET was not an agency of the city, but following further discussion, it was pointed out that ABET was considered a city agency for insurance purposes. It was pointed out the city' s insurance would cover liability during the use of the building; however, the city would Page Three Minutes - Commission Workshop Meeting November 7, 1994 not be liable for any claim against ABET for non-payment of royalties, etc. The City Attorney agreed to confirm this in writing within two weeks following approval of the agreement. Discussion ensued regarding the requirement that the city reimburse ABET for the cost of major improvements to the Adele Grage Community Center, less 20% for each year that ABET has used the facility. This provision was questioned since it had not been a condition for undertaking the work. Commissioner Weiss felt one contract should be drafted which could be used by all entities using city facilities. He provided the City Manager with notes to assist in drafting such a contract. 5. Discussion regarding amending alcoholic beverage ordinance The City Attorney provided a draft of a proposed amendment to the alcoholic beverage ordinance which will sunset at the end of this year. Brief discussion ensued and it was pointed out the major change in the ordinance was that permits would be granted by the City Manager instead of the City Commission. In further discussion, it was felt "special events" referred to in Section 3- 11(3 ) , would be difficult to define, it was felt the word "festival" should be used instead. The ordinance will be presented for first reading at the second meeting in November. 6. Discussion regarding Monday workshops and Tuesday strategic planning sessions The Mayor expressed a desire to continue the commission planning sessions but indicated these meetings would not be held for the purpose of planning the commission agendas. 7. Discussion regarding when and how items may be added to commission agendas, and by whom The Mayor distributed copies of Section 2-19 of the city code which he felt should be utilized to govern the conduct of the City Commission. In other business, Cindy Corey, Chair of the Recreation Advisory Board, reported the board was planning the Christmas Tree Lighting. She also indicated the board had reviewed the plans for the concession building in Jack Russell Park and had recommended changes. She requested that the Recreation Advisory Board be allowed to report to. the City Commission on a regular basis and it was agreed the Recreation Advisory Board would present a report to the City Commission at the first meeting of each month. Page Four Minutes - Commission Workshop Meeting November 7, 1994 Commissioner Water inquired into the status of the purchase of the Tresca property and the City Attorney reported a purchase agreement had been signed. There being no further discussion, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 6: 45 PM. r� apt" Maur en King C, City Clerk • CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH POSITION SCHEDULE OF SALARIES 09/21/93 FISCAL YEAR 1993/94 ot )\''\" NONUNION NEW PLAN PROPOSAL FY 92/93 DOLLAR PERCENT ANNUAL ANNUAL INCREASE INCREASE DEPT. EMPLOYEE GRADE BASE HOURLY BASE OVER OVER # NAME WAGES RATE WAGES FY 92/93 FY 92/93 519 Receptionist 2 15,744 8.00 16,640 896 5.69% 19/22 Fire Marshall/Safety 14 35,188 Salaried 35,700 512 1.46% 512 City Manager N/A 49,934 Salaried 57,500 7,566 15.15% 512 Admin.Assistant 7 26,083 Salaried 26,500 417 1.60% 513 Finance Director 16 46,681 Salaried 49,750 3,069 6.57% 513 Purchasing Agent 9 28,846 Salaried 29,250 404 1.40% 513 Accountant 11 26,890 13.55 28,184 1,294 4.81% 513 Fiscal Assistant 8 27,046 _ 14.00 29,120 2,074 7.67% 513 Accounting Clerk 7 24,395 12.25 25,480 1,085 4.45% 513 ' Utility Bill. Clerk 5 15,987 8.40 17,472 1,485 9.29% 513 ' Utility Bill. Supervisor 6 17,107 8.85 18,408 1,301 7.61% 513 ' Customer Service Rep. 3 14,096 7.50 15,600 1,504 10.67% 513 ' Customer Service Rep. 3 14,096 7.25 15,080 984 6.98% 515 City Planner 15 35,805 Salaried 37,750 1,945 5.43% 5,6,24 Typist/Permit Clerk 3 15,826 8.25 17,160 1,334 8.43% 16/24 Building/Code Enf. Off. 12 38,407 Salaried 39,750 1,343 3.50% 517 City Clerk NA 29,492 Salaried 32,000 2,508 8.50% 517 Secretary 5 15,630 8.25 17,160 1,530 9.79% 522 Fire Chief 15 36,856 Salaried 38,000 1,144 3.10% 541 Public Works Director 16 53,575 Salaried 55,000 1,425 2.66% 541 Sanitation & Maint. Dir 11 35,563 Salaried 36,700 1,137 3.20% 541 Admin Assistant 7 20,039 Salaried 21,500 1,461 7.29% 541 Assist. Pub. Works Dir 12 32,965 Salaried . 35,000 2,035 6.17% 41/35 Clerk 3 14,096 7.25 15,080 984 6.98% • 572 Recreation Directpr 12 27,249 Salaried 29,189 1,940 7.12% 533 Water Plant Super. 110 33,306 Salaried 35,500 2,194 6.59% 533 Water Dist. Div. Chief 12 28,370 Salaried 30,000 1,630 5.75% 535 Utility Plant Div. Chief 12 38,407 Salaried 39,800 1,393 3.63% 33/35 Utility Plant Div. Chief 12 34,485 Salaried 36,600 2,115 6.13% • NEW PLAN PROPOSAL FY 92/93 DOLLAR PERCENT ANNUAL ANNUAL INCREASE INCREASE DEPT. EMPLOYEE GRADE BASE HOURLY BASE OVER OVER # NAME WAGES RATE WAGES FY 92/93 FY 92/93 521 Police Chief 16 52,252 Salaried 54,000 1,748 3.35% 521 Police Captain 14 41,032 Salaried 43,500 2,468 6.01% 521 Police Lieutenant 11 35,563 18.25 37,960 2,397 6.74% 521 Police Lieutenant 11 35,563 17.75 36,920 1,357 3.82% 5-24 Police Lieutenant 11 35,563 _ e.# . 521 Police Lieutenant 11 33,838 17.50 36,400 2,562 7.57% 521 Emergency Comm. Off 4 20,510 10.30 21,424 914 4.46% 521 Emergency Comm. Off 4 17,024 8.80 18,304 1,280 7.52% 521 Emergency Comm. Off 4 18,815 9.75 20,280 1,465 7.79% 521 Commun. Supervisor 5 22,352 11.25 23,400 1,048 4.69% 521 ' Emergency Comm. Off 4 14,577 7.58 15,766 1,190 8.16% 521 Admin. Assistant 7 19,952 10.25 21,320 1,368 6.86% 521 Records Specialist 4 14,577 7.58 15,766 1,190 8.16% 521 Animal Control Officer 3 16,658 8.50 17,680 1,022 6.14% TOTAL NON UNION EMPLOYEES 1,210,439 1,281,554 71,115 5.88% yd, 7 7W L ADDED POSITIONS . Deputy City Mgr. "' N/A Contract Salaried 55,000 N/A N/A PART TIME EMPLOYEES 513 Customer Service Rep. PT 7,280 7.50 7,800 520 7.14% x-516 " Code Enf. Officer PT 7,500 12.00 10,500 3,000 40.00% Hours up 517 " Secretary PT 5,000 8.25 11,369 6,369 127.37% Hours up 542 Beaut. Coordinator PT 7,873 8.35 8,262 389 4.94% 572 " Activity Director PT 6,000 7.75 7,500 1,500 25.00% Hours up 535 Plant Operator PT 15,990 13.31 15,990 '. 0 0.00% • 49,643 61,420 11,777 23.72% Pay Ranges GRADE HOURLY ANNUALLY 1 to to 2 6.50 to 9.40 13,520 to 19,552 3 7.02 to 10.15 14,602 to 21,116 4 7.58 to 10.96 15,770 to 22,805 5 8.19 to 11.84 17,031 - to 24,630 6 8.84 to 12.79 18,394 to 26,600 7 9.55 to 13.81 19,865 to 28,728 8 10.31 to 14.92 21,455 to 31,027 9 11.14 to 16.11 23,171 to 33,509 10 12.03 to 17.40 25,025 to 36,189 11 12.99 to 18.79 27,027 to 39,085 12 14.03 to 20.29 29,189 to 42,211 13 15.16 to 21.92 31,524 to 45,588 14 16.37 to 23.67 34,046 to 49,235 15 17.68 to 25.56 36,769 to 53,174 16 19.09 to 27.61 39,711 to 57,428 • 4- GENERAL EMPLOYEES 1994/1995 • 32 STEP PLAN GRADE 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 11 11 12 13 14 1 NO ONE IN CLASSIFICATION 2 6.51 6.69 6.89 1.11 7.31 7.53 7.76 1.99 8.23 8.48 8.73 8.99 9.26 9.54 3 7.12 1.23 7.44 7.67 7.91 8.13 8.38 8.63 8.89 9.15 9.43 9.11 11.11 11.3 4 1.58 7.80 8.14 8.28 8.53 8.78 9.15 9.32 9.61 9.89 10.19 11.49 11.81 11.13 5 8.19 8.44 8.69 8.95 9.22 9.49 9.18 11.17 11.31 11.69 11.11 11.34 11.68 12.03 6 8.84 9.11 9.38 9.66 9.95 10.25 11.56 11.87 11.21 11.53 11.88 12.24 12.60 12.98 7 9.55 9.84 11.13 11.44 10.75 11.17 11.41 11.75 12.11 12.46 12.83 13.22 13.62 14.12 8 11.31 11.62 10.94 11.27 11.60 11.95 12.31 12.68 13.16 13.45 13.86 14.27 14.71 15.14 9 11.14 11.41 11.82 12.11 12.54 12.91 13.31 13.71 14.11 14.54 14.91 15.42 15.88 16.36 11 12.13 12.39 12.16 13.15 13.54 13.65 14.36 14.8 15.24 15.7 16.11 16.65 17.15 11.66 11 12.99 13.38 13.18 14.19 14.62 15.16 15.51 15.98 16.46 16.95 17.45 17.98 18.52 19.17 12 14.03 14.45 14.88 15.33 15.79 16.26 16.75 17.26 17.17 18.31 18.85 19.42 21.11 21.63 13 15.16 15.61 16.18 16.51 17.16 11.57 18.10 18.64 19.20 19.18 21.31 21.98 21.61 22.26 14 16.37 16.86 17.37 17.89 18.42 18.98 19.55 20.13 21.74 21.36 22.00 22.67 23.34 24.14 15 17.68 18.21 18.75 19.32 19.91 21.51 21.11 21.74 22.39 23.06 23.76 24.47 25.21 25.93 16 19.19 19.66 21.25 20.86 21.49 22.13 22.79 23.48 24.18 24.91 25.65 26.42 21.21 28.13 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH JOB CLASSIFICATION/GRADE AS SPECIFIED THROUGH MSN PAY PLAN EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 1, 1990 Grade 1 (Not Assigned) Grade 2 Receptionist Grade 3 Animal Control Officer Customer Services Representative Permits Clerk Records Management Clerk Clerk - PW, AB Sewer Grade 4 Communications Tech. Police Records Specialist Grade 5 Communications Supervisor Data Entry Clerk Secretary Grade 7 Grade 6 Accounting Clerk Utility Billing Supervisor Administrative Assistant Administrative Assistant/Personnel Tech. • Administrative Assistant/Police & Fire Grade 8 Fiscal Assistant Computer Operator Code Enforcement Officer Grade 9 Purchasing Agent Grade 10 (Not Assigned) Grade 11 &A.4-44..... (�. Maint. & Sanitation Division Director Water Plant Superindentent2) Police Lieutenant Accountant Grade 12 Chief Building Inspector PW Inspector/Asst to Director Distribution & Collection Division Director Utility Plant Division Director Parks & Recreation Program Director Grade' 13 Grade 14 Police Captain Fire Marshal- Grade 15 City Planner Fire Chief Grade 16 Finance Director Police Chief - • Public Works Director/Engineer The Merit Step Pay/Grade Chart is set forth in attached Exhibit a . Entrance Wage Determination/Demotion a . Original appointment to any position classification , or the appointment of a current employee to a new and different position classification , shall normally be made at the entrance rate and advancement from the entrance rate to maximum rate within the pay grade shall be by successive steps . Upon recommendation of the Department Head , the City Manager may approve initial compensation At a higher rate in the range for the position classification when the needs of the City make such action necessary. b . Except as provided in the second sentence of this subsection , when an employee is demoted to a different position classification , he shall receive the pay rate in the lower pay range of the new position which is deemed appropriate by the Department Head . Provided that, should the demotion be the result of non—disciplinary action (e .g. , a reduction in force ) , the demoted employee shall receive the rate in the lower position classification pay range which provides the smallest possible decrease in pay. Employees demoted for non—disciplinary reasons shall if possible be reassigned to other duties commensurate with his qualifications for the position . The Employer will make a reasonable effort to reassign the employee in accord with the provisions of this section . c . When an employee is promoted to a classification with a higher base rate ot pay, the pay rate of that employee shall be the lowest step in the higher range that will provide at least a five percent (5%) increase over the rate received immediately prior to promotion . Advancement within merit step plan . a . Except as set forth below, advancement within the merit step plan shall occur no sooner than twelve (12 ) months from the employee ' s date of hire or date of last increase , provided the employee receives a satisfactory or above rating from his Department Head , and such advancement is approved by the City Manager . 44 Thereafter , employees who have previously advance to the top step of the pay plan shall be eligible for an annual three percent (3%) bonus twelve (12 ) months from the date of their last increase . The annual bonus shall replace step movement and shall be contingent on continued satisfactory service . The bonus shall not be paid in the employee ' s base rate of pay, rather the bonus shall be paid in a lump—sum payment on the employee ' s anniversary date . Employees who receive an overall above satisfactory evaluation rating shall receive a two percent (2%) one—time bonus in addition to their normal step increase . Employees who have advance to the top step of the pay plan, and who receive an overall above satisfactory evaluation rating shall receive a two percent (2%) one—time bonus in addition to their satisfactory evaluation annual bonus increase . The advancement in the pay plan for Department Heads shall be per anniversary date , and any bonus shall be determined by the City Manager based on funds available . For the purposes of this plan , the date of last increase shall be the most recent date upon which any of the following actions occurred to an employee : 1 . Date of promotion ; 2 . Date on which an employee received a step increase . 3. Cost of living adjustments or general increases shall not be considered as the date or last increase . b . For purposes of determining whether or not the employee has satisfactorily performed services for the City for advancement in the merit step plan , the Department Head shall notify the City Manager of the Department Head ' s evaluation, with his recommendation for any merit increase action . If the Employee ' s performance has not been graded as satisfactory during the applicable time period , the employee ' advancement may be delayed at the sole discretion of the city for an indefinite period of time . The employee shall be advised in writing as to the reason his merit step increase was not granted at the 45 usual time . The evaluation rating of an employee under this Article is within the sole discretion of the City and thereby is not subject to the grievance or arbitration procedures 46 C I 5/ C6po,tSS/O, 5 - 777,6- /2,y? 77,S'74yi Fr- foe A16)(7 ilI L7�T/4/ ("Vol /y) . % b1)/Z& ,p ,H1 0 6 O ciet p-i/e),v5 fro yv,' `c U1 f ) /) ../2 a? 7/-KU v. 7 Honorable Mayor ,,/Y5/-(6,P and City Commission Members Atlantic Beach, Florida /4 41 Dear Mayor and City Commission Members: I am herewith proposing a reorganization of our Parks and Recreation Department. In that the Director's position is currently vacant, as well as one Parks Maintenance Worker 1, it is an opportune time to make any changes. Specifically, 1 am recommending the dividing of responsibilities concerning parks and recreation activities. Currently, under the Atlantic Beach Code, the Parks and Recreation Director reports to the Public Works Director and then City Manager. This position also supervises three employees and one part time. An organization chart would depict this structure as follows: City Manager ?ub.Wks Director Parka and Rec.Dir. Camp Mtce. Mtce. Mtce. Counselor Worker I--Worker I—Worker 7 I am requesting your approval to restructure the department with the goal in mind to assure equal consideration in both these important service areas. My recommendation is to hire a Recreation Director responsible directly to the City Manager. This individual would be charged v.th the general mission to plan our parks layouts (ie. functional design) and ensure their usage to the maximum. In the latter regard, I envision coordination/cooperation with all city departments, other governmental entities(eg. school system, county et al.) and private concerns as well (eg. YMCA, leagues and the like). The organizational chart would look like this: City Mans er Retreat. Director In addition, I am recommending the upgrading of a current, vacant position to one entitled Parks Department Division Chief. This individual would be responsible for all parks and assigned city rights-of-way maintenance. Duties include landscaping/lawn maintenance, pesticide/fertilizer application, parks/playground upkeep, safety program coordination for the Parks Department, etc. This chart of organization reflects this configuration: City Mena I Pub Wks Director ark9 Div. Director Mtce. Mtce. Please note, this Worker I Worker I is working position in addition to assigned supervisory responsibilities. The individual will be expected to participate in the mowing, plant care, playground and other equipment repair, etc. along with supervising personnel, budgeting, planning, et al. I am proposing to fund the Recreation Director as currently provided within the established pay range. Regarding the Parks Department Division Chief, I recommend, as previously noted, converting the current, vacant Maintenance Worker I position to the new one as proposed. The pay range recommended, grade 10, begins at $25,027 and ends at $36,189-I am planning to hire an individual, if you concur with my proposal, at the beginning step ($25,027). When compared to the original position, funded at $14,196 per annum, the additional cost is $10,831. This difference may be obtained from our city hall lawn maintenance account, totaling $14,000 for one year. I have discussed the possibility of having lawn maintenance performed by the Parks Department as led by a new Division Chief with experience in this area and feel we could do the job. If you agree with this scenario, we would actually save $3,169 a year even with enactment of the upgraded Parks Department position. Your consideration of this proposal is appreciated. It is my intention to recommend these changes for the better operation of our municipal government and meet the priorities you have established for our community. For your convenience, I have enclosed suggested descriptions for the positions noted herein. I would be most happy to answer any questions. Sincerely, Kim D. Leinbach City Manager Enclosure WATER AND SEWER CAPITAL OUTLAY ESTIMATE FIVE YEAR WATER AND SEWER CAPITAL OUTLAY ESTIMATE* (All Revenue Comes from Utility Payments) (No new increase will be proposed to fund these projects) Additional Needed Over New $2,000,000 Approved In FY 94/95 Budget PRIORITY A. WATER CAPITAL OUTLAY Major Projects: . Water Trunk& Loop $1,250,000 1 . Water Main Install. AB 700,000 1 . Distrib. Sys. Mayport Rd. BUC 200,000 2 . Water Mains Oak Harb. 500,000 2 . Land for Water Tower AB 150,000 3 . Water Tank AB 375,000 3 . City Meters AB 50,000 4 . Meter Replacements -AB & BUC 208,000 4 . Beach Ave. Water 337,293 5 . Corrosion Reduct. WTP1 AB 30,000 6 . Contingency (10%) 380,029 Subtotal 4,180,322 B. SEWER CAPITAL OUTLAY Major Projects: . Sewer Plant (add on)AB 600,000 1 . Wetwell (add on) !,: 100,000 1 . 0.75 MGD Expand. BUC 1,115,000 1 . Sewer Main Rehab. AB 2,604,500 2 . Sewer Main Rehab. BUC 600,000 2 . Buc. Lift Station 120,000 3 . Park St. Lift Station AB 15,000 4 . Stewart St. Lift Station AB 15,000 4 . Beach Ave. Sewer 456,815 5 . Force Mains at Plant AB 150,000 6 . Contingency (10%) 577,632 Subtotal 6,353,947 MAJOR WATER & SEWER PROJECTS Total $105341269 Other: . Sludge Management (Reserve Cont.) $1,500,000 . Buc. Generator(WW P) (Operating) $110,000 . Standby Lift Sta. Gen. BUC (Operating) $40,000 * Estimate based on Staff and Water and Sewer Committee review. STORM WATER CAPITAL OUTLAY STORM WATER MASTER PLAN RECOMMENDED CAPTIAL OUTLAY (Ranked by Priority) 1. AHERN TO 2ND ST./SALTAIR------------------------- -----$ 284,227 (SM-A & SM-D) 2. THIRD TO 5TH ST. 773,951 (SM-B) 3. 6TH TO 8TH ST.----------- 547,007 (SM-C) 4. PLAZA TO 11TH ST. 1,071,423 (SM-E) -5. 11TH. ST. TO CLUB DR. 193,980 (SM-F) 6. CLUB DR. TO SATURIBA ------------------------------------------------------- 250,000* (SM-G) (1,111,324) TOTAL $3,120,588 *Staff recommendation Z7 --- 8 \.,,,__, 1 SC-D .. . t ,1.1 ------ —1-4--talS - .... ._ ..7-•pri. -.4t. 'i.. .11‘g igillS f't . -.•..•••.t...:1:'• •'''';'Ivi.e.4•414 "„.(•,.,_. .."'";-..21:.' ' •,:?'''.,;).*:' ";;;.;. ,.. I . ---1, SC-E :4•1"::•.*:741',; - i,....1.7:1".::•11; . sc.a . 10 '• -..-:li,....4:* - *.' .4:1*4;... 4,,' - • •,...VI, " .''.•:•••- ',• L .. ...., ':A7`;.'s•-•.,,Z.i.-3?- , ••:,:et.:•7 4•41 .. ,,,,,X:101•';., • '".:•73047 , • N../ 71 S 11 g _i........40 •,.. . .., .--._. • '',-,1$4i.r. 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I ..... ---,m.o.... -,m,...- --..-- 4mm i—, ., — I /A\--11-1 ni 1 nr1r1— 4 0, co r-1 c't 0 iL Figure 2-2. Delineation of Subbasins. - no