12-05-94 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH PLANNING WORKSHOP DECEMBER 5, 1994 AGENDA 1. Discussion relative to amendment of Ordinance No. 10-94-19 regulating the consumption of beer and wine on public property 2. Discussion relative to proposed project to install new water meters 3. Discussion relative to procedure to review salaries and evaluate the performance of the City Manager, City Attorney and City Clerk 4. Discussion relative to appointments to fill the following board vacancies: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD: Robert Frohwein (Appointed July 1990) Term expires December 31 Ruth Gregg - Submitted letter of resignation effective December 1, 1994. Term expires December 1995 PENSION BOARD: Richard E. White (Appointed January 1987) Term expires December 31 John Fletcher (Appointed January 1993) Term expires December 31 5. Schedule workshop to discuss Capital Improvement Projects 6. Any other business Adjournment MINUTES OF THE CITY COMMISSION WORKSHOP MEETING HELD IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM IN CITY HALL ON MONDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1994 Present: Mayor Lyman Fletcher, and Commissioners Rosenbloom (arrived at 5:45 p.m. ) Shaughnessy, Waters and Weiss. Also in attendance were City Manager Leinbach, Deputy City Manager Jarboe, City Clerk King, Jim Seroka, Director of the Center for Local Government at the University of North Florida, and four Croatian visitors. The meeting was called to order and Jim Seroka introduced the Croatian visitors and explained their function in their home governments. The visitors presented the Mayor with a book and some other items commemorating the nine-hundredth anniversary of Zagreb. 5. Schedule workshop to discuss Capital Improvement Projects The meeting was scheduled for 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, December 7, 1994. 2. Discussion relative to proposed project to install new water meters Commissioner Shaughnessy indicated she wanted to get this project under way since we were now two months into the new fiscal year. She suggested city crews undertake the installation of a portion of the meters similar to the manner in which they had undertaken a drainage project earlier in the year. She indicated she had discussed this matter with staff and with a joint effort of staff and a private contractor, it was felt the city would be in a position to go to monthly readings and true monthly billing by June 1995. She indicated it would be necessary to hire additional meter readers to undertake the monthly readings and she felt if those new employees were hired early they could help with the installations, and at the same time, familiarize themselves with the routes. Discussion ensued regarding the billing cycle and the Mayor indicated he had received a number of complaints regarding the short time allowed before bills became delinquent and service was subsequently disconnected. It was pointed out the city had been having trouble with the Post Office regarding deliveries and Commissioner Shaughnessy indicated she would take the next mailing to Jacksonville Beach to see if the delivery time improved. 1. Discussion relative to amendment of Ordinance No. 10-94-19 regulating the consumption of beer and wine on public property The City Manager indicated he would require each group or organization requesting a permit for public consumption of beer and wine, to provide the city with alcoholic beverage liability insurance. Discussion ensued regarding the 12% alcoholic content and it was felt this would be difficult to enforce; however, it was decided to leave this percentage in the ordinance as its main Page Two Minutes - Commission Workshop December 5, 1994 function was to prohibit the sale and/or consumption of hard liquor on public property. Following further discussion a suggested amendment was drafted and the City Manager agreed to refer it to the City Attorney. 3. Discussion relative to procedure to review salaries and evaluate the performance of the City Manager, City Attorney and City Clerk Commissioner Shaughnessy indicated she would recommend at the next commission meeting a salary increase for the city clerk. She felt the performance of the three charter officers should be reviewed and salary adjustments made each year in conjunction with the approval of the employment resolutions, which she felt should take place in July. Staff were directed to seek assistance from the Florida League of Cities or other municipalities to set up a procedure for this review. 4. Discussion relative to appointments to fill vacancies on the Community Development Board and Pension Board The Mayor reported Ruth Gregg had tendered her resignation from the Community Development Board, effective December 1, thus there would be two vacancies on the Community Development Board. Also, it would be necessary to appoint someone to the Pension Board to fill the seat vacated by Richard White. In other business, the City Manager reported the DEP was now requiring the city to obtain an additional permit to repair the sewer outfall line at the Puckett Creek. He indicated this would be on the agenda at the regular meeting on December 12, for commission approval. Commissioner Waters indicated he had reconsidered his position on the code enforcement ordinances which were acted upon at the previous meeting, and indicated he would like the ordinances to be reconsidered. Commissioner Shaughnessy indicated she would like to have the Selva Linkside rezoning request brought back for further consideration. She indicated she had contacted the City Attorney in this regard and the Mayor indicated he, also, would research the matter further to see if it could be brought up again. The City manager reported bids had been received for the Russell Park building and the extension and remodeling of the Public Safety Building. He indicated he would have a recommendation on these matters at the next meeting. Page Three Minutes - Commission Workshop December 5, 1994 The City Manager also indicated he had a meeting with Michael Dunlap the following day in connection with the Donner Park building and would report further on this matter at a later time. There being no further discussion, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 6:30 p.m. Mau ken King `2 City Clerk