11-13-08CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH PENSION FUND POLICE EMPLOYEES PENSION BOARD MEETING November 13, 20(18 1. The City of Atlantic Beach Ponce Employee Pension Board meeting was caged to order at 6:00 P.1VL Those members in attendance were hustees, Date Hatfield, Victor Gualillo, John Wolfe, Harry McNally and Bob Sternfeld. Also in attendance was Nelson Van Liere, Plan Administrator. 2. The motion was made by Date Hatfie d and seconded Harry McNaIty.yThe muutes were~unanunausly approved. 3. Approval of the minutes frnm the Special Called October 30, 2008, Police Empbyees Pension Board Meebtag: The motion was made by Dale Hatfield and seconded by John Wolfe. The minutes were unanimously approved. 4. 1Vleealug Calendar Estalriiahed The board established Thursday February 12e, 2009 as the date for the next regutlar board meeting wills the time of the meeting being 6:OOpm. g. Approval of a Consulting Agreement between UBS sad the Ponce Faapbyee Retlremeat System had been deferred die to r+cvisions wade by the UBS attorneys. Iviichael O'Shields attended and cleared ~ questions the board had suaounding the revised langusg~e. The board had. same final requests for minor language changes. Those changes were to be incorporated i~u the next revision and the cam finals'zed with those changes. Items relar~g to account set-up ageements were a8reed to with the promise of a side letter te- the agreement indicaring the co~nsulfmg agreement had the a~rbttration clause amended, and that the account agreement needed to reflect that. 6. Iavestme>st Report: Fourth Qearter -Fiscal Year 2008 T'he trvard was provided a schedule prepared by the Finance Department of the City of Atlantic Beach indicating the returns for the quarter and year to date. The quarter ended September 30, 2Q08 indicated a negative 7.08% return and the year to date return was negative 11.64% Tht traditional quarterly consullant analysis was not perfoffi-ed as t;JBS has not officially begun to wank for flee board. The overall ilseal year to date return for the Police Pension Plea is -11.64•/.. 7. F~rne>at Exp~tditnres: The board was provided a detailed ling of e~cpenditures through September 30, 2008. Harry McNally made a motion to approve and John. Wolfe seconded; the vote was unanimous to approve. 8, a®ed Rate of retarn on Investment Phu~s -Tim Townsend lead a brief discussion of ~ a~~ about0se assumed interest rate of 89/0, but no motion was made tv move ~rards clumging disea~io~n ~ to resume when we have our next actuarial report 9~. of Recent retireaneat~ of Gerald Bnssell Jr, and Henry Bartle. Motion made by Dale Meld td a the actions and seconded by Bab Sternfeld. The vnte'was unanimous to a~prwe. 10, ~~, Dale Hatfield made a motion and Aarry Mal3ally seconded to seek new legal caunael to replace Kea Harrison 11. Adjoin - M r Harry McNally at 73t?pm r~ "- Bob ~ternfeld Board Chairpe ~ 'Y i~aa Van Line, Pension 13oazd P1sn A~isfrabr and s sY of the sdions ~. Andio tapes of the MiwOes taker snd prapand by ~ are ~~ ~ s ~~ ~, 247-SS07