09-16-86 v AGENDA CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH SPECIAL CALLED MEETING SEPTEMBER 16, 1986 Call to Order 1. Action by the City Commission to approve Change Order No. 1 on the Street Resurfacing project in Atlantic Beach to authorize an increase in price of $13,225.63. 2. Any other business Adjournment MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL CALLED MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD AT CITY HALL ON SEPTEMBER 16,1986 AT 6:00 P.M. Mayor Howell called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. for the purpose of considering Change Order No. 1 on the Street Resurfacing project in Atlantic Beach to authorize an increase in price of $13,225.63. Those present were Mayor William S. Howell, Commissioners Robert B. Cook, Glenn A. Edwards, and John W. Morris; City Manager Richard C. Fellows; City Clerk Adelaide R. Tucker, and Public Services Director Robert Braid. Mr. Fellows reported the change order included three access drives to pumping stations and in addition included the paving of a 40' x 80' section of pumping station "E" which was agreed to by the city when they negotiated the easement with Kelly Amber for the property on Mayport Road for "E" station. In addition, the change order included a 50' extension to Church Road East which was requested by the Department of Transportation. They are preparing to install a traffic signal at Church and Mayport Rd. and the paved area was required. Total change order would be in the amount of $13,225.63. Conditions and specifications of the base agreement applied except that a 4" thick asphalt layer over stabilized subgrade would be substituted for standard City of Jacksonville specifications for asphalt roads with 6" limerock base. All other City of Jacksonville specifications would apply. Commissioner Cook moved for approval of Change Order No. 1 for Street Re-Surfacing in Atlantic Beach, in the amount of $13,225.63. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Morris. During discussion, Mr. Fellows advised the access drives for the pumping stations would come from Renewal & Replacement Sewer Fund Account, and the 50' extension to Church Road East would be funded from the General Fund Capital Improvements Account. Funds would be paid from this years budget. The Commission expressed considerable concern over the paving of Pumping Station "E" with a 4" thick asphalt layer over stabilized subgrade in lieu of the normal 6" limerock base with 1" to 11/2" asphalt paving. Mr. Fellows assured the Commission the contractor was satisfied the 4" thick asphalt layer would last a long time without a limerock base, and he would guarantee the surface for one year. Commissioner Cook moved an amended motion to approve Change Order No. 1 for Street Re-Surfacing in Atlantic Beach in the amount of $13,225.63 and direct the City Manager to satisfy himself that the paving with a 4" thick asphalt layer was just as good, or he could have the limerock base put in followed by 12" asphalt paving. Total cost would not exceed the approved $13,225.63. The amended motion was seconded by Commissioner Morris and carried unanimously. There being no other business to come before the Commission, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned. / 0,46- 6455///' William . Ho e I ATTEST: Mayor/Presiding Officer Adelaide R. Tucker, City Clerk \ ; CITY OF rift/agtee 'ead - 961 ed4 716 OCEAN BOULEVARD � P.O.BOX 25 ATLANTIC BEACH,FTARIDA 32233 ;4' TELEPHONE(904)249-2395 REF: STREET RESURFACING IN ATLANTIC BEACH CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 TO AGREEMENT DATED SEPTEMBER 3, 1986 FOR STREET RESURFACING IN ATLANTIC BEACH DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE: 'Add access drives to four lift stations as shown on attached drawing sheets 1 through 4, dated September 15, 1986, and one 50-foot extension on the east side of Church Street at Mayport Road. Conditions and specifications of the base agreement apply except that a 4-inch thick asphalt layer over stabilized subgrade may be substituted for standard City of Jacksonville Specifications for Asphalt Roads with 6-inch limerock base. All other City of Jacksonville specifications shall apply. Payment for this work shall be as specified in Appendix A to the base agreement documents. The total bid for each location is as follows: Base Contract Amount $90,160.00 Access Drive - Pumping Station "A" $3,852.84 Access Drive- Pumping Station "B" $ 644.86 Access Drive - Pumping Station "C" $1,120. 19 Access and Parking Area - • Pumping Station "E" $5,172.71 50-foot extension to Church Road East $2,435.03 Total Change Order No. 1 $13,225.63 NEW CONTRACT PRICE $103,385.63 Accepted by: Date LILLARD GROUP, INC. , CONTRACTOR Approved by: Date CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH Richard C. Fellows, City Manager