09-12-88 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 12, 1988 AGENDA Call or order Invocation and pledge to the flag 1. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of August 22, 1988 2. Recognition of visitors 3. Committee Reports: A. Report of the negotiating committee on the status of negotiations between the City of Atlantic Beach and the Oak Harbor Atlantic Utilities Group B. Consulting Engineer Andy May with a tabulation of bids and recommendation on an award for construction of the chlorine handling facility in the Buccaneer Water and Sewer District C. Consulting Engineer Jim Jacques of Smith and Gillespie, with a tabulation of bids and recommendations on award of a contract for Major Sewer Rehabilitation in Section A and Section B, Atlantic Beach 4. Action by the City Commission to accept the water, sewer, paving and drainage improvements in the Stewart Street project constructed by Sam Waters 5. Action by the City Commission on a proposal to hire Deloitte, Haskins and Sells to perform the 1988 City audit 6. Discussion regarding the desirability of authorizing advertising under the Consultants Competitive Negotiation Act for qualified firms for the purpose of developing the data for a storm water utility 7. Action by the City Commission on a request by Dean Russell to accept a 50-foot right-of-way through a portion of Lot 5 and all of Lot 6, Block 154, Section H 8. Action by the City Commission to accept water and sewer improvements including a pumping station from the Seminole Road Homeowners Association composed of Sea Gardens, Pelican Dunes, The Bluffs, Oceanside and Seminole Reach 9. Action on Exceptions: A. Public hearing on an application for exception for a home occupation for freelance photography at 103 West Third Street, Atlantic Beach B. Public hearing on an application for exception from the First Baptist Church of Atlantic Beach at 1050 Mayport Road for an adult day care center in a CG zoning district C. Public hearing on an application for exception from William Collins to operate an automotive service garage in a CG district at 1211 Mayport Road 10. Action on Resolutions: A. Introduction and adoption of a Resolution authorizing the acceptance of a grant of $97,403.00 for the City's Major Sewer Rehabilitation program 11. Action on Ordinances: A. Introduction and first reading of Ordinance No. 95-88-35 restricting the use of Howell Park after dare, and setting a public hearing for September 26, 1988 B. Public hearing and final reading of Ordinance No. 75-88-7 adopting by reference Chapter 705 of the Florida Statutes relative to the handling of abandoned property on public and private property 12. Miscellaneous 13. Mayor to call on City Commissioners, City Attorney, City Clerk and City Manager for reports and/or requests Adjournment B. Public hearing on an application for exception from the First Baptist Church of Atlantic Beach at 1050 Mayport Road for an adult day care center in a CG zoning district C. Public hearing on an application for exception from William Collins to operate an automotive service garage in a CG district at 1211 Mayport Road 10. Action on Resolutions: A. Introduction and adoption of a Resolution authorizing the acceptance of a grant of $97,403.00 for the City's Major Sewer Rehabilitation program 11. Action on Ordinances: A. Introduction and first reading of Ordinance No. 95-88-35 restricting the use of Howell Park after dark and setting a public hearing for September 26, 1988 B. Public hearing and final reading of Ordinance No. 75-88-7 adopting by reference Chapter 705 of the Florida Statutes relative to the handling of abandoned property on public and private property 12. Miscellaneous 13. Mayor to call on City Commissioners, City Attorney, City Clerk and City Manager for reports and/or requests Adjournment MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY V V COMMISSION HELD AT CITY HALL ON SEPTEMBER 12,1988 AT 7: 15 PM 0 0 T T E E PRESENT: WILLIAM S. HOWELL, MAYOR-COMMISSIONER D D ROBERT B. COOK, SR. GLENN A. EDWARDS WILLIAM I. GULLIFORD, JR. M S ALAN C. JENSEN, COMMISSIONERS 0 E T C AND: RICHARD C. FELLOWS, CITY MANAGER I 0 Y CLAUDE L. MULLIS, CITY ATTORNEY NAME OF ON E N ADELAIDE R. TUCKER, CITY CLERK COMMRS. N D S 0 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Howell. The invocation,offered by Commissioner Cook was followed by the pledge to the flag. 1. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of August 22, 1988 Motion: Minutes of the regular meeting of August 22, 1988 be Cook x approved as written. Edwards x x Gulliford x x No discussion before the vote. Motion carried unanimously. Jensen x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Howell x 2. Recognition of Visitors- None Committee Reports: A. Report of the negotiating committee on the status of negotiations between the City of Atlantic Beach and the Oak Harbor Atlantic Utilities Mr. Mullis reported the Negotiating Committee appointed by the Commission had met with the owner of Atlantic Utilities several times. Due to the need of government control and regulations of water and sewer utilities in order to adequately protect the environment, and control growth in an orderly manner, Atlantic Beach has become a regional utility system. It was the consensus of the Committee that if the utility could be acquired at no cost to the City of Atlantic Beach, and it could be amortized solely from the revenues of the system that the city would be interested in acquiring the system. The Committee offered a formula where the city could purchase the Oak Harbor Utility System for the sum of $900,000 by the issuance of revenue bonds to be paid from the revenues of the system, and the sellers would pay up to $60,000 to reimburse the city for its closing costs. Another Committee member, Mr. Richard Gordon of Touche Ross, offered the projected cash flow for the initial ten (10) years of the purchase: and the scenario on how the Committee arrived at the formula. A copy of the projected cash flow dated 9/12/88 is attached hereto and made a part thereof. Any adjustments found will be corrected. 4r. Dan Livermore, Committee Member, offered the Committee's formula PAGE TWO MINUTES V V SEPTEMBER 12, 1988 NAME OF COMMRS. M S Y N Cnmmittaa - pprtc - rnntinned on the capital facilities acquisition charges and the financing structure the Committee proposed. He told the Commission the capital facilities acquisition charges were to compensate the city for having used its excess capacity in the Buccaneer system for the 400 hookups. Justification was the 400 customers would be benefiting from the excess capacity in the Buccaneer System. Relative to the financing, Mr. Livermore suggested two methods, interconnect the debt with the Buccaneer outstanding debt, but keep the financing separate from the Buccaneer plant with appropriate charges between the two systems and then finance Oak Harbor with bonds payable solely from the $140,000 revenues of the system, or combine the two for financing purposes with the existing Buccaneer system, as well as combining it physically with the Buccaneer System, and issue additional debt that ranks on a parity and equally with the existing bonds that are outstanding to pay for the Buccaneer plant. At that point, you would combine in the revenues as part of the revenues of the Buccaneer system, also combine the operatir.g expenses, and pay it all out of one plant. The net revenues available for payment of debt service would be used to pay both the outstanding Buccaneer bonds and the Oak Harbor bonds. They would merely be another Buccaneer water and sewer system series 1988 separate issue, but all the bonds would rank equally and be payable together. Mr. Mullis suggested several ways the first year deficit of $29,452 ould be handled: defer interest the first year, increase the capital facilities acquisition charges for the first year, or borrow the money for making the improvements from the Buccaneer System and pay it back into that system with interest. Following the Committee's report, Commissioner Jensen asked what the average usage was of the 400 customers. Mr. Gordon responded that they approached it with the average dollar usage, by simply taking the current amount that is being billed and dividing it by the 400 meters. The current amount being billed was $277,255.00 per year. Divide that by 400 to arrive at $693.00 as an average bill currently being paid. The figures were based on the Atlantic Utilities rates, not Atlantic Beach rates. Commissioner Jensen suggested they prepare a spread sheet based on the Atlantic Beach rates. Mr. Gordon agreed to prepare one. Commissioner Gulliford expressed the opinion he was most interested in helping fellow citizens, but his primary interest was if the acquisiticn was a good deal for the city. He asked Mr. Gordon how they treated impact fees. They anticipated impact fees in the expenses, but he wanted to know specifically how. Mr. Gordon replied they considered the impact fees or the capital facilities charge as each of the 400 meters taking the same availability of use and arrived at $1250 per meter as being a reasonable charge, and obviously it would not be fair to make a $1250 charge in one year, so they spread it over five years. They also looked at what other costs would be like two lift stations, and other improve- ents. They deducted their anticipated costs by the $1250 per meter. PAGE THREE MINUTES V V SEPTEMBER 12, 1988 NAME OF COMMAS. M S Y N 3. Committee Reports - continued They added the extra $100,000 per year to the cash flow. Mr. Livermore noted one thing the Committee had not done was to charge the Oak Harbor system for using the Buccaneer Systems water plant and sewage treatment plant. Commissioner Gulliford said that would have been his next question. Mr. Livermore said that should be done if the city did not combine the financing. Otherwise, the Buccaneer System which would not include the above under that scenario, would be providing free treatment and free water. Mr. Livermore preferred to combine the systems. You don't charge each other. You pool all revenues and expenses, and you would have a larger surplus at the end than you had at the be- ginning. Commissioner Gulliford said he would like to see anything the city acquired of like nature stand alone so they could look back and sLy "look what we did or look what we didn't do". He said it was his under- standing there was no potential for expansion in the Oak Harbor system. The Committee agreed it was built out. Commissioner Gulliford commented in July a projection was shown antici- pating the system would be purchased at $500,000, and at that time an improvement cost was shown over the four or five years of $638,000. The new projection for improvement cost dropped to $206,000. The July pro- 'ection, even at a purchase price of $500,000, created a significant ash flow deficit every other year. He asked Mr. Gordon which changed. Mr. Gordon responded that the sum of $638,000 was the equivalent of whet it would take to build a new plant in place there to take care of those 400 customers. Commissioner Gulliford noted three water mains had been deleted in the itemized expenditures, which he felt represented the largest and most significant drop in the cost of improvements to bring the system up to standard. He asked Mr. Andy May of Gee and Jensen why. Mr. May said they evaluated the pipes were not something that had to be replaced now. He could not say the existing pipes were not a health hazard. Discussion was held on the anticipated life of the present mains. Mr. May finally said the city could anticipate having to replace the mains somewhere between five and ten years at a cost of $350,000. Commissioner Gulliford said to be fair with the projection, they really needed to put the cost of $350,000 in the ten year scope. A lengthy discussion followed. Mr. Gordon added that item three of the 9/12/88 projection showed $98,000 for estimated cost of repairs that would accumulate over a ten year period, but if they are put in as it comes in as a reserve and left to draw interest, there would be substantially more money over a ten year period. Commissioner Gulliford expressed the opinion that reserve should be for un-anticipated expenditures. Commissioner Gulliford pointed out one other item. When they factored the expenses in, did they look at the administrative costs on the billing side, etc. and any additional personnel. Mr. Gordon said they had factor- ed in one additional person. PAGE FOUR MINUTES V V SEPTEMBER 12, 1988 NAME OF COMMRS. M S Y N 3. Committee Reports - continued Commissioner Gulliford then offered a spread sheet he had prepared relative to the value of the system. A copy is attached hereto and made a part thereof. He detailed each item with a conclusion the city would be over paying for the Oak Harbor system at $900,000 an amount of $115,956.00. Mr. Gordon commented that at the time they were looking at the Buccaneer system, he said it was a very good bargain. The purchase of Oak Harbor was probably not as good a bargain, but it was a situaticn that the City of Atlantic Beach could probably pay for without putting up any money. Mayor Howell suggested,at that point, the Committee should prepare a new projection and answer all of the above questions. He stressed again that if it wasn't a good thing for the people, and if it would not pay for itself, he agreed with Commissioner Gulliford that the city should not proceed. Mr. Gordon then offered copies of Atlantic Utilities of Jacksonville, Inc. Economic Valuation of Oak Harbor Sub-Division water and waste- water utility systems, and City of Atlantic Beach Buccaneer Utilities 0uture Operating Status and Expenses for discussion. Following a lengthy discussion, Mr. Gordon reminded the Commission, when they started out, they agreed to go up to this point without knowing whether they would get paid or not. He said it was time to start figuring how the CPA's would be paid. There were a number of items still to do, and they also had to go back and audit the projected revenues. Another CPA firm had performed the audit and their records were available for inspection. Following a lengthy discussion, Mr. Gordon told the Commission they had estimated $60,000 for the total seller's expense and would be included in the bond issue. Commissioner Gulliford suggested the city be furnished an accounting from all in- volved to see what our investment was at the present time if the city elected not to purchase the system. Commission agreed. Motion: Authorize an expenditure not to exceed $5,000 each to Cook x x direct both Touche Ross and Gee and Jensen to proceed with Edwards x the next step and to investigate some of the concerns rais- Gulliford x x ed tonight, and at the same time prior to the commencement Jensen x of that, ask that each firm that has been involved thus Howell x far render an accounting to the City Manager of what their charges are up to date. During discussion before the vote, Commissioner Gulliford asked Mr. May to sit down and project a reasonable date in the future that he would anticipate replacing those lines, and how much money the city would have to contribute into a reserve to cover the cost of replace- ment. Mr.Gordon suggested they go back and prepare a list of what • PAGE FIVE V V MINUTES NAME OF SEPTEMBER 12, 1988 COMMAS. MSYN 3. Committee reports - continued they understood the city wanted them to do and then meet with the Commission to have a complete understanding. Commission agreed. Follow- ing discussion, the question was called and the motion carried unani- mously. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 3. B. Consulting Engineer Andy May with a tabulation of bids and recommendation on an award for construction of the chlorine handling facility in the Buccaneer Water and Sewer District Mr. May reported Meadows Construction bid was the only bid received at the bid opening on September 7th for the construction of a chlorine handling facility at water plant #3. Mr. May recommended the bid be awarded to Meadors Construction Company in the amount of $58,900.00. Motion: Award the contract for construction of the chlorine hand- Cook x ling facility for water plant #3 in the Buccaneer Water Edwards x x and Sewer District to Meadors Construction Co. in the Gulliford x amount of $58,900.00 as recommended by the City Engineer. Jensen x x Howell x nuring discussion before the vote, Commissioner Gulliford asked why ily one bid was received. Mr. May told him that only one bid was received, he felt the bid was very reasonable. They sent out invitations to seven contractors and two bidding rooms. Following discussion, the question was called and the motion carried unanimously. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 3.C. Consulting Engineer Jim Jacques of Smith and Gillespie, with a tabulation of bids and recommendations on award of a contract for Major Sewer Rehabilitation in Section A and Section B, Atlantic Beach Item C. was deferred until September 26, 1988. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 4. Action by the City Commission to accept the water, sewer, paving and drainage improvements in the Stewart Street project constructed by Sam Waters The City Manager reported he had received all the documentation re- quired for that particular project, and was ready for acceptance. Motion: Accept the water, sewer, paving and drainage improvements Cook x in the Stewart St. project constructed by Sam Waters. Edwards x x Gulliford x x No discussion before the vote. Motion carried unanimously. Jensen x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Howell x Action by the City Commission on a proposal to hire Deloitte, Haskins and Sells to perform the 1988 City audit PAGE SIX MINUTES V V SEPTEMBER 12, 1988NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN 5. Deloitte, Haskins and Sells- continued Discussion was held relative to the city changing auditors every three years. Mr. Fellows pointed out the end of the year was very close. Motion: Move to hire Deloitte, Haskins and Sells for one year Cook x to perform the 1988 City audit, with the condition the Edwards x x city go out and solicit other proposals next March Gulliford x x for the 1989 audit. Jensen x Howell x No discussion before the vote. Motion carried with a four to one vote. Mayor Howell voted no. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 6. Discussion re:ardin• the desirabilit of authorizin: advertisin: under the Consultants Competitive Negotiation Act for qualified firms for the purpose of developing the data for a storm water utility Mr. Fellows reported a presentation was made at the last meeting relative to developing data for a storm water utility, and he had sent additional information in the status report. They would only be taking a look at what the firms proposed if they advertised. Mr. Fellows aid a recent study was done that showed we had approximately one illion dollars in drainage canal improvements that needed to be made. Motion: Authorize the City Manager to advertise under the Con- Cook x x sultants Competitive Negotiation Act for qualified firms Edwards x for the purpose of developing the data for a storm water Gulliford x x utility. Jensen x Howell x No discussion before the vote. Motion carried unanimously. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 7. Action by the City Commission on a request by Dean Russell to accept a 50-foot right-of-way through a portion of Lot 5 and all of Lot 6, Block 154, Section H Discussion was held with Mr. Russell on the amount of land to dedicate to the city. The Mayor suggested Mr. Russell deed a portion of Lot 5 down to Lot 6, but not including. He stated for the record the city would accept the deed with the understanding the city would not accept the 25' right-of-way for maintenance. Mr. Russell asked if the property was transferred to other owners, would that be binding. The Mayor re- sponded in the affirmative, as the right-of-way had no public purpose. For practical purposes, it was a private drive-way. Following discussion, the Mayor recommended Mr. Russell deed only the 25 foot strip of land in front of Lot 5. The street would dead end into Lot 6. That would make lot 6 a usable lot, which it is not at the present time. The City could not accept the strip for maintenance. At a later date, if Mr. Russell decided to pave the street in a manner acceptable to the city, • PAGE SEVEN MINUTES V V SEPTEMBER 12, 1988NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN Doan Riicca11 - rnntinnarl then the city might accept the street for maintenance. Mr. Mullis suggested Mr. Russell give the property owners a perpetual unobstructed easement to get to and from their property as a public way, rather thar. giving it to the city to take over the problems of cars parking, etc. Mr. Russell and the Commission agreed that was the best way to go. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 8. Action by the City Commission to accept water and sewer improvements including a pumping station from the Seminole Road Homeowners Association composed of Sea Gardens, Pelican Dunes, The Bluffs, Oceanside and Seminole Reach Mr. Fellows reported the city, when Ocean Walk was built, paid for some off-site water and sewer improvements and stubbed them out for future development. The Seminole Home Owners Association has tied into that and in addition, has made arrangements for Oceanside and Seminole React- to also tie in. He was in the process of collecting the hydraulic shares which will be due to the city. However, the future growth of the city north is going to require all of that growth to tie into the lines that flow into the pump station that is located on the property belonging to the Seminole Road Homeowners Association at Sea Gardens. They have asked the city to take the station over, and will contribute to the City `10,000 toward an upgrade of the station at a future date. The Associa- ion would like to have the station moved, but if not, they do not want to have any additional buildings put on their property. Mr. Fellows suggest- ed the city accept the $10,000 and hold until a future date and plan tc move the station across the road when we update. The proposed agreement stipulated the city would make no structural changes. The suggestion was made that the city agree they would make no structural changes within the next five years unless mandated by Federal Law. Mayor Howell suggest- ed the city start paying for electric bills and maintenance. Following discussion, the item was tabled until the next meeting. The City Manager was directed to prepare a sketch diagram with associated hook-ups for further consideration of accounts. 9 Action on Exceptions: A. Public Hearing on an application for exception for a home occupatior for freelance photography at 103 West Third St. The Mayor opened the floor for a Public Hearing on a request for exception by Sharon "Dee" Shaughnessy to conduct freelance photography, and invited comments from the audience. As no one spoke for or against the request, the Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed. Commissioner Edwards noted he felt there were too many use by exceptions being granted, and down the road, the city might regret the amount of home occupations within the city. Mayor Howell reminded him the Ordinance provided for home occupations. Commissioner Edwards asked if anyone was inspecting periodically. Mrs. Cucker responded in the negative unless there was a complaint. At that time the Code Enforcement Officer checks out the complaint. PAGE EIGHT MINUTES V V SEPTEMBER 12, 1088NAME OF COMMRS. MSYN 9. Action on Exception - continued A. Motion: Grant an exception for a home occupation for freelance Cook x x photography to Sharon "Dee" Shaughnessy at 103 West Third Edwards x St. The exception is only to Mrs. Shaughnessy at that Gulliford x x location. Jensen x No discussion before the vote. Motion carried unanimously. Howell x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 9.B.Public Hearing on an application for exception from the First Baptist Church of Atlantic Beach at 1050 Mayport Road for an adult day care center in a CG zoning district The Mayor opened the floor for a Public Hearing and invited comments from the audience. As no one spoke for or against the application for use by exception, the Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed. Motion: Grant an exception to the First Baptist Church of Atlantic Cook x Beach for an adult day care center in a CG zoning district Edwards x located at 1050 Mayport Road. Gulliford x x Jensen x x No discussion before the vote. Motion carried unanimously. Howell x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * . C. Public Hearing on an application for exception from William Collins to operate an automotive service garage in a CL district at 1211 Mayport Road Mayor Howell opened the floor for a Public Hearing and invited comments from the audience. He announced there could be no outside storage. Mr. Collins told the Commission he was renting the station to Amoco Company. As no one else spoke for or against the application, the Mayor declares the Public Hearing closed. Motion: Grant an exception to William Collins to operate an auto- Cook x motive service garage in a CL district at 1211 Mayport Rd. Edwards x x with the understanding there will be no outside storage. Gulliford x Jensen x x No discussion before the vote. Motion carried unanimously. Howell x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 10. Action on Resolutions: No. 88-15 Mayor Howell presented in full, in writing Resolution No. 88-15, a Resolution authorizing the acceptance of a grant of $97,403.00 for the City's Major Sewer Rehabilitation program. Cook x Motion: Passage of Resolution No. 88-15. Copy attached hereto and Edwards x x made a part thereof. Gulliford x Jensen x x No discussion before the vote. Motion carried unanimously. Howell x • PAGE NINE V V MINUTES NAME OF SEPTEMBER 12, 1588COMMRS. MSYN 11. Action on Ordinances A. Ordinance No. 95-88-35 - First Reading AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ORDINANCE CODE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH; AMENDING CHAPTER 5 TO CREATE SECTION 5-19, PROVIDING FOR THE CLOSING OF HOWELL PARK BETWEEN THE HOURS OF SUNSET AND SUNRISE; PROVIDING PENALTIES; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Howell presented in full, in writing Ordinance No. 95-88-35 on first reading. Motion: Passage of Ordinance No. 95-88-35 on first reading. Cook x x Mayor Howell set the Public Hearing for September 26,1988. Edwards x Gulliford x x No discussion before the vote. Motion carried unanimously. Jensen x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Howell x B. Ordinance No. 75-88-7 - Public Hearing and Final Reading AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ORDINANCE CODE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 21, ARTICLE II, DIVISION 1, SECTION 21-24(a) -0 PROVIDE FOR ADOPTION BY REFERENCE OF FLORIDA STATUTES, CHAPTER 705 N ITS ENTIRETY; AMENDING SECTION 21-24 TO PROVIDE A NEW SUBPARAGRAPH (a) (1) PROVIDING PROCEDURES FOR THE REMOVAL OF ABANDONED PROPERTY FROM PRIVATE PROPERTY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. The Mayor presented in full, in writing Ordinance No. 75-88-7 on final reading. He opened the floor for a Public Hearing and invited comments from the audience. As no one spoke for or against the Ordinance, the Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed. Cook x Motion: Passage of Ordinance No. 75-88-7 on final reading. Edwards x x Gulliford x x No discussion before the vote. Motion carried unanimously. Jensen x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Howell x 12. Miscellaneous Commissioner Gulliford asked for the condition of Pam Cody. Mr. Fellows said the city recently adopted an extended leave policy which allows for an employee who had suffered some disability when their person leave expires to get an additional grant of 90 days. The city agrees during that time not to fill the position to give the person time to recover and return to their job. One item not addressed in the policy was when the personal leave has expired, they have no other income. He asked if the city had any obligation relative to the medical expenses of insurance. Chief Thompson stated Pam had been with the city approximately 3 1/2 yrs. The City Attorney said they should check with the carrier to make sure ;he would be covered should the Commission grant her extended sick leave. rhe Finance Director did not feel there would be a problem since retired personnel were eligible to participate in the city's program. • PAGE TEN MINUTES v v SEPTEMBER 12, 1988 NAME OF COMMRS. MSY N 12. Miscellaneous - Continued Motion: Grant an extended sick leave to Pam Cody not to exceed Cook x six (6) months from this date, September 12, 1988. Edwards x x Gulliford x x No discussion before the vote. Motion carried unanimously. Jensen x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Howell x As Director of Public Safety, Mr. Fellows announced he had appointed Acting Fire Chief Wally Rew to be the City's Fire Chief. He asked the City Commission to confirm the appointment as per the Charter of the City of Atlantic Beach. Motion: Confirm the appointment of Wally Rew to be the Fire Chief Cook x x as per the Charter of the City of Atlantic Beach. Edwards x Gulliford x x No discussion before the vote. Motion carried unanimously. Jensen x A round of applause was given to Chief Rew after the vote. He thanked Howell x everyone for their support, and assured the Commission he would do his best to serve the people of the City of Atlantic Beach in a professional manner. Mayor Howell commended the Fire Department on their collection for the Muscular Dystrophy Drive in the amount of $10,306.93. Our Fire "epartment led the beaches in dollars collected. Mayor Howell reminded the Commission of the Public Hearing on the budget that was scheduled for next monday night, September 19. It was agreed they would also discuss Section H. There being no other business to come before the Commission, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. A„, W 1 is . Howell Mayor/Presiding Officer ATTEST: Adelaide R. Tucker City Clerk Beach.