11-14-94 v ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION NOVEMBER 14, 1994 AGENDA Call to Order Invocation and pledge to the flag 1. Approval of the minutes of the Regular meeting of October 24, 1994 2. Recognition of Visitors ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE BY THE CITY COMMISSION AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION IN THE FORM LISTED BELOW. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION AND STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS HAVE BEEN PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED TO THE CITY COMMISSION ON THESE ITEMS. 3. Consent Agenda: a. Acknowledge receipt of Water & Sewer Committee Report No. 22 (Bob Kosoy) b. Acknowledge receipt of building report for the month of October c. Acknowledge receipt of Code enforcement report for the month of October d. Acknowledge receipt of usage report for the Adele Grage Community Center for the month of October e. Acknowledge receipt of Pension Investment Report for month of October 4. Reports of Committees and/or Boards: a. Report of Recreation Advisory Board 5. Action of Resolutions: a. Adoption of Resolution No. 94-49 identifying needed water, sewer, and storm water projects for the repair, expansion and replacement of the city' s existing system ( Jim Jarboe/Bob Kosoy) b. Adoption of Resolution No. 94-50 supporting the construction of a world class swim center in the Beaches area 6. Action of Ordinances: a. Public hearing and final reading of Ordinance No. 90-94- 162 to amend the zoning classification of property known as Part of Lots 2 and 3, section 16, and lots 1 and 5, section 17, also known as RE#172027-0100, from Open Rural (OR) to Single Family Residential (RS-1 ) (George Worley) b. Introduction and first reading of Ordinance No. 80-94-53 defining and providing regulations for failed on-site sewage disposal systems Page 2 AGENDA November 14, 1994 7. New Business: a. Public hearing on an application for Use by Exception for contractor' s office (George Worley) b. Ratification of union contract with public works employees bargaining unit (Kim Leinbach) c. Approval of new pay plan for non-union general employees (Kim Leinbach) d. Approval of contracts for use of city facilities (Kim Leinbach) e. Authorize entering into agreement with Sims Design Consultants, Inc. for additional design work at Water Plant No. 3 on Assisi Lane (Bob Kosoy) f. Approval of Part B through Part D of Gee & Jenson's proposal dated July 13, 1994, for professional engineering services to complete the master plan for Atlantic Beach Water Distribution System Analysis (Bob Kosoy) g. Approval of the recommendation of the City Manager to reorganize the Parks & Recreation Department (Kim Leinbach) h. Authorize execution of contract with Architect Michael Dunlap for professional services in connection with the design of a new activity building in Donner Park (Kim Leinbach) 8. City Manager Reports and/or Correspondence: 9. Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners, City Attorney and City Clerk: a. City Attorney to report on his discussions with Alice Richardson relative to proposed property acquisition b. City Attorney to report relative to request for donation to the Beaches Historic Society to offset the cost of constructing a structure to protect the recently restored train engine Adjournment If any person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission at this meeting, he will need a record of the proceedings, and for such purpose, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record shall include the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD IN CITY HALL, 800 SEMINOLE ROAD, AT 7: 15 V V PM ON MONDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1994 O O T T PRESENT: Lyman T. Fletcher, Mayor E E D D Steve Rosenbloom Suzanne Shaughnessy M S J. Dezmond Waters, III 0 E Robert G. Weiss, Jr. Commissioners T C AND: Kim D. Leinbach, City Manager I O Y Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney NAME OF ONEN Maureen King, City Clerk COMMRS. N D S 0 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Fletcher. The invocation was followed by the pledge to the flag. 1. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of October 24, 1994 ROSENBLOOM Motion: Approve minutes of the regular SHAUGHNESSY X X meeting of October 24, 1994 WATERS X WEISS X X No discussion before the vote. The motion carried FLETCHER X unanimously. 2. Recognition of Visitors: Ruth Gregg, 905 Sailfish Drive, inquired as to when water lines would be replaced in the Royal Palm Area, to which Jim Jarboe, Deputy City Manager, explained this would be discussed later in the meeting. 3. Consent Agenda: a. Acknowledge receipt of Water & Sewer Committee Report No. 22 (Bob Kosoy) b. Acknowledge receipt of building report for the month of October c. Acknowledge receipt of Code Enforcement report for the month of October d. Acknowledge receipt of usage report for the Adele Grage Community Center for the month of October e. Acknowledge receipt of Pension Investment Report for month of October Commissioner Weiss requested that Item b be removed from the Consent Agenda. b. Acknowledge receipt of building report for the month of October V v Page Two - Minutes NAME OF November 14, 1994 COMMRS. MSYN Commissioner Weiss noted that construction valuation for the month of October totaled almost $1,000, 000. He felt this was good for the City and that it indicated growth was occurring. ROSENBLOOM X X SHAUGHNESSY X Motion: Approve Consent Agenda WATERS X X WEISS X No discussion before the vote. The motion carried FLETCHER X unanimously. 4. Reports of Committees and/or Boards: a. Report of Recreation Advisory Board Cynthia Corey, Chairman of the Recreation Advisory Board, reported members of the Board would share responsibilities relative to planning Christmas Tree lighting ceremonies. It was reported there would be a tree lighting ceremony at Russell Park, Tuesday, December 6, 1994, and there would be a Christmas festivity at Donner Park, Thursday, December 8, 1994. 5. Action on Resolutions:_ a. Resolution No. 94-49 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA IDENTIFYING NEEDED WATER, SEWER AND STORM WATER PROJECTS FOR THE REPAIR, EXPANSION AND REPLACEMENT OF THE CITY'S EXISTING SYSTEM. Mayor Fletcher presented in full, in writing, Resolution No. 94-49 . He invited Jim Jarboe, Bob Kosoy, and Public Works staff to present their report relative to the capital improvement projects. Jim Jarboe provided the Commission with a list of water, sewer, and drainage projects (copy of Resolution 94-49 and Attachment A - Five Year Water and Sewer Capital Outlay Estimate, attached herewith and made a part hereof (Exhibit a) . He reviewed the scope of work that staff recommended, and used maps to illustrate the location of various sites. A video was provided and Ernest Beadle, Public Works Inspector, explained the problems that had been discovered in the sewer system when the lines had been televised. Mr. Beadle gave his recommendations to correct the problems. A discussion ensued regarding whether it was more economical to replace lines than to patch lines when problems occurred, and it was felt best results would be attained from replacing lines. Alan Potter, 374 Second Street, reviewed the projects and he felt while it was necessary to do the projects, the V V Page Three - Minutes NAME OF November 14, 1994 COMMRS. MSYN resolution was not clear as to where the funds to pay for the projects would be derived. He referred to Section 1 of the Resolution which indicated there was an urgent need for implementation of the list of projects. He felt the projects were essential, but not urgent, and he felt there was no revenue stream to support $13 million dollars of capital improvements. He felt the city should not issue bonds, and that the Barnett Bank loan was a much better method of financing. He did not feel the city needed a financial advisor. Jim Jarboe, Deputy City Manager, indicated staff planned to derive revenue for the projects from utility payments. He explained it would be derelict for staff not to bring to the attention of the city commission, a list of the projects which needed to be undertaken. He added the Finance Director felt the city should hire a financial advisor. He indicated while staff did not authorize projects, it would continue to bring projects to the attention of the commission and that it was staff' s duty to do this and to provide its best recommendation. During discussion commissioners agreed the situation needed to be addressed. Confidence in the ability and recommendations of staff was expressed, as well as agreement regarding the need for projects. It was agreed that a financial advisor would be beneficial. It was decided that more discussion should be held concerning the priorities of the projects, as well as funding, and that it would be best to defer action until the meeting of November 28, 1994. Kim Leinbach, City Manager, felt the city' s responsibility was to provide citizens with reliable services. He indicated it was upsetting when flooding occurred in someone' s backyard. He urged the commission to keep abreast of the situation, and he indicated staff would provide their best professional judgement. He felt at some point the city needed to address the problem. Under discussion, it was felt since the commission might not wish to identify priorities in the same order as indicated on list, that it would be best to delete the word "prioritizes" in Section 1 of the resolution. ROSENBLOOM X SHAUGHNESSY X X Motion: Delete "priorities" in Section 1 WATERS X WEISS X X FLETCHER X During discussion it was suggested that since the resolution might be deferred until November 28, 1994, V V Page Four - Minutes NAME OF November 14, 1994 COMMRS. MSYN that it would best not to seek a financial advisor but to invite Barnett Bank to attend the next commission meeting to discuss the possibility of a loan. The question was called on the motion to delete "priorities" in Section 1, and the vote resulted in all ayes. The motion carried unanimously. Under discussion, it was felt the City Manager had previously received instruction to seek a financial advisor, but it was felt a decision should be made regarding the projects to be undertaken before seeking a financial advisor. It was also decided to defer action until November 28, 1994 at which time priorities would be discussed. ROSENBLOOM X Motion: Defer action on Resolution 94-49 until SHAUGHNESSY X November 28, 1994 at which time priorities of WATERS X X projects will be discussed WEISS X FLETCHER X X The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. Ann Meuse, Finance Director, advised when a financial advisor was brought in it would be necessary to have a dollar amount decided upon, and that it would only be necessary to have a financial advisor if the dollar amount was large. Alan Potter suggested inviting First Union, Barnett, and American Banks to discuss a possible loan. b. Resolution No. 94-50 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, ENDORSING THE CONCEPT AND AUTHORIZING FURTHER INVESTIGATION INTO THE FEASIBILITY OF CONSTRUCTING A WORLD CLASS AQUATIC CENTER LOCATED IN JACKSONVILLE BEACH, FLORIDA, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Fletcher presented in full, in writing, Resolution No. 94-50. ROSENBLOOM X X SHAUGHNESSY X Motion: Approve passage of Resolution 94-50 WATERS X X WEISS X The question was called and the motion carried FLETCHER X unanimously. 6. Action of Ordinances: a. Ordinance No. 90-94-162 - Public Hearing AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH AMENDING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF PROPERTY KNOWN AS PART OF LOTS V V Page Five - Minutes NAME OF November 14, 1994 COMMRS. MSYN 2 AND 3, SECTION 16, AND LOTS 1 AND 5, SECTION 17, ALSO KNOWN AS RE#172027-0100, FROM OR, OPEN RURAL TO RS-1 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL; AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP TO REFLECT THIS CHANGE; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Fletcher presented in full, in writing ordinance No. 90-94-162, said ordinance having been posted in accordance with Charter requirements. He opened the floor for a public hearing and invited comments from the audience. Bill Noe, 599 Atlantic Boulevard, Suite 6, indicated he was the Attorney represented Selva Linkside Partnership, the owners of the property. He pointed out in this matter the commission would act in a quasi-judicial capacity. He explained all adjacent subdivisions at one time were zoned "OR. " He explained three acres of land were high and dry and Selva Linkside was asking that the three acres be rezoned to allow the construction of six single family homes. He further explained four acres would be donated to the city by Selva Linkside. He indicated the Department of Environmental Protection and the Corps of Engineers would monitor the building of the proposed homes, and that the land use would fit into the comprehensive plan of the city. He felt if the city denied the rezoning it would be an unjust taking of his client' s land. Following Mr. Noe ' s comments, residents June Morris, President, Selva Linkside Unit 1 Homeowners Association, Peter Fantegrossi, 1132 Linkside Drive, Kaycee Tusher, 1109 E. Linkside Court, Jerome Sternberg, Jr. , 1244 Linkside Drive, Roy A. Lundquist, 511 Selva Lakes Circle, and George Ginsburg, 1173 Sandpiper Lane East, introduced themselves and stated their opposition to the rezoning. It was stated residents had been assured by the developers that the property would never be built upon. Concern was expressed that construction would adversely affect wetlands, and that a lot of trees would be destroyed. It was felt that the proposed development would not have covenants and restrictions similar to adjacent developments. It was explained by June Morris that petitions opposing the rezoning had previously been submitted. Bill Noe explained covenants and restrictions would be approved by the city. Frank Thrower, representing Harbour Springs Development, agreed to utilize the covenants and restrictions of Selva Linkside I. Jim V V Page Six - Minutes NAME OF November 14, 1994 COMMRS. MSYN Lucas, representing Harbour Springs Development, explained it was not the intent of the developer to develop the wetlands. When asked what facts the Community Development board used when they made their decision, George Worley, City Planner, explained the Community Development Board did not have to act in a quasi-judicial manner, and that staff did not make a recommendation regarding approval or disapproval of the rezoning. Since no one wished to speak further the Mayor closed the public hearing. Motion: Approve passage of Ordinance No. 90-94-162 to rezone property from OR to RS-1 WEISS X Motion died for lack of a second. ROSENBLOOM X Motion: Deny passage of Ordinance No. 90-94-162 to SHAUGHNESSY X X rezone property from OR to RS-1 WATERS X X WEISS X Commissioner Waters felt since this was a quasi-judicial FLETCHER X hearing statements should have been taken under oath and the City Attorney should have taken sworn testimony. Commissioner Waters felt the proposed rezoning and development adversely affected a previous PUD which had been directed and finally accepted by previous commissions. He felt it would increase residential traffic, population, and housing in the existing PUD which was never previously addressed by city commissions since the Selva Linkside Partnership developed the area known as Selva Linkside. He also felt there was a posted sign on the property indicating that it would not be developed, and, in view of that, he felt that Selva Linkside property owners should be given input into the final determination of this rezoning. He indicated there was two homeowners ' associations which had allowed homes substantially different from those in Phase I to be built in Phase II . He urged commissioners to vote against the rezoning. Commissioner Weiss felt that facts had not been presented that would be grounds to deny the rezoning request. He suggested that homeowners should have bought the property to insure it would not be changed. Mayor Fletcher felt there were drainage problems and traffic problems in the city and development might negatively impact those problems. Commissioner V V Page Seven - Minutes NAME OF November 14, 1994 COMMRS. MSYN Rosenbloom felt that wetlands would be a maintenance liability to the city. A discussion ensued as to whether or not the Community Development Board should have been present to which Alan Jensen, City Attorney, explained the Board made their recommendation and the commission had received the findings, and he indicated the board should not have to attend the commission meeting to defend their findings. He further explained it was necessary for the commission to act on the application before them. He explained all the property around the area under discussion was zoned OR. When Selva Linkside was developed it was changed to Residential. He explained the proposed zoning would be consistent with the comprehensive plan, and he indicated traffic and density were considered when the comprehensive plan was developed. He added he did not have any authority to take sworn oaths. This was a quasi-judicial proceeding, he explained. The question was called on the motion to deny the zoning request and the vote resulted in 4-1 with Commissioner Weiss voting nay. The motion carried. b. Ordinance No. 80-94-53 - First Reading Mayor Fletcher presented in full, in writing Ordinance No. 80-94-53. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 22 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, UTILITIES, BY AMENDING SEC. 22-90 ADDING FOR FAILURE OF AN ONSITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND DEFINING FAILURE, SEC. 22-92 ADDING A REPORTING REQUIREMENT FOR A FAILED ONSITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM, AND 22-91 REQUIRED PERMITTING AND INSPECTION. Jim Jarboe explained Commissioners Weiss and Waters met under the Sunshine Law for the purpose of clarifying the ordinance. An amended version was distributed at the meeting and it was explained the commission would be voting on the new version. ROSENBLOOM X Motion: Approve passage of Ordinance No. 80-94-53 SHGHNESSY X AU as amended, on first reading, and set public WATERS X X hearing for November 28, 1994 WEISS X X FLETCHER X The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. Page 3 - Minutes November 28, 1994 V V NAME OF COMMAS. MSYN NOJECTS FOK nir I a'A LR, F WANSIUN AND REPLACEMENT OF Cm's EXISTING SYSTEM Mayor Fletcher presented in full, in writing, Resolution No. 94-49. Under discussion, it was explained staff was working on a report which would explain the need for the work. Action was deferred pending the receipt of staff's written report. b. Resolution No. 94-51 - A RESOLUTION EXPRESSING APPRECIATION TO HENRY COOK, CLERK OF THE COUNTY COURT, FOR OPENING A SATELLITE OFFICE IN MANTIC BEACH. Commissioner Weiss presented in full, in writing, Resolution No. 94-51. SHAUGHNESSY Motion: Approve passage of Resolution No. 94-51 WATERS X WEISS X Under discussion, it was suggested the resolution be amended to FLETCHER indicate a copy of the resolution be sent to the President and members of the City Council of the City of Jacksonville. Amended Motion: Amend Resolution No. 94-51 to indicate a copy WATERSNESSY X ATERof the Resolution be sent to the President and members of e WEISS S X X thX City Council of the City of Jacksonville FLETCHER X No discussion before the vote. The amended motion passed unanimously. SHAUGHNESSY X Motion: Pass Resolution No. 94-51, as amended. WATERS X x WEISS X X FLETCHER X No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. 5. Action on Ordinances: a. Ordinance No. 80-94-53 - Public Bearing AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 22 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, UTILITIES, BY AMENDING SEE. 22-90 ADDING FOR FAILURE OF AN ONSITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND DEFINING, FAIT URE, SEC. 22-92 ADDING A REPORTING REQUIREMENT FORA FAILED ONSITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM, SEDC. 22-91 REQUIRED PEI:H TTING AND INSPECTION, AND SEE. 22-79. Mayor Fletcher presented in full, in writing, ordinance No. 80-94-53, said ordinance having been posted in accordance with Charter requirements. He opened the floor for a public hearing and invited comments from the audience. SHAUGHNESSY Since no one wished to speak the Mayor closed the public hearing. WATERS X WEISS X Notion: Approve passage of Ordinance No. 80-94-53 FLETCHER Under discussion, Section 22-90 was referred to and it was decided Page 4 - Minutes November 28, 1994 V V NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN it would be necessary to change the date at the end of the first paragraph from December 1, 1994 to February 1, 1995 to agree with the date in Section 1. It was explained this change would grandfather in all property owners who began paying an assessment for sewer lines before February 1, 1995, unless their septic system SHAUGHNESSY X failed. WATERS X X Amended motion: Change date at the end of the first paragraph, WE I S S X X Section 22-90, fry December 1, 1994 to February 1, 1995 FLETCHER X No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. SHAUGHNESSY X Motion: Approve passage of ordinance No. 80-94-53, as amended WATERS X X WEISS X X No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. FLETCHER X b. Ordinance No. 10-94-19 - First Reading Mayor Fletcher presented in full, in writing ordinance No. 10-94-19. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING SDC. 3-11 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES TO ALLOW CONSUMPTION OF BEER AND WINE ON PUBLIC PROPERTY WITH PERMISSION FROM THE CITY Nom, ESTABLISHING TIME LIMITS FOR SUCH CONSUMPTION, AND PROVIDING AN ' CINE DATE. SHAUGHNESSY X WATERS X X Notion: Approve passage of Ordinance No. 10-94-19 on first WE IS S X X reading and set public hearing for December 12, 1994 FLETCHER X Reference was made to Sec. 3-11, paragraph (3) , which indicated ticket sales for purchase of beer and wine ended no later than 9:30 p. m. , and it was felt by Commissioner Weiss that the ordinance should be amended to strike "and ticket sales for purchase of beer and wine shall end no later than 9:30 p. m." Commissioner Waters made reference to the four festivals referred to in paragraph (3) and he felt the language should not be directed to the Town Center only, but should allow other entities to participate who wished to have a festival with beer and wine. Commissioner Waters felt by striking "Town Center" frau the language it would be possible for other groups to participate in festivals. It was explained the above proposed amendments would be discussed at the public hearing at December 12, 1994. The question was called and the vote resulted in 3--1 with Commissioner Waters voting nay. The motion carried. c. Ordinance no. 80-94-54 - First Reading Mayor Fletcher presented in full, in writing ordinance No. 80-94-54. f ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING SDC. z2-14 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES BY ADDING ANEW SUBSECTION TO PROHIBIT THE START OF WATER SERVICE FOR RENTAL PROPERTIES UNLESS THE RENTAL PROPERTY IS IN COMPLIANCE WITH ALL CITY CODES AND ANY LIENS V V Page Eight - Minutes NAME OF November 14, 1994 COMMRS. MSYN 7. New Business: a. Public hearing on an application for Use by Exception for contractor' s office (George Worley) George Worley, City Planner, explained the Use-by- Exception was for a contractor' s office of Richard A. Hightower, Hightower Grouting Services, Inc. , at 645 Mayport Road. The Community Development Board found that this business fit the category of low intensity service per section 24-109(c) (4) . No equipment or material storage would take place at this address. It was found that this business was compatible with the intentions of Section 109 and with the other existing businesses at the proposed location. The Board recommended approval of the exception to the applicant personally and only at the specified address. Motion: Approve granting of Use-by-Exception to ROSENBLOOM X X Richard A. Hightower, Hightower Grouting Services, SHAUGHNESSY X X Inc. , 645 Mayport Road, to operate a contractor' s WATERS X office. Approval granted to Richard A. Hightower, WEISS X only, and only at 645 Mayport Road. FLETCHER X The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. b. Ratification of union contract with public works employees bargaining unit (Kim Leinbach) Kim Leinbach, City Manager, presented the ratification of the union contract with public works employees. Motion: Approve ratification of union contract ROSENBLOOM X with public works employees bargaining unit, SHAUGHNESSY X X Northeast Florida Public Employees ' Local 630 for WATERS X X the period October 1, 1994 through September 30, WEISS X 1997 FLETCHER X No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. c. Approval of new pay plan for non-union general employees (Kim Leinbach) Kim Leinbach recommended adopting a salary step plan similar to those provided to the city' s collective bargaining units (recommended plan dated November 10, 1994 attached herewith and made a part hereof - Exhibit b) . It was explained the plan maintained the same pay range previously established, but provided 3% steps therein. A 2% cost-of-living increase could be granted V V Page Nine - Minutes NAME OF November 14, 1994 COMMAS. MSYN effective October 1, 1994, followed by placing the non- union employees into that step most closely reflecting their current rate of pay, but no less than 1%. Motion: Approve new pay plan for non-union general SHAUGHNESSY X employees as set forth in recommended plan attached WATERS X Under discussion, Commissioner Waters suggested setting October 1, 1994 as the anniversary date for payroll purposes for all employees. A discussion ensued during which time several city employees indicated their desire to have evaluations performed on their anniversary date. It was felt more time could be given to individuals who were being evaluated if evaluations were spread out during the year, rather than everyone being evaluated at the same time. It was decided evaluations could be performed on anniversary dates, but increases in salary would be effective October 1st for all non-union employees. ROSENBLOOM X Motion: Change Anniversary date for payroll SHAUGHNESSY X X purposes for all non-union employees to October WATERS X X 1st WEISS X FLETCHER X The question was called and the vote resulted in 3-2 with Commissioner Shaughnessy and Mayor Fletcher voting nay. The motion carried. ROSENBLOOM X Motion: Approve new pay plan for non-union general SHAUGHNESSY X X employees as set forth in recommended plan WATERS X attached, as amended. WEISS X X FLETCHER X No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. d. Approval of contracts for use of city facilities (Kim Leinbach) Mayor Fletcher explained William Gulliford was out of town and had requested that the matter be deferred until November 28, 1994. It was agreed to defer discussion of all contracts until November 28, 1994. e. Authorize entering into agreement with Sims Design Consultants, Inc. for additional design work at Water Plant No. 3 on Assisi Lane (Bob Kosoy) Bob Kosoy explained fees for providing design documents for improvements at Water Plant No. 3, were negotiated for a total not to exceed $8, 150.00. He explained if the city did not do these improvements as part of the V V Page Ten - Minutes NAME OF November 14, 1994 COMMRS. MSYN project, it would be in violation of state requirements and would incur additional permitting fees. ROSENBLOOM X Motion: Approve additional design work for Water SHAUGHNESSY X Treatment Plant No. 3, Assisi Lane, for a total not WATERS X X to exceed $8, 150.00 WEISS X X FLETCHER X No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. Item 7h was taken out of sequence and acted upon. h. Authorize execution of contract with Architect Michael Dunlap for professional services in connection with the design of a new activity building in Donner Park (Kim Leinbach) ROSENBLOOM X Motion: Approve execution of contract with SHAUGHNESSY X X Architect Michael Dunlap for professional services WATERS X in connection with the design of a new activity WEISS X X building in Donner Park FLETCHER X It was explained that Michael Dunlap felt the estimated project budget of $90, 000 was inadequate to fund the work and that he recommended the scope of the work be reduced or additional funds secured. Commissioner Shaughnessy felt that the Commission indicated their desire to have a modest building. Commissioner Waters inquired if Alan Jensen had reviewed the contract, to which Mr. Jensen explained the City Manager made a standard practice of providing him with copies of all contracts for review. He indicated the contract under discussed had been reviewed and was a standard contract. Under discussion it was agreed that Gail Baker should be included in the process as she had knowledge as to the needs and uses of the facility. When asked for a ballpark figure Mr. Dunlap indicated a ballpark figure from $140, 000 to $160, 000. The Commission indicated their desire to have a building that would please everyone, but they preferred not to increase the projected budget of $90, 000 for the project. Following discussion during which time Mr. Dunlap outlined several avenues that could be used to trim costs, the commission asked Mr. Dunlap to report back to them relative to construction of a building that would fit the budget of $90, 000.00. V V Page Eleven - Minutes NAME OF November 14, 1994 COMMRS. MSYN The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. f. Approval of Part B through Part D of Gee & Jensen' s proposal dated July 13, 1994, for professional engineering services to complete the master plan for Atlantic Beach Water Distribution System Analysis Bob Kosoy reported Part A of the Master Plan for the water distribution system was completed during the summer of 1994. The work consisted of extensive hydrant testing by the Design Engineer and City forces. Mr. Kosoy explained, the city needed to continue the Master Plan to verify the proper sizing of water mains for present and future projects. The tasks needed to complete the Master Plan were outlined in Parts B, C, D, of the proposal dated July 13, 1994 (proposal attached herewith and made a part hereof - Exhibit c) . It was advised proposed total cost was $31, 618.40. Staff advised funds were available from Capital Improvement Fund. ROSENBLOOM X X Motion: Approve Part B through Part D of Gee and SHAUGHNESSY X Jenson' s proposal for Professional Engineering WATERS X Services to complete the Master Plan at a proposed WEISS X X total cost of $31, 618.40 FLETCHER X The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. g. Approval of the recommendation of the City Manager to reorganize the Parks & Recreation Department (Kim Leinbach) Kim Leinbach indicated the concept was to divide the responsibilities of parks and recreation activities (proposal attached herewith and made a part hereof - Exhibit d) . He proposed upgrading of a current, vacant position to one entitled Parks Department Division Chief. This individual would be responsible for all parks and assigned city rights-of-way maintenance and would report to the Public Works Director. The Recreation Director would be responsible for the usage of the parks and would report directly to the City Manager. ROSENBLOOM X X Motion: Approve reorganization of Parks & SHAUGHNESSY X Recreation Department according to attached WATERS X X proposal dated November 2, 1994 - (Exhibit d) WEISS X FLETCHER X V V Page Twelve - Minutes NAME OF November 14, 1994 COMMRS. MSYN Cynthia Corey inquired as to the reorganization plans and the City Manager explained how the new system would operate. The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. h. Authorize execution of contract with Architect Michael Dunlap for professional services in connection with the design of a new activity building in Donner Park (this was acted on earlier in the agenda) 8. City Manager Reports and/or Correspondence: Kim Leinbach distributed the Financial Report for the month of October. Mr. Leinbach indicated the lifeguards of the City of Atlantic Beach had received from the United States Lifesaving Association an Advance Lifeguard Agency Certification. Mr. Leinbach indicated this was a reason to be proud of the lifeguards of Atlantic Beach as only two groups in the State of Florida had reached this certification. Mr. Leinbach advised that through UNF a group of foreign government officials would be visiting our city on December 5, 1994 and would be attending staff meetings and commission meetings. 9. Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners, City Attorney and City Clerk: a. City Attorney to report on his discussions with Alice Richardson relative to proposed property acquisition. Alan Jensen reported the asking price was $150,000, and estimate for cost of an appraisal was approximately $400 in addition to a survey. Assessed value was between $90, 000 and $100, 000. b. City Attorney to report relative to request for donation to the Beaches Historic Society to offset the cost of constructing a structure to protect the recently restored train engine. Mr. Jensen reported the city' s ordinance code prohibited using city funds and bed tax money would be considered city funds. Unless the ordinance was changed a donation could not be made to the Beaches Historic Society. V V Page Thirteen - Minutes NAME OF November 14, 1994 COMMAS. MSYN Commissioner Waters indicated it was not his desire to change the ordinance but he proposed inviting the Historical Society to give lectures concerning the history of Atlantic Beach, in return for which the city would pay a fee of $1, 500 or $1, 000. In this way, Commissioner Waters added, the city would benefit and the Beaches Historic Society could use the funds in any way it deemed appropriate. Commissioner Waters suggested this matter be taken up at a future workshop. Commissioner Shaughnessy distributed an engineering report she received from the Florida League of Cities on the affect of sewage disposal systems on the environment. Commissioner Shaughnessy indicated she would like a review of the Comprehensive Plan. Commissioner Shaughnessy reported she had recently rode as an observer with the Fire Department. She commended the Fire Department for their daily performance at work. Commissioner Rosenbloom referred to a contribution that was made to the fireworks display at Jacksonville Beach, and he inquired how this was accomplished. It was explained since this was not a charitable cause the commission was able to vote to participate in its cost. Commissioner Rosenbloom indicated his desire to make a contribution to the Beaches Historical Society. Alan Jensen indicated he would research the matter and report back. Commissioner Rosenbloom inquired as to the method of placing items on the agenda. Mayor Fletcher advised this was discussed at a recent workshop session. He suggested perhaps an amendment to the administrative code could be made at some future time. He indicated it was decided at the workshop session that if an item was placed on the agenda, it could be taken off only by the originator of the agenda item. Commissioner Waters indicated the Northeast Florida League Christmas Buffet would be held at Timuquana on December 1, 1994 at 6:30 p.m. He suggested inviting retirees or employees of the month to these dinners, at city expense if possible. Commissioner Waters felt the Commission should control the agenda. V V Page Fourteen - Minutes NAME OF November 14, 1994 COMMRS. MSYN Mayor Fletcher reported the Teen Council would hold its first meeting on Tuesday, November 22, 1994 at 7 : 00 p.m. and he asked the City Clerk to send notices. Mayor Fletcher announced there would be a public hearing of the Department of Transportation relative to a Five Year Work Program, Tuesday, November 29, 1994. Commissioner Weiss was asked to attend the public hearing. There being no further business the Mayor adjourned the meeting at 12 : 35 a.m. --.4111111111111 .01n T. F etcher Mayor/Presiding Officer ATTES T: Maureen King City Clerk xA / 6 ,' RESOLUTION 94-49 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA IDENTIFYING NEEDED WATER, SEWER AND STORM WATER PROJECTS FOR THE REPAIR, EXPANSION AND REPLACEMENT OF THE CITY'S EXISTING SYSTEM. WHEREAS, the recent storm water runoff on several occasions has adversely affected residential and city property in the City of Atlantic Beach, and WHEREAS, the City of Atlantic Beach has commissioned and received a storm water study to identify needed storm water drainage improvements within the City, and WHEREAS, the need for repairs of the Atlantic Beach Water and Sewer System are increasing, and WHEREAS, the City of Atlantic Beach's Water and Sewer Committee and Staff have over the past four years identified needed expansion, replacement and repair of the City's Water and Sewer System, and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The City Commission identifies, prioritizies and recognizes the urgent need for implementation the list of water, sewer and storm water projects given in Attachment A of this resolution. SECTION 2. The City Commission desires that the funding of these proposed projects will be based on financing which will use only the existing approved revenue streams and not new tax or rate increases. If funding cannot be developed for all of the projects identified in Attachment A, the projects will be funded by priority based on the available revenue. SECTION 3. The City Manager is directed to move forward in seeking a Financial advisor for the Commission's selection. The Financial Advisor will be responsible for recommending to the Commission the best way to finance the projects in Attachment A through the City's existing approved revenue streams. The Financial Advisor selected will, as part of his contract with the City, receive no financial benefit or profit from any proposed funding sources related to this contract. Adopted by the City Commission of Atlantic Beach this the day of November, 1994 Lyman T. Fletcher, Mayor/Presiding Officer Approved as to form and correctness: ATTESTED- Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney -Maureen King, City Clerk ATTACHMENT A TO RESOLUTION 94-49 FIVE YEAR WATER AND SEWER CAPITAL OUTLAY ESTIMATE* (All Revenue Comes from Utility Payments) (No new increase will be proposed to fund these projects) Additional Needed Over New $2,000,000 Approved In FY 94/95 Budget PRIORITY A. WATER CAPITAL OUTLAY Major Projects: Water Trunk& Loop $1,250,000 1 . Water Main Install. AB 700,000 1 . Distrib. Sys. Mayport Rd. BUC 200,000 2 . Water Mains Oak Harb. 500,000 2 . Land for Water Tower AB 150,000 3 . Water Tank AB 375,000 3 . City Meters AB 50,000 4 . Meter Replacements -AB & BUC 208,000 4 . Beach Ave. Water 337,293 5 . Corrosion Reduct. WTP1 AB 30,000 6 . Contingency (10%) 380,029 Subtotal 4,180,322 B. SEWER CAPITAL OUTLAY Major Projects: . Sewer Plant (add on) AB 600,000 1 . Wetwell (add on) 100,000 1 . 0.75 MGD Expand. BUC 1,115,000 1 . Sewer Main Rehab. AB 2,604,500 2 . Sewer Main Rehab. BUC 600,000 2 . Buc. Lift Station 120,000 3 . Park St. Lift Station AB 15,000 4 . Stewart St. Lift Station AB 15,000 4 . Beach Ave. Sewer 456,815 5 . Force Mains at Plant AB 150,000 6 . Contingency (10%) 577,632 Subtotal 6,353,947 MAJOR WATER & SEWER PROJECTS Total $10,534,269 Other: . Sludge Management (Reserve Cont.) $1,500,000 . Buc. Generator(WWTP) (Operating) $110,000 . Standby Lift Sta. Gen. BUC (Operating) $40,000 * Estimate based on Staff and Water and Sewer Committee review. Page 2 - Attachment A STORM WATER MASTER PLAN RECOMMENDED CAPTIAL OUTLAY 1. AHERN TO 2ND ST./SALTAIR $ 284,227 (SM-A & SM-D) 2. THIRD TO 5TH ST. 773,951 (SM-B) 3. 6TH TO 8TH ST. - 547,007 (SM-C) 4. PLAZA TO 11TH ST. ------- --- 1,071,423 (SM-E) 5. 11TH. ST. TO CLUB DR. 193,980 (SM-F) 6. CLUB DR. TO SATURIBA _-----------------_____________________ 250,000* (SM-G) (1,111,324) TOTAL $3,120,588 *Staff recommendation aAititzi) -;: CITY OF v "kieuttie Vead - 94#tida ;• 800 SEMINOLE ROAD 0 _ ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA 32233-5445 `11 TELEPHONE(904)247-5800 FAX(904)247-5805 November 10 , 1994 Honorable Mayor City Commission Members Atlantic Beach , Florida Dear Mayor and City Commission Members : Please recall during the last fiscal year a decision was made to enact a range plan for all municipal employees . The idea was to indicate the starting and ending salaries for each position and strive for increases based upon available funding sources . Subsequently , the City Commission, at impasse , settled with the various collective bargaining units with the reenactment of a step salary plan. The only exception concerns our non-union, general government employees . In efforts to be fair and uniform, I am herewith urging and recommending that the City Commission adopt a salary step plan similar to those provided to our collective bargaining units . Attached is the recommended plan as noted above . It maintains the same pay range previously established , but provides 3% steps therein. For purposes of converting employees into the new step plan for this fiscal year only, I am recommending first of all, a 2% cost-of-living effective October 1st followed by placing the non-union employees into that step most closely reflecting their current rate of pay, but no less than 1%. The net step increase for employees could range from one to three percent and on the average should be less than two percent . Additionally , we would like to offer a two percent bonus towards the end of the fiscal year for those employees who have exhibited above average performance . This compensation would not affect the pay plan and would be applicable for exemplary performance only on the part of employees . I want to offer the same proposal except for the two percent (2%) bonus to department heads/supervirosrs as well. Please remember, supervisory personnel did not receive any adjustment last year. Upon reviewing the proposal after the Commission workshop held November 7 , 1994 , the general employee Personnel Committee has unanimously voted to recommend the same as herein provided inclusive of anniversary dates based upon date of hire . Again, this standardizes pay plans among all employee groups and is fair in its application. The monies for this proposal are funded in the current fiscal year budget , $40 ,000 . Bonuses for employees will be handled on a department-by-department basis with funding to be taken from the respective department (obviously , we won' t know how many employees are affected until nominated by the department) . I believe your approval of the same would go a long way in reaffirming our commitment to those employees who have not chosen to formally bargain collectively. I urge your approval and will be happy to answer any of your questions or provide clarifications . Sincerely , i ' vV_ / Kim D. Leinbach City Manager KDL. dst Enclosure cc : Personnel Committee Captain Campbell • GENERAL EMPLOYEES 1994/1995 32 STEP PLAN GRADE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 11 12 13 14 1 NO ONE IN CLASSIFICATION 2 6.51 6.69 6.89 7.10 1.31 7.53 1.16 1.99 8.23 8.48 8.13 8.99 9.26 9.54 3 1.12 1.23 1.44 1.61 1.91 8.13 8.38 8.63 8.89 9.15 9.43 9.71 11.11 11.3 4 7.58 1.81 8.14 8.28 8.53 8.78 9.05 9.32 9.61 9.89 11.19 11.49 11.81 11.13 5 8.19 8.44 8.69 8.95 9.22 9.49 9.78 10.17 11.31 11.69 11.11 11.34 11.68 12.13 6 8.84 9.11 9.38 9.66 9.95 11.25 10.56 10.81 11.21 11.53 11.88 12.24 12.61 12.98 7 9.55 9.84 11.13 11.44 10.75 11.17 11.41 11.75 12.11 12.46 12.83 13.22 13.62 14.12 8 11.31 11.62 11.94 11.27 11.61 11.95 12.31 12.68 13.16 13.45 13.86 14.27 14.71 15.14 9 11.14 11.47 11.82 12.17 12.54 12.91 13.31 13.71 14.11 14.54 14.97 15.42 15.88 16.36 11 12.13 12.39 12.76 13.15 13.54 13.65 14.36 14.8 15.24 15.7 16.17 16.65 17.15 17.66 11 12.99 13.38 13.78 14.19 14.62 15.16 15.51 15.98 16.46 16.95 17.45 17.98 18.52 19.07 12 14.13 14.45 14.88 15.33 15.79 16.26 16.75 17.26 17.77 18.31 18.85 19.42 21.01 21.63 13 15.16 15.61 16.18 16.57 11.16 17.57 18.11 18.64 19.20 19.78 21.37 21.98 21.61 22.26 14 16.37 16.86 17.37 17.89 18.42 18.98 19.55 21.13 21.74 21.36 22.11 22.61 23.34 24.14 15 11.68 18.21 18.75 19.32 19.91 21.51 21.11 21.74 22.39 23.06 23.76 24.47 25.21 25.93 16 19.09 19.66 20.25 21.86 21.49 22.13 22.19 23.48 24.18 24.91 25.65 26.42 21.21 28.13 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH JOB CLASSIFICATION/GRADE AS SPECIFIED THROUGH MSN PAY PLAN EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 1, 1990 Grade 1 (Not Assigned) Grade 2 Receptionist Grade 3 Animal Control Officer Customer Services Representative Permits Clerk Records Management Clerk Clerk - PW, AB Sewer Grade 4 Communications Tech. Police Records Specialist Grade 5 Communications Supervisor Data Entry Clerk Secretary Grade 7 Grade 6 Accounting Clerk Utility Billing Supervisor Administrative Assistant Administrative Assistant/Personnel Tech. • Administrative Assistant/Police & Fire Grade 8 Fiscal Assistant Computer Operator Code Enforcement Officer Grade 9 Purchasing Agent Grade 10 (Not Assigned) Grade 11 GAA-41e_ (. - Maint. & Sanitation Division Director Water Plant Superindentent2) Police Lieutenant Accountant Grade 12 Chief Building Inspector PW Inspector/Asst to Director Distribution & Collection Division Director Utility Plant Division Director Parks & Recreation Program Director Grade' 13 Grade 14 Police Captain Fire Marshal- Grade 15 City Planner Fire Chief Grade 16 Finance Director Police Chief Public Works Director/Engineer / ' I'1/9 y CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH Page 1 of 2 CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: MASTER PLAN FOR ATLANTIC BEACH WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM ANALYSIS SUBMITTED BY: Robert S. Kosoy/Director of Public Works - %• DATE: November 7, 1994 BACKGROUND: During the summer of 1994, we completed Part A of the Master Plan for the water distribution system in Atlantic Beach. This work consisted of extensive hydrant testing by the Design Engineer and City forces. We now need to continue the Master Plan to verify the proper sizing of water mains for present and future projects. The tasks needed to complete the Master Plan are outlined in Parts B, C, and D of the attached proposal dated July 13, 1994. In addition, a key project is the Beach Avenue Water and Sewer Project which has been permitted by D. E. P. since 1990. The permitting of the project will last five (5) years, until late 1995. We are now proceeding into our last year. If the project is not implemented within the next year, the complete project will have to be repermitted. Part "B" - Updating hydraulic computer model - $13554. 20 w/field data (Not Authorized) Part "C" - Additional field testing - $15574. 00 (Not Authorized) Part "D" - Training Session/City Staff on - $2490. 20 hydraulic computer model (Not Authorized) PROPOSED TOTAL COST $31618. 40 Page 2 of 2 RECOMMENDATION: Approve Part "B" through Part "D" of Gee and Jenson' s proposal for Professional Engineering Services to complete the Master Plan. ATTACHMENTS: Proposal from Gee and Jenson dated July 13, 1994. • f REVIEWED BY CITY MANAGER: I`• G401 ./&' I AGENDA ITEM NO. fl.setA ar-e. / ' '2P /c • 4/x.1.. / % ;7, ? - j`_._� -- v J GEE &JENSON Engineers-Architects-Planners,Inc. 9452 Phillips Highway,Suite 4 Jacksonville,Florida 32256 Telephone(904)292-9097 July 13, 1994 Fax(904)292-4206 Robert S. Kosoy, P.E. Director of Public Works City of Atlantic Beach 1200 Sandpiper Lane Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 Subject: Proposal for Professional-Engineering Services Development of Water Distribution System Analysis and Master Plan for Improvements Master Plan Parts B, C and D • G&J Project No. 94-225 Atlantic Beach, Florida Dear Mr. Kosoy: As discussed in the Utility Committee meetings on May 26, 1994 and June 16, 1994 and subsequently requested by your staff, we are pleased to provide the following proposal for engineering services for Parts B, C and D of the Water Master Plan and computer model preparation which will allow for water system improvements to be implemented in phases over the next few years. Gee & Jenson has already been authorized with Part A for$8,163.00 and have proceeded with this work task. To complete the remaining Parts B, C and D we would request that the authorization be increased an additional $31,798 to $39,961. We have increased the scope of work of Part B and C to include CADD mapping of the existing water system as discussed with Public Works Staff. Also as per the Public Works Staff, we have included a unit cost price of $275.00 for each additional fire hydrant testing beyond the current scope of 32 tests, to be performed at the City's direction. The additional cost will be for assistance during the test and updating the computer model and report. The professional engineering services we propose are to accomplish the above goals: Master Plan Part A - Field Tests and Mapping Verification: (Currently Authorized) 1. Obtain all existing maps, construction plans, field notes and other additional information on the existing water distribution system. Robert S. Kosoy, P.E. City of Atlantic Beach July 13, 1994 - Page 2 2. Develop Test Sites for Fire Hydrant tests, and perform the tests using City crews and equipment. Measure pitot pressure and residual pressure at adjacent hydrants to aid in developing empirical data for the hydraulic computer model of the system. 3. Field verify selected distribution system components, as determined by City staff. 4. Record the test results, and prepare a small report summarizing the findings. Master Plan Part B - Updating Hydraulic Computer Model with Field Data 1. Input field data and all pipes, tanks, pressure reducing valves, check valves, and other pertinent features of the water distribution system into the existing computer model prepared by Gee & Jenson Engineers-Architects-Planners, Inc. 2. Adjust the model parameters to fit test results. This will involve many runs of the model to develop results which closely match the field tests. 3. Develop additional Test Sites for Fire Hydrant tests to verify the model, and perform the tests using City crews and equipment. Measure pitot pressure and residual pressure at adjacent hydrants to aid in developing empirical data for the hydraulic computer model of the system. 4. From City records, establish typical daily water demands for each node in the system. Relate these demands to water pumped by City water plants. Establish existing and future fire flows as approved by the City Fire Marshall. 5. Prepare the final existing computer model that closely matches all field test data, and plot the computer generated map of the system showing typical daily pressures versus average daily water demands, and fire flows in four (4) locations, selected by the City staff. 6. Integrate new CADD mapping from City records and update the existing City water system maps to a CADD based mapping system. 7. Record the results, and prepare a report summarizing the findings. Robert S. Kosoy, P.E. City of Atlantic Beach July 13, 1994 - Page 3 Master Plan Part C - Develop Master Plan Improvements in the Water Distribution System 1. Meet with the Utility Committee members in a workshop to review any current improvement plans and establish long-term goals for distribution system improvements. 2. Review Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use as it affects water demand. Establish future water demand at all model nodes. 3. Develop Water Distribution Improvements based upon recommendations. Establish proper location and sizes of current and future City-wide loop system of the larger water mains. Concentrate on confirming the proper water main size in the Beach Avenue Area. 4. Prepare the future computer model using existing conditions with future improvements and requirements, and plot the computer generated map of the system showing typical system pressures versus average and peak daily water demands, and fire flows in four (4) locations, selected by the City staff. 5. Update CADD Water System maps to show proposed water system improvements. 6. Prepare a report summarizing the Master Plan Improvements, with associated cost estimates. Establish a phased program for annual improvements over a 5 or 10 year period. Master Plan Part D - Training Session with City Staff on Hydraulic Computer Model 1. Obtain a licensed copy of the "WATER" hydraulic computer model program, and load onto the City's IBM based computer. 2. Review the features of the program, and examine the requirements for computer modelling. 3. Assist in running the tutorial prepared by the model company, or other appropriate model to be used as a learning tool. Robert S. Kosoy, P.E. City of Atlantic Beach July 14, 1994 - Page 4 4. Assist in using the City's water distribution system model, and how to update the data such as replacement pipes or additional water lines in a new subdivision. 5. Answer questions during and after the session relating to setup of the model. Compensation for professional engineering services as described above is estimated as follows: 1. Compensation for Master Plan Part A: $ 8,163.00 (Currently Authorized) 2. Compensation for Master Plan Part B: $ 13,554.00 3. Compensation for Master Plan Part C: $ 15,754.00 4. Compensation for Master Plan Part D: $ 2,490.00 5. Engineering Services for Additional $ 275.00 each Fire Hydrant Testing A detailed breakdown of each Part is enclosed for your review. We understand the authorization will be under our contract with the City dated December 18, 1990, and approved on February 1, 1991. We thank the City of Atlantic Beach for the opportunity to present our proposal for engineering services on this important project. If you have any questions, please call at any time. Sincerely yours, taa)CA,-/ John E. Collins, Jr., P.E. Project Manager encs cc: Kim Leinbach Jim English .T' ANTIC BEACH WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM ANALYSIS DESIGN SERVICES 07/13/94 'rc No. 94-225 TIME AND COST SPREADSHEET IEE &JENSON ENGINEERS-ARCHITECTS-PLANNERS, INC. 'ART A- FIELD TESTING AND MAPPING VERIFICATION Man Hours/Labor Rates Per Schedule "A" ABOR COSTS VORK BREAKDOWN JEC JGJ MKJ SD TOTAL TIME Hourly Rate $85.00 $65.00 $50.00 $25.00 SCHEDULE review of Existing Maps, Plans 1 8 0 1 $630.00 07/01/94 election of Test Sites 1 4 0 0 $345.00 07/01/94 iirect Field Testing with City Crews (24) 2 36 0 0 $2,510.00 07/15/94 ecord Water Plant Flows and Pumps Used 0 4 0 2 $310.00 07/01/94 ecord Test Results 1 4 0 2 $395.00 07/15/94 dditional Field Testing to Verify Model (8) 1 12 0 0 $865.00 07/22/94 field Survey of Missing Data 2 16 0 2 $1,260.00 07/22/94 repare Engineering Report of Results 2 8 8 1 $1,115.00 07/22/94 lient Review and Presentations 2 4 0 0 $430.00 07/22/94 UBTOTAL DIRECT LABOR 12 96 8 8 r - t Manager (JEC) $1,020.00 )(.___„.ler (JGJ) $6,240.00 )rafter (MKJ) $400.00 ecretary (SD) $200.00 UBTOTAL DIRECT LABOR COSTS $7,860.00 EIMBURSIBLE COSTS Quantity Unit Price lileage 840 Miles 0.20 $168.00 lue Printing 5 sht 0.70 $3.50 'ADD Plotting 1 sht 12.00 $12.00 ADD Computer Charges 8 Hr 8.00 $64.00 opying 100 copy 0.05 $5.00 ilm and Processing 5 set 8.00 $40.00 ostage 1 Is. 10.00 $10.00 UBTOTAL REIMBURSABLE COSTS $302.50 OTAL PROPOSED PRICE- PART A $8,162.50 CT' ""1TIC BEACH WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM ANALYSIS DESIGN SERVICES 07/13/94 Jr( No. 94-225 TIME AND COST SPREADSHEET IEE &JENSON ENGINEERS-ARCHITECTS-PLANNERS, INC. 'ART B- UPDATING HYDRAULIC COMPUTER MODEL WITH FIELD DATA Man Hours/Labor Rates Per Schedule 'A" ABOR COSTS JORK BREAKDOWN JEC JGJ MKJ SD TOTAL TIME Hourly Rate $85.00 $65.00 $50.00 $25.00 SCHEDULE iput All Pipes, Valves, PRV's, Etc. 2 16 0 8 $1,410.00 07/22/94 djust Model to Fit Field Conditions 2 32 0 0 $2,250.00 07/22/94 levelop Field Verification Sites 1 4 0 0 $345.00 07/29/94 stablish Water Demands at All Nodes 1 16 0 0 $1,125.00 07/29/94 stablish Fire Flows from Fire Marshall 0 2 0 0 $130.00 08/05/94 repare Final Existing System Model 1 24 2 2 $1,795.00 08/05/94 itegrate New CADD Map from City 0 4 8 0 $660.00 08/05/94 pdate City CADD Water System Map 1 8 40 0 $2,605.00 08/05/94 repare Color Copies of CADD Water Map 1 2 8 0 $615.00 08/05/94 repare Engineering Report 1 8 4 1 $830.00 08/12/94 Tient Review and Presentations 2 4 1 1 $505.00 08/12/94 I )TAL DIRECT LABOR 12 120 63 12 loject Manager (JEC) $1,020.00 esigner (JGJ) $7,800.00 rafter (MKJ) $3,150.00 ecretary (SD) $300.00 UBTOTAL DIRECT LABOR COSTS $12,270.00 EIMBURSIBLE COSTS Quantity Unit Price lileage 168 Miles 0.20 $33.60 lue Printing 48 sht 0.70 $33.60 ADD Plotting 12 sht 20.00 $240.00 ADD Computer Charges 119 Hr 8.00 $952.00 opying 300 copy 0.05 $15.00 ostage 1 Is. 10.00 $10.00 UBTOTAL REIMBURSABLE COSTS $1,284.20 OTAL PROPOSED PRICE- PART B $13,554.20 • • VT VTIC BEACH WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM ANALYSIS DESIGN SERVICES 07/13/94 '1 t No. 94-225 TIME AND COST SPREADSHEET ;EE &JENSON ENGINEERS-ARCHITECTS-PLANNERS, INC. 'ART C - DEVELOP MASTER PLAN IMPROVEMENTS UTILIZING UPDATED HYDRAULIC COMPUTER MODEL Man Hours/Labor Rates Per Schedule "A" ABOR COSTS VORK BREAKDOWN JEC JGJ MKJ SD TOTAL TIME Hourly Rate $85.00 $65.00 $50.00 $25.00 SCHEDULE Vorkshop With Utility Committee Members 4 4 0 1 $625.00 08/12/94 ieview Future Land Uses 1 4 0 0 $345.00 08/12/94 stablish Future Water Demands 1 16 0 0 $1,125.00 08/12/94 >etermine Improvement Needs from Staff 1 8 2 1 $730.00 08/12/94 tun Computer Model with Improvements 4 40 4 0 $3,140.00 08/26/94 )iscuss Model Results with Staff 4 16 4 0 $1,580.00 08/26/94 )evelop Cost Estimates and Phasing 4 12 4 0 $1,320.00 09/02/94 'repare Master Plan for Improvements 8 24 20 2 $3,290.00 09/02/94 Jpdate CADD Map with Master Plan 2 4 16 2 $1,280.00 09/02/94 :lient Review and Presentations 4 8 6 1 $1,185.00 09/09/94 ;UBTOTAL DIRECT LABOR 33 136 56 7 'rrct Manager (JEC) $2,805.00 )esigner (JGJ) $8,840.00 )rafter (MKJ) $2,800.00 secretary (SD) $175.00 ;UBTOTAL DIRECT LABOR COSTS $14,620.00 tEIMBURSIBLE COSTS Quantity Unit Price Aileage 168 Miles 0.20 $33.60 clue Printing 60 sht 0.70 $42.00 ;ADD Plotting 12 sht 20.00 $240.00 :ADD Computer Charges 96 Hr 8.00 $768.00 ;opying 500 copy 0.05 $25.00 'ostage 1 Is. 25.00 $25.00 ;UBTOTAL REIMBURSABLE COSTS $1,133.60 OTAL PROPOSED PRICE- PART C I $15,753.60 0 • Vi ITIC BEACH WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM ANALYSIS DESIGN SERVICES 07/13/94 'r_,__t No. 94-225 TIME AND COST SPREADSHEET jEE&JENSON ENGINEERS-ARCHITECTS-PLANNERS, INC. 'ART D -TRAINING SESSION WITH CITY STAFF ON HYDRAULIC COMPUTER MODEL Man Hours/Labor Rates Per Schedule"A" ABOR COSTS YORK BREAKDOWN JEC JGJ MKJ SD TOTAL TIME Hourly Rate $85.00 $65.00 $50.00 $25.00 SCHEDULE ;etup Model on City Computer 0 3 0 1 $220.00 09/02/94 ieview Modelling Requirements 0 3 0 0 $195.00 09/02/94 'erform Tutorial with Test Model 0 4 0 0 $260.00 09/02/94 'erform Trial Analysis on City System 0 8 0 0 $520.00 08/26/94 ,nswer Questions 0 8 0 0 $520.00 09/09/94 ;UBTOTAL DIRECT LABOR 0 26 0 1 'roject Manager (JEC) $0.00 )esigner (JGJ) $1,690.00 )rafter (MKJ) $0.00 secretary (SD) $25.00 ;Urs i OTAL DIRECT LABOR COSTS $1,715.00 IEIMBURSIBLE COSTS Quantity Unit Price Mileage 126 Miles 0.20 $25.20 VATER Hydraulic Computer Model 1 Ea. 750.00 $750.00 ;UBTOTAL REIMBURSABLE COSTS $775.20 -OTAL PROPOSED PRICE- PART D $2,490.20 -OTAL PROPOSED PRICE FOR SCOPE OF WORK-ALL PARTS $39,960.50 • NTIC BEACH WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM ANALYSIS DESIGN SERVICES 07/13/94 P :t No. 94-225 TIME AND COST SPREADSHEET GEE &JENSON ENGINEERS-ARCHITECTS-PLANNERS, INC. 4DDITIONAL FIELD TESTS AS REQUESTED BY CITY STAFF-COST OF ENGINEERING PER TEST Man Hours/Labor Rates Per Schedule "A" ABOR COSTS NORK BREAKDOWN JEC JGJ MKJ SD TOTAL Hourly Rate $85.00 $65.00 $50.00 $25.00 additional Field Testing with City Crew 0 1.5 0 0 $97.50 adjust Model to Fit Field Conditions 0.5 1 0 0 $107.50 Jpdate Engineering Report and Map 0 0.5 0.5 0 $57.50 EIMBURSIBLE COSTS HADD Computer Charges 1.5 Hr @ $8.00 $12.00 COST PER TEST WITH UPDATE OF MODEL $274.50 'I ) f CITY OF rkleutie 'ead - 91ov:a 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH,FLORIDA 32233-5445 TELEPHONE(904)247-5800 ,at � : i FAX(904)247-5805 • November 2, 1994 Honorable Mayor and City Commission Members Atlantic Beach, Florida Dear Mayor and City Commission Members: I am herewith proposing a reorganization of our Parks and Recreation Department. In that the Director's position is currently vacant, as well as one Parks Maintenance Worker 1, it is an opportune time to make any changes. Specifically, I am recommending the dividing of responsibilities concerning parks and recreation activities. Currently, under the Atlantic Beach Code, the Parks and Recreation Director reports to the Public Works Director and then City Manager. This position also supervises three employees and one part time. An organization chart would depict this structure as follows: City Manager Pub.Wks. Director Parks and Rec.Dir. Counselor 1 Wor . Mtce. Mtce. Mtce. lker I Worker I Worker I I am requesting your approval to restructure the department with the goal in mind to assure equal consideration in both these important service areas. My recommendation is to hire a Recreation Director responsible directly to the City Manager. This individual would be charged with the general mission to plan our parks layouts (ie. functional design) and ensure their usage to the maximum. In the latter regard, I envision coordination/cooperation with all city departments, other governmental entities(eg. school system, county et al.) and private concerns as well (eg. YMCA, leagues and the like). The organizational chart would look like this: City Manager Recreation Director In addition, I am recommending the upgrading of a current, vacant position to one entitled Parks Department Division Chief. This individual would be responsible for all parks and assigned city rights-of-way maintenance. Duties include landscaping/lawn maintenance, pesticide/fertilizer application, parks/playground upkeep, safety program coordination for the Parks Department, etc. This chart of organization reflects this configuration: City Manager Pub Wks Director Parks Divi Director Mtce. Mtce. Worker I Worker I Please note, this is working position in addition to assigned supervisory responsibilities. The individual will be expected to participate in the mowing, plant care, playground and other equipment repair, etc. along with supervising personnel, budgeting, planning, et al. I am proposing to fund the Recreation Director as currently provided within the established pay range. Regarding the Parks Department Division Chief, I recommend, as previously noted, converting the current, vacant Maintenance Worker I position to the new one as proposed. The pay range recommended, grade 10, begins at $25,027 and ends at $36,189-I am planning to hire an individual, if you concur with my proposal, at the beginning step ($25,027). When compared to the original position, funded at $14,196 per annum, the additional cost is $10,831. This difference may be obtained from our city hall lawn maintenance account, totaling $14,000 for one year. I have discussed the possibility of having lawn maintenance performed by the Parks Department as led by a new Division Chief with experience in this area and fccl we could do the job. If you agree with this scenario, we would actually save $3,169 a year even with enactment of the upgraded Parks Department position. Your consideration of this proposal is appreciated. It is my intention to recommend these changes for the better operation of our municipal government and meet the priorities you have established for our community. For your convenience, I have enclosed suggested descriptions for the positions noted herein. I would be most happy to answer any questions. Sincerely, i 1/ � ti m D. Leinbach City Manager Enclosure CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CLASS SPECIFICATION JOB CODE : 3170 DATE 11/9/94 JOB TITLE: RECREATION DIRECTOR REPORTS TO: CITY MANAGER DEPARTMENT(S) : PARKS AND RECREATION JOB SUMMARY: Develops and administers year—round parks and recreation programs to ensure effective and proper maintenance and use of recreation areas , facilities and equipment . Provides and enhances the quality of life for the citizens of the City of Atlantic Beach. MAJOR JOB RESPONSIBILITIES: Assists in planning long and short term goals , objectives , organizational structure , and overall direction and vision for the department ; develops policies and procedures , rules and regulations. Plans and assigns work, reviews and evaluates the work of employees involved in the administration of recreational programs ; schedules meeting with staff to ensure effective communication. Directs studies determining the parks and recreational needs and evaluates existing programs; directs the planning and development of parks and recreational services and maintenance of grounds and facilities . Develops and implements annual departmental operating budget ; monitors and controls expenditures. Confers with City officials , community and special interest groups to schedule recreational programs and park facilities ; meets with community representatives to plan and coordinate work and to gain support for program activities . Assists other municipal departments when requested in functions applicable to the Parks and Recreation Division. Inspects facilities , recommends improvements in work procedures and activities ; maintains operating records ; prepares special reports and memoranda as required. Performs other related duties as required. P&R Director (page 2) MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT USED: Automobile MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS DESIRED: Education and Experience: Bachelor ' s Degree in Parks and Recreation Administration or the equivalent combination of education or experience . Three years supervisory experience in Parks and Recreation. Licenses and Certifications: None Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities : Knowledge of the techniques and practices of park, recreation management and administration. Knowledge of municipal ordinances governing the use of city parks and recreational facilities . Knowledge of horticulture . Ability to establish working relationships with city management , employees and the general public. Ability to communicate clearly and effectively orally and in writing. Ability to prepare long range development , improvement and construction plans related to park facilities and grounds. Ability to deal tactfully and courteously with the public and other employees . This class specification should not be interpreted as all inclusive . It is intended to identify the major responsibilities and requirements of this job . The incumbents may be requested to perform job-related responsibilities and tasks other than those stated in the specification. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CLASS SPECIFICATION Job Code : Date : 10/ 19/94 JOB TITLE: PARKS DEPARTMENT DIVISION DIRECTOR REPORTS TO: PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT(S) : PARKS AND RECREATION JOB SUMMARY: Plans and directs the daily operations of crew members within the Parks Department ; insures proper care , operation and maintenance of park trucks , equipment and facilities ; oversees park mainten- ance crew engaged in maintaining the City ' s parks . Promotes safety. MAJOR JOB RESPONSIBILITIES: Supervises the P&R crew' s daily work schedule as it relates to landscaping, park maintenance , equipment maintenance , mowing, weed-eating, fertilizing, shrubbery and flower bed planting and grooming. Assists in planning long and short term goals and objectives in addition to developing policies and procedures , rules and regulations as approved by the Parks and Recreation Program Director. Investigates complaints and recommends corrective action. Insures that work orders are completed and evaluates the performance and quality of the work. Monitors use and maintenance of park trucks and other related equipment , schedules preventative maintenance and other repairs as necessary . Prepares necessary reports/paperwork and informs Parks & Recreation Program Director of departmental activities on a routine basis . Assists in preparing annual operating budget and monitors expenditures . Inspects facilities , recommends improvements in work procedures and activities ; maintains operating records ; prepares special reports and memoranda as required. Parks Dept . Div. Dir. . . . page 2 Assists other municipal departments when requested in functions applicable to the Parks Department . Plans and assigns work, reviews and evaluates the work of the employees involved in the maintenance operation of parks . Schedules meetings with the crew to ensure effective communication. Recommends hiring and disciplines staff upon concurrence with the Public Works Director; reports disciplinary incidents to Public Works Director . Rates/prepares employee performance evaluations for review by Parks and Recreation Program Director. Maintains and promotes safety rules and regulations as set by City policy. Performs other related duties as required . MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT USED: Light duty vehicle Weed-eater Chainsaw Two-way radio Lawn Mower Power Tools Computer Blowers Hand Tools MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS DESIRED: Education and Experience: High School Diploma or .G. E. D. Five to seven years park maintenance experience or comparable type maintenance experience . At least three years experience in a supervisory capacity . Licenses and Certifications: Valid Florida Driver ' s License with a satisfactory Motor Driving Record , CDL desirable Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities: Knowledge of modern methods and techniques of park maintenance. Knowledge of City maintenance methods , practices and techniques . Knowledge of mechanical repairs . Skill in operating machinery and using assorted power and hand tools . Parks Dept . Div . Dir. . . . page 3 Ability to lift heavy objects . Knowledge of occupational hazards and safety precautions necessary to the operations of parks equipment and light duty vehicles . Knowledge of City geography. Ability to plan, schedule and effectively supervise work of park crew. Ability to prepare reports and maintain records . Ability to communicate clearly , orally and in writing. Ability to deal tactfully and courteously with the public and other employees . This class specification should not be interpreted as all inclusive. It is intended to identify the major responsibilities and requirements of this job . The incumbent may be requested to perform job-related responsibilities and tasks other than those stated in this description but which are commensurate with similar levels of responsibility.