09-10-90 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1990 AGENDA Call to order Invocation and pledge to the flag 1. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of August 27 , 1990 2. Recognition of visitors: 3. Appearances: A. Dorothy Jackson to present certificates of appreciation to the Complete Count Census Committee 4. Action on Resolutions: A. Acceptance of Resolution #90-15 relative to current legal actions (City Attorney Jensen) 5. New Business: A. Public hearing for Fiscal Year 1990/1991 budget B. Presentation by MSN Consultants regarding pay and classification study with related action (Joy Callahan, MSN representative) C. Status report by Gee & Jenson regarding Wastewater Treatment Plant (Andy May, G&J representative) D. Status report relative to beach access at DeWees Avenue (Building Official Don Ford) E. Discussion and action relative to four appointments to the Code Enforcement Board F. Recommendation relative to sewer rehabilitation, Phase III, C, D, E, F (Public Services Director Robert Kosoy) 6. City Manager reports and/or correspondence: 7. Mayor to call on City Commissioners, City Attorney and City Clerk: Adjournment MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COM— MISSION HELD IN CITY HALL AT 7:15 PM ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1990 V V O O PRESENT: William I. Gulliford, Jr. , Mayor T T Robert B. Cook, Sr. E E Glenn A. Edwards D D Adelaide R. Tucker, and John W. Weldon, Commissioners M S AND: Kim D. Leinbach, City Manager 0 E Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney T C Maureen King, City Clerk I 0 Y NAME OF ON EN COMMRS. N D S 0 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Gulliford. The invocation, offered by Commissioner Cook, was followed by the pledge to the flag. 1. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of August 27, 1990 Cook x Edwards x x Motion: Approve minutes of regular meeting of August 27, Tucker x x 1990 Weldon x Gulliford x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. 2. Recognition of visitors: Sam Kimball, representing Selva Lakes Neighborhood Association, expressed opposition to a proposal to extend Donner Road to connect with Sandpiper Lane. He also presented a letter to the City Commission explaining the reasons for their position. Copy of said letter is attached hereto and made a part hereof. Mayor Gulliford explained the city had considered the possibility of opening additional ingress/egress from that area at the request of residents who had expressed concerns that their only egress was by way of Mayport Road. At this time no acceptable way of accomplishing this had been worked out but the views of all affected citizens would be taken into consideration before any changes would be made. Others who spoke in opposition to the proposal included Barbara Bonner, 463 Selva Lakes Circle and Peter Fendergrosse, 1132 Linkside Drive. Gary Israel, 1356 Lakeside Drive also complained of city trucks and equipment passing through their residential community when going to and from the city yard. After brief discussion the City Manager was requested to instruct city crews to use Sandpiper Lane as their primary entrance and exit from the city yard. Greg Rambo, 277 Beach Avenue, requested authorization to close a portion of Ocean Boulevard and Atlantic Boulevard in connection with the Octoberfest sponsored by the Atlantic Landing Merchants Association on October 13, 1990. PAGE TWO V V MINUTES NAME OF SEPTEMBER 10, 1990 COMMAS. MSYN Cook x x Edwards x Motion: Authorize closing of streets as requested Tucker x x Weldon x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. Gulliford x 3. Appearances A. Dorothy Jackson to present certificates of appreciation to the Complete Count Census Committee Ms. Jackson thanked the committee for their work and presented each member with a certificate of appreciation. She said the Bureau would be processing the count until the end of the year and asked anyone who was aware of citizens who had not been counted to make sure that information was passed along to the Census bureau so those people could be included in the count. 4. Action on Resolutions: Resolution No. 90-15 Mayor Gulliford introduced in full, in writing, Resolution No. 90-15 AUTHORIZING ALAN C. JENSEN, CITY ATTORNEY, TO PROSECUTE AND DEFEND FOR AND IN BEHALF OF THE CITY CERTAIN CIVIL COMPLAINTS, SUITS AND CONTROVERSIES IN WHICH THE CITY IS A PARTY, PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE Cook x Edwards x x Motion: Approve adoption of Resolution No. 90-15 Tucker x Weldon x x In discussion before the vote regarding pending litigation, the Gulliford x City Attorney agreed to provide a status report on all matters in litigation by the next meeting. The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. 5. New Business: A. Public hearing for Fiscal Year 1990/91 budget Mayor Gulliford announced the proposed millage rate which had been tentatively set at 4.5901, had been reduced to 2.6624 representing a 4.36% increase over the rolled back rate and 2.79% increase over the current millage rate. He opened the floor for a public hearing and invited comments from the audience. Susan Miller, 1852 Selva Grande Drive, Director of Finance for the Jacksonville Port Authority, distributed a hand-out stating her observations and recommendations regarding the budget. She said she had done a financial analysis of the city based on the audited financial statement of September 30, and made suggestions for how resources could be better utilized. She also made suggestions for improving the budget process for next year and meeting TRIM bill requirements. PAGE THREE V V MINUTES NAME OF SEPTEMBER 10, 1990 COMMRS. MSYN She observed that the city is in a strong financial condition, urged the continuation of reserving funds for land acquisition, and suggested the city consider efforts to beautify Atlantic Boulevard and offered to help the Beautification Committee with this project. She also commented on the reserves for rainy day emergencies which she said were higher than would normally be required for a city of this size, but agreed in an area such as this which is subject to hurricanes, this was prudent. She suggested establishing departmental goals and objectives and providing more information regarding programs and their projected costs. Full disclosure of the affects of the Comprehensive Plan with related capital improvement costs in the budget documents would also be helpful. William McGee, 1831 Selva Marina Drive, presented his proposed tax notice and Harry Royal recomputed his taxes at the reduced millage rate which showed an increase of $26.39. Jim Wheatley, 2008 Selva Madera Court, inquired whether any of the budget increase would be applied to the new City Hall. He was advised funding for the City Hall building had been included in last year's budget. Roger Steinem, 239 Seminole Road, inquired whether a citizens committee could be formed to make budget recommendations. The Mayor responded that while he was strongly in favor of committees, he felt establishing priorities and making financial decisions were responsibilities of the elected body. Rich Garrity, 2133 Seminole Road, asked that the city consider ways to reduce taxes, including the possibility of reducing the frequency of collections, to which the Mayor responded that the Solid Waste committee was considering alternatives to the present system, including the possibility of volumetric charging. Discussion also ensued regarding such responsibilities as beach cleaning, lifeguards and animal control, and it was agreed the interlocal agreement with the City of Jacksonville should be renegotiated so Jacksonville would accept a larger responsibility for these expenses. Others commenting on the budget included Jeff Potter, 383 Tenth Street; Bob Walters, 2226 Beachcomber; Sonny Martin, 33 Oceanside Drive; and Jack Morton, 16 Tallwood Road, Jacksonville Beach. After all had been given an opportunity to address the matter before the City Commission, the Mayor declared the public hearing closed. Cook x x Edwards x Motion: Adopt millage rate of 2.6624 for fiscal year 1990/91 Tucker x Weldon x x Before the vote the level of funds budgeted for rainy day Gulliford x emergencies and the interlocal agreement were briefly discussed. The question was called the the motion carried unanimously. At this time the Mayor called a brief recess. PAGE FOUR V V MINUTES NAME OF SEPTEMBER 10, 1990 COMMRS. MSYN B. Presentation by MSN Consultants regarding pay and classifica- tion study with related action Joy Callahan, representing MSN Consultants, reviewed the plan which had been presented to the City Commission and explained the methods used to prepare the plan. She said the objective was to develop job descriptions for the city; conduct a survey of compensation and benefits which had been accomplished by surveying similar size cities, neighboring cities and Jacksonville; and develop a classification and compensation system. She observed that the City was paying under market for the lower level positions and over market for the upper level positions. However, since Atlantic Beach competes with Jacksonville for leadership, it was prudent to pay upper level positions at a higher level. Ms. Callahan said she felt the recommended pay plan would place the city in a competitive position in relation to Jacksonville as well as other neighboring cities. Implementation of the plan would cost 4.4% over current personnel costs. Ms. Callahan noted that there was a lack of backup in management positions and they had recommended some restructuring and the addition of five employees to alleviate this situation. Staffing needs in the Parks and Recreation Department would depend on the amount of services the city wished to provide. Ms. Callahan said MSN would be glad to work with the city to tailor the plan as needed and will provide the computer discs so the city can update the job descriptions as required. After further discussion on the matter the Mayor suggested a committee be appointed to review the plan and solicit any additional information or comments from MSN and report back to the City Commission with recommendations regarding any changes they felt were necessary, implementation, funding etc. , said committee to be comprised of the City Manager, Commissioner Weldon, Police Chief and two employees to be randomly selected from the four who were involved in the MSN survey. Ms. Callahan was asked to take into consideration the 3% across-the-board salary raise approved by the City Commission. C. Status report by Gee & Jenson regarding wastewater treatment plant Andy May of Gee & Jenson presented a summary of the city projects on which Gee & Jenson is currently working, copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. He explained at some length the water system improvements which have been completed in the Royal Palms area and proposed future improvements. Discussion ensued regarding the proposed water and sewer line extension along the north end of Beach Avenue and Mr. May was asked to provide a cost estimate for this project. • PAGE FIVE V V MINUTES NAME OF SEPTEMBER 10, 1990 COMMRS. MSYN Mr. May reported city staff, along with Gee & Jenson representa- tives, had met with City of Jacksonville street department representatives to coordinate the sewer rehabilitation work to coincide with the resurfacing of streets in the Oak Harbor subdivision. D. Status report relative to beach access at Dewees Avenue Don Ford reported he was expecting to receive within two weeks an evaluation regarding the proposal to lower and shorten the dune overwalks at Dewees Avenue from Bob Brantley, the area engineer for DNR. He will report back on this matter later. E. Discussion and action relative to four appointments to the Code Enforcement Board Mayor Gulliford reported the terms of office of four members of the Code Enforcement Board would expire October 1, 1990. He asked the Commissioners to consider the matter and make suggestions to the City Manager relative to appointments which would be made at the next meeting. F. Recommendation relative to sewer rehabilitation, Phase III, Sections C, D, E, and F Bob Kosoy reported that the bid tabulation did not include the unit prices and that all bids received for this project had exceeded the engineer' s estimate. The engineer had recommended that the pipe lining be broken out of the project and bid separately. However, he said it was his recommendation that the city reject all bids and rebid the project to include lining of the pipes, but not specifying Insituform. He said he felt the additional engineering work should not exceed $3,000. Cook x Edwards x x Motion: Accept the recommendation of the Public Services Tucker x Director, and reject all bids and rebid the project Weldon x x Gulliford x In discussion before the vote, David Avery of Smith & Gillespie, the engineer for the project, recommended the city accept the bid of Westra on the basis that the bid prices on everything with the exception of the Insituform lining, were equal to or below the contract prices on portions of Section A and B. He said there was the possibility the low bidders may not rebid and that bid prices could be higher. After brief discussion the question was called and the motion carried unanimously. 6. City Manager reports and/or correspondence: None PAGE SIX V V MINUTES NAME OF SEPTEMBER 10, 1990 COMMAS. MSYN 7. Mayor to call on City Commissioners, City Attorney and City Clerk: The City Clerk reported she had received the Duval County listing of occupational licenses in effect in Atlantic Beach. Initial review would seem to indicate there was over one hundred Atlantic Beach businesses which did not have a city occupational license. Commissioner Edwards said he had just returned from a Florida League of Cities Board of Directors meeting and reported financial support for the promotion of Amendment #3 had not been received from the cities and counties as had been anticipated and the Florida League of Cities was donating an additional $450,000 for that purpose. He encouraged the other Commissioners to actively promote Amendment #3. Mayor Gulliford suggested a small flier be printed and handed out at areas such as Publix the weekend before the election. Commissioner Weldon inquired into the status of the construction of the new City Hall and requested the architect appear at the next City Commission meeting and report on the matter. In response to a question from Mayor Gulliford, City Attorney Jensen reported he was having a title search done on the property at the north end of Beach Avenue and as soon as this is complete, he will continue to work toward getting the easements dedicated to the city. There being no further business to come before the City Commission, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 9:45 PM. 1 /6, Q .i 4 William I. Gullif 'r.'' Mayor/Presiding ��ffi A ATTES T: Maur ing,' 61-i-trkk 539 Selva Lakes Circle Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 10 September 1990 City Commissioners City of Atlantic Beach Dear Commissioners: As a member of the Selva Lakes Neighborhood Association, I am writing about the proposal to extend Donner Road and have it intersect with Sandpiper . My fellow Association members and I strongly oppose this proposal . The Donner Road area between Mayport Road and the Water Treatment Plant (Jordon Park ) is an area of heavy drug trafficking. Our city's police department has said so publicly on numerous occasions. As recently as August 1st, the Times- Union in a headline story, "Atlantic Beach curfew a game to some, " reported that, according to Lt. Nick VanderWal , patrol commander, the Atlantic Beach curfew for juveniles is part of the City's efforts to combat the drug trafficking as well as the crime that inevitably accompanies drug traffick. Our own Mayor Gulliford has recognized the need to take effective action against drug trafficking. Since both the Police Department and the Mayor agree that drug trafficking and the other crime that goes hand in hand with drugs must be combatted, the residents of Selva Lakes want to know why the City would consider opening up a neighborhood known for its heavy drug trafficking? Why is the City considering increasing the access of the drug traffickers in this neighborhood to other neighborhoods? I speak for myself as well as on behalf of my neighbors and their families when I tell you that Selva Lakes residents are very concerned about crime in our neighborhood. We urge you not to extend Donner Road until the problem of drug trafficking has been ended. Thank you for your concern. Sincerely, A. Samuel Kimball Member at Large Selva Lakes Neighborhood Association PROJECT SUMMARY SEPTEMBER 1990 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH AND GEE & JENSON ENGINEERS-ARCHITECTS-PLANNERS, INC. PROJECT NO. DESCRIPTION 87-560 WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS Part A - Water Treatment Plant Improvements WTP No. 1: New Operations Building with H.S. pumps, chlorination and standby generator, rehabilitate ground storage reservoirs, install turbine pump in Well No. 2 , controls and sitework. WTP No. 2 : Install three new and replace two existing H.S. pumps, standby generator facility, chlorination facility, controls and meters. * Part A Bids rejected and project part ' is currently on hold pending direction from City. Part B - Royal Palms Water Main Replacement Construction complete, as-builts submitted to City. Scott Plumbing Company, Inc. awarded $540, 531.24 in contracts, constructed cost was $514 , 366. 20. 88-276 BEACH AVENUE WATER AND SEWER EXTENSION Water, sewer and road resurfacing of Beach Avenue from 16th Street to 20th Street, sewer extension along Seminole Road between 17th and 18th Streets, water and sewer along Dewees Avenue, Coquina Place and Shell Street and sewer extensions along Ocean Grove and Coral Street. 100% plans and specifications and permit application submitted to City. Construction financing not finalized with reimbursement by special assessment from affected lot owners. Gee & Jenson construction services not authorized currently. Gee & Jenson to prepare estimates of assessment cost and assist with public hearings. GEE &JENSON Engineers,Architects,Planners.Inc. 90-285 BUCCANEER WATER/WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM MASTER PLAN Develop master plan of wastewater collection and pumping system in Buccaneer District, including flow forecasting and trunk sewer schematic to allow connection of developments served by septic tanks and undeveloped areas. 90-285. 1 BUCCANEER WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT EVALUATION Review of historical operating data and procedures, evaluate plant equipment and suggest any possible operational changes to improve treatment/increase capacity for interim 5-year period. 90-285. 2 OAK HARBOR SEWER SYSTEM EVALUATION AND REHABILITATION Review wastewater collection system interval inspection logs and T.V. tapes and develop program of phased repairs, based on approximately $100, 000/year for four years. Prepare construction documents for first priority phase and advertise for construction concurrent with Oceanwalk Flow Diversion project. Resident observation services not currently authorized. Plans and specifications 95% complete. Awaiting authorization of West End Street Lift Station Rehabilitation Proposal to complete documents. Bid documents currently being combined with Oceanwalk flow diversion. 90-285. 3 OCEANWALK AND SEMINOLE ROAD FLOW DIVERSION Design of forcemain rerouting of Oceanwalk and Seminole Road areas from Buccaneer District to Atlantic Beach collection system. This will provide immediate relief to Buccaneer WWTP of approximately 100, 000 GPD. City-selected route of new forcemain is south along Old Sherry Road/Selva Marina Drive to L.S. "D" . Survey near completion. Preliminary design complete, including forcemain sizing. Preparing final construction plans. Construction to be let at same time as Oak Harbor S/S Rehabilitation project. 90-327 BUCCANEER WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS - PHASE I Phase I includes 8" main extension along Gavagan Road, 12" bore-and-jack under Mayport Road to interconnect Atlantic Beach and Buccaneer water systems, and 8" main extension along Mayport Road south to connect Mayport Trace Apartments. This work is a planned progression of Gee & Jenson's hydraulic analysis and report of the Buccaneer water distribution system, and the interconnection is a FDER consent order requirement. R.O.W. survey complete. Preliminary layout of Mayport Road main extension between curb and sidewalk determined not feasible due to concentrated existing utilities. On-site evaluation by Bob Kosoy, Harry McNally and Gee & Jenson determined that alternate alignment just west of westerly right-of-way to be the most feasible. 86-426.4 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS Gee & Jenson is addressing comments from the Department of Community Affairs and preparing final recommended plan amendments for Commission Workshop in early October and submission to State by end of October. SOLID WASTE COMMITTEE LIAISON Gee & Jenson voluntarily attends meetings and offers assistance to the Solid Waste Committee as a professional contribution to Atlantic Beach. ROYAL PALMS WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT PROJECT SUMMARY CONSTRUCTION COMPLETED: MARCH 1990 GEE & JENSON PROJECT NO. 87-560 WATER MAINS 12" PVC 3, 371 LINEAR FEET 10" PVC 540 LINEAR FEET 8" PVC 3, 100 LINEAR FEET 6" PVC 12,578 LINEAR FEET TOTAL 19, 589 LINEAR FEET FITTINGS 12 . 67 TONS VALVES 32 , 6" THRU 12" FIRE HYDRANTS 27 (ORIG. - 14) SERVICE CONNECTION 196 SINGLE 338 TOTAL RESIDENTS 71 DOUBLE ORIGINAL CONTRACT SUM $528,981.24 ADD: CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 $ 11, 550. 00 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT $540, 531.24 "AS-BUILT PRICE" $514 , 366.20 NET SAVINGS $ 26, 165. 04 IMPROVEMENTS 1. INCREASED RELIABILITY OF SERVICE - PREVIOUSLY HAD WEEKLY SERVICE CALLS TO REPAIR BREAKS. 2 . IMPROVED FIRE PROTECTION - APPROXIMATELY DOUBLED THE NUMBER OF FIRE HYDRANTS. 3 . POTENTIAL FOR DECREASED HOMEOWNERS INSURANCE RATES. 4 . ACCURATE RECORDS OF ALL VALVES, SERVICES AND MAINS. 5. INSTALLED "LEG" OF LARGE-DIAMETER LOOP AROUND CITY THAT WILL HELP PREVENT PRESSURE DROP. GEE &JENSON Engineers,Architects,Planners,Inc.