08-27-90 v MINUTES OF THE BUDGET WDRKSff)P MEETING OF THE =ANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD AT CITY HALL AT 5:00 PM ON MONDAY, AUGUST 27, 1990 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Gulliford. Present in addition to the Mayor were Commissioners Cook, Edwards, Tucker, and Weldon. Also present were City Manager Leinbach, Finance Director Royal, City Attorney Jensen, and City Clerk King. Department heads present included Police Chief David Thompson and Code Enforcement Officer Don Ford. Before reviewing the various budgets discussion took place relative to establishing a policy regarding donations to various organizations. Various suggestions were made including allowing the voters to decide whether donations should be made, and establishing a budget and making donations on a first come basis. The Mayor suggested the city should have the right to see financial statements of any organization to which donations are made. The City Clerk was asked to provide a list of donations the city had made in the past year and it was agreed before the budget was passed a written policy on contributions would be developed. The budget was discussed systematically in the order compiled beginning with the General Fund. On Page 13 a discrepancy of $13,408 in total expenditures over total revenues was corrected. Account 510 - General Government: The City Manager explained the reduction in budget for computer programming was due to the fact less services would be needed in this area if the new computer system which the city staff recommended is approved. In response to a question from Commissioner Weldon the Finance Director explained Special Pay was included to cover the two occasions during the year when city employees could sell back to the city any leave accumulated in excess of 120 hours. Account 511 - Legislative: After discussion, no changes were made. Account 512 - Executive: After discussion, no changes were made. Account 513 - Finance: The City Manager said the Purchasing Agent did a lot of paper work and he felt the addition of a Purchasing Director would allow for more regular bidding of routine items which would result in a saving for the city. The Finance Director had proposed to add an accountant to his staff and after a full discussion of the proposed budget for the Finance Department, he was instructed to present justification for the need for this addition. It was the general consensus this addition could be made after the move to the new City Hall. Account 514 - Legal: Mayor Gulliford said the budget for legal services had been significantly reduced from previous years and inquired whether the figure budgeted was adequate. City Attorney Jensen responded that the first year had been a busy one but he felt the volume of work would level off and he was satisfied with the retainer. After discussion, no changes were made. Page Two Minutes of Budget Workshop Meeting August 27, 1990 Account 515 - Planning and Zoning: Commissioner Cook inquired regarding the increase in salaries and the City Manager explained the salary and responsibilities of this position had been upgraded. The Mayor inquired whether this salary could be subsidized in part by the Community Development Block Grant and the City Manager responded in the affirmative. After discussion, no changes were made. The next budget workshop was scheduled for September 4 at 7:30 PM at Atlantic Beach Fire Station. At 6:30 PM the Mayor adjourned the meeting and said if time permitted it would continue after the regular meeting of the City Commission. * * * * * * * * * * * * * The Mayor reconvened the meeting at 9:00 PM. All persons in attendance at the earlier meeting were again in attendance. Account 521 - Police: In response to a question from Commissioner Weldon regarding rentals and leases, Chief Thompson explained the budget figure included lease purchase on a copy machine and an identikit system for producing composite drawings of criminal suspects. He also explained the items under contractual services. The Mayor inquired whether the $45,000 budgeted for overtime would be adequate and Chief Thompson said the procedure for filing cases had changed and he felt the new procedure would allow for a reduction in overtime. A hand-held radar unit was deleted from the equipment listed, representing a savings of $1,295. Discussion ensued relative to police vehicles and Chief Thompson explained the new vehicles had about 20,000 miles on the ohmmeters and with the possible exception of two vehicles which had been involved in accidents, he would hope to operate the vehicles until about 60,000 to 80,000 miles. Police Trust: After discussion, no changes were made. Account 516 - Code Enforcement: It was noted that $25,000 which had been budgeted for razing of condemned buildings had been deleted from the Code Enforcement budget. Don Ford, Code Enforcement Officer, explained on occasion where owners did not demolish condemned buildings voluntarily, the city had no budgeted funds to undertake this work. After discussion Mr. Ford was instructed to see if the city could take advantage of the City of Jacksonville's contract for this service and report back. Commissioner Weldon moved that an amount of $15,000 be restored to Code Enforcement budget for the purpose of razing condemned buildings. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Edwards and was unanimously approved. Mr. Ford referred to the amount budgeted for a building clerk who would be shared between the Building Department and Code Enforcement, and said Page Three Minutes of Budget Workshop Meeting August 27, 1990 he did not feel he could hire a qualified person for this amount. The City Manager, recommended the Commission wait for the MSN report on job classifications and salary. Account 517 — City Clerk: Mayor Gulliford inquired asked the Clerk for some information regarding the map for the new City Hall which had already been deleted from the budget. Ms. King explained it would be an updated version of the old map in the current City Hall, probably with layers of acetate to indicate street addresses, zoning classifications, legal descriptions, etc. She advised that a similar map of the water and sewer system in the Buccaneer district had cost $16,000.00. Finance Director Royal suggested the city consider the purchase of a CADD system at a cost of approximately $20,000 which could be used for mapping streets, drainage, and many other applications. Discussion also ensued relative to the City Clerk's request for a part time Occupational License Inspector. After discussion on the matter, Commissioner Tucker moved to increase the City Clerk's budget by $4,300 and include the Occupational License Inspector. The motion was seconded by Mayor Gulliford. In further discussion the Mayor suggested we attempt to get a printout of the Duval County occupational licenses in effect in Atlantic Beach. As a compromise the City Manager suggested the City Commission consider including $4,300 in its contingency and city staff would endeavor to develop additional data and report back on the matter. Commissioner Tucker accepted this as an acceptable compromise and withdrew her motion, and Mayor Gulliford withdrew his second. At this time it was suggested further discussion be deferred until the following meeting and the Mayor Gulliford declared the meeting adjourned at 10:00 PM. Madreen King, City ClIrk CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, AUGUST 27, 1990 AGENDA Call to order Invocation and pledge to the flag 1. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of August 13, 1990 2. Recognition of visitors: 3. Old Business: A. Public hearing of Use by Exception for Sunrise Community Evangelical Free Church (present zoning is RG-2) to add Christian education classrooms, sanctuary etc. B. Discussion and related action relative to Ocean Breeze Utilities Acceptance by City (Tom Bowles, Community Dev. Dir.) C. Discussion and related action relative to Selva Linkside sign at 11th and Seminole Road D. Authorization for Mayor and Clerk to sign final plat for Ocean Breeze 4. Action on Ordinances: A. Final reading and public hearing of Ordinance #90-90-153 concerning height restrictions on substandard lots 5. New Business: A. Recreation Advisory Board with recommendations B. Authorizing Mayor to sign contract between City and Gee & Jensen relative to the Comprehensive Plan (Tom Bowles, Community Dev. Dir.) C. Request authorization to repair 2 mechanical aerators (Division Chief Harry McNally) D. Request authorization to purchase and install 2 chlorine analyzers, 1 pH monitor (Division Chief Harry McNally) 6. City Manager reports and/or correspondence: A. Status report relative to EPA penalties at Buccaneer Plant B. Report relative to white goods C. Request Continental Cablevision to construct aerial cable in lieu of underground cable 7. Mayor to call on City Commissioners, City Attorney and City Clerk: A. City Attorney contract Adjournment MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COM— V V PIISSION HELD IN CITY HALL AT 7:15 PM ON MONDAY, AUGUST 27, 1990 0 0 T T PRESENT: William I. Gulliford, Jr. , Mayor E E Robert B. Cook, Sr. D D Glenn A Edwards Adelaide R Tucker, and John W. Weldon, Commissioners M S O E AND: Kim D. Leinbach, City Manager T C Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney I 0 Y Maureen King, City Clerk NAME OF ONEN COMMRS. N D S 0 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Gulliford. The invocation, offered by Commissioner Cook, was followed by the pledge to the flag. 1. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of August 13, 1990 Cook x Edwards x x Motion: Approve minutes of the regular meeting of August 13, Tucker x x 1990 Weldon x Gulliford x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. 2. Recognition of visitors Ruth Gregg, 905 Sailfish Drive, reported two dump trucks parked at 645 and 680 Sailfish Drive and inquired whether they could legally park in a residential area. She was advised this was a violation of city code and the city would have them removed. 3. Old Business A. Public hearing on Use by Exception for Sunrise Community Evangelical Free Church (present zoning is RG-2) to add Christian education classrooms, sanctuary, etc. Jim Hawkes, 1110 Palm Circle, Jacksonville Beach, addressed the City Commission on behalf of the church and explained the current church property was not large enough to accommodate the proposed plans for expansion. The church plans to purchase three acres adjacent to existing church property for the purpose of adding educational facilities and sanctuary. Since no one else spoke for or against the matter, the Mayor declared the public hearing closed. Cook x Edwards x x Motion: Grant Use by Exception to Sunrise Community Tucker x x Evangelical Free Church, not the property Weldon x Gulliford x In response to a question from Commissioner Weldon, Mr. Hawkes explained the church currently owned five acres and were considering the purchase of an additional three acres. The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. PAGE TWO V V MINUTES NAME OF AUGUST 27, 1990 COMMAS. MSYN B. Discussion and related action relative to accepting for maintenance the public utilities in Ocean Breeze Tom Bowles, Community Development Director, explained all requirements for final plat approval had been met. The developer was requesting that the city accept the water and sewer system for maintenance, but the roadways would remain private. Mayor Gulliford inquired whether the city should amend the code relative to requirements for private streets. It was explained the composition of the streets in Ocean Breeze did meet the city's standards but right-of-ways did not. After brief discussion it was the general consensus the matter should be referred to the Community Development Board for their recommendations regarding standards. The City Manager and Commissioner Cook both expressed the opinion the law should be obeyed as it is written or amended. John Bailey, 1923 Beach Avenue, stated whether the streets were public or private the object of the regulations was to prevent traffic hazards and provide safe and convenient vehicular and pedestrian traffic circulation. He explained Beach Avenue had been blocked for several hours by a moving truck which could cause a problem in the event of an emergency. Further discussion ensued relative to the fact that at some point in the future the city could be asked to accept these private streets for maintenance. Residents may not be aware that the streets were not dedicated to the city. C. Discussion and action relative to Selva Linkside sign at Eleventh Street and Seminole Road Mayor Gulliford recounted the actions of the City Commission at the previous meeting relative to the Selva Linkside sign. He apologized to Mr. MacDonell for the fact he had not been notified the matter was on the agenda to be considered by the Commission. Mr. MacDonell introduced Mr. T.R. Hainline, Attorney with the firm of Rogers, Towers, Bailey, Jones & Gay, 1300 Gulf Life Drive. Mr. Hainline presented a chronology of events regarding the Selva Linkside directional sign. At the City Attorney' s request Mr. Hainline read aloud the letter dated February 8, 1989 from the Richard C. Fellows, City Manager. The City Attorney said it was his opinion the letter represented an agreement which had been negotiated between the Mayor and Mr. MacDonell and that the agreement would supersede the permit. Based upon the signing of the letter agreement, it was the opinion of the City Attorney that the permit was no longer in effect. The City Attorney was directed to provide a written opinion regarding the status of the permit, copy of which would be forwarded to Mr. MacDonell. PAGE THREE V V MINUTES NAME OF AUGUST 27, 1990 COMMRS. MSYN D. Authorization for Mayor and Clerk to sign final plat for Ocean Breeze Cook x Edwards x x Motion: Authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign final plat for Tucker x Ocean Breeze and accept sewer and water system Weldon x x Gulliford x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. 4. Action on Ordinances: A. Ordinance No. 90-90-153 - Public Hearing AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, AMENDING CHAPTER 24, ZONING AND SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS, ADDING UNDER SEC. 24-82(B) A HEIGHT RESTRICTION FOR BUILDING OR STRUCTURES ON SUBSTANDARD LOTS OF RECORD, PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE Mayor Gulliford introduced in full, in writing, Ordinance No. 90-90-153 on final reading, said ordinance having been posted in accordance with Charter requirements. The Mayor opened the floor for a public hearing and invited comments from the audience. Dezmond Waters, 1835 Seminole Road, said he felt the matter had been given much consideration and urged the passage of the ordinance which he felt was fair. John Bailey, 1923 Beach Avenue, encouraged the strict enforcement of the regulations if the ordinance was passed. Since no one else spoke for or against the ordinance, the Mayor declared the public hearing closed. In response to Mr. Bailey's comment, the Mayor said the ordinance did not leave much latitude for a future Commission to circumvent the requirements. Cook x Edwards x Motion: Approve passage of Ordinance No. 90-90-153 on final Tucker x x reading Weldon x x Gulliford x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously 5. New Business: A. Recreation Advisory Board with recommendations Rose Blanchard, Parks and Recreation Director, submitted for consideration to fill the unexpired term of Alice Richardson on the Recreation Advisory Board the name of Sharette Simpkins. She also presented the names of five additional individuals which the board recommended for alternates. The board also requested an amendment to Resolution 90-2 which created the Recreation Advisory Board to provide that two consecutive absences from meetings would render the seat vacant and setting at four the number of members required to constitute a quorum. PAGE FOUR V V MINUTES NAME OF AUGUST 27, 1990 COMMAS. MSYN The Mayor recommended the board keep the list of alternatives for future reference but he felt that any other individual who may come to the attention of the board should not be shut out of future consideration. Cook x Edwards x x Motion: Approve appointment of Sharette Simpkins to the Tucker x Recreation Advisory Board Weldon x x Gulliford x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. On the matter of amendment to the resolution, it was the opinion of the City Commission the Board should establish its own regulations. Cook x Edwards x x Motion: Authorize the Parks & Recreation Board to establish Tucker x appropriate quorum Weldon x x Gulliford x No further discussion. The motion carried unanimously. B. Authorization for Mayor to sign contract between the City and Gee & Jenson relative to the Comprehensive Plan Tom Bowles explained the previous contract with Gee & Jenson relative to the Comprehensive Plan extended only through submission of the plan. Response had now been received from the Department of Community Affairs and he requested extension of the contract to respond to these comments. Cook x x Motion: Authorize Mayor to sign contract in the amount of Edwards x $13,250.00 between the City and Gee & Jenson for Tucker x services in connection with the Comprehensive Plan Weldon x x Gulliford x After further discussion, the question was called and the motion carried unanimously. C. Request authorization to repair two mechanical aerators Division Chief Harry McNally requested authorization for emergency repairs to two mechanical aerators in the Buccaneer wastewater treatment plant at a cost of $17,350.00. Cook x Edwards x x Motion: Authorize emergency repairs to aerators in Buccaneer Tucker x plant as requested Weldon x x Gulliford x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. D. Request authorization to purchase and install two chlorine analyzers and one pH monitor Division Chief Harry McNally explained the NPDES permit required the city to have continuous monitoring of the chlorine and pH. He explained the city had been in violation of this condition since January 1989 and requested authorization to purchase the necessary equipment. PAGE FIVE V V MINUTES NAME OF AUGUST 27, 1990 COMMRS. MSYN Cook x Motion: Authorize purchase of two chlorine analyzers and one Edwards x x pH monitor for the Buccaneer wastewater treatment Tucker x plant at approximately $20,000.00 Weldon x x Gulliford x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. 6. City Manager reports and/or correspondence A. Status report relative to EPA penalties at Buccaneer wastewater treatment plant Bob Kosoy, Public Services Director, reported the city had received an administrative complaint dated August 13, 1990, from Peter T. McGarry of the Environmental Protection Agency in Atlanta. The complaint charged NPDES permit violations for which a Class 1 administrative penalty of $16,875 ($3,000 per month for five months plus $1,875.00 representing economic benefit) had been recommended. He said the violations came about as a result of the proposal to classify the Atlantic Beach plant as a regional facility and phase out the Buccaneer plant. Mr. Kosoy said he is continuing to work with the EPA in an attempt to get the penalty reduced. B. Report relative to white goods At the Mayor's request action on this matter was deferred. C. Request by Continental Cablevision to construct aerial cable in lieu of underground cable The City Manager reported the request for aerial cable was for the Section H area. The improvement project uses the entire street right-of-way leaving only swales for possible underground wires. Electricity and telephone wires are aerial and the cablevision wires would utilize these existing poles. Cook x x Edwards x x Motion: Authorize installation of aerial cable television Tucker x lines in the Section H area Weldon x Gulliford x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. 7. Mayor to call on City Commissioners, City Attorney and City Clerk: The City Manager reported on some instances in the past the city had paid for street lights in private developments while in others the developer had paid. He currently has requests from Ocean Side, Seminole Reach and Ocean Breeze for the city to pay for street lights. He asked for clarification on the city' s policy in this regard. ' After further discussion on the matter the City Manager was directed to research the matter and present his recommendations regarding establishing a policy. PAGE SIX V V MINUTES NAME OF AUGUST 27, 1990 COMMRS. MSYN A. City Attorney contract The City Attorney said he had drafted a letter which would extend the existing contract through fiscal year 1990/91 with no increase in rates. Cook x Edwards x x Motion: Approve extension of existing contract through Tucker x fiscal year 1990/91 at the current rate Weldon x x Gulliford x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. The City Attorney reported Alice Wilson had agreed to sell her property to the city for $3,600.00. He also reported he had closed the first purchase of property adjacent to the wastewater treatment plant. He asked how the city would propose to use the houses and whether he should get title insurance, a survey and a termite letter on each property. After further discussion it was determined the city would have no use for the houses and they would they would either be demolished or removed from the property as is. Commissioner Weldon inquired into the status of clearing the recently acquired lots in Donner Park and was advised bids for the land clearing would be opened on September 19, 1990. Mayor Gulliford reported the Pops in the Park concert had been scheduled for November 11, 1990. He said four businesses had committed $500 each and it was hoped as many as ten businesses would be willing to sponsor the event. The Mayor commented on a recent newspaper article relative to beach front lighting and sea turtles. He said the article indicated that Greenpeace representatives had contacted all ocean front property owners. He said he, personally, had received no contact from Greenpeace and he had polled everyone in his block and had spoken with several other ocean front residents, none of whom had been contacted by Greenpeace regarding any voluntary compliance with lighting standards. He said he is opposed to mandating any kind of standards by ordinance. There being no further business to come before the City Commissio ' , the Mayor declared the meeting a 'ourned a :45 Wil iam I. Gulliford, J )11 Mayor/Presiding Off'cer, ATTES T: 4/7/42-"A""-n-j Maureen King, City Cler