1-27-09yL~ " ~~ CULTURAL ARTS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH Meeting Minutes Tuesday, January 27, 2009 Adele Grage Cultural Center 7:00 P.M. Present Laurie Melancon, Lori Gaglione, Cris Garrard, Jolyn Johnson, Ingrid McCawley, Dawson Picketty Jeff Wight, Timmy Johnson (liaison), Karen Kempf (recording). 1. Cali to order -Chair Laurie Melancon called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. Quorum was established acid the meeting was duly noticed. New CAlZAC member Jeff Wright was introduced and welcomed by the committee members. 2. The Committee reviewed the November Z5, 2808 meeting minutes. Lori moved and Jolyn seconded the motion to approve the minutes as written. The committee unanimously approved the minutes. 3. Ongoing Business a. Events and Updates i. Songwriters' Concert 8c Acoustic Nights -Since john is no longer on the committee, members discussed who might best give reports. Timmy receives information on attendance and he will pass that oho the members. Songwriters' had a frill house in December and January. Acoustic Nights in the park will begin again in March for the spring and summer. Ingrid attends and will report on Acoustic Nights. ii. Arts in the Park - Jolyn reported that she has 17 artists' applications to date. Public service announcements for "Call to Artists" went out to the media )olyn also asked for help with volunteers signing up for slots before and dining flue event She asked Dawson for Teen Council help with flyers and on the day of the event with water and T-shirt sales. Arts in the Park 2009 T-shirts may be white and lighter weight this year using Mark Howard's 2009 artvmrk. Lunch for artists will be provided again. Lori and Laurie will help with food vendors. Laurie will contact Helping Hands for sandwiches. Joseph's will bring more pizza this year. iii. Cooking Classes -Mark reported that Barry agreed to do the first cooking class. The committee decided no begin vvtth the first class in March, a Thursday evening at Adele Grage. Mark will need to confirm date first, then the meal, then advertise. b. Teen Council -Dawson reported that the Teen Council plans to do a movie night either in February or at the Uaiiy Festival in May. In March they will take scholarsisip applications; April a scavenger hunt; May sponsor an end-of-the-year party; off for the summer: and September plan a new member party. 4. New Business a. PublicArt -Tim reported that a llNF studem asked if he could display his class project, a sculpture, in Bull Park He discussed with the committee that most public art piaced on dty owned property or in right-of--ways should be donated to the city. There is also the concern if art is damaged while exhibited on City property. The committee suggested that the student be pant of the North Art Walk. The CARAC could set guidelines and support public exhibitions of public art It was decided that Timmy will draft guidelines and email to the committee to review. S. Other Business a. Recreation Survey -Tim announced that another recreation survey is now online. Karen will enraii committee members the web link and they can submit onlirr~ b. Elections - March agenda to elect new CARAC chair. G Tim passed out the new AS event schedule to members. d. Marquee a~ city events -Some events are getting up on the ors side of the marquee at city hall. The ideal is a permanent marquee that would list all events as a public service to the community. e. 3 on 3 baslaetball tournament is sdieduled for May 9. f. Unity Festival is a new event at Donner Park for Mayport comdor. Dale Hatfield anti Timmy are working on the event g. subcommittees -the committee discussed the possr7~ility of CARAC sabcommitbee.~ Volunteers would not have to be appointed by the clay; good way to involve new people; people could volunteer to work on one or more events of their choice; great way for former CARAC members bo stay conneued. )olyn and Laurie will wrnk on a list of names and email to Timmy. The committee can then create subcommittees and interview volunteers for future events h Beast Children's Chair -Ingrid told the carmmimere about the new bead~es' dn7dren's choir and the efforts to organize and fund the dioir. She asked if she could invite the choir director, Karen hark Frozio, to attend the February meeting and tell the committee more about their plans. i. 2009-10 Budget -committee needs to start thinidng about budget for next year. 6. With no further business, Ingrid moved to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 7:42 p.m. b unanimous acclaim. e.t- - 2 2 ~ I o e Melancon, Chair Date