06-09-86 v AGENDA CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH June 9, 1986 Call to Order Invocation and Pledge to the flag 1. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of May 27 , 1986 2. Recognition of visitors 3. Report of committees: A. Report by Commissioner Gulliford on committee recommendations for the purchase of a sludge hauler tractor B. Report by Commissioner Morris on the committee recommendations in regards to bids received for the repair and renewal of sand fences on Atlantic Beach 4. Action by the City Commission to accept for maintenance the public improvements in Phase I of the Selva Lakes planned unit development S. Discussion by the City Commission on the desirability of extending the management contract between Jax Utilities and the City of Atlantic Beach for operation of the Buccaneer Water and Sewer District. 6. Action by the City Commission on a proposal from Gee and Jenson to prepare a letter evaluation of the new comprehensive planning requirements in connection with Florida's Growth Management Plan in the amount of $2,200.00. 7. Action by the City Commission on accepting the plat of Unit II, Oceanwalk subdivision 8. Action on exceptions: A. Public hearing on an application for an exception for an auto/truck service garage in a Commercial General district, made by F. Reuben Bennett, 38 West Ninth Street (Advisory Planning Board recommends approval) B. Public hearing on an application for an exception to operate a home occupation in a Residential General 1-A area by Rolando Delgado, who wishes to use his home for office purposes only (Advisory Planning Board recommends approval) 9. Action on Ordinances: A. Ordinance #95-86-29 Introduction of an Ordinance amending the Ordinance Code of the City of Atlantic Beach to prohibit animals on the beach between May 1 and October 1 of each year, and setting a public hearing for June 23 B. Ordinance #80-86-31 Introduction of an Ordinance amending the Ordinance Code of the the City of Atlantic Beach to restructure sewer use charges for restaurants, laundries, car washes and master metered commercial accounts, and setting of a public hearing for June 23 C. Ordinance #90-86-106 Public hearing and final reading of an Ordinance proposing to rezone a tract of land lying south of Cornell Lane from Residential General (RG-2) to Residential General (RG-3) on the application of George Prom (Advisory Planning Board recommends approval) D. Ordinance #90-86-102 Public hearing and final reading of an Ordinance clarifying the definition of secondary dwellings and providing limited uses of secondary dwellings 10. Miscellaneous Adjournment Corrected June 24,1986 to reflect Howell vote page 5 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD AT CITY HALL ON JUNE 9, 1986 AT 7:15 P.M. V V O O T T PRESENT: William S. Howell, Mayor-Commissioner E E Robert B. Cook, Sr. D D Glenn A. Edwards William I. Gulliford, Jr. M S John W. Morris, Jr. , Commissioners 0 E T C AND: Richard C. Fellows, City Manager I O Y Claude L. Mullis, City Attorney NAME OF ONEN Adelaide R. Tucker, City Clerk COMMRS. N D S 0 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Howell. The invocation,offered by Commissioner Cook was followed by the pledge to the flag. For the benefit of the audience, Mayor Howell explained if anyone in the audience wished to speak on the proposed dog Ordinance, item 9.a, it was up for first reading only and there would be no discussion. The Public Hearing would be held on June 23, 1986 at 7:15 p.m. 1. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of May 27, 1986 Motion: The minutes of the meeting of May 27, 1986 be approved Cook x as submitted. Edwards x x Gulliford x x No discussion before the vote. Motion carried unanimously. Morris x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Howell x 2. Recognition of visitors Dee Ryder, Selva Norte Subdivision, expressed concern about the ditches in the area as to weed growth and mosquitos. She thanked Mr. Fellows for sending someone out to clean out the ditches. Mayor Howell explained the ditches should be cleaned regularly. The City Manager will take care of that matter. The City of Atlantic Beach did not spray for mosquitos, The Duval County Mosquito Control District was supposed to spray on a regular basis. They are funded by our tax dollars. The City Manager will call the Health Environmental Department in Jacksonville for her. Sam Lanier, 335 Country Club Lane, asked what were the procedures re- garding the dog Ordinance. Mayor Howell explained every Ordinance had to be introduced on first reading, and a second and final reading where a Public Hearing was held and then final action. Almost all Ordinances were passed on first reading, whether the Commissioners were for the Ordinance or not, merely to move it on to a Public Hearing to get the Public input. The proposed Dog Ordinance would be read on first reading that night and probably would be passed on first reading in order for a Public Hearing to be set for June 23, 1986. .eport of committees A. Report by Commissioner Gulliford on committee recommendations for tie purchase of a sludge hauler tractor PAGE TWO V V MINUTES NAME OF JUNE 9, 1986 COMMRS. MSYN Report of Committees - continued - Gulliford Commissioner Gulliford reported the Committee had met on Wednesday, June 4th at 10: 15 a.m. , and after fully discussing the pros and cons relative to the various pieces of equipment that were capable of performing the sludge removal activity, the committee unanimously recommended a con- tract be awarded to Jacksonville Ford Tractor Co. for the Kubota Tractor and Loader meeting specifications which was the 355SS and the 1720 Loader at a price of $13,622.00. Motion: Approve the Committee's recommendations and award a Cook x x contract to Jacksonville Ford Tractor Co. for a Kubota Edwards x tractor and Loader at a price of $13,622.00. Gulliford x x Morris x No discussion before the vote. Motion carried unanimously. Howell x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * B.Report by Commissioner Morris on the committee recommendations in regards to bids received for the repair and renewal of sand fences on Atlantic Beach Commissioner Morris reported the Committee met on Friday, May 30th. After a thorough review of the specifications of the two responsible Bidders, and in that the specifications were identical, the committee unanimously recommended a contract be awarded to George P.Coyle & Sons, the low bidder, for installation and repair of the sand fencing on Atlantic Beach in the amount of $5,575.00. Motion: Approve the Committee's recommendations and award a Cook x contract to George P. Coyle & Sons for installation and Edwards x repair of the sand fencing on Atlantic Beach in the amount Gulliford x x of $5,575.00 Morris x x Howell x No discussion before the vote. Motion carried unanimously. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 4. Action by the City Commission to accept for maintenance the public improvements in Phase I of the Selva Lakes planned unit development The City Manager reported he had received the engineer's certification that the public improvements had been built in accordance with the plans and specifications and the maintenance bond in the amount of $234,748.00 for one year. A couple of items on the punch list still remained to be done, and a small problem with a couple of cul-de-sacs. He recommended the Commission accept the improvements, subject to the above items being completed satisfactorily to the Director of Public Services and the City Hall. The engineer for the project was Bessent,Hammack & Ruckman certified for Selva Lakes and the city's engineer for the project, England, Thims & Miller accepted on behalf of the city. Discussion -ollowed on the cul-de-sacs. There were two cul-de-sacs yet to be paved )ut because they were starting construction of Phase II and III they had not paved them at the present time but the bond would cover them. They would be in the area with heavy equipment and felt it wise to pave at a later date. The City Attorney asked if the maintenance bond commenced PAGE THREE V V MINUTES NAME OF JUNE 9, 1986 COMMRS. MSYN ------------- 4. Phase I of the Selva Lakes PUD - continued on the date of acceptance by the city. Mr. Fellows stated it expires on June 4, 1987. Mr. Fellows read from the engineer's report - "the two temporary cul-de-sacs located in the project were not paved as called for on the approved plans. We find this acceptable since phase II and III of the project are currently under design with construction of roadway extension expected to begin this year. If this does not take place and construction has not commenced, we recommend the city require the curbs to be paved prior to release of the improvement bond at the project's one-year anniversary date." Motion: Accept for maintenance the public improvements in Phase I Cook x of the Selva Lakes Planned Unit Development, subject to Edwards x the various items on the punch list being completed, but Gulliford x x no acceptance on the cul-de-sacs. Morris x x Howell x No discussion before the vote. Motion carried unanimously. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 5. Discussion by the City Commission on the desirability of extending the management contract between Jax Utilities and the City of Atlantic Beach for operation of the Buccaneer Water and Sewer District. Copies of the proposed budget for the upcoming fiscal year with some projections by Jax Utilities had been sent to the Commission. Mr. Fellows noted the contract ended on July 31, 1986. As no representative from Jax Utilities was present, the Mayor suggested a Special Meeting be called to discuss the matter. Commission agreed. The Mayor set the Special Meeting date for Monday, June 16, 1986 at 7:15 p.m. 6. Action by the City Commission on a proposal from Gee and Jenson to prepare a letter evaluation of the new comprehensive planning require- ments in connection with Florida's Growth Management Plan in the amount of $2,200.00. The City Manager asked for item #6 to be deferred until the next meet- ing due to information he had just received relative to the Coastal Management that he had not discussed with Gee and Jenson. Commission agreed. Item #6 was deferred until the meeting of June 23, 1986. 7. Action by the City Commission on accepting the plat of Unit II, Oceanwalk subdivision. Copies of the plat had been furnished the Commission. Mr. Fellows ex- plained several of the lots were in Atlantic Beach and the rest in the City of Jacksonville. There were no public improvements located within the City of Atlantic Beach. Motion: Approve the Plat of Unit II, Oceanwalk Subdivision. Cook x Edwards x x Gulliford x No discussion before the vote. Motion carried unanimously. Morris x x * * * ,. * .. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Howell x PAGE FOUR V V • MINUTES NAME OF JUNE 9, 1986 COMMRS. MSYN 8. Action on Exceptions A. Public Hearing on an application for an exception for an auto/truck service garage in a Commercial General district, made by F. Reuben Bennett, 38 West Ninth St. Mayor Howell advised the Advisory Planning Board had recommended approval of the application at their last meeting. He opened the floor for a Public Hearing and invited comments from the audience. As no one spoke for or against the application, the Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed. Motion: Approve the application for a Use by Exception by Reuben Cook x Bennett for an auto/truck service garage in a CG district Edwards x x located at 38 West Ninth St. Gulliford x Morris x x No discussion before the vote. Motion carried unanimously. Howell x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * B. Public Hearing on an application for an exception to operate a home occupation in a Residential General 1-A area by Rolando Delgado, who wishes to use his home for office purposes only. •layor Howell advised the Advisory Planning Board had recommended approval of the application at their last meeting. He opened the floor for a Public Hearing and invited comments from the audience. As no one spoke for or against the application, the Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed. Motion: Approve the application for a Use by Exception by Rolando Cook x Delgado to operate a home occupation in a RG-1A district, Edwards x x located at 1399 Violet St. Gulliford x x Morris x No discussion before the vote. Motion carried unanimously. Howell x * * * * * ;: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 9. Action on Ordinances: A. Ordinance #95-86-29 - First Reading AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ORDINANCE CODE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA; AMENDING CHAPTER 5, ARTICLE I, TO CREATE SECTION 5-8, WHICH SAID SECTION SHALL PROHIBIT ANIMALS ON BEACH BETWEEN MAY 1st AND OCTOBER 1st OF EACH YEAR; AMENDING CHAPTER 4, ARTICLE I, TO CREATE SECTION 4-9 PRO- HIBITING ANIMALS ON THE BEACH DURING CERTAIN TIMES OF THE YEAR; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Howell presented in full, in writing Ordinance No. 95-86-29 on first reading. 10111 Motion: Passage of Ordinance No. 95-86-29 on first reading. Edwards x Gulliford x A lengthy discussion followed before the vote with each Commissioner offering suggestions. One, to consider allowing dogs early in the a.m. Corrected June 24, 1986 to reflect Howell vote not originally shown on Ordinance #95-86-29. PAGE FIVE V V MINUTES NAME OF JUNE 9, 1986 COMMRS. M S Y N Action on Ordinances - Animals - #95-86-29 continued and late afternoon, but that did not address the problem of irresponsible people that did not clean up after their dogs. Second, several citizens had called one of the Commissioners to ban dogs the entire year, and others had suggested if we had a police force that would enforce the laws, we would not have to prohibit dogs from the beach. The comment was made the only calls received were from people outside the city who like to bring their dogs to romp on our beach and bite our citizens. Mayor Howell commented the city had addressed the issue on a regular basis and had tried everything with the exception of banning dogs from the beach. The full Commission agreed if the Ordinance was not enforced Cook x effectively there would be no reason to pass it. Following discussion, Edwards x the question was called and the motion carried unanimously. Gulliford x Mayor Howell set the Public Hearing for June 23, 1986. Morris x :: * ;: * * ;e ;: * ;: * ;: * ;: * ;: * * * * * ;t * * * Howell x B Ordinance No. 80-86-31 - First Reading AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ORDINANCE CODE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA; AMENDING CHAPTER 22, ARTICLE III, DIVISION 7, SECTION 22-166, SUBPARAGRAPH (a) , TO PROVIDE COMMERCIAL USER FEES FOR RESTAURANTS, AUNDRIES, CAR WASHES, AND MASTER METERED COMMERCIAL ACCOUNTS; AMENDING ,ECTION 22-167 TO PROVIDE A SURCHARGE PER ONE THOUSAND (1 ,000) GALLONS FOR RESTAURANTS, LAUNDRIES, AND CAR WASH CONNECTIONS; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Howell presented in full, in writing Ordinance No. 80-86-31 on first reading. Motion: Passage of Ordinance No. 80-86-31 on first reading. Cook x Edwards x x Gulliford x x Following discussion, the question was called and the motion carried Morris x unanimously. Mayor Howell set the Public Hearing for June 23, 1986. Howell x * ;: * * * * ;ti * * * * ;: * * * ;; * * * * :: * * * * * * * * C. Ordinance No. 90-86-106 - Second and Final Reading- Public Hearing AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ORDINANCE CODE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA; AMENDING CHAPTER 24, THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE AND LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE BY AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP TO REZONE LAND DE- SCRIBED AS SHOWN ON APPENDIX "A" ATTACHED HERETO FROM RESIDENTIAL GENERAL (RG-2) TO RESIDENTIAL GENERAL (RG-3) ; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Howell presented in full, in writing Ordinance No. 90-86-106 on second and final reading. Said Ordinance was posted in line with Charter requirements. He opened the floor for a Public Hearing and invited :omments from the audience. As no one spoke for or against the Ordinance, the Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed. PAGE SIX V V MINUTES NAME OF JUNE 9, 1986 COMMRS. M S Y N ------------- Action on Ordinances - continued No. 90-86-106 Public Hearing Motion: Deny passage of said Ordinance. Morris x The motion died for lack of a second. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ;e * * * * * * s: * :: * * * * * Motion: Passage of Ordinance No. 90-86-106 on second and final Gulliford x reading. Morris x Commissioner Morris said it was his understanding the Advisory Planning Board had recommended passage of the Ordinance subject to certain con- ditions, and the City Attorney had advised those conditions did not follow in a re-zoning. Mr. Mullis explained the Supreme Court had said you cannot conditionally rezone property in exercising police power as far as the Ordinance itself was concerned. It had been done where certain documents had been put in escrow to be put on record if and when there was a totally separate item. Discussion followed on the suggestion to pass over until the next meeting to give the developer time to perhaps furnish covenants and restrictions for the property. The question was raised why wasn't it proposed as a Use by Exception instead of re-zoning and the fact covenants and restrictions were sometimes lost and forgotten. [rs. Gregg stated Mr. Prom said he was going to live on the property and could enforce the covenants. Substitute Motion: Defer action on the Ordinance until the next Cook x regular meeting on June 23, 1986. Edwards x Gulliford x x No discussion before the vote. Substitute motion carried unanimously. Morris x x * * * ;; * x * * * ;: * * * * t x * * * ;: x * * „ * Howell x D. Ordinance No. 90-86-102- Second and final reading-Public Hearing AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ORDINANCE CODE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 24, ARTICLE II, SECTION 24-17, TO PROVIDE A DEFINITION FOR SECONDARY DWELLINGS; AMENDING ARTICLE III, ZONING REGULATIONS, DIVISION 4, TO PROVIDE A NEW SECTION 24-86, PROVIDING LIMITED USES FOR SECONDARY DWELLINGS; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Howell presented in full, in writing Ordinance No. 90-86-102 on second and final reading. Said Ordinance was posted in line with Charter requirements. He opened the floor for a Public Hearing and invited comments from the audience. As no spoke for or against, the Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed. Mayor Howell announced an amendment to the Ordinance should be made clarifying the definition of a double frontage lot. The definition should be changed as follows: Lot, double frontage - shall mean a double frontage it through lot that has frontage on two (2) non intersecting streets. On :hrough lots between Beach Ave. and the Atlantic Ocean, the applicable front setback requirement shall apply to the yard which faces the Atlantic Ocean. The applicable front setback requirement on through lots between Beach Ave. & Ocean Blvd. shall be the yard which faces Ocean Blvd. PAGE SEVEN V V MINUTES NAME OF JUNE 9, 1986 COMMRS. MS Y N Action on Ordinances - No. 90-86-102 continued Motion: Passage of Amendment to the Ordinance. Cook x Edwards . x Gulliford x x Following discussion before the vote, motion carried unanimously. Morris x x * * * * * * * * * :: * * * * x * * * * * * Howell x The City Attorney suggested the Ordinance be re-advertised for a Public Hearing in thirty days. Motion: Since this is a substitutive amendment to the Ordinance Cook x move to re-advertise the Amended Ordinance for a Public Edwards x x Hearing to be held in 30 days. Gulliford x x Morris x No discussion before the vote. Motion carried unanimously. Mayor Howell x Howell set the Public Hearing for July 14, 1986. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ;: * * Miscellaneous The City Attorney advised one of the developer agreements that was ssigned to the city by the Buccaneer Service Co. , Inc. needed to .e executed. He asked the Commission to authorize the Mayor, with the approval of the City Attorney, to accept the various documents on behalf of the city. Motion: Move to authorize the Mayor to accept the various documents Cook x on behalf of the city. Edwards x x Gulliford x x No discussion before the vote. Motion carried unanimously. Morris x * * * * ,. * * * * ;t * * * * ;e * * * * * * * * * * Howell x Mr. Mullis commented he was asked to report on the request for play- ground equipment by the Atlantic Beach Elementary School in the amount of $2,500. After reviewing the matter, the City Attorney suggested if the Commission desired to provide the money, a contribution of $2,500 could be made to the Duval County School Board, providing that they would agree to accept the equipment, maintain it, and allow the use to all the citizens of Atlantic Beach. He did not feel the city could con- tribute the funds directly through the PTA. The School Board would indemnify and hold the city harmless as a result of anything that might happen. Mr. Fellows noted that Mr. Wimpy Sutton, School Board member from the beaches, offered to take the suggestion to the Duval County School Board and felt the Board would agree to the terms as outlined by Mr. Mullis - to indemnify the city and to make certain the play- ground equipment was made available to all the citizens of Atlantic -each. They would also see the equipment was maintained properly. ;ommissioner Gulliford asked where would the funds come from. Mr. Fellows replied the city had budgeted funds for playground equipment (approximately $15,000) that had not been advertised yet. The equipment was slated for Russell Park. Commission agreed the park needed it. PAGE EIGHT V V MINUTES NAME OF JUNE 9, 1986 COMMRS. M S Y N Miscellaneous - continued Mr. Fellows said we also had some Federal Revenue Sharing monies that had to be spent by October 1. Commissioner Gulliford commented he did not want to short change Russell Park and asked what the intentions as far as expenditures were for the Federal Revenue Sharing funds. Mr. Harry Royal reported the city had approximately $20,000. Mr. Fellows said they had intended to use some funds for replacement of lights at the tennis courts which would run approximately $10,000 to $12,000. Commissioner Gulliford expressed concern over donating funds to any special interest that potentially would not be available to serve the entire citizenry of Atlantic Beach. Discussion followed. Commissioner Gulliford asked for the property to be properly posted that "this play- ground is open and available to all the citizens of Atlantic Beach". Motion: Contribute to the Duval County School Board the sum of Cook x $2,500. for the purchase of playground equipment to be Edwards located on the property of the Atlantic Beach Community Gulliford x x School as recommended by the PTA, and further that the Morris x x Duval County School Board execute an agreement holding the Howell x city harmless, including attorney fees, from any cause arising out of the use of said equipment. The School Board to post sign on said property that the equipment may be used by "the residents of the City of Atlantic Beach". No discussion before the vote. Motion carried unanimously. * * * * * * * * * :: * * * * * * * ,. * * * * * * * * * Commissioner Cook commented he had seen a catalog advertising fire hose that could be dried without hanging and would not mildew, and added the city did not need to build the proposed fire tower. Discussion followed,. The Committee will meet next week for further discussion. Mayor Howell introduced Resolution 86-9,in full,in writing, a Resolution requesting that the Jacksonville Transportation Authority, The City of Jacksonville, Florida, and the Defense Department of the United States to participate in planning and construction of the Mayport Expressway between the Mayport Naval Station and the Dames Point Bridge. Motion: Passage of Resolution No. 86-9. Cook x Edwards x Gulliford x x No discussion before the vote. Motion carried unanimously. Morris x x * * * * * * x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * :t .. * * * * Howell x There being no other business to come before the Commi ''on, e Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m. /4//h1 / / i 1. -ow-11 ATTEST: Mayor/Presiding Officer a,R DA,k,dtkL, Adelaide R. Tucker City Clerk