03-27-89 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH REGULAR MEETING MONDAY, MARCH 27, 1989 AGENDA Call to Order Invocation and Pledge to the Flag 1. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of March 13, 1989 2. Recognition of visitors 3. Appearances: A. John P. Holman, Jr. Video Productions to discuss with the City Commission a proposal to televise City Commission meetings for showing on the public access channel of Cable television 4. Consent Agenda: A. Accept for maintenance the public improvements in Selva Lakes Phase II, Part II B. Accept for grading maintenance, Begonia Street between Levy Road and West 14th Street C. Acknowledge receipt of the 1988 summary report of the status of the employees' pension fund D. Acknowledge receipt of a copy of an article from the Washington Post regarding a possible curfew in that area that is being attacked by the American Civil Libertys Union as being unconstitutional E. Acknowledge receipt of a letter from Townsend Hawkes relative to the activities of Beejay Lester, Animal Control Officer of Atlantic Beach 5. Committee Reports: A. Acknowledge receipt of the minutes of the meeting of the Professional Services Evaluation Committee and ratify the priorities established by the committee and the negotiation of a price with the number one firm Gee & Jenson Engineers 6. Actions on Resolutions: A. Resolution 89-12 action by the City Commission on a Resolution setting forth specific investment guidelines for the City of Atlantic Beach B. Resolution No. 89-14 introduction and adoption of a Resolution welcoming the newest member of the United States Naval Fleet to the Mayport Naval Station the USS Philippine Sea C. Resolution No. 89-13 which names and dedicates Poinsettia Circle 7. Action on Exceptions: A. Receipt of Community Development Board recommendations relative to an application for exception filed by Mr. John Becker to utilize a lot in Section H on West 8th Street for the sale of used cars and the development of car kits and setting of a public hearing for April 10, 1989 8. Action on Ordinances: A. Ordinance No. 90-89-143 proposing to rezone property on Church Road and Atlantic Beach owned by Mr. and Mrs. Steven Mabry from RG-1 to CG and setting a public hearing for May 8, 1989 B. Ordinance No. 90-88-138 public hearing and final reading of an Ordinance amending the Ordinance Code relative to the regulation of home occupations 9. Miscellaneous Business: 10. City Manager Reports: 11. Mayor to call on City Commissioners, City Attorney, City Clerk for reports/or requests: Adjournment MINUTES OF THE R GU AR MEETING OF THE MANTIC BEACH CITY COM- MISSION HELD AT CITY HALL ON MARCH 27, 1989, AT 7:15 PM V V O O T T PRESENT: William I. Gulliford, Jr. , Mayor/Commissioner E E Robert B. Cook, Sr. Glenn A. Edwards D D Adelaide R. Tucker, and Alan C. Jensen, Commissioners M S O E AND: Richard C. Fellows, City Manager T C Claude L. Mullis, City Attorney I 0 Y Maureen King, City Clerk NAME OF ONEN COMMRS. N D S 0 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Gulliford. The invocation, offered by Commissioner Cook, was followed by the pledge to the flag. 1. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of March 13, 1989. Cook x Notion: Approve minutes of the regular meeting of March 13, Edwards x x 1989 Jensen x Tucker x x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. Gulliford x 2. Recognition of visitors Mr. Al Tucker, Manager of Fleet Reserve Club No. 290, addressed the Commission relative to the carnival which had been approved at the previous commission meeting. Mr. Tucker outlined several community projects and services in which the Fleet Reserve had participated, including blood drives, donations of food baskets, scholarships, and Christmas activities for paraplegics, and listed other charitable organizations which had been recipients of Fleet Reserve Club donations. He explained the Fleet reserve received 15% of the proceeds from the carnival and this was one of their largest annual fund raisers. Mr. Tucker explained that he and the organizers of the carnival had met with Chief Thompson and established mutually acceptable rules which he felt had been honored. Mr. Hal Whittaker, 14019 Beach Boulevard, President of Fleet Reserve stated the carnival had been shut down and requested authorization from the Commission to resume the activities. Several other members of the Fleet Reserve were in attendance along with owners and operators of the carnival and all echoed the sentiments of Messrs. Tucker and Whittaker. Cindy Voutour, 570 Orchid Street complained about the loud music. Mr. Tom Hadden, 500 Orchid Street, said he worked shift work and had difficulty sleeping during the daytime hours, and Mrs, Hadden complained of the undesirable element which the carnival attracted. PAGE TWO V V MINUTES NAME OF MARCH 27, 1989 COMMAS. MSYN Chief Thompson said the Police Department had received a number of complaints which had come from only one or two individuals. He stated the carnival organizers had been most cooperative and were willing to make further concessions. The residents had indicated to him they were willing for the carnival to continue for the week and he anticipated no problems and had no objections to their being allowed to continue. Commissioner Edwards strongly endorsed the activities of the Fleet Reserve and particularly, their work with veterans. He said their by-laws set restrictions on how they may raise funds and encouraged the residents of the area to support the Fleet Reserve in view of the many people who would be helped and the relatively few who were inconvenienced. To deny them the opportunity to operate such a fund-raiser is to eventually deny them their existence. Mayor Gulliford said permission for the carnival had been granted at the previous meeting with some reservations, since no representatives from either the Fleet Reserve, the carnival, or the residents had come to the meeting to answer any questions. The Mayor indicated in the future when similar activities are planned the City would make an effort to inform residents in the area well in advance. He requested the carnival organizers to do everything possible to minimize the noise, and next year to contact the City well in advance of the activity, and all options, including an alternative site, would be considered. * * * * * * * * * * * Mr. Ronald Brugh stated he represented Teril Watson who owned a home on Ocean Boulevard. The water meter for this house is located on Beach Avenue and Mr. Brugh requested the meter be moved to Ocean Boulevard. He said the City had previously offered to move the meter with the cost to be divided equally between the City and Ms. Watson, but that Ms. Watson had felt in view of the fact she had been an Atlantic Beach resident for some twenty-five years, the City should move the meter at no expense to her. The City Manager stated the meter was on the west side of Beach Avenue and in the event it was necessary to cut the road to move the meter, the cost would be approximately $500.00. If it could be jetted under the road, the cost would be around $250.00. Further discussion ensued relative to when the lot had been subdivided and Commissioner Cook suggested if the lot had been subdivided before Ms. Watson bought the property, it was his feeling the City should be responsible for moving the meter. If, however, Ms. Watson subdivided the property and sold a portion of it, then the cost of moving the water meter should be borne by Ms. Watson. PAGE THREE V V MINUTES NAME OF MARCH 27, 1989 COMMRS. M S Y N Nbtion: Research property records and in the event the Cook x x subdividing took place before Ms. Watson purchased Edwards x the property, move the water meter with the City Jensen x x to be responsible for all costs Tucker x Gulliford x The motion carried on a four to one vote with Commissioner Tucker voting Nay. * * * * * * * * * * * Lt. James Hill of the Atlantic Beach Fire Department requested permission to address the Commission relative to the City's pay scale for firefighters. The City Manager reported some of the equipment the firemen had requested had already been purchased and Chief Rew had presented specifications for a new fire truck which had already been budgeted. He said Cody and Associates had been hired to do a study of the City's pay plan, and Mr. Cody was in town and would be meeting with the firefighters this week and it was hoped his report would be available in two weeks. Lt. Hill presented each Commissioner with a comparison of Jacksonville and Atlantic Beach pay scales. He said Atlantic Beach had lost ten firefighters recently to the City of Jacksonville. In spite of the generally accepted view that Atlantic Beach is too small to compete with the City of Jacksonville, he said it was his feeling Atlantic Beach already surpasses Jacksonville in many areas, and cited, in particular, garbage collection. He would like to see the City of Atlantic Beach keep a highly trained, professional fire department and expressed concern over the lack of experience of the current firefighters. He indicated the situation relative to equipment needs is being addressed and hoped for better communication during the budgeting process. Mayor Gulliford thanked Lt. Hill for his comments and said he planned to visit the fire department and accompany them on calls on Friday night. Lt. Smith said he had recently been certified as a fire inspector and requested official action relative to his new classification and his additional responsibilities. Mayor Gulliford requested the City Manager to contact Mr. Cody and ask that he present his report as quickly as possible. 3. Appearances: A. John P. Holman, Jr., Video Productions, to discuss with the City Ccnmission a proposal to televise City Commission meetings for Showing on the public access channel of cable television Mr. Holman presented a proposal to the Commission wherein he would tape the proceedings of the Commission meetings to be aired on the public access channel in the beaches area three to five days later. He offered to tape one meeting at no charge to demonstrate the quality of his work. PAGE FOUR V V MINUTES NAME OF MARCH 27, 1989 COMMRS. M S Y N Mayor Gulliford thanked Mr. Holman for his presentation and said he did not know if the tax payers would consider this a justifiable expenditure but instructed the City Manager to look into the matter further. 4. Consent Agenda: A. Accept for maintenance the public improvements in Selva Ickes Phase II, Part II B. Accept for grading maintenance Begonia Street between Levy Road and West Fourteenth Street C. Acknowledge receipt of the 1988 summary report of the status of the employees' pension fund D. Acknowledge receipt of a copy of an article from the Washington Post regarding a possible curfew in that area that is being attacked by the American Civil Liberties Union as being unconstitutional E. Acknowledge receipt of a letter form Townsend Hawkes relative to the activities of Beejay Lester, Animal Control Officer of Atlantic Beach Motion: Approve passage of Consent Agenda Cook x x Edwards x x In brief discussion before the vote, relative to Item B, the City Jensen x Manager explained Mr. Frohwein had opened the street in accordance Tucker x with City specifications and had provided drainage. It was GUlliford x necessary for the City to accept the street in order for Mr. Frohwein to get financing for the homes. In connection with Item E, Chief Thompson explained Mr. Hawkes had suggested the City might look into the possibility of acquiring an all-terrain vehicle for animal control and beach patrols. No further discussion. The motion carried unanimously. 5. Committee Reports: A. Acknowledge receipt of the minutes of the meeting of the Professional Services Evaluation Committee and ratify the priorities established by the committee and the negotiation of a price with the number one fine, Gee and Jenson Engineers The City Manager reported the Professional Services Committee, which for this project had included Don Ford and Harry McNally, had ranked the top five firms of those who had submitted proposals. He explained time was an important factor since the City would pay $75.00 per day until the system had been disconnected from the Atlantic Utilities plant. The City Manager explained that in PAGE FIVE V V MINUTES NAME OF MARCH 27, 1989 COMMAS. MSYN reviewing the contract to purchase the Atlantic Utilities system, it was discovered the City had the option to use the Atlantic Utilities Engineer, Bessent, Hammack and Ruckman, who had quoted $18,000 for the project. Of the proposals submitted under the terms of the Consultants Competitive Negotiation Act, Gee and Jenson Engineers had been ranked the number one firm and they had quoted a price of $29,000. It was the recommendation of the committee, the City authorize Bessent, Hammack and Ruckman to do the work. Commissioner Cook asked whether it was legal to accept the quote of Bessent Hammack in view of the fact negotiations had already been undertaken with Gee and Jenson Engineers. The City Attorney explained the Purchase and Sale agreement with Atlantic Utilities authorized the City to either accept the services of the Atlantic Utilities engineers or seek the services of an independent engineer and it was his opinion authorizing a contract with Bessent Hammack and Ruckman would be a legal action by the Commission. It • was his understanding plans and specifications for the connection to the water system had already been completed by Bessent, Hammack and Ruckman prior to the coil letion of the sale. Notion: Terminate the Competitive Negotiations and authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with Cook x Bessent, Hammack and Buckman in the amount of Edwards x x $18,000, for engineering services for inter- Jensen x connecting the Buccaneer water and sewer treatment Tucker x x plants with the Atlantic Utilities system in Oak Gulliford x Harbor No further discussion. The motion carried on a four to one vote with Commissioner Cook voting Nay. 6. Action on Resolutions: A. Resolution No. 89-12 setting forth investment guidelines for the City of Atlantic Beach Mayor Gulliford presented in full, in writing, Resolution No. 89-12. The City Attorney explained the City did not have an Ordinance setting out an investment policy and this had been a recommendation of the city auditors. He outlined legislation which became effective October 1, 1988 relative to investment of surplus funds. The legislation mandated that the governing body of a municipality shall by Resolution adopted from time to time, authorize investments of surplus funds, and he had prepared the Resolution to comply with that requirement. Brief discussion ensued and Mayor Gulliford asked the wishes of the Commission relative to the Resolution, but the matter died for lack of a motion. • PAGE SIX V V MINUTES NAME OF MARCH 27, 1989 COMMRS. M S Y N B. Resolution No. 89-14 welcoming the newest member of the United States Naval Fleet to the Mayport Naval Station Mayor Gulliford presented in full, in writing, Resolution No. 89-14 welcoming the Philippine Sea to the Mayport Naval Station. Cook x x Edwards x x Motion: Approve passage of Resolution No. 89-14 Jensen x Tucker x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. Gulliford x C. Resolution No. 89-13 which names and dedicates Poinsettia Circle Mayor Gulliford presented in full, in writing, Resolution No. 89-13. Jensen x Notion: Approve passage of Resolution No. 89-13 Cook x Commissioner Jensen pointed out the name "Poinsettia Court" had been agreed upon at the previous meeting and since the minutes of that meeting had already been approved, requested the word "Circle" in the Resolution be changed to "Court." Cook x x Amended Notion: Approve passage of Resolution No. 89-13 as Edwards x amended Jensen x x Tucker x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. Ghlliford x 7. Action on Exceptions: A. Receipt of Cavity Development Board recommendations relative to an application for exception filed by Mr. John Becker to utilize a lot in Section H on West Eighth Street for the sale of used cars and the development of car kits, and setting a public hearing for April 10, 1989 Mayor Gulliford explained the Community Development Board had recommended approval, with the condition Mr. Becker be limited to servicing no more than five cars at one time and that a fence be erected. Notion: Accept the dation of the Community Cook x Development Board and set public hearing for April Edwards x x 10, 1989 Jensen x x Tucker x For the information of the Commission, Mr. Becker explained that Gulliford x car kits were fiberglass replicas of various models which could be mounted on any type chassis. Only mounting and repair work would be done at West Eighth Street. • PAGE SEVEN V V MINUTES NAME OF MARCH 27, 1989 COMMRS. M S Y N 8. Action on Ordinances: A. Ordinance No. 90-89-143 - First Reading AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ORDINANCE CODE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA; AMENDING CHAPTER 24, THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE AND LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE BY AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP TO REZONE LAND OWNED BY STEPHEN H. MABRY AND DESCRIBED ON EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO F114 RESIDENTIAL Com, (RG2) TO COMMERCIAL CIAL CENERAL (CG) ; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE Mayor Gulliford presented in full, in writing, Ordinance No. 90-89-143 on first reading. Motion: Approve passage of Ordinance No. 90-89-143 on first Cook x reading by title only, and set for public hearing Edwards x x May 8, 1989 Jensen x x Tucker x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. Gulliford x B. Ordinance No. 90-88-138 - Public Hearing AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ORDINANCE CODE OF THE CITY OF MANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA; AMENDING CHAPTER 24, ARFICLE III, DIVISION 7, SECTION 24-159, DOPE OCCUPATION REGULATIONS; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE Mayor Gulliford presented in full, in writing Ordinance No. 90-88-138 on second and final reading. Said Ordinance was posted in accordance with Charter requirements. The Mayor opened the floor for a public hearing and invited comments from the audience. Since no one spoke for or against the Ordinance, the Mayor declared the public hearing closed. Cook x Notion: Approve passage of Ordinance No. 90-88-138 on second Edwards x x and final reading Jensen x Tucker x x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. Gulliford x 9. Miscellaneous Business: Brief discussion ensued relative to the recycling program and Mayor Gulliford said he had written a letter to all Atlantic Beach citizens in that connection. The City Manager reported Andy May of Gee and Jenson, was working on a contract with Waste Management for recycling and as soon as the contract is signed, the bins would be ordered. 10. City Manager Reports The City Manager reported he and the City Attorney along with Mr. Snellings of Connelly and Wicker, and Public Services Director Ford, had made several unsuccessful attempts to meet with Mr. • PAGE EIGHT V V MINUTES NAME OF MARCH 27, 1989 COMMRS. MSYN Blackard to discuss the right-of-way for the proposed dune overwalk at Sixteenth Street. The City had been granted an easement and according to the City's engineers and surveyors, the easement does extend to the street and it was the recommendation of the City Manager construction on the walkway be undertaken in accordance with the plans and specifications in the contract awarded by the City Commission. Ordinance No. 95-89-39 AN ORDINANCE INTRODUCED AND ADOPTED AS AN ENERGENCY MEASURE CLOSING AND VACATING THE NORTHERLY FIVE (5) kler OF THE THIRTY-ONE (31) FEET ESP OVER THE SOUTHERLY PART OF IAT THIS-SIX (36) , SRr,VA LINKSIDE SUBDIVISION; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE Mayor Gulliford presented in full, in writing, Ordinance No. 95-89-39. The City Attorney explained passage of this Ordinance would be necessary to formalize verbal authorization granted to Mr. John Andresen, 1993 Colina Court, at the previous meeting. Mr. Andresen had been authorized to move a 10-inch water line which ran under a portion of his house and it would now be necessary for the City to close and vacate that portion of the easement. Mr. Andresen could not close the mortgage loan on this residence until this action had been taken. Cook x Edwards x x Notion: Pass Ordinance No. 95-89-39 on first reading Jensen x Tucker x x No discussion. The motion carried unanimously. Gulliford x Mayor Gulliford presented Ordinance No. 95-89-39 on second and final reading. Cook x x Notion: Pass Ordinance No. 95-89-39 as an emergency on Edwards x x second and final reading Jensen x Tucker x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously Gulliford x Commissioner Cook asked Harry Royal if he would express his feelings on the Resolution dealing with investments. Mr. Royal said the Resolution gave the Finance Director and City Manager more latitude where investments were concerned and he did not feel that was what the City would want. He also said the recommendation of the City Auditors had been that the City develop an investment policy and that the Resolution addressed investment procedures. The City Attorney stated he had prepared the Resolution based on recent legislation covering investment of surplus municipal funds and it was his intent that the City should be in a position to receive the maximum amount of interest on the investments of surplus funds, and that the Resolution would provide appropriate security to the City. Further discussion ensued and it was the • PAGE NINE V V MINUTES NAME OF MARCH 27, 1989 COMMRS. MSYN general consensus the City should prepared an Ordinance establishing an investment policy. The City Attorney was directed to review Mr. Royal's comments and draft the Ordinance in accordance with the requirements of the City Charter and the Florida Statutes. Commissioner Cook said it had been his understanding Eleventh Street formerly ran from Seminole Road to the sewer plant. However, he learned from recent conversations with the City Manager that an easement existed only on the west side of the water plant. Commissioner Cook said residents living west of the sewer plant had used this passage way for years to go to the beach. He expressed concern that since the Selva Lakes subdivision abuts the Selva Linkside property, access to the beach would be cut off from those residents if the developers of these subdivisions should decide to fence their property. The City Manager was asked to look into this situation further. The City Manager reported he had received updated plans from Clements, Rumple, Goodwin for the proposed new City Hall. This would be a subject for discussion at a subsequent meeting. Commissioner Cook referred to Ordinance No. 95-89-38 which had Dean adopted on February 13, 1989, authorizing the exchange of property between Mr. William Hixon and the City. It had come to his attention there was a difference in valuation of the lots and Commissioner Cook said he felt the difference in valuation was merely a matter of the location of the lots, Mr. Hixon's lot being landlocked within City park property. Commissioner Jensen said the appraiser had presented an opinion and the Commission, by agreeing to the exchange of properties, determined the lots were of equal or comparable value. The City Attorney was directed to contact the appraiser, Mr. Stccg, and ask for his comments with regard to the location of the properties. Mayor Gulliford announced the Wonderwood Committee would meet Thursday, March 30, 1989, at Mayport Junior High School. He said he had attended the previous meeting at Merrill Road Elementary School, and complimented Commissioner Cook on how he had represented the beaches residents on this issue. The next meeting of the Safe Neighborhood Committee had been scheduled for Tuesday, March 28, 1989. There being no further business to come bef. - _ - Commission, the Mayor declared the meeting adjo ed. , A \..'Ada Willi. I. Gulliford, \Mayor -7R1 L Maureen King, City C1lerk