11-27-89 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH RHG LAR MEEr11 , MONDAY, NOVII4BER 27, 1989 AGENDA Call to order Invocation and pledge to the flag 1. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of November 13, 1989 2. Recognition of visitors A. Recognition of members of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board (Parks & Recreation Dir. , Rose Blanchard) 3. Appearances: A. Presentation by Dorothy Jackson, Community Awareness Specialist, regarding the 1990 census B. Presentation by Michael Saylor of Bessent, Hammack & Ruckman, on the city's beautification plan C. Presentation by Connelly & Wicker on proposal for improvements to Levy Road D. Presentation by Diane Bassett, Rodriguez Consulting Group, Inc. , regarding the city's health insurance 4. Old Business: A. Approval of storm water utility agreement with CH2M Hill Engineers (City Manager, Kim Leinbach) B. Approval of pay request No. 3 to Scott Plumbing for $109,726.22 for water main replacement (Public Services Dir. , Don Ford) 5. Bid Awards: A. Award of bid for the purchase of three used City of Atlantic Beach garbage trucks (Public Services Dir. , Don Ford) B. Award of bid for extension to the existing public works maintenance building (Public Services Dir. , Don Ford) 6. New Business: A. Engineering report concerning Beach Avenue water and sewer project (Andy May, Gee & Jenson) B. Action by the City Commission regarding the purchase of tile for the wastewater treatment plant (Division Chief, Tim Townsend) C. Proposal for tree ordinance (Jody Ford, Atlantic Beach Beautification Committee) D. Code Enforcement Board potential ordinance amendments (City Attorney Alan Jensen) quaul ino cpv sgsanbaz ao/pue slaodaa .zog N1TD A4TD pup dauaal-4v' ATO 'sxauoTssTm op A4T3 uo TTea og 1oOEW •6 aouapaodsazzoo .zo/pup s1aodag xabnuEW T3 •8 buTsnogaa2M pup -41.157-1 TeTagsnpuI 'mai 04 Teaauao TPT;uapTsag TOj UIOaJ ;eidag s.Iauuau uT pueT auozaa o; detu buiuoz TeT°TI4o at. buTpuauie Aq apoo quaurdoTanap pueT pup aoupuTpao buTuoz anTsuauaaduroo aqg buTpuauie aoueuTpao UP Jo buTpeaa ;saTj pup uoT;onpoaquI buTppag gsaT3 - OST-68-06 •0M a3UUTpaO •K :saoueuTpzp uo uoT •L (spa .IauoTssTu JJ) saDTnaas pegpiaa pup qupTd 4u-dipper; aageMagseM aoJ UIITJ buTaaauTbua uTp;aa o; uoTgppuauauooaa as;;TwwoO •O (pao3 uoc ' •aTQ saDTnaag DTTgnd) sgaaagg sTMa7 pup abaoaO 'apbpa uo SBDTAaas ubTsap abpuTpap aoJ aaPPTM ATTauuoO uTpgaa o; uoTgppuauniooag •3 (uopquIa7 urrx 'aabpupi AgTO) aosTnpp TLToueUT3 JOJ OSIJaanpp o. uoTssTuraad aoJ gsanbau •g 686T 'LZ aaquianoM - EpuabV - OMI, abed MINUTES S OF THE REGUIARMMTING OF THE Aa AN IC BEACH CITY CONI- v v MISSION HELD AT CITY HALL ON MONDAY, NOVII4BER 27, 1989 AT 7:15 PM O O PRESENT: William I. Gulliford, Mayor T T D Robert B. Cook, Sr. D D Glenn A. Edwards D Adelaide R. Tucker and John W. Weldon, Commissioners M S O E AND: Kim D. Leinbach, City Manager T C Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney I O Y Maureen King, City Clerk NAME OF ONEN COMMRS. N D S 0 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Gulliford. The . invocation, offered by Commissioner Cook, was followed by the pledge to the flag. 1. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of November 13, 1989 Cook x Edwards x x Motion: Approve minutes of the regular meeting of Novanber Tucker x x 13, 1989 Weldon x Gulliford x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. ,2. Recognition of visitors: Barbara Bonner, 463 Selva Lakes Circle, inquired whether the city would consider constructing bike paths in conjunction with the repaving project on Seminole Road. Ms. Bonner was advised the the project was for repaving the area north of Sixteenth Street only. Don Ford was instructed to look into the matter and report back with recommendations of where bike paths could be located throughout the community. * * * * * * * * * * * * Bob Weiss, 253 Seminole Road, addressed the Commission relative to speeding on Seminole Road. He suggested either raising the speed limit or enforcing the current limit. The mayor asked the city manager to work with the police department and see what could be done to address the speeding problem. * * * * * * * * * * * * Parks & Recreation Director Rose Blanchard introduced the following members of the Recreation Advisory Board members who were in the audience: Donald Fegan, chairman, and members Jeff Croom, Gerard Vermey, and Ron Summers. Member David Turner could not attend the meeting. Ms. Blanchard reported two vacancies existed on the board. Mayor Gulliford announced Christmas tree lighting ceremonies would be held on December 7 in Russell Park. •quesaad saaqu ew aagpivazioo esom pezTubooaa pus ee p unuoa uoz;POTgTpnpaq eqP gqTM )[aoM STB aoJ aoTAPS 'aini Pa p4 PaoJTTTnD aoAPN •OTJJPaq aPTnOTgaA ebs.znoosip pus ebpsn eTOAOTq pus upTagsaped ssaappp PTnam goTgq SSOOOP goPaq '400zq-S gquaagouTN ags. JOT UPTd P paasdaad SPg UPBJOI a'sTTTTM q°@qT P •uo-Roes -aaquT pX AOTnog OTqusTJI/UPOOO am punas Paas am Jog sou-Tapznb ubTsap gs1Tgegsa oq buT3{aoM aap Aags •spua gaaals am. Tip ;P sanssT am buTssaappP pus 'sgaa qS 14461 Pup t8T Jp SeSSOODP gopaq am buTAoadwT 'ppog aTouiuras buoTp s}{TsMapzs papnTOuT squauranoaduT aam0 •SPa.P aamo pus ppog gaodAPw aoJ pauupTd SPM 'suazT4To Aq paqupTd aq saaaq go gsoo eq . azTpTsgns pTnoM ATTO ag-. uTaaagm ureaboad buTruPTd-aaai P „'ss{pO pupsnoq au. •PexP qpm. go uoTgPOT;TgnPaq eq uT aaPgs pTnoM uoTgpgaodsupas go quawqapdala am pus gopag aungdaN pedoq SPM -T pup Paas A;TaoTad s SPM pJPAOTnog OTgu2T;y ;Ts; PPM asom go quaureAOadaq aoJ supTd pauTTgno ATJaTaq pus abpubTs pup SOSSeDOP gosaq 'sxasd 'saopzaaoo OTJJPX4 peuTurexa ppg aaggpinOO am gsnbny uT buTgaaw buoT-App P uT pTss ag •4SnbnV aouTs aag4Tunuoo uoT4poTJzgnPeq eqs g4TM buT]{toM uaaq spg pup gopag OTPuPTWW 30 ;uapTsaa P ST ag ATPS aoTAss •aw •Agzo agf} aoJ upTd uoTgpoTJTgnpaq aags ui P JO quaurdoTeAep am 04 Abaaue pup aun;' go Tpap ;saab P pagpuop pPg ogM pup as;;Tuuio3 uoT;soT;Tgnpag eq . go aaquiaui P ST 'pTPs aq 'ogM aoTAPS TasgoTw pOOnpoaguT paoJTTTnO aoApw uPTd uoTgPoTJfnPeq s 1AATO am. uo using-ma 4 Noumea 'wassail do aoTAPs Taego1W A4 uoTieluasaad 'g 'OS JO )[aaM gxau am uTmTM qno PaTzpui aq TTTM gDT4M aaggaTsMau s,A4TO agl uT apaddp pTnoM wagT UP pup saequ oui aaq;Twwoo buTgTnaoaa SPM ags pTps aallon,j, aauoTssTunIo0 •TpTquapTJuoo ST sesodand Snsuao JOJ UeAT5 uOT;pwaoJuT Tip qpm. passaags pup uoT;PTndod uo pespq pogpooTTp aap saTuow qupab Tpaapag pup ogpgs Ausw pips ags •SuOT;pzTUPbao OTATO pup saa;;Tuioo gbnoag} 4unoO Snsuao am. agowoad og AgTO am go dTag eq . pa;ToTTOs uosNOPf •sw •sebpnbusT aaam-Aquomq uT aTgeTTPAP aq pTnoM aous;sTssv •sexoq aDTJJo .sod og peTTPw aq you pTnoM qnq '8Z gaasw sawog TTP og peTTPw aq pTnoM SaaTPuuo-psanb pup 'T TT-10k aq pTnoM AEC snsua0 pips ags •gunoo %001 aNTT ID-Mom A01-14 IPaA sTgg pup snsuaD 0861 eq uT ;Lino° %86 P ppq Pare STgl pTPs UOS){OPf 1ctpoaou -snsuao 0661 all buTPaebaa '12TTe-Poct ssauaxemv AkTunuuop 'uos3[OUT Atcoaou Aq uoTququasaad 'K :saoueaxaddv -£ N A S InI *SHICAIOD 6861 'a Hauwanom dO 3YSXN SJf1NILd A A OMZ 3DVd • PAGE THREE V V MINUTES NAME OF NOVEMBER 27, 1989 COMMRS. MSYN C. Presentation by Connelly and Wicker on proposal for improvements to Levy Road Buck Snellings of Connelly and Wicker said they had two proposals for Levy Road, one to widen and repave the road, and the other was to settle the issue of what the existing right-of-way is on Levy Road. Existing documents show right-of-ways varying from 66 feet to 85 feet and this situation needs to be resolved. Rick Wilcher of Connelly and Wicker presented a proposal to resurface and widen Levy Road to a width of 24 feet, and to add a right-turn south-bound lane at the intersection with Mayport Road. He said he had discussed this with the Department of Transportation and they anticipated only minor expense with changing the traffic signals and the possibility of having to relocate one of the signal poles. He presented photographs showing some of the drainage problems in the area which, he said, should be alleviated somewhat by the improvements. In view of the heavy traffic in the area they recommended laying 1 " asphalt to provide a longer lasting surface. Motion: Authorize execution of agreement with Connelly & Cook x Wicker in an amount not to exceed $50,000 based on Edwards x the hourly fees as set forth in letter proposal, Tucker x x subject to review by the City Attorney Weldon x x Gulliford x In further discussion it was determined the project would be funded by gas tax funds. The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. D. Presentation by Diane Bassett, Rodriguez Consulting Group, Inc., regarding the city's health insurance. Diane Bassett said their company had analyzed the three bids received based on cost, flexibility, plan design, and carrier service and after comparing the bids received with the current plan, it was their recommendation the city change to Blue Cross/Blue Shield effective January 1, 1990. She said they were aware of problems the city was experiencing with the current carrier, hence their recommendation to change carriers at this time. In view of the increased premiums, she requested the city consider absorbing the increase in premiums through June 1, at which time the current contract would expire. She said considering the city's past claims experience, there was a possibility Av-Med would not renew in June and the city would have to take whatever plan was offered, regardless of the cost. She urged the committee to do a thorough study of the benefits program and make further recommendations for the 1990/91 budget. She also recommended the implementation of a Section 125 (cafeteria) plan but did not feel this could be introduced until January 1991 because of the time which would be required to • PAGE FOUR V V MINUTES NAME OF NOVEMBER 27, 1989 COMMRS. M S Y N communicate the plan to the employees and make the necessary changes in computer programming. Motion: Accept the proposal of Blue Cross Blue Shield for Cook x health insurance coverage with a $200.00 deductible, Tucker x effective January 1, 1990 After further discussion relative to the plans and the different deductibles, Commissioner Cook withdrew his motion and Commissioner Tucker withdrew her second. Cook x x Motion: Accept the proposal of Blue Cross Blue Shield for Edwards x health insurance coverage with a $300.00 deductible, Tucker x x effective January 1, 1990 Weldon x Gulliford x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. Further discussion ensued relative to the city absorbing the increase in premiums between now and June 1, 1990 at which, time the present contract would expire and the city could anticipate an increase of 20% - 25%. It was agreed sufficient funds would be available in the City Commission contingency fund to cover the • increase for a five month period. Cook x Edwards x Motion: Authorize the city to pay the increase in premiums Tucker x x for the period January 1, 1990 to June 1, 1990 Weldon x x Gulliford x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. 4. Old Business: A. Approval of storm water utility agreement with CH2M Hill Engineers The City Manager reported he had met with representatives of CH2M Hill for the purpose of pursuing the negotiation of a contract for the proposed storm water utility. He said the agreement covered the first two phases of the program, namely, program development and fee implementation, and recommended approval of the agreement as presented to the City Commission. Mayor Gulliford inquired into the possibility of state mandates regarding stormwater discharge and was advised cities less than 100,000 population would be required to submit applications for stormwater management discharge by 1992. Cook x x Motion: Authorize execution of agreement with COM Hill for Edwards x x professional services in connection with stormwater Tucker x management utility, subject to review by the City Weldon x Attorney Gulliford x • PAGE FIVE V V MINUTES NAME OF NOVEMBER 27, 1989 COMMRS. M S Y N No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously, B. Approval of pay request No. 3 to Scott Plumbing for $109,726.22 for water main replacement in Royal Palms Don Ford, Public Services Director, said after inspection by both him and Andy May of Gee and Jenson, he recommended payment of request No. 3. It was pointed out the job was 80% complete and should be finished by December 26. Cook x Edwards x x Notion: Authorize payment No. 3 to Scott Plumbing for water Tucker x x main replacement in Royal Palm Weldon x Gulliford x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. 5. Bid Awards: A. Award of bid for the purchase from Atlantic Beach three used garbage trucks. Don Ford, Public Services Director, reported three garbage trucks which had been offered for sale by public auction in October had failed to sell. The city had received bids for the purchase of these vehicles and it was his recommendation the city accept the following bids: 1974 Chevrolet - $500.00, from R. Westmoreland; 1980 Ford - $1,300, and 1985 Ford $1,500 from VSM, Inc. Mr. Ford explained the city had purchased new garbage trucks last year and had attempted to sell the old trucks and this was the first time any bids had been received. Cook x Edwards x x Motion: Authorize the sale of the three garbage trucks as Tucker x recommended by the awards committee Weldon x x Gulliford x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. B. Award of bid for extension to the existing public works maintenance building Don Ford reported the committee had interviewed R.G. White Construction Company, the low bidder for the addition to the public works building. The bid of $33,700 was within the budgeted amount and met all the bid specifications. The committee recommended acceptance of the bid. Cook x Notion: Accept bid of R.G. White Construction Company for Edwards x x construction of extension to the public works Tucker x x building in the amount of $33,700 Weldon x Gulliford x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. 6. New Business: A. Engineering report concerning Beach Avenue water and sewer project by Andy May of Gee & Jenson • PAGE SIX V V MINUTES NAME OF NOVEMBER 27, 1989 COMMRS. MSYN Andy May reported Gee and Jenson had been authorized approximately one year ago to design improvements to water and sewer extension from 16th Street to 20th Street on Beach Avenue, and water, sewer and paving in the Deweese Avenue area. Extension of sewer line along Seminole Road between 17th and 18th Street had been added to the project at the request of citizens of that area. The services included design, standard construction administration and permitting and bidding assistance. Most of this work has now been completed and Mr. May said he wished to apprise the Commission of their progress thus far and seek their direction regarding haw to proceed. The Mayor said he was aware that some of the residents in the Deweese area were opposed to paving of those streets and asked whether the agreement called for paving Deweese, Coquina, and Shell Streets. Discussion ensued relative to paving and the proposal to locate a lift station in the triangular parcel. Mr. May displayed an architectural sketch of the proposed lift station which, he said, could be relocated to leave the triangle free to be used as a passive park. Mayor Gulliford suggested action on this be deferred until it could be further discussed at the upcoming goal setting sessions and the commissioners concurred. B. Action by the City Commission regarding the purchase of tile for the wastewater treatment plant Division Chief Tim Townsend said in the past the tiles for the sludge wetwell beds had been purchased in small quantities. In order to do immediate replacements and have stock on hand for future replacements, he requested authority to purchase 1,000 tiles at $35.00 each. He pointed out the intended vender is the sole supplier of these tiles and a purchase of 1,000 tiles would meet their needs for approximately three years. Cook x Edwards x Motion: Authorize purchase of tiles for wastewater treatment Tucker x x plant as requested Weldon x x Gulliford x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. C. Proposal for tree ordinance by Jody Ford of the Beautification Committee In keeping with the proposed beautification improvements, the Beautification Committee urged the enactment of a tree protection ordinance. The commission had received a copy of the tree protection ordinance currently in effect in Green Cove Springs. In view of the small amount of undeveloped land remaining in Atlantic Beach Ms. Ford urged passage of this ordinance as soon as possible. • PA(TF SEVEN V V MINUTES NAME OF NOVEMBER 27, 1989 COMMRS. MSYN Motion: Approve passage of tree protection ordinance on Cook x first reading Edwards x Mayor Gulliford inquired whether the ordinance could be passed on first reading since it had not been properly drafted. Camiissioner Cook withdrew his motion and Commissioner Edwards withdrew his second. It was the general consensus an ordinance should be drafted using the Green Cove Springs ordinance as a guideline, and presented at the next meeting. Questions were raised as to the enforceability of such an ordinance and the Mayor said during the past several months the Commission had expressed wishes to become more aggressive in the area of code enforcement and it was his wish attempts would be made to enforce this ordinance, if passed. Cook x Edwards x Notion: Draft Ordinance and place on agenda for first Tucker x x reading at the next regular meeting Weldon x x Gulliford x No further discussion. The motion carried unanimously. D. Code Enforcement Board potential ordinance amendments City Attorney Jensen presented copies of a Brevard County ordinance which established penalties for various violations. He said this was for information purposes but may be helpful in the event the city wished to adopt similar legislation. This is to be discussed further at the goal setting sessions in the new year. E. Request for permission to advertise for financial advisor The City Manager said while our Finance Director had the expertise to do a comprehensive study of the city's indebtedness he doubted that he had the time that such a study would require. He requested authorization to advertise for the services of a financial advisor. Cook x x Edwards x x Motion: Authorize the City Manager to advertise for a Tucker x financial advisor Weldon x Gulliford x In discussion before the vote, Commissioner Cook inquired as to the function of a financial advisor. The City Manager said his recommendation would be that such an advisor review the city's debt structure, and anticipated projects and revenues and make recommendations to the city relative to funding for ongoing and proposed projects. The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. F. Recommendation to retain Connelly and Wicker for drainage design services on Edgar, George and Lewis Streets Don Ford, reported drainage problems had been experienced in this area for some time and he introduced Buck Snellings of Connelly and Wicker and asked that he address the problem. PAGE EIGHT V V MINUTES NAME OF NOVEMBER27, 1989 COMMRS. MSYN Mr. Snellings said there was no drainage system in that area and their proposal was to prepare construction plans and specifications for drainage which it was hoped would tie into a large DOT drainage ditch. Motion: Authorize execution of contract with Connelly and Cook x Wicker for engineering services in connection with Edwards x drainage design services in the Edgar/George/Lewis Tucker x x Street area in an amount not to exceed $5,000.00, Weldon x x subject to review of the proposal by the City Gulliford x Attorney No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. G. Committee recommendation to retain engineering firm for wastewater treatment plant and related services. Commissioner Edwards reported the committee had spent over eight hours on interviews with the top five engineering firms which had submitted proposals for the consolidation of the Buccaneer and Atlantic Beach wastewater treatment plants. After further review of the three top firms, it was the recommendation of the committee a contract be negotiated with Gee and Jenson for engineering services on this project. He said the award would, of course, be subject to review and recommendation by the financial advisor if one was hired. The Mayor said he felt the commission should have an opportunity to interview the top three firms and it was agreed this would be placed on the agenda for a future meeting. 7. Action on Ordinances: A. Ordinance No. 90-89-150 - First Reading AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ORDINANCE CODE OF THE CITY OF MANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA; AMENDING CHAPTER 24, THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE AND LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE BY AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP ID REZONE LAND OWNED BY mAnautor HENDERSON, JAMES H. DAVIE, II, CHRISTINE M. DAVIE, DAVID W. FORET, SR., AND NANCY L. FORET, DEED AS THE WEST 125' OF TATS 2 THROUGH 12, BLOCK 2, DONNERS REPLAT NO. 2, FROM RG1, RESIDENTIAL GENERAL TO 1T W, INDUSTRIAL LIGHT AND USING; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE Mayor Gulliford presented in full, in writing, Ordinance No. 90-89-150 on first reading. Cook x x Edwards x Motion: Approve passage of Ordinance No. 90-89-150 on first Tucker x reading and set for public hearing January 8, 1990 Weldon x x Gulliford x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. rAGE NINE V V MINUTES NAME OF NOVEMBER 27, 1989 COMMRS. MSYN 8. City Manager Reports and/or correspondence The City Manager reported the Notice to Proceed on the Section H project was signed today. Commissioner Cook reported he had received a telephone call from Mrs. Michael J. Bayer, 1773 Park Terrace East, relative to the procedures used in recent city appointments. He suggested the city establish a procedure which would be used consistently for such future appointments and requested that this be the subject of discussion at the proposed goal setting sessions. He also suggested the question of the eligibility of city commissioners to seek other employment within the city be further reviewed. Commissioner Tucker asked for volunteers to serve on the Census Complete Count Committee. She said she hoped an organizational meeting of that committee could be held in December. Mayor Gulliford said sane of the ordinances presented to the City Commission recently called for a reduction in density and he asked the City Attorney to review and define "density." He also indicated he had received a letter from Continental ,Cablevision relative to changes in programming and improving the service. There being no further business to come before the Commission, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at • • 11I .� _ 11r ► �/I illiam I. Gullbr Mayor/Presiding u ATTES T: Maureen King, City Clerk 5