12-11-89 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH REGULAR MEETING, MONDAY DECEMBER 11, 1989 AGENDA Call to order Invocation and pledge to the flag 1. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting November 27, 1989 and the meeting of the committee of the whole December 4, 1989 2. Recognition of Visitors: 3. Appearances: A. Permission for American Red Cross to sponsor a circus March 24 & 25, 1990 on the open lot owned by Jacksonville Shipyard off Mayport Road. (Mr. Bernard Bolstad, American Red Cross) B. Permission for Gold Wing Road Riders to ride from Hanna Park south on AlA to Atlantic Blvd. as part of their "Light Parade" route. (To be held Friday, March 30, 1990 from 6:15 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.) (Betty Smiley, representative of group) C. Chris Blanchard to speak on the locked gate in Aquatic Gardens Subdivision. 4. Old Business: A. Authorization to proceed with bids for new city hall. (Finance Director Harry Royal) 5. Committee Reports: A. Chairman of the Awards Committee, Commissioner Glenn Edwards with a report and recommendation on a video surveillance kit to be used by the Police Department. B. Report and recommendation for possible selection of engineering firm for the consolidation of the Buccaneer and Atlantic Beach wastewater treatment plants. 6. Ordinances: A. Introduction and first reading of Ordinance #95-89-43 to provide for retrieval of shopping carts by owners. (City Attorney Alan Jensen) B. Introduction and first reading of Ordinance #95-89-44 to provide for a tree conservation board, to provide for permits, inspection reports, removal and maintenance of trees. City Attorney Alan Jensen) 7. New Business: A. Report and discussion relative to Beaches World Class Swim Center (Nick Nicholson, Toni Bonfili) B. Proposed amendment to Contract Quality Development Ocean Terrace (Community Development Director Rene' Angers) C. Discussion relative to waiting period for new employee to join our health insurance (Blue Cross/Blue Shield) (City Clerk Maureen King) D. Discussion and relative action regarding the acceptance of Cypress Cove Unit V, Phase II for City maintenance. (Division Chief Harry McNally) 8. City Manager Reports and/or Correspondence: 9. Mayor to call on City Commissioners, City Attorney and City Clerk: MINUTES OF THE REGULARMEETING OF THE MANTIC BEACH CITY COMA v v MISSION HELD AT CITY HALL ON MONDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1989 AT 7:15 PM O O PRESENT: William I. Gulliford, Mayor T T Robert B. Cook, Sr. E D D D Glenn A. Edwards Adelaide R. Tucker and John W. Weldon, Commissioners M S O E AND: Kim D. Leinbach, City Manager T C Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney I O y Maureen King, City Clerk NAME OF ONEN COMMRS. N D S 0 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Gulliford. The invocation, offered by Commissioner Cook, was followed by the pledge to the flag. 1. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of November 27, 1989 and the meeting of the committee of the whole December 4, 1989 Cook x x Mbtion: Approve minutes of the regular meeting of November Edwards x 27, 1989 Tucker x x Weldon x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. Gulliford x Cook x x Motion: Approve minutes of the meeting of the committee mi ttee of Edwards x the whole of December 4, 1989 Tucker x x Weldon x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. Gulliford x Mayor Gulliford reported he had met with a contingent from Charleston County who were in Jacksonville for a press conference. He said they were most complimentary of the Atlantic Beach community because of the aid they had received following Hurricane Hugo. The tri-county area in Charleston had received over 1,000 requests for re-roofing and had established the "Raise the Roof" project to help accomplish this task; to this date over four hundred roofs have been completed. He presented each commissioner with a "Raise the Roof" tee-shirt and said these are being sold to raise funds for the re-roofing project. He also presented a South Carolina coil basket which will be displayed in City Hall. 2. Recognition of Visitors: Ruth Gregg, 905 Sailfish Drive, asked if anything could be done to control the volume of the band at DJ's Lounge, which abuts a residential area. Chief Thompson said the owners of DJ's had indicated they would do whatever was necessary to comply with city regulations, including getting rid of the band, if necessary. hief Thompson said he would look into the matter further. Mayor Gulliford suggested amending the city code to set specific allowable decibel levels and the City Attorney was asked to look into this and report back. PAGE TWO V V MINUTES NAME OF DECEMBER 11, 1989 COMMRS. M S Y N Allen Salfer, 366 Royal Palm Drive, inquired why the building permits for home additions in the Royal Palms area had been the subject of recent scrutiny. He said violations of the code existed throughout the city and he felt Royal Palms should not be singled out for such scrutiny. Henry Batts, 369 Royal Palm Drive, said he had been denied a variance and suggested instead of requiring removal of car ports which are in violation, he felt variances should be granted and permits issued after the fact, and a fine levied against the homeowner. John Bass, 715 Redfin Drive, said he felt the existing additions should be grandfathered in and the law should be more strictly adhered to in the future. Mayor Gulliford asked who had issued this directive and the City Manager said he had no knowledge of it. Ruth Gregg said this had been discussed at a Community Development Board meeting. The Mayor said residents would not be asked to dismantle existing structures, and in the meantime, he asked the City Manager to look into the matter and see whether the ordinance should be amended and report back at the next meeting. Howard Brown, 1753 Seminole Road, inquired into the status of the >roposal to extend the water and sewer lines to Beach Avenue, and whether the seventeen and eighteen hundred block of Seminole Road would be included in this project. Andy May of Gee & Jenson, advised a question had arisen regarding the location of the pumping station and action on this project had been deferred until the city projects as a whole can be discussed early in the new year. The City Manager said he would check into alternative locations for the lift station and report back to the City Commission. * * * * * 3. Appearances A. Permission for American Red Cross to sponsor a circus on March 24 and 25, 1990 on the open lot owned by Jacksonville Shipyard off Mayport Road Bernard Bolstad said the Red Cross would like to hold a circus with two performances on each of Saturday, March 24 and Sunday 25. Cook x Motion: Authorize American Red Cross to hold circus as Edwards x x requested Tucker x Weldon x x In discussion before the vote Mr. Bolstad said the last show of the Gulliford x day would end about 6:00 PM. The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. 3. Permission for Gold Wing Road Riders to ride Liam Hanna Park south on AlA to Atlantic Boulevard as part of their "Light Parade" route (To be held Friday, March 30, 1990 Liam 6:15 PM to 6:30 PM) PAGE THREE V V MINUTES NAME OF DECEMBER 11, 1989 COMMRS. MSYN Betty Smiley, representative of the Gold Wing Road Riders Association, said the association would hold a convention at the Ramada Resort in March and they plan to do a tour of the Jacksonville area with approximately 500 - 700 Honda Gold Wing motorcycles on the evening of March 30, beginning at Hanna Park. She said they have hired Jacksonville police to provide an escort. Also they have secured third party liability insurance in the amount of one million dollars and will provide a copy of the certificate for Atlantic Beach. It was the general consensus the City Commission could not grant permission for an event to be held on a DOT highway but felt it was a courtesy of the association to apprise the city and our Police Department of their plans. C. Chris Blanchard to speak on the locked gate in Aquatic Gardens subdivision Chris Blanchard, 588 Aquatic Drive, said he had recently had an emergency situation at his home and the locked gate on Cutlass Drive had presented a problem, causing a delay in the arrival of the emergency vehicles. He said he had checked the city ordinances and it appeared two separate entrances were required for subdivisions unless an easement was required for public safety vehicles. He said on a recent occasion when the Fire Department iad tried to respond to a fire in Aquatic Gardens they found the gate had been locked by a private citizen who had used his own lock and had not provided keys for the city's use. Mr. Blanchard asked that the gate be removed for the safety of the citizens. Commissioner Weldon said he had visited the site and it was his recommendation the gate be removed. Barbara Bonner, 463 Selva Lakes Circle, said a lot of people with children would prefer to see the gate remain closed to discourage additional traffic in that area. The City Attorney was asked to review the plans and see what had initially been approved and report back at the next commission meeting. 4. Old Business: A. Authorization to proceed with bids for new City Hall Cook x Edwards x x Nbtion: Authorize architect to invite bids for construction Tucker x of a new City Hall Weldon x Gulliford x x Commissioner Weldon said the citizens with whom he had spoken were not in favor of building a new City Hall. Also, at the previous meeting, the City Manager requested permission to advertise for a financial advisor to assess the city's financial situation, and he lid not feel the city should proceed with this project. Mayor ;ulliford asked the architects to provide Commissioner Weldon with a copy of their plan for the remodeling of the existing City Hall. The question was called and on roll-call vote the motion was PAGE FOUR V V MINUTES NAME OF DECEMBER 11, 1989 COMMRS. M S Y N approved by a four to one margin with Commissioner Weldon voting Nay. 5. Committee Reports: A. Chairman of the Awards Committee, Carmissioner Glenn Edwards, with a report and recommendation on a video surveillance kit to be used by the Police Department Commissioner Edwards reported two bids had been received for the surveillance equipment. Both bids met the specifications and after review of the bids by the awards committee, it was their recommendation a bid be awarded to the low bidder, M3 Media Consultants. Cook x Edwards x x Motion: Award bid to M3 Media Consultants, Port Charlotte, Tucker x x Florida, in the amount of $3,027 Weldon x Gulliford x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. B. Report and recommendation for possible selection of engineering film for the consolidation of the Buccaneer and Atlantic Beach wastewater treatment plants The City Manager reported three engineering firms had been nterviewed and by the city commission for possible selection for engineering services in connection with the proposed consolidation of the Atlantic Beach and Buccaneer wastewater treatment plants. After those interviews Gee & Jenson had been ranked as the number one firm. Motion: Authorize City Manager to enter into contract Cook x x negotiations with Gee & Jenson for engineering Edwards x services in connection with consolidation of Tucker x Atlantic Beach and Buccaneer wastewater treatment Weldon x x systems Gulliford x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. 6. Action on Ordinances: A. ORDINANCE NO. 95-89-43 - First Reading AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, AMENDING CHAPTER 12, NUISANCES, ADDING UNDER SDC. 12-1(b) PARAGRAPH (9) TO PROVIDE FOR RETRIEVAL OF SHOPPING CARTS BY OWNERS THEREOF, PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE Mayor Gulliford presented in full, in writing, Ordinance No. 95-89-43 on first reading. Cook x Edwards x x Notion: Approve passage of Ordinance No. 95-89-43 on first Tucker x x reading and set for public hearing January 8, 1990 Weldon x Gulliford x PAGE FIVE V V MINUTES NAME OF DECEMBER 11, 1989 COMMRS. MSYN Commissioner Cook asked whether it was legal to make the grocery stores responsible for the actions of those who would remove shopping carts from their parking lot. Dorothy Kerber, 365 First Street, said in northern states grocery stores provide loading zones bounded by steel bars through which the grocery carts cannot pass, and she suggested this system could be used here. Chief Thompson said the Police Department had made every effort to work with grocery stores on this matter, but it had been his experience that the stores do not prosecute those who remove the carts and had failed to pick up even those carts which had been collected by the city. The City Attorney said this ordinance would force the stores to have a retrieval policy. The question was called and the motion was unanimously approved. B. ORDINANCE NO. 95-89-44 - First Reading AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BREACH, AMENDING CHAPTER 23, VEGETATION,ATTCIN, BY AMENDING ARTICLE II, TREES, TO PROVIDE FORTREE PROTECTION, TO PROVIDE FORA TNEE CONSERVATION BOARD, TO PROVIDE FOR PERMITS, INSPECTION REPORTS, REMOVAL AND MAINTENANCE OF TREES, AND PROVIDING AN ' 'FDCTIVE DATE. Mayor Gulliford presented in full, in writing, Ordinance No. 95-89-44 on first reading. Cook x Edwards x Notion: Approve passage of Ordinance No. 95-89-44 on first Tucker x x reading and set for public hearing January 8, 1990 Weldon x x Gulliford x Commissioner Weldon asked the City "Council" be correct to read City "Commission" and asked that the exemption in Sec. 23-19(2) also apply to Sec. 23-23. Mayor Gulliford questioned the necessity of creating a Tree Conservation Board and whether the functions of this proposed board would not come under the jurisdiction of the Community Development Board or the Code Enforcement Board. Jody Ford, Chairman of the Beautification Board, said she strongly favored a separate board whose only interest would be tree conservation. City Attorney Jensen said he had been contacted by Billy Howell, Project Manager for Section H, and he asked that the commission consider the difficulties he felt this ordinance would create in Section H in obtaining the easements for the necessary work. The question was called and the motion was unanimously approved. 7. New Business: A. Report and discussion relative to Beaches World Class Swim Center • PAGE SIX V V MINUTES NAME OF DECEMBER 11, 1989 COMMRS. MSYN The City Manager reported the Swim Center Committee had met on several occasions and were now ready to recommend the selection of a consultant and negotiate a contract. Atlantic Beach had agreed to act as a lead agency for coordination of the requests for proposals and Nick Nicholson was in attendance to report on the progress thus far. Mr. Nicholson said the five committee members who had interviewed the firms who had submitted proposals were all members of the Chamber of Commerce. The committee had decided to continue contract negotiations with Burton and Associates/Strategic Planning Group and it was hoped Mr. Leinbach would be available to participate in those negotiations. Mr. Nicholson said sufficient funds had not yet been raised to fund the feasibility study but he did not anticipate any problems in that respect. Mayor Gulliford said the City Manager had many demands on his time and asked to what extent Mr. Leinbach would be further involved. Mr. Nicholson said he felt Mr. Leinbach would be involved only through the negotiation stage. B. Proposed amendment to Contract Qiality Development Ocean Terrace 'he City Manager said the developers of Ocean Terrace were requesting two changes to the project, namely, reduction from fourteen to twelve lots, and alteration of the northerly extension of Ocean Terrace Court to terminate near the southerly boundary of Lot 5 rather than extending through Lot 4. Lots 4 and 5 are under a single ownership and plans are for one house straddling the two lots. Notion: Approve changes provided counsel will see the city Cook x is protected with respect to Lots 4 and 5, in that a Edwards x x single house will be built straddling the two lots, Tucker x and that this change is in compliance with Statute Weldon x x requirements Gulliford x Discussion ensued relative to the procedure to be followed and whether it would be necessary to advertise and hold a public hearing. It was the general consensus this would not be necessary but the City Attorney was asked to review this procedure to make sure it did not violate the state Statute. The question was called and the motion was unanimously approved. C. Discussion relative to waiting period for new employees to join the city's health insurance program 9aureen King reported new employees were currently eligible to participate in the city's health insurance program on the first day of the month following hire. Since the city was in the process of PAGE SEVEN V V MINUTES NAME OF DECEMBER 11, 1989 COMMRS. MSYN changing to Blue Cross Blue Shield and would shortly be signing a new contract, if there was any desire to extend the waiting period this would appear to be an appropriate time to make that change and Mrs. King asked the wishes of the commission. Mayor Gulliford said longer waiting periods were being required in the private sector, some as long as six months. After further discussion, it was agreed to extend the waiting period. Cook x x Notion: Change the eligibility date for health insurance Edwards x coverage for new employees to the first billing date Tucker x (First of the month) after sixty days of hire Weldon x x dl l i ford x No further discussion. The motion carried unanimously. D. Discussion and relative action regarding the acceptance of Cypress Cove Unit V, Phase II for city maintenance Harry McNally, Buccaneer Division Chief reported all the necessary documents had been submitted and inspections completed and it was his recommendation the city accept the water and sewer system for maintenance. The City Manager said that in the future owners would be required to make such requests in writing. Cook x Edwards x x Nbtion: Accept for maintenance the water and sewer system in Tucker x x Cypress Cove, Unit V, Phase II Weldon x Gulliford x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. 8. City Manager Reports and/or correspondence: • The City Manager reported he and Chief Thompson and Chief Rew had met with Liberty Ambulance personnel. He is planning to meet with City of Jacksonville personnel and will report back later on the matter. • He said he wished to clarify the cost of engineering services for the Main Street paving and drainage project which will be $6,000.00. • He said he had transmitted a letter to the Police Chief regarding enforcement of speed limits. ▪ He confirmed that the commissioners had each received a cost summary of off-site utilities required by Fleet Landing. He said he was planning to meet with Fleet Landing representatives on Friday for further negotiations on the matter. )onmissior Cook confirmed that the commissioners had each received a copy of a letter from Councilman Jarboe relative to a meeting which had been schedule for January 17, 1990. PAGE EIGHT V V MINUTES NAME OF DECEMBER 11, 1989 COMMRS. MSYN Commissioner Tucker said a question had raised at a recent meeting regarding the procedure used in the selection of an engineering firm for the Section H project. She had researched the records and found that the firms had been interviewed by the City Commission. City Attorney Jensen said he had recently had discussions with Jay Steel regarding the Sixteenth Street beach access. Mr. Jensen said the city needed to decide whether to proceed with litigation, which could be extremely costly or try to work out a settlement with the property owner. Mr. Steel had previously been authorized to represent the city in this case and since the matter seemed to be at a stand-still he was seeking the wishes of the commission. Mr. Steel also suggested the city may wish to authorize Mr. Jensen to handle the case. Mayor Gulliford asked that this be an agenda item at the next meeting and Mr. Jensen said he would invite Mr. Steel to be in attendance. Mrs. Mattie Freanan, 860 Amberjack Lane, congratulated City Attorney Jensen and Commissoner Weldon on their recent appointments and complimented the other commissioners on the good job they had done this year. She also complimented Karen Moore for the good job she had done with the citizens newsletter which had just been delivered to the homes this past week. Mayor Gulliford said he had received a letter from Mrs. Thelma Griffin offering for sale three parcels of property abutting Donner Park and asked the City Manager to proceed to get appraisals on the property. ▪ He asked Don Ford, Director of Public Services, to report on the waste oil recovery plans at the next commission meeting. ▪ He asked Harry Royal, Finance Director, if he could provide by the next commission meeting a list of all the city's existing funds, both restricted and unrestricted. ▪ He reported on the tree lighting ceremonies in Russell Park and said in spite of a few problems with electricity and sound, the event had been a tremendous success. He thanked all those who had been involved. , There being no further business o come bcfore the .• 'ssion, the Mayor declared the meeting adjo at ,- '00 PM. William I. Gulli 671 ATTES T: Mayor/Presiding 0 fic, Maureen King, City Clerk